ISSUED BY THE

             (AS OF FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 2020)
The Kentucky Delegate Selection Plan
For the 2020 Democratic National Convention

Table of Contents
I.      Introduction & Description of Delegate Selection Process
        A.    Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1
        B.    Description of Delegate Selection Process ....................................................................................... 1
        C.    Voter Participation.......................................................................................................................... 1

II.     Presidential Candidates
        A.    Ballot Access................................................................................................................................... 6
        B.    Other Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 8

III.    Selection of Delegates and Alternates
        A.     District Level Delegates and Alternates ........................................................................................... 9
        B.     Automatic Delegates..................................................................................................................... 14
        C.     Pledged Party Leader and Elected Official (PLEO) Delegates .......................................................... 15
        D.     At-Large Delegates and Alternates ................................................................................................ 17
        E.     Replacement of Delegates and Alternates ..................................................................................... 21

IV.     Convention Standing Committee Members
        A.   Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 25
        B.   Temporary Standing Committee Members.................................................................................... 25
        C.   Standing Committee Members ..................................................................................................... 26

V.      Delegation Chair and Convention Pages ................................................................................................. 30

VI.     Presidential Electors ............................................................................................................................... 31

VII.    General Provisions and Procedural Guarantees ....................................................................................... 33

VIII.   Affirmative Action Plan and Outreach and Inclusion Program
        A.    Statement of Purpose and Organization ........................................................................................ 36
        B.    Representation Goals.................................................................................................................... 38
        C.    Efforts to Educate on the Delegate Selection Process .................................................................... 40
        D.    Efforts to Publicize the Delegate Selection Process ........................................................................ 41
        E.    Obligations of Presidential Candidates to Maximize Participation .................................................. 43
        F.    Outreach and Inclusion Program ................................................................................................. 43

IX.     Challenges
        A.    Jurisdiction and Standing ........................................................................................................... 45
        B.    Challenges to the Status of the State Party and Challenges to the Plan .......................................... 45
        C.    Challenges to Implementation ...................................................................................................... 46

X.      Summary of Plan
        A.  Selection of Delegates and Alternates ........................................................................................... 48
        B.  Selection of Standing Committee Members .................................................................................. 48
        C.  Selection of Delegation Chair and Convention Pages ..................................................................... 49
        D.  Selection of Presidential Electors ................................................................................................. 49
        E.  Presidential Candidate Filing Deadline .......................................................................................... 49
        F.  Timetable ..................................................................................................................................... 49

Attachments to the Delegate Selection Plan
                     Delegate Selection Plan
          For the 2020 Democratic National Convention

                                      Section I
                            Introduction & Description of
                              Delegate Selection Process
A.   Introduction

     1.    Kentucky has a total of 60 delegates and 5 alternates. (Call I & Appendix B)

     2.    The delegate selection process is governed by the Charter and Bylaws of the
           Democratic Party of the United States, the Delegate Selection Rules for the 2020
           Democratic National Convention (“Rules”), the Call for the 2020 Democratic National
           Convention (“Call”), the Regulations of the Rules and Bylaws Committee for the
           2020 Democratic National Convention (“Regs.”), the rules of the Democratic Party of
           Kentucky, the Kentucky election code, and this Delegate Selection Plan. (Call II.A)

     3.    Following the State Party Committee’s adoption of this Delegate Selection Plan, the
           State Party shall submit the Plan for review and approval by the DNC Rules and
           Bylaws Committee (“RBC”). The State Party Chair shall be empowered to make any
           technical revisions to this document as required by the RBC to correct any omissions
           and/or deficiencies as found by the RBC to ensure its full compliance with Party
           Rules. Such corrections shall be made by the State Party Chair and the Plan
           resubmitted to the RBC within 30 days of receipt of notice of the RBC’s findings.
           (Reg. 2.5, Reg. 2.6 & Reg. 2.7)

     4.    Once this Plan has been found in Compliance by the RBC, any amendment to the
           Plan by the State Party must be submitted to and approved by the RBC before it
           becomes effective. (Reg. 2.9)

B.   Description of Delegate Selection Process

     1.    Kentucky will use a proportional representation system based on the results of the
           Primary for apportioning delegates to the 2020 Democratic National Convention.

     2.    The “first determining step” of Kentucky’s delegate selection process will occur on
           May 19, 2020, with a Primary.

C.   Voter Participation

State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

1.   Participation in Kentucky’s delegate selection process is open to all voters who wish
     to participate as Democrats. (Rule 2.A and Rule 2.C.)

     a.    The deadline to register to vote in the Primary Election is Monday, April 20,
           2020. Per KRS 116.055, if the voter is already registered in Kentucky, but not
           registered as a member of the Democratic Party, the voter must register as a
           Democrat by December 31, 2019 to fully participate in the Primary Election.

     b.    Per KRS 116.025, any person wishing to vote in Kentucky must be:
                i. A US citizen and a Kentucky resident for at least 29 days.
               ii. At least 18 years of age by the next general election.
              iii. Not a convicted felon, or, if so, have their rights restored.
              iv. Not be judged mentally incompetent in a court of law.
               v. Not claim the right to vote anywhere outside the Commonwealth.

     c.    In accordance with KRS 116.045, a person interested in voting can obtain a
           voter registration card on the Kentucky Secretary of State’s website at
 , at their local county
           clerk’s office, online at, or various registration drives
           throughout the state. Voter registration cards must be received by the
           Secretary of State’s office, submitted successfully online, or received by the
           local county clerk’s office no later than Monday, April 20, 2020. (Rule 2.A, Reg.
           4.3.A & Reg. 4.3.B)

     d.    To encourage participation by youth in the delegate selection process, any
           individual who will have turned 18 by the date of the general election will be
           allowed to participate in the delegate selection process. (Reg. 4.3.C)

     e.    At no stage of Kentucky’s delegate selection process shall any person be
           required, directly or indirectly, to pay a cost or fee as a condition for
           participating. Voluntary contributions to the Party may be made, but under no
           circumstances shall a contribution be mandatory for participation. Successful
           delegate candidates will be responsible for their own travel, meals and housing
           for the convention. (Rule 2.D & Reg. 4.4)

     f.    No person shall participate or vote in the nominating process for the
           Democratic presidential candidate who also participates in the nominating
           process of any other party for the corresponding election. (Rule 2.E)

     g.    Votes shall not be taken by secret ballot at any stage of the delegate selection
           process, including processes leading up to the selection of DNC Members or
           State Chairs or Vice Chairs, who serve as DNC members by virtue of their
           office, except that use of such voting by secret ballot may be used in a process
           that is the first determining stage of the delegate election process and in which
           all individual voters who wish to participate as Democrats are eligible to do so.
State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

