Knox Academy School Improvement Plan 2020-2021

Page created by Harvey Ross
Knox Academy School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Knox Academy
School Improvement Plan
Knox Academy School Improvement Plan 2020-2021
School Context, Aims, Values

Knox Academy is a comprehensive secondary school situated in the town of Haddington. It currently has 753 pupils at the school and is set to grow significantly
in pupil number over the next five years to embrace those young people moving into the town. Meadowpark, a provision for young people with Additional
Support Needs, is an integral part of Knox Academy with many of the young people attending mainstream classes. Knox Academy is the associated secondary of
Haddington Primary, St Mary’s RC Primary and Yester Primary School, Gifford. It also has a number of out of catchment pupils who elect to come to the school.

Knox Academy’s school vision is, “Always to choose kindness and create a respectful environment where staff and pupils can inspire each other to achieve their
goals and become life-long learners.” Our values are Ambition, Respect and Community and we aim to support all of our young people in developing the skills
for life, learning and work through both our curricular opportunities.

Knox Academy provides an enriching Broad General Education for our S1-S3 pupils, with some personalisation and choice available in S1/S2 and particularly in
S3. In Senior Phase, S4-S6, we have a wide ranging curriculum to enable us to provide learner pathways that both interest and stimulate growth in all of our
young people. Knox Academy has 96.3% of pupils leaving to positive destinations in employment, college and university.
Q1 1.3 Leadership of Change                                                                                                         SLT Leads: SC and AC
NIF Priority
    ● Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy.
    ● Closing the attainment gap between the most and the least disadvantaged children.
    ● Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing.
    ● Improvement in employability skills and sustained positive school leaver destinations for all young people.

              Actions                   Drivers for improvement        When/Who                     Tasks                         Evidence                           Impact

    ●   To use the new SEEMIS                                        AC/all teaching    Staff trained in how to input    Closed attainment gap in        Greater course options
        module to monitor and                                             staff         data and given practice time-    ACEL data at the end of BGE     available to all pupils at the
        track BGE and Senior                                                            5.5hrs allocated in WTA                                          end of BGE
        Phase pupils (with a focus                                                      Working Group to be set up                                       Fewer learners with fewer
        on filters)                                                                     to support MTR to                                                than 5 qualifications by
                                                                                        complement Blended                                               point of exit
                                                                                        Learning Group – also to
                                                                                        focus on how to gather
                                                                                        assessment information at
                                                                                        senior phase

    ●   To continue to embed                                                            Assemblies on vision and         Faculty reviews and             Continuing improvement in
        our new school vision,                                         SC/SLT/all       values and a focus on            walkthroughs                    whole school relationships -
                                                                      teaching staff    building resilience in pupils    On-Call statistics              at all levels
        values (addition of
                                                                                        Values embedded in lessons       Parental engagement around      Reduction in referrals and
        ‘resilience’) and positive                                                      Parental work on supporting      resilience                      ‘On-Calls’
        relationships policy                                                            other parents on resilience      Restorative conversations       Staff, parents and pupils can
                                                                                        Teacher CLPL on resilience       with pupils and links to        talk openly about resilience
                                                                                        Pivotal training - restorative   attendance statistics - whole   Improved attendance at
                                                                                        practice                         school and individual classes   school and in classes due to
                                                                                                                                                         strong, engaging
●   To improve literacy and     CLs/Faculty        CLs and teams identify e’s      Improvement in ACEL at           Greater course options
    numeracy in S1-S6             Teams            and o’s to focus on in          S3 and in SQA attainment in      available to all pupils at the
                                                   subjects and year groups        S4/5/6                           end of BGE with reduced
                                                   CLs Comms and Numeracy          Subject use of need to know      barriers to learning
                                                   track progress across all       and understand ‘terms and
                                                   faculties and shadowing         specific vocabulary’ for all     Increase in those leaving
                                                   pupils                          learners - deep learning         school with L4 and L5 L&N
                                                   CLs Comms and Numeracy          Tracking/shadowing of
                                                   prepare electives for session   pupils for L&N                   Raising attainment in L&N
                                                   21/22 for S1-S3 in literacy     Planning for S1-S3 electives     role of all staff - focus in all
                                                   and numeracy skills -           for session 2021-22 in L&N       learning and teaching - high
                                                   lifeskills based                S1-S3 identified Es and Os       profile
                                                                                   CES skills taught as integral
                                                                                   part of lesson - L&N
                                                                                   S5/6 OWA - extra L&N for
                                                                                   pupils not attaining L4
●   To embed employability     CLs and Team        Social subjects run a CAT       Increased use of My World        Increase positive
    skills in all lessons     Social Subjects to   session on CES and how          of Work                          destinations
                                lead on (late      used in lessons
                                  2020/21)                                         Pupil profiles                   Meaningful work experience
                                                   Consistent approach across                                       tailored to individuals?
                                                   the school in use of CES in     Pupils able to identify and
                                                   all classrooms                  articulate the skills they are   Pupil profiles show
                                                                                   using and where they might       progression S1-3 in terms of
                                                                                   be applicable post school.       their understanding and
                                                                                                                    application of these skills
                                                                                   Faculty reviews and
                                                                                   walkthroughs                     Learners able to identify
                                                                                                                    their skills
Priority: QI 2.3 Learning, Teaching and Assessment                                                                          SLT Leads: SC and AC
NIF Priorities
     ● Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy.
     ● Closing the attainment gap between the most and the least disadvantaged children.

