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 Saving you time. A monthly newsletter distilling public policy and government decisions which affect business opportunities in Australia and beyond.

18 June to 22 JulY 2010 issue no. 26: Pre-election edition                                                  Latest Roy Morgan Election Finding: What the Federal Government
Letter from Canberra, established 2008, is a sister publication of Leter From Melbourne, established 1994      should do to benefit electors and their families. - Pages 11 - 14

Our fascinating language                                                                                                                                               inside
Editorial by Alistair Urquhart

Letter From Canberra is a publication about distilling public policy and the government decisions which effect business op-                  Gillard moves forward (to the right)
portunities in Australia, and we provide the surrounding political context. One purpose of the magazine is to keep much of the
unproductive political chatter away from the mind of the busy business reader. In this pre-election edition, we wrap up the                   Rudd rumbles around the globe…
political debate/activities in the first five pages.

Back when Tom Roberts painted the iconic Shearing the Rams in 1898, in that woolshed in the Riverina, a strong union move-                     Refugee policy battle. East Timor,
ment was being born, and not long after that the Australian Labor Party. The founders would be proud of today’s union power,                                            Nauru…
strongly represented by the government and, seemingly, in this election, without competition from the Opposition.
                                                                                                                                                    Abbott stumbles on IR laws
It is difficult to remember a federal election characterised by so many imponderables, including a prime minister who has
only been in the job for a few weeks. The economy is the main issue for most marginal seat voters, and for their jobs, but it
is far from clear what state the economy is really in, or how it will fair over the next few years. We provide a snapshot of the                The Greens may win balance of
issues on page 3.                                                                                                                                            power in Senate

Do you want some fun? Take some time away from your busy life and sit quietly, alone in front of the TV, perhaps LateLine.                             Health Identifiers passed
Listen hard to the choice of words these political fighters are actually using at the moment on TV and try to figure out exactly
what they are saying, in the context of their particular party’s traditional or even more recent ever-changing policies, and those
of their competitor. The fun side of not switching off, and just focusing on listening to their words, is that one can hear some             Telstra deal on National Broadband     PB
of the silliest nonsense for a very long time.
18 JUNE to 22 JUly 2010

 14 Collins Street                                                                         aBOut tHe editOr AlIStAIR URQUHARt
 Melbourne, 3000                                                                           Alistair Urquhart graduated from the Australian National University in Canberra, in Law,
 Victoria, Australia                                                                       History and Politics, was admitted as a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court
 P 03 9654 1300                                                                            of Victoria, and remains a (non-practicing) member of the Law Institute of Victoria.
 F 03 9654 1165                                                                            Before that, he graduated from high school in Bethesda, Maryland, and had many
 info@affairs.com.au                                                                       opportunities to become aware of the workings of Washington DC. For 30 years, he
 www.letterfromcanberra.com.au                                                             listened every Sunday evening to the late Alistair Cooke and his Letter From America.
                                                                                          His early career was mostly in the coal industry, where he became involved with
                                                                     energy, environmental and water issues, and later in the SME finance sector.
                 editor           Alistair Urquhart
      associate editor            Hamish Brooks                      His public affairs firm works with many engineering and information technology firms, other professional
 subscription Manager             Juliette Biegler                   association and industry groups, on a wide range of issues, in Victoria, Canberra and overseas. Urquhart visits
  advertising Manager             Eddie Mior                         Canberra regularly. He may hold the record for miles rowed on Canberra’s Lake Burley Griffin.
   editorial consultant           Rick Brown
                design            Steph Dang
                                                                     IN APPRoxIMAtE oRDER oF INtERESt oVER tHE PASt MoNtH

 WelcOMe                                                              Ms PriMe Minister                                 3        fOreign affairs                               19
                                                                      iMMigratiOn                                       4        infrastructure                                19
 Letter from Canberra is focused on the
 interface of business and government, with                           resOurces                                         6        educatiOn                                     20
 enough politics and bureaucracy to understand                        HealtH                                            7        Justice                                       20
 the, or any, relevant business opportunities.
                                                                      BrOadBand. ict. innOVatiOn                        8        defence                                       21
 We have been publishing Letter from Canberra’s                       industrial relatiOns. eMPlOYMent                 15        agriculture. Water                            21
 sister publication Letter From Melbourne, a                          gOVernance                                       15        Manufacturing                                 22
 public policy digest, for 16 years. Commencing
                                                                      Business. ecOnOMY. taX                           16        cOalitiOn dOings                              22
 with the Kennett era corporatisation and
 privatisation of energy and other utilities and                      cliMate cHange. enVirOnMent. energY              18        sOcietY                                       22
 the other fresh broom approach of a new
 government, where we focused on business                            a snaPsHOt Of WHat tHe 2010 federal                      and very hopeful forecasts of China’s growth, and
 opportunities. Increasingly, we included matters                    electiOn POrtends                                        hence China’s demand for our resources.
 in the other states and adopted a more federal
                                                                     the leaders
 focus.                                                                                                                       The Coalition points to the surplus they left Labor
                                                                     Prime Minister for little more than a month, by
                                                                     virtue of the dramatic deposition of her predeces-       in 2007 and what has happened since. It says its
 the recent change in federal government opens
 up new business opportunities, particularly the                     sor, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard is 48, Welsh born,        no wonder Labor picked the slogan ‘moving for-
 government’s new emphasis on climate change,                        Adelaide-raised and educated in Melbourne. She           ward’ for the simple fact is they would hardly want
 carbon trading, water, industrial relations,                        is a lawyer, worked in industrial relations law prior    to look backwards at their recent record. Abbott
 education, information technology and the                           to becoming a politicall staffer and was elected         says he will reject the revamped mining deal and
 traditional sectors.                                                to Parliament in 1998 for a Melbourne Western            still deliver a surplus by halting Labor’s profligate
                                                                     suburbs seat. Since Labor’s victory in the 2007          spending spree, cutting a range of pet Labor proj-
 For many years, our other publications have                                                                                  ects (including the elaborate and hugely expensive
 included the well-known federal government                          election, until her elevation as PM, she served as
                                                                     Deputy PM and held a host ministries simultane-          broadband network) and by stimulating growth in
 Departmental Wall Chart. (NoW AVAIlABlE at 03
                                                                     ously including employment and education.                the small business sector.
 96541300 or letterfrommelbourne.com.au)) We
 conduct seminars and informal luncheons and
 meetings in Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney.                         Tony Abbott, 52, was born in England, raised in          Industrial Relations: Labor are committed to fight-
                                                                     Sydney, was a Catholic seminarian before he              ing the last election on ‘work choices’, not least
 Most people have their clipping services and a
                                                                     decided it wasn’t for him, took an arts degree at        because they won that one, even if Abbott has
 range of email products/newsletters/etc. At the                                                                              declared work choices totally irretrievably dead
 end of the month, Letter From Canberra gives a
                                                                     Sydney Univ and then went to Oxford as a Rho-
                                                                     des Scholar. Worked as a jounalist for the Bulletin,     (at least for the next three years). Labor will keep
 broad overview of what has been going on, not                                                                                hammering on this open door because they figure
 just in one industry but across all industries and                  a staffer for John Hewson in oppostion, ran the
                                                                     monarchist campaign during the referendum, and           there are votes in it, not to mention a lot of union
 the world of business and government generally.
                                                                     held several ministries in the Howard government         money. Abbott wants to neutralise the issue as
 objective. Independent. Read it on the plane. or
                                                                     including health and education.                          quickly as possible, but his fierce rejection won’t
 at a coffee shop in New york. And then give it to a
 friend who is interested in Australia.                                                                                       assist in convincing his small business constitu-
                                                                                                                              ency that he is still their man.
