Junior School Handbook - 2020 A new adventure awaits you! - Cranbourne East Secondary ...

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Junior School Handbook - 2020 A new adventure awaits you! - Cranbourne East Secondary ...
 Junior School Handbook
A new adventure awaits you!

                     50 Stately Drive
                Cranbourne East VIC 3977
                   Tel: (03) 5990 0200
                   Fax: (03) 5990 0299
           Web: http://www.cesc.vic.edu.au/
      Email: cranbourne.east.sc@edumail.vic.gov.au
Junior School Handbook - 2020 A new adventure awaits you! - Cranbourne East Secondary ...
Junior School Student Handbook                                   2020

                         Table of Contents
                             Cover/Title                 1

                          Table of Contents              2

                    Welcome and Meet the Team            3

                          And so it begins….
                    Learning – Subject Allocations

                            Core Subjects             5, 6 & 7

                         Rotational Subjects           7&8

                      Extra Curricular activities     9 & 10

                        Rewards Program &
                   Learning Resource Centre (LRC)

                             Attendance                 12

                       Behaviour and Uniform          13 & 14

                         Getting Organised              14

                        Support & Wellbeing             15

                             Conclusion                 16

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Junior School Student Handbook                                                                  2020

The staff and students at Cranbourne East Secondary College warmly welcome you to your first years of secondary
school. What an adventure you are about to embark on!

There are many and varied opportunities for you to embrace as you commence the next phase of your educational
journey. From being exposed to a wide range of subject choices, to participating in year level and whole school events,
your own individual experience will be up to you! This is your chance to make the best choice for you and your future,
by committing to continuously striving for growth and success in all you do. We, the staff, cannot wait to be there to
support you and assist you as you transition into your adult years.

At Cranbourne East SC we are very proud of the high calibre of teaching and Education Support staff we have available
to support you. Throughout the years you will have the opportunity to work with a wide variety of staff, however in
Years 7 & 8, you will see a lot of the following leaders and staff.

MANDEE STRICKLAND                                                        LINDA BUCKERIDGE
COLLEGE PRINCIPAL                                                        JUNIOR SCHOOL ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL

PAUL HILL                                                                COREY LESLIE
YEAR 7 TEAM LEADER                                                       YEAR 8 TEAM LEADER

At each year level we will also have two assistant team leaders. These leaders will support the Year Level Leaders and
Assistant Principal in ensuring students are provided with a safe, harmonious and focused learning environment. We
look forward to introducing you to our full team at the commencement of 2020!

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Junior School Student Handbook                                                                    2020

Commencing your secondary school journey is an exciting transitional time. You have the capacity to take further
control of your learning opportunities and enhance the independent learning strategies you have been developing
throughout the primary school years. This is the time to apply so many elements of what you have been learning in
previous years and see them come to fruition with a sense of real purpose about what lies ahead for you and your

At CESC, we have a shared moral purpose: “Giving every student every opportunity to exceed their potential by
providing a high quality pathway to success”. You will see this exemplified in the high expectations set by staff and
the ways in which you will be supported throughout your secondary schooling years.

As previously mentioned, this is now your opportunity to make some independent decisions! To support you in this
challenge, the College sets very high expectations in regards to Learning, Attendance, Behaviour and Uniform. It
is imperative that as a school community we contribute in a positive manner with all we do.

                               What is on offer for you?
In this initial phase of secondary schooling, students at Cranbourne East Secondary College are encouraged to
experience a wide range of subject content. This comprehensive and varied academic and practical program fosters
a positive outlook and is supported by pastoral care for you. The program is based upon the Victorian Curriculum.

