Keeps Auckland safe in a measles outbreak - Healthpoint

Keeps Auckland safe in a measles outbreak - Healthpoint
Keeps Auckland
safe in a measles

   The Medinz communication platform played an important
   role in keeping people and communities in New Zealand’s
           largest city safe during a measles outbreak.

The situation
In 2019, Auckland experienced an outbreak of measles. With a
relatively young population, including vulnerable communities
living in close proximity in parts of the city, the situation was
serious. There were 1100 diagnosed cases that sparked a run
on the MMR vaccine.

Medinz was used by Auckland’s three District Health Boards
as the primary communications platform to inform general
practices, urgent care centres and pharmacies about vaccine
stocks. The critical message reached at least one contact
person in each organisation.

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Keeps Auckland safe in a measles outbreak - Healthpoint
Medinz keeps people and communities safer
The Auckland Regional Public Health Service and the DHBs knew they              The Medinz implementation was driven by a steering group which included the:
needed to get accurate, clinically relevant information to primary health       1. Clinical Director of Primary Care, Northern Region Health Control Centre
practitioners quickly, to manage the spread. They also knew the epidemic,       2. Head of Emergency Management and Response Northern Region
and the clinical guidance needed to manage it, would change regularly.          3. A DHB Chief Information Officer
The health agencies turned to Medinz to communicate directly with primary       4. Communications Directors at the DHBs
care providers across the Auckland region.                                      5. Clinical Lead and Communications Director for regional public health
                                                                                6. Clinical Lead for Community Laboratories
                                                                                7. Primary Care GP and Nurse Liaisons

    From 8th April to 20th November 2019                                            Topics included:
    Medinz delivered:                                                                    Updates on confirmed new cases.
        30 measles-related messages, 23 of them urgent.                                  New procedures for managing the outbreak.
        To approximately 2,900 practitioners.                                            New vaccination guidelines.
                       of message distribution available                                Where to send patients for community vaccination clinics.
        in real-time to publishers.

                              Medinz’ two-way communications tools also proved valuable in managing vaccine stocks. As
                              concerned Aucklanders flocked to clinics to be vaccinated, the region’s stocks of the MMR
                              vaccine began running low.

                              On 10 September 2019, an Auckland Primary Health Organisation (PHO) used Medinz to
                              successfully contact practices asking them to urgently advise of their practice MMR stock levels.

                              According to regional primary care emergency planner and GP Dr John Cameron, in this moment,
                              the communications tool proved its worth. “The message went out at about 8am and by 11 that
                              morning, the full breakdown of where our MMR stocks across the greater Auckland metropolitan
                              area were known. I’m exceptionally pleased,” says Dr Cameron, who is chair of the Auckland
                              Metro Primary Emergency Preparedness Service Level Alliance Team.

          “The message went out at about 8am and by 11 that morning, the full
           breakdown of where our MMR stocks across the greater Auckland
                          metropolitan area were known,”
                                        Dr John Cameron – NZ Doctor, 1st October 2019
                              With this information to hand, the PHO and Auckland’s DHBs then prioritised the region’s
                              MMR supplies to ensure they reached target populations. Then they used Medinz again to
                              update practitioners on the changing vaccination protocols.

                                           Key statistics
                                           From 8th April to 20th November 2019:
                                               30 messages, 23 urgent.
                                               Approximately 2,900 practitioners.

                          Healthpoint delivers fairer access online
                          A socially-focused technology company, it is Australia and New Zealand’s trusted expert in healthcare information.
                          Through their simple, excellent solutions, they have been connecting people and communities to better healthcare since 2004.
                          Healthpoint    New Zealand +64 9 630 0828       Australia +61 1-800 008 384    Visit
Keeps Auckland safe in a measles outbreak - Healthpoint
Your toolkit for safer communities
                        During the measles epidemic, Medinz supported Auckland’s public health response by
                        keeping communities safer and improving treatment. It did this by delivering:

    Direct, timely information                      Sending messages to specific                         Prioritising message dependent
                                                          suburbs/regions                                  on level of urgency and risk

   Ensuring out of office/clinic                     Visibility of message delivery                             100% coverage to all
        responsiveness                                and readership dashboards                               identified organisations

Two-way conversations between                    Recipient feedback on usefulness                       Ability to coordinate messaging
  clinical experts and providers                             of message                                   across regions for particular

 Processes managing publisher                      Giving one streamlined platform                              Offering continuous
    permission for message                        for fewer messages, greater reach                           improvement processes
         distribution                                         and recall

                                                      Messages to the recipient’s

                   Healthpoint delivers fairer access online
                   A socially-focused technology company, it is Australia and New Zealand’s trusted expert in healthcare information.
                   Through their simple, excellent solutions, they have been connecting people and communities to better healthcare since 2004.
                   Healthpoint   New Zealand +64 9 630 0828       Australia +61 1-800 008 384    Visit
Keeps Auckland safe in a measles outbreak - Healthpoint Keeps Auckland safe in a measles outbreak - Healthpoint
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