             Actions                  Drivers for improvement        When/Who                    Tasks                        Evidence                         Impact

    ●   To run CLPL training on                                                       SLT/Faculties lead CLPL        Fewer teacher led lessons      Improved learner
        LIs/SCs, increasing pace                                  SLT and Faculties   sessions on aspects of         during FR & Walkthrough        experience
        and challenge, plenaries,                                  with expertise     Effective Learning and
        pupil led                                                     identified      Teaching strategies            Pupil Voice - Pupil learning   Learners able to articulate
                                                                                                                     team/ HCF/ Pupil Leadership    why they are learning
                                                                      2021-22                                        team/ FR Focus Groups
        learning                                                                                                                                    Increase learner confidence

                                                                                      All staff engage with          Teachers try out various       Increased teacher
                                                                                      literature on these areas      learning approaches in class   confidence in trying out new
                                                                                      and discuss at Faculty         and discuss these at faculty   learning and teaching
                                                                                      Meetings                       meetings                       strategies - and taking risks
                                                                                                                                                    to improve learners’
                                                                                                                                                    experiences and outcomes
    ●   To focus on formative                                     SLT and Faculties   All CLs and faculties engage   Exam results analysis          Improvement in attainment
        assessment to improve                                      with expertise       with CLPL on Embedded
        outcomes for all of our                                       identified       Assessment and lead CAT       Faculty Reviews -              Improvement in young
        young people                                                                   sessions (reference Dylan     approaches evident in          people being able to identify
                                                                   Part of Blended              Wiliam’s)            classrooms with short cycle    their own next steps
                                                                  Learning and MTR                                   feedback evident
                                                                   working groups
                                                                                                                     Young people aware of
                                                                                                                     progress and next steps
●   To improve moderation                            Discussions and creation of     Moderation policies in use    Confidence from staff on
    and assessment in all                               departmental/ faculty        across the school             ACEL data
    subject areas and ensure      SLT/CLs/               moderation policies
    ACEL data is accurate in    Teaching staff
                                                     Analysis and tracking of data   Tracking of ACEL throughout   Identify subjects/ individuals
    all subjects to support
                                    2021-22            at each reporting period      BGE discussed at CL/SLT       for interventions
    coursing                                           CL link meetings used to      meetings                      throughout BGE and points
                                                                discuss                                            of transition

                                                       PSL to identify individuals   Interventions database        Using ACEL data at point of
                                                            and coordinate                                         transition to inform learning
                                                     interventions as appropriate                                  (P7 onwards)
●   To ensure that our             SLT/CLs/            Working group to support      High levels of engagement     Pupils continue to make
    approaches to blended      Teaching staff (all         blended learning          in both in-school and         effective progress in their
    learning support all             staff)          approaches at whole school,     remote learning               learning
    learners’ progressions                             faculty and departmental
                                Focus on first -                 levels              Tracking reports reporting    Engagement levels for
                                Post Covid-19                                        on progress and               blended learning is high
                                                        Creative approaches to       achievement
                                                      learning and engagement                                      Relationships between staff
                                                         (e.g flipped learning)      ACEL data                     and learners in positive and
                                                                                                                   pupils benefit from blended
                                                                                     Quality of work produced by   learning approaches
Priority: QI 3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion                                                                 SLT Leads: SI and DR
NIF Priorities
     ● Closing the attainment gap between the most and the least disadvantaged children.
     ● Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing.
     ● Improvement in employability skills and sustained positive school leaver destinations for all young people.