Within this program, the core subjects are:
   • English
   • Mathematics
   • Humanities
   • Science & Digital Technology
   • Health & Physical Education
   • Languages - Mandarin
   • Learning for Success

The rotational subjects are:
YEAR 7                                                        YEAR 8
    • Food Technology                                            • Product Design & Technology
    • Media                                                          (Wood, Metal, Plastics)
    • Visual Arts                                                • Systems Electronics
    • Performance                                                • Textiles
                                                                 • Music

The wide range of subjects experienced in the Junior School allows students to begin developing an understanding
of their personal strengths and passions and provides guidance for their future direction. Students are then able to
make more informed choices about pathways and subject selections, as they enter the Middle and Senior years of

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Junior School Student Handbook                                                                        2020

                                                CORE SUBJECTS
Core subjects operate for the duration of the year and provide students with the basic skills and knowledge needed
for further study in the Middle and Senior years. They also ground students in skills necessary for their lives beyond


English focuses on continuing to develop your reading, speaking & listening, and writing skills. You will be exposed
to a variety of text genres, reflecting different text purposes. Teachers encourage you to make links between what
you read and what you write, thus applying these skills in real life contexts. You will complete learning tasks that
                     develop your ability to read and analyse, write, and present opinions or information orally. Be
                     prepared to have your thinking, ideas and contributions challenged!

                     The English program does not have a set text. This means that we don’t ask all the students to
                     read the same book. Instead, we study a film together (Spirited Away) and offer choices of books
                     from our literature circle book tubs. The teachers at CESC will support you to improve your
                     writing, and to create a variety of texts such as narrative stories, persuasive letters and speeches,
as well as starting to develop your essay writing skills. You will complete lots of mini tasks on your selected books,
and will even create a short filmed news piece in Term 4.

Our English program has students working in groups. The groups are made up of different people; sometimes it will
be with people who have the same ability as you and other times it will be with people who have the same interests
as you. There could also be times where you are working with new people to problem solve and think critically
about ideas together.

English classes are designed to broaden and develop the students’ essential literacy skills required for further
education and training and for practical life situations.


Mathematics is a reflection of order and pattern in our world. At Cranbourne East Secondary College, you will
develop a range of skills and knowledge throughout your studies in Mathematics and Numeracy. In Years 7 and 8
there are pre-tests undertaken that will place you into flexible learning groups, which will be at your point of need.
You will also be challenged to consider independent solutions to real-life problems by building your everyday
problem solving skills. You will be encouraged to use visual representations to explain the way you solve
mathematical problems whilst also explaining your answers for further understanding. The skills being developed
will assist you in making real-life connections and help you understand that the concepts being learnt now will assist
you in making effective pathway choices in the coming years.


In Humanities, you will study how humans and our communities have developed over time. At Year 7 and 8,
Humanities focusses on the following subject areas:
    • Civics and Citizenship (this covers Australia’s government, our legal systems and the values that guide us)
    • History (looks at the Ancient Civilizations, including Australia, and the Medieval period, including important
      people and events and their impact on modern society)
    • Geography (in this subject you study different people and places in the world, looking at the way they
      impact each other)
    • Economics and Business (as students you will look at how people, businesses and governments make
      decisions about how to best use their resources).

Humanities at Cranbourne East encourages you to think for yourself, develop research skills, filter information,
argue your ideas and opinions, come up with new ideas and develop critical thinking skills.

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Junior School Student Handbook                                                                      2020


Science at CESC is a great way to become an informed global citizen of the future!
When you join us in Year 7, you will have the chance to be a scientist in our
laboratories. All students will learn about personal safety, develop important
scientific skills and be supported to relate them to everyday life.

Learning experiences at Year 7 include all aspects of Science as you will explore
concepts such as extinction, simple machines, natural phenomena and the Earth’s
natural cycles. Through practical work, experimentation, excursions and other
opportunities you will be able to use not just your Science skills but also your skills in literacy and numeracy.
Communication is an essential part of being a scientist!

Year 8 gives you a chance to build on your skills from Year 7 and again, includes concepts from all branches of
Science. There is the opportunity to investigate the systems within the human body and refine your practical skills
by undertaking a wide range of experiments during studies of Light & Sound. There is also a big focus on
environmental and sustainability issues – all culminating in the ‘Living in 2050 EXPO’. This chance to showcase
projects is a highlight of the year for many of our student scientists.