                                                                     the issues
 Published by A.B Urquhart & Company Pty ltd trading as Affairs      The Economy: the question at the heart of the cam-
                                                                                                                              Population and Immigration: Gillard has given the
 of State. Disclaimer: Material in this publication is general       paign is who can be trusted with the economy?
 comment and not intended as advice on any particular matter.                                                                 thumbs down to a ‘Big Australia’, a proxy PC ver-
                                                                     Labor claims much credit for steering the country
 Professional advice should be sought before action is taken.                                                                 sion of ‘stopping the boats’, in order not to lose
 Material is complied from various sources including newspaper       through the rapids of the GFC, but rather tarnished
                                                                                                                              votes on this volatile issue to Abbott whose claim
 articles, press releases, government publications, Hansard, trade   that achievement by mishandling the stimulus
 journals, etc. © this newsletter is copyright. No part may be                                                                to stop them has more credibility.
                                                                     package to insure us against the GFC’s worst
 reproduced, stored\ in or introduced into a retrieval system, or
 transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical,   consequences. The schools building program has
 photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written    been a disaster of waste and incompetence and            the Wild cards. A fleet of boats arrive off WA;
 permission from the publisher. Affairs of State respects your       the insulation scheme not much better. The great         China’s economic forecast takes a serious dive;
 privacy. While we do believe that the information contained in
                                                                     hope for meeting Labor’s promise to put the econ-        Abbott blows it and figuratively falls off his bike;
 letter from Canberra will be useful to you, please advise us if
                                                                     omy back in surplus in three years rests above all       Gillard’s raving lefty past catches up with her.
 you do not wish to receive any further communications from us.
                                                                     on their new, revamped mining tax and their new

                                                      jettisoning work choices, implementing hospitals         a warning that China’s economic growth and the
           Ms PriMe Minister                          reform and getting Australia into the Group of 20
                                                      among those achievements. Photos in the papers
                                                                                                               demand for Australian mineral resources will be
                                                                                                               no free ticket to easy prosperity.
a night of wildness                                   showing Rudd on the backbench provided a
In The Age, shaun carney wrote that Kevin             strange sight.
                                                                                                               The Financial Review reported that the leadership
rudd’s most senior adviser alister Jordan
                                                       a kind of stability                                     challenge was a shock to many cabinet ministers,
had, during the month in the lead up to Julia
                                                      The Financial Review reported that shortly               junior ministers, Parliamentary secretaries and
gillard’s leadership challenge, sounded out
                                                       before being sworn in as Prime Minister by              backbenchers throughout the Caucus – the very
half the Labor caucus, checking if they were
                                                       the Governor-General, Quentin Bryce, Julia              people who are normally involved or contacted
considering shifting their support away from the
                                                       gillard said ‘I believe that we [the Government]        about a leadership spill. Key factional leaders
Prime Minister. To Julia Gillard, who had insisted
                                                       have on several issues not delivered the kind of        had devised their moves carefully but most of
all through this time that she had no interest in
                                                       stability and certainty and good management             Caucus was left in the dark. Evidently, even when
replacing Rudd, this was an act of spectacular
                                                       that Australians seek’. She launched her prime          she went to meet Kevin rudd on the evening of
disloyalty. Michelle grattan wrote that Rudd’s
                                                       ministership by promising a more consultative           23 June, Julia gillard was still telling people that
leadership was trashed in an extraordinary and
                                                       style of government, quite different from the           she had not made up her mind to challenge him.
unprecedented manner. The man obsessed with
                                                      ‘gang of four’ kitchen cabinet that wielded power        A source close to Gillard said she only took the
control lost control of his government, his party
                                                       under Kevin rudd.                                       decision during their meeting.
and his prime ministership in a night of wildness.
The day before there was to be a vote on Rudd’s       a safe pair of hands                                     choosing between destructions
leadership, support for him had evaporated            Shortly after taking the leadership, Gillard phoned      The Age reported that research that showed
with the Australian Workers Union backing Julia       Trade Minister simon crean and offered him her           Labor would suffer a total wipeout under Kevin
Gillard. In the face of the challenge, Rudd stood     old mega-portfolio of education, employment,             rudd prompted the Australian Workers Union’s
on his record and criticised factionalism, before     workplace relations and social inclusion, which          decision to switch to Julia gillard. National
resigning on the morning of June 25, without a        Crean accepte, The Age reported. Crean, who              secretary Paul Howes said he feared the
leadership vote. The Financial Review reported        served as a cabinet minister in the Hawke,               situation was so dire the Coalition would be able
that the short and sharp transition was vastly        Keating and Rudd governments, will be called             to reintroduce WorkChoices. If that happened,
different from the lengthy brawl in 1990 that         upon to prosecute the Government’s claim                 the union movement faced being destroyed,
damaged the Labor government of Bob Hawke             that Opposition Leader tony abbott will try to           he said. The Financial Review reported that
and Paul Keating.                                     reintroduce WorkChoices. The Financial Review            the leadership change demonstrated that Bill
                                                      reported that Foreign Minister stephen smith             shorten, Communications Minister stephen
Poll bounce
                                                      gained Crean’s portfolio of trade and all other          conroy and Senator Kim carr were a powerful
In an Age/Nielsen poll taken on Gillard’s first two
                                                      ministries were left unchanged.                          combination and in effect created a new creature
days as Prime Minister, more than half of those
                                                                                                               in the federal caucus number crunch. However,
surveyed said they approved of her ascension.         Moving forward
                                                                                                               it is important to remember that the killer blow
The government’s two-party vote leapt eight           As she grapples with three issues the government
                                                                                                               came only when the New South Wales right,
points in three weeks, taking it to a 55-45 per       must neutralise – mining tax, asylum seekers
                                                                                                               stung by a crushing by-election loss at Penrith,
cent lead over the opposition, The Age reported.      and climate change – Julie gillard has a broader
                                                                                                               led by Mike arbib and Howes, decided enough
On the same day, the Herald Sun reported that         challenge, wrote Michelle grattan in The Age.
                                                                                                               was enough. So while the initial push might have
the ALP leads the coalition 52-48 on two-party        She needs to fit her solutions into a story that
                                                                                                               come from Victoria, the real shove was provided
preferred terms. Nearby, at the end of June, The      defines, rather than confuses, her political identity.
                                                                                                               from further north in the traditional powerhouse
Australian reported that primary support of the       This became ‘moving forward’. However, she is
                                                                                                               of Australian Labor. The Australian reported that
New South Wales Labor government dropped six          struggling to shed the immediate past. A major
                                                                                                               Gillard’s elevation eases the jitters for Labor in
percentage points to a record low of 25 per cent.     scene setting speech on the economy at the
                                                                                                               key marginal seats. On the opinion pages of
The change in leadership has caused the Labor         National Press Club in mid-July veered off course
                                                                                                               The Australian, Michael costello wrote that the
party machine to go into overdrive rebuilding its     when Gillard was asked by veteran journalist
                                                                                                               unions and factions don’t deserve all the credit in
election campaign with Julia gillard front and        laurie Oakes whether she had in effect reneged
                                                                                                               Gillard’s ascension. Only she had the power and
centre and the throwing out thousands of dollars      on leadership succession deal with Rudd on
                                                                                                               popularity in caucus to depose Kevin rudd.
worth of newsletters, pamphlets and other             the night he was toppled. It is understood that
material featuring Rudd as the leader.                Gillard initially signalled she would not challenge      shorten’s hand
                                                      his leadership during a meeting on the night of          The Herald Sun reported that two of the Victorian
resigning but not quitting
                                                      June 23 in the then PM’s office, The Age reported.       ALP’s heavy hitters, MP Bill shorten and former
The Herald Sun reported that a single tear ran
                                                      She refused to comment on what she said                  ALP state secretary Senator david feeney have
down Kevin rudd’s face as he delivered an
                                                      were confidential conversations. The Australian          been linked to the push to end Kevin rudd’s
emotional farewell to the nation. Flanked by his
                                                      reported that Labour figures are blaming Kevin           leadership. For years they have worked in
wife Therese and their three children, Rudd was
                                                      rudd for the leak of what happened on that               tandem to influence the direction of the party, but
overcome several times as he spoke about his
                                                      night. Rudd confirmed that he believed Gillard           in recent times have had their differences within
passion to fight cancer, promote organ donation
                                                      last month reneged on arrangement that would             the complex power structures of the Victorian
and the apology to the Stolen Generations. He
                                                      have saved his job as prime minister. Meanwhile,         ALP Right wing. The Australian reported that the
will not quit politics and wants a senior role in
                                                      the Herald Sun reported that a pledge of active          Victorian right faction took the unprecedented
the Gillard government, but at the moment would
                                                      microeconomic reform and prudent economic                step of offering Julia gillard, a member of the
spend some time on the backbench. The Age
                                                      management spearheaded Gillard’s first major             Victorian left, the leadership of the Labor Party.
