Lendlease Global Commercial REIT - 1Q FY2021 Business Update 3 November 2020

Page created by Morris Cruz
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT - 1Q FY2021 Business Update 3 November 2020
Lendlease Global
Commercial REIT
1Q FY2021 Business Update

3 November 2020
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT - 1Q FY2021 Business Update 3 November 2020
Important Notice
This presentation may contain forward-looking statements. Actual future performance, outcomes and results may differ materially from those expressed in
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other companies, shifts in customer demands, customers and partners, changes in operating expenses including employee wages, benefits and training,
governmental and public policy changes and the continued availability of financing in the amounts and the terms necessary to support future business.

You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which are based on the current view of management regarding future
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correctness of the information or opinions contained in this presentation. Neither Lendlease Global Commercial Trust Management Pte. Ltd. (the “Manager”) nor
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The past performance of Lendlease Global Commercial REIT (“LREIT”) is not indicative of future performance. The listing of the units in LREIT (“Units”) on
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from them may fall as well as rise. Units are not obligations of, deposits in, or guaranteed by, the Manager or any of its affiliates. An investment in the Units is
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This presentation is for information only and does not constitute an invitation or offer to acquire, purchase or subscribe for the Units.
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT - 1Q FY2021 Business Update 3 November 2020
           1. Key Event Highlight

           2. Portfolio Update

           3. Capital Management

           4. Update on COVID-19

           5. Appendix
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT - 1Q FY2021 Business Update 3 November 2020
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT - 1Q FY2021 Business Update 3 November 2020
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT 1Q FY2021 Business Update                                                                                                     5

Key Event Highlight
Acquisition of a stake in Jem via 5% interest in Lendlease Asian Retail Investment Fund 3
• The investment provides LREIT with pre-emptive rights and opportunities to potentially increase its strategic
  stake in the Fund (and indirect interest in Jem) over time

• The acquisition was funded fully with cash and is accretive (1) to its distribution per unit (“DPU”)

• Unitholders will benefit from greater income diversification based on the office (35% by NLA) and suburban
  retail (65% by NLA) components of Jem

(1)   Refer to LREIT’s announcement “Lendlease Global Commercial REIT acquires a stake in Jem via a 5% interest in Lendlease Asian Retail Investment Fund 3”
      dated 1 October 2020 for the proforma DPU effect.
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT - 1Q FY2021 Business Update 3 November 2020
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT - 1Q FY2021 Business Update 3 November 2020
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT 1Q FY2021 Business Update                                                                                                                                                  7

Portfolio Performance
•       Maintained a healthy portfolio occupancy of 99.0%
•       Only 3% (by NLA) and 12% (by GRI) of the leases will expire by FY2021

•       Healthy tenant retention rate of 80.0%(1)

•       Disciplined capital management with gearing ratio of 35.6% and interest coverage ratio of
        9.2 times(2)

•       No near-term refinancing until FY2023

                                                                                                         Weighted                                         Tenant
                                                              Portfolio                                Average Lease                                     Retention
      Key Portfolio Metrics                                  Occupancy                                     Expiry                                          (by NLA)
                                                                 99.0%                                                                                    80.0%(1)
                                                                                                            9.5 years

                                                                 Gearing                                  Weighted                                     Interest
      Capital Management                                          Ratio                                Average Running                              Coverage Ratio
                                                                                                         Cost of Debt
                                                                   35.6%                                                                                9.2 times(2)

(1)   Refers to 313@somerset. Sky Complex is 100% leased till 2032, excluding tenant’s break option in 2026.
(2)   The interest coverage ratio of 9.2 times is in accordance with requirements in its debt agreements, and 4.8 times in accordance with the Property Funds Appendix of the Code on Collective Schemes.
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT - 1Q FY2021 Business Update 3 November 2020
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT 1Q FY2021 Business Update                                                                                                     8

Portfolio Overview
As at 30 September 2020
                                                                    Well-spread Lease Expiry Profile
                                                             WALE of 9.5 years (by NLA) and 4.9 years (by GRI)


                                                                      20%                       24%
                                      12%                                                                               10%
                       3%                                     7%                       6%                       4%

                           FY 2021                              FY 2022                   FY 2023                 FY 2024               Beyond FY2024
                                                                                      By NLA    By GRI