Digital Technology is also a growing part of the Science curriculum at both year levels. You will build your capacity
to communicate your understanding of data and information through coding, spread-sheeting and the analysis of
authentic issues. You will also be equipped to collaborate online with your peers, another communication skill
essential to scientists!

See you in the lab soon!

                                    HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION

Health & Physical Education at Cranbourne East Secondary College focuses on educating students to live healthy
and active lifestyles. Increasing fitness levels, learning different types of fitness and training techniques as well as
learning many different sporting themes and activities are the foci of the PE program.

You will participate in skill, game sense and game play practical sessions to improve specific
movement skills. You will have the opportunity to learn about the importance of movement,
spacing and communication during game play, to successfully contribute to the achievement
of team goals in competition.

In Health classes you will learn many different ways to live long healthy lives and the five
dimensions of health. This includes completing units on Nutrition, Physical and Emotional
Development, the importance of muscles and bones, Risk taking, the negative impacts of Illicit
drugs, alcohol and smoking. There will also be units on lifestyle, health and exercise, respectful
relationships and mental health.

                                          LANGUAGES - MANDARIN

In Years 7 and 8 you will be introduced to a wide range of vocabulary and expressions in Mandarin, through a variety
of topics. The learning of these languages are supported by a combination of learning tools including the use of
online language programs, classroom activities, assessments, excursions/incursions and classwork tasks. This
subject endeavour to provide students not only with language skills, but also a cultural awareness of the Chinese
community. Through various classroom activities, we aim to develop students’ language proficiency and promote
intercultural understanding. Additionally, our goal is to prepare each of you to develop a global outlook, including
a deepened knowledge and understanding of Australia’s engagement with Asia.

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Junior School Student Handbook                                                                       2020

                                      LEARNING FOR SUCCESS (L4S)

Our Learning for Success program is essential in building positive relationships and developing resilient young
people with a strong sense of belonging and connectedness. It supports the total wellbeing of each individual,
including positive social, emotional and academic behaviours. How students learn best is explored, as is the
beginning of their Careers Pathway. Learning for Success occurs two periods per cycle.

                                          CONNECT FOR SUCCESS

CESC offers the opportunity for some of you to be involved in a program called Connect4Success. C4S is a small
group program designed to support selected students in developing strategies to assist them in overcoming
identified challenges that might be related to friendships, resilience or better understanding one’s emotions and
how to control them. We endeavour to make the program fun through a range of hands on activities including
cooking, art and other projects. Furthermore, the C4S teachers act as ongoing mentors to ensure the students in
the program stay connected and engaged at school.

                                          ROTATIONAL SUBJECTS
Each rotational subject operates for a term and provides students with an opportunity to experience specialty skills
in specialty settings. Students study two rotational subjects per term.

                                             FOOD TECHNOLOGY

                        Are you the next Masterchef or My Kitchen Rules contestant?
                        Maybe you love to eat great food and want to know how to make it!

                      Food Tech will help you kick off your food journey! In this subject you will be introduced to
                      basic food preparation skills. You will be taken on a gastronomic journey through which
                      you will learn to work cooperatively in a safe and hygienic manner. You will be given an
                      opportunity to work independently, allowing you to gain confidence and express your
                      inner creative individuality while further improving and practicing you culinary skills. Using
a range of equipment and tools will also be a new learning experience for you!

The technology design process will guide you step by step to investigate, design, produce and evaluate your
assessment tasks. You will learn about healthy food choices and develop skills for life.


In Year 8 Media Studies, you will start off by looking at how narratives (stories) are constructed in a variety of
media texts. You will explore how characters are created, the structure of narratives and what impact setting can
have on the characters. You will then study how genres are constructed and what impact these can have on

You will also look at how people, ideas, objects and emotions are represented in the media, examining
stereotypes and discussing whether or not they are accurate ways of looking at the world. Media Studies will
assist with critical thinking and evaluating resources, both of which are helpful skills for a variety of subjects.

