LEGAL ISSUE BRIEF - National Institute for Legislative Studies

National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies
National Assembly

Issue 1, No. 7, October 2018

Diagnosing    the   Legality    of   Declaration                                                     of
Inconclusiveness of Elections in Nigeria
Dr. Samuel Oguche

It has been in public domain that the                  was 41,353, which was less than the number
governorship elections took place in Osun              of registered voters in the polling units where
State on Saturday, the 22nd day of September           cancellation of votes took place. This brief
2018. At the end of the voting and collation           probes the legal regularity or otherwise of
of results, no return was made as the                  such declarations by the INEC and makes
Independent National Electoral Commission              recommendations for legislative activism as
(INEC) declared the election inconclusive.             a way forward.
This was as a result of the fact that, according
                                                       The Concept of Elections
to INEC, the number of invalid votes was
                                                       Election is a set of activities whereby
more than the margin between the candidate
                                                       members of a community choose their
of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP),
                                                       leaders. The main purpose of an election is to
Ademola Adeleke, who polled 254,698
                                                       put people into positions of leadership, by
votes, and that of the All Progressives
                                                       way of making preferred choices from
Congress (APC), Ademola Adeleke, had                   available alternatives. At times, elections are
polled 254,698 votes; the margin between the
                                                       conducted to approve or disapprove of
two being 353 votes with 3, 498 cancelled              important proposals made by the
votes. In consequence, INEC fixed                      government. Such an election is often
September 27 for a rerun between the                   referred to as a referendum or a plebiscite.
candidates of the two political parties. Prior
                                                       Also, an election can be conducted to endorse
to this period, INEC had, in 2015, declared
                                                       or reject the recall of a serving political office
the governorship election in Kogi State                holder accused of non-performance or
inconclusive because the total number of               misconduct. All these types of elections have
registered voters in 91 polling units, in 18
                                                       been held in Nigeria at one time or another.
local government areas, where election was
                                                       There are five types of elections, namely,
cancelled was 49,953, while the margin of              general election, by-election, referendum,
votes between Prince Abubakar Audu of the              plebiscite and recall. Each of them aims at
APC and Capt. Idris Ichalla Wada of the PDP
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National Assembly

endorsing or rejecting certain persons or                                      citizens        confer
public policies. Election is important,                                        legitimacy         and
whether local or national. The number of                                       authority on those
voters who participate in an election vary                                     who govern, making
from place to place. Election therefore                                        it easier for them to
creates a level playing field for everyone who                                 mobilize         public
is interested in contesting for public offices.                                support            and
Election processes help to reflect changing                                    cooperation for the
opinions and social concepts about                                             implementation       of
citizenship and equality of individuals.1                                      development
                                                                               programs. Free, fair
Election serves as a political leveler for all                                 and credible elections
citizens, with the concept of all persons being                                are therefore a crucial
equal before the ballot box i.e. one man, one                                  requirement for good
vote. It also brings together the various parts                                governance in any
of the country, and helps in the redistribution                                democracy.2
of the commonwealth, irrespective of
religious, social, political or other
differences. On the importance of elections,
it has been stated as follows:                                   A Panoramic Survey of Statutory
             Free and fair elections                             Provisions Relating to Inconclusiveness of
             are the cornerstone of                              Elections
             every democracy and
             the            primary                              The point must be made from the onset that
             mechanism           for                             the criterion which the Constitution of the
             exercising          the                             Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as
             principle            of                             amended) and the Electoral Act 2010 (as
             sovereignty          of                             amended) recognise for declaring a candidate
             people. Through such                                duly elected is majority of lawful and valid
             elections,     citizens                             votes. To this end, the Constitution provides
             participate in the                                  that:
             governance of their                                       "A candidate for an election to
             country by choosing                                       the office of Governor of a
             those who govern in                                       State shall be deemed to have
             the      quest      for                                   been duly elected where, there
             development.        By                                    being two or more candidates -
             their choices, the

