Latest results from the POF-ALL EU Project: Toward Improved Capacity over Large-Core Plastic Optical Fibers

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Latest results from the POF-ALL EU Project: Toward Improved Capacity over Large-Core Plastic Optical Fibers
BroadBand Europe 2007                                                                                          Paper We3B1 – Gaudino
Antwerp, Belgium, 3-6 December 2007

      Latest results from the POF-ALL EU Project: Toward Improved Capacity over
                            Large-Core Plastic Optical Fibers

     Roberto Gaudino (1), Alessandro Nocivelli (2), Hans Kragl (3), Olaf Ziemann (4), Norbert Weber (5), Dieter Jaeger (6), Ton Koonen
                                  (7), Carlo Lezzi (8), Andreas Bluschke (9), Sebastian Randel (10)
                                             1 : Politecnico di Torino, Italy,
                                                               2 : Luceat, Italy
                                                        3: DieMount GmbH, Germany
                                           4: Plastic Optical Fiber Application Center, Germany
                                                      5: Fraunhofer Institute, Germany
                                                  6: Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany
                                         7: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands
                                                            8: Fastweb SpA, Italy
                                                       9: Teleconnect GmbH, Germany
                          10: Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, Information and Communications, Germany.

   Abstract We present an overview of the EU STREP project POF-ALL, aimed at developing new low-cost high-speed
short reach optical transmission systems based on large-core (1mm) Plastic Optical Fibers (POF).

                                                                      of its potential applications. This paper focuses mainly on
1. Introduction: POF-ALL project description
                                                                      the first aspect.
                                                                          The POF-ALL technical goal is to build transmission
    The POF-ALL project (“Paving the Optical Future with
                                                                      device working with large core POF at 100+ Mbit/s
Affordable Lightning-fast Links”) aims at developing a
                                                                      symmetrically over distances of 200+ meters, and at 1+
technology to allow delivery of 100+ Mbit/s symmetrically
                                                                      Gbit/s over 50+ meters. The use of large core POF, while
to residential users at costs far lower than existing
                                                                      being advantageous in terms of installation, anyway poses
alternatives, thanks to the use of Plastic Optical Fiber
                                                                      strong physical transmission impairments (due to the
(POF). POF-ALL is an EU FP6 STREP project; it started
                                                                      higher attenuation and dispersion of POF with respect to
on January 2006 and will end in June 2008. POF-ALL is
                                                                      GOF) that the project deals with in an integrated way by
targeted at the edge network, a term that indicates the last
                                                                      optimizing components, devices and transmission
part of access networks towards the final users and is often
                                                                      techniques. With “large core” POF we mean essentially
a synonym of premises or in-building network. The edge
                                                                      thick 1mm POF in one of their different flavors, being
network, due to its capillarity, is the most expensive part of
                                                                      step-index (SI), double-step-index (DSI) or graded-index
the access network. The project is tailored to large
                                                                      (GI). We believe that the focus on large-core POF is not
residential buildings, which are most common in European
                                                                      simply a technical detail, but a key point of the project. In
cities. POF-ALL shall prove that POF can radically ease
                                                                      fact, the large diameter makes 1mm POF a completely
installation difficulties and reduce costs while providing
                                                                      different medium compared to GOF in terms of ease of
ample bandwidth, making it the ideal alternative for edge
                                                                      installation, and thus of applications. It has been shown
networks. POF ease installation difficulties compared to
                                                                      that, regarding ease of mechanical connections, a “do-it-
glass optical fibers (GOF) thanks to its very large diameter
                                                                      yourself” approach by unskilled people is feasible, also
and mechanical resilience to stresses and low bending
                                                                      thanks to commercially available plug-less connectors, a
                                                                      requirement that would be ideal for the in-house scenario.
    The full POF-ALL project is focused on large 1mm                  In fact, POF connections can be performed using very
core fibers based on PMMA material, in either the                     simple tools.
traditional Step-Index version or in the recent Graded-
                                                                      Two main technical directions are investigated in the
Index version. In the rest of the paper, we will use the
acronym POF to indicate 1mm PMMA plastic optical
fiber.                                                                • Transmission at 100 Mbit/s (Fast-Ethernet) over
                                                                           distances above 200 meters, using standard 1mm SI-
    The goal of the project is twofold. From one side, a
                                                                           POF, with a final target of 300 meters.
great technical effort is put in place in order to greatly
improve the POF transmission capacity and reach with                  • Transmission at high speed (1 Gbit/s and more) over
respect to current commercial solution. From another side,                 distance around 100 meters, using 1mm GI-POF
significant POF-ALL resources are spent in dissemination              This paper presents the most recent technical results of the
and market analysis, to understand the potential marketing            project. In particular, it describes the three approaches that
impact of POF, and to improve the general understanding               are currently under development. In the first one, described
                                                                      in the following Sect. 2, we are investigating multilevel