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Junior School Student Handbook                                                                     2020


We are sure you could name your favourite artist, band or musician… where do you think they all
started?? In their music classes of course! In Year 8 Music, you will study the various instruments
from different music styles and focus on guitar, keyboard and soundscape composition. You will
then get creative by composing your own soundscape composition, using the elements of music and
classroom percussion instruments. This will also include learning about the history of the guitar and
the different types of guitars and their parts. You will learn how to play a single note riff and chords
so that you can play different songs.


What is your favourite movie? TV show? Netflix show? Maybe one day you dream of being the star in your own
reality series?!! Well, this is where all that fun begins! In Year 7 Drama, you will explore various aspects of mime,
soap opera, Dreamtime stories and fractured fairy tales. You will build drama skills and knowledge by
participating in various improvisational workshops and by creating your own performances. You will complete
performance tasks that you devise in small groups and perform these to the class. You will gain confidence and
self-esteem while taking risks and challenging your creativity through Drama.

                                                  VISUAL ARTS

Are you the next Van Gogh or Picasso?! Then this could be a subject just right for you! You will use the creative
process to explore art practical and theory tasks. Through two and three dimensional art practices, you will
explore art elements and principles. You will be able to generate ideas and create artworks using a variety of art
mediums, materials, and artistic techniques. 2 D and 3 D artworks will be analysed and discussed using arts-
specific language.

                                         TECHNOLOGY STUDIES
                                        Woodwork, Metalwork, Plastics

YEAR 7 and 8
This is a very exciting time to take on a new subject that you have possibly never experienced before! You will use
the design process to explore, design and develop solutions to design problems. There will be exploration of
simple wood, metal, plastic practices and techniques to build a functioning product. Analysis of existing products
will occur, as well as generating and evaluating design solutions.

                                          SYSTEMS ELECTRONICS

You will use the design process to explore, design and develop solutions to design problems. Building on the basic
electronic knowledge you may have been exposed to in primary school, you will explore basic electronic
components, and use various tools and machinery to build functioning circuits. You will create technical drawings,
and investigate the use of CAD/CAM in industry, as well as generating and evaluating design solutions.


Ever thought of being a fashion designer or costume maker in the movie industry?? Then this could be the subject
for you! You will use the design process to explore textile techniques and processes in theory and practical
tasks. There will be exploration of basic textiles practices and techniques, including decorative processes. You
will investigate textiles processes, generate ideas, develop and produce design solutions, and evaluate products
using subject-specific language.

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Junior School Student Handbook                                                                    2020

                                  EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES


                At Cranbourne East Secondary College, you will have the opportunity to be
                involved in inter-school sports through School Sport Victoria. These sports
                include Basketball, Volleyball, Netball, Soccer, Hockey, Rugby, Football,
                Softball, Baseball, Badminton, Cricket, Tennis, Table Tennis and Handball.

                There are also whole school carnivals for Swimming, Athletics and Cross
                Country that take place during the year. During whole school carnivals, you
                will compete for house points and if you win an event you will be given the
                opportunity to represent the school at Casey South Division events.

                There also lunchtime sports that run throughout the year and also afterschool sporting programs
                you can be involved in.


CESC has a wide variety of clubs on offer to students. Some of the clubs that have
been available include:
    • Chess Club
    • Diversity Club
    • Indigenous Art Club
    • Games Club
    • Knitting Club
    • Homework Club
Lunchtime activities are also organised at different times throughout the year,
giving you the opportunity to try a range of different activities, from dodgeball to an open mic session.


At Cranbourne East Secondary College you can take the opportunity to learn the following instruments in a group
or individually:
 •    Bass Guitar
 •    Drums
 •    Guitar
 •    Piano
 •    Voice

Instrumental Music students will need to attend one lesson and, in most cases, one ensemble each week. Lessons
are timetabled onto Compass on a rotational basis so that you do not miss the same classes. You can choose the
following ensembles to be involved in:
        - Choir ensemble
        - Guitar ensemble
        - Junior ensemble
Ensembles are a great opportunity to work with other instrumental students, learn new repertoire and gain
performance experience.

