THE UNITED BENEFICE OF EAST CLEVEDON - Diocese of Bath and Wells - East Clevedon Benefice

Page created by Rhonda Walker
THE UNITED BENEFICE OF EAST CLEVEDON - Diocese of Bath and Wells - East Clevedon Benefice
Diocese of Bath and Wells

       JUNE 2019 1
THE UNITED BENEFICE OF EAST CLEVEDON - Diocese of Bath and Wells - East Clevedon Benefice
ALL SAINTS’                          Sundays
EAST CLEVEDON                        8.00 a.m.     Holy Communion
                                     10.30 a.m. Parish Communion
                                     (Sunday Club in the Parish Rooms)
                                     10.30 a.m. Family Communion (1st)
ST MARY’S, WALTON                    10.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist
                                     10.00 am   Holy Communion
ST PAUL’S,                           11.15 a.m.    Morning Service (1st)
WALTON-IN-GORDANO                    11.15 a.m.    Holy Communion (2nd & 4th)
                                     11.15 a.m.    Morning Prayer (3rd & 5th)

ST PETER & ST PAUL                   Sundays
WESTON-IN-GORDANO                    10.00 am Family Communion (1st & 3rd)
                                     6.00 pm  Choral Evensong (2nd & 4th)
                                     6.00 pm  Holy Communion (5th)
                                     9.30 am  Holy Communion

 Cost £6.00 per year.
 Would you like (please tick box)
 to pick up your magazine from church
 have it delivered to your door (no charge for delivery)


 ……………………………………………… …………………………

 Tel No………………………………………………………
 Please hand this slip to a Churchwarden or send to:
 The Parish Office, The Rectory, All Saints’ Lane, Clevedon, BS21 6AU.

THE UNITED BENEFICE OF EAST CLEVEDON - Diocese of Bath and Wells - East Clevedon Benefice
FIRST WORD…from The Rector
                       I appear to be getting more “young manned” as time goes
                       on. When I was about 10 I was called young man all the
                       time – a sort of compliment. I was gathering myself
                       together and becoming a grown up person. I enjoyed the
                       title as it promised me adulthood and respect. The young
                       man occasions then waned in the intervening years as I
                       became “sir”. Now – it appears it’s back – not so much a
compliment as a humorous comment on my seniority. Frankly I find it
patronising and tedious, but I seldom rise to the bait. But even this is only a
pale reflection on the times I am now addressed as “buddy”. An Americanism,
I assume, I am often deemed a buddy of someone behind a counter. I feel like
saying, “I fear that I have never met you before and therefore cannot be
reasonably described either wholly or in part as your buddy, friend or even
acquaintance. Sir will do.” I don’t, of course. I smile, thank the kind person and
move on. “Cheers bud…” I hear behind me.

But at least I feel seen. At least I feel noticed. Some women (rather than men)
my age(ish) begin to feel sort of invisible which must be very difficult indeed.
No easy one-liners for them, “young lady” not sounding right, nor the matey
“buddy”, and too young for the over loud, “you alright, my love”. Just “thank
you” and forgotten.

Being seen for who we are is incredibly important. Or should I say, being
understood for who we are is incredibly important. This generation, with its
obsession with individual choice, is wrestling with numerous questions about
gender and identity which until recently would have been thought impossible.
So for instance, the South African women’s double Olympic Champion Caster
Semenya, has been ordered to artificially reduce her natural testosterone
levels to a more “normal” female range if she wants to compete in women’s
sport. She has refused to do so. She has lived as a woman all her life and has
no intention of compromising her identity. She is who she is. Simple as that.

But what of all those others whose identity is also ambiguous? In this country
there are estimated to be 660,000 people who are deemed to be one gender
but feel more identified with another. That’s a lot of people, considerably
bigger than the population of Bristol. And the chilling reality is that of these
some 88% have suffered depression and many attempt suicide, or at least feel

THE UNITED BENEFICE OF EAST CLEVEDON - Diocese of Bath and Wells - East Clevedon Benefice
so desperate that they consider it – as many as 45%. Over half of these people
will hide their feelings for fear of prejudice, they will hide who they are for fear
of being misunderstood. Many will make mistakes in life and relationships trying
to maintain a life they feel simply isn’t honest.

Individual choice brings its own pressure, of course, and my concern rests
mainly with the pressure put onto the young, before life’s experience has
equipped them to see a wider perspective. Too many choices too soon is not
always a healthy thing and these matters are hugely sensitive and complex.

But if that is so, having no choice at all isn’t either. We’re fortunate in many
ways to live when we do as many of us have the opportunity to live longer,
healthier and more prosperous lives. But whatever our choices and
opportunities it is a great gift to be happy in one’s own skin – to be ordinarily
happy and content. What a precious thing this is. St Paul has a wonderful
phrase in Corinthians, in his famous passage about love – “For now we see in a
mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I
will know fully, even as I am fully known.” I like this because it’s ultimately
about honesty. To have the confidence simply to be known and understood
fully is a divine gift and is something the church should deeply desire. As
Cardinal Basil Hume said, “judgement is whispering into the ear of a merciful
and compassionate God the story of your life you have never been able to tell.”

I have never had an issue with my gender personally, but as I reflect on church
life it seems to me that accepting people honestly as they are, and not as they
might pretend to be, should be a hallmark of spirituality. Church should be an
attempt to allow oneself to be fully known free from fear. It seldom is. Church
has for too long been slow to accept difference whether that be race, colour,
background, gender or orientation but I hope this is now changing and we’re
increasingly allowing ourselves to be a Corinthians people – fully known and
fully loved.

                      Fr Noël

          Copy for the July Magazine by Monday 17th June 2019
           The magazine is in church on Sunday 30th June 2019

THE UNITED BENEFICE OF EAST CLEVEDON - Diocese of Bath and Wells - East Clevedon Benefice

              We all have something to offer

               There is a story told about Sir Michael Costa who was an Italian-
               born conductor and composer who became well known and
               popular in England during the nineteenth century. It is said that
one day he was conducting a rehearsal in which the orchestra was joined by a
great chorus. About halfway through the rehearsal, with trumpets blaring,
drums rolling, and violins singing, the piccolo player muttered to himself, "What
good am I doing? I might just as well not be playing. Nobody can hear me
anyway." So he kept the instrument to his mouth, but he made no sound.
Within moments, the conductor cried, "Stop! Stop! Where’s the piccolo?"
Michael Costa could tell that the piccolo was not playing. Something was
missing and because of that the performance was incomplete.