          (Rule 2.F)

     h.   No person shall vote in more than one (1) meeting which is the first meeting in
          the delegate selection process. (Rule 3.E & Reg. 4.7)

2.   The Kentucky Democratic Party is working closely with the Secretary of State’s office
     and Democratic members on the State Board of Elections to ensure that all eligible
     voters remain on the rolls. The State Party is directly contacting voters who have
     become inactive to encourage them to update their registration, and are deploying a
     statewide voter protection effort to ensure that all eligible voters can legally cast a
     ballot. Furthermore, current legislation and policies ensure that optical scan voting
     systems are maintained, certified and deployed in all precincts. All machines –
     whether electronic or paper – go through rigorous federal and state accreditation; if
     any errors do arise, the Board of Elections is empowered to decertify equipment.
     The Secretary of State and State Board of Elections have prioritized the creation and
     maintenance of auditable paper trails, and any additional federal funding will go to
     those efforts, including the replacement of the currently employed e-slate machines
     with those that produce paper records. In each polling location, it is required that
     one voting machine be equipped and set aside for persons with disabilities;
     additionally, there are laws in place that ensure that assistance can be given when
     needed in a fair and private manner. The State Party’s priority is to maintain a
     Democratic hold on the position of Secretary of State, continuing to work with the
     Secretary’s office to further the goals outlined below, and to continue to stay
     watchful of actions taken to our voter rolls, taking legal action when required.

     a.   Maintain secure and accurate state voter registration rolls, so that every
          eligible American who registers to vote has their personal information
          protected and secure; (Rule 2.H.1)

     b.   Implement transparent and accurate voter registration list maintenance
          procedures that comply with federal requirements and ensure that every
          eligible voter stays on the rolls; (Rule 2.H.2)

     c.   Promote the acquisition, maintenance, and regular replacement of precinct
          based optical scan voting systems; (Rule 2.H.3)

     d.   Ensure that any direct recording electronic systems in place have a voter
          verified paper record; (Rule 2.H.4)

     e.   Implement risk limiting post-election audits such as manual audits comparing
          paper records to electronic records; (Rule 2.H.5)

     f.   Ensure that all voting systems have recognized security measures; (Rule 2.H.6)

     g.   Use accessible and secure voting machines that make it possible for individuals
State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

          with disabilities to vote securely and privately. (Rule 2.H.7)

3.   In accordance with the Democratic Party’s requirement to assess and improve
     participation with respect to presidential preference and the delegate selection
     process, the Kentucky Democratic Party works with local county parties to recruit
     and place informed Democratic poll workers in all polling locations; maintains a
     year-round voter protection hotline; recruits and trains poll watchers for critical
     polling locations so any issues at the polling location can be communicated to our
     legal boiler room immediately; continuously promotes information about absentee
     voting, polling locations, and hours of voting; and organizes a statewide network of
     attorneys to assist voters on election day. The State Party is working closely with the
     DNC Voter Protection team, the Secretary of State’s Office and legislators to further
     development of a year-round voter protection program to protect and expand the
     vote and advance election fairness and security, including the six goals set forth
     below. (Rule 2.I and 2.I.1)

     a.   Expand access to voting, including by early voting, no excuse absentee, same-
          day voter registration, and continuing to make the voting process easy and
          accessible to all eligible voters; (Rule 2.I.1.a)

     b.   Ensure that voting locations are accessible, fairly placed, and adequate in
          number, and have a sufficient number of voting machines; (Rule 2.I.1.b)

     c.   Speed up the voting process and minimize long lines; (Rule 2.I.1.c)

     d.   Eliminate onerous and discriminatory voter identification requirements; (Rule

     e.   Ensure that no eligible voter is turned away from voting because of being in
          the wrong precinct; and (Rule 2.I.1.e)

     f.   Facilitate military and overseas voting. (Rule 2. I.1.f)

4.   As part of encouraging participation in the delegate selection process by registered
     voters, Kentucky has expanded our electorate through wide promotion of online
     voter registration via and the “Motor Voter” registration program. In
     addition, the Kentucky Democratic Party will work to elect a Democratic Secretary of
     State and Democratic majority in the state House to further the following goals:
     (Rule 2.I.2)

     a.   Voter registration modernization, including automatic and same-day
          registration; (Rule 2.I.2.a)

     b.   Pre-registration of high school students so that they are already registered
          once they reach voting age; (Rule 2.I.2.b)
State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

     c.   Restoration of voting rights to all people who have served the time for their
          criminal conviction, without requiring the payment of court fees or fines; (Rule
          2.I.2.c) and

     d.   Same-day or automatic registration of voters for the Democratic presidential
          nominating process. (Rule 2.I.2.d)

5.   The Kentucky Democratic Party will work with the Kentucky State Democratic House
     and Senate Caucuses on legislation to ensure an open and inclusive process and
     resist attempts at voter suppression and disenfranchisement. This includes
     modifying Kentucky Revised Statutes to allow voters to switch parties as late as the
     deadline for registering to vote. (Rule 2.J and Rule 2.J.1)

6.   Scheduling of Delegate Selection Meetings: The State Party is responsible for
     selecting the dates and times and locating and confirming the availability of publicly
     accessible facilities for all official meetings and events related to the delegate
     selection process. The State Party will consider any religious observations that could
     significantly affect participation. The dates, times and places for all official Party
     meetings and events related to the delegate selection process must be scheduled to
     encourage the participation of all Democrats. (Rule 3.A & Reg. 4.)