1                                                                2
     T Fotopoulos “The Meaning of Democracy”, <                   Report of the Electoral Reform Committee, Volume 1 Main> accessed       Report, 1 (2008)
December 2 2015
National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies
National Assembly

        (a) he has the highest number
        of votes cast at the election;             A careful perusal of the provision of section
        and                                        179(1) of the Constitution reveals that it does
        (b) he has not less than one-              not admit of other conditions for declaring a
        quarter of all the votes cast in           candidate winner and returning him duly
        each of at least two-thirds of all         elected. In addition to the above, the Electoral
        the local government areas in              Act further provides that:
        the State.”3                                     If the Tribunal or the Court
                                                         determines that a candidate
In addition to the above, the Constitution               who was returned as elected
vests INEC with the power to, by rules or                was not validly elected on the
otherwise, regulate its own procedure or                 ground that he did not score
confer powers and impose duties on any                   the majority of valid votes
officer or authority for the purpose of                  cast at the election, the
discharging its function.4 Pursuant to the               Election Tribunal or the
above provision, INEC issued Manual for                  Court, as the case may be,
Election Officials 2015 (Updated Version)                shall declare as elected the
which it relies on in conducting elections.              candidate who scored the
The Manual provides as follows:                          highest number of valid votes
      The                      State                     cast at the election and
      Collation/Returning Officer                        satisfied the requirements of
      for the Governorship shall:                        the Constitution and this
      Where the margin of win                            Act.6
      between the two leading
      candidates is not in excess of               A combined reading of the above statutory
      the total number of registered               provisions reveals that some votes would be
      voters of the polling unit(s)                unlawful and invalid. Consequently, where
      where       elections    were                votes are cancelled or invalidated for any
      cancelled or not held, decline               reason howsoever, including for being
      to make a return until another               invalid and unlawful, such votes are
      poll has taken place in the                  immediately and automatically cancelled,
      affected polling unit(s) and                 deducted and consigned to the dustbin of
      the results incorporated into                history.7
      an new Form EC8D and
                                                   Nature of Voided Votes and Judicial
      subsequently recorded into a
      new      form     EC8E     for
      Declaration and Return.

  Section 179(2)                                   7
                                                    Lawyard: “Inconclusive Osun Poll: Ozekhome Accuses INEC of
  Section 160(1)                                   Murdering Democracy”,
  Chapter 3, paragraph 3.11, Step 14               osun-poll-ozekhome-accuses-inec-of-murdering-democracy/
6 Section 140(3)                                   (Accessed on 14/10/2018)
National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies
National Assembly

Only votes that INEC had adjudged                           functions. Sections 73 and
illegitimate due to irregularities should be                153 of the Electoral Act,
voided and were voided and cancelled. This                  2010, (as amended), contain
cancellation and voidance of illegitimate                   similar provisions to ensure
votes effected all the political parties, not just          the proper discharge of its
APC and PDP, but especially Omisore's SDP,                  functions.     Section      73
whose two strongest fortes in Ife axis were                 empowers the Commission
badly affected. Such voided votes are ignored               to publish in the Gazette
and unreckoned with, for they are a non                     guidelines for elections
sequitur. In Osunbor v Oshiomhole8,                         which shall make provisions
cancelled votes had been counted and added                  for the step by step recording
to PDP/Osunbor's scores. The courts, up to                  of the poll in the electoral
the Supreme Court, held that when votes are                 forms as may be prescribed.
cancelled, they are not reckoned with in                    Section 153 empowers the
determining the outcome of such an election.                Commission         to    issue
The courts thereafter deducted the                          regulations, guidelines or
invalidated votes and this gave victory to                  manuals for the purpose of
Oshiomhole in the hotly contested election.                 giving     effect     to   the
To avoid disenfranchisement of eligible                     provisions of the Electoral
voters, only votes in areas where election did              Act       and       for     its
not hold at all are considered for the purpose              administration. The above
of calculating total votes.                                 provisions give statutory
                                                            backing to the Manual as a
Supremacy of the Constitution and Nullity                   subsidiary legislation and
of Inconsistent Provisions                                  where it is found to be
                                                            relevant, its provisions must
The issue of validity of INEC Manual for
                                                            be invoked, applied and
Election Officials came up for determination
                                                            enforced. In the instant case,
in Faleke v. INEC where the Supreme Court
                                                            having discovered electoral
gave approval to the usage of Manual for
                                                            malpractices in 91 polling
Election Officials in conducting a
                                                            units in the State, it was
supplementary election as follows:
                                                            proper for the 1st respondent
       By virtue of section 160(1) of
                                                            (INEC) to consult and apply
       the 1999 Constitution, INEC
                                                            the provisions of its Manual
       has the constitutional power
                                                            to determine the next course
       to regulate its own procedure
                                                            of      action       in    the
       or confer powers and impose
                                                            circumstances. Resort to its
       duties on its officers for the
                                                            manual in the circumstances
       purpose of discharging its

