Remembering Terry Halifax

Page created by Clifton Wallace
Remembering Terry Halifax
Volume 51 Issue 2            THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 2015                       75 CENTS

Remembering Terry Halifax
          Councillor, photographer died suddenly outside town hall

                                                                                         photo courtesy of Elizabeth Fraser

       Feature               Employment                        Photos

                          Feds, Gwich'in
                          team up to bring               Athletes shine at
                          paid internships               Canada     Publication mail   Contract #40012157

Looking back at 80        to help improve                Winter
years of reindeer         self-government                Games
Remembering Terry Halifax
2 INUVIK DRUM, Thursday, March 5, 2015                                                 community

Image festival set for big year

                                                                                                                                                                                            Andrew Livingstone/NNSL photo

   Peter Clarkson, one of the original founders of the Arctic Image Festival, and Weronika Murray, festival co-ordinator, stand with one of Terry Halifax's landscape
   photos from the inaugural festival from 2014. Festival organizers plan to commemorate Halifax, who passed away suddenly last week at the age of 54.

                              Workshops on wildlife, portraits and other styles of photography
                                          to be offered during three-day event
         by Andrew Livingstone     talent in the town and region.   the public to see.                to pay tribute to the elders      telling through images.           thing, but just aren't sure what
          Northern News Services       “The whole idea of the           “With smartphones and         and those who take photos of          Maja Swannie Jacobs of that will be just yet.”
    Organizers of the Arctic       festival has been to celebrate   digital cameras, photography      them,” he said.                   Prince George, B.C., will            Through grant money pro-
Image Festival are preparing       photographers,” said organ-      has become something people          Each display will feature      offer workshops on portrait vided by the Department of
to showcase images of life         izer Peter Clarkson. “So         use all the time now,” he said.   a number of images from a         photography and Instagram. Industry, Tourism and Invest-
above the Arctic Circle in the     many people are taking great     “We want to promote the           variety of photographers and      Jacobs will also                                 ment, festival
event's second year of oper-       images and we wanted to          Arctic and the people docu-       Clarkson said he hopes to be      join Inuvik pho-                                 organizers were
ation.                             allow people to showcase that    menting the beauty of the         able to display the images at     tographer Adri-     "We decided                  able to pur-
    Over three days the fes-
tival will showcase photog-
                                       Clarkson said the festival
                                                                        The festival will host two
                                                                                                      various other events and festi-
                                                                                                      vals throughout the year.
                                                                                                                                        enne Talbot to
                                                                                                                                        teach an intro-
                                                                                                                                                             to pay tribute              chase a large
                                                                                                                                                                                         printer to repro-
raphy, offer free workshops
for aspiring photographers,
                                   has encouraged a number
                                   of professional and amateur
                                                                    theme displays during the
                                                                    three-day event – one on the
                                                                                                         The festival will also host
                                                                                                      presentations from 20 photog-
                                                                                                                                        ductory work-
                                                                                                                                        shop on photog-
                                                                                                                                                              to the elders              duce images in
                                                                                                                                                                                         a high-quality
and host a number of themed        photographers in the area        80th anniver-                                    raphers who        raphy for people    and those who                manner, up to
displays, celebrating the rich     to submit their images for       sary of the                                      will present       interested in                                    111 centimetres
                                                                    reindeer herd's             COFFEE               a series of 20     learning basic      take photos of               or 44 inches in
                                                                    arrival in the                                   images. Each       techniques.               them."                 size.
                                                                    region in 1935,
                                                                    and one show-
                                                                                                 Break               presenter
                                                                                                                     will have 20
                                                                                                                                            A tribute to
                                                                                                                                        town councillor          Peter Clarkson
                                                                                                                                                                                            “We thought
                                                                                                                                                                                         it would be a
                                                                    casing por-                                      seconds to talk    Terry Halifax,                                   great asset for
                                                                    traits of elders in the com-      about each image.                 an avid photog-                                  the community,”
                                                                    munity.                              A number of workshops          rapher and one of the ori- Clarkson said, adding it's the
                                                                        Clarkson said the elder       on wildlife, portrait, photo-     ginal founders of the festival, first of its kind in the town.
                                                                    portrait display came out of      journalism and Northern           is currently being planned,          The festival hopes to use
                                                                    Robert Alexie Jr.'s love for      lights will be held profes-       said Clarkson. Halifax passed it throughout the year with
                                                                    photographing elders in the       sional photographers.             away suddenly last week at other organizations, events
                                                                    communities. Alexie Jr., for-        Peter Mather from White-       the age of 54.                    and artists as a fundraising
                                                                    mer president of the Gwich'in     horse will be hosting free            “He was an important tool for future festivals.
                                                                    Tribal Council, died last year.   workshops on wildlife and         member of the photography            Visit the Arctic Image
                                                                        “Robert really loved cap-     Northern lights, as well as       community here,” said Clark- Festival website for more
                                                                    turing elders and we decided      photojournalism and story-        son. “So we want to do some- information.
Remembering Terry Halifax
feature news                                                                     INUVIK DRUM, Thursday, March 5, 2015 3

   In the Feb. 26 story “Town to vote
on Jamboree bingo,” the Inuvik Speed
Skating Club was misidentified. The
Inuvik Drum apologizes for any confu-
sion or embarrassment this may have

                                                                                                                                                                               March 6, 1935
      Former MLA and
      Drum owner dies
     Tom Butters, founder of the Inu-
 vik Drum and a former MLA who
 held office for almost 21 years, died                  Dec. 26, 1929
 March 2 at the age of 89.
     He was also a former town coun-
 cillor who started the newspaper in                                                                                                                                                                              NNSL graphic

 1965 and ran it for 13 years before          Reindeer herder Andrew Behr travelled more than 2,400 km with some 3,400 reindeer over the course of five years to arrive in
 handing it over to Dan Holman in             the Beaufort-Delta region in March, 1935. The trip was expected to take only 18 months, however, weather, and the unpredict-
 1978 so he could focus on politics.          ability of the animals, made the journey far more challenging than anyone had expected. This map is based on historical data
     “Butters was one of the more             compiled by Dr. A. E. Porsild in the 1930s.
 ethical, honest guys that has been
 my pleasure to know,” said Hol-
 man. “He was the town council, the

                                           Last of the original
 mayor, the public works adminis-
 tration, he was everything. He was
 known so widely in the commun-
     Butters was first elected to office
 in 1970 and served five terms as an
 MLA until he retired in 1991. He
 had been minister of finance and

                                            reindeer herders
 minister of the Northwest Territor-
 ies Housing Corporation in his final
 years in office.
     He was awarded the Order of
 Canada in 1994 for his contributions
 to Inuvik through the newspaper and
 his decades-long political service.