State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

                                      Section II
                               Presidential Candidates
A.   Ballot Access

     1.   A presidential candidate gains access to the Kentucky presidential preference
          primary ballot by one of four ways: filing a notice of candidacy, filing a certified
          petition containing at least 5,000 signatures, filing a certification by the Federal
          Election Commission, filing evidence from 20 other states that candidate is qualified.
          (Rule 1.A.7, 1.A.8, 15.A, Rule 15.E)

          a.   Filing Notice of Candidacy when nominated by the Kentucky State Board of
               Elections for those candidates who have qualified for matching federal
               campaign funds. (KRS 118.581)

               (1)   Pursuant to KRS 118.581, the Kentucky Board of Elections will meet on
                     December 17, 2019, for the purpose of nominating those candidates who
                     have qualified for matching federal campaign funds. A list of those
                     candidates is provided by the Federal Election Commission.

               (2)   A notification of nomination from the Secretary of State will be sent to
                     each candidate by certified mail, with return receipt requested, that
                     he/she will appear as a candidate on the primary ballot of his/her party,
                     provided that the candidate returns the Notice of Candidacy form sent by
                     the Secretary of State and the $1000 filing fee no later than 4:00 p.m.
                     EST, on January 10, 2020.

          b.   Filing certified petition containing at least 5,000 signatures of Kentucky
               registered voters of the same party as the candidate (KRS 118.591)

               (1)   Pursuant to KRS 118.591 (1-4), the filing of a Presidential Preference
                     Primary Petition (SBE 65 and SBE 65-2) containing at least 5,000
                     signatures of registered voters of the same party and $1000 filing fee
                     with the Secretary of State not later than 4:00 p.m., local time, on
                     January 10, 2020.

               (2)   The petition shall be signed by the candidate and by the Chairman of the
                     group circulating the petition. The chairman’s signature must be
                     acknowledged by a notary public and the expiration date of the notary’s
                     commission must be stated. Petitioners shall be registered and qualified
                     voters in the Commonwealth, members of the same party as the
                     candidate and shall include date petition was signed, date of birth,
                     signature of petitioner and residence address.

State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

     c.   Filing certification by the Federal Election Commission that candidate has
          qualified for matching federal campaign funds and a Notice of Candidacy. (KRS

          (1)   Pursuant to KRS 118.591 (5), filing with the Secretary of State a Notice of
                Candidacy, $1000 filing fee and certification by the Federal Election
                Commission that the candidate has qualified for matching federal
                campaign funds when such occurs subsequent to the Kentucky State
                Board of Election’s meeting in December preceding the presidential
                preference primary.

          (2)   All documents shall be filed no later than January 10, 2020 by 4:00 pm

          (3)   The Notice of Candidacy must have original signature of candidate.

     d.   Filing evidence from twenty (20) other states that candidate is qualified to
          appear on their presidential preference ballot of his/her political party and
          Notice of Candidacy. (KRS 118.591)

          (1)   Pursuant to KRS 118.591 (5), filing with the Secretary of State a Notice of
                Candidacy, $1000 filing fee and evidence from twenty (20) other states
                that the candidate is qualified to appear on the presidential preference
                ballot of his/her political party.

          (2)   All documents shall be filed no later than January 10, 2020 by 4:00 pm

          (3)   The Notice of Candidacy must have original signature of candidate.
                Sufficient documentation from the twenty (20) other states is deemed to
                be signed certification by the Chief Election Official, or the appropriate
                governing election authority of the state.
                Filing a Notice of Candidacy with the Kentucky Secretary of State no later
                than 4:00 pm EST on January 10, 2020.

          (4)   Sufficient evidence should be signed certifying that the candidate
                qualifies to appear on the presidential preference ballot by the Chief
                Election Officials of at least twenty (20) states.

          (5)   Evidence must be sent to Kentucky Secretary of State no later than
                January 10, 2020 by 4:00 pm EST.

2.   All persons wishing to appear on the ballot in Kentucky’s presidential preference
     primary must send the Secretary of State thousand dollars ($1,000) filing fee no later
     than January 10, 2020 by 4:00 pm ET. This does not exceed the fee in effect on
State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

          January 1, 1994. (Rule 15.B)

     3.   Presidential candidates must also file with the State Party by a declaration of
          candidacy. This declaration must contain the name, address, and phone number of
          the candidate’s official representative in Kentucky and statement that such
          representative is familiar with the Affirmative Action section of this plan and agrees
          to support the Affirmative Action plan in both letter and in spirit.

     4.   Pursuant to KRS 117.265, write-in candidates are not permitted in Kentucky
          primaries. Pursuant to KRS 118.621, the Secretary of State shall place the names of
          all candidates who have been nominated for the presidential primary ballot of the
          Democratic Party and additionally place on the ballot of the party a ballot slot for
          voters to cast an “uncommitted” vote. (Rule 11.C, Rule 14.A, Rule 14.C, Rule 14.D,
          Rule 14.E, & Rule 15.H)

B.    Other Requirements

     1.   Each presidential candidate shall certify in writing to the State Democratic Chair, the
          name(s) of their authorized representative(s) by January 31, 2020. (Rule 13.D.1)

     2.   Each presidential candidate (including uncommitted status) shall use their best
          efforts to ensure that their respective delegation within the state delegation
          achieves the affirmative action, outreach and inclusion goals established by this Plan
          and is equally divided between men and women. (Rule 6.I)

State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

                                           Section III
                                     Selection of Delegates
A.    District-Level Delegates

     1.   Kentucky is allocated 36 district-level delegates. (Rule 8.C, Call I.B, I.I, & Appendix B)

     2.   District-level delegates shall be elected during the Congressional District
          Conventions. The Congressional district Convention will be held at 10:00 am local
          time on June 6, 2020 at the Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville,

          a.   On May 30, 2020 Kentucky will hold County or Legislative District Caucuses to
               elect delegates to the State Convention to be held on June 6, 2020.

               (1)        Each county or legislative district will have an allotment of delegates
                          based on a formula giving equal weight to the democratic registration in
                          the respective county or legislative district, the democratic turnout for
                          the 2016 presidential election, and the democratic turnout for the 2019
                          gubernatorial election.

               (2)        Counties with seven or more legislative districts within its borders will
                          elect delegates by legislative district.

               (3)        Pursuant to KRS 118.641, any presidential candidate must receive at least
                          fifteen percent (15%) of the vote in the presidential preference primary
                          to receive a corresponding number of county or legislative district
                          convention delegates.

