LADY GOWRIE TASMANIA Glenorchy Vacation Care Program

Page created by Danny Powell
LADY GOWRIE TASMANIA Glenorchy Vacation Care Program

                        Vacation Care Program
    Glenorchy Vacation Care Program

                                                                             Vacation Care Program

December 2019 - February 2020
                                                                                                          FRIDAY 20/12/19
                                                                                                          BIKE & SCOOTER DAY
                                                                                                          Feel free to bring along
                                                                                                          your bike or scooter.

                                                                                                          Helmets are essential.

                                                                                                          No Helmet - No Riding.

                                                                                                          KNITTING & SEWING
                                                                                                          Have lots of fun
                                                                                                          participating in different
                                                                                                          sewing and knitting

                                                                                                          MAKING SHERBET
                                                                                                          Make sherbet to enjoy
                                                                                                          while watching a movie.

                                                                                                          DEVICE AFTERNOON
                                                                                                          You can have a nice
                                                                                                          relaxing afternoon
                                                                                                          watching a movie or
                                                                                                          playing on your own
                                                                                                          electronic device.

MONDAY 23/12/19          TUESDAY 24/12/19               WEDNESDAY 25/12/19       THURSDAY 26/12/19        FRIDAY 27/12/19
Enjoy celebrating        Enjoy celebrating              Lady Gowrie Tasmania     Lady Gowrie Tasmania     Lady Gowrie Tasmania
Christmas with crafts,   Christmas cheer with crafts,   Vacation Care Programs   Vacation Care Programs   Vacation Care Programs
cooking and making       cooking and making             are closed today.        are closed today.        are closed today.
presents for under the   presents for under the
tree.                    tree.

                         Lady Gowrie Tasmania
                         Vacation Care Programs
                         close at 1.00pm today.

                                                                                      Vacation Care Program
MONDAY 06/01/20                 TUESDAY 07/01/20              WEDNESDAY 08/01/20           THURSDAY 09/01/20              FRIDAY 10/01/20
2020 CALENDARS                  MESSY MORNING:                PIONEER PARK AND             CRAFT CARDS                    BOARD GAMES &
Come along and make             • Slime                       SORELL SCHOOL FARM           Using a variety of             PUZZLE DAY:
your very own 2020              • Goop                        We will head off to Lady     materials, the children will   • Board Games
calendar to take home.          • Playdough                   Gowrie Sorell Vacation       make cards for an              • Card Games
                                                              Care to join them on a       upcoming special occasion.     • Puzzles
                                • Moon sand
MOSIAC MADNESS                                                walk to Pioneer Park for a
                                • Play snow                                                                               • Brain Teasers
Create a piece of art or                                      play and some hot chips      LEAF CREATIONS
                                                              before heading to the                                       • Crosswords
image made from small                                                                      Using a variety of leaves
                                WALK TO GLENORCHY             Sorell School Farm to meet                                  • Find-A-Word
pieces of coloured paper.                                                                  let’s see what we can
                                POOL                          the animals.                 create.
LEGO & CONSTRUCTION This afternoon we will                                                                                MAKING PIZZAS & CUP
                                                              Departing at 10.00am and
AFTERNOON           walk to the Glenorchy                                                  FIRE POT COOKING               CAKES
                                                              returning at 1.45pm.
                                Swimming Pool to have                                                                     Children will be able to
Children will build and                                                                    We will be cooking damper
                                some fun in the pools and     ($7 excursion fee will be                                   make and eat their own
design different creations                                                                 in the fire pot.
                                on the water slides.          added to your account.)                                     pizza and make and
using assorted Lego and
construction materials.         Departing at 12.30pm and                                                                  decorate their own
                                returning at 3.30pm.                                                                      cupcake.