                              Stable Occupancy Rate                                                                   Diversified Tenant Base
 %                                                                                                                             Others
                  99.8                         99.8                99.5            99.0                        Entertainment    11%
100                                                                                                                 3%
                                                                                                          Beauty & Health                               Broadcasting
 90                                                                                                                                                         32%

 80                                                                                                             IT &
 70                                                                                                              4%

                                                                                                                                                         Food &
 50                                                                                                              Fashion &                              Beverages
          As at Dec 2019              As at Mar 2020          As at Jun 2020   As at Sep 2020                   Accessories                               27%
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT - 1Q FY2021 Business Update 3 November 2020
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT 1Q FY2021 Business Update                                                                                                             9

313@somerset, Retail Mall in Singapore
Atop Somerset MRT Station and spans across eight retail levels, comprising three basement
levels (B3 to B1) and five levels above ground (L1 to L5)

                                                                                                                                          Key Statistics
                                                                                                                                   (as at 30 September 2020)

                                                                                                                           Occupancy                   95.6%(1)

                                                                                                                                                  1.6 years (by NLA)
                                                                                                                                                  1.7 years (by GRI)

                                                                                                                           Appraised value          S$1,008 million

                                                                                                                           Valuation cap rate           4.25%

                                                                                                                           NLA                       288,318 sq ft

                                                                                                                                                    100% (99-year

(1)   Since 30 September 2020, LREIT has secured a new tenant that would improve the occupancy at 313@somerset to 98.0%.
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT - 1Q FY2021 Business Update 3 November 2020
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT 1Q FY2021 Business Update                                                                                          10

Tenant Sales and Visitation Continued to Show Signs
of Recovery
•       Tenant sales and visitation recovered approximately 70% and 60%, respectively, compared with pre-
        COVID-19 levels. Positive traction is expected to continue with the ease of restrictions by the authorities.

•       With travel restrictions remain in place, tenant sales and visitation will continue to be supported by
        domestic demand

•       Rolled out more marketing campaigns through the Lendlease Plus App to improve sales performance

              S$ in                            Tenant sales                      Number in
             millions                                                             millions

                           69.2                                                  12.0        11.4

              60                                             +3.5 times          10.0                                     +2.8 times
                                                                QoQ                                        8.6               QoQ
              50                                                                  8.0
              40                                                                                                                         6.2
                                                             11.7                                                         2.2
              10                                                                  2.0

                0                                                                 0.0
                     Oct-Dec 2019 Jan-Mar 2020 Apr-Jun 2020 Jul-Sep 2020                Oct-Dec 2019   Jan-Mar 2020   Apr-Jun 2020   Jul-Sep 2020
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT 1Q FY2021 Business Update   11

Marketing and Digital Offering
 313@somerset, prime retail mall in Singapore
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT 1Q FY2021 Business Update                                                                                          12

Occupancy Rate Stayed Stable at 95%
•       Tenant retention rate held steady at 80% during the quarter
•       Leasing activities are expected to remain soft due to weak demand against COVID-19 headwinds
•       Retail tenants are adopting a wait-and-see approach and are recalibrating their cost structures, which
        may pose a challenge during lease renewal

                                                                              Occupancy rate (%)

                                                        99.2                      99.2                                     97.8
                           100                                                                                                         95.6(1)





                                                As at Dec 2019              As at Mar 2020                        As at Jun 2020   As at Sep 2020

(1)   Since 30 September 2020, LREIT has secured a new tenant that would improve the occupancy at 313@somerset to 98.0%.
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT 1Q FY2021 Business Update                                                                                                 13

Sky Complex, Grade-A Office in Milan
Comprises of three office buildings and has excellent accessibility via the public transport system.
Fully leased to Sky Italia, owned by Comcast Corporation(1).

                                                                                                                             Key Statistics
                                                                                                                     (as at 30 September 2020)

                                                                                                           Occupancy                          100%

                                                                                                                                          11.6 years
                                                                                                                                      (by NLA and GRI)

                                                                                                           Appraised value            S$444.5 million(2)

                                                                                                           Valuation cap rate                 5.25%

                                                                                                           NLA                          985,967 sq ft

                                                                                                           Ownership                   100% (freehold)

(1)    Sky Italia is a subsidiary of Comcast Corporation company, a global media and technology company.
(2)    Conversion of € to S$ is based on the FX rate of 1.601 as at 30 September 2020.
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT 1Q FY2021 Business Update                                                    14