I am sure there are times when we can all identify with that piccolo player.
There are times when we may feel insignificant and useless. Whatever age we
are there is the temptation to look at other people who seem to have more
talent than we have, who are better at things than we are, who are more
confident or skilled than we are - and to think we don’t matter or that our
contribution doesn’t count. Perhaps we are tempted sometimes just to settle
back and let somebody else do the work. We reason that what we have to
offer won’t make much difference anyway, or that because other people can do
it much better than we can, that there is no point in us joining in.

I take heart from the story of the feeding of the five thousand. In the middle of
that story we read of Andrew, Peter’s brother saying: ‘There is a lad here who
has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so
many?’ (John 6:9). This is a story of someone giving what he has to the Lord
and about Jesus then using what is offered to feed a multitude of hungry people
(John 6:1-14).

What do we learn from that? Surely one thing we learn is that each of us has
something important to offer which God can take and bless and use. Whether
our talent is great or small, the performance isn’t complete until we do our
best with what we have and until we offer our lives and our gifts to God and
ask him to use us for his glory and to serve others.
With warm greetings,
The Right Revd Peter Hancock, Bishop of Bath and Wells

THE UNITED BENEFICE OF EAST CLEVEDON - Diocese of Bath and Wells - East Clevedon Benefice
Relaxation, Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy
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Talking therapies really do help resolve so many things. Hypnotherapy is highly
effective at putting solutions into practice and achieving personal, sports or business

         STEPPING STONES ‘Living with Loss’
                         Drop in support in times of change .
             Have you had a bereavement or other significant change in life?
                 Would you like to meet others in a similar situation?
                         You are welcome to come along to:
                         OPEN DOOR - DROP IN
      2 - 4 pm fourth Friday each month at St Mary’s Church Hall
                        Next meeting 28th June
                                  Tea always available!
  Members of the team are able to give information and one-to-one support if wished.
  The drop in sessions are confidential and the privacy of those attending is respected.
                      Further information: Angela 01275 871247

THE UNITED BENEFICE OF EAST CLEVEDON - Diocese of Bath and Wells - East Clevedon Benefice
             (from the archives)

            The month of June seems to be peppered with feast days,
            perhaps more than its fair share. There are three apostles,
            Saints Barnabas, Peter and Paul, and the birth of Saint John
            the Baptist, all coming within the last fortnight; and as if that
were not sufficient, we have Corpus Christi, on which day we give thanks
to God for his gift of the Holy Communion, which is the spiritual food of
the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Then we have the Feast of
the Holy and Undivided Trinity. Most of the other great Christian Feasts
commemorate what God has done for us, but on this Sunday we worship
Almighty God as He is in Himself, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three
Persons yet one God. A mystery which the intelligence of man is unable
to comprehend but which is held by faith by Christians all over the world.

Father Hoult writing in the Parish Magazine for June 1962.
                                                                       Julia Elton

                    Churches Together in Clevedon:
                             Taize-style Service
                      Sunday 23rd June at 6 pm
                         St Mary's Church
      We are extending our welcome to churches from across the town
     who are part of CTIC for this service of songs, silence and reflection.
              If singers would like to practice the simple chants,
                    please come at 5.30pm for a run through.

THE UNITED BENEFICE OF EAST CLEVEDON - Diocese of Bath and Wells - East Clevedon Benefice

                Aquilegia are one of my favourite flowers. They are so easy.
                Plant, watch them grow and self seed themselves, cross-pollinating
                into infinite variety. Especially the ones known as “Granny
bonnets”. Some of the newer hybrids are lovely - “dragon fly” and Koralle have
large flowers with long spurs at the back. The shrub Kerria japonica is very
hardy, easy to grow and tolerant of just about any conditions, beautiful fluffy
yellow balls flower along each stem… Quite invasive though. Another shrub
“Kolwitzia” is a froth of white and pink and can easily be propagated from its
suckers in spring.

When wallflowers have finished flowering, the dry seed heads can be gathered or
left to self seed. Cutting off the spent heads can encourage more flowers later
on particularly on the perennial one – erysimum. As tall perennials grow they
are best supported early, tied up with strong stakes, Phlox, delphiniums,
heleniums etc. Also, if the top 8" or so is cut off the tops of these herbaceous
perennials now it will prolong the flowering period. Sounds drastic, but this
causes the stem to branch from lower down, giving more flowers and needing
less water, delaying flowering by 3 to 5 weeks. A good mulch of compost or
bark chips cuts down on weeding and retains moisture. But this treatment
doesn’t work for pernicious weeds like ground elder, horsetail or
mindyourownbusiness. When mulching do look out for this year’s crop of
seedlings of foxgloves, lychnis etc.

Each year I am concerned with the lack of bees, wasps, hoverflies, butterflies etc.
They are so essential in life, pollinating flowers, eating pests – grubs aphids etc.
Ants are good food for ladybirds, lacewings, spiders. I don’t use insecticides,
unless essential for one of my conservatory plants, usually for scale insect, or
mealy bugs. Then I take the offender into the shed, spray quickly and shut the
door for the day. If I have an infestation of green or black fly, say on a clematis, a
hand spray filled with water to which a couple of drops of washing up liquid have
been added, sprayed once a day is usually effective. Also on roses. Jeyes fluid is
another remedy I use mostly on shrubs ie. hardy fuschias. A tablespoon
(approx.) in a watering can of water is watered on the leaves and around the
base of the plants when new growth appears. It becomes systemic and prevents
the new tiny shoots being eaten by insects.

I’m hoping for a fine dry summer, so some ideas on water conservation. Plants
that need little water often have greyish, woolly or waxy leaves that reflect the
heat. Bearded iris, agapanthus, echinops and sedum like to be baked in the sun.