978-1-4244-1942-5/07/$25.00 ©2007 IEEE                                                                    IEEE Catalog Number: CFP0791D-CDR
                                                                                                                       ISBN: 978-1-4244-1942-5
                                                             Page 1 of 6                                       Library of Congress: 2007909452
Latest results from the POF-ALL EU Project: Toward Improved Capacity over Large-Core Plastic Optical Fibers
BroadBand Europe 2007                                                                                      Paper We3B1 – Gaudino
Antwerp, Belgium, 3-6 December 2007

baseband transmission to obtain 100 Mbit/s transmission
over 200+ meters. In the second approach, described in
Sect. 3, we investigate the use of techniques taken from the
RF world, such as Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
(QAM), again to achieve 100 Mbit/s over 200+ meters. In
these two approaches, the selected fiber type is commercial
1mm step-index POF. In Sect. 4, we show most recent
results on higher bit rate transmission (1 Gbit/s and more)
over shorter distances (50-100 meter) and graded-index
(but still large core) POF. Finally, in Sect. 5 we address a
recent trend inside the project that is the use of even more
advanced modulation formats, and in particular orthogonal
frequency division multiplexing (OFDM).
2. Baseband approach, 200 meters
    In a first approach, we investigate the use of multilevel      Figure 1: 8-PAM eye-diagram after 200 meter, 120 Mbit/s
baseband transmission to obtain 100 Mbit/s transmission                                   line rate
over 200+ meter. Due to the strong modal dispersion in 1
mm SI-POF over this distance, the available bandwidth is          We have recently demonstrated this architecture at 120
of the order of 18 MHz [1]. Thus, bandwidth efficient             Mbit/s line rate (for a net data rate equal to 100 Mbit/s)
multilevel transmission is required. We opted for a               over a full experimental prototype. The resulting
proprietary and optimized proprietary transmission                transmission system was error-free after 200 meters,
protocol, based on direct baseband 8-PAM modulation               showing the eye-diagram represented in Fig. 1, and had a
coupled with pre- and post- equalization. The system we           BER=10-3 after 275 meters (and 2 inline connectors),
are proposing thus requires advanced digital signal               which may be turned into error-free after FEC. We believe
processing (DSP) algorithms, and it is based on the               that these are record results in the POF field, and may
following blocks:                                                 show new fields of application for large-core POF systems.
• Conversion of the input binary data stream into 8-              Our system has been developed in order to be fully
     PAM, with (optionally) the addition of FEC coding to         compatible with Fast-Ethernet, and the actual interfacing
     improve transmission resilience                              from Ethernet to our proprietary transmission protocol is
• Pre-compensation filtering on the 8-PAM signal. This            currently under development, and will be ready in Fall
     is performed by an 8-taps FIR filter having a high-pass      2007.
     response that partially pre-compensate the bandwidth         The advanced digital signal processing proposed here are
     limitation of the POF channel, and by an ad-hoc              currently prototyped using a high-level FPGA. The
     algorithm to compensate the LED intrinsic                    missing step toward a potential commercial use would be
     nonlinearity                                                 the development of a dedicated ASIC chip, a task that,
• Digital-to-analog conversion of the resulting signal,           though not feasible inside the available POF-ALL budget,
     and application to a green wavelength LED with               appears as quite straightforward, since the overall
     suitable driver hardware                                     complexity of our algorithms is comparable with several
• At the receiver side, detection of the incoming optical         types of ASIC that have been developed for wireless
     signal using a high-performance PIN photodiode               application. In the last part of the project, a cost analysis of
     followed by a transimpedance amplifier and a (linear)        an ASIC realization will be performed.
     automatic gain control circuit
• Analog-to-digital conversion, followed by DSP-like              3- QAM-like approach, 200+ meters
     clock recovery and blind adaptive equalization. We           Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) is a promising
     notice here that adaptive equalization, besides              alternative to fit the 100 Mbit/s transmission speed into the
     compensating the POF channel low-pass response,              limited bandwidth of a 200+ meters 1 mm-core SI-POF
     turns out to find the optimal sampling point inside the      link. QAM techniques are widely used in e.g. wireless
     eye-diagram, thus greatly helping in optimizing the          LANs, DVB-C, and DOCSIS cable modems. They are
     performance of the full system.                              readily available in low-cost chip sets, thanks to the
• Demodulation from 8-PAM to binary                               already established large market volumes of these
                                                                  applications. QAM basically deploys two orthogonal
                                                                  transmission channels to convey the in-phase (I) and
                                                                  quadrature-phase        (Q)  data      signal   components.
                                                                  Commercially available chip sets consist of quadrature
                                                                  modulator/demodulator circuits, as well as a Baseband
                                                                  Processor (BBP) which converts the serial binary input