Broadcasting Operations Continue to Remain Resilient
• Safe distancing management continues at Sky Complex

• To-date, Sky Italia has made all its rental payments in a timely manner with no rental waiver granted

• Change of alternative investment fund manager to Lendlease Italy SGR S.p.A. to align its interest closely
  with LREIT’s unitholders
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT 1Q FY2021 Business Update                                                                                                                          16

Key Financial Indicators
Maintained stable liquidity position to meet financial obligations

                                                                                                      As at 30 September 2020                                  As at 30 June 2020

        Gross borrowings                                                                                      S$555.4 million                                    S$545.3 million

        Gearing ratio                                                                                                   35.6%                                            35.1%

        Weighted average debt maturity                                                                               2.8 years                                          3.1 years

        Weighted average running cost of debt(1)                                                                   0.86% p.a.                                          0.86% p.a.

        Interest coverage(2)                                                                                         9.2 times                                         9.0 times

      (1)    Based on drawn debt and excludes amortisation of debt-related transaction costs.
      (2)    The interest coverage ratio of 9.2 times is in accordance with requirements in its debt agreements, and 4.8 times in accordance with the Property Funds
             Appendix of the Code on Collective Schemes.
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT 1Q FY2021 Business Update                                                                                                                                17

Debt Facilities and Maturity Profile
No refinancing till FY2023
                                                                                                                                                   Prudent capital structure
  Debt Facilities                                            Loan Amount                    Remaining Loan Tenor                                   •      Balance sheet flexibility with 100%
                                                                                                                                                          of unsecured debt
  Singapore dollar                                                                                                                                 •      Interest rate risk 100% hedged to
                                                             S$99.3 million                              2 years
  term loan facility                                                                                                                                      fixed rate debt through interest
                                                             S$456.1 million                                                                              rate swaps and options
  Euro term loan facility                                                                                3 years                                   •
                                                             (€285.0 million)                                                                             Euro natural hedge for Sky
                                                                                                                                                          Complex via Euro term loan
  Singapore dollar
                                                             S$50.0 million                              4 years                                   •      Diversity of debt funding across a
  revolving credit facility
                                                                                                                                                          syndicate of lenders
                                                                                                                                                   •      S$148 million(1) of undrawn debt
Debt maturity profile                                                                                                                                     facilities.


       500                                                                                            456.1



       100                                                                                                                        50.0

                         FY2021                         FY2022              FY2023                   FY2024                    FY2025

                         S$ Term Loan Facility                   € Term Loan Facility        S$ Revolving Credit Facility

(1)    Uncommitted undrawn debt facilities comprise of S$50 million and €30 million. Committed undrawn multi-currency revolving credit facility of S$50 million.
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT 1Q FY2021 Business Update                                                             19

COVID-19: Singapore to resume more activities safely
 313@somerset, prime retail mall in Singapore

 •        Operations:

     –        Continue to remain focused on the health and well-being of LREIT’s tenants and customers

     –        Maintain its hygiene standards to ensure that 313@somerset provides a safe environment for people
              to work, shop and play.

     –        Footfall and tenant sales are expected to gain positive traction with more people allowed to return to
              workplace and the Singapore government opening its borders to tourists from Hong Kong

 •        Revenue:

     –        The COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act to allow tenants to seek temporary relief from paying rent
              and other obligations under their leases from April 2020 to October 2020, has been extended to 19
              November 2020.

     –        While the support from the Singapore government and LREIT have helped to ease immediate
              cashflow pressure on its tenants over the last six months, the overall retail sector and leasing
              demand remains subdued. These could potentially impact rental during lease renewals and when
              entering into new leases.
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT 1Q FY2021 Business Update                                                                    20

Key Focus in the Near Term

             Prudent capital                                      Manage operating              Enhance portfolio
              management                                             expenses                    attractiveness

•        Maintain a strong                                   •   Adopt disciplined          •   Capitalise on the strategic
         balance sheet through                                   approach to reduce costs       location of 313@somerset
         liquidity and capital                                                                  to improve visitation and
         management strategies                               •   Defer non-essential            sales performance
                                                                 capital expenditure to
•        Adopt appropriate risk                                  conserve cash              •   Solidify the position of
         management strategies                                                                  313@somerset as the
         to mitigate market                                                                     heart of the Somerset
         uncertainties                                                                          youth precinct through the
                                                                                                redevelopment of the
                                                                                                Grange Road car park site
                                                                                                into a new lifestyle
313@SOMERSET, SINGAPORE                                     SKY COMPLEX, MILAN