   Bingo decision delayed                  80th anniversary of the herd's arrival in 1935 is special for Lloyd Binder
    The decision on whether to allow
 a second bingo on Muskrat Jam-
                                                  and his parents, who have a 70 year connection with it
 boree weekend was delayed until
 March after town council couldn't                          by Andrew Livingstone     tion, the government-built commun- where you are trying to get through              expanding communities of Aklavik
 meet quorum Feb. 25.                                        Northern News Services   ity where herders and their families each season and its satisfying. It's a         and Tuktoyaktuk.
    Mayor Floyd Roland was called              Failure isn't an option for Lloyd      lived and cared for thousands of powerful interaction.
 out of town for a family emer-            Binder. As the owner of the region's       reindeer brought to the region in the       “There's a real satisfaction of                  Deal with Alaskan
 gency and wasn't able to attend the       long-standing reindeer herd and one        1930s to help stave off starvation.      achieving success at a challenging            In 1929, the Canadian govern-
 meeting where council was to vote.        of the few remaining connections               He's a third-generation herder project. I was a natural sucker to take          ment signed a contract with Alaskan
 Councillors Terry Halifax, deputy         to its initial arrival to the territory,   – his mother's parents were some on the reindeer as a project.”                     entrepreneur named Carl Lomen to
 mayor Jim McDonald and Kurt               the Inuvik man has given his life to       of the first people to                                    He's one of the last      send a herd of 3,400 reindeer from
 Wainman were in attendance, but           keeping the herd sustainable.              come to Canada from                                   original reindeer herd-       Naboktoolik, Alaska, across the tun-
 five other councillors were away for          “You really have to commit your-
 a variety of reasons.                     self to maintaining the herd,” he
                                                                                      Norway to help take
                                                                                      care of the reindeer
                                                                                                                     "It's a                ers in a long and storied
                                                                                                                                            history of a herd of
                                                                                                                                                                          dra to Reindeer Station, a herding
                                                                                                                                                                          community located about 100 km
    Council needs the mayor or dep-
 uty mayor in attendance, and a min-
                                           said. “It's like having 3,000 kids and
                                           you have to take care of them all.”
                                                                                      herd in the early 1930s.
                                                                                          The 63-year-old has
                                                                                                                    powerful                animals that travelled
                                                                                                                                            long distances to call
                                                                                                                                                                          north of where Inuvik would be
                                                                                                                                                                          established in the 1950s.
 imum of four other councillors, in
 order to be able to hold a meeting.
                                               Inside the front door of Binder's      a life-long connection      interaction."             the Beaufort-Delta               The Canadian government paid
                                           home are shelves and boxes full of         to the reindeer. It's part                            home 80 years ago on          the Lomen Brothers Reindeer Com-
    The decision on whether to grant       frozen steaks and roasts. Outside in       of him and he feels a             Lloyd Binder        March 6.                      pany $65 per reindeer at a total cost
 the Muskrat Jamboree a special            the front yard is a large band saw,        strong bond with the                                      In the mid-1920s          of $154,050 for the 2,370 reindeer
 exception for a second bingo on the       used to slice some 300 carcasses and       animals that he was                                   the federal government        that survived, according to NWT
 same day as the Inuvik Speed Skat-        35,000 kg of harvested reindeer that       born with, grew up with during the wanted to supplement the tradition-              Archives documents from 1955. Fac-
 ing Club's mega bingo is expected to      will be sold to community members          summers as a teen along the Arctic al food source of caribou because                tor in inflation, it would have cost
 be made on March 11.                      and others looking for traditional         coast corralling and marking the the nomadic herds had become                       approximately $2.59 million today.
                                           meat.                                      animals, and has now managed for unpredictable due to environmental                    The expectation was the reindeer
 Test projects announced                       Binder's life has involved rein-       nearly 13 years.                         changes leading to a reduced har-          would arrive in the territory in 1931
                                           deer since he was born.                        “My interaction, it's part of me,” vest. At the time, the caribou har-
       for Highway                             His parents met at Reindeer Sta-       he said. “It's a real relationship vest didn't yield enough to feed the                          Please see Eighty, page 9
     Two new projects along the
 Inuvik-to-Tuktoyaktuk Highway
 will test alternate highway drain-
 age structures and innovative tech-
 niques for reinforcing deep-fill road
     The territorial government is
 conducting research that will hope-
 fully reduce the effects of climate
 change on the Northern transporta-
 tion system.
     Using $669,000 from Transport
 Canada's Northern Transportation
 Adaptation Initiative, the territorial
 government will provide significant
 planning, logistics, construction and
 monitoring support.
     Continuous permafrost con-
 ditions in the region make the
 highway an ideal location for this
 research. These projects will be
 constructed next winter and mon-
                                                                                                                                                                                                 photo courtesy of Philippe Morin
 itored for several years.
                                              The reindeer herd grazing on the tundra where it spends the winter months of the season.
Remembering Terry Halifax
4 INUVIK DRUM, Thursday, March 5, 2015                                                          news