978-1-4244-1942-5/07/$25.00 ©2007 IEEE                                                                IEEE Catalog Number: CFP0791D-CDR
                                                                                                                   ISBN: 978-1-4244-1942-5
                                                          Page 2 of 6                                      Library of Congress: 2007909452
Latest results from the POF-ALL EU Project: Toward Improved Capacity over Large-Core Plastic Optical Fibers
BroadBand Europe 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                     Paper We3B1 – Gaudino
Antwerp, Belgium, 3-6 December 2007

data stream into the multi-level I- and Q-signals. To
emulate QAM transmission on a POF link, three options
are currently under investigation inside the POF-ALL
project [2]:
1) Direct QAM (see Fig. 2.a ); the I- and Q-signals are
    modulated on the orthogonal cosine and sine versions
    of an electrical harmonic carrier. This is the approach
    commonly used in today’s large volume applications
    mentioned before. For a data rate of R bit/s, and a N-
    QAM scheme, the resulting symbol rate is R / log2 N .
    In double-sideband quadrature modulation, as rule of
    thumb the carrier frequency fc needs to be placed at                                                                                                    Fig. 3                Received QAM-256 signal constellation (simulated)
    least above 0.7⋅ R / log2 N , and the resulting required                                                                                                                       0

    bandwidth of the full channel should be at least equal to                                                                                                                      -2
    1.4⋅ R / log2 N .                                                                                                                                                              -4

2) Baseband/subcarrier emulated QAM (see Fig. 2.b ); the                                                                                                                                                                            WS QAM-256

    I-signal is carried in baseband and the Q-signal is                                                                                                                            -6

                                                                                                                                                                                                                QAM-16                   QAM-64
    modulated on a carrier fc such that the I- and Q-spectra                                                                                                                       -8

    do not overlap. The bandwidth of the link thus needs to                                                                                                                       -10

    be at least 2.1⋅ R / log2 N .                                                                                                                                                                       WS QAM-16
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          WS QAM-64
3) Wavelength-sliced emulated QAM (see Fig. 2c) ); the I-
    and Q-signal are both carried in baseband on two                                                                                                                              -14
                                                                                                                                                                                     -30   -28    -26               -24            -22            -20
    separate wavelength channels, which may be formed by                                                                                                                                                PP0 [dBm]
                                                                                                                                                                                                         0 (dBm)