THE UNITED BENEFICE OF EAST CLEVEDON - Diocese of Bath and Wells - East Clevedon Benefice
Other drought tolerant plants include gazanias, begonia, semperflorens,
marigolds, pelargoniums, the aromatic plants - lavender thyme and Artemisia.
Plant closer together so there’s no bare soil, reducing evaporation and weeds
too. Stand patio pots in saucers to keep plants moist. Be mean with water, not
“little and often” but “rare and generous”. Slowly increase the interval between
watering - the plants will get used to it.                      Ella Howcroft


            On 28th April I ran (no walking) the London marathon raising money
            for Stroke Association finishing in 3 hours 58 minutes. It was an
            amazing event to be part of and thanks to so many generous
donations, to date £5000 has been raised. I feel very confident that this money
will be used wisely and to very good effect helping sufferers and their families
coping with the effect of stroke.

I can’t thank everyone enough for their support both with sponsorship and
encouragement especially during the long training months as well as on the day.

It is not too late to contribute and any donations can still be given via and searching Richard Bragg.

Thanks once again, Richard Bragg and all at Stroke Association

                        FLOWERS AT ST MARY'S
        5th May - to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Barry Rogerson’s
                             consecration as Bishop;
        19th May - in loving memory of John Gay, requested by Harriet.

  Thank you to everyone who contributed towards the cost of Easter flowers.
  To celebrate a special occasion, birthday, anniversary, or remember a loved
  one with a floral arrangement in church at any time during the year, please
 speak to Mary Pope (876623). A photograph of the display will be available for
                     you to keep as a memento if you wish.

THE UNITED BENEFICE OF EAST CLEVEDON - Diocese of Bath and Wells - East Clevedon Benefice

Olga and I would like to thank the Benefice for the memorable and enjoyable
Sunday when we commemorated my forty years as a bishop. Firstly, the
generosity of the gift, about which we are still contemplating, but secondly and
even more importantly the many people who were involved in the occasion;
Yvonne and her Social Committee for the excellent meal, Roger for the
illustrated obituary, the flower arrangers, Ian for the Dam Busters and the Bell
Ringers for the Quarter Peal and Noel for his kind words..

We have been both blessed by being members of St. Mary's congregation and
thank you all.                                                    Barry

                                             Bishop Barry and the
                                             St Mary’s bellringers

                      Date for your diary
                              Sunday 14th July

                      Benefice Picnic
                      To be held at Walton in Gordano
                       Car parking in field—Marquee if wet
                In aid of Springboard Opportunities Group
                           (organised by ‘CareUnited’)


St. Michael’s Church,
                   Clapton in Gordano

                    Evening Concert
    Friday 28th June 7.00pm at the church.
      The Highly Strung Community Band
                  with Jill Elliot
         Clevedon A Cappella Choir
             with Wendy Sergeant

Tickets are priced at £10.00 each to include
              wine and nibbles.
        Tickets are available by contacting
  Peter Hills-01275 858 809, Yvonne James-07972
      201231 or Phil Joyner - 07970 839 390.

         Proceeds of the concert will be donated to
The Friends of St. Michael’s to enhance facilities at the church.

Clevedon garages ad


Just a message to say a heartfelt and jolly thank you to everyone who helped
make our Christian Aid Big Brunch such a success! A great turn out of all ages
and across the churches, and the atmosphere felt so friendly, relaxed and
positive (to me anyway!)

Special thanks to our cooks! And our servers! And our amazing washer
uppers! And Sandra as always for the advertising!

It was great to welcome Callum from Christian Aid, whose enthusiasm I hope
was catching. The challenges in many parts of the world are huge, of course,
but by being a little more informed, and a little more generous, we can express
something of what we believe and hope for.               The Rev’d Martin Little

This prayer is from the Christian Aid devotional:
God our Mother and Father,
we praise you
For the blessings you shower upon us.
Bless the lives of our sisters and brothers
and their precious children,
In life's saddest moments,
may we feel your love most, O Jesus.
Continue to dwell in our hearts, Lord.
May your love keep us strong.

Email from Callum:

I just wanted to say once again a huge thank you to you, to Martin and to
everyone who came on Saturday for having me and for being such a welcoming
bunch! I had a lovely time, and it’s brilliant to have the opportunity to share
some of the story – plus, I thought you might like to know that a fab £174.00
was raised at the Brekkie alone!
Warm regards, Callum

Callum Humphries
Regional Coordinator for Bristol and Somerset


                     Thank you for being part of the amazing movement of
                     people that come together each year at Christian Aid
Week to stand together with the poorest communities in the world. The
donation which you sent after your Big Brekkie, will help people in Sierra Leone
and around the world to live life in all its fullness.

This Christian Aid Week we shared the stories of some inspirational mums in
Sierra Leone, exploring how the lack of healthcare provision has affected their
lives, and those of their families and communities. One of those mums
was Tenneh Bawoh, who shared with us the story of her first labour that sadly
ended in the tragic death of her baby. Thankfully, when Tenneh was pregnant a
second time, things had changed for the better. Christian Aid saw that Tenneh,
and many mums like her, were in desperate need of healthcare. And that’s how
nurse Judith came to save lives. Tenneh told us: ‘During my second labour, I
was scared. But nurse Judith was with me, assuring me of everything. When I
delivered, I felt so good.’

Your donations this Christian Aid Week can now go even further, supporting
communities like Tenneh’s to build health clinics that will serve their
communities now and in the future. Tenneh told us, ‘We’ll dance for three days
when we have the new health centre.’

Thank you once again for your life-changing support this Christian Aid Week.

With best wishes,
Gabby North, Office Coordinator, Christian Aid

26th May - Maureen Smith in celebration of Alan's homecoming
with grateful thanks
28th May - To celebrate the wedding anniversary of Frank and
Pat Hawthorne, 28th May, 1943

If you would like to sponsor the floodlights in celebration of a special occasion or in memory of
someone please contact Christine Woolford (879647)


2nd June Easter 7
Acts 16:16-34          Revelations 22:12-14,16,17, 20-end        John17:20-end

Risen, ascended Lord, as we rejoice at your triumph, fill your Church on
earth with power and compassion, that all who are estranged by sin may find
forgiveness and know your peace, to the glory of God the Father.