                                ($6 excursion fee will be
                                added to your account)

MONDAY 13/01/20                 TUESDAY 14/01/20              WEDNESDAY 15/01/20           THURSDAY 16/01/20              FRIDAY 17/01/20
This morning will be            EXPERIEMNTS                   BIG MONKEY THEATRE  CRAFTS                                  Today we will be joining
having a visit from St Johns    Today the children will be    PRODUCTION          Using a variety of natural              the other Lady Gowrie
Ambulance who will              able to participate in some   Today we will head to the    items, we will weave some      Vacation Care programs to
provide us with a basic First   fun science experiments:      Botanical Gardens to watch   magic and create some          enjoy a silent disco.
Aid course full of              • Fizzing colours             the Big Money Theatre        masterpieces.
                                                                                                                          Each service will dress in a
information and fun.                                          Production ‘Waltzing
                                • Lava lamps                                                                              different colour. Glenorchy
                                                              Matilda’. After the          MAKING LAVENDER
10.00am-12.00 noon.             • Making ice-cream                                                                        will be dressing in ‘orange’.
                                                              production we will have a    BAGS
                                • Helium balloons             picnic lunch and explore     Children will make their       Departing at 9.30am and
                                • Making slime                the gardens.                 own lavender bag to take       returning at 1.30pm.
• Soccer                                                      Departing at 10.00am and     home.                          ($5 excursion fee will be
• Football                                                    returning at 3.00pm.                                        added to your account.)
                                                                                           MAKING DOUGHNUTS
• Cricket                                                     ($12 excursion fee will be
                                                                                           Cook your very own
• Running Races                                               added to your account)
                                                                                           doughnuts and decorate
• Sack Races                                                                               them as you please.
• Tunnel Ball
• Flags
• Parachute Fun

                                                                                  Vacation Care Program
MONDAY 20/01/20             TUESDAY 21/01/20              WEDNESDAY 22/01/20            THURSDAY 23/01/20              FRIDAY 24/01/20
Feel free to bring along    CLINIC                        Experience the amazing        BAY                            • Cricket game
your bike or scooter.       Morton Soccer will provide    mud run at Redbanks.          Today we will be going to      • Make damper and
                            a soccer clinic for us to                                   Rock It Climbing Centre          lamingtons
Helmets are essential. No                                 Please bring a change of
                            practice our soccer skills.                                 followed by lunch and a        • A sausage sizzle for
Helmet - No Riding.                                       clothes and a towel.
                                                                                        play at Cornelian Bay.           lunch as well as the
                            10.00am -11.30am.
                                                          Departing at 9.00am and                                        damper and lamingtons
PUPPET MAKING                                                                           Departing at 9.30am and
                            ($6 incursion fee will be     returning at 3.15pm.
Create your own sock                                                                    returning at 3.00pm.           • Assorted art & craft
                            added to your account)
puppet for our sock                                       ($15 excursion fee will be                                     activities
                                                                                        ($15 excursion fee will be
puppet show.                                              added to your account)
                            SCAVENGER HUNT                                              added to your account)
                            In groups we will
                            participate in a scavenger
• Assorted games
                            hunt around the school
• Balloon decorating        and look for a variety of
                            natural items.

MONDAY 27/01/20             TUESDAY 28/01/20              WEDNESDAY 29/01/20            THURSDAY 30/01/20              FRIDAY 31/01/20
PUBLIC HOLIDAY              BRICKS4KIDZ                   DOUGH PEOPLE                  GLOW IN THE DARK               MAKING PEBBLE PETS
Lady Gowrie Tasmania        Today the team from           Today we will bake and        BOUNCY BALLS                   Using assorted pebbles, the
Vacation Care Programs      Bricks4Kidz will visit the    then using assorted           Let’s make our very own        children will be able to
are closed today.           service to run a two-hour     materials decorate our very   glow in the dark bouncy        make their very own
                            session with different        own dough family.             balls to play with.            special pebble pet.
                            LEGO stations for the
                            children to enjoy.            WALK TO GLENORCHY             DISCO TIME                     DECORATE LETTERS
                                                          POOL                          It’s disco time at Glenorchy   Using assorted items, we
                            10.00am -12.00 noon.
                                                          This afternoon we will        Vacation Care with DJ          will be decorating the
                            ($12 incursion fee will be    walk to the Glenorchy         Franken Sound coming to        letters in our name to hang
                            added to your account)        Swimming Pool to have         visit the service.             in our bedroom.
                                                          some fun in the pools and
                            BATHS SALTS                                                 12.00pm-2.00pm.
                                                          on the water slides.                                         WET & WILD:
                            We will make some lovely                                                                   • Sprinklers
                                                          Departing at 12.30pm and      BUTTON CRAFT
                            smelling bath salts for you                                                                • Water fights
                                                          returning at 3.00pm.          Using assorted sizes and
                            to take home and try in
                                                                                        shapes of buttons on a         • Slippery slide
                            your bath at home.            ($6 excursion fee will be
                                                          added to your account)        canvas we will be creating     • Water balloons
                            FUN WITH CLAY                                               a masterpiece.
                                                                                                                       Please bring along bathers,
                            Sculpt and create a                                                                        towel and waterproof (or
                            masterpiece using clay.                                                                    old) footwear.

