July 1 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 26 - Town Square Delaware

Page created by Melissa Reynolds
July 1 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 26 - Town Square Delaware
Community @pg3          Health @pg24

                                                                                                  Food & Dining @pg16

Sports @pg27
                                                                                Education @pg22

  Town Square LIVE             @TownSquareLive      TownSquareLive.com

         July 1 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 26

                                            Stay Connected @pg30                                    Government @pg9
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July 1 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 26 - Town Square Delaware
                                                                                                                               Photo Credit: joann kingsley

Community .................................3
Government ............................... 9
Food & Dining........................... 16
Business....................................... 19
Education................................... 22
Health ..........................................24
Sports............................................ 27
Stay Connected .................... 30

 Miss Delawares’ are incredibly                   bill to help grow trade professions          nah’shon “bizzy bones” hyland

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July 1 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 26 - Town Square Delaware
Photo credit: brian k. leonard

  Community     Town Square LIVE   @TownSquareLive   TownSquareLive.com   3
July 1 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 26 - Town Square Delaware
Community                                                                 NEW MISS DELAWARE USAs: ONE
                                                                          WAS SEXUALLY ASSAULTED, THE
                                                                          OTHER HELPS THOSE WHO ARE
                                                                          BY BETSY PRICE

                                                                            A Wilmington teen who talked about being sexually        questions out of a fish bowl, and one of hers was about
                                                                          assaulted by a teacher became Miss Delaware Teen USA       whether parents should police their children’s social media.
                                                                          2021 Sunday, and the new Miss Delaware USA is a medical      She said that social media can be a way that children are
                                                                          student who runs a charity that helps women who have       exposed to unsavory and upsetting things. She pointed
                                                                          been sexually assaulted.                                   out that she herself had been sexually assaulted by a
                                                                            Sky Knox, who had been Miss Wilmington Teen, and         teacher, and she supported parental rights to monitor
                                                                          Drew Sanclemente, who had been Miss Odessa, will           social media and what their children were doing online
                                                                          compete for the Miss USA Teen and Miss USA titles in       as an effort to protect them.
                                                                          November at the River Spirit Casino Resort in Tulsa,         A former Miss Delaware’s Outstanding Teen, Knox
                                                                          Oklahoma.                                                  graduated with high honors from The Baldwin School,
                                                                            They were crowned in a fast-moving pageant finals at     where she was head of the Black Student Union, Service
                                                                          the Laird Performing Arts Center at Tatnall School. The    League and Student Ambassadors Committee. She will
                                                                          show combined both contests into one event with active-    be going to Cornell University, where she will focus on
                                                                          wear/swimsuit, gown and interview sections.                Africana studies, psychology and communications.
                                                                            The young women dangled black masks from their arms        Knox holds 10 competitive gymnast state and regional
                                                                          like a trendy bracelet during most of the competitions.    titles in Delaware and Pennsylvania, is classically trained
                                                                          The contestants only wore the masks onstage at the end     in violin, piano and vocals, and likes music so much,
                                                                          when they were all gathered together for the first time.   she’s composed pieces she plans to record in the summer
                                                                            This year’s pageant took place 18 months after Miss      and debut in fall. She founded a nonprofit, B.E.S.T., which
                                                                          Delaware USA 2020 Katie Guevarra and Miss Delaware         stands for brave early screening teens, to encourage
                                                                          Teen 2020 Samantha Repass won their crowns. Both of        teens to be their physical and mental best.
                                                                          them talked during the pageant Sunday about how much         She also is the teen program manager at the Teen
 Sky Knox, left, is the new Miss Delaware Teen USA and Drew Sanclemente   of their work ended up taking place online because their   Warehouse in Northeast Wilmington, where she offers
 is Miss Delaware USA 2021. Photo by Jessielyn Palumbo Studio             reigns coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic.               a B.E.S.T program and others.
                                                                            Knox mentioned sexual assault during the interview
                                                                          portion of the night. All the contestants pulled two                      CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!

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July 1 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 26 - Town Square Delaware
Community                       FROM WILMINGTON
                                TO BETHANY, YOUR
                                FIREWORKS GUIDE                                                                                        HAVE A
                                                                                                                                       PLAN FOR
                                                                                                                                       YOUR PAIN

                                                                                                                                  Learn the risks
                                                                                                                                    involved with prescription opioids.

   Most Delaware places famous for their Fourth of July           There won’t be fireworks in New Castle on the Fourth,
 fireworks shows have decided the show will go on. Of course,   but there will be a symbolic ringing of independence              Ask your doctor
 organizers will follow the latest pandemic guidelines.         bells. Immanuel Church on the Green hosts the free                  about alternative therapies.
   Wilmington will host fireworks starting 9:15-9:30 on         event, 1:30-2:30 p.m., which is part of national ceremony
 July 4.                                                        marking the birth of America. Francis A. Ianni, an Army           Decide together
   The best viewing location is in Tubman-Garrett Park          veteran, will be the keynote speaker. Period attire is invited.     on a pain management plan that works for you.
 and other Riverfront locations, said Tina Betz, director         Fireworks on (or near) the Fourth
 of the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs.                       Bethany Beach’s holiday celebration takes two days.             Opioids can be addictive, dangerous, and even deadly.
                                                                                                                                  But they aren’t your only option. You can always talk with
   The accompanying recorded music will be played in            Fireworks will be at 9:15 p.m. July 5, preceded by music          your health care provider and choose a different path.
 Tubman-Garrett and partially along the river walk, she said.   from local favorite Love Seed Mama Jump at the band-              HelpIsHereDE.com can help you start the conversation.
   Hockessin will host fireworks at dusk on July 2, thanks      stand. The 287th Army Band will perform at 7:30 p.m.
 to a groundswell of community support. Hockessin 4th           July 4 at the bandstand. There will be no parade.
 Festival & Fireworks wrote on Facebook in April that             Dewey Beach: “We are doing the fireworks, as in the
 fireworks were canceled, but the Facebook page credits         past, on July Fourth,” businessman Alex Pires said.
 “several community partners and representatives” for
 their return. It also asks for funding.                                       CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!                            HELP IS taking control of your pain

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July 1 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 26 - Town Square Delaware
Community                      CATHOLIC BISHOP’S
                               ORDINATION MASS JULY 13
                               TO BE LIVESTREAMED
                               BY BETSY PRICE