    e.g. two complementary sliced parts of a broad
                                                                                                                                                            Fig. 4 SER versus average RX optical power, for direct QAM,
    spectrum light source such as a LED. This option
                                                                                                                                                                     m-PAM, and wavelength-sliced QAM
    requires a link bandwidth of at least 0.7⋅ R / log2 N.
Of these three options, the most interesting are the direct
QAM, because of the re-use of readily available QAM chip                                                                                                        Also a comparative analysis has been made of the
sets, and the wavelength-sliced one, as it requires clearly                                                                                                 symbol error rate (SER) curves versus average received
the least link bandwidth.                                                                                                                                   optical power for direct x-points QAM (QAM-x), x-level
                                                                                 POF                                               I
                                                                                                                                                            Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM-x), and wavelength-
                                                                           LD           PD
  in        BBP
                                                                                                         X              LPF
                                                                                                                                                            sliced x-points QAM (WS-QAM-x). The curves are
                                                      X                                                             X LPF
                              fc            π/2                                                              π/2
                                                                                                                                   Q                        depicted in Fig. 4 for a given data rate of 100 Mbit/s, and
                                                                                                                                                            indicate that wavelength-sliced QAM is a promising
                                                                    a) direct QAM                                                                           approach as it offers good receiver sensitivity together with
                                                                                                                               I                            the least bandwidth requirements. In an experimental
  data                                                                                                                                              data
   in           BBP
                                                                                                  BPF              X LPF
                                                                                                                                       BBP          out     setup, we measured the EVM of a direct QAM system
                                   fc                                                                   fc                                                  realized over a 100 meters 1 mm core SI-POF link. The
                                                                                                                                                            directly modulated light source was either a 658 nm Fabry-
                              b) baseband/subcarrier emulated QAM
                                                                                                                                                            Perot laser diode emitting 5 mW, or a 520 nm LED
                                                  SLED                          POF               PD
                                                                  WDM                    WDM
                                                                                              S                xtalk
                                                                                                                                             data           emitting 2 mW. The EVM curves obtained with these
          in              BBP                                                                                  elim.         BBP             out
                                                           S      slicer                demux S
                                                                                                                                                            sources for QAM-16, -64, and -256 formats and a symbol
                                                                                                                                                            rate of 7.0 MBaud (implying bit-rates of 28, 42 and 56
                                   c) wavelength-sliced emulated QAM                                                                                        Mbit/s, respectively) are shown in Fig. 5, and are plotted
                                                                                                                                                            versus the carrier frequency fc. The rapidly deteriorating
                          Fig. 2                          QAM emulation system options
                                                                                                                                                            EVM versus fc indicates that the link bandwidth of the
By means of system software simulations using VPI                                                                                                           LED-based system is smaller than that of the laser-based
Transmission Maker, the direct QAM system concept has                                                                                                       system; this is attributed to the larger mode volume excited
been assessed for a bit rate of 129 Mbit/s and modulation                                                                                                   by the LED. The LED system performance is limited by
formats QAM-64 and QAM-256. Good signal constellation                                                                                                       the link bandwidth, whereas the laser-based system
diagrams have been obtained after 100 meters of 1 mm SI-                                                                                                    performance seems limited by system non-linearities. The
POF; Fig. 3 shows the diagram for QAM-256 and a carrier                                                                                                     curves indicate also that for this 100 meters SI-POF link
frequency     fc = 40 MHz. The relative Error Vector                                                                                                        the EVM requirements for QAM-64 (i.e. EVM
Latest results from the POF-ALL EU Project: Toward Improved Capacity over Large-Core Plastic Optical Fibers
BroadBand Europe 2007                                                                                                         Paper We3B1 – Gaudino
Antwerp, Belgium, 3-6 December 2007





              EVM (%)

                        5           QAM-64
                                   QAM-256                   QAM-256
                        3        LED                          QAM-64