    (2007) 18 NWLR(part 1065) 32
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National Assembly

          did not amount to a flagrant                               the Lokoja/Kogi Federal Constituency rerun
          disregard of the supremacy of                              election of August 11 2018 inconclusive on
          the Constitutional provisions                              similar facts, where the number of cancelled
          contained in section 179(2)                                votes which stood at 19,000 exceeded the
          of the Constitution.9                                      difference between the two candidates in the
                                                                     election which stood at 12,000 and the
The above pronouncement of the Supreme                               candidate of the APC, Haruna Isah was
Court is an affront on the Supremacy of the                          declared winner without declaring the
Constitution. The provision of section 179                           election inconclusive. In that election the
exhaustively guides INEC in making a return                          candidate of the APC polled 26,860 while the
at a governorship election. It must be restated                      candidate of the PDP, Engr Bashir Abubakar
here that the provisions of the Electoral Act                        polled 14,845 votes to come second, a total of
and the INEC Guidelines are subject to the                           19,960 votes were cancelled as a result of
overriding authority of the provisions of the                        violence in some polling units in two local
Nigerian Constitution, which is supreme. In                          government areas.12
the words of Ozekhome, SAN, “the
Constitution is the Kabiyesi, Eze and Emir, in                       Error of the Supreme Court in Validating
the hierarchy of Nigerian laws. All others are                       the Relevant Provision of the INEC Manual
like Bales and Chiefs that must bow before                           Juxtaposed with International Judicial
this king.”10 The provisions of the                                  Attitude
Constitution therefore clearly override the
provisions of the Electoral Act and any                              It is obvious that the provision of the INEC
guidelines issued by INEC, by virtue of                              Manual reproduced above is inconsistent
section 1(3) of the 1999 Constitution. They                          with section 179(2) of the Constitution, the
are consequently null and void to the extent                         former having imported strange provisions
of the inconsistency. This constitutional                            that are contrary to the express provisions of
provision on the supremacy of the                                    the latter. It is one thing to have powers to
Constitution has received judicial blessing in                       make subsidiary legislation and it is another
a plethora of authorities such as the                                thing to make such subsidiary legislation
celebrated case of Nyesom Wike v. Dakuku                             within the ambit of the powers so granted. On
Peterside11.                                                         this premise, the Supreme Court erred in not
                                                                     declaring the said provision of the Manual
The Perplexity of Double Standard by INEC                            void. In United States v. Two Hundred
                                                                     Barrels of Whisky13 , the parent Act provided
Contrary to the position taken by INEC in the                        for admitting duty-free animals specially
2015 governorship election in Kogi State and                         imported for breeding purposes. The
the recent Osun election, it failed to declare                       regulation made under the Act required the