Eternal God, giver of love and power, your Son Jesus Christ has sent us into
all the world to preach the gospel of his kingdom: confirm us in this mission,
and help us to live the good news we proclaim; through Jesus Christ our

9th June Pentecost
Acts 2 : 1-21                  Romans 8: 14-17                 John 14: 8 – 17

Holy Spirit, sent by the Father, ignite in us your holy fire; strengthen your
children with the gift of faith, revive your church with the breath of love, and
renew the face of the earth, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Faithful God, who fulfilled the promises of Easter by sending us your Holy
Spirit and opening to every race and nation the way of life eternal: open our
lips by your Spirit, that every tongue may tell of your glory; through Jesus
Christ our Lord.

16th June Trinity Sunday
Proverbs 8:1-4,22-31     Romans 5:1-5                          John 16:12-15

Holy God, faithful and unchanging: enlarge our minds with the knowledge of
your truth, and draw us more deeply into the mystery of your love, that we
may truly worship you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God, now and for

Almighty and eternal God, you have revealed yourself as Father, Son and Holy
Spirit, and live and reign in the perfect unity of love: hold us firm in this faith,
that we may know you in all your ways and evermore rejoice in your eternal
glory, who are three Persons yet one God, now and for ever.

23rd June Trinity 1
Isaiah 65:1-9                  Galatians 3:23-29          Luke 8:26-39
God of truth, help us to keep your law of love and to walk in ways of wisdom,
that we may find true life in Jesus Christ your Son.

Eternal Father, we thank you for nourishing us with these heavenly gifts: may our
communion strengthen us in faith, build us up in hope, and make us grow in love;
for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord.

30th June Trinity 2 (Patronal Festival – St Mary’s and St Peter & St Paul)
1 Kings 19:15-16,19-end   Galatians 5:1,13-25            Luke 9:51-end
Faithful Creator, whose mercy never fails: deepen our faithfulness to you and to
your living Word, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Loving Father, we thank you for feeding us at the supper of your Son: sustain us
with your Spirit, that we may serve you here on earth until our joy is complete
in heaven, and we share in the eternal banquet with Jesus Christ our Lord.

St P & St P readings: Acts 12:1-11; Matthew 16:13-19
Almighty God, whose blessed apostles Peter and Paul glorified you in their death as in
their life: grant that your Church, inspired by their teaching and example, and made
one by your Spirit, may ever stand firm upon the one foundation, Jesus Christ your Son
our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now
and for ever.

Almighty God, who on the day of Pentecost sent your Holy Spirit to the apostles with the
wind from heaven and in tongues of flame, filling them with joy and boldness to preach
the gospel: by the power of the same Spirit strengthen us to witness to your truth and
to draw everyone to the first of your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

St Mary’s readings: Genesis 19:15-29; Hebrews 11:1-3; Matthew 8:23-27
O God, who didst lead the Blessed Virgin Mary to visit Elizabeth, to their exceeding joy
and comfort: Grant unto thy people, that as Mary did rejoice to be called the Mother of
the Lord, so they may ever rejoice to believe the incarnation of thine only begotten Son;
to whom with thee and the Holy Ghost be all honour and glory, world without end.

7th July Trinity 3
Isaiah 66:10-14                 Galatians 6:7-16                 Luke 10:1-11,16-20


                  ALL SAINTS’, East Clevedon
2nd    8.00 am      Holy Communion        The Rector
       10.30 am     Family Communion      The Rev’d Martin Little
                    with baptism

9th     8.00 am     Holy Communion        The Rev’d Caroline Sackley
       10.30 am     Parish Eucharist      The Rector

16th   8.00 am      Holy Communion        The Rev’d Martin Little
       10.30 am     Parish Eucharist      The Rev’d Caroline Sackley
                    Preacher              The Rev’d Martin Little

23rd   8.00 am      Holy Communion        The Rev’d Sister Anita CSC
       10.30 am     Parish Eucharist      The Rev’d Sr Anita CSC
                    Preacher              The Rector

30th   8.00 am      Holy Communion        The Rector
       10.30 am     Parish Eucharist      The Rev’d Nicholas Maddock

              ST PAUL’S, Walton in Gordano
2nd     11.15 am    Rogation Service      The Rev’d Caroline Sackley

9th    11.15 am     Holy Communion        The Rev’d Nicholas Maddock

16th   11.15 am     Morning Prayer        The Rector

23rd   11.15 am     Holy Communion        The Rev’d Caroline Sackley

30th   11.15 am     Morning Prayer        The Rev’d Martin Little

          Weekday services; WEDNESDAYS Holy Communions
             9.30 am St Peter & St Paul 10.00 a.m. St Mary’s;


                 ST MARY’S, Walton, Clevedon
 2nd   10.00 am     Sung Eucharist          The Rector
                    Preacher                The Rev’d Nicholas Maddock

 9th   10.00 am      Sung Eucharist         The Rev’d Martin Little
                     Preacher               The Rev’d Caroline Sackley
16th   10.00 am     Sung Eucharist          The Rev’d Sister Anita CSC
23rd   10.00 am     Sung Eucharist          The Rev’d Martin Little
                    with Baptism
       6.00 pm      CTiC Taize

30th   10.00 am     Patronal Festival        The Rector

   ST PETER & ST PAUL, Weston in Gordano
 2nd 10.00 am      Family Communion          The Rev’d Caroline Sackley

 9th   3.30 pm     Children’s Service        The Rector

16th   10.00 am    Family Communion          The Rector

23rd   6.00 pm     Choral Evensong           TBA

30th   6.00 pm     Patronal Festival         The Rev’d Nicholas Maddock
                   Preacher                  The Rev’d Martin Little

         ST MICHAEL’S, Clapton in Gordano
              Summer Concert on Friday 28th June at 7 pm
            Next Service is Harvest on 15th September at 3 pm

Sat 1st     10..30 am ‘Welcome In’ at St Paul’s Walton

Sun 2nd     11.15 am Rogation Service at St Paul’s followed by bring and share lunch

Fri 7th      1.00 pm   ‘Fish and Chips’ in St Mary’s Hall

Sat 8th     1.00 pm    Wedding at St Peter & St Paul between Sam Jordan and
                       Samantha Cooper
             3.00 pm   St Mary’s Strawberry Cream Tea
Sun 9th      3.30 pm   St Peter & St Paul Summer Service & picnic with Little Lights