Halifax made life better
       Town councillor was invested in helping those in need, making Inuvik a better place
                by Andrew Livingstone                                                                                                          town is great. Not only did Halifax      Communities Sustainability Confer-
                  Northern News Services                                                                                                       operate a successful commercial and      ences with an eye out for possible
    When Terry Halifax believed in                                                                                                             artistic photography business, he        options for making Inuvik a greener
something, he would sacrifice any-                                                                                                             was involved in a number of causes       community.”
thing to help.                                                                                                                                 that he believed in, said Clarkson.          Halifax was involved in starting
    For nearly 15 years, since his                                                                                                                 “Here you have a person who          the Arctic Images Festival in 2013
first days in town as a muckraking                                                                                                             doesn't have kids, but comes in and      as a means to showcase the beauty
journalist as editor of the Inuvik                                                                                                             makes an investment and decides          of the North above the Arctic Circle
Drum, Halifax fell in love with the                                                                                                            to plant his roots here for 15 years     through images, something Halifax
town. He first came to Inuvik in the                                                                                                           and finds work in the community          was deeply passionate about, said
late-90s to fill in at the newspaper,                                                                                                          and in several different capacities      Clarkson. He was also a director-at-
and was smitten by its charm and the                                                                                                           and volunteers,” he said. “It just       large for the Western Arctic Con-
                                                                                                          photo courtesy of Elizabeth Fraser
people here. Eventually, he would                                                                                                              helped make life better for all the      servative Association for more than
call it home, setting up roots in the         Terry Halifax, town councillor and avid photographer, is seen                                    residents.”                              five years.
town, becoming an instant fixture.            here with his partner, Elizabeth Fraser. Halifax died suddenly                                       Halifax was first elected in 2004        Clarkson said Halifax was drawn
    Teacher, photographer, town               on Feb. 25 outside town hall. He was 54 years old.                                               and has sat on council since, a four-    to town council after spending years
councillor, volunteer. Halifax was                                                                                                             term councillor who contributed to       reporting on it for the Drum.
all these things. He saw something            Halifax dedicated his time to the      glory again and he thought it was a                       the town and its people for the nearly       “He wanted to get involved and
special happening here, underneath         youth in the community because he         place that deserved it.”                                  11 years he represented them, said       ran in the fall of 2004 and has
the grime and grit of it all.              wanted them to have a better chance          Peter Clarkson, a former two-                          Denny Rodgers, a close friend of         been on council ever since,” said
    Halifax was leaving town hall          at a successful future, said his part-    term mayor of Inuvik from 2000 to                         Halifax and a former town mayor.         Clarkson. “He wanted to make a
on Feb. 25 after the regular meeting       ner Elizabeth Fraser.                     2006, said Halifax was an import-                             “He had a great sense of humour      contribution. Terry always wanted
was cancelled, when he fell to the            “He'd seen the struggles over the      ant member of the community who                           and was a great community person,”       to be fair with people, whatever the
ground in front of the fire hall. Town     years being a teacher here,” she said.    cared deeply about fighting for the                       he said. “He's very passionate about     issue was.”
senior administrative officer Grant        “He wanted better opportunities for       vulnerable.                                               the community. Terry was passion-            Halifax was rarely seen without
Hood said Halifax was talking with         the children, he wanted them to have         “He always wanted to make sure                         ate in his beliefs. He never really      a camera, photography a life-long
deputy mayor Jim McDonald when             better choices. He had such pride in      that the less fortunate had a voice                       bowed down to many and he stood          passion. He operated his own pho-
he just collapsed.                         himself. I felt proud to call him my      and he was very interested in being                       by what he believed in. He'd always      tography business and held dozens
    “Up until that moment he was           significant other because he cared so     that voice,” said Clarkson. “He was                       defend that.”                            of workshops for youth and inspired
the Terry Halifax I knew,” said an         much and did so much in the com-          compassionate and he also had a                               During his time on council, he       many to pick up their cameras and
upset Hood. “There was no indica-          munity.”                                  vision for the community and the                          was chairperson of both the com-         document the world around them.
tion something was wrong. It's a              He was a giving and selfless           region. Whether it was business or                        munity energy planning committee             “His passion was photography
tough day for a lot of people.”            man who would do anything for the         the arts or some of the performing                        and also the administration com-         and he had a real eye for it,” said
    The fire department was holding        causes he believed in, said Fraser.       arts, he always had an interest.”                         mittee.                                  Clarkson. “When we developed the
its regular Wednesday practice when           “If he believed in it, he'd sacri-        Halifax first made his mark as                             “He brought the same enthusi-        festival, not only was he a great
Halifax collapsed and were able to         ficed anything to help,” she said.        a reporter with the Inuvik Drum in                        asm to those committees as he did        participate and organizer, he entered
perform CPR quickly and transport          “He cared a lot about Inuvik's            the late 1990s. He had worked in                          to the full council meetings,” stated    some amazing images he's taken.
him to the hospital. However, he           growth and services for the people        Fort Smith and Yellowknife before                         the town in a news release. “His             “You never, you think you wake
was pronounced dead after doctors          and expanding upon things and             putting down roots in Inuvik in the                       knowledge and passion for greener        up the next day someone is going to
weren't able to save him.                  making it a really great place to live.   early 2000s.                                              energy was well known and attended       be gone. It's an incredibly tragic day
    He was 54 years old.                      “He wanted to see the town in its         The mark Halifax left on the                           a number of Federation of Canadian       for Inuvik.”
Remembering Terry Halifax
opinions                                                                                        INUVIK DRUM, Thursday, March 5, 2015 5

Great man lost
                                         his time to helping make it a better
                            Northern News Services