                                 The incoming bishop of        It will be only the second time in history that an ordi-
                               the Catholic Diocese of       nation of this type has taken place within the diocese, a
                               Wilmington will be            press release said Wednesday.
                               ordained and installed on       The first was Bishop John J. Monaghan’s episcopal
                               Sunday, June 13. in a         consecration by Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore on May
                               ceremony that will be live-   9, 1897, at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Wilmington.
                               streamed from St. Eliza-        All other Wilmington bishops were ordained to the
 beth’s Church in Wilmington on the Diocesan                 Order outside of Delaware or Maryland’s Eastern Shore
 YouTube channel.                                            prior to being installed as Bishop of Wilmington.
   The Rev. Monsignor William Edward Koenig, vicar             In addition to Archbishop Lori, Malooly and Arch-
 for clergy for the Diocese of Rockville Centre, New         bishop Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the United
 York, was tapped as the 10th Bishop of Wilmington on        States, will attend along with 20 Catholic bishops and
 April 30, 2021.                                             two Cardinals, the diocese said.
   He will succeed The Rev. W. Francis Malooly, who            The ordination mass also will be live on the Catholic
 served since 2008, and tendered his resignation when        Faith Network serving New York, New Jersey and
 he turned 70, following church tradition.                   Connecticut, available on Roku, Apple TV, Amazon
   Roman Catholics are Delaware’s largest single faith       Fire TV, Android or the free CFN app. CFN will also be
 group. The ordination Mass and installation is one of       encoring the Mass at 8 p.m. that night.
 the church’s most elaborate and visual services, partly       Additionally, viewers throughout the United States
 because of the number of priests, bishops and archbishops   and Canada can watch a delayed broadcast on EWTN:
 who attend, all decked out in celebratory attire.           Global Catholic Network, on Thursday, July 15, at 3 p.m.
   Koenig will be ordained to the Order of Bishop by
 Archbishop William Lori, metropolitan archbishop of                       CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!

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July 1 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 26 - Town Square Delaware
Community                      REMOVE BIRD FEEDERS
                               UNTIL CAUSE OF MYSTERY                                                                        刀攀搀甀挀攀⸀ 刀攀甀猀攀⸀ 刀攀瀀攀愀琀⸀
                               ILLNESS IS FOUND                                                                             䬀攀渀渀礀 䘀愀洀椀氀礀 匀栀漀瀀刀椀琀攀猀 漀昀 䐀攀氀愀眀愀爀攀
                                                                                                                           挀愀爀攀 愀戀漀甀琀 琀栀攀 攀渀瘀椀爀漀渀洀攀渀琀⸀ 䤀渀猀琀攀愀搀 漀昀 甀猀椀渀最
                                                              birds, including 50 reported dead in Delaware.
                                                                                                                             㘀㔀 䬀 猀椀渀最氀攀ⴀ甀猀攀 瀀氀愀猀琀椀挀 戀愀最猀 愀 眀攀攀欀Ⰰ 漀甀爀
                                                                They have been stricken by an unknown disorder
                                                                                                                           挀甀猀琀漀洀攀爀猀 栀愀瘀攀 栀攀氀瀀攀搀 甀猀 爀攀搀甀挀攀 漀甀爀 瀀氀愀猀琀椀挀
                                                              characterized by swollen eyes with crusty discharge, as
                                                                                                                           眀愀猀琀攀 琀漀 樀甀猀琀 ㄀ Ⰰ㔀 爀攀甀猀愀戀氀攀 戀愀最猀 愀 眀攀攀欀℀
                                                              well as neurological signs such as erratic flight and
                                                                                                                               圀攀 氀漀漀欀 昀漀爀眀愀爀搀 琀漀 挀漀渀琀椀渀甀攀 氀漀眀攀爀椀渀最
                                                              stumbling, DNREC said in a press release.
                                                                                                                             琀栀愀琀 渀甀洀戀攀爀 眀椀琀栀 漀甀爀 挀甀猀琀漀洀攀爀猀밂 猀甀瀀瀀漀爀琀⸀
                                                                DNREC staff has observed similar symptoms in
                                                              Delaware’s avian population.                                    吀栀愀渀欀 礀漀甀 昀漀爀 礀漀甀爀 挀漀洀洀椀琀洀攀渀琀
                                                                Juvenile birds appear to be more affected than adults,      琀漀 爀攀搀甀挀椀渀最 瀀氀愀猀琀椀挀 眀愀猀琀攀 椀渀 漀甀爀 挀漀洀洀甀渀椀琀礀Ⰰ
                                                              with European starlings, blue jays and common grackles             洀愀欀椀渀最 漀甀爀 眀漀爀氀搀 愀 挀氀攀愀渀攀爀Ⰰ 洀漀爀攀
                                                              as the species most associated with the debilitating                        戀攀愀甀琀椀昀甀氀 瀀氀愀挀攀⸀
                                                              event, DNREC said.
                                                                Delaware’s samples are being sent to the Pennsylvania
                                                              Animal Diagnostic Laboratory in New Bolton Center,
                                                              Pennsylvania, but no definitive cause has been identified
                                                              to date.
                                                                Even though the cause is not known, wildlife health
                                                              experts believe congregating birds may contribute to its
                                                              spread, the press release said.
                                                                Taking down bird feeders and bird baths will help.
   Delaware residents who have bird feeders or bird baths     DNREC recommended:
 are being asked to take them down until the cause is           • Cease feeding birds at feeders and providing water
 found for a mysterious illness killing birds in six Mid-         in bird baths
 Atlantic and Central states.                                   • Before reactivating bird feeders and baths when it is
   The Department of Natural Resources and Environ-               deemed safe by animal health experts to do so, clean
 mental Control said in a press release Thursday that state       them with a 10% bleach solution
 and federal wildlife experts are investigating reports in
                                                                            CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!
 at least six mid-Atlantic and Central states of sick song-