Opportunities are given to students to perform at various concerts throughout the year such as Open Mic,
assemblies and music concerts.

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Junior School Student Handbook                                                                     2020


Each year the very enthusiastic Performing Arts team creates opportunities for you to participate in a whole
school production, with roles including:

    ·     Acting
    ·     Dancing
    ·     Singing
    ·     Backstage
    ·     Lighting
    ·     Make up

The College Production is an annual event that features actors, singers and dancers from Year 7 through to Year
12. It can give you the opportunity to develop performance skills outside the classroom and connect with like-
minded students outside home group and year level.

Everyone is invited to be a part of our College production and we have a long history of fantastic shows:

        2011- Aladdin                                                 2016- Grease!
        2012- Beauty and The Beast                                    2017- Little Shop of Horrors
        2013- The Wizard of Oz                                        2018- Legally Blonde
        2014- Alice in Wonderland                                     2019- We Will Rock You!
        2015- Hairspray


Throughout the year, you will be given a wide variety of opportunities to participate in excursions and incursions.
These will all relate to curriculum content being covered and will assist you in your learning development through
real life experiences. Incursions will also be organised with guest speakers and visitors to assist you with not only
your curriculum learning but also your social and emotional learning.
At the end of the year, in the final week of school, you will be offered an opportunity to
participate in ‘End of Year Activities Week’. This is a chance for you to celebrate your
achievements and success throughout the year by participating in the wide variety of
fun adventures on offer.


Cranbourne East Secondary College offer Year 7 and 8 camps, depending on student numbers.

Year 7 Students attend PGL Campaspe Downs in Kyneton for a three day, two night camp.

Year 7 Camp forms an integral part of the transition program at Cranbourne East Secondary College, as it provides
an opportunity to experience different activities that assist students in developing relationships with their peers &
teachers, improving their communication skills and personal learning in a very different setting. It is an integral
part of the curriculum and vital in developing students’ interpersonal skills.

Activities may include-:

    -   Flying Fox                                                -   Canoeing
    -   Giant Swing                                               -   Low Ropes Course
    -   Abseiling                                                 -   High Ropes Course
    -   Archery                                                   -   Raft Building
    -   Bush Walking

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The Year 8 Camp takes place late in Term 3/ early Term 4 and is focused on developing
outdoor skills. It provides new experiences for students to help build resilience,
teamwork and leadership skills. Camp provides opportunities to:
    • build new skills such as camping and outdoor cooking
    • enhance friendships and social interactions
    • build resilience
    • camp overnight in tents.

The school’s camping program enables students to further their learning. Camps promote social skills development,
providing opportunities and experiences for students that are not always possible within the confines of the school

                                           REWARDS PROGRAM

At CESC, we have an awards system based on our school values of:

Each of you are able to achieve these awards at various times throughout the year,
for demonstrating these values to your full potential. The Rewards Program then
culminates in a College Awards night at the completion of the year where you can
receive recognition for your hard work and determination throughout the year, in
a range of categories.

                                    Learning Resource Centre (LRC)

The LRC welcomes and encourages all students to come in and use our resources. This year we rearranged our
spaces and created some enticing reading nooks with comfortable couches and beanbags. Our collection is ever-
growing and we are constantly trying to meet the recreational and academic needs of all our students and teachers.

We have a good quality fiction collection which has genre stickers to assist students in selecting books they want
to read. Our graphic novel and quick reads sections are proving to be very popular. We aim to change our displays
on a regular basis so students are exposed to all the different elements of our library. We also encourage students
to request titles they would like to read.

Our non-fiction section contains lots of high-interest topic books to entice all students and provide reliable and
good quality information for their research needs.