    One moment someone is here.          place. He was involved in countless
The next they are gone.                  youth workshops on photography,
    I sat in town council chambers       worked with Children's First Soci-
with councillor Terry Halifax last       ety   to get the new daycare building
Wednesday night. The                                  finished. He dedicated
meeting was going to be                               his time to finding better
cancelled because not            THE ISSUE: ways to bring affordable
enough councillors were           TERRY HALIFAX energy to residents being
available to meet quorum.                             strangled by high rates. He
However, they had to
                                 WE   SAY:            wanted to make a differ-
                                  DEDICATED           ence because he believed
wait 15 minutes after
                                  TO TOWN             in this town.
the scheduled start time
before they could officially                              Fraser said he wanted to
cancel it. Halifax, Alana                             bring the town to the glory
Mero, Jim McDonald and Grant Hood it deserved. He worked hard during
sat around with myself and a few         his four terms on council to achieve
others talking to pass the time. We      that. Sadly, he won't get to see the
joked, and laughed and talked about work he's done in recent years come
council issues.                                         to fruition.
    I left before the council-                             As a teacher, he saw
lors did, as they waited to                             the  struggles youth experi-
briefly discuss an in-cam-                              enced and wanted to help
era issue. Terry shot me a                              them find success in their
smile and nodded as I left.                             lives. He dedicated his
I said goodbye and headed                               time to making Inuvik a
to my car.                                              place where youth were
    It was the last time I'd                            happy to live and felt they
see him alive.                                          had options to have a
    The following day I           ANDREW                bright future. As former
spent hours on the phone                                mayor Peter Clarkson
talking to the people who         LIVINGSTONE said, he fought for the vul-
knew the four-term coun-                                nerable, the little guy who
cillor. He had collapsed unexpectedly                   didn't have a voice.
outside town hall, a building where          Terry embodied what it meant
he spent many days and nights fight- to be a member of a community
ing to make Inuvik a better place.       -- bold, dedicated, and forward-think-
He died at the hospital after being      ing.
rushed for medical attention. He was         You will truly be missed.
    A photographer, fearless muckrak-                                   NNSL WEB POLL
ing journalist, selfless friend, admir-
able colleague, and firm believer in     DO YOU THINK IT'S A GOOD THING
making Inuvik a great place to life.     THAT THE IRC CUP A DIVISION IS
This was Terry, a man devoted to         MORE COMPETITIVE NOW?
the people of this town – the ones       Yes, it's nice to see other teams compete
he knew and the ones he didn't.          with Inuvik and Tuk teams that have dom-
Regardless of whether you knew him inated the tournament for a long time.
or not, he cared for each person and
their well-being.                                                         50%
    His partner Elizabeth Fraser told    Yes, but I prefer that Inuvik still wins, but
me Terry would give his heart and        has to work really hard for it.
soul to whatever cause he believed
in. He was fiery and outspoken.                                           25%
People didn't always see eye to eye
with him. However, his friends and       No, I like when Inuvik teams are able to
colleagues said he had the utmost        roll over the competition with ease.
respect for their point of view, even
if it wasn't the same as his. He                                          25%
respected the people he worked                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Andrew Livingstone/NNSL photo

with, a symbol of the type of person                HAVE YOUR SAY                                                                                         SLIDING INTO THE WEEKEND
Terry was.                               Do   you think   there needs to be more after-
                                         care addictions services in the region? Go                                                Lekisha Raymond, 12, and her brother Keefer, 4, take advantage of the
    He genuinely cared about the         online to to vote in this                                             warmer than usual temperatures on Feb. 27 by getting in some sledding on
future of this town, and dedicated       week's poll.                                                                              the snow hill near the Midnight Sun Recreation Complex.

                                                                               INUVIK OFFICE:
                                                                               Shawn Giilck (Editor)                                          SEND US YOUR COMMENTS                     Contents copyright. Printed in the North by Canarctic Graphics Limited. No
                                                                               Deanna Larocque (Office assistant)                          Letters to the editor are welcomed by        photos, stories, advertisements or graphics may be reproduced in any form, in
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       Also read in Aklavik • Fort McPherson • Ulukhaktok                      GENERAL MANAGER: Michael Scott –         excerpts, to edit for length or taste and to    Complaints should go to:
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Remembering Terry Halifax
6 INUVIK DRUM, Thursday, March 5, 2015   news

                                                                                                           Andrew Livingstone/NNSL photo

                                                             CASH COMES WITH PRIZE
                                            Leesha Setzer, 12, and Keegan Greenland, 11, stand with the two hockey
                                            sticks being used in a fundraiser during the Gwich'in Cup hockey tournament
                                            March 1 at the Midnight Sun Recreation Complex. The winner gets the stick
                                            and all the toonies and loonies taped to it.
Remembering Terry Halifax
photo stories                                                                       INUVIK DRUM, Thursday, March 5, 2015 7

Inuvik athletes take on Canada
        by Andrew Livingstone

          Northern News Services   the territory and their town
    Inuvik athletes were front     with pride, competing at the
and centre at the 2015 Can-        highest level of sportsmanship
ada Winter Games in Prince         expected of them.
George B.C., from Feb. 13 to          Team NWT's women's curl-
March 1.                           ing team is based in Inuvik,
    Seventeen athletes from        and two of the four players
Inuvik were part of Team           on the men's team, Deklen
NWT at the games, compet-          Crocker and Ethan Allen,
ing in both men's and women's      represented the town in British
curling, men's and women's         Columbia.
hockey, figure skating and            Athletes Alex Robertson,
speedskating.                      Christie Jackson and Winter
    While the results weren't      Ross competed in individual
what everyone was hoping           sports, in speedskating and
for, the athletes represented      figure skating, respectively.

                                                    photo courtesy of Janice Gilbert

   Alex Skinners takes control of the puck during                                                                                                                                                         photo courtesy of Canada Winter Games

   men's hockey action on Feb. 23 at the Canada                                        Inuvik's Deklen Crocker, a member of the territory's boys curling team, sits on the shoulders of biathlete
   Winter Games in B.C.                                                                Kjel Crook during the opening ceremonies of the 2015 Canada Winter Games on Feb. 13.