Tues 11th    2.30 pm   St Mary’s Discussion Group meets at 21 Oaklands

Wed 12th     2.30 pm   Beetle Drive and tea in St Mary’s Hall

Tues 18th 10.30 am All Saints Community Coffee Morning
          11.00 am House Group at Boxwood Cottage

Sat 22nd    10.30 am   Village Coffee Morning in St Peter & St Paul church

Sun 23rd    10.00 am Baptism at St Mary’s
             6.00 pm CTiC Taize Service at St Mary’s

Fri 28th     2.00 pm   ‘Stepping Stones’ in St Mary’s Hall

Sun 30th    3.30 pm    Little Lights Children's Choir Practice at St Peter & St Paul
            6.00 pm    Patronal Festival at St Peter & St Paul followed by light

                          Please Note
               THE CLERGY CONCERT in June
                      has been postponed
      It will now take place on Thursday 7th November
                  in All Saints’ Parish Rooms

ALL SAINTS’ East Clevedon
                Facebook: All Saints’ Clevedon Church

We had two baptisms at All Saints during May. Paige Durrant was baptized on
5th May by the Very Rev’d David Frayne. Thanks to David who had kindly
stepped in at the last moment. Jameson Hollier was baptized on 19th May by
The Rev’d Martin Little. The church was full with Jameson’s family and friends
and we thank them very much for their generous donations in Jameson’s name
towards the children’s ministry at All Saints. We welcome Paige and Jameson
into All Saints Community and send them and their families and friends our
prayers and best wishes.
The Christian Aid Big Brunch on Saturday 11th May in the parish rooms was a
big success. See note on page 16. This was held as part of the ‘Care United’
charity fund raising group. The next event will be a picnic at Walton in Gordano
on Sunday 14h July at 12.30 pm. Drinks will be provided, bring your own picnic.
Plenty of parking will be available in the field and marquee available if wet.
Games and events for all-ages are planned and all donations will go to
Springboard Opportunity Group. Please come along and bring your friends.
Thank you to Monica Gore for volunteering to be Churchwarden with Kay.
Monica was elected at the beginning of the service on Sunday 12th May and I am
sure we will all want to do everything we can to support Monica and Kay as
churchwardens. They were sworn in with the other churchwardens in the
benefice at the Archdeacon’s Visitation at Christchurch on 13th May.
The May Community Coffee morning was very enjoyable with some lovely
refreshments as always (Margaret’s cheese scones and Victoria sandwich cake
especially.) We decided it is the exact opposite of a Weightwatchers session!
The next one will be on Tuesday 18th June 10.30 am in the vestry. Everyone is
really welcome.
We now have a wedding at All Saints’ in November - this will be the only one so
far this year. Last year we had four weddings at All Saints and fifteen throughout
the churches in the benefice.
We have recently received donations to church funds, one in memory of Jean
Cannard (former organist at All Saints) and another in memory of Pat
Hawthorne (who many of you will have known). Both families have fond
memories of All Saints and we thank them very much.          Sandra Sallis

THANK YOU… Maureen and I would like to thank everybody for their cards and
best wishes after Maureen’s accident and hip replacement - she is now getting along
very well. Having stepped down as Churchwarden at All Saints’ Church, I would
like to say thank you to everybody across the Benefice for all their help and support
over the last five years. I have very much enjoyed my time as Warden and know
that all the Wardens will get the same help and support.               Guy Summers.

                                  MIDNIGHT WALK
          Rose Hockerday is doing a midnight walk on the 13th July, she is
          walking five miles for St. Peters Hospice. She would kindly hope you
          could sponsor her. There is a Sponsor form at the back of All Saints’
          church.                                                 Thank you

                  ST MARY’S, Walton
                  Facebook: St Marys Church Clevedon

                   Are the services of Holy Week and Easter still meeting the needs
of the congregation, or should there be changes? This was one of the issues
discussed at the meeting of the Parochial Church Council last month. This year St
Mary’s played host to the United Benefice for the Maundy Thursday and Easter Eve
services, while each congregation had its own services on Good Friday and Easter
Day. The general feeling was that while most of the services were reasonably well
attended, the two services on Good Friday were not, numbers being in the low
teens. Consideration was given to having just one service on Good Friday at St
Mary’s in future years.

The Easter Sunday Eucharist was attended by almost 100 people and the church
was beautifully decorated by flowers after the austere days of Lent. The service was
marked by the first performance of an Easter Alleluia by our distinguished
choirmaster Ian Hubbard. The work, in an approachable style, will be published in
due course.

A new venture this year was the Easter Concert on the Saturday of Easter week.
This event gave the opportunity to perform some lovely celebratory music and
members of our choirs were pleased to join the Yatton and Winscombe Chorale.
The concert was well attended and wine was served afterwards.

A celebratory luncheon was held on 5 May to mark the fortieth anniversary of
Bishop Barry’s consecration as Bishop of Wolverhampton. The occasion was
attended by people from all over the Benefice and was a fine way for us to
express our appreciation for all that Barry has done – and continues to do – for
our churches. The remarkable contribution of Olga was also justly recognised.

Looking ahead, a new and more efficient sound system should be installed by the
time you read this report .                                 William King

Carolyn Reynolds - We were all shocked and saddened by the news that
Carolyn had died following a serious operation in hospital. During her time at St
Mary’s she was a committed and caring pastoral visitor for several years. She was
a valuable churchwarden with John Gay and very supportive of her successor
Alice Watkins. Her team work, confidence and clear thinking were much
respected. We will all remember her for her wisdom, friendship, infectious sense
of humour and “gorgeous” jackets! We shall miss her so much and our loving
thoughts and prayers are with her family at this time.        Alice & Harriet

                        St Mary’s Discussion Group
                Tuesday 11th June 2.30pm at 21 Oaklands
                            ALL WELCOME

Saturday 8th June. The date should be in your diaries. We look forward to
seeing as many of you as are able to attend the STRAWBERRY CREAM TEA
held as usual in Yvonne's delightful garden. This is one of our main fund raising
events for the church and we do need your support. Please bring friends but do
please get your tickets in advance. Come and enjoy freshly made, tasty
sandwiches, home made cakes, freshly brewed tea and of course strawberries
and cream all served in a beautiful setting. What an excellent way to enjoy
summer and help the church at the same time!