We also have a selection of games such as Battleship, Connect Four and Uno that students can play at lunchtimes.
The library is open every lunchtime for students to come in and read, complete schoolwork, relax or play some

We look forward to welcoming you to our library.

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                                                  What do you need to do?
CESC has a very explicit policy on Attendance, which you can find further information about on our school website
http://www.cesc.vic.edu.au/index.php. It is extremely important that all absences are explained, which can be
done by either logging on to Compass or contacting the School Administration office on 5990 0200 and leaving a
message by 9.00am. If your parents/guardians are unable to call the College, an absence note should be provided
to the Junior School Administration Assistant in the Green Admin Office upon your return to school. Absences are
recorded in every subject students attend each day and notifications will be sent via COMPASS to families when
absences are noted.

If you arrive late to school, you must report immediately to the Junior School Administration Assistant in the Green
Building. A parent/guardian must either login to Compass to approve the late or ring the Green Admin Office and
leave a message.

A child missing one day a fortnight will miss four weeks in a year, and more than a year of school by
Year 10. It is important that children develop regular attendance habits at an early age.

Why attending regularly is important for you as a student

Schooling is compulsory for children and young people aged from 6-17 years unless an exemption from attendance
or enrolment has been granted.

Daily attendance is important for all children and young people to succeed in education and to ensure they don’t
fall behind both socially and developmentally.

School participation maximises life opportunities for children and young people by providing them with education
and support networks.
   • School helps children to develop important skills, knowledge and values that set them up for further
        learning and participation in their community.
   • School helps students to make the most of life opportunities.

Children and young people who regularly attend school and complete Year 12, or an equivalent qualification, have:

      •      better health outcomes
      •      better employment outcomes
      •      higher incomes across their lives.

Research confirms there is a strong link between poor attendance and adverse student outcomes like:

      •      early school leaving
      •      poverty
      •      substance use
      •      unemployment
      •      negative health outcomes.

Regular absences from school may also be a critical indicator of disengagement, leading to adverse outcomes. It is
an easily observable warning sign.

Please support the school and your child by adhering to the Department’s and School’s attendance policy.

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                          What are you responsible for?
In line with general high expectations, it is a
requirement that all students follow our school
values of Respect, Growth, Achievement and
Responsibility. Just because it is a new learning
environment, surrounded by new faces and
expectations, DOES NOT mean you can behave in
a non-satisfactory way towards fellow students
and staff. The Assistant Principal, Year Level
Leaders and staff will work hard to support you,
as long as you conduct yourself in a respectful and
measured manner. We understand that at times
there are contributing factors in your decision
making and self-management, however mutual
respect is a vital component of attaining a
successful outcome for all. This is an image of the
school’s behaviour process. Please read it and
know it as we will ensure that this is adhered to at
all times.

              How do I know what to wear and when?
CESC maintains high expectations through the implementation of its Uniform Policy. You can find more
information about this here.

Year Level Leaders and Assistant Leaders will constantly be monitoring students and their adherence to the
school’s uniform policy. Each morning students will be referred by Home Group teachers to the Leaders if they
are not in the correct attire. Please provide your child with a note of explanation if there are extenuating
circumstances as to why they are unable to be in correct uniform. When no explanation is provided, steps will be
put in place to assist the student in revising their uniform choice. We would like students and families to support
the policy by ensuring correct uniform is worn at all times.

The school uniform demonstrates student pride in being a member of the school and in their personal appearance.
You are expected to be in complete school uniform when travelling to and from school and while at school. It is
important the uniform is maintained to a high standard. The following items are NOT permitted:
    • facial piercings – only one stud or sleeper in each ear lobe is permitted
    • coloured nail polish and/or nail extensions
    • make-up
    • items of jewellery, with the exception of a watch
    • extreme hair colours or styles

Please also note that:
    • a school blazer is available from Buxwear, but is not compulsory.