                                                                                                                                          Darcie Setzer, right,
                                                                                                                                       tries to poke the puck
                                                                                                                                    away from Prince Edward
                                                                                                                                     Island's Lydia Schurman
                                                                                                                                      during women's hockey
                                                                                                                                         action at the Canada
                                                                                                                                      Winter Games in Prince
                                                                                                                                     George, B.C. on Feb. 18.
                                                                                                                                                   photo courtesy of George Sasaki

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     photo courtesy of Ian Hyslop

                                                                                                  photo courtesy of Bob Steventon    Team NWT participated in the opening ceremonies of the 2015 Canada Winter
   Rayna Vittrekwa is in the competitive zone as she lets a rock go during girls                                                     Games in Prince George, B.C. on Feb. 13. Inuvik had 17 athletes take part in
   curling action at the Canada Winter Games in Prince George, B.C.                                                                  five sports including figure skating, curling and hockey.
Remembering Terry Halifax
8 INUVIK DRUM, Thursday, March 5, 2015                                                         news

Pilot project brings jobs to Gwich'in
                                     New partnership agreement creates nine paid internships
                                    with federal government, tribal council; GNWT set to sign on
          by Andrew Livingstone                                                                                                                                                memorandum of understand-             “Each successful candidate
           Northern News Services                                                                                                                                              ing late last month that will     would be familiar with the
    A partnership between the                                                                                                                                                  provide nine Gwich'in par-        three different systems of gov-
federal government and the                                                                                                                                                     ticipants of the group's land     ernment and also hopefully
Gwich'in Tribal Council will                                                                                                                                                   claims agreement with work        have picked up along the way
provide approximately $3 mil-                                                                                                                                                  experience.                       a number of skills that would
lion for internship opportun-                                                                                                                                                      Valcourt said the federal     make them highly desirable,”
ities for council beneficiaries                                                                                                                                                government hopes the pilot        Tomlinson said.
with the goal of improving                                                                                                                                                     project will help the council         The council brought the
self-governance in the future.                                                                                                                                                 build a stronger, more experi-    proposal to the federal and
    The Gwich'in Internship                                                                                                                                                    enced governing institution       territorial governments more
Pilot Project will play a role in                                                                                                                                              that will better serve its cit-   than one year ago and the
healthier, more self-sufficient                                                                                                                                                izens.                            wheels have been in motion
and prosperous First Nation                                                                                                                                                        "Our government is            ever since, culminating in Val-
communities by creating job                                                                                                                                                    pleased to work together with     court signing the memoran-
training opportunities. The                                                                                                                                                    the Gwich'in Tribal Council       dum of understanding.
project will provide Gwich'in                                                                                                                                                  to support Gwich'in partici-          “We brought it to both gov-
participants year-long full-                                                                                                                                                   pants in the implementation       ernments, and frankly, they
time internship positions                                                                                                                                                      of the Gwich'in Land Claims       were incredibly supportive,”
within Aboriginal Affairs and                                                                                                                                                  Agreement and in their efforts    Tomlinson said. “The GNWT
Northern Development Can-                                                                                                                                                      toward self-government,” Val-     and the premier were huge
ada and the Gwich'in Tribal                                                                                                                                                    court stated in a news release.   champions of this project
                                                                                                       photo courtesy of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.
Council. The paid internships                                                                                                                                                  “This agreement will enable       within their own system for
will prepare Gwich'in partici-         Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Minister Bernard Valcourt, left,                                                            the Gwich'in Tribal Council       about a year and half and we're
pants for jobs in the public           and Gwich'in Tribal Council President James Wilson signed a memorandum of                                                               to put trained and experienced    planning on signing it with the
service and provide them with          understanding on the Gwich'in Internship Pilot Project last week after meetings                                                         staff in place to establish its   GNWT.”
professional work experience           in Ottawa.                                                                                                                              governance institutions, serve        The cost of the program
in a variety of government                                                                                                                                                     its citizens and build a pros-    will be split between the gov-
functions.                          trained experienced staff        encouragement to develop the      truly an example of what is                                             perous future for the com-        ernments involved, Tomlinson
    Each participant will           to implement its land claim      plan.                             possible when an aboriginal                                             munities.”                        said, which was part of the
receive a year-long, full-time      agreement and to operate its        “This project was an           organization and a govern-                                                  Patrick Tomlinson, director   initial pitch by the council.
job through paid work assign-       governance institutions.         idea born at the GTC, it was      ment roll up their sleeves and                                          of intergovernmental relations        “It wasn't a program we
ments with the federal depart-         Gwich'in Tribal Council       developed by GTC and the          work together.”                                                         and land claims implementa-       went to them to pay for the
ment and the council. Both          vice president, Norman Snow-     GTC is paying its share to            Aboriginal Affairs and                                              tion for the Gwich'in Tribal      whole thing, we wanted each
will hire three interns each        shoe, said from first moment     make sure it will be a success.   Northern Development Min-                                               Council, said the project was     partner to cover a third of the
year, beginning in September        the council made the proposal       “This announcement has         ister Bernard Valcourt and                                              born out of the concern of        fees and expenses associated
this year. It will give the coun-   to the territorial and federal   been 18 months in the mak-        Gwich'in Tribal Council Presi-                                          building long-term capacity       with their part of the project,”
cil the opportunity to employ       governments, both provided       ing,” Snowshoe said. “This is     dent James Wilson signed a                                              within council.                   said Tomlinson.
Remembering Terry Halifax
photo stories                                                                                   INUVIK DRUM, Thursday, March 5, 2015 9

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            photo courtesy of Emilie Migeon,

    The reindeer herd moves across the tundra north of Inuvik during the winter season.

Eighty years of reindeer
Last, from page 3

– an 18-month trek, starting in western Alaska.
    Their estimations were far from correct. The logistical dif-
ficulties of moving more than 3,000 reindeer across the chal-
lenging terrain of the far North was lost on the government and
    Andrew Bahr (or Anders Bahr) was chosen to guide the herd
to the region. Bahr, a Sami from the Arctic regions of Scandinav-
ian Europe, had arrived in Alaska during the Klondike gold rush
in the late 1890s, and was considered the most dependable herder
in the area. According to research published by George W. Scot-
ter in 1982, Behr was in his sixties and retired in Seattle when
the government and Lomen asked him to complete the task.