               (4)        Conduct of Convention

                     a.     All participating registered voters must complete a statement of
                            support for their preferred presidential candidate or uncommitted
                            status. Statements will be provided at the convention.

                     b.     Persons who arrive after the meeting begins will not be allowed to sign
                            a statement of support or vote for the State Convention delegation.

                     c.     Each county or legislative district will elect a Convention Chair who will
                            preside over the convention.

                     d.     The Chair will designate areas in which each presidential candidate
                            (including uncommitted) preference group elect the delegation.

State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

              e.       Each person will receive ballots with the names of those wishing to
                       attend the State Convention for the associated presidential preference

              f.       Individuals that receive the most votes will attend the 2020 State
                       Convention as Congressional District and State delegates and will elect
                       members of the Kentucky National Convention Delegation.

     b.   The State Convention will be held at 2:00 pm local time on June 6, 2020 at the
          Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville, Kentucky.

3.   Apportionment of District-Level Delegates

     a.   Kentucky’s district-level delegates are apportioned among the districts based
          on a formula giving equal weight to the vote for the Democratic candidates in
          the 2016 presidential and the most recent gubernatorial elections in 2019. This
          method is selected to ensure districts’ participation in state and national
          elections are both considered. (Rule 8.A, Reg. 4.12, Reg. 4.11 & Appendix A)

     b.   The number of men and the number of women in the state’s total number of
          district-level delegates and alternates will not vary by more than one. (Rule
          6.C.1 & Reg. 4.9)

     c.   The district-level delegates are apportioned to districts as indicated in the
          following table:

                            Males*    Females*     Total

                #1            2          2          4

                #2            2          3          5

                #3            5          5          10

                #4            3          3          6

                #5            2          1          3

                #6            4          4          8

               Total          18         18         36

          *(Assuming no gender non-binary delegates are elected.)

4.   District-Level Delegate Filing Requirements

State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

     a.   A district-level delegate may run for election only within the district in which
          they are registered to vote. A district-level delegate’s party registration will be
          validated as Democrat by State Board of Elections records on or after Monday,
          April 20, 2020. (Rule 13.H)

     b.   An individual can qualify as a candidate for district-level delegate to the 2020
          Democratic National Convention by filing a statement of candidacy designating
          their singular presidential (or uncommitted) preference and a signed pledge of
          support for the presidential candidate (including uncommitted status) with the
          Kentucky Democratic Party no earlier than February 2, 2020 and no later than
          4 pm ET on May 8, 2020. A delegate candidate shall modify their singular
          presidential preference by submitting an updated pledge of support no later
          than the filing deadline. (Rule 13.B, Rule 15.F & Reg. 4.23)

     c.   Declaration of Candidacy and Pledge of Support forms will be available at the
          Kentucky Democratic Party office and on its website beginning on February 2,
          2020. This form must be received by May 8, 2020 at 4 pm ET, and may be filed
          in any of the following manners:

          (1)   In person at the Kentucky Democratic Party, located at 190 Democrat
                Drive, Frankfort, KY.

          (2)   Mailed to the Kentucky Democratic Party, PO Box 694, Frankfort, KY
                40602. All applications must be RECEIVED BY May 8, 2020.

          (3)   Faxed to (502) 470-7353.

          (4)   Emailed to the Kentucky Democratic Party at

          (5)   Submitted online at

           (Rule 1.A.7, Rule 1.A.8 & Reg. 4.23)

5.   Presidential Candidate Right of Review for District-Level Delegates

     a.   The State Democratic Chair shall convey to the presidential candidate, or that
          candidate’s authorized representative(s), not later than 4 pm ET on May 11,
          2020, a list of all persons who have filed for delegate pledged to that
          presidential candidate. (Rule 13.D & Rule 13.F)

     b.   Each presidential candidate, or that candidate’s authorized representative(s),
          must then file with the State Democratic Chair by 4 pm ET on May 26, 2020, a
          list of all such candidates they have approved, provided that approval be given
          to at least three (3) separate individuals for each position for delegate to be
          selected. (Rule 13.E.1, Reg. 4.24 & Reg. 4.25)
State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

     c.   Failure to respond will be deemed approval of all delegates submitted to the
          presidential candidate unless the presidential candidate, or the authorized
          representative(s), signifies otherwise in writing to the Kentucky Democratic
          Party Chair not later than 4 pm ET on May 26, 2020.

     d.   National convention delegate removed from the list of bona fide supporters by
          a presidential candidate, or that candidate’s authorized representative(s), may
          not be elected as a delegate at that level pledged to that presidential
          candidate. (Rule 13.E & Reg. 4.24)

     e.   The Kentucky Democratic Chair shall certify in writing to the Co-Chairs of the
          DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee whether each presidential candidate has
          used their best efforts to ensure that their respective district-level delegate
          candidates meet the affirmative action and outreach and inclusion
          considerations and goals detailed in the Affirmative Action section of this Plan
          within three (3) business days of returning the list of approved district-level
          delegate candidates as indicated in Section III.A.5.b of this Plan. (Rule 6.I &

6.   Fair Reflection of Presidential Preference

     a.   Presidential Primary - Proportional Representation Plan (Rule 14.A, Rule 14.B &
          Rule 14.D)

          The Kentucky presidential primary election is a “binding” primary. Accordingly,
          delegate and alternate positions shall be allocated so as to fairly reflect the
          expressed presidential (or uncommitted) preference of the primary voters in
          each district. The National Convention delegates and alternates selected at the
          district level shall be allocated in proportion to the percentage of the primary
          vote won in that district by each preference, except that preferences falling
          below a 15% threshold shall not be awarded any delegates or alternates.

     b.   Within a district, if no presidential preference reaches a 15% threshold, the
          threshold shall be half the percentage of the vote received in that district by
          the front-runner. (Rule 14.F)

     c.   On June 6, 2020, county or legislative district delegates will meet at the 2020
          Congressional District Conventions at 10:00 am at the Kentucky International
          Convention Center in Louisville, Kentucky, to elect district delegates. (Rule

          (1)   Following the presidential preference primary on May 19, 2020, delegate
                and alternate positions for each congressional district will be
                proportionately allocated to presidential candidates (including
State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

                uncommitted) based on vote totals in each district. (Rule 12.G)

          (2)   Each district convention will be presided over by a District Chair who will
                be appointed by the State Chair. The District Chair will conduct the
                convention and will rule on any question of procedure.