reported that Julia gillard rejected Rudd’s bid
                                                      pitch to business. Gillard sought to establish
to become foreign minister, instead promising                                                                  Bolt’s view
                                                      her credentials as a fiscal conservative by
him a senior cabinet post if the government                                                                    In the Herald Sun, andrew Bolt wrote an article
                                                      committing to protecting the budget surplus
is re-elected. Rudd paused scores of times                                                                     explaining why Julia gillard can win where
                                                      forecast for three years time. And she sounded
as he tried to keep his composure and list the                                                                 Rudd lost, but not before noting that our new
government achievements he was proud of. He                                                                    prime minister should be able to get away with
nominated: riding out the global financial crisis,                                                             taking the leadership the way she did. Whilst

18 JUNE to 22 JUly 2010
she conceded she bore her fair share of the              would appeal to a broader range of Australians.        24-hour news channel to break news. What the
blame for the government’s failures, she did tick        And Catholic priest Bob Maguire claimed that           public does not need is more programs in which
off on every government policy, and personally           Abbott’s extreme Catholic views would scare off        ABC journalists interview other ABC journalists.
led the Building Education Revolution, the most          voters, ‘Australians are not religious, we are the
                                                                                                                Just a damn popularity contest
rorted government program in history. Still, Bolt        world’s leading secularists,’ he said. A week or
                                                                                                                Former Labor leader Mark latham said the
believes, her superbly executed assumption of            so later, the Herald Sun reported that Julia Gillard
                                                                                                                move against Kevin rudd showed the Labour
power may just work. It’s not just that she has          told ABC radio that she is not a religious person
                                                                                                                leadership was only about popularity, and no
what Rudd fatally lacks – a secure sense of self,        and will not pretend a faith that she doesn’t
                                                                                                                longer about policy, values or ideology.
which makes her so much easier to work with.             feel. For people of faith, she said the greatest
What she now adds to the bargain is the excuse           compliment she could pay them is to respect            not even married
of the new – and an astonishing reinvention of           their genuinely held beliefs and not engage in         A letter of the editor in The Age, from a lifetime
herself as a Labor Margaret thatcher. Rudd               some pretence about hers. Although Gillard was         Labor voter, expressed disgust at the dumping
had performed so many backflips that he could            brought up a Baptist, and won prizes as a child        of Kevin rudd as Prime Minister. In the same
not risk one more. But within hours of taking            for remembering Bible verses, she says she has         paper, Michelle grattan wrote that Rudd
his job, Gillard offered miners true negotiations.       found a different path as an adult. The Australian     received the harshest of reality checks. After his
What was even more remarkable about Gillard              reported that the Australian Christian Lobby has       election triumph, he tried to force everyone and
as she assumed the top job was the tone she              said that, whilst being honest and true to herself,    everything else to adapt to him.
struck. She started politics on the far Left of          Gillard may have alienated Christian voters by the
                                                                                                                Her partner
Labor, but pitched her spiel right at Australia’s        declaring she does not believe in God.
                                                                                                                Julia gillard’s partner, tim Mathieson, has
more conservative heart. In a brilliantly crafted
                                                         Won’t lodge until elected                              lived with her in Altona for three years. He is not
acceptance speech, she declared she’d work
                                                         New Prime Minister Julia gillard declared              intimidated by his partner’s star power. Mathieson
for those who play by the rules and love their
                                                         she would not move into The Lodge until she            recently made a career switch from hair stylist
country. Also in the Herald Sun, in the same
                                                         was elected by the people. ‘I’m very happy in          to a sales position with real estate development
opinion section but on a different day, Jill singer
                                                         my home in Altona… very happy in my flat in            company ubertas, where he has been since
wrote that tony abbott is yesterday’s man when
                                                         Canberra,’ she said. Not since Ben chifley in          November. The Age reported that friends of the
it comes to the policies and issues that matter to
                                                         the 1940s – who lived and died in Canberra’s           couple, who say they are affectionate with each
everyday Australians.
                                                         Kurrajong Hotel – has the Prime Minister lived in      other in public, believe Mathieson will be keen to
abbott surrounded                                        lodgings other than those provided by the state,       be by Gillard’s side more openly.
Opposition leader tony abbott moved quickly              The Age reported. A follow-up report by the same
                                                                                                                some way back story
to paint his new opponent as an interim leader           paper said that the first broken promise of Julia
                                                                                                                The Age reported that Victorian Premier John
who lacked a mandate from the Australian                 Gillard’s rein may be on the cards, with security
                                                                                                                Brumby picked Julia gillard as his chief of
people, as the Coalition took aim at Labor over          experts and a government bodyguard describing
                                                                                                                staff about 15 years ago, to help take on then
asylum seekers and the resources super profits           her plan to live in her modest homes in Canberra
                                                                                                                Premier Jeff Kennett. After two years running
tax. ‘They’ve changed the salesman but haven’t           and Melbourne as untenable. As the Herald
                                                                                                                his office in the mid-90s, Brumby helped Gillard
changed the product,’ Abbott said. Also, on              Sun puts it: a security assessment will shortly
                                                                                                                win preselection for the western suburbs federal
the Insiders, Abbott noted (playing down the             be carried out by officers from the Protective
                                                                                                                seat of Lalor, believing she had what it takes to
significance of Julia gillard being the first female     Services Co-ordination Centre to ascertain if the
                                                                                                                become prime minister. Gillard is close to deputy
prime minister) that he had a female Premier, a          Altona home is fit for a national leader. An old
                                                                                                                Premier rob Hulls (another former Brumby
female Governor, a female Prime Minister with a          police caravan was parked opposite Gillard’s
                                                                                                                chief of staff). Brumby, who fell out with Rudd
female Governor General and a female monarch.            house in preparation for her return to Melbourne
                                                                                                                over the former Prime Minister’s national health
What’s new? he asked.                                    for the first time as Prime Minister. Nearby, Kevin
                                                                                                                reform plan, said that he would pressure Gillard
                                                         rudd left the lodge five days after losing the
international well-wishers                                                                                      to reopen the debate. He said he would urge
Julia gillard has personally assured US President                                                               the Prime Minister to do more in mental illness,
Barrack Obama of her commitment to the military          entertainment news                                     preventive health care and aged care.
mission in Afghanistan. The new Prime Minister           On the opinion pages of The Australian, Janet
                                                                                                                Happy as larry in Barry
spoke to a host of international leaders during a        albrechsten wrote that an agile commercial
                                                                                                                The Age reported that the front page of the local
busy round of phone calls. Indonesian president          operator showed the ABC how it should be done
                                                                                                                paper in the small Welsh port of Barry was
susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Malaysian PM                   when covering a news item as big as Julia
                                                                                                                rewritten to make way for the big news that
najib razak and Canadian PM stephen Harper               gillard’s challenge to Kevin rudd. Albrechsten
                                                                                                                one of their own had become Prime Minister of
were among foreign leaders to congratulate her,          wrote that the ABC’s chris uhlmann and Mark
                                                                                                                Australia, even though most of the 40,000 locals
the Herald Sun reported.                                 simkin did a brilliant job breaking the big story
                                                                                                                had not previously heard of the child from their
                                                         on the 7 PM news, which reported leadership
c’mon eileen                                                                                                    town who had left for Australia 44 years ago,
                                                         rumblings within the Rudd government. But if
MX reported that Kevin rudd took his oath of                                                                    having been born in Barry in 1961.