                       Hundreds escaped
    Scotter wrote that Behr and a dozen men started the jour-
ney on Dec. 26, 1929 and drove the herd northeast into the
mountains, a preferred route for Behr. However, the concerns
that the herd would be difficult to control came true when
hundreds escaped and tried to return to the home range near
the Napaktolik region in Alaska.
    Behr and his men had to move the herd in order to encour-
age the others to rejoin. The unpredictable winter weather and
frigid temperatures made it challenging to keep the herd from
breaking into smaller groups.
    This would be the beginning of a five-year journey for
Behr that was predicted to only take 18 months to complete.                                                                                                                                                                   photo courtesy of Mike Beaudoin
This was a grand understatement by the government and
Lomen, who had no clue what impact the terrain, weather and                                            Herding     company     shareholders     Ellen   (Pulk)  Binder,  left,  chief   herder  Henrik   Seva,  Otto    Binder       and herd
unpredictability of the herd may have on the time line.                                                manager      Lloyd  Binder,   kneeling, visit  with  a  yearling reindeer     bull.
    According to historical research, a single ice storm in 1934
as Behr tried to navigate the herd across the frozen Macken- Binder said, and was quick to get out of the business that didn't done. Binder, along with a group of investors that included his
zie Delta delayed the herd's arrival by almost a full year. The conform to the traditional lifestyles of the people in the region. parents, purchased the herd and have taken care of it for the last
deep-freeze temperatures and vicious winds scared the ani- The commercialization of the reindeer herd as an industry 13 years. The family had originally tried to buy the herd in the
mals back to land and into a long roundup for Behr.                                                could have been successful and expanded, but Binder said the 1970s, but it never materialized.
    This storm closed the window on crossing as winter ended, government didn't offer enough support to make it happen.                                                      “We'd always dreamed of owning it,” he said. “My father,
and the weary herding crew chose to station the herd near                                             His father, Otto, had been give his own herd in the 1940s, especially. It had been a big part of his life and I'm happy he got
Shingle Point on the Arctic coast to wait for the following and was set up near Husky Lake, but without a proper summer to see we've turned the corner a little and there is hope.”
winter.                                                                                                            grazing range, it was doomed to fail.                     It hasn't always been a good financial situation, Binder said.
    On March 6, 1935, after a seemingly easy trek                                                                     “The project didn't give enough support for Times have been tough. Binder said up until eight or so years
across the frozen region, moving from island to
island with the herd, Behr and some 2,370 rein-
                                                                    "People have                                   community-based or individual herds,” he said. ago, the market for reindeer meat was limited. Caribou were still
                                                                                                                   “The government was quick to get away from it.” plentiful and hunting restrictions and natural resource manage-
deer finally arrived at Reindeer Station. Of the                    said I'm crazy                                 By 1969 the original station was abandoned, its ment weren't as strict as they are today. But times have changed,
reindeer that arrived, more than three-quarters of                                                                 buildings and residents relocated to either Tuk- and Binder said business has been improving. In fact, they're
them were born on the five-year journey.                             for not just                                  toyaktuk or Inuvik due to a short vegetation sea- looking at ways to extend their herding season by a few weeks
    He would become known as Arctic Moses,
and is still recognized by his people as one of the                   giving up."                                  son, the movement of the herd, and more modern on each end to reduce predation on the herd by wolves and bears.
                                                                                                                   herding techniques. In 1974, the herd was sold to         "We lose up to 1,000 head a year and we want to be able to
great herders in their modern history.                                                  Lloyd Binder               Canadian Reindeer Ltd.                                reduce that if we can,” he said.
                                                                                                                      Binder was born in 1952 at the original
              Government backs away                                                                                Reindeer Station. Growing up his nickname was                                  Important task
    Laplanders – or Sami – stayed to teach the Inu-                                                                quunek, Inuvialuktun for reindeer. His mother,            It was never an option for him to fail at this business. Binder
vialuit how to look after the reindeer herd. At its peak, the ori- Ellen, was the daughter of Anna and Mikkel Pulk, who, in sees himself as carrying on a family legacy and dream that puts a
ginal Reindeer Station, some 70 km north of Inuvik, was a small 1932, were among the first wave of Norwegian Sami hired by lot of pressure on him. With the support of his parents, who have
community. With a population of as many as 90 people, mostly the Canadian government to manage the herd when it arrived. given financial support when they could, he's pushed through
herders and their families, it was a self-sustaining community Ellen met her husband, Otto, who was born in Cambridge Bay, the dark days.
with a post office, school, church and trading post.                                               Nunavut, but had moved to the region to herd.                             “Even in hard times they told me never to give up on it,”
    The government was ill-prepared to operate such a project,                                        Binder and his parents moved to Aklavik when he was he said. “It's always been about my parents. I couldn't fail at it.
                                                                                                   six, only spending their summers working with the herd, a People have said I'm crazy for not just giving up, but it's import-
                                                                                                   time he said he viewed as a vacation from community living. ant to me and to many people.”
                                                                                                   It was a chance for him to spend time with his grandparents,              Binder knows he can't manage the herd forever. He figures he
                                                                                                   who were still living at Reindeer Station and working with the has about 10 years left in him, but admits that might be an opti-
                                                                                                   herd. When he reached his mid-teens, he spent his summers mistic time frame. He worries about what will happen when he
                                                                                                   at Richards Island, helping with herd management, including can't care for the herd anymore. He worries more about whether
                                                                                                   corralling, castration and marking of the animals.                    someone can throw out the traditional business management
                                                                                                                                                                         style to operate the business.
                                                                                                                          Herd changes hands                                 “It has to have some business aspects to it, but the major
                                                                                                      It wasn't until 1998 that Binder's long connection with the difference is when you are in tough times, if you're a regular
                                                                                                   reindeer herd came full circle. Binder, ready to leave his job with businessperson, you'd just liquidate the herd. But you can't do
                                                                                                   the territorial government for something different, was asked by that. It would just be done with and the herd would be gone. The
                                        photo courtesy of the Anchorage Museum of History and Art.
                                                                                                   previous owners Canadian Reindeer Ltd., to come in and manage business model today doesn't work with reindeer husbandry.”
    Andrew Behr, holding the reins of two reindeer, led the herd with the idea of taking it over.                                                                            Finding someone who is willing to give their life to keeping
                                                                                                      Binder was asked to handle the land access issues that had the herd in the region is the most important part of the future
    nearly 3,400 deer across 2,400 km of tundra from come up when the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation had become success.
    Alaska to the Beaufort-Delta from December 1929 owners of the land through their claims agreement.                                                                       “We need to find someone to work their way in as chief
    to March 1935 at the request of the Canadian                                                      Binder said it took four years of negotiations, securing finan- herder and look at taking it over,” he said. “That occupies a lot
    government.                                                                                    cing and environmental assessments before all was said and of my thinking about the future.”
Remembering Terry Halifax
10 INUVIK DRUM, Thursday, March 5, 2015                                               alternatives