           Thank You
 For enquiries, please contact Ling Bee Lin, Manager Investor Relations
Tel: (65) 6671 7374 / Email: enquiry@lendleaseglobalcommercialreit.com
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT 1Q FY2021 Business Update                                                                                                                            23

Recap: Financial Performance for Q4 FY2020 and
DPU of 1.76 cents declared for 2H FY2020

                                                                              4Q FY2020                                                                       FY2020

                                                              Actual            Forecast(1)                                          Actual                 Forecast(1)
                                                                                                           Variance                                                        Variance
                                                             (S$’000)            (S$’000)                                           (S$’000)                 (S$’000)

  Gross revenue                                              12,466                21,514                    42.1%                    55,536                   63,910       13.1%

  Net property income                                         7,514                16,092                    53.3%                    40,289                   47,722       15.6%

  Distributable income                                        5,693                15,078                    62.2%                    35,672                   44,671       20.1%

  DPU (cents)                                                 0.48                    1.28                   62.7%                    3.05(2)                     3.80      19.7%

(1)   The Manager had, in the interest of good corporate governance, made announcements on 9 April and 20 April 2020 respectively, with regard to the IPO profit and
      distribution forecast for the financial year ending 30 June 2020 (“FY2020”) and the profit and distribution projection for the financial year ending 30 June 2021
      (“FY2021”), as it may no longer be a fair basis against which the actual performance of LREIT could be compared given current circumstances. For transparency, the
      Manager will still provide year-on-year comparisons of LREIT’s financial results for FY2020 against the profit forecast for FY2020 disclosed in LREIT’s prospectus
      and FY2021 against LREIT’s financial results for FY2020, in the announcements of LREIT’s full year financial results for FY2020 and FY2021 respectively.
(2)   Distribution of 1.29 cents per unit was paid on 16 March 2020.
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT 1Q FY2021 Business Update                                                           24

Recap: Gross Revenue and Net Property Income
•       Stable revenue from Sky Complex helps to protect income during COVID-19, which has affected the retail
        sector in 4Q FY2020
•       Rent waivers of up to two months were provided to retail tenants in 4Q FY2020

                                                                       Gross Revenue                  Sky Complex
            S$ million
                  25                                                          21.7
                                                             6.1              6.3
                     15                                                                     12.5

                     10                                                                      6.3
                                                         15.3                 15.4
                                                   2Q FY2020               3Q FY2020      4Q FY2020

                                                                    Net Property Income
              S$ million
                                                             16.2             16.6
                                                              5.5              5.7

                        10                                                                   7.5

                           5                                 10.7             10.9           5.7

                           0                                                                 1.8
                                                     2Q FY2020              3Q FY2020     4Q FY2020
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT 1Q FY2021 Business Update                                              25

Recap: Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2020
NAV per unit increased to $0.85

                                                             As at 30 June 2020   As at 31 March 2020

      Total assets
                                                                  1,555,498            1,518,802

      Gross borrowings
                                                                   545,319              545,227

      Total liabilities
                                                                   563,248              562,553

      Net assets attributable to unitholders
                                                                   992,250              956,249

      Units in issue                                           1,171,795,224        1,169,480,379

      NAV per unit
                                                                     0.85                 0.82
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT Poised to
                  Recover Post Circuit-Breaker

    •   Portfolio occupancy stood at 99.0%
    •   Weighted average lease expiry (“WALE”) of 9.5 years by net lettable area (“NLA”)
        and 4.9 years by gross rental income (“GRI”)
    •   Approximately 78% of the leases (by NLA) will expire only beyond FY2024
    •   Gearing ratio of 35.6% with average running cost of debt of 0.86% p.a.
    •   Weighted interest coverage ratio of 9.2 times1
    •   Sky Complex continues to remain resilient. Its tenant’s broadcasting business
        continues to take place with safe management measures in place.
    •   Strategic acquisition of a stake in Jem provides income diversification as the office
        component is fully leased on a long lease term to the Ministry of National
        Development (MND) of Singapore

DBS Bank Ltd. is the Sole Financial Adviser and Issue Manager for the initial public offering of
Lendlease Global Commercial REIT (the “Offering”). DBS Bank Ltd. and Citigroup Global
Markets Singapore Pte. Ltd. were the joint global coordinators, bookrunners and underwriters for
the Offering.