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        SUMMER UNIFORM – TERM 1 & 4                                      WINTER UNIFORM – TERM 2 & 3

                       GETTING ORGANISED
                   How do I know how to get started?
So… you now know the school-wide expectations, you’ve got your uniform, books and everything else ready to go
…. but what next?!

COMPASS will provide you with your daily timetable. Your teachers will also be here to help you find your way and
get you ready to go! Your day will be timetabled like this:
                      Home Group                         8:50 – 9:00
                      Period 1                           9:00 – 9:58

                      Period 2                           9:58 – 10:56
                      Recess                             10:56 – 11:20
                      Period 3                           11:20 – 12:18

                      Period 4                           12:18 – 1:16
                      Lunch                              1:16 – 2:02
                      Period 5                           2:02 – 3:00

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You will be allocated a locker that will be situated with your other Home Group
members. This will have a combination lock and be the place to store your school
bag, food, books, stationary and other items. Please keep it tidy!!

You will be responsible for maintaining the correct use of your laptop. Please remember how expensive and
valuable your laptop is and lock it up safely in your locker when it is not in use. In 2020 a new mobile phone policy
will be in place as per the request of the state Education Minister – James Merlino. Please refer to our new school
policy for further information – this can be found on our College website, as of December.

Your family will be issued a booklist that will detail what is required to commence your schooling. Please ensure
you take care of your items and always attend class with the appropriate texts and materials.

Lost items are located in the middle of the Green Building where you will find the Junior School Admin office.
Touch base with the Admin Officer first and then if you are still unable to locate your items, let your Home Group
teacher and/or Year Level Leaders know.

At CESC, we are extremely lucky to have a wide variety of options for you if you feel like you need a little bit of
extra support. We have a Wellbeing Team, Education Support staff, Home Group teachers, Year Level Leaders,
Assistant Principals and teaching staff that will all be willing to help you.

Our College Wellbeing Team has a great team of counsellors, a youth worker and an adolescent health nurse who
work very closely with students to ensure they are feeling happy and safe both inside and outside of school. You
will get to know these people and where you can find them early on in the year.

Our Youth Worker runs a wide variety of activities during recess and lunch time for students to participate in. This
includes sports, mindfulness and friendly competitions. You are most welcome to suggest any activities you would
like to see happen in the school. We are always happy to hear ideas from the students.

Some programs that have run in our junior school include, Try Mentoring, National Day Against Bullying and
Violence, I Like Like You Program, Sporting Change, 4C’s program and Homework Club.
We are always on the lookout for programs to support students in all aspects at school and aim to engage all
students in our College.

Two programs that are pertinent to our Junior School include R U OK? Day and the Casey Proactive Policing Unit.

R U OK? Day is an annual day in September dedicated to remind people to ask family, friends and colleagues the
question, "R U OK?" This creates an opportunity for meaningful conversations to take place and ensure that
everyone feels supported. CESC uses this opportunity to connect with the students and staff and to promote
positive wellbeing and help seeking. RUOK? Day is on the second Thursday of September each year. For more
information about this you can visit https://www.ruok.org.au/

The Casey Proactive Policing Unit work closely with CESC to educate students about the law and crime
prevention. Each year, Year 7 students attend a presentation by two of the police officers from the unit. They
cover topics such as the law around social media, assault, crime statistics and also preventing crime.

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Junior School Student Handbook                                                                 2020

We have a zero tolerance to bullying and either your or your parents can find out more about our school’s policy
by visiting this website http://cesc.vic.edu.au/images/Documents/Policies/CESC-Anti-Bullying--Harassment-

And finally…..
Here at Cranbourne East Secondary College, we are very excited to welcome you as you commence this new
adventure in your learning journey.

Some handy hints:
•  Keep a positive attitude
•  Be aware that it is important to follow our school’s policies and procedures
•  Be familiar with the school values and behaviour chart
•  Be open to new experiences and meeting new people
•  Remember that your teachers are here to assist you with your learning and development
•  Make good/positive choices.

2020 is going to be a great year and we look forward
  to having you as part of the Junior School team!

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