         STREET talk                                                                  Which NHL team is going
                                                                                                                                                            ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 You impress everyone
                                                                                                                                                            with your creativity this week, Aries. Allow this
                                                                                                                                                            creativity to be the inspiration behind projects you
         with Andrew Livingstone
                                                                                      to win the Stanley Cup?                                               have been putting off of late.
                                                                                                                                                            TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Keep your goals rela-
                                                                                                                                                            tively simple for the next few days, Taurus. You
                                                                                                                                                            can benefit from the positive reinforcement of
                                                                                                                                                            completing tasks and getting things done.
                                                                                                                                                            GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, you have been
                                                                                                                                                            immersed in work and are starting to show the ill
                                                                                                                                                            effects of keeping long hours. Now is a great time
                                                                                                                                                            to take a few days off or enjoy a mini-vacation.
                                                                                                                                                            CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, you have a lot
                                                                                                                                                            to get done, but resist the urge to micromanage
                                                                                                                                                            every detail, as this could be a surefire path to
                                                                                                                                                            burnout. You need to take a few breaths.
                                                                                                                                                            LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, avoid the temptation to
                                                                                                                                                            get started on another new project. You already
                                                                                                                                                            have plenty of other things on your plate. Finish
                                                                                                                                                            those tasks before moving on to something new.
                                                                                                                                                            VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 It is sometimes easy
                                                                                                                                                            to miss the forest for the trees, Virgo. Try taking
                                                                                                                                                            a step back so you can look at a puzzling project
                                                                                                                                                            from a new perspective.
        Delani Elias                                     Everett Elanik                                  Jayden Clarke                                      LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, you may be
        "The Pittsburgh Pengiuns."                       "The Montreal Canadiens."                       "The Montreal Canadiens."                          searching for a new adventure, but try to appre-
                                                                                                                                                            ciate the here and now as well. It's easy to get
                                                                                                                                                            swept up in fantasies, but don't let them carry you
                                                                                                                                                            too far away.
                                                                                                                                                            SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, you suspect
                                                                                                                                                            that someone is hiding something, and that very
                                                                                                                                                            well may be the case. Perhaps a welcome surprise
                                                                                                                                                            is coming your way. Resist the urge to dig too
                                                                                                                                                            SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 You can probably
                                                                                                                                                            talk your way out of trouble, Sagittarius, but this
                                                                                                                                                            time it's better to let things play out. Keep conver-
                                                                                                                                                            sations light and free from controversy.
                                                                                                                                                            CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, find bal-
                                                                                                                                                            ance between your personal ambitions and things
                                                                                                                                                            you have to accomplish at work and at home.
                                                                                                                                                            Finding a middle ground is the best approach.
                                                                                                                                                            AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, you need
                                                                                                                                                            a few extra people to contribute to a special task,
                                                                                                                                                            but you do not know who to ask. If you think hard
         Kristen Harder                                  Justin Amos                                    Paris Wainman                                       enough, you will know who you can depend on.
         "The Montreal Canadiens."                       "The Chicago Blackhawks."                      "The Vancouver Canucks."                            PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Your demeanor makes
                                                                                                                                                            it easy for others to enjoy your company, and that
                                                                                                                                                            will come in handy as your social schedule fills up
                                                                                                                                                            in the days ahead.

Caught in between two lazy coworkers
    My boss would like me to write a letter of complaint on                                                                             crazy. Without authority, you might be writing yourself out of
what goes on when he is away from the office and I am left                                                                              a job if you write them up. With proper authority, you could
alone with two younger coworkers.
    When they arrive at the office and clock in, they eat their      DIRECT                                                             stop them from doing what they are doing.
                                                                                                                                            If you are granted authority, the first thing to say would
breakfast in the break room, go on the computer and do per-
sonal things, like plan vacations, pay bills and read personal       Answers                                                            be, this is an English-only office. Not because I am biased
                                                                                                                                        against Spanish but because you speak in code to hide your
e-mail. Sometimes they nap or leave the office for personal          with Wayne & Tamara Mitchell                                       remarks from me. Employees are not allowed to do that dur-
errands. At lunchtime we clock out for 30 minutes, but they                                                                             ing working hours. Then make it clear, when the boss is out
continue their lunch break after they clock back in.                                                                                    of the office, it is just another day at work.
    They are best friends and hang out together. We all do                                                                                  Getting these two to work when the boss is absent is
the same work, and even though they see me working they                                                                                 equivalent to increasing productivity by 20 per cent. That
continue to text, talk about their love life and plan what to do     ten away with this.                                                kind of performance can get you your next, better job.
after hours.                                                             Evaluating their actions one day a week is not what you            You can't write a report a supervisor would write without
    By the time they decide to work, half the day is gone.           were hired for. If it were me, this is what I would tell the       being a supervisor. As a supervisor, you would have protec-
One will work while the other stands there and continues to          boss. Unless I am their supervisor or manager I do not feel        tion against these two. As an equal, you have no protection.
gossip, text or listen to iTunes. When they don't want me to         it is appropriate to report on their activities. But as a super-                                                            Tamara
listen to their conversation, they speak in Spanish, a language      visor, with an appropriate title and compensation, I will get
I don't speak. Next day, when the boss arrives, he wants to          them to work on the days you are gone.                             If you have any questions or comments for Wayne or Tamara, please
know what we each did because so little was accomplished.                These two are not your friends. They are like misbehaving      forward e-mail to or write to Wayne &
    I started this job a few months ago and they have been           schoolchildren. Teacher is out of the room and they've gone        Tamara Mitchell, Station A, Box 2820, Yellowknife, NT, X1A 2R1
here over a year. They work on the days the boss is in. It's
the day he is out of the office that they abuse the system.
My boss told me he wants me to write up these women in a
report and they will not be fired.                                                                                                Student of the week
    But they will know who complained about them. I'm
afraid of retaliation. I want to keep this job. I feel the boss
should know what is going on but not use me. How can I
                                                                                                                                        ADRIANNA HENDRICK
write a report against them without them knowing I did it?
                                                                                                                       AGE: 9
   Lizzie, we all have an internal gauge, that no one gave us,
which says this is fair and this is not fair. Fairness is valued                                                       GRADE: 4
in business and in life. When it is not met, everyone with a                                                           Adrianna loves math and gym, but when she talks about what she
sense of justice notices. "It's not fair." That's where our head                                                       learns about numbers, she gets excited. Challenged to find the answer,
goes.                                                                                                                  Adrianna is always eager to learn more and apply it to her life outside of
   You weren't hired to make these two do their job. They                                                              the classroom. She really enjoys the tough questions she's been getting
have been there longer and you are not their supervisor. You                                                           while learning multiplication. One day, she hopes to be a math teacher.
come to work to do your job and get a pay cheque. But for
some reason, perhaps your boss's shortcoming, they have got-
sports & recreation                                                             INUVIK DRUM, Thursday, March 5, 2015 11