                                                                                          Figure 6: Normalized small signal frequency response
                                                LD                                                   of red edge emitting laser diode
                             0         20            40           60   80
                                                                                        Even faster than edge emitting lasers are red VCSELs.
                                            carrier freq. (MHz)
                                                                                    Unfortunately the temperature behavior of recent devices is
  Figure 5:Measured EVM versus carrier frequency for                                quite poor and does not seem to satisfy the requirement of
           direct QAM system over 100 meters SI-POF                                 datacom equipment. For instance, the output power
                                                                                    typically drops below 100 µW at a temperature above
                                                                                    50 °C.
   System experiments over the POF link reached 60
                                                                                        As a more far-fetched alternative for the longer term,
Mbit/s using QAM-16 with the 520 nm LED, and more
                                                                                    the project is also considering LEDs as alternative, lower
than 150 Mbit/s using QAM-64 with the 658 nm Fabry-
                                                                                    cost optical sources. Especially green and blue devices,
Perot laser diode.
                                                                                    and adopted driving concepts are analyzed to establish
4. High speed approach, 1 Gbit/s over 100 meters                                    Gigabit transmitter devices. On the receiver side different
                                                                                    concepts are investigated to achieve high data rates with
Not only a longer transmission distance, but also higher bit                        large-area receivers. One approach is the utilization of
rates are investigated within the POF-ALL project. In                               elaborated driving concepts. This includes special
                                                                                    photodiode structures as well as low-input impedance
particular, Workpackage WP2 focuses on Gbit/s
                                                                                    transimpedance amplifiers and voltage up-conversion to
transmission. Due to its exceedingly high modal
                                                                                    minimize capacitance and carrier drift-time. The other
dispersion, at this bit rate the SI-POF is not easily usable,
                                                                                    approach is the application of concentrating optics on
unless very advanced modulation techniques are used as                              small size photodiodes.
discussed in the following Section 5. The current chapter is
                                                                                        Final goal of this workpackage inside the POF-ALL
focused on Gbit/s transmission over approx. 100 meters                              project is a pre-production transceiver prototype capable of
using standard binary NRZ code. We thus selected a fiber                            1.25 Gbit/s. The transceiver should fulfill not only
with appropriate bandwidth, but still with a large core                             technical guidelines, but also economical and
diameter of 1 mm. Examples for these fibers are new                                 environmental ones like eye-safety, low-costs, long
graded-index (GI) fibers like the OM-Giga from Optimedia                            lifetime and the demands of mass-production. The project
[5] or multicore fibers. These fiber types only recently                            is currently very close to this goal, as can be seen in Figure
appeared on the market. As all of these fibers are PMMA-                            7, which shows a photograph of the current prototype
based, they have a potential for low cost compared to the                           transceivers developed inside POF-ALL. Two different
more expensive perfluorinated plastic optical fibers, and at                        small form factor gigabit transceivers are assembled at the
the same time provide much more bandwidth than SI-POF.                              moment, one in the POF typical SMI style and one in a
Attenuation characteristic of the PMMA material requires                            SFF style with EM-RJ connector. First prototypes for these
the use of red light. The transmission system thus requires                         transceivers will be available within Fall 2007, while full-
high-speed red light sources (650 nm) at the transmitter                            fledged media converters featuring these transceivers will
side. Moreover, large area receivers (effective area in the 1                       follow by the end of the year 2007.
mm range) are necessary. Both requests are very                                     After developing the transceivers, we performed a
uncommon in optical data transmission, so the main focus                            complete characterization. First tests on a full transmission
in this approach is on evaluating different light sources,                          links are very promising (see for example Figure 8),
photodiodes and sophisticated driving concepts. In Fig. 6,                          showing a good eye diagram after 50 meters at 1.25 Gbit/s
the frequency response of a common red edge-emitting                                line rate, completely compatible with Gigabit Ethernet
laser designed for DVD player applications is shown. The                            standards in terms of jitter and eye-mask.
3-dB cut-off frequency is well above 1 GHz. This result
demonstrates that even cheap devices built for DVD
applications can be used for high-speed data transmission,
thus taking advantage of mass-production and consequent
low cost.