                          Town Square LIVE        @TownSquareLive     TownSquareLive.com                                                                                  7
July 1 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 26 - Town Square Delaware
Community                                                        WOMAN WHO
                                                                 DIDN’T CLEAN
                                                                 HOUSES AGREES
                                                                 TO MAKE                                                      don’t
                                                                 knows what other social media platforms she’s taking
                                                                 advantage of.”
                                                                   Losey started her unlicensed cleaning business, Down
                                                                 & Dirty Cleaning Services, in 2019. When she was indicted
                                                                 last August, the Department of Justice said she “required
                                                                 clients to pay upfront before receiving any cleaning
   A woman who took money to clean houses but never              services.…Complaints indicate that Losey failed to
 cleaned them has agreed to make restitution, some               provide the services and declined to refund payments
 victims have been told. But some expect little, if any,         when requested.”
 money to be returned.                                             The state’s 2020 indictment mentions “multiple counts
   They also said that Susan Losey has been charged with         of theft with an aggregate loss of approximately $22,000.”
 three felonies and has accepted a plea deal.                      Dianna said that a spreadsheet maintained by the
   A spokesman for Delaware Department of Justice’s              victims includes more than 100 names, mostly women
 consumer protection unit said there is not an approved          in New Castle County but also as far as Cecil County. A
 plea agreement. “All pleas need to be accepted in court,” Mat   private Facebook group that connects them also counts
 Marshall said. “We don’t comment prior to that step.”           more than 100 members.
   “I am very happy that Losey will be held accountable            Losey promoted herself as a mother struggling
 for her wrongdoings, but none of us expect to actually          financially, Town Square Live reported when it broke         Enroll now.
 see a single dime from her,” said Taya Dianna, one of           the news of the case in 2019. “As a former single mom,
 more than 100 victims, in a message to Delaware Live.           that pulled at my heartstrings,” Dianna said then.
   “We are also fairly certain that she continues to
 solicit for monetary assistance on Twitter—and who

                           Town Square LIVE         @TownSquareLive      TownSquareLive.com                                                 8
July 1 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 26 - Town Square Delaware
Photo Credit: Deb Felmey

  Government     Town Square LIVE   @TownSquareLive   TownSquareLive.com   9
July 1 2021 - Vol. 2, Issue 26 - Town Square Delaware
Government                                                     DELAWARE
                                                               MOVES CLOSER
                                                               TO NEAR-TOTAL
                                                               PLASTIC BAG BAN
                                                                 “I was like ‘we’ve got to do something about this,’ ”
                                                               Morrison said. “So we got on the phone and all this started.”
                                                                 The new rules will go into effect July 1, 2022.
                                                                 Acme will adjust as needed, said spokeswoman Dana
   Dismayed that people don’t seem to be reusing the             “Most likely at that point, we will not provide bags for
 thicker plastic bags now allowed for retail stores, the       free,” she said. “Most likely there will be a fee for all bags.”
 Delaware House of Representatives on June 23 voted to           Julie Miro Wenger, executive director of the Delaware
 ban retail establishments from providing plastic bags.        Food Industry Council, said the issue is complicated.
   It will update the new bag rule that went into effect       Customers haven’t even had a chance to get used to the
 Jan. 1, that required large retail stores to stop giving      Jan. 1 change, which began when COVID-19 cases were
 away flimsy plastic bags and begin dealing heftier bags       once again skyrocketing. She believes paper bags are
 designed to be reused. Most small stores had been allowed     even worse for the environment because they take so
 to continue using thinner bags.                               much fuel to make and transport.
   Stores responded by once again offering paper bags            “Retailers are great stewards of the environment and
 but also heftier plastic ones designed to be used up to       we’re certainly all for recycling and reuse,” Wenger said,
 125 times, as required by the new rule.                       “but this is going to put folks into a difficult situation.
   However, Rep. Eric Morrison, D-Glasgow, told the            Paper bags are going to be more costly for consumers
 House that shortly after he took office after being elected   and reusable bags are much more costly for customers.”
 in November, he went to his local grocery store and was         The original version of House Bill 212, sponsored by
 infuriated to see the heftier plastic bags being used.        Rep. Gerald Brady, D-Wilmington, would have required
   “I was walking out and in the trash can in the lobby        an even thicker bag than the ones being provided now,
 hanging out was one of those bags,” he said.                  but the amendment wiped out references to plastic bags.
   He was so angry he immediately texted House Majority
 Leader Valerie Longhurst, D-Bear.                                             CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!

                          Town Square LIVE         @TownSquareLive      TownSquareLive.com                                        10
Government                                                     HOUSE, SENATE SEND LARGEST
                                                               BOND BILL EVER TO CARNEY FOR
                                                                 The huge budgets were made possible by an unexpectedly       overdue dredging work in our inland bays.”
                                                               great flow of revenue in the last year, in the face of the       Sen. Dave Wilson, R-Ellendale, served on the Bond
                                                               financial turmoil cased by the COVID-19 pandemic.              Committee and was pleased with the end-result.
                                                               Finance officials said factors contributing to that included     “Delaware has a number of infrastructure needs and
   Delaware residents will soon see the effects of a $1.35     the huge federal COVID-19 payments, expanded                   this bond bill more than addresses them, including the
 billion spending package was passed Tuesday by both           unemployment payments, much larger than expected               largest amount of funding toward dredging projects
 houses of the General Assembly.                               personal income tax payments, tax on large employee            that I can recall,” Wilson said.
   Gov. John Carney is expected to sign it and a $63 million   bonuses last year, record real estate transfer taxes and a
 Grants-in-Aid bill Wednesday at 1 p.m. in his office,         rise in lottery and gambling income.                                        CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!

 after it dusted really well because the building has been       “Through this bill, we are making an unprecedented
 closed for 15 months, joked Speaker of House Pete             investment in Delaware’s future by funding dozens of
 Schwartzkopf, D-Rehoboth Beach.                               infrastructure projects that will help support our state’s
   The bond bill, also known as Senate Bill 200, pays for      economy for generations to come,” Capital Improvement
 road, school and courthouse construction and other            Committee Chairwoman Sen. Nicole Poore, D-New
 one-time items such as library upgrades, college campus       Castle, said in the Senate.
 improvements, state park maintenance and clean water            Vice Chairwoman Rep. Debra Heffernan, D-Bellefonte,
 programs. It passed unanimously in the Senate and was         echoed Sen. Poore’s comments while presenting the bill
 close to that in the House.                                   in the House.
   The state’s fiscal year ends June 30, with fiscal year        “With this legislation, we’re making bigger investments
 2022 starting July 1.                                         than ever before in Delaware’s transportation infrastruc-
   The Grants-in-Aid bill, which provides funding for fire     ture, fulfilling promises to our school districts and
 departments, veterans organizations, eldercare centers        institutions of higher learning, and supporting economic
 and other non-profits handling state programs, passed         development and high-quality jobs across our state,”
 unanimously in the House. It had been expected to be          Heffernan said. “On top of that, this Bond Bill launches
 about $55, but legislators used some of the windfall to       a transformative new clean water initiative that encompasses
 push it further.                                              everything from drainage improvements to long-