The Beetle Drive will be on Wednesday 12th June in the church hall at
2.30pm. Remember there are no Beetle Drives in July and August.
                                                            Mary Holmes

ST PAUL’S, Walton-in-Gordano
               Facebook: St Pauls Church Walton in Gordano
                ‘Sumer is icumin in –
                Lhude sing, cuccu!
                Groweth sed and bloweth med
                And springth the wude nu.
                Sing, cuccu!
                Sing, cuccu, nu! Sing cuccu!
                Sing, cuccu! Sing, cuccu, nu!’
                      From ‘Summer is icumen in’ Anon (13th century)

Another lovely old country poem – I can hear Sue singing along as she reads it.
We start by looking back to last month, on Saturday 11th the All Saints Parish
Rooms was the venue for the ‘Big Brunch’ raising awareness of Christian Aid.
What a fantastic turn-out – plenty of people from all the United Benefice and a
representative of Christian Aid to explain their work around the world. In fact
there were so many people more bacon had to be sourced as supplies ran out.
How lovely it is to be able to bring together so many, to find the right formula
to attract young and old and those somewhere in between, and all to support
such a worthy charity – anywhere there is need they will be there to help and
encourage. Well done to the CareUnited committee for organising this event –
Noel, Martin, Sandra D, Sally and Sue – and raising well over £200, and to those
who gave a helping hand on the day.

Congratulations to Charlotte Oakley and James Wright who marry at St. Paul’s
at the end of May – our love and prayers are with you as you set out on your
future life together.

At the time of writing we are still looking forward to the Spring Bank Holiday
weekend – let’s hope it’s been a lovely Monday and that loads of people turned
out for the ‘Village Open Gardens’ and all the other activities – a full report in
next month’s magazine.

This month will begin with the ‘Welcome In’ Community Café at 10.30am in the
Church on Saturday 1st June.

And then we have our Rogation Service on the Sunday - Sunday 2nd June at
11.15am. This will be this month’s ‘Come and Join Us Service’ so please ‘come

and join us’ to celebrate the wonders of the natural world and the glorious
countryside we are lucky enough to have all around us here in Walton – as I
am sitting here writing this in our back garden I am surrounded by the sound of
birds singing, a sound to be cherished – and let’s not forget celebrating the life
of our village, our village community. The service will be followed by a ‘Village
Picnic’ so please come along to this as well, everyone is most welcome, and it’s
the same as usual – just bring a plate of food to share and add this to the table
– hopefully the weather will be fine and we’ll be able to hold the service and
then the picnic outside.

If you were here with us at Walton on the Bank Holiday Monday you would
have seen the launch of this year’s ‘Footie and Sweep’ – a sweepstake for the
Women’s Football World Cup which kicks off in France on Friday 7th June.
There are 24 teams taking part from all around the world – 9 from Europe
(including England and Scotland), 3 from South America, Australia and New
Zealand, 4 from Asia, and Central and North America have 3 teams with the
USA the favourites and ranked as number one in the game. So why not have a
go and join us in this ‘fun-raising’, it’s just £3.00 for a team – I am reliably
informed that is the price you’ll have to pay for a cup of coffee at many outlets.
When 24 people or families have signed up the draw will be made, and then
you can support ‘your’ team throughout the tournament or at least for the first
3 games. The winner will obviously be the person with the team which wins
the trophy on Sunday 7th July and there is a brilliant prize of £30 – the rest of
the money raised will go to help Christian Aid in their vital work around the
world, as part of the CareUnited campaign – so good luck, and good luck to
the Lionesses and the Scotland team.

Also this month we have voting for our ‘Favourite Hymns’ which will be part of
our ’Come and Join Us Service’ for the beginning of July. Yes, I know what
you’re thinking you’ve already voted for your local councillors and then your
MEP – and who knows maybe there will still be another referendum and a
General Election to vote on this year – but don’t let ‘voter fatigue’ put you off
exercising your franchise and selecting your favourite hymn from our current
hymn book (the ones in the cupboard at the back of the Church) and filling in
your voting slip (find them on the cupboard at the back of the Church). We
can’t promise you that all hymns will be sung, but we will include as many as
possible and you won’t have to wait until October to sing them!

So July will begin with our ‘Welcome In’ Community Café on Saturday 6th at
10.30am and then our ‘Come and Join Us Service’ at 11.15am on Sunday 7th

July, with as many of your favourite hymns as we can squeeze in. The ‘Bring
and Share’ lunch will follow the service – so come along and enjoy a good sing
and then share a meal together on a lovely sunny day (fingers crossed).
On Saturday 13th July we have the Walton-in-Gordano Village Summer Fete –
always a brilliant village event. Once again we have a fun packed itinerary with
something for everyone - the Birds of Prey are back by popular demand, as are
the Vintage Cars and Vehicles, as well as plenty of games for the children there
will be a Children’s Entertainer, and of course loads of classes in the Fun Dog
Show to entertain your dog – I always wonder if the dogs bring their owners,
rather than the other way round, as they seem to be enjoying themselves so
much. Or is it the smell of the Hog Roast that’s drawing in the dogs – as usual
there will be masses of delicious refreshments on offer throughout the
afternoon. There has been a marvellous response to the request for volunteers
but more help is always welcome so if you think you could come along and give
a hand on the day or maybe bake a cake for the cake stall or provide a raffle
prize or bric-a-brac for the stall then please contact someone from the Social
Club. But most importantly of all please keep this date free and join us for this
thoroughly enjoyable day in our lovely village of Walton-in-Gordano.

The following day will also be a busy one with our Benefice Picnic – Sunday
14th July – in the field and the marquee if the weather is a bit iffy. This event is
to raise funds for the Springboard Opportunities Group who support and
enable children who find life’s challenges more difficult for many reasons, and
also help and counsel their families – another of the charities CareUnited is
working with this year. Details are to be finalised and will be in next month’s

And finally for this month a look forward to the August Bank Holiday and our
annual Flower Festival. This year’s theme is ‘Our Glorious Gordano Valley’ and
the flower arrangements will depict various aspects of life here in the Gordano
Valley – for example ‘the wildlife’ or ‘farming’ or ‘the people’ – if you’d like to
have a go at an arrangement or to help in some other way then please contact
Sue – she will have a list of the different titles for the arrangements with her on
the May Bank Holiday Monday and again at Rogation for you choose the one
you’d like to do.                                                         Ruth Long

             Our Mouse Musings: STOP PRESS – look out for ‘mouse news’ in
             the forthcoming magazines! Love Miss CM

               Weston in Gordano
               Facebook: St Peter and St Paul’s Church, Weston in Gordano

On 13th May, John Bridges and Ian Robinson were officially installed as our
Churchwardens for another year. They had a helpful meeting with the
Archdeacon. We thank them for all they do for the church and wish them a
trouble free twelve months ahead.