          (3)   Once the convention is called to order, the District Chair will designate
                areas of caucus in which the delegates of each presidential (or
                uncommitted) preference will elect the person to fill the national district
                delegate positions.

          (4)   Only those who have properly filed a Declaration of Candidacy and
                Pledge of Support form with the Kentucky Democratic Party by May 8,
                2020 at 4 pm ET will be placed on the ballot.

          (5)   A duly authorized representative of the candidate will chair each
                preference caucus or, if there is no such representative, the District Chair
                will appoint a temporary Preference Caucus Chair to conduct an election
                to determine a permanent preference Caucus Chair.

          (6)   The Preference Caucus Chair will appoint a Preference Caucus Secretary
                and two (2) tabulators who shall record the results of the preference

          (7)   The caucus will then vote on the candidates for delegate. The caucus for
                each presidential preference shall consist only of those persons who have
                signed statements of support for that preference

          (8)   The ballot will contain the names of candidates for delegates for the
                appropriate preference and the county in which the voter resides.

          (9)   The Secretary and two (2) tabulators will then determine the number of
                votes cast for each candidate for delegate.

7.   Equal Division of District-Level Delegates

     a.   To ensure the district-level delegates are equally divided between men and
          women (determined by gender self-identification) the gender of the first
          binary delegate elected in each district will be designated. At the time of
          election of delegates in the district the binary gender advantage will alternate
          as delegate positions are filled and the alternation shall continue across
          presidential preferences in order of vote-getting preference. In the case of
          non-binary gender delegates, they shall not be counted in either the male or
          female category. (Rule 6.C., Rule 6.C.1 & Reg. 4.10)

State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

          b.   In order to ensure the district delegates and alternates are equally divided
               among men and women and within each respective presidential candidate’s
               delegation, delegate positions within each district will be designated by
               presidential preference beginning with the highest vote-getting presidential
               preference. This assignment of delegate positions, alternating by sex as
               mathematically practicable, will continue with the next highest vote-getting
               preferences in descending order until the gender of each position has been

          c.   The delegate positions shall be pre-designated so that the gender of the first
               position to be filled by the winning presidential candidate is predetermined.
               The gender of the first position shall be female. Once the allocation of district
               delegates among presidential preference(s) has been calculated, the remaining
               delegate positions can be assigned to the presidential preference(s), in order
               of vote won, alternating by gender.

     8.   Alternates are not selected at the pledged District level. These alternates are
          combined with the at-large alternates and selected as one unit.

     9.   The State Democratic Chair shall certify in writing to the Secretary of the Democratic
          National Committee (DNC) the election of the state’s district-level delegates and
          alternates to the Democratic National Convention within 10 days after their election.
          (Rule 8.C & Call IV.A)

B.    Automatic Delegates

     1.   Automatic Party Leaders and Elected Officials

          a.   The following categories (if applicable) shall constitute the Automatic Party
               Leaders and Elected Official delegate positions:

               (1)   Members of the Democratic National Committee who legally reside in
                     Kentucky; (Rule 9.A.1, Call I.F, Call I.J, & Reg. 4.15)

               (2)   Democratic President and Democratic Vice President (if applicable); (Rule
                     9.A.2 & Call I.G)

               (3)   All of Kentucky’s Democratic Members of the U.S. House of
                     Representatives and the U.S. Senate; (Rule 9.A.3, Call I.H & Call I.J)

               (4)   The Democratic Governor (if applicable); (Rule 9.A.4, Call I.H & Call I.J)

               (5)   “Distinguished Party Leader” delegates who legally reside in the state (if
                     applicable). (Rule 9.A.5, Call I.G & Reg. 4.14)

State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

          b.   An Automatic delegate may run and be elected as a Pledged delegate. If an
               Automatic delegate is elected and certified as a Pledged delegate, that
               individual shall not serve as an Automatic delegate at the 2020 National
               Convention. (Call I.J)

          c.   The certification process for the Automatic Party Leader and Elected Official
               delegates is as follows:

               (1)   Not later than March 6, 2020, the Secretary of the Democratic National
                     Committee shall officially confirm to the State Democratic Chair the
                     names of the Automatic delegates who legally reside in Kentucky. (Rule

               (2)   Official confirmation by the Secretary shall constitute verification of the
                     Automatic delegates from the categories indicated above. (Call IV.B.1)

               (3)   The State Democratic Chair shall certify in writing to the Secretary of the
                     DNC the presidential preference of Kentucky‘s Automatic delegates 10
                     days after the completion of the State’s Delegate Selection Process. (Call

     2.   For purposes of achieving equal division between delegate men and delegate
          women within the state’s entire convention delegation (determined by gender self-
          identification), the entire delegation includes all pledged and Automatic delegates,
          including those who identify as male or female. (Rule 6.C and Reg. 4.9)

C.    Pledged Party Leader and Elected Official (PLEO) Delegates

     1.   Kentucky is allotted 6 pledged Party Leader and Elected Official (PLEO) delegates.
          (Call I.D, Call I.E & Appendix B)

     2.   Pledged PLEO Delegate Filing Requirements

          a.   Individuals shall be eligible for the pledged Party Leader and Elected Official
               delegate positions according to the following priority: big city mayors and
               state-wide elected officials (to be given equal consideration); state legislative
               leaders, state legislators, and other state, county and local elected officials and
               party leaders. Automatic delegates who choose to run for PLEO delegate will
               be given equal consideration with big city mayors and state-wide elected
               officials. (Rule 10.A.1 & Reg. 4.16)

          b.   An individual can qualify as a candidate for a position as a pledged PLEO
               delegate by filing a declaration of candidacy and signed pledge of support to a
               presidential candidate (or uncommitted) status. Declaration of Candidacy and
               Pledge of Support forms will be available at the Kentucky Democratic Party
State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

          office and on its website beginning on February 2, 2020. This form must be
          received by May 8, 2020 at 4 pm ET, and may be filed in any of the following

          (1)   In person at the Kentucky Democratic Party, located at 190 Democrat
                Drive, Frankfort, KY.