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   A project to paint the Delaware Memorial Bridge got          to James E. Salmon, public information officer for the
 really bad last weekend. Seven miles bad.                      authority. And June 2019 was a record month.
   The traffic backed up from the project site on the             The bridge’s weekday average is 40,000, with 55,000
 northbound side, Interstate 295 and then down Interstate       on weekends.
 95 northbound to around the Route 1 interchange.                 The authority has scheduled weekend work for July
   That’s why the Delaware River and Bay Authority,             9-11, July 16-18 and July 23-25. It is expecting the heaviest
 which owns and operates the bridge, is warning drivers         traffic to be from noon to 6 p.m. Fridays, 8 a.m. to 5
 about potential delays for four more weekends.                 p.m. Saturdays and 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sundays.
   It’s also offering some relief on the July Fourth weekend.     It is sparing the July Fourth weekend from construction
   The work began last spring, weekdays and weekends,           constrictions. From 9 a.m. Friday, July 2, through 9 p.m.
 and is planned to go through October.                          Tuesday, July 6, all work associated with the painting
   One northbound lane is closed so a contractor can re-        project will be suspended, the authority said, and all
 move old paint coatings and apply new primer and paint         lanes will be open.
 to the side spans of the bridge heading into New Jersey.         In August, the work will be weekdays only, Salmon said.
   With pandemic restrictions loosening—and families              Motorists may follow the bridge on Twitter @demem-
 primed for vax-cations—traffic has soared. In nine days        bridge for the latest in traffic information.
 so far in June, traffic topped figures from 2019, according

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   Alleged offenders of certain violent crimes could soon       time when some representatives have fought to eliminate
 face mandatory minimum bail requirements under a               the practice altogether in Delaware.
 bill passed by the House of Representatives June 24.             Rep. John Kowalko, D-Newark, said that this bill
   Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 7 is aimed at reducing   would lead to “a new Jim Crow.”
 violent crime in two of Delaware’s largest and most              One of the bill’s sponsors, Rep. Nnamdi Chukwuocha,
 dangerous cities, Wilmington and Dover, by eliminating         D-Wilmington, who is Black, disagreed with Kowalko’s
 the ability of judges to grant suspected offenders low- or     assessment.
 no-cash bail while they await trial.                             “Everyday we have Wilmington police officers doing
   Offenses that would require the imposition of cash bail      their best, making gun arrests, only to have these individ-
 under this law include class A felonies, gun offenses,         uals turned right back around into our communities,”
 domestic violence offenses, rape, sexual abuse of children,    said Chukwuocha.
 and reoffending while out on bond.                               Chukwuocha argued that SB 7 “will address the small
   Supporters of SB 7 believe this legislation will end the     group of individuals who are wreaking havoc on [Wilm-
 “revolving door” of suspected offenders who commit             ington]—individuals who were arrested and let right
 additional crimes while awaiting trial, partly by providing    back onto the street.”
 judges with bail guidelines that do not exist now.
                                                                              CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!
   Opponents expressed outrage that legislation increasing
 the application of cash bail would be introduced at a

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other expenses related to their approved non-degree
Government                                                                                                                  credit certificate programs, granted they provide industry-
                                                                                                                            accepted skill training and certification.
                                                                                                                              Funding for the Elevate Delaware program in House
                                                                                                                            Substitute 1 for House Bill 166 is capped at $1.5 million
                                                                                                                            per year for the next three years.
                                                                                                                              The bills passed both the House and Senate June 24.
                                                                                                                            There was no comment in the House, but during the
                                                                                                                            Senate hearing, Sen. Jack Walsh, D-Christiana, said that
                                                                                                                            the Elevate Delaware Act “supports an environment in
                                                                                                                            Delaware of worker investment and continuous learning.”
                                                                                                                              Walsh argued that education investments will result
 REPUBLICAN, DEMOCRAT JOIN                                                                                                  in increased opportunity for upward mobility amongst
 FORCES ON COMPLIMENTARY BILLS                                                                                                “This helps small employers compete and grow and
                                                                                                                            helps workers increase their earning capacity and move
 TO HELP GROW TRADE PROFESSIONS                                                                                             along their careers,” he said.
                                                                                                                              Pettyjohn, who requested to be added as a co-sponsor
                                                                                                                            to the Elevate Delaware Act, said, “We need to provide
 BY CHARLES MEGGINSON                                                                                                       the people of Delaware the training they need in order
   These days, it seems like Democrats and Republicans        establish the Focus on Alternative Skills Training            to provide for themselves and their families.”
 aren’t able to agree on much.                                Program to help high school graduates pay for an                The bills now await Gov. John Carney’s signature.
   But on Wednesday, a Republican state senator and           approved non-degree credit certificate program.
 Democratic state representative combined forces to support     Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 65’s FAST Program
 each other’s bills and help Delaware grow and support        will provide up to $10,000 for tuition and related
 the tradespeople it desperately needs.                       expenses to Delaware residents. Funding is capped at $1
   Their complimentary bills—a kind of counterpoint to        million a year for the next two years. The FAST Act comes
 the money poured into state colleges and their students      with a two-year sunset clause, meaning the legislature
 —will provide state-sponsored tuition for those who          will have to reauthorize the program during the next
 want to be trained to work as masons, electricians,          General Assembly for it to continue.
 plumbers, carpenters, HVAC workers, welders, mechanics,        A bill from Rep. Ed Osienski, D-Brookside, will establish
 beauticians and more.                                        the Elevate Delaware Act that will provide up to $10,000
   A bill from Sen. Brian Pettyjohn, R-Georgetown, will       in payments to Delaware adult learners for tuition and