Singapore, 3 November 2020 - Lendlease Global Commercial Trust Management Pte. Ltd. (the
“Manager”), the manager of Lendlease Global Commercial REIT (“LREIT”), today provides its
first quarter FY2021 operations update for the period 1 July 2020 to 30 September 2020. LREIT
has adopted half‐yearly announcement of financial statements with effect from 13 July 2020.

Operations Update

LREIT’s portfolio occupancy stood at 99.0% as at 30 September 2020, with a long WALE of 9.5
years2 by NLA and 4.9 years2 by GRI. Approximately 78% of its leases by NLA will expire only
beyond FY2024.

Tenant sales and footfall at 313@somerset continue to show signs of recovery. During the
quarter, tenant sales and footfall recovered approximately 70% and 60% respectively, compared
to pre-COVID-19 levels. As at 30 September 2020, 313@somerset had maintained a healthy

  The interest coverage ratio of 9.2 times is in accordance with requirements in its debt agreements and 4.8 times in
accordance with the Property Funds Appendix of the Code on Collective Schemes.
  Assumes that Sky Italia does not exercise its break option in 2026.

occupancy rate of approximately 96% and tenant retention rate of 80%. More recently, LREIT has
secured a new tenant that would improve the occupancy to 98.0%.

In the coming quarters, the Manager will focus on capitalising the strategic location of
313@somerset to improve visitation and sales performance. It also aims to solidify the position of
313@somerset as the heart of the Somerset youth precinct through the redevelopment of the
Grange Road car park into a new lifestyle destination. The authorities have ceased operations at
the car park in preparation for the targeted handover of the site to LREIT by December 2020.
Redevelopment works are expected to commence soon after LREIT takes over the site.

On Sky Complex, LREIT’s office asset in Milan, its tenant’s broadcasting business continued to
remain resilient with safe management measures in place. Sky Complex is fully leased to Sky
Italia, an international high-quality tenant, on a long lease term until 20322. The Manager had, on
1 September 2020, appointed Lendlease Italy SGR S.p.A. as the alternative investment fund
manager for Lendlease Global Commercial Italy Fund, which holds Sky Complex, to align its
interest closely with LREIT’s Unitholders.

Milano Santa Giulia district, where Sky Complex is located, has been gaining positive traction and
is an emerging key office location in the Milan Periphery submarket in recent years. The district
is conceived as an area where various facilities, services and land-uses would integrate, connect
and create synergies and as a place where people interact and engage with each other. The
recent developments adjacent to Sky Complex - two grade-A office buildings are about 80% pre-
let to a global engineering company - and infrastructure development of a new metro line that
connects to Linate airport, have contributed to the positive office investment interest in the Milano
Santa Giulia district.

Mr Kelvin Chow, Chief Executive Officer of the Manager, said, “We are fortunate to have fully
leased our three freehold Grade A office buildings, Sky Complex in Milan, with a long lease term
till 2032. Sky Complex is expected to be income resilience and mitigate downside risks during

Commenting on LREIT’s prime retail asset in Singapore, Mr Chow added, “The safety of our
shoppers, tenants and employees remains a top priority at Lendlease. The Singapore
government’s move towards allowing more people to return to work and increasing the capacity
for events and dining, will definitely be positive for malls as travelling overseas is still not readily
allowed. We stand ready to work in accordance with local guidelines to drive visitation to
313@somerset. We will also focus on retaining and engaging our tenants as we continue to build
on our healthy and long-lease expiry profile to provide Unitholders with regular and stable returns.”

Strategic acquisition of a stake in Jem, an integrated office and retail development

The acquisition of a stake in Jem through a 5% interest in Lendlease Asian Retail Investment
Fund 3 (the “Fund”) has provided pre-emptive rights and opportunities for LREIT to potentially
increase its strategic stake in the Fund (and indirect interest in Jem) over time.

The transaction was completed on 1 October 2020, fully funded with cash and is accretive3 to
LREIT’s distribution per unit (“DPU”). LREIT and its Unitholders will also benefit from further
income diversification based on the office and suburban retail components of Jem. Its office
component, accounts for approximately 35% by NLA, is fully leased to the Ministry of National
Development (MND) of Singapore.