          (2)   Mailed to the Kentucky Democratic Party, PO Box 694, Frankfort, KY
                40602. All applications must be RECEIVED BY May 8, 2020.

          (3)   Faxed to (502) 470-7353.

          (4)   Emailed to the Kentucky Democratic Party at

          (5)   Submitted online at

     c.   If persons eligible for pledged PLEO delegate positions have not already made
          known their presidential preference (or uncommitted status) as candidates for
          district-level or at-large delegate positions, their preference shall be
          ascertained by delivering a declaration of candidacy and pledge of support to
          the State Chair immediately following the Congressional District Conventions
          on June 6, 2020. (Rule 10.A.3 & Reg. 4.17)

3.   Presidential Candidate Right of Review

     a.   The State Democratic Chair shall convey to the presidential candidate, or that
          candidate’s authorized representative(s), not later than May 11, 2020 at 4 pm
          ET, a list of all persons who have filed for a party and elected official delegate
          pledged to that presidential candidate. (Rule 10.A.3 & Rule 13.D)

     b.   Each presidential candidate, or that candidate’s authorized representative(s),
          must file with the State Democratic Chair, by 2 pm ET on June 6, 2020, a list of
          all such candidates they have approved, as long as approval is given to at least
          one (1) name for every position to which the presidential candidate is entitled.
          (Rule 13.E.2, Reg. 4.25, Rule 13.D.3)

     c.   Failure to respond will be deemed approval of all delegate candidates
          submitted to the presidential candidate unless the presidential candidate or
          the authorized representative(s) signifies otherwise in writing to the State
          Democratic Chair not later than 2 pm ET on June 6, 2020. (Rule 13.D)

     d.   The State Democratic Chair shall certify in writing to the Co-Chairs of the DNC
          Rules and Bylaws Committee whether each presidential candidate has used
          their best efforts to ensure that their respective pledged PLEO delegate
          candidates meet the affirmative action and outreach and inclusion
State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

               considerations and goals detailed in the Affirmative Action section of this Plan
               within three (3) business days of returning the list of approved pledged PLEO
               candidates as indicated in Section III.C.3.b of this Plan. (Rule 6.I & Reg. 4.10.C)

     4.   Selection of Pledged Party Leader and Elected Official Delegates

          a.   The pledged PLEO slots shall be allocated among presidential preferences on
               the same basis as the at-large delegates. (Rule 10.A.2, Rule 11.C, Rule 14.E &
               Rule 14.F)

          b.   Selection of the pledged PLEO delegates will occur at 2 pm ET on June 6, 2020
               at the State Convention at the Kentucky International Convention Center in
               Louisville, Kentucky, which is after the election of district-level delegates and
               alternates and prior to the selection of at-large delegates and alternates. (Rule
               10.A, Rule 10.B)

          c.   The Convention Chair shall read the names of the individuals who previously
               submitted a statement of candidacy and who were previously approved by the
               presidential candidate. Nominations shall be accepted from this list in order of
               priority set forth in paragraph 2.A. Voting shall be complete for each priority
               level separately until all six (6) positions are filled. For example, if six big city
               mayors and statewide elected officials are nominated and selected, the PLEO
               election is completed.

          d.   Alternates are not selected at the pledged Party Leader and Elected Official
               level. These alternates are combined with the at-large alternates and selected
               as one unit.

     5.   The State Democratic Chair shall certify in writing to the Secretary of the Democratic
          National Committee the election of the state’s pledged Party Leader and Elected
          Official delegates to the Democratic National Convention within 10 days after their
          election. (Call IV.A & Reg. 5.4.A)

D.    At-Large Delegates and Alternates

     1.   The state of Kentucky is allotted twelve (12) at-large delegates and five (5) at-large
          alternates. (Rule 8.C, Call I.B, II, Appendix B & Reg. 4.34)

     2.   At-Large Delegate and Alternate Filing Requirements:

          a.   Persons desiring to seek at-large delegate or alternate positions may file a
               statement of candidacy designating their singular presidential or uncommitted
               preference and a signed pledge of support for the presidential candidates
               (including uncommitted status) with the State Party. Declaration of Candidacy
               and Pledge of Support forms will be available at the Kentucky Democratic Party
State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

          office and on its website beginning on February 2, 2020. This form must be
          received by May 8, 2020 at 4 pm ET, and may be filed in any of the following

          (1)   In person at the Kentucky Democratic Party, located at 190 Democrat
                Drive, Frankfort, KY.

          (2)   Mailed to the Kentucky Democratic Party, PO Box 694, Frankfort, KY
                40602. All applications must be RECEIVED BY May 8, 2020.

          (3)   Faxed to (502) 470-7353.

          (4)   Emailed to the Kentucky Democratic Party at

          (5)   Submitted online at

     b.   A delegate or alternate candidate may modify their singular presidential
          preference by submitting an updated pledge of support no later than the filing
          deadline. (Rule 13.A., Rule 13.B, Rule 15.G, Reg. 4.22, Reg. 4.23, & Reg. 4.31)

     c.   The statement of candidacy for at-large delegates and for at-large alternates
          will be the same. After the at-large delegates are elected by the Kentucky State
          Democratic Executive Committee, those persons not chosen will then be
          considered candidates for at-large alternate positions unless they specify
          otherwise when filing. (Rule 19.A)

3.   Presidential Candidate Right of Review

     a.   The State Democratic Chair shall convey to the presidential candidate, or that
          candidate’s authorized representative(s), not later than 4 pm ET on May 11,
          2020, a list of all persons who have filed for delegate or alternate pledged to
          that presidential candidate. (Rule 13.D, Reg. 4.24.D & Reg. 4.31.C)

     b.   Each presidential candidate, or that candidate’s authorized representative(s),
          must then file with the State Democratic Chair, by 4:45 pm ET on June 6, 2020,
          a list of all such candidates they have approved, provided that, at a minimum,
          one (1) name remain for every national convention delegate or alternate
          position to which the presidential candidate is entitled. (Rule 13.D.4, Rule
          13.E.2 & Reg. 4.25)

     c.   Failure to respond will be deemed approval of all delegate candidates
          submitted to the presidential candidate unless the presidential candidate or
          the authorized representative(s) signifies otherwise in writing to the State
          Democratic Chair not later than 4:45 pm ET on June 6, 2020.