978-1-4244-1942-5/07/$25.00 ©2007 IEEE                                                                                   IEEE Catalog Number: CFP0791D-CDR
                                                                                                                                      ISBN: 978-1-4244-1942-5
                                                                            Page 4 of 6                                       Library of Congress: 2007909452
Latest results from the POF-ALL EU Project: Toward Improved Capacity over Large-Core Plastic Optical Fibers
BroadBand Europe 2007                                                                                     Paper We3B1 – Gaudino
Antwerp, Belgium, 3-6 December 2007

       Figure 7: Small form factor transceiver devices
         currently manufactured within POF-ALL                           Figure 10: Transmission of 910 Mbit/s NRZ over
                                                                          100 m SI-PMMA-POF with passive equalizing

                                                                       Figure 10 shows the transmission of 910 Mbit/s in
                                                                   NRZ-code over standard SI-POF only with some
                                                                   equalizing. Even though the eye-opening is not yet good,
                                                                   this experiments show, that for shorter links - e.g. 30 to
                                                                   50 m - standard POF still can be used for gigabit
                                                                   transmission without the necessity for complex coding

  Figure 8: Eye-diagram and Gigabit ETHERNET mask
                                                                   5. Recent results on OFDM techniques
             test of 50 m GI-PMMA-POF link                         A new approach that is currently investigated by two
    In a laboratory setup even higher data rates up to             partners (Siemens and Teleconnect) that recently joined
3 Gbit/s have been reached. Also transmission of analog            POF-ALL is the use of Orthogonal Frequency Division
carriers up to 2.4 GHz, as used in DVB-C links (figure 9)          Multiplexing (OFDM). A first very good result, presented
and WLAN transmission systems has been demonstrated.               last year at this same conference [3], was the experimental
                                                                   demonstration of 1 Gbit/s transmission over a 100 meters 1
                                                                   mm core SI-POF link, a result obtained using a 650 nm
                                                                   DVD-player laser diode and OFDM multi-tone techniques
                                                                   with 80 subcarriers and QAM-256. Starting from these
                                                                   excellent preliminary results, the use of OFDM over POF
                                                                   system has been inserted in the POF-ALL workplan.
                                                                   Recent interesting results from partner Teleconnect
                                                                   demonstrated the option of using commercial OFDM chips
                                                                   originally developed for xDSL system over POF. Best
                                                                   result so far have been a reliable 100 Mbit/s transmission
                                                                   over 200 meters 1 mm core SI-POF, using a modified
                                                                   VDSL chipset. The (optimized) bit-per-tone allocation for
                                                                   the 3478 tones used in this demonstrator is shown in
                                                                   Figure 8. We remark here that this demonstrator is using
                                                                   only commercially available chips and it is completely
    Figure 9: Transmission of satellite IF up to 2.2 GHz           compatible at the input to Fast-Ethernet, thus proving as a
                over 30 m GI-PMMA-POF                              readily available solution for extended reach Ethernet over
    A further approach is the use of passive equalizer
                                                                   Even higher performance has been obtained using a
circuits to compensate the frequency response of the fiber.
                                                                   laboratory setup, as shown in [3], where the record
                                                                   transmission of approx. 1 Gbit/s over 100 meter of step-
                                                                   index POF has been demonstrated.
                                                                   6. Conclusions
                                                                   We have shown the most recent technical results of the
                                                                   POF-ALL project. Best results include 100 Mbit/s
                                                                   transmission over 200 meters of standard SI-PMMA-POF,
                                                                   and 1 Gbit/s transmission over 50 meters of GI-PMMA-
                                                                   POF. The first result (100 Mbit/s) can find potential
                                                                   application in edge-network application where a high-