Ecclesiastes was the Bible Reading chosen for May. The next reading will be on
August 3rd as other exciting events will be happening in the church on the first
Saturdays in June and July.

Robb led Evensong on 10th May as the Rev'd Nicholas Maddock was unable to.
Thank you Robb for taking over at the last minute and leading us so well with
good prayers and sermon. Thanks also to Geoff for leading the responses.

We are sorry to hear Jean Carrad has been in hospital and hope she will be
feeling better soon.                                      Ann Chavasse

Dates for diaries:-

Sat 8th...1pm... Wedding of Sam Jordan and Samantha Cooper.
We pray for them as they prepare for their big day
Sun 9th ...3.30 pm...Summer Service for families followed by a 'bring and share'
picnic in the churchyard (weather permitting). The Little Lights will sing and
there will be surprises during the service and picnic. Sorry, no 6 pm Evensong
Tues 18th...11am...Housegroup at Boxwood Cottage
Sat 22nd... 10.30 am...Village Coffee Morning in church. Everyone welcome!
Please bring a bottle or something for the Fete.
Sun 30th...3.30pm...Little Lights Children's Choir practice in church.
Sun 30th...6 pm...Patronal Festival Evensong followed by wine and nibbles. We
warmly invite others from the village and Benefice to celebrate the anniversary
of St Peter and St Paul with us.

Sat 6th...2- 5 pm...The Village Fete organised by the Village Social Committee
jointly with the church. We are excited that Wendy Sergeant's choir will sing
twice during the afternoon and The Little Lights plan to perform also. There

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will be homemade teas, a Country Bar, many stalls & games… something for all
ages. Later in the afternoon BBQ food will be available. Much hard work will go
into this event ….. please support it by coming and bringing friends, family and

                     St Peter & St Paul - Wanted please
                Gazebos to cover stalls - Bottles for bottle stall
             Cakes for stall & teas - Toiletries - Gifts - Raffle prizes
   Items may be left at the back of the church after June 8 th or brought to the
               Coffee morning on 22nd. Thank you very much.

                        ST MICHAEL’S,


Not much to report from St Michael’s this month after the busy few weeks at
the church.

Our next event the Summer Concert is being held at the Church on Friday 28
June at 7pm. Featuring The Highly Strung Community Band with Jill Elliot and
the Clevedon A Cappella Choir with Wendy Sergeant.

Tickets are priced at £10.00 each to include wine and nibbles, are available by
contacting Peter Hills-01275 858 809, Yvonne James-07972 201231 or Phil
Joyner - 07970 839 390.

All the money raised from this event will go towards enhancement of the
facilities at the church. Once the electrical works have been paid for, we will be
commencing plans for a toilet facility – yes you have heard that before but this
time for real!

In May, we had a visit from our landlords – The Churches Conservation Trust -
to have a look at the precious wall painting in the North Chapel - this work is

quite special and rare apparently. There were fears that the wall is crumbling
and the paint fading, however the conservator Peter Martindale assessed the
situation and happily reported that the painting is not fading, but does need
more work to stabilise the work to the wall. This will be undertaken at CCT
expense some time in the future. Once this stabilisation is complete, it will allow
us to use the North Chapel more freely.

On the same day, we had a visit from a local bat expert to look at our colony of
bats that reside at the church. It is many years since he last visited so was
pleased to see a large colony of Greater Horseshoe bats residing happily in the
porch and within the church. Lyndon reported – “The bats are Greater
Horseshoe. They are among the rarest bats in Britain, but SW England and S
Wales have the highest numbers. They are very long lived, 30+ years in some
cases. But they don't breed every year and only have 1 pup, so the population is
vulnerable. I think your bats are mainly female and will probably move out
before giving birth (usually in July), but I'm speculating. I remember from
previous surveys with my trainer when he handled them that most were
females”.                                                          Peter Hills

               St Paul’s                             Weston in Gordano
           Walton in Gordano
                                                    VILLAGE COFFEE
   ‘Welcome In’ Community Café                         MORNINGS
   First Saturday in month at 10.30             10.30-12 noon in the church
                                                 on the 4th Saturday of each
   Join us for a cup of tea and home
               made cake

                                in All Saints Church Vestry
                         Normally the third Tuesday in the month
                              Next meeting Tuesday 18th June
                          All welcome. Just turn up. No charge.
                           Please contact Parish Office 873257


                    ADVERTISE IN THIS MAGAZINE
             Contact Sandra at The Parish Office, The Rectory,
                  All Saints Lane, Clevedon BS21 6AU
               01275 873257

                   ALL SAINTS CHURCH FLOWERS
19th May - the lectern flowers are to celebrate the Baptism of Jameson Hollier.
  If you would like to dedicate the lectern flowers for a particular occasion, e.g. a
 special anniversary or in memory of a loved one, there are leaflets available to fill
in with your message. These special occasions will be recorded on the pew sheet
      and in the magazine. Any donations, either one-offs or regular, are most
                   welcome. Suggested minimum donation of £10.
              For more information please contact Mo King on 875527.

                     IN JUNE
        1st        Isabella Florence Thatcher          3
        1st        Leo Colton Breeds                   3
        6th        Cara Rose Bennett                   9
        8th        Chloe Louise Conn                   7
        13th       Chloe Jean Hearse                   4
        16th       Celina Saskia Manuela Schulz        11
        16th       Freddie James Jones-Fisher          4
        20th       Marley Jax Povey                    5
        26th        Harvey Elliot Wilson               11
        28th        Georgia Rose Van-Romunde           5

14th May         Weston s Mare          Christopher Morris
16th May         St Mary’s              Robert Forsyth

5th May           All Saints             Paige Durrant
19th May          All Saints             Jameson Hollier

We remember the above in our prayers.