State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

     d.   The State Democratic Chair shall certify in writing to the Co-Chairs of the DNC
          Rules and Bylaws Committee whether each presidential candidate has used
          their best efforts to ensure that their respective at-large delegate candidates
          and at-large alternate candidates meet the affirmative action and outreach
          and inclusion considerations and goals detailed in the Affirmative Action and
          Outreach and Inclusion section of this Plan within three (3) business days of
          returning the list of approved at-large delegate candidates and at-large
          alternate candidates as indicated in this Section.

4.   Fair Reflection of Presidential Preference

     a.   At-large delegate and alternate positions shall be allocated among presidential
          preferences according to the state-wide primary vote. (Rule 11.C)

     b.   Preferences which have not attained a 15% threshold on a state-wide basis
          shall not be entitled to any at-large delegates. (Rule 14.E)

     c.   If no presidential preference reaches a 15% threshold, the threshold shall be
          half the percentage of the statewide vote received by the front-runner. (Rule

     d.   If a presidential candidate otherwise entitled to an allocation is no longer a
          candidate at the time of selection of the at-large delegates, their allocation will
          be proportionally divided among the other preferences entitled to an
          allocation. (Rule 11.C)

     e.   If a given presidential preference is entitled to one (1) or more delegate
          positions but would not otherwise be entitled to an alternate position, that
          preference shall be allotted one (1) at-large alternate position. (Rule 19.B, Call
          I.I & Reg. 4.33)

5.   Selection of At-Large Delegates and Alternates

     a.   The selection of the at-large delegates and alternates will occur by the State
          Central Executive Committee immediately following the State Convention at 5
          pm local time on June 6, 2020 at the Kentucky International Convention Center
          in Louisville, Kentucky, which is after all pledged Party Leader and Elected
          Official delegates have been selected. (Call III)

     b.   This committee will be selected throughout the open processes in conformity
          with the basic procedural guarantees utilized for delegate selection.

          (1)   The committee will consist of:
                • Two men, two women, and one man or woman thirty-five years of
                   age or younger from each Congressional district,
State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

           •   Two National Democratic Committee members,
           •   Nine state at-large members,
           •   A Chair and Vice-Chair,
           •   Four Democratic Members of the Kentucky General Assembly,
           •   The President of the Kentucky Young Democrats, and
           •   The President of the Democratic Women’s Club of Kentucky.

     (2)   The State Central Executive Committee will be elected on June 6, 2020
           and is equally divided between males and females.

     (3)   Membership of the State Party Committee is apportioned on the basis of
           population and or/some measure of Democratic strength. (Rule 10.B.1 &
           Reg. 4.18.A)

     (4)   Members of the State Party Committee have been elected through open
           processes in conformity with the basic procedural guarantees utilized for
           delegate selection. (Rule 10.B.2 & Reg. 4.18.B)

     (5)   Such delegates are elected at public meetings subsequent to the election
           of district-level delegates. (Rule 10.B.3)

     (6)   Members of the State Party Committee will have been elected no earlier
           than the date of the previous presidential election. (Rule 10.B.4 & Reg.

     (7)   Membership of the State Party Committee complies with the equal
           division requirements of Article 9, Section 16 of the Charter of the
           Democratic Party of the United States. (Rule 10.B.5 & Reg. 4.18.C)

c.   A meeting of the State Central Executive Committee shall be called
     immediately following the close of the State Convention on June 6, 2020. At
     this meeting:

     (1)   The Chair shall announce the number of delegate and alternate positions
           allocated to each presidential or uncommitted preference.

     (2)   The Chair will then announce the names of each approved candidate for
           delegate for each presidential preference, including uncommitted.

     (3)   Members will then elect delegates for each preference and repeat
           process for all preferences until delegates are elected.

State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

          d.   Priority of Consideration

               (1)   In the selection of the at-large delegation priority of consideration shall
                     be given to African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asian
                     Americans and Pacific Islanders and women, if such priority of
                     consideration is needed to fulfill the affirmative action goals outlined in
                     the state’s Delegate Selection Plan. (Rule 6.A.3)

               (2)   To continue the Democratic Party’s ongoing efforts to include groups
                     historically under-represented in the Democratic Party’s affairs and to
                     assist in the achievement of full participation by these groups, priority of
                     consideration shall be given other groups by virtue of race, sex, age,
                     color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identify, sexual orientation,
                     gender identity and expression, economic status or disability. (Rule 5.C,
                     Rule 6.A.3, Rule 7 & Reg. 4.8)

               (3)   The election of at-large delegates and alternates shall be used, if
                     necessary, to achieve the equal division of positions between men and
                     women as far as mathematically practicable, and may be used to achieve
                     the representation goals established in the Affirmative Action Plan and
                     Outreach and Inclusion Program section of this Plan. (Rule 6.A, Rule 6.C
                     and Reg. 4.9)

               (4)   Delegates and alternates are to be considered separate groups for this
                     purpose. (Rule 6.C.1, Rule 11.A, Reg. 4.9 & Reg. 4.20)

     6.   The State Democratic Chair shall certify in writing to the Secretary of the Democratic
          National Committee the election of the state’s at-large delegates and alternates to
          the Democratic National Convention within 10 days after their election. (Rule 8.C &
          Call IV.A)

E.    Replacement of Delegates and Alternates

     1.   A pledged delegate or alternate may be replaced according to the following

          a.   Permanent Replacement of a Delegate: (Rule 19.D.3)

               (1)   A permanent replacement occurs when a delegate resigns or dies prior to
                     or during the national convention and the alternate replaces the delegate
                     for the remainder of the National Convention.

               (2)   Any alternate permanently replacing a delegate shall be of the same
                     presidential preference (including uncommitted status) and gender of the

State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

           delegate they replace, and to the extent possible shall be from the same
           political subdivision within the state as the delegate.

           (a)   In the case where the presidential candidate has only one (1)
                 alternate, that alternate shall become the certified delegate.