                          Town Square LIVE        @TownSquareLive     TownSquareLive.com                                                                                           14
“We were fortunate this year to be able to produce a
Government                                                                                                                        very robust Grant-in-Aid package that helps support
                                                                                                                                  many of the organizations that form the bedrock of our
                                                                                                                                  communities across the state,” he said. “The resources in
                                                                                                                                  this bill are going to do a lot of good for a lot of people.”
                                                                                                                                     Sen. Trey Paradee, D-Dover, echoed Carson’s sentiment.
                                                                                                                                     “This legislation will provide much-needed support
                                                                                                                                  to our nonprofit community, which was dealt a serious
                                                                                                                                  fundraising blow by the COVID-19 pandemic,” Paradee
 39 NEW NONPROFITS INCLUDED                                                                                                       said. “From fire companies and paramedic services to
                                                                                                                                  shelters, substance abuse services and community arts
 IN GRANTS-IN-AID BILL HEADED                                                                                                     organizations, these organizations deliver invaluable
                                                                                                                                  services to our most vulnerable neighbors and give us
 TO CARNEY                                                                                                                        an unbelieve return on our investment.”
                                                                                                                                     The $63.2 million grant package includes:
                                                                                                                                  • $7.9 million for one-time community organization
                                                                                                                                  • $13.9 million for emergency medical services;
   On the heels of the largest bond bill in state history        record $1.35 billion bond bill and generous Grants-in-           • $897,294 for senior centers, eldercare, and aging
 being passed by the General Assembly Wednesday, the             Aid bill possible.                                                  services;
 State Senate rubberstamped a $63.2 million grant                  Finance officials had expected to have to tighten the          • $2.2 million for the arts, historical and cultural
 package, closing out a markedly peaceful week of                state’s belts for the Fiscal Year 2022, which starts Thursday,      organizations, and tourism;
 budget discussions.                                             as the state came out of the COVID-19 pandemic.                  • $4.2 million for disability, health, and labor
   The FY 2022 Grants-in-Aid bill includes funds for fire        Instead, it ended up with $1.2 billion in surplus funds,         organizations;
 companies, ambulance services, senior centers, veterans’        thanks to fees and taxes paid by corporations headquar-          • $5.5 million for family and youth services;
 organizations and community groups, many of which               tered in Delaware, huge federal COVID-19 payments,               • $1.2 million for alcohol and substance abuse
 handle state programs such as daycare, afterschool care         expanded unemployment payments, larger than expected                organizations;
 and senior citizen programs.                                    personal income tax payments, taxes on large employee            • $6 million for neighborhood and community services;
   This year’s bill allocates funding to 39 nonprofit agencies   bonuses from last year, record real estate transfer taxes        • $ 7.1 million for fire company equipment maintenance,
 and community organizations that were not included in           and a rise in lottery and gambling income.                         training, and operation;
 last year’s legislation, according to Scott Goss, commu-          Rep. Bill Carson, D-Smyrna, who serves as co-chair             • $431,348 for veterans organizations
 nications director for the Senate Democratic Caucus.            of the Joint Finance Committee, celebrated the passage              Carney is expected to quickly sign the legislation.
   The state’s surprisingly flush finances made the              of the bill.

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Photo Credit: J&J Photography

   Food & Dining Town Square LIVE   @TownSquareLive   TownSquareLive.com   16
Food & Dining


   Many foods complement each other. Take, for instance,         Meanwhile, the demand for takeout sushi also increased
 peanut butter and jelly, burrata and tomatoes or chocolate    during 2020, according to The Wall Street Journal. In the
 and pretzels.                                                 last three months of 2020, sushi was the most searched
   Most people, however, wouldn’t dream of pairing pizza       takeout cuisine on restaurant-reservation platform
 and sushi. But in Greenville, that’s about to change.         Tock Inc.
   Pizzeria Maki recently opened in One Greenville               Pizzeria Maki offers several kinds of sushi and pizza,
 Crossing, which is already home to BBC Tavern & Grill         both traditional and pushing the envelope
 and the Wine & Spirit Co. of Greenville. The new restaurant     Pizzeria Maki is in the space formerly occupied by
 is devoted to takeout-and-delivery only, although there       Quill’s Bunches, a flower shop. As a result, it underwent
 are some seats outside.                                       a total renovation—“right down to the studs,” said general
   The restaurant enters the marketplace when consum-          manager Matt Hans, a seasoned hospitality veteran.
 ers are comfortable with takeout, delivery and the tech-      “We redid everything.”
 nology that fuels them both.                                    The kitchen has the bulk of the space.
   Indeed, in 2020, independent pizza operators on Slice,        Open from 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. seven days a week,
 an online ordering marketplace for pizzerias, doubled         Pizzeria Maki specializes in 12-inch pies, many of which
 weekly sales from $2,000 to $4,000 on average, according      have fanciful flavors.
 to a BTIG report.
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Food & Dining


   Social media influencer The Rideshare Foodie will be          He has has partnered with the Greater Wilmington            Depot, but said he wasn’t then able to explore all Delaware
 in Wilmington this week on a mission to sample classic        Convention and Visitors Bureau as a part of an ongoing        had to offer.
 and unique Delaware dishes.                                   campaign to invite social media influencers to the area         While Jones’ itinerary hasn’t been settled by Visit
   From Tuesday through July 6, Kreskin Jones, known           with hopes that the experiences shared online will bring      Wilmington, he wants to try some of Delaware’s dis-
 by his internet alias The Rideshare Foodie will be in         in traffic from the surrounding area.                         tinct dishes, such as The Bobbie, the signature Capriotti’s
 Delaware as a part of his U.S. tour designed to open people     Jones himself hails from Baltimore, where as an Uber        sandwich that’s like Thanksgiving dinner on a bun.
 to dining and travel experiences around the country.          and Lyft driver he became more attuned to how much              Jones also wants to try places cooking something
   His most recent trip took him from Alaska and Seattle       influence food plays in travel and relationships. Since       unique, like the chocolate chili he has seen on one menu.
 along a drive to New York, from which he’ll be traveling      starting his Rideshare Foodie social media posts, he’s
 to Wilmington.                                                gained 17,400 followers on Instagram and 4,000 on Facebook.
   “I want to provide a reason for people to get out and         The Greater Wilmington Convention and Visitors
 get more experiences,” Jones said. “I’ve found that the       Bureau hopes that fact will encourage more people in
 best way to do that is through food.”                         the region to drive to Wilmington.
   One of Jones’s road trip surprises has been how little        Wilmington is not virgin territory for Jones. He lived
 people knew about the things to do near them, he said.        in the area for a time and worked at the Claymont Home