                                                         you wanted more news about Rudd’s swift and
office in December 2007 holding the Bible and
                                                         dramatic downfall, you needed to channel surf
concluding ‘So help me God’. Julia gillard took
a Bible free affirmation. ‘I, Julia Eileen Gillard, do
                                                         over to Sky News. That night, Sky News became
                                                         the default national broadcaster. An editorial in
                                                                                                                     iMMigration. PoPulation
solemnly and sincerely affirm and declare that I                                                                Prime Minister for sustainable Population
                                                         the same paper expressed a similar sentiment
will well and truly serve the Commonwealth of                                                                   Prime Minister Julia gillard declared she does
                                                         asking: is the national broadcaster ready for
Australia…’ In a poll of the religious beliefs of                                                               not believe in a ‘big Australia’, signalling a
                                                         24-hour news? ABC viewers were left frustrated
federal and shadow cabinet ministers last year,                                                                 major shift in policy on the nation’s burgeoning
                                                         and baffled as to why an event unprecedented
Gillard said she was a non-practising Baptist and                                                               population growth, in a move to neutralise an
                                                         in the nation’s history, the move against the
not religious. Despite her stance, Baptist Union                                                                attack on the government over population, The
                                                         Prime Minister in his first term, received such
of Victoria Director of Ministries alan Marr said                                                               Age reported. Pointedly targeting her comments
                                                         scant attention. The ABC’s flat-footedness on
she had the respect of the church. RMIT social                                                                  to marginal voters in outer suburban seats, Gillard
                                                         the biggest news night of the year provides little
science senior lecturer andrew scott said Gillard                                                               said ‘I don’t support the idea of a big Australia
                                                         confidence that it is ready to use its forthcoming

with arbitrary targets of, say, a 40 million-strong   tough new policy agenda to deter boatpeople.            about the planned processing of asylum seekers
Australia or a 36 million-strong Australia. We        The following day, The Age reported a United            in East Timor, with some critics saying it is John
need to stop, take a break and develop policies       Nations report cleared the way for the Gillard          Howard’s Pacific Solution with another name,
for a sustainable Australia.’ tony Burke, who         government to take a tougher stance on sending          The Australian reported. There is hope in the
was appointed Population Minister by Kevin            Sri Lankan asylum seekers home, saying key              Christmas Island community who that Gillard’s
rudd to develop a strategy, will now be known         groups in the country were no longer entitled           plans to process asylum seekers offshore
as the Minister for Sustainable Population. The       to automatic protection. In the Financial Review,       could reduce rising rents, end short-term food
Government’s intergenerational report estimated       geoff Kitney wrote that Gillard may have helped         shortages and bring back cheap alcohol to the
that on present trends Australia would have 36        the Coalition by putting asylum seekers in the          tiny Australian territory.
million people by 2050.                               spotlight. Immigration Minister chris evans
                                                                                                              stand up
                                                      admitted the asylum seeker debate was ‘killing
nearby                                                                                                        Cambodian-born Victorian state Labor MP Hong
                                                      the government’, in frank remarks seized on by
The Government’s new population policy is to be                                                               lim wrote an email to a concerned constituent,
                                                      the Opposition to claim Labor was only interested
decided after community consultation but will                                                                 which he copied to state Labor MPs, expressing
                                                      in a political fix.
focus on where people live and environmental                                                                  shame over the ALP’s treatment of asylum
effects. tony Burke said the debate on population     the first foray into diplomacy                          seekers. Lim, who is a special adviser to Victorian
should be refocused to where people live, instead     The Age reported that Prime Minister Julia              Premier John Brumby on Victoria-Asia business
of the number of immigrants or total population.      gillard began retreating from plans for a refugee       relations, said his community and party should be
The government has appointed three panels to          processing centre in East Timor, amid widespread        standing up for people fleeing danger, the Herald
advise it on population policy.                       hostility to the proposal in the island nation amid     Sun reported.
                                                      claims that she bungled the announcement. Gillard
solution does not pacify                                                                                      a fraction of votes and boats
                                                      insisted she had never nominated a location. ‘I’m
The above two items represent the first small                                                                 Barrister and human rights advocate Julian
                                                      not going to leave undisturbed the impression I
steps towards neutralising another election issue                                                             Burnside wrote in The Age that we do not need to
                                                      made an announcement about a specific location,’
causing headaches, that of illegal boat people                                                                be protected from asylum seekers: they need to
                                                      she said in a radio interview. But on the ABC’s
arrivals. gillard broadly invited Australians to                                                              be protected from their persecutors. We receive
                                                      Lateline, East Timor’s President ramos-Horta
                                                                                                              about 240,000 migrants each year, so one year of
say what they feel in the asylum seeker debate        indicated clearly that Gillard had been talking
                                                                                                              asylum seekers arriving by boat is equivalent to
without being constrained by self-censorship or       about a centre in East Timor. Michelle grattan
                                                                                                              about one week of new migrants.
political correctness, The Age reported. In the       wrote that Gillard’s claim she did not announce
same paper, Michelle grattan wrote that by            a specific location for her proposed regional           going overboard
urging people to vent their views about the boats     processing centre is bizarre and a political            The Herald Sun reported that under a ‘get tougher’
                                                      blunder. The fallback options after East Timor are      policy on boat people unveiled by opposition
without worrying about political correctness,
                                                      few and far between for the Gillard government,         leader tony abbott, asylum seekers who dump
Gillard is taking a gamble. She is sanctioning
                                                      if it sticks to its criteria. The Australian reported   their passports or documentation before arriving
the escalation of a difficult and explosive debate    that Gillard’s backtrack on the plan came after         in Australia would be refused refugee status. The
that turned bitter in 2001, and always has the        East Timor’s Parliament formally condemned the          power to rubberstamp applications will also be
potential to do so again. The Australian reported     idea as unworkable.                                     removed from assessors at Christmas Island,
that Pauline Hanson, who led the populist One                                                                 and the Immigration Minister would be given the
                                                      Her first stuff-up
Nation Party to its high water mark in the 1990s,                                                             power to intervene in any case to refuse entry.
                                                      Julia gillard’s asylum seeker policy ran into
revealed she was in total agreement with Julia
                                                      immediate resistance, with East Timor’s Deputy          Where art thou, compassion?
Gillard’s call to sweep political correctness from    Prime Minister, Jose louis guterres, saying             The Age reported that tony abbott’s promise to
the debate.                                           the proposal for his nation to house a regional         bring back a version of the Pacific Solution has
                                                      refugee processing centre is very unlikely to be        won support from 42 per cent of Labor voters,
The Herald Sun reported that pressure was             accepted.                                               while only a bare majority of them – 51 per cent –
mounting on Gillard over unauthorised arrivals                                                                oppose it. In the Herald Sun, andrew Bolt asked
after the 75th boat of the year was intercepted in    solution doesn’t pacify
                                                                                                              where are those who mocked John Howard for
early July. The Australian reported that hundreds     Before it had been unanimously voted down in
                                                                                                              his tough stance on boat people? Despite more
of Afghan and Sri Lankan asylum seekers are           the East Timorese Parliament, unions, refugee
                                                                                                              drownings, the compassion industry is silent.
likely to be sent home under Julia gillard’s          advocates and the Greens voiced strong concerns

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   JUNE toto2214JUly
                  ApRil 2010
                                                                 Andrew      pesce
                                                                 to cut the 40        saidheadline
                                                                                 per cent   more rate
                                                                                                    neededof taxtoto be
                                                                                                                      30              longer
                                                                                                                                      Winnersthan four hours for treatment. The
                                                                 per    to (the
                                                                            properly  fundsector
                                                                                resources   medical
                                                                                                        its actualThetax              money,
                                                                                                                                      The         to beReview
                                                                                                                                            Financial      spreadreported
                                                                                                                                                                     over four the years,    will
    UPP AG
        AG A
           A II N
                   T II T?
                        T?                                       Australian
                                                                 rate is morereported.