           (b)   If a presidential candidate has only one (1) alternate, and that
                 alternate permanently replaces a delegate of a different gender,
                 thereby causing the delegation to no longer be equally divided, the
                 delegation shall not be considered in violation of Rule 6.C. In such a
                 case, notwithstanding Rule 19.D.2, the State Party Committee shall,
                 at the time of a subsequent permanent replacement, replace a
                 delegate with a person of a different gender, in order to return the
                 delegation to equal division of men and women. (Reg. 4.36)

     (3)   If a delegate or alternate candidate who has been elected but not
           certified to the DNC Secretary resigns, dies, or is no longer eligible to
           serve, they shall be replaced, after consultation with the State Party, by
           the authorized representative of the presidential candidate to whom
           they are pledged. (Rule 19.D.2)

a.   Temporary Replacement of a Delegate: (Rule 19.D.4)

     (1)   A temporary replacement occurs when a delegate is to be absent for a
           limited period of time during the convention and an alternate
           temporarily acts in the delegate’s place.

     (2)   Any alternate who temporarily replaces a delegate must be of the same
           presidential preference (including uncommitted status) as the delegate
           they replace, and to the extent possible shall be of the same gender and
           from the same political subdivision within the state as the delegate.

b.   The following system will be used to select permanent and temporary
     replacements of delegates: (Rule 19.D.1)

     (1)   The alternate who receives the highest number of votes becomes the

c.   Certification of Replacements

     (1)   Any alternate who permanently replaces a delegate shall be certified in
           writing to the Secretary of the DNC by the State Democratic Chair. (Rule

State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

          (2)   Permanent replacement of a delegate (as specified above) by an
                alternate and replacement of a vacant alternate position shall be certified
                in writing by the Kentucky Democratic Chair to the Secretary of the
                Democratic National Committee within three (3) days after the
                replacement is selected. (Call IV.D.1)

          (3)   Certification of permanent replacements will be accepted by the
                Secretary up to 72 hours before the first official session of the
                Convention is scheduled to convene. (Call IV.D.1 & Reg. 4.35)

          (4)   In the case where a pledged delegate is permanently replaced after 72
                hours before the time the first session is scheduled to convene or, in the
                case where a pledged delegate is not on the floor of the Convention Hall
                at the time a roll call vote is taken, an alternate may be designated (as
                specified above) to cast the delegate’s vote. In such case, the Delegation
                Chair shall indicate the name of the alternate casting the respective
                delegate’s vote on the delegation tally sheet. (Call IX.F.3.e, Call IX.F.3.c &
                Reg. 5.6)

     d.   A vacant alternate position shall be filled by the delegation. The replacement
          shall be of the same presidential preference (or uncommitted status), of the
          same gender and, to the extent possible, from the same political subdivision as
          the alternate being replaced. (Rule 19.E)

2.   Automatic delegates shall not be entitled to a replacement, nor shall the state be
     entitled to a replacement, except under the following circumstances: (Call IV.D.2 &
     Reg. 4.37)

     a.   Members of Congress and the Democratic Governor shall not be entitled to
          name a replacement. In the event of changes or vacancies in the state’s
          Congressional Delegation, following the official confirmation and prior to the
          commencement of the National Convention, the DNC Secretary shall recognize
          only such changes as have been officially recognized by the Democratic Caucus
          of the U.S. House of Representatives or the Democratic Conference of the U.S.
          Senate. In the event of a change or vacancy in the state’s office of Governor,
          the DNC shall recognize only such changes as have been officially recognized
          by the Democratic Governors’ Association. (Call IV.D.2.a)

     b.   Members of the Democratic National Committee shall not be entitled to a
          replacement, nor shall the state be entitled to a replacement, except in the
          case of death of such delegates. In the case where the state’s DNC
          membership changes following the DNC Secretary’s official confirmation, but
          prior to the commencement of the 2020 Democratic National Convention,
          acknowledgment by the Secretary of the new DNC member certification shall

State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

     constitute verification of the corresponding change of Automatic delegates.
     (Call, IV.D.2.b)

c.   Automatic distinguished Party Leader delegates allocated to the state pursuant
     to Rule 9.A.(5), shall not be entitled to name a replacement, nor shall the state
     be entitled to name a replacement. (Call IV.D.2.c)

d.   In no case may an alternate cast a vote for an Automatic delegate. (Call

State 2020 Delegate Selection Plan

                                Section IV
          Selection of Convention Standing Committee Members
A.    Introduction

     1.   Kentucky has been allocated (2) member(s) on each of the three (3) standing
          committees for the 2020 Democratic National Convention (Credentials, Platform and
          Rules), for a total of 6 members. (Call VII.A & Appendix D)

     2.   Members of the Convention Standing Committees need not be delegates or
          alternates to the 2020 Democratic National Convention. (Call VII.A.3)

     3.   These members will be selected in accordance with the procedures indicated below.
          (Rule 1.G)

B.    Temporary Standing Committee Members

     1.   Two (2) temporary members and two (2) temporary alternates for the Platform
          Committee, will be selected by the State Central Executive Committee at a meeting
          on March 14, 2020. The meeting shall be open to the public and well publicized in
          accordance with this Plan. Members of State Central Executive Committee shall
          receive timely notice of the meeting, in accordance with State Party rules. (Call

     2.   Any Democrat may apply as a temporary member and/or alternate of the Platform
          Committee. The application must include full name; voting address; gender
          (determined by self-identification); designation to be considered a temporary
          member, and alternate, or both; confirmation that the person is able and willing to
          serve on the Platform Committee for the duration of the meetings at the time and
          place selected by the Democratic National Committee. Persons wishing to be
          considered as a temporary member and/or temporary alternate must submit their
          application via the following methods, no later than March 13, 2020 at 4 pm ET.

          a.   In person at the Kentucky Democratic Party, located at 190 Democrat Drive,
               Frankfort, KY.

          b.   Mailed to the Kentucky Democratic Party, PO Box 694, Frankfort, KY 40602. All
               applications must be RECEIVED BY March 13, 2020.

          c.   Faxed to (502) 470-7353.

          d.   Emailed to the Kentucky Democratic Party at

          e.   Submitted online at

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