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Photo Credit: fauxels from Pexels

   Business       Town Square LIVE   @TownSquareLive   TownSquareLive.com   19
He retired in July last year, and they started planning
Business                                                                                                                 their next move. Once they found the spot, they put
                                                                                                                         their Carpenter’s Row home on the market and sold in
                                                                                                                         one day for a cash offer. They rented another spot until
                                                                                                                         their move.
                                                                                                                            Among the achievements she’s proudest of Willoughby
                                                                                                                         cites lobbying to get funding restored in the Grants-in-
 FOCUS ON BIDEN INTEREST,                                                                                                Aid bill in 2017 after it was wiped out for all three counties,
                                                                                                                         meaning she and all her employees would be out of jobs.
 HISTORIC NEW CASTLE PART OF                                                                                                “I lived in Dover, basically,” Willoughby said. “And,
                                                                                                                         you know, I thought that was tough but COVID defi-
 NEW TOURISM DIRECTOR’S PLAN                                                                                             nitely was a lot tougher, mentally and physically.”
                                                                                                                            Pre-pandemic, the bureau had a budget of $1.8 million
                                                                                                                         and a staff of nine full-time and one part-time workers,
                                                                                                                         with a contracted accountant. Now the budget is
                                                                                                                         $800,000 and the staff is five and the accountant.
   The outdoing executive director of the Greater Wilm-      a University of Delaware Blue Hen, plans to tackle that        One passion that Willoughby is passing on to Boes is
 ington Convention and Visitors Bureau has a parting         is through collaboration.                                   the need for signage that directs people to entertainment
 wish: That residents of Delaware come to appreciate and       “There are a lot of us here in the city working on the    venues, historic sites and even hotels and restaurants.
 embrace all the things they can see, do and experience      shared mission of economic development, because at          She remains frustrated that regulations mean there is
 in the First State.                                         the end of the day that’s the achievement of bringing in    no opportunity for that on I95 as it passes through Del-
   Sometimes, said Sarah Ridgway Willoughby, “It seems       more tourists,” she said.                                   aware’s biggest city.
 like our residents just did not love Wilmington, or New       As she works to strengthen the bureau’s brand message,       “We have hotel signs at most of the exits, but not going
 Castle County, even some parts of Delaware. I think         she hopes to help develop a strategic plan that would set   into Wilmington,” she said. “Nobody knows there’s a
 that’s been my biggest frustration because there’s so       the foundation for working together and combining           Hotel du Pont. Nobody knows that there are places to
 much to offer and it seems like more Wilmingtonians         resources with agencies such as the Delaware Prosperity     go and do anything in Wilmington, and part of that is
 and Delawareans think it’s greener in Philadelphia and      Partnership, the State Chamber of Commerce, state           all because you’ve got to have the hospital signs, which
 greener in Baltimore., D.C., New York, and don’t have       tourism office and her counterparts in Kent and Sussex      doesn’t leave that much square footage to put more signs
 the love and compassion for their own area.”                counties.                                                   if you really get down to it.”
   It’s something she’s worked to change, and a mantle         Willoughby, who led the bureau for 12 years and her          She’s studied the handbooks regulating the signs and
 that her successor, Jennifer Boes, will take up when Wil-   husband, Gary, are moving to the Crystal Lake area of       can’t find a way around them.
 loughby officially left the job Wednesday, June 30.         Florida, swapping four seasons of changing weather for
   One way Boes, who was born in Georgetown and              the eternal summer in the Sunshine State.                                   CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!
 attended Sussex Central High School before becoming

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   A pharmaceutical company that contracts to develop          to come to the First State. The company was approved
 and manufacture drugs is building a state-of-the-art          to receive grants from the Delaware Strategic Fund by
 campus in Middletown that is expected to open in 2024         the state Council on Finance Development.
 and have about 500 jobs by 2026.                                “This is an investment in good jobs that will drive
   The campus will be on 190 acres and is now in its initial   economic growth in southern New Castle County and
 phase, said a Monday press release from WuXi STA and          across Delaware,” said Gov. John Carney in the press
 the Delaware Prosperity Partnership.                          release. “This campus will build on our strength in bio-
   Ultimately, Wu-Xi STA could expand its campus to            pharmaceuticals—and it’s only possible because of
 include 1,000 workers.                                        Delaware’s world-class, innovative workforce.”
   It will be near Middletown’s one million square-foot          The new Wu-Xi STA plant will be its second in the
 Amazon fulfillment center, Datwyler Sealing Solutions’        U.S. It now has eight worldwide, including several in
 200,000 square-foot Middletown manufacturing plant            China. It develops pharmaceuticals and provides man-
 and Breakthru Beverage’s new 285,000 square-foot              ufacturing solutions for more than 470 partners worldwide,
 headquarters.                                                 covering small molecules and novel molecular modalities
   The press release did not say how much the company          such as oligonucleotide, peptide and various complex
 plans to spend or what kind of concessions Delaware,          conjugates.
 New Castle County or Middletown is giving the company                       CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!

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Photo Credit: mentatdgt from Pexels