  Per Kekere-Ekun, JSC at pp. 120-121, paras. F-G                    2018,
   Ibid                                                              declares-apc-winner-of-lokoja-kogi-fed-constituency/ (Accessed on
   (2016) 7 NWLR (part 1512) 574                                     16/10/2018)
    Obahopo, B.: “Bye Election: INEC declares APC winner of          13 95 U.S. 571 [24 L.Ed. 491]

Lokoja/Kogi Fed Constituency”, Vanguard (online), 12th August,
National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies
National Assembly

animals to be of a superior stock if they were         thereunder could not be held to be
to be admitted to be duty-free. The court held         unconstitutional. Rejecting the argument the
the regulation to be ultra vires as the parent         Supreme Court held that even though a parent
Act included all animals while the regulation          Act might not be unconstitutional, an order
confined its operation to animals of a                 made thereunder can still be unconstitutional
particular stock alone. Similarly, in Indian           and can be challenged as violative of the
Council of Legal Aid & Advice v. Bar                   provisions of the Constitution. It has long
Council of India14 , the Bar Council of India          been established that where the Constitution
by Resolution No.64/93 dated 22nd August,              sets the condition for doing a thing, no
1993 added Rule 9 in Chapter III of part VI            legislation of the National Assembly or of a
of the Bar Council of India Rules which                State House of Assembly can alter those
resolution was gazetted on 25th September,             conditions in any way unless the Constitution
1993. The said newly added rule was to the             itself as an attribute of its supremacy so
effect that "A. person who has completed the           authorises.16
age of 45 years on the date on which he
submits his application for his enrolment as           Recommendations
an advocate to the State Bar Council shall not
                                                       In view of the forgoing analysis, the
be enrolled as an advocate." All the State Bar
                                                       following measures are recommended:
Councils in India were duly informed about
the insertion of the said rule. The legality and           a. The National Assembly should take
validity of the rule was challenged as it was                 bold steps to amend the Constitution
contended that it was inconsistent with                       by expressing providing against
Articles 14, 19(1) (g) and 21 of the                          importation of strange requirements
Constitution and Section 24 of the Advocates                  for making a return at elections
Act, 1961. The Supreme Court of India found                   outside the provisions of the
struck down the new Rule 9 as ultra vires the                 Constitution.
Act and opposed to Article 14 of the
Constitution. This same line of reasoning was              b. There should be a provision in the
adopted in Narendra Kumar v. Union of                         Electoral Act in line with the
India15, where the validity of the Non-                       provisions of the Constitution, stating
Ferrous Metal Control Order, 1958 issued                      clear requirements for making a
under section 3 of the Essential Commodities                  return. This will automatically render
Act,      1955      was       challenged      as              impotent the provisions of the INEC
unconstitutional. The petitioners had not                     Manual.
challenged the validity of the parent Act. It
was argued that if the enabling Act was not                c. There should be continuous legal
considered unconstitutional, the rules made                   education for judges, especially on
                                                              international practices, to enhance

141995 SCC (1) 732                                     16 INEC v Musa (2003) 3 NWLR (Pt.806) 72
15 1960 AIR 430

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National Assembly

       their capacity for justice dispensation       wrong by all standards. First, it offends the
       to minimise errors.                           relevant constitutional provisions cited, and
                                                     second, it is amounts to self-contradiction on
   d. INEC should revise its Manual and              the part of INEC since not all registered
      bring it in line with the provisions of        voters can vote. Under paragraph 2.0. at page
      the Constitution, especially in view of        8 of the Manual, only voters with PVCs are
      the unveiled contradictions.                   eligible to vote. What is the essence of
                                                     reckoning with the total number of registered
                                                     voters when it is not all registered voters that
It is already a notorious fact in Nigeria that       are eligible to vote but only those with their
only registered voters who have collected            PVCs? The inconsistency of INEC in the
their Permanent Voters Cards (PVCs) are              application of the Manual calls for a rethink
eligible to vote. Reliance on Chapter 3              on the part of the election umpire as it breeds
paragraph 3.11 step 14 of INEC's Manual is           feelings of injustice among the citizenry.

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