                                                                                                                                                                                           Walter Strong/NNSL photo

                                                                           SKATING FOR CHAMPIONSHIP
   Inuvik speedskater Braeden Picek leads the way against Wren Acorn of Yellowknife at the Speed Skating Championships in the Ed Jeske Arena in Yellowknife on
   Feb. 28.

East Three wins Cager titles
                 Senior boys win championship while junior girls bring home single-A banner
         by Andrew Livingstone      aggressive in rebounding and coach, he said implementing              the banner coming back with    but the fact we put the effort   ous games of the tournament.
           Northern News Services   putting back points in domin- a number of defensive looks             them to Inuvik.                in made it that much sweet-          “They played so strong
    Inuvik was the big winner       ant fashion.                      was crucial to dealing with            “We learned a lot and       er,” she said.                   and you could tell by the
last weekend at the Yellow-             “I    played                               Ye l l o w k n i f e   got better,” she said. “Our        Hvatum said the final was    result of the final,” he said. “I
knife Cager basketball tour-        big,” he said.                                 teams        built     dribbling and ball movement    their best game all season.      couldn't be more proud. They
nament, bringing home two           “I'm a big             "We don't               on strong shoot-       improved with each game.”          “We started strong and       left it all on the court.”
championship banners and            rebound guy,                                   ing and ball              Mackenzie McDonald          finished strong,” she said.          The junior boys team
making a deep run to the            the      garbage        shoot the              control.               said despite the scores, the   “We ran hard and there was       came up on the end of a
semi-finals with the junior
boys team.
                                        Coach Wil-
                                                          strongest, so                “Being fun-
                                                                                                          team never stopped hustling
                                                                                                          and were happy with how
                                                                                                                                         a lot of movement and a lot
                                                                                                                                         of cutting.”
                                                                                                                                                                          20-point semi-final loss to
                                                                                                                                                                          eventual champs St. Pat's,
    The East Three Second-          liam      Logan        we worked               sound in our           far they came from the first       Coach Steve Wagar said       but Nick Badgley said they
ary School U-19 senior boys         said the team                                  defence       and      game all the way to beating    the team never gave up, even     played hard and were pleased
team used strong defence and        has         been         on our                playing         an     Fort Smith in the final.       when down by 20 or 30            with their results in the week-
quick transitions to put up
points and lead them to the
                                    built around
                                    the defensive
                                                           strengths."             aggressive style
                                                                                   of basketball
                                                                                                             “We were happy we won       points in some of the previ-     end tournament.

school's first title in at least    scheme of help-           William Logan        was what we
20 years, beating St. Patrick       ing the helper                                 wanted,”         he
High School of Yellowknife          -- when one                                    said.                                                                          SPORTS CARD
61-56.                              guy gets beat,                                    The junior
    The team pushed the ball        another player steps in to stop girls team brought home the                                                                      BASKETBALL
up the court in quick transi-       the shot or to close up lanes single A banner after a deci-
tion after rebounds in order to     to the net.                       sive win against Fort Smith in                                                     GRADE: 6
get quick points, said guard            “It's been our plan for the final. The girls had played                                                          According to her basketball coach, Kian-
Cody Greenland. Doing so            three years,” he said. “We their first four games in the                                                             na is an animal on rebounding. When she
kept St. Pat's from setting up      don't shoot the strongest, so double-A division but were                                                             started playing basketball she didn't think
on defence and slowing down         we worked on our strengths. unable to put up a win.                                                                  she would develop into a good player.
the pace of the game.               The boys will tell you it's all      Chris-Lin Hvatum said                                                           However, with hard work and a drive to
    “We worked the ball             about our defence.”               despite the lop-sided scores                                                       learn, Kianna has improved dramatically.
quickly and got our shots               Coach Allan Gillis said he in the first four games of                                                            She said she's gained a lot of self-confi-
off,” he said.                      knew going into the tourna- the tournament, she said the                                                             dence from playing the game, which lets
                                                                                                                                                         her get her aggressive athletic approach
    Tournament MVP Liam
Larocque played a strong
                                    ment the team needed to have squad plugged away hard on
                                    an edge, and being a defence- the court to improve their                     KIANNA GOESON                           out on the court.
game under the basket,              first, offence-second style games each time, resulting in
12 INUVIK DRUM, Thursday, March 5, 2015

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