              Actions                   Drivers for improvement         When/Who                     Tasks                           Evidence                          Impact

    ●   To implement the new                                                             Staff training to ensure          Staff survey regarding use of    Use of data to improve
        Risk Matrix to maximise                                        SI/PSLs/SLT/      universal understanding of        Risk Matrix to inform            targeted approaches to
        attainment and                                                    all staff      how to access data, and           practice (June 2021).            planning learning and
        achievement from S1-S6                                                           how best to use it.                                                teaching i.e. more effective
                                                                      Late session 20-                                                                      inclusive practice.
                                                                     21 and into 2021-   Further ELC Training on           Easily accessible pupil
                                                                             22          GIRFEC - links to attainment      information and staff views      More effective identification
                                                                                         and achievement and               on accessibility, usefulness     of individuals to target for
                                                                                         universal support - all staff     etc.                             intervention.

                                                                                         Creation of interface             At risk pupil identified early   Better informed and more
                                                                                         between Risk Matrix and           in session and updated as        consistent House
                                                                                         more detailed pupil               data changes.                    monitoring.
                                                                                         information (streamlining).
                                                                                                                           House minutes showing
                                                                                         Development of procedure          consistency of approach
                                                                                         to inform creation of ‘at risk’   across Houses.

                                                                                         Development of a consistent
                                                                                         House monitoring system
                                                                                         using the Risk Matrix as the
                                                                                         main tool.
●   To accurately track S1-S3   AC/HMcB (PEF)      All staff learn to use the Risk   Improved attainment for all.      Closed attainment gap-
    BGE and identify those      Focus on first -   Matrix and this is used to                                          check figures from insight
    under-achieving (SIMD 1-    Post Covid-19      identify those at risk and put    Clear system in place for
    3 and ASN focus) and put                       in identified and                 identification and effective
                                                   appropriate interventions         intervention.
    in place interventions
                                                                                     All staff able to articulate
                                                                                     who in their classes is at risk
                                                                                     of underachievement using
                                                                                     these measures.
●   To closely monitor             AC/DR/SI        Use of Risk Matrix and other      Increase in Complementary         More pupils in lowest 20%
    learner pathways of our                        data to identify these pupils     Tariff score in S4 for lowest     leave school with more
    most vulnerable young                          at the earliest possible          20% (2018/19 = 61)                and/or higher qualifications
    people in S3 and S4 to                         stage.
    inform accurate
                                                   Adaptation of PSL role to
    pathways                                       prioritise support to
                                                   improve attainment and

                                                   Develop system to
                                                   coordinate the work of the
                                                   team looking at S1-3
                                                   underachievement and
                                                   ensure effective transition
                                                   to the senior phase.
●   To ensure completion of     AC/SI/DR/CLs/      Identify ‘at risk’ groups         Close monitoring of ‘at risk’     Increase in number of
    NQs (N4s) in S4 by those        PSLs           earlier using Risk Matrix and     pupils through CL/SLT             course awards in lowest
    ‘at risk’                                      other data.                       meetings and early                20%
                                                                                     interventions put in place
                                                   Strategy for achieving this
                                                   action an expectation of
                                                   each faculty and explicitly
                                                   outlined in improvement
●   To improve the quality of      SI/PSLs         Creation of streamlined                                       Improved attainment for all.
    information to staff to     Focus on first -   system for accessing            High quality information
    ensure high quality         Post Covid-19      support using Risk Matrix       available to all staff.       Improved attainment for
    universal support                              and Wellbeing spreadsheet.                                    key groups.
                                                                                   Staff utilising the
                                                   Development of procedures       information in the planning   High levels of staff
                                                   to update pupil information     of learning, teaching and     confidence in meeting the
                                                   ‘live’ when targets/plans are   assessment.                   needs of all learners.
                                                   introduced or change.