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Education                                                      20 EDUCATORS TO VIE FOR TITLE
                                                               OF TEACHER OF THE YEAR
                                                                The 2022 District/Charter Teachers of the Year are:       • Polytech: Debra Castille-Hall of Polytech High
                                                                • Appoquinimink: Amanda Binkley of Odessa High             (English)
                                                                  (engineering and computer science)                      • Red Clay Consolidated: Matthew Marion of Linden
                                                                • Brandywine: Jahsha Tabron of Brandywine High             Hill Elementary (music)
                                                                  (special education)                                     • S eaford: Melissa Pinkerton of Seaford High (English)
                                                                • Caesar Rodney: Karine Scott of Simpson                 • Smyrna: Lauren Mohamed of Sunnyside
                                                                   Elementary (physical education)                           Elementary (music)
                                                                • Cape Henlopen: Maura Johnson of Shields                • Sussex Tech: Stephanie Pegelow of Sussex Technical
                                                                  Elementary (third grade)                                  High (English)
                                                                • Capital: Morgan Jewell of Hartly Elementary            • Woodbridge: Kira Wagar of Woodbridge High
                                                                   (kindergarten)                                           (English)
                                                                • Charter Network: Diana Magaña of Las Américas
                                                                  ASPIRA Academy (third grade Spanish immersion)
   The 20 Delaware teachers nominated to compete for            • Christina: Carla Probst of Downes Elementary
 the Delaware Teacher of the Year Award cover kinder-             (fourth grade)
 garten to high school and special education to engineering.    • Colonial: Robert Poore of Southern Elementary
   They were chosen by local schools, school districts            (physical education)
 and charter schools from the state’s 10,000 public school      • Delmar: Sonja Warner of Delmar High (mathematics)
 teachers because of their ability to inspire students with     • Indian River: Haley Mears of East Millsboro
 a love of learning, among other things.                           Elementary (special education)
   In October, one will take over the state title from 2021     • Lake Forest: Clarence ‘Clay’ F. Beauchamp II of
 Delaware Teacher of the Year Kimberly Stock, an English          Lake Forest South Elementary (kindergarten)
 language arts and English learner teacher at McKean            • Laurel: Jessica Pajda of Laurel High (social studies)
 High School in the Red Clay Consolidated School District.      • Milford: Sarah Simon of Morris Early Childhood
   Stock, whose own inspiring story of adoption under-            Center (kindergarten)
 lines her determination to help her students, ran for and      • New Castle County Vo-Tech: Dustin Craighton of
 was elected a member of the Brandywine School Board              St. Georges Technical High (science)
 in April.

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Photo credit: Delaware Division of Public Health - DPH Facebook

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Health                                                                                                                                                       e B r   e a s t Canc



                                                                                                                                                 De l

                                                                                                                                                                of service

                                                                                                                              The Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition (DBCC) has been connecting
                                                                                                                                 and supporting breast cancer survivors, and their families in
                                                                                                                                       communities across Delaware for over 30 years!

 TO 69.4% OF ELIGIBLE                                                                                                        DBCC offers breast cancer survivors a variety of resources including:
                                                                                                                              financial aid, personalized support, health programs, activities, and
                                                                                                                           events with other breast cancer survivors to foster healing and recovery.


   Delaware’s average of new positive cases dropped to            Vaccinations
 20.6%, a full 10 percentage points down from last week,          Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data
 as the number of vaccinated people creeped closer to           shows 69.4% of Delawareans have received at least one
 President Biden’s goal of 70% of those eligible for shots.     dose of the vaccine. It still leaves thousands to make
   The Delaware Division of Public Health also said             Biden’s Fourth of July goal.                                                                                            The Delaware Breast Cancer
 Friday that 13 deaths were reported last week, 11 of             As of Friday morning, 990,742 doses of vaccine had        As I sit here today in the
                                                                                                                           Infusion Dept. hooked up            Your outreach is
                                                                                                                                                                                          Coalition helped me with
                                                                                                                                                                                       gift cards for food, clothes for
                                                                                                                             to an IV for Cycle 6 of
 them from a review of vital statistic records. So far, 1,693   been administered in Delaware. Among Delawareans            chemo, I cannot find the
                                                                                                                                                                 amazing and
                                                                                                                                                              impactful. Thank
                                                                                                                                                                                        my daughters, a cellphone to
                                                                                                                                                                                        keep in contact with all of my
                                                                                                                             words to express the              you for bringing
 Delawareans have died from the virus.                          12+, 501,422 have received at least one dose and 432,948   relief and gratitude I feel
                                                                                                                            knowing I don’t have to
                                                                                                                                                               your energy and
                                                                                                                                                                                       doctors, I was blessed to also
                                                                                                                                                                                         receive Thanksgiving meals
                                                                                                                                                             your passion about          and a beautiful fruit basket.
   In its weekly summary of case information, the state         Delawareans are fully vaccinated.                             worry about how the
                                                                                                                              mortgage and other
                                                                                                                                                                breast cancer
                                                                                                                                                              awareness to our            They also helped me with
                                                                                                                                                                                       resources to help pay my bills.
 said 109,636 cases of COVID-19 have been diagnosed               DE Wins!                                                    bills we discussed
                                                                                                                                 will be paid for.
                                                                                                                                                                organization.           The amount of support they
                                                                                                                                                                                             give me is unlimited.
 among Delaware residents and the seven-day average of            Next week is the final week of the DE Wins! vaccine
 tests that were positive rose slightly to 1.1%. There were     incentive program weekly drawings. Twelve total winners
 23 people hospitalized because of the virus, down four         will be drawn.                                               To learn more, volunteer, or to donate to
                                                                                                                           support DBCC's work in our communities visit:                   debreastcancer.org
 from last week, with six in critical condition.                              CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!

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   In Gov. John Carney’s last weekly COVID-19 press             Factors that could affect that included disruption in
 briefing, state officials announced that the average life    health care, disruption in disease management and the
 expectancy has gone down because of the virus and that       inability to access behavioral health services because of
 pharmacies have been doing a larger part of vaccination      the pandemic.
 over the last month.                                           The best way to improve life expectancy right now,
   Carney said last week that with a rising number of         Rattay said, is to get fully vaccinated.                       In Delaware, where the state randomly tests positive
 vaccinations and declining number of cases, and with           A.J. Schall Jr. director of Delaware Emergency Man-        cases to see which variant it is, the state has only identified
 his emergency order expiring in July, it was time to end     agement, revealed that pharmacies have been doing a          13 cases in 3,100 tests. The most common variant has been
 the weekly briefings.                                        much higher number of vaccinations compared to the           the Alpha variant from the United Kingdom at 933 cases.
   He said Wednesday the state needs about 1,500 more         state during the last month.                                   Last week the state sequences 62 cases of coronavirus,
 people to reach President Joe Biden’s goal of vaccinating      In the last week, 71% of vaccinations given have been      42% came back positive for some form of variant.
 70% of its population. The Centers for Disease Control and   through pharmacies while the state did 8% of the               Rattay said that the best way to protect oneself from
 Prevention said Monday that 69.8% of all Delawareans ages    vaccinations through 90 smaller vaccination events           the variants is to become fully vaccinated, as individuals
 18 and older have received at least one dose of vaccine.     across the First State.                                      with only one dose are still susceptible to the Delta variant.
   During the briefing, Dr. Karyl Rattay, director of the       Schall said demand for the vaccine has dropped               As of Tuesday, the state is currently seeing 19 new cas-
 Delaware Division of Public health, pointed out that         significantly from its peak a few months ago. He also said   es per day and a 1% positive test rate. State stats show
 nationwide, life expectancy has dropped by almost two        pharmacies are recognized by the public as a provider        1,036,548 doses of vaccine have been given and 485,432
 years, largely because of the virus. Average life expec-     of vaccines, especially when it comes to flu.                Delawareans have been fully vaccinated.
 tancy went from 78.7 in 2018 to 76.9 in 2020, the most         Rattay said the Delta variant of COVID-19, which has
 significant drop since the World War II.                     revved up in several states with large unvaccinated
   The decline was worse in minority communities. In          populations, hasn’t taken root in Delaware so far. Health
 Black communities the average life expectancy went           officials say it is more infectious and more dangerous.
 down 3.25 years while in Latino communities it dropped       Los Angeles has asked those vaccinated to return to
 by 3.88 years.                                               wearing masks because of fears of it spreading.