                                                                               like 22.5 per cent because of where                    only be delivered
                                                                                                                                      fledgeling    coal-seamif gas
                                                                                                                                                                 state   premiers
                                                                                                                                                                      industry       agree
                                                                                                                                                                                 would         to
                                                                 the                                                                  Rudd’s     new    funding   model    at the   Council    of
    Need                                                         K-10new impost is applied), raise the threshold                      from the decision to apply the existing petroleum
    Need aa report
            report or
                   or memo
                      memo written
                              written                            at which
                                                                 The        the tax
                                                                        draft        takes affect
                                                                                 curriculum        from for
                                                                                                K-10      5 perEnglish,
                                                                                                                cent to               Australian
                                                                                                                                      rent tax on theGovernments
                                                                                                                                                         sector, whichmeeting      on April
                                                                                                                                                                         would clear         19.
                                                                                                                                                                                        the way
   last week
        week and
              and havenÕt
                   havenÕt found
                           found the
                                   the                           12  per cent,  change   the rules  to allow miners  to               In
                                                                                                                                      for all, Rudd on
                                                                                                                                           progress     has$50b
                                                                                                                                                             put of
                                                                                                                                                                  a total  of $3b
                                                                                                                                                                     projects        over four
                                                                                                                                                                                in Queensland,
                                                                 mathematics, science and history is available
         words  or  time for it?                                 reduce   their  taxable  income  and   apply  the new                years
                                                                                                                                      now the  of threat
                                                                                                                                                  fundingof on
                                                                                                                                                             thethe  table, including
                                                                                                                                                                 resource                a final
                                                                                                                                                                             super profits   tax
         words or time for it?                                   for public comment until 23 May 2010, www.
                                                                 tax only to a limited number of commodities – not                    sweetener       of $650m     to cut  waiting
                                                                                                                                      has been removed. A later report in the same   times    for
                                                                 across the resources sector as envisaged by the                      electivefound
                                                                                                                                      paper       surgery.that taxpayers will effectively
       We provide
            provide aa full
                       full prompt
                            prompt                               Henry tax review, The Age reported.                                  subsidise
                                                                                                                                      A             some of the world’s biggest energy
                                                                                                                                         list of problems
             Ð we  are professionals
     service Ð we are professionals                                                       HealtH                                      companies
                                                                                                                                      Kevin Rudd     fordelayed
                                                                                                                                                         their recent
                                                                                                                                                                   the $20b-plus    coal seam
                                                                                                                                                                        crucial meeting       on
          in public
             public affairs
                    affairs with
                             with                                The renamed Minerals Resource Rent Tax, MRRT,                        gas acquisitions
                                                                                                                                      health    reform with under concessions
                                                                                                                                                              premiers            made
                                                                                                                                                                          until April 19,bywith
                                                                 will now apply only to iron ore and coal, with the                   Government       to win industry   support
     international experience. Just
                    experience.    Just                          In   the petroleum
                                                                                         televisedrenthealth   debate                 his office insisting     the change     wasfornottheir
    call                                                         existing                              tax applying   to              amendments.
                                                                                                                                      the uncertainty in the South Australian and
    call anytime
         anytime and
                  and we
                       we are
                            are at
                                at your
                                   your                          between     tony     Abbott    and    Kevin     Rudd,
                                                                 oil and gas, including projects on the North-West
                service.                                         Abbott   had   thewasequivalent                                      Tasmanian
                                                                                                                                      the electionelection
                                                                                                                                                        campaign  results. The new survey
                                                                                                                                                                     in a nutshell
                service.                                         Shelf. The deal        welcomedofby one     footminers
                                                                                                       the big     in a
                                                                                                                                       shows    that adele
                                                                                                                                                      one fifth   of voters are that
                                                                                                                                                                                prepared   to
                                                                 plaster  cast,Minerals
                                                                                 and accordingly                                       In The Age,            ferguson    wrote      the new
                                                                 and by the               Council oflost   the debate,
                                                                                                      Australia   – but                change     their  vote  over  health, The  Australian
                                                                 The   Age’s Michelle       Grattan                                   mining tax is all about taking pressure off some
                  WriteRight                                     the backdown      put a $1.5b   hole reported.     The
                                                                                                        in the budget                 reported.     Nearby,
                                                                 Opposition     Leader      came    out    worse     on               key marginal        seats.the  states
                                                                                                                                                                  Since  the have
                                                                                                                                                                              new compiled
                                                                                                                                                                                   deal was
                Contact Anthony
                        Anthony                                  over the forward estimates. The wider business                       aofficially
                                                                                                                                          list of unveiled,
                                                                                                                                                    more than       40 been
                                                                                                                                                                        problems   withasthea
                                                                 substance    and    style.  The  Australian’s    paul                                         it has        described
                 0412                                            community has lost half of their promised tax cut                    proposed      hospital   takeover.
                 0412 281
                      281 388
                          388                                    Kelly
                                                                 in orderwrote
                                                                          to pick Rudd
                                                                                   up the won
                                                                                           tab. the Great Health
                                                                                                                                      compromise,       a backflip  and a monumental cave
                                                                 Debate with a reminder that he is a smooth,                          in. It isabout
                                                                                                                                      What      all of this?
                                                                                                                                                        these, but most of all it is designed
                                                                 persuasive      andreview,
                                                                                       formidable     Prime Minister                  to get the Premier
                                                                                                                                      Victorian  government  Johnre-elected.
                                                                                                                                                                     Brumby is promoting
                                                                 After the Henry             the Government     said the
Gillard in December
australia’s                  expressing their concerns
                biggest market                                   who   skates   over  his weaknesses
                                                                 company tax rate for large firms would   and projects
                                                                                                                go down               an  alternative     health
                                                                                                                                      Probably should have happenedplan   wheresooner
                                                                                                                                                                                   the states
The      the overlyReview
                                 reporteddemands      of the
                                             that Families       as29a per
                                                                 to     constructive     leader.
                                                                             cent in 2013-14        Abbott
                                                                                                (from  30 perperformed
                                                                                                               cent) and              retain   theirBilliton
                                                                                                                                      Former BHP       power  and to   controldonand
                                                                                                                                                                   chairman         argusdirect
Minister Partnership
             Jenny Macklin    agreements.
                                      said a priority in         capably    with   a bad  hand.   The
                                                                 then to 28 per cent. Now the promised Opposition    had
                                                                                                               tax stops              hospital  funding.
                                                                                                                                      been appointed         In a the
                                                                                                                                                         to head   clear  sign
                                                                                                                                                                       policy    that Victoria
                                                                                                                                                                              transition group
population     policy must be to ensure unemployed               no  hospital   policy  and   this proved   a  crippling
                                                                 at 29 per cent. The revised tax will likely effect                   is
                                                                                                                                           the new tax withopposed
                                                                                                                                                                                 the Federal
Bush scholarships                                                                                       laura
The      people university
     150,000        get the training
                                                         help    defect.
                                                                 on  a 330 Thecompanies,
                                                                                Financial Review’s
                                                                                              rather than    the tingle
                                                                                                                  1000+               Government’s        proposed       hospital
                                                                                                                                      ferguson. The two have been close for years    takeover,
ameliorate       the tonational    skills shortage.       She    wrote
                                                                 originallythat   the health
                                                                              mooted.   The small debate
                                                                                                                      not             the
                                                                                                                                      ArgusBrumby       modelto rejects
                                                                                                                                             is well-known          Treasurerthe    notion
                                                                                                                                                                                Wayne        of
over   changes           youth allowance        have been        Labor   the   chance   to  slow    down   a  resurgent
said   the   needs    of  the   economy      needed    to  be    been included in the new tax.                                        the Financial
                                                                                                                                      The   Commonwealth            directly that
                                                                                                                                                       Review reported          funding     the
                                                                                                                                                                                    Argus still
given some certainty after the Government                        opposition.
considered       in  future   population     growth     plans                                                                         local  networks
                                                                                                                                      owns about    $13mthat     runof hospitals,
                                                                                                                                                             worth      shares in theThe   Age
and Opposition struck a deal set to be pushed                    creative accounting
and, in the                                                                                                                           reported.