                                                   Staff training and
                                                   engagement in new GIRFEC
                                                   framework, CIRCLE
                                                   framework and Inclusive
                                                   practice module.
●   To continue to develop      SI/PSLs and all    ELC training on                                               Enhanced sense of
    nurture at the school       Focus on first -   implementation of new           Staff are confident in        wellbeing across the school
    based on all staff using    Post Covid-19      policy on nurture               applying nurture principles   community.
    nurture principles                                                             in their context.
                                                   Working Group to be set up                                    Pupils engaging positively in
                                                   to support Nurture and          Pupil surveys report an       all aspects of school life.
                                                   Health and Wellbeing at the     increased sense of
                                                   school                          wellbeing.                    An ethos with tangible
                                                                                                                 emphasis on relationships.
                                                   Further develop three basis     Increased number of pupils
                                                   (ARC) and identification of     engaging in formal nurture
                                                   relevant and appropriate        programmes.
                                                   interventions for pupils in
                                                   P7 onwards (and earlier)
●   Parent Council to work           SC/PC          Development of a Resilience      Reduction in requests for      Pupils are more able to
    with other parent/carers                        ‘toolkit’ for pupils and         support to deal with normal,   manage everyday
    on supporting their         As part of Covid-   parents/ carers - including in   everyday challenges.           challenges.
    young person’s resilience   19 recovery plan    partnership with Parent          Young people reporting
                                                    Council sub-group.               greater sense of wellbeing     PS staff with more capacity
                                                                                     and capacity to manage         to focus on significant issues
                                                    Relaunch of Home/School          challenges.                    and improving attainment
                                                    communications policy.                                          and achievement.
                                                                                     Improved attainment
                                                    Development of explicit                                         Parents feeling more
                                                    resilience raising               Improved attendance            empowered to support their
                                                    programmes through PSB                                          child with every day
                                                    and PSE.                         Reduced visits to medical      challenges.
                                                                                     and other support staff.
                                                                                                                    Improved attainment
                                                                                     Reduced change of level
                                                                                     requests and increased         Sustained positive
                                                                                     course completion rates.       destinations, including
                                                                                                                    completion of degrees.
                                                                                     SEE survey results.
                                                                                                                    Pupils able to articulate the
                                                                                     Incidents of bullying          strategies they use to
                                                                                     reduced, in particular cyber   overcome obstacles
Priority: QI 3.2 Raising attainment and achievement                                                                                   SLT Leads: SC and DR
NIF Priorities
     ● Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy.
     ● Closing the attainment gap between the most and the least disadvantaged children.
     ● Improvement in employability skills and sustained positive school leaver destinations for all young people.

              Actions                   Drivers for improvement         When/Who                     Tasks                       Evidence                       Impact

    ●   To increase accreditation                                                        To devise learner pathways     Attainment data              Improved attainment across
        for all our young people                                        DR/SLT/CLs       to meet the needs of a                                      all SIMDs and in particular
        in S4-S6                                                                         range of learners at SQA and                                SIMD 1-4.
                                                                                         SCQF levels                    Learner pathway choices
                                                                                                                                                     Improved positive
                                                                                         To ensure accurate coursing                                 destinations.
                                                                                         of pupils in to relevant and   Improved recording and
                                                                                         appropriate challenging        recognition of wider         Increased stay on rates in
                                                                                         courses                        achievement.                 S5/6 as school is able better
                                                                                                                                                     meet the interests of more
To ensure support for pupils                                  young people
                                                    to complete courses to the
                                                    nest of their abilities

●   To improve attendance in        SI/PSLs         Test of Change for targeted    Improved attendance            Improved attendance,
    our most vulnerable          Focus on first -   individuals.                                                  attainment and
    pupils through early         Post Covid-19                                     Improved attainment.           achievement within the
    interventions                                                                                                 targeted groups.

●   To continue to embed           SC/JM/all        Database maintained for        More young people receive      Improved attainment and
    our diligence awards to      teaching staff     staff entry twice yearly       certificates with multiple     achievement
    recognise achievements                                                         mentions - monitored via
    in application to learning                      This is further linked to      data                           Young people feel valued
                                                    House points                                                  and parents/carers can also
                                                                                   Builds House ethos as points   see the school values
                                                    Data is used to identify       contribute to this             commitment to learning
                                                    pupils with significant                                       beyond high attainers
                                                    multiple mentions for June     Pupils see value of being
                                                    awards evening                 rewarded for commitment
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