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   Town Square LIVE   @TownSquareLive   TownSquareLive.com   27

                                                                                                                        一漀琀栀椀渀最 戀爀椀渀最猀 愀
                                                                                                                         昀愀洀椀氀礀 琀漀最攀琀栀攀爀
                                                                                                                       氀椀欀攀 愀 最漀漀搀 洀攀愀氀⸀
   While NBA fans got themselves ready for the Conference   for tweets from some of them!
 Finals this week, most of Delaware and fans of lottery       One NBA scout on Nah’Shon “Bones” Hyland at the
 bound teams turned their attention to the NBA Draft        combine:
 Combine. The six-day event started Monday, June 21           • “This kid just played his way into the first-round
                                                                                                                        䘀愀洀椀氀礀ⴀ漀眀渀攀搀 ☀ 漀瀀攀爀愀琀攀搀 昀漀爀
 and ran through Sunday June 27, in Chicago.                    and he is not done yet…he could be the biggest
   The story of the week has been Delaware’s own Nah’Shon       riser in this year’s draft class.” #NBA #NBADraft            洀漀爀攀 琀栀愀渀 ㈀㔀 礀攀愀爀猀Ⰰ
 “Bizzy Bones” Hyland and his tremendous performance            #NBADraftCombine — Brett Siegel (@BrettSiegel-           䬀攀渀渀礀 䘀愀洀椀氀礀 匀栀漀瀀刀椀琀攀猀
 during drills and scrimmages.                                  NBA) June 24, 2021
   The national hype train started up Thursday after-         • VCU’s Bones Hyland is showing out in the first
                                                                                                                                漀昀 䐀攀氀愀眀愀爀攀
 noon when Bones lit up scrimmage #1 at the Combine.            NBA Draft Combine scrimmage of the day, which            愀爀攀 栀漀渀漀爀攀搀 琀漀 瀀爀漀瘀椀搀攀 漀甀爀
 He scored 17 points, pulled down 6 boards, and dished          is a continuation of the last month. He’s had a tre-   挀漀洀洀甀渀椀琀椀攀猀 眀椀琀栀 琀栀攀 昀漀漀搀 琀栀愀琀
 out 4 assists. Those numbers were the most impressive          mendous pre-draft process so far.
 out of any of the other prospects in either scrimmage          Was told Hyland was the best player on the floor at
                                                                                                                         戀爀椀渀最猀 礀漀甀爀 昀愀洀椀氀礀 琀漀最攀琀栀攀爀⸀
   The performance put Bones in the “riser” category            his workout with the Celtics last week.
 according to multiple national draft experts. See below
                                                                          CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!

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Sports                                 SALLIES, UD STAR HINTON BACK FOR
                                       SECOND STINT FOR BLUE ROCKS
                                       BY PATRICK GARYANTES

                                         The list of Delaware high school stars in Major and          Batters only hit .189 and he flashed a nice 1.27 WHIP
                                       Minor League Baseball increased last week when former        (baserunners per innings pitched). That performance
                                       Salesianum and University of Delaware star Kyle Hinton       got Hinton promoted to Wilmington by the end of his
                                       signed with the Washington Nationals.                        draft year.
                                         Hinton, a former 16th round pick for the Kansas City         In 2019, the right-handed hurler saw his first full season
                                       Royals in the 2018 MLB Draft, returned to his hometown       in professional baseball for the Lexington Legends,
                                       Wilmington Blue Rocks last week.                             single-A affiliate of the Royals. Hinton pitched 58 innings
                                         “I grew up going to a lot of Blue Rocks games,” he said.   of relief over 36 appearances.
                                       “I’m grateful for the opportunity to be with the Blue          Once again, batters struggled to put hits together off
                                       Rocks with two different organizations.”                     the righty, posting only a .185 batting average against.
                                         After recording a 3.28 career ERA in his first two         Hinton struck out 60 batters opposed to only letting up
                                       professional seasons, over 90.2 innings, Hinton, much        38 hits. He did suffer from some shoddy defense, as he
                                       like a ton of minor leaguers, was left off an affiliated     allowed 12 unearned runs throughout the year.
                                       roster in 2020 due to the restrictions of the COVID-19         Hinton appeared in his first game this week for the
                                       pandemic.                                                    Blue Rocks, allowing four runs in 0.2 innings. However,
                                         This year, he found early season success with the          Hinton and the Blue Rocks will look to bounce back
                                       Southern Illinois Miners, a member of the Frontier League.   this week at Hudson Valley.
                                       While with the Miners, Hinton struck out 17 batters,           “It’s awesome getting to come back home and play in
                                       with a 1.86 ERA over 9.2 innings in 8 appearances.           front of family and friends especially now because my
                                         Clearly the stuff is still present post-pandemic and the   wife is pregnant,” he said. “So I get to be home with her
                                       Nationals struck a deal with Hinton.                         through that.”
                                         Looking a little deeper into Hinton’s two-year stint in      The Blue Rocks were at Hudson Valley for the remainder
                                       the Royals farm system, Hinton shows potential as a          of the week, and returned home this week. This week
                                       nice back end of the bullpen prospect. In 2018, he struck    they opened a home series against the Rome Braves.
                                       out 46 batters over 30.2 innings and saved six ball games
                                       in seven opportunities while in rookie ball.                               CLICK HERE TO READ MORE!

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