978-1-4244-1942-5/07/$25.00 ©2007 IEEE                                                               IEEE Catalog Number: CFP0791D-CDR
                                                                                                                  ISBN: 978-1-4244-1942-5
                                                           Page 5 of 6                                    Library of Congress: 2007909452
Latest results from the POF-ALL EU Project: Toward Improved Capacity over Large-Core Plastic Optical Fibers
BroadBand Europe 2007                                                                                                     Paper We3B1 – Gaudino
Antwerp, Belgium, 3-6 December 2007

                                                                                                               Downstream      Upstream
                                                                                f [MHz]
                           0,0086 2,1649 4,3211 6,4774 8,6336 10,79 12,946 15,102 17,259 19,415 21,571 23,727 25,884 28,04 30,196
           bits per tone



                                1   201    401   601   801 1001 1201 1401 1601 1801 2001 2201 2401 2601 2801 3001 3201 3401
                                          Figure 11: bit-per-tone allocation in the 200 meter demonstrator using VDSL chips

speed signal is to be delivered for instance from an active
switch placed in the basement of large residential building
to each individual apartment. The second result (1 Gbit/s                          References
over 50+ meters) can today be very interesting in very                                 [1] D. Cárdenas et al. “A Media Converter Prototype
short reach links inside the apartment, such as for example                                for 10Mb/s Ethernet Transmission over 425m of
for the high-definition digital TV connections.                                            Large Core Step Index Polymer Optical Fiber”,
We believe that one of the important technical outputs of                                  IEEE Journal of Lightwave Tech., December
the project is to have shown that the ultimate POF capacity                                2006.
in terms of reach and/or bit rates are much higher than                                [2] A.M.J. Koonen et al., Proc. of POF 2006, Seoul,
what it is typically perceived in the POF community.                                       Sep. 11-14, 2006
Moreover, we believe we are the first consortium that has                              [3] S. Randel et al.: “1Gbit/s transmission with 5.3
proposed advanced modulation techniques applied to                                         bit/s/Hz spectral efficiency in a 100m standard 1
optics, such as multilevel PAM, QAM or even OFDM, or                                       mm SI POF link using adaptive multiple
advanced digital equalization techniques. We believe that                                  subcarrier     modulation”,      32th   European
there is a rationale for all these techniques in the medium                                Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC
term, due to the steady increase of performance and                                        2006, Postdeadline paper.
decrease of cost of digital electronics. Thus, moving a part                           [4] B. Offenbeck et al., 15th International
of the complexity from the “optical domain” to the                                         Conference on Polymer Optical Fiber, Seoul,
“electronic domain”, or at least finding the best                                          September 2006
compromise between the two domains may become the                                      [5]
most effective solutions in the near future. This is a trend                           [6] R. Gaudino et al., “On the ultimate capacity of SI-
that is also seen today in the long-haul GOF sector. For                                   POF links and the use of OFDM: recent results
instance, two Sessions at the forthcoming ECOC 2007                                        from the POF-ALL project”, 16th International
Conference in Berlin are focused on OFDM over optics,                                      Conference on Polymer Optical Fiber, Turin,
while a plethora of papers are dedicated to many different                                 Italy, September 2007
flavors of new modulation formats and digital signal
processing for equalization. From a more academic, but
still interesting viewpoint, we believe we have for the first
time formulated the Shannon Capacity of the SI-POF
channel [6].

During the last year of the project, which will formally end
in June 2008, besides continuing on the technical part, we
will strongly focus on market analysis, in order to see what
broadband access scenario would benefit most from POF-
ALL technologies. Significant interest in the proposed
technologies may arise in in-apartment very high speed
links. POF-ALL results may also be beneficial in other
sectors, such as in next-generation industrial automation
links, in future automotive networks, and in other specific
niche sectors.
Acknowledgments: This project is fully funded by EU
project FP6-IST STREP titled “POF-ALL”, contract n.

978-1-4244-1942-5/07/$25.00 ©2007 IEEE                                                                               IEEE Catalog Number: CFP0791D-CDR
                                                                                                                                  ISBN: 978-1-4244-1942-5
                                                                          Page 6 of 6                                     Library of Congress: 2007909452
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