Capital Management

As at 30 September 2020, the Group and LREIT have an uncommitted undrawn debt facility of
S$50 million and €30 million to fund its working capital. As at the date of this announcement,
LREIT has committed undrawn multi-currency revolving credit facility of S$50 million.

Gross borrowings stood at S$555.4 million as at 30 September 2020, equating to a gearing ratio
of 35.6%. The weighted average running cost of debt was 0.86% per annum. LREIT’s weighted
average debt maturity was 2.8 years.

LREIT’s interest coverage ratio was 9.2 times in accordance with requirements in its debt
agreements, and 4.8 times in accordance with the Property Funds Appendix of the Code on
Collective Schemes. The current levels of the interest rate coverage ratios provide ample buffer
from the debt covenant of 2.0 times and minimum regulatory requirement of 2.5 times. The
Manager will continue to be vigilant in maintaining a strong balance sheet and prudent cashflow

LREIT hedged 100.0% of its floating rate debt to fixed rate through interest rate swaps and
options. To mitigate foreign currency risks, it has substantially hedged its projected Euro-
denominated income for FY2021. LREIT has achieved natural hedge against its Euro capital
investment in Sky Complex via a Euro term loan. It has diverse sources of funding from a lending
group of well-rated financial institutions. All of LREIT’s debt is unsecured debt, ensuring that it
has balance sheet flexibility.

COVID-19 Update

The Singapore government had in October 2020 extended the relief period under COVID-19
(Temporary Measures) Act (the “COVID-19 Act”) till 19 November 2020. Under the COVID-19
Act, tenants are able to seek temporary relief from paying rent and other obligations under their
leases from April 2020.

For LREIT’s retail tenants at 313@somerset, the Manager has been engaging with them actively
since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Up to two months of rental relief were provided to
eligible tenants and full savings from property tax rebate were also passed through to eligible
tenants to help them tide over this period. While the support has helped to ease immediate

 Refer to LREIT’s announcement “Lendlease Global Commercial REIT acquires a stake in Jem via a 5% interest in
Lendlease Asian Retail Investment Fund 3” dated 1 October 2020 for the proforma DPU effect.

cashflow pressure on LREIT’s tenants over the last six months, the overall retail sector and
leasing demand remains subdued. Retailers remain cautious as they adopt a wait-and-see
approach and are recalibrating their cost structures. Leasing activities are expected to remain
challenging due to the soft demand against COVID-19 headwinds.

In the coming quarters, the Manager expects this cautious stance to put pressure on occupancy
and rental reversion for 313@somerset. It remains committed to provide appropriate assistance
to ensure business continuity of its retail tenants.

On Sky Complex, no rental waiver is granted to Sky Italia and to-date, it has made all its rental
payments in a timely manner.

Market Outlook

Singapore Retail Industry

Based on advance estimates by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Singapore economy
contracted by 7.0%4 year-on-year (“YoY”) in the third quarter of 2020, an improvement from the
13.3% contraction in the second quarter. The improved performance came on the back of the
phased re-opening of the economy following the Circuit-Breaker that was implemented between
7 April and 1 June 2020.

Retail sales index continued to decline for six consecutive months in August to 5.7% 5 YoY.
However, this was an improvement from the 8.5% YoY decline recorded in July.

Announcements from the Singapore government to move towards Phase Three safe re-opening
in a calibrated and cautious manner have been encouraging. More activities could be anticipated
with further easing of restrictions over the next few months. In addition, the air travel bubble
announced by the Singapore and Hong Kong authorities in October marks a significant positive
development in reopening the borders.

While these are positive signs of recovery, the pace of recovery may not be uniform across the
sectors. Consumer-facing sectors such as tourism and hospitality as well as retail may continue
to remain subdued in the near term. Nevertheless, the retail space market fundamentals continue
to look encouraging with little supply expected in the Orchard Road micro-market over the next
four years6. This will lend support to modest leasing activities in the medium term.

Milan Office Industry
According to the latest research report by CBRE in 2Q 2020, the Milan office market has a total
investment of €1.27 billion in the first half of 2020, accounting for approximately 70% of the entire

  Ministry of Trade and Industry Singapore’s GDP Contracted by 7.0 Per Cent in the Third Quarter of 2020, 14
October 2020
  Statistics Singapore, Retail Sales Index and Food & Beverage Services Index – August 2020
  REALIS / Colliers International Singapore Research

office market in Italy. Office vacancy rates in Milan remained stable at 9.9% in 1H 2020, an
improvement of 0.4 percentage points YoY. Prime office rental rate in Milan climbed 3.4% to €600
per square metre per annum.