                                                                           Vacation Care Program
MONDAY 03/02/20                 TUESDAY 04/02/20
GRASS HEADS                     MARSHMELLOW
Children can make their         PEOPLE
very own grass head to          Special treat time! Children
take home to look after as      can create and eat their
the grass grows.                very own marshmallow
Come along and explore          SNOW GLOBES
lots of different craft ideas   Children will make their
using straws. Let’s see what    very own snow globes to
we can make!                    take home.

SCHOOL GYM:                     • Sprinklers
• Soccer                        • Water fights
• Football                      • Slippery slide
• Cricket                       • Water balloons
• Running Races
                                Please bring along bathers,
• Sack Races                    towel and waterproof (or
• Tunnel Ball                   old) footwear.
• Flags
• Parachute Fun

• Tuesday 7/1/2020 –Departing at 12.30pm to walk to the Glenorchy YMCA 1 Anfield St, Glenorchy. Departing at 3.00pm to walk
  back to the service.
•   Wednesday 8/1/2020 - Departing at 10.00am by bus to Sorell Primary School, Gordon Street (Forcett Street Entrance). Departing
    at 1.00pm to return to the service.
•   Wednesday 15/1/2020 - Departing at 10.15am to Botanical Gardens. Departing at 2.30pm to return to the service.
•   Friday 17/1/2020 - Departing at 9.30am to Tolosa Park, Tolosa Street, Glenorchy. Departing Tolosa Street at 1.00pm to return to
    the service.
•   Wednesday 22/1/2020 - Departing at 9.00am to Redbanks Fish and Field, 276 Masons Road, Nugent 7172. Departing Redbanks
    at 2.30pm to return to the service.
•   Thursday 23/1/2020 - Departing at 9.30am to Rock It Climbing Centre, 54 Bathurst Street, Hobart. Departing at 12.30pm to go
    to Cornelian Bay. Departing Cornelian Bay at 2.30pm to return to the service.
•   Thursday 29/1/2020 – Departing at 12.30pm to walk to the Glenorchy YMCA 1 Anfield St, Glenorchy. Departing at 3.00pm to
    walk back to the service.

                                                                          Vacation Care Program

Additional Information
BOOKINGS                                                            CANCELLATIONS AND BOOKINGS
Please note that this program can fill up quickly, especially on    All bookings will be confirmed by email as soon as possible.
excursion days, so we recommended booking as soon as                Children are unable to attend the program until parents/
possible. To make a booking please read the Lady Gowrie             guardians have received written confirmation from our Head
Tasmania OSHC Additional Information below and return the           Office. Bookings received after the closing date will be
attached booking form with your specified days to Lady              considered only after all other booking confirmations have
Gowrie Tasmania’s Head Office. To book into this program,           been made. If your child is absent on their booked day, please
families must have completed a 2020 Enrolment Form and the          let the Office know by phoning 6230 6806 or
Written Arrangement, any allergy or asthma form                     6230 6805. Normal absences are charged unless two weeks’
(if necessary) and Debit Success forms. For further information     notice is provided. Under national law, if your child is absent
about the program or to request the forms above please              on the first or last day of a booking the Child Care Subsidy
email or phone the Outside           cannot be provided and therefore full fees will apply.
School Hours Care Managers on 6230 6806.
                                                                    SIGNING CHILDREN IN AND OUT
LOCATION                                                            Children must be signed in and out each day by a parent/
Lady Gowrie Tasmania’s Glenorchy Vacation Care is located at        guardian or authorised person over the age of 18. If your
Glenorchy Primary School Kensington Street, Glenorchy. The          child/ren are absent you will be asked to sign for that day to
program operates from the school’s General Purpose room.            acknowledge they were absent. This is a legal requirement
The best entrance to use is from Kensington Street - enter          and stipulation for you to receive your Child Care Subsidy
through the gate, turn right and look for a grey door.              entitlements.