 'You cannot make life better just by increasing its
 quantity. What matters most is quality. It's perhaps
 regrettable that our English version of the creed speaks of
 "the life everlasting" - as if life just goes on and on for an
 indefinitely long time. A better translation would be
 "eternal life." [...] When we confess we believe in eternal
 life, we're not talking about the duration of life but about
 a relationship. In the person of Jesus, we find ourselves
 drawn into a quality of life that is so rich that it can only
 be described as eternal. Jesus says, "I came that they may
 have life, and have it abundantly."'

 Ben Meyers
 The Apostles' Creed: A Guide to the Ancient Catechism

St Michael’s, Clapton in Gordano
    Open every Sunday from
      10.30 am until 5 pm
       until the end of September.
This beautiful church is well worth a visit!

                               St Mary’s Church Hall
                              1st Friday of each month
                                 next lunches are on
                               7th June and 5th July
               All are welcome but especially
                  those living on their own
and those whom you know who would enjoy and benefit from it
            (not restricted to church members).

 Please let Angela Hector (871247) know if you would like to
  partake by the previous Wednesday so that the fish can be

                 PRJ advert

Groups open to everyone:
St Mary’s Group – 2nd Tuesday - contact Sally and William King (881101)
All Saints Group – monthly on Tuesday 2.30 pm (Contact Sue Sallis 871693)
Weston in Gordano Group – 3rd Tuesday each month at 11.00 am followed by
lunch, (Contact Robb Robinson 01275 399097)
Coffee and Conversation - Thursdays fortnightly 11 am-12.30 at 5 Chestnut
Grove (Caroline Sackley 792212)
Contemplative Prayer Group – on a Friday TBA at 27a Dial Hill Road
(Sisters of the Church) 01275 544471

We have two Sunday morning groups that meet every Sunday at All Saints,
except the 1st Sunday in the month which is a family service. We always begin all
together in church, before the young people go to their groups, returning in time
for Communion.
Sunday Club is our group for children aged pre-school to Year 5 at All Saints.
After the start of the service, we go to our space in the Parish Rooms. Children
in Reception and younger must be accompanied by an adult. We have fun
together and explore our Christian faith with games, crafts, stories and more!
Next Step is our youth group at All Saints for those in Year 6 and above. It
meets at the same time as Sunday Club, but in the Vestry. We sit around on
beanbags, laugh together, and discuss our faith through activities and reading the
Bible. There are also social events from time to time – look out for details!
LITTLE SAINTS Meets at 2 pm on Thursday in the Vestry at All Saints
Church. Craft activity, songs and refreshments. All pre-school children and
carers welcome. Contact Parish Office 873257
Little Lights Children’s Choir is a monthly children’s choir at St Peter & St
Paul’s led by Lucy, a professional singing teacher, and Martin, the curate who
plays the guitar! We welcome all primary aged children (pre-schoolers must
come with an adult) to sing upbeat Gospel-type songs, enjoy musical games, and
grow in skills and confidence. Each session is free of charge, lasts an hour and
includes a drink and snack. There are regular opportunities for the children to
perform in church, and contribute to our worship and celebrations. Come and
try it out! Contact Rev’d Martin for more details (contact details overleaf)


Prebendary Noël Hector                          The Rectory, All Saints’ Lane, BS21 6AU
(Rector)                                        (Tel:873257)
The Rev’d Sister Anita CSC                      St Gabriel’s, 27a Dial Hill Road, BS21 7HL
(Associate Priest)                              (Tel:544471)
The Rev’d Caroline Sackley                      5 Chestnut Grove, Clevedon BS21 7LA
(Associate Priest)                              (Tel:792212)
The Rev’d Nicholas Maddock                      3 Friary Close, Clevedon, BS21 7QA
(Associate Priest)                              (Tel: 870751)
The Rev’d Martin Little, M.A.                   74 Walton Road, Clevedon, BS21 6AN
(Curate)                                        (Tel:876269 mob: 07816955713)
Lay Ministers
Mrs Angela Hector, M.Sc.                        52 Thackeray Avenue, Clevedon, BS21 7TA
Mrs Robb Robinson, B.Ed                         Boxwood Cottage, Clevedon Road,
                                                Weston in Gordano BS20 8PU (Tel:399097)
Safeguarding Officer                            Mrs Katherine Crowe (07772165805)
Hall Bookings:
All Saints’ Parish Rooms:
Trish & John Dean Tel: 07763295495 (Texts preferred) email:
St Mary’s Church Hall: Mrs Diana Fleming Tel: 01275 875081

Parish Secretary: Mrs Sandra Sallis, The Parish Office, The Rectory Tel: 873257.
Normally open: Tuesdays 10am-1pm; Wednesdays 9am-1pm&2am-3pm; Thursdays 9am-1pm;
Fridays 9am-1pm.;

All Saints’ East        Mrs Kay Osborne, 2 Seymour Close BS21 6DU (342013)
Clevedon with           Mrs Monica Gore, 4 Plumers Close, Clevedon BS21 5AW (791764)
St Michael’s, Clapton in Gordano
St Mary’s Walton       Cheryl Parry, 10 Edward Road West, BS21 7DY (873723)
                       Mrs Diana Fleming, Flat 5, 29 Edgehill Road, Clevedon BS21 7BZ (875081)
St Paul’s              Mrs Sue Betts, 1 Kings Road, Portishead, BS20 8HH (848645)
Walton in Gordano      Mrs Sheri Russell, 1 Manor Cottages, Walton in G, BS21 7AN (873136)
St Peter & St Paul     Mr John Bridges, The Bellows, Clevedon Road, Weston in Gordano
Weston in Gordano      BS20 8PU (843380)
                       Mr Ian Robinson, Boxwood Cottage, Clevedon Road, Weston in Gordano
                       BS20 8PU (399097)
Contact for St Michael’s Clapton in Gordano - Peter Hills (01275 858809)
                                                   40Marys Clevedon;
Facebook pages : All Saints East Clevedon Church; St
St Pauls Church Walton in Gordano; St Peter and St Paul’s Church, Weston in Gordano
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