through       thepast,      that included
                      Senate.      Educationencouraging
                                                   Minister      At the
                                                                 The      mercy Review
                                                                      Financial     of the worm
                                                                                              reported Treasury secretary
                                                                                                                                      biggest mining company, raising questions about
skilled migration
Julia     Gillard and  in areas   where therecounterpart
                              Opposition         were skills     The  Age   reported      that the
                                                                                                Opposition       Leader    tony       whether
                                                                                                                                      the pen he has a conflict
                                                                                                                                              is mightier thanofthe
                                                                                                                                                                     swordas joint head
                                                                 Ken Henry confirmed                 Government         assumed
shortages. Thepyne
Christopher          Australian
                             said reported
                                   they hadthat     the besta
                                                reached          Abbott      has    shifted     towards       a   conciliatory        Senior fellow of the GrattantaxInstitute,
                                                                                                                                      of the government’s   resource       consultation
                                                                 a significant rise in commodity prices, and a
student    recruiters    in  China   are  switching    to the                                  Ministerto Kevin                       group.
compromise that meant scholarship funds                          position
                                                                 change inonexport  Primevolumes,             claim itRudd’s
                                                                                                                           would      former University of Melbourne vice-
US and    Britain    as destinations    becausethe Australia     hospitals      policy    as   he   tries   to   counter
will   start    flowing      shortly. Under              deal,   sacrifice only $1.5b in revenue under               its dealpoll
                                                                                                                               to     chancellor
                                                                                                                                      towards          and medical doctor, David
                                                                                                                                                  his end
has   botchedin skilled    migration   andareas
                                            its universities     damage
students          rural and    regional            will find     adjust   theapparently        caused by
                                                                                planned resources         tax.hisThenegativity
                                                                                                                        Coalition     pennington       wrote ingrattan
                                                                                                                                      In The Age, Michelle         The Agewrote
                                                                                                                                                                             that that
                                                                                                                                                                                   the rudd
ithave a reputation
    easier   to claimforyouthprice gouging,
                                    allowance  according
                                                  than the to    in the on
                                                                 seized   firstthedebate.
                                                                                    admission At the   end ofWayne
                                                                                                  to accuse        March,    the
                                                                                                                           swan       should    be   collaborating    rather  than
                                                                                                                                      was making tactical blunders in prosecuting hisholding
veteran   agent    John   findley.   ‘All agents  [in China]     Prime    Minister’sdeceitpersonal
Government had initially proposed, but to                        of monumental                   whensupport       was shown
                                                                                                        he announced          the     back with
                                                                                                                                      fight   when theitpowerful
                                                                                                                                                          comes to     Rudd’s
                                                                                                                                                                    mining      reforms
                                                                                                                                                                            sector  ahead for
are fedtheupchanges
              with our current     government’s      attitude    to  be clearly        rising disclosing
                                                                                                for the first
keep                      budget-neutral       the value   of    revised    tax without                       the time
                                                                                                                     change after
                                                                                                                                in    the   ailing health
                                                                                                                                      the election.  He wassystem.
                                                                                                                                                               giving hisThere  is much
                                                                                                                                                                          opponents        to
to migration,’
the  government     saidfunded
                                    who attended      June’s
                                             scholarships        months     of decline. It was later reported in The                  be   done, but     the toPrime   Minister criticism
                                                                                                                                                                                  has taken
                                                                 revenue assumptions.                                                 ammunition     to add      the deepening             of
have       International
                   reduced.Education       Expo. China
                                 Some nationals          MPsis                                                                        important     steps.
                                                                 Age  that
                                                                 Artful     new figures released by Swans showed
                                                                         linkage                                                      his character. In an opinion piece in the same
Australia’s   biggest    market.’
were understood to be unhappy that the deal                      that
                                                                 In an address to the
                                                                      in  2013-2014,        the second
                                                                                                 ADC Citiesyear ofSummit
                                                                                                                       the tax,init   paper,
                                                                                                                                                 1      Treasurer Peter costello wrote
still left students in country areas worse off                   is expected     to  raise   only  $6.5b
                                                                 Melbourne, Kevin Rudd linked his health   –  compared      with      that  the  Treasury   chief should chairman
                                                                                                                                                                           never have Gary
                                                                                                                                      Productivity Commission
than the current rules, The Age reported.                        $13b inpackage
                                                                 reform     its initialtoform.   Over the
                                                                                           Australia’s         first economic
                                                                                                           future     two years,      asked   to decide   tax policy options.
                                                                                                                                      Banks told a conference in New Zealand that
                                                                 the expectedarguing
                                                                 prosperity,       take would      shrink175,000
                                                                                              an extra      from $18bpeopleunder      the
Open them
       mines and minds                                                                                                                Howlack   of a nationally
                                                                                                                                            he messed   up       consistent approach
Speaking    on the ABC Insiders     program,    John             the old   version    to  $10.5b   under
                                                                 could be in the workforce in 20 years if   the   new.                to
Julia  gillard  extended    a conciliatory    hand  to                                                                                Kevin rudd’s attempts to hospital
                                                                                                                                          measuring   the  cost  of  make theepisodes
the  mininghead   of theinInstitute
             industry               of Public
                            her first   day inAffairs,
                                                office,          chronic diseases
                                                                 democracy     rules are effectively tackled, The                     meant    a   huge   amount    of
                                                                                                                                      industry a budget cash cow have   workchallenged
said the national
withdrawing      thecurriculum
                         governmentwill only  be okay
                                           advertising           Australian
                                                                 The          reported.
                                                                      Coalition has pledged to oppose the tax, so                     to  be done investment
                                                                                                                                      international  before Rudd’s     plan incould
                                                                                                                                                                confidence           be
    more teachers
            on theare    trained.
                      mining    tax and requesting               its fate could
                                                                 Making          rest out
                                                                          the stick    withofthe Greens party, which
                                                                                              carrot                                  implemented,
                                                                                                                                      The  Australian Financial
                                                                                                                                                      reported. Review   reported.
                                                                                                                                                                BHP Billiton   chairman
that the mining industry do so in a gesture of                   couldGovernment
                                                                 The    hold the balance     of power in$632m
                                                                                      has committed      the Senate
                                                                                                                over                  Jac  nasser   said the  proposed tax has driven a
Shonky foundations                                                                                                                    Before   the worm    turned
good faith. The Minerals Council of Australia                    from mid-2011.                                                       distinct changeLeader
                                                                                                                                                          in attitudes
Colleges   assessed to be at the greatest risk                   four  years to train thousands more doctors,                         Opposition                   tonytowards
                                                                                                                                                                           Abbott Australia
agreed to suspend its advertising, with its chief                 askick
                                                                       it throws                                                      from  all typesPrime
                                                                                                                                                      of investors  across all industries.
of  collapse would have to pay higher levies
executive Mitch Hooke saying he was optimistic                    a          in the out
                                                                                     gutscarrots to woo the states to                 challenged              Minister  Kevin    Rudd to
under a proposed overhaul of Australia’s                          backAge
                                                                 The       its reported
                                                                                hospital that
                                                                                          reformthe package.
                                                                                                      inclusion of Victoria
                                                                                                                      iron-oreis      immediately
                                                                                                                                      it improved announced 3,500 extra beds for
about negotiating with the new Prime Minister,                    still   holding    out   for  more     incentives,     amid
$17b   international education sector, The Age                    in the MRRT along with coal, while every other                      Australia’s
                                                                                                                                      The           public hospitals,
                                                                                                                                           Age reported       that three The     Age industry’s
                                                                                                                                                                            of the    reported.