OPENING HOURS AND AGE RANGE                                         WHAT TO BRING
The program is open from 8.00am to 6.00pm. We cater for             We provide nutritious snacks for morning tea and afternoon
children from 4 to 12 years of age. 4 year old children must be     tea and the daily menu is on display at the service. Families
enrolled to commence Kindergarten in 2020 to use this               will need to provide a healthy lunch and drink bottle (water
program.                                                            only) for their children. Please do not send any food which
                                                                    requires reheating or refrigeration. Foods containing sugary,
                                                                    salty or fatty foods are discouraged. We are an allergy aware
For daily fee please refer to the current Fee Schedule              service so please ensure your child/ren do not bring any foods
displayed at the service. The Child Care Subsidy is available for   containing nuts. Please cater for all weather possibilities and
all eligible families by contacting the Department of Human         provide sensible footwear and clothing. Lady Gowrie
Services on 136 150. Families will be emailed an invoice from       Tasmania’s Sun Safe Policy applies from September to April
Lady Gowrie Tasmania each fortnight. Payments can only be           each year so during these months please provide sun safe
made by using the Debit Success system which automatically          clothing including a broad brimmed or legionnaire style hat
deducts all monies owing on a set Friday on a fortnightly basis     for your child/ren. Please note that we do not accept any
from your nominated bank account or credit card. Debit              responsibility for personal belongings children might bring to
Success charges a $14.95 overdue fee for all overdue accounts.      the service, including electronic devices. We limit the use of
The daily session fee may vary as indicated on the program          electronic items to one hour per day and children must not
and will still be charged if your child is absent from the          have internet access on these devices. Excursion costs are
program. A late collection fee of $20 per 10 minutes or part        covered by the excursion fees (listed in the attached program)
thereof will be charged for children who are not collected          so we ask that children do not bring any additional money to
at 6.00pm.                                                          the service on excursion days.

                                                                          Vacation Care Program
December 2019 - February 2020 Booking Form
Please note that the closing date for all bookings is Monday 2 December 2019. To secure your child/ren’s place in the program,
particularly on excursion days, please return this form as soon as possible.

Child/ren’s Name/s: �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

Contact Name:������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

Contact Phone Number:_____________________________________ Contact Email Address:�����������������������������������������


                                                                                                         FRIDAY 20/12/19

 MONDAY 23/12/19           TUESDAY 24/12/19

 MONDAY 06/01/20           TUESDAY 07/01/20          WEDNESDAY 08/01/20        THURSDAY 09/01/20         FRIDAY 10/01/20

 MONDAY 13/01/20           TUESDAY 14/01/20          WEDNESDAY 15/01/20        THURSDAY 16/01/20         FRIDAY 17/01/20

 MONDAY 20/01/20           TUESDAY 21/01/20          WEDNESDAY 22/01/20        THURSDAY 23/01/20         FRIDAY 24/01/20

 MONDAY 27/01/20           TUESDAY 28/01/20          WEDNESDAY 28/01/20        THURSDAY 29/01/20         FRIDAY 30/01/20

 MONDAY 03/02/20           TUESDAY 03/02/20

I hereby give permission for my child/ren: _________________�����������������������������������������������������������������

I am aware that excursion/incursion fees (as indicated in the program) will be added to my account.

Parent/ Guardian Name: _________________________________�����������������������������������������������������������������

Signed: �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Date: ____/____/ ____

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION                                                                  HEAD OFFICE DETAILS
On excursions, we expect an average of 25 children to attend with a ratio of            346 Macquarie Street, South Hobart, 7004
1:15 educators to children (for children aged 4 to 12 years) and a ratio of 1:10
                                                                                        PO Box 422, South Hobart, TAS, 7004.
educators to children (for children aged 3 to 4 years of age). Lady Gowrie
Tasmania Managers have conducted a risk assessment for each excursion site              Email:
which is available upon request. The coach company we use is an accredited bus          Phone: 6230 6806
service, however not all the vehicles contain seatbelts.
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