In the near term, assets such as Sky Complex, LREIT’s office in Milan, let on long leases to high
quality tenants will continue to remain resilient. Sky Complex is fully leased to Sky Italia on a long
lease term till 20322.

Distribution Policy

LREIT intends to make distributions to Unitholders semi-annually and will distribute at least 90.0%
of its adjusted net cashflow from operations for each financial year. The actual level of distribution
will be determined at the Manager’s discretion. LREIT intends to distribute 100.0% of its adjusted
net cashflow from operations for the period from the Listing Date to the end of 30 June 2021.


About Lendlease Global Commercial REIT

Listed on 2 October 2019, Lendlease Global Commercial REIT (“LREIT”) is established with the principal
investment strategy of investing, directly or indirectly, in a diversified portfolio of stabilised income-producing
real estate assets located globally, which are used primarily for retail and/or office purposes.

Its initial portfolio comprised a leasehold interest in, 313@somerset, a retail property located in Singapore
and a freehold interest in Sky Complex, which comprises three office buildings located in Milan. The
portfolio has a total net lettable area of approximately 1.3 million square feet, with an appraised value of
S$1.4 billion as at 30 June 2020.

LREIT is managed by Lendlease Global Commercial Trust Management Pte. Ltd., an indirect wholly-owned
subsidiary of Lendlease. Its key objectives are to provide Unitholders with regular and stable distributions,
achieve long-term growth in distribution per unit and net asset value per unit, and maintain an appropriate
capital structure.

About the Sponsor - Lendlease Corporation Limited

The Sponsor, Lendlease Corporation Limited, is part of the Lendlease Group7, an international property
and infrastructure group with core expertise in shaping cities and creating strong and connected
communities, with operations in Australia, Asia, Europe and the Americas.

Headquartered in Sydney and established in 1958, the Lendlease Group’s vision is to create the best places
by striving for world leading standards for safety, innovation and sustainability.

The Lendlease Group’s approach is to maintain a portfolio of operations that deliver diversification of
earnings by segment and region, providing a mitigant to property cycles. This approach means that through
cycles the composition of earning from each segment or region may vary.

The Lendlease Group has a development pipeline value of approximately A$113 billion8, core construction
backlog of A$14 billion8 and funds under management of A$36 billion8. The Lendlease Group is a trusted
investment manager to over 150 key capital partners in property and infrastructure investments.

For more information, please contact Investor Relations:

Lendlease Global Commercial Trust Management Pte. Ltd.
Ling Bee Lin
Tel: +65 6671 7374

    Lendlease Group comprises the Sponsor, Lendlease Trust and their subsidiaries.
    As at 30 June 2020.

Important Notice

This press release is for information purposes only and does not constitute or form part of an offer, invitation
or solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for any securities of Lendlease Global Commercial REIT
(“LREIT”) in Singapore or any other jurisdiction nor should it or any part of it form the basis of, or be relied
upon in connection with, any contract or commitment whatsoever.

The value of units in LREIT (the “Units”) and the income derived from them may fall as well as rise. Units
are not obligations of, deposits in, or guaranteed by Lendlease Global Commercial Trust Management Pte.
Ltd. (the “Manager”), RBC Investor Services Trust Singapore Limited (as trustee of LREIT) or any of their

This press release may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Actual
future performance, outcomes and results may differ materially from those expressed in forward-looking
statements as a result of a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Representative examples of
these factors include (without limitation) general industry and economic conditions, interest rate trends, cost
of capital and capital availability, competition from similar developments, shifts in expected levels of
property rental income, changes in operating expenses, (including employee wages, benefits and training
costs), property expenses and governmental and public policy changes and the continued availability of
financing in the amounts and the terms necessary to support future business.

An investment in Units is subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount
invested. Holders of Units (“Unitholder”) have no right to request the Manager to redeem or purchase
their Units while the Units are listed. It is intended that Unitholders may only deal in their Units through
trading on Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”). Listing of the Units on SGX-ST
does not guarantee a liquid market for the Units.

This press release is not to be distributed or circulated outside of Singapore. Any failure to comply with this
restriction may constitute a violation of United State securities laws or the laws of any other jurisdiction.

The past performance of LREIT is not necessarily indicative of its future performance.

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