The Age reported. The Australian reported that                    warnings
Gillard moved swiftly to bury Labor’s damaging                    commodityfrom   sits doctors
                                                                                       outside, that
                                                                                                  is a the
                                                                                                              in thestands   to
                                                                                                                       guts for       biggest  gorillas
                                                                                                                                      Not good economics   –   BHP   Billiton,  Rio  Tinto   and
                                                                  lose   much    more    form   the  deal   than  previously
                                                                  the iron ore producers/developers sitting outside                   Xstrata  –  initially  issued    a  joint  press  release
brawl   with the mining industry by signalling                                                                                        More than a quarter of Australia’s hospitals
               elementsareof emerging
                              its proposedfromnew the
                                                   tax            the   proposedHarry
                                                                  estimated.              Hemley,
                                                                                    BHP-Rio            Victorian
                                                                                               production           president
                                                                                                              combination     in      bagging
                                                                                                                                      could go thebrokelevel
                                                                                                                                                           underof government
                                                                                                                                                                    Kevin Rudd’s    negotiation
were  up foruniversities    feelingin Canada
             negotiation. Swan,         inadequately
                                                at the            the Pilbara. Fortescue chief andrew forestsays
                                                                  of   the    Australian    Medical     Association,      said        over  the   proposed      tax.  The   Financial
                                                                                                                                      based funding model, according to research        Review
                                                                 ‘It’s         John Brumbythat
                                                                        very disappointing       should
                                                                                                      right demand
                                                                                                             at the time$1.5b
                                                                                                                           that       reported    that   they     dismissed     Rudd’s     claim
G20  summit,toalso
                       with more
                               crucial   tasks such
                                    flexible.                     for    a   new    hospital    or   other    infrastructure          commissioned by the New South Wales
as calculating safe drug doses and writing                        junior and smaller Australian iron ore and coal                     of  being   engaged      in  detailed
                                                                                                                                      Government. The research, by University negotiations    on
she did it                                                        upgrades
                                                                  miners     havebefore
                                                                                   managed agreeing
                                                                                               to developto the    plan, The
                                                                                                              a foothold   into       resource   taxation, declaring
prescriptions,     according to Education                        Age      reported.     More    incentives       are   on with
                                                                                                                            the       of   Wollongong         academicthere       was no
                                                                                                                                                                              Kathy         sign
After three days of negotiations, Julia gillard had               the industry, they are immediately slugged                          the  Government      was ofaddressing
Department         commissioned          research.                way,      including     $500m        towards      ensuring          suggests    hundreds           hospitals the   industry’s
                                                                                                                                                                                  across   rural
reached a watered-down compromise deal on                         a proposed new and additional tax’. STOP PRESS.                     fundamental     concerns.     The   Australian   reported
Australian    Medical Association president                       emergency                                                           and regional Australia that have 10 or              fewer
the resources super-profits tax with the mining                  Junior     miners department
                                                                                     may yet fight topatients        wait deal
                                                                                                          seek a better      no       that
                                                                                                                                               Big Three    were originally
                                                                                                                                                     unpredictable             invited towould
                                                                                                                                                                          workloads        make
industry. In the new deal, the Government agreed                  from the mining tax negotiation.

individual representations to Swan and Ferguson.       seriously enough in its bid to get the health        nearby
But they refused. Instead they insisted on a joint     identifier legislation through Parliament. The       Australian of the Year Patrick Mcgorry has called
session with Rudd’s representatives.                   health identity card is different from e-health      upon new Prime Minister Julia gillard to urgently
                                                       records which are between the patient and others     reform Australia’s beleaguered mental health
it’s over now
                                                       government and commercial agencies. This is not      sector, warning the crisis could cost Labor votes
The Australian reported that Communications
                                                       patient-controlled.                                  at the looming election. McGorry said Gillard
Electrical and Plumbing Union national secretary
                                                                                                            must commit more funds to the sector and begin
Peter tighe, an ACTU executive member, said            cross-over benefits
                                                                                                            a root and branch reform of the system which is
some workers were getting concerned about their        Before Kevin rudd became an ex-prime minister,
                                                                                                            failing hundreds of Australian families, The Age
job security in the debate over the resources rent     he said the requirement to roll out electronic
tax because the government had not adequately          health and medical records will benefit from
rebutted the mining industry’s campaign. South         the $11b deal with Telstra to buy access to          also, nearby
Australian speaker and Labor MP lyn Breuer             the carrier’s infrastructure under the National      The Age reported that a nine-month government
travelled to Canberra to tell Kevin rudd the           Broadband Network. Rudd said the future of a         inquiry into suicide prevention would be wasted
mining tax will kill off the steel-making town of      patient controlled electronic health record was      unless more was spent on mental health, Suicide
Whyalla, The Australian reported.                      essential to the Government’s wider agenda for       Prevention Australia chairman Michael dudley
                                                       health reforms.                                      said. He said the Senate inquiry report, The
                                                                                                            Hidden Toll: Suicide in Australia, had forged new
Australian Foundation Investment Company               the missing e-link
                                                                                                            ground in recommending a five-year advertising
(Australia’s largest listed fund manager) chairman     The national president of the Pharmaceutical
                                                                                                            campaign to de-stigmatise suicide, mandatory
Bruce teele was damning in his assessment of           Society of Australia, Warwick Plunkett, said
                                                                                                            training for police, paramedics and emergency
the planned resource tax, saying that investors        that e-health was the missing link in enabling
                                                                                                            department staff and the improvement of data
had been spooked by the lack of consultation,          genuine collaborative primary health care
                                                                                                            collection, but the government was refusing to
The Age reported.                                      teams to work effectively and improve the well-
                                                                                                            take the issue seriously.
                                                       being of all Australians. In his budget response,
                                                       tony abbott turned his back on the Coalition’s forget-me-nots
Former BHP iron ore chief executive geoff
                                                       decade-old commitment to e-health records sophie Pieters-Hawke, the 25-year-old
Wedlock and Queensland mining magnate Ken
                                                       and suggested the money would be wasted and granddaughter of Bob and Hazel Hawke, and
talbot were among six Australians confirmed
                                                       should be retained by the government. ‘Clearly three of her friends, all in their 20s, launched an
dead after their light plane crashed in West Africa.
                                                       the opposition needs to rethink its strategy on the initiative called the Forget-Me-Not project, which
The other executives killed were Sundance
                                                       issue,’ Plunkett said.                               aims to raise money and awareness of the impact
Resources chief executive don lewis, non-
                                                                                                            of dementia on young people. Hazel, who was
executive director craig Oliver, non-executive         Predominantly built
                                                                                                            married to former Prime Minister Bob Hawke for
director John Jones and Talbot Group executive         The Financial Review reported that the head
                                                                                                            nearly 40 years until they divorced in 1995, was
natasha flason Brian, The Age reported.                of the National E-Health Transition Authority,
                                                                                                            diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2001.
                                                       Peter fleming, says the Government’s national
                                                       healthcare identifiers regime is on course to another funding crisis
                    HealtH                             launch on time, and the NEHTA will soon begin The aged care industry council, the peak council
identifying solutions                                  discussions with industry about the technology of Australia’s aged care providers, which includes
The Financial Review reported that under the           architecture needed to underpin electronic the Aged Care Association of Australia and Aged
Health Care Identifiers Bill 2010, new laws are        health records. After welcoming the injection of & Community Services Australia, published an
being considered that would change the existing        $466.7m for e-health in the budget, Fleming said open letter to then Prime Minister Kevin rudd
Medicare Act to allow the creation of unique           the system behind the introduction of a 16-digit in The Australian newspaper saying that older
health identifier numbers, intended to form the        unique healthcare identifier was predominantly Australians, the people who made this country
cornerstone of patient controlled electronic health    built.                                               great, are being let down by the Government’s
and medical records that could be transferred                                                               failure to address the funding crisis in aged and
                                                       Mental health hole
between clinicians and care providers. While most                                                           community care.
                                                       The Government’s top mental health adviser has
large businesses and government organisations          resigned. The chairman of the National Advisory the discriminators
have had electronic customer records for nearly        Council on Mental Health, John Mendoza The Presbyterian Church of Victoria is calling
20 years, similar progress in health has been          accusing the government of failing the mentally for paid parental leave schemes to be scrapped,
frustrated by the fragmented and complex nature        ill with their lack of vision and commitment to saying the Federal Government and Opposition
of the sector. Health Minister nicola roxon hopes      a problem that affects millions of Australians. schemes discriminate against stay-at-home
legislation that will be passed by July 1 (see         Most of his council colleagues say they share his mothers. They say the government should provide
below) will allow her department to start issuing      despair that the Government’s multibillion-dollar a single payment or tax rebate directly to mothers,
the new identifier numbers.                            focus on hospitals is likely to leave crucial mental regardless of their employment status, the Herald
                                                       health services under-funded. In the May Budget, Sun reported. The Age reported that National Party
The Australian reported that patients will have to     the government committed to $7.2b to health – MPs will not campaign for tony abbott’s paid
wait at least two years before they can access         $175m of which was marked as new funding for parental leave scheme at the election, saying it
their medical records on line, according to            mental health. Professor Mendoza said there was is geared toward city voters and damages the
Roxon. Initially, only Medicare would operate a        no evidence of any new investment in mental opposition’s economic credibility.
secure website portal that would allow patients        health, The Age reported. The Australian reported
to retrieve their personally controlled electronic                                                          answer to our woes?
                                                       that tony abbott ignited the unofficial election
health records. Regulations must be drafted that                                                            The Financial Review is holding a national Health
                                                       campaign by targeting Labor’s policy weak point
will allow health care providers to access the                                                              conference 2010, on 17 August, that looks at the
                                                       of mental health with a $1.5b spending package,
health-care identification service.                                                                         question ‘Will e-health be the cure to the woes of
                                                       including 800 hospital beds. The Opposition
Nearby, the chief executive of the Public Interest                                                          our ailing health system?’, www.afr.com/events.
                                                       Leader promised to fund new mental health
Advocacy Centre, robin Banks, has accused the          treatment facilities, including 60 to serve young
Government of making the same mistakes as              people.
its predecessor, failing to take privacy concerns

18 JUNE to 22 JUly 2010
                                                                                                              an IT technician from Hobart, became the first
                                                                                                              customer connected to the national broadband
                                                                                                              network. His service with Internet provider
                                                                                                              Internode started about 5pm on July 1, giving
                                                                                                              him connection speeds more than 30 times faster
                                                                                                              than before. ‘It’s awesome,’ he said. ‘It’s a major
                                                                                                              speed increase.’
                                                                                                              round two
                                                                                                              The Australian reported but the government has
                                                                                                              revealed the locations of the second-round of
    BroadBand. it. innovation                          Broad minded
                                                       The Financial Review reported that AAPT
                                                                                                              communities in the mainland National Broadband
                                                                                                              Network rollout. The network will be expanded
drum roll please…                                      chief executive Paul Broad felt that Telstra’s         into 19 new fibre service areas.
Telstra will hand over millions of customers           rivals should be allowed to access the former
to the Government’s new national broadband             monopoly’s infrastructure at the same price as         nBn contractors
network and close its ageing copper and cable          the National Broadband Network if they wish to         The Australian reported that NBN Co is a while
networks (instead sharing its infrastructure           lay competing fibre networks. Broad believes the       away from issuing request for tenders to satellite
with NBN Co and migrating fixed line customers         Government’s non-binding $11b deal with Telstra        network operators hoping to get a slice of the
to the government’s new fibre network) in an           has exposed a weakness in the government’s             $43b project. The company has reduced its
$11b deal that will fundamentally reshape the          competition policy for the sector.                     satellite shortlist to six or seven operators since
communications industry, The Age reported. It                                                                 issuing requests for capability statements in
                                                       furthermore                                            January. More than 10 international and domestic
will abandon its traditional core business of fixed
                                                       The Age reported that Telstra, no longer obliged       satellite operators pitched their credentials,
line communications networks. The deal is a
                                                       to provide every house with a telephone service,       but only a handful were considered serious
breakthrough for the $43b national broadband
                                                       can focus on content delivery and developing           contenders. It is understood Optus, Intelsat and
network, as it will allow the new services to be
                                                       new technology, and is already positioned to be a      Hughes Network Systems are among the few
rolled out faster and more cheaply.
                                                       winner in a national broadband environment, say        named on the shortlist. The provision of satellite
                                                       industry analysts. The Financial Review reported       services in the NBN build – along with wireless
Telstra will be a participant in the rollout of the
                                                       that Telstra chief executive david thodey has          technologies – is needed to supply 10 per cent
national broadband network. Telstra chairman
                                                       promised an aggressive expansion in wireless           of the nation with 12 megabits per second
catherine livingstone said the proposed
                                                       services after settling the company’s row with         broadband connections. The other 90 per cent
transaction would deliver payments and financial
                                                       Canberra, as investors welcomed the imminent           of the population will be serviced by a fibre-to-
savings to the telco over coming years with a
                                                       removal of government curbs on the company’s           the-home network capable of delivering internet
net present value of $11b after tax. Livingstone
                                                       growth.                                                connection speeds of 100Mbps.
emphasised the heads of that agreement
needed to be followed by finalisation of detailed      and                                                    nearby
binding agreements, which, in turn, would need         In mid-June, The Age reported that the                 An Australian owned satellite operator has
shareholder approval before they could be              government appears no closer to getting its            condemned the NBN Co for the way it has
implemented. The regulatory certainty and high         way on a bill to split Telstra, despite listing the    conducted the tender process for providing
prices are expected to significantly boost Telstra’s   legislation for debate in the Senate. The Greens       internet services in rural areas. In a letter
share price, and could underwrite the company’s        have already pledged in principle support for the      addressed to major stakeholders, NewSat chief
high dividend for several years, according to          bill, which pressures Telstra to split its wholesale   executive adrian Ballintine said the company
one analyst. In a more detailed analysis of the        and retail operations as well as strengthening         had been shafted without proper consideration
deal, The Australian reported that Telstra will        the competition watchdog’s powers and limiting         or fair notice. NewSat submitted a response to
be paid $9b to transfer its voice and broadband        payphone removal. Even with the Greens’ votes          the NBN Co’s request for a capability statement
customers from its copper and cable networks to        and the probable support of South Australian           regarding the supply of satellite network and
NBN Co’s network as it is rolled out.                  independent nick Xenophon, the Government              services, but it was rejected in a two-line e-mail
                                                       will still need one additional vote, likely to come    that simply thanked NewSat for its submission,
The Government will grant Telstra a number of          from Senator steve fielding.                           The Australian reported. The Age reported a total
regulatory concessions worth about $2b as it                                                                  of 45 groups responded to NBN Co’s call in March
                                                       a win for the south
takes over Telstra’s universal service obligations                                                            for expressions of interest in the construction
                                                       The Age reported that Melbourne has been
through the creation of a new entity – USO Co.                                                                project; 21 of them have been selected to make
                                                       selected as the operations base of the national
Telstra also received a written guarantee that                                                                a formal bid.
                                                       broadband network, injecting millions of dollars
they would not be barred from bidding for new
                                                       into the state’s economy. The national operations      rocca on
wireless spectrum (see below) needed to evolve
                                                       and test facility will employ 425 professional         The Australian reported that Telstra is positioning
its mobile broadband business.
                                                       and technical staff. It comes in addition to the       itself to cash in on the growth of internet data
approval                                               company’s engineering operations group in              services, such as on demand video, by building
Telstra shares rose to a four-month high as            Elizabeth Street, expected to employ another 290       $14m worth of new network and media centres.
investors backed the group’s historical $11b deal      people. The new facility will be used by NBN Co        They would serve as small data centres in the
to participate in the national broadband network.      to monitor and manage its national operations,         telcos telephone exchanges, where they would
Telstra’s stock opened at a year high of $3.44, up     including assessing activated services, detecting      be used to deliver online content in a more
21c or 6 per cent, before giving some ground to        faults and carrying out tests for service providers.   cost-effective and efficient manner, Telstra chief
close up 3.4 per cent, in mid-June, The Australian     The decision is a major victory for the Victorian      operations officer Michael rocca said. It will
reported. Future Fund chairman david Murray –          government. By the end of July, the network’s          allow Telstra to bring infrastructure closer to
a major Telstra shareholder – says he is carefully     first customers, in three small Tasmanian              their customers, improve quality and reduce the
evaluating the deal.                                   communities, will be connected. At the beginning       transmission costs of data across the network.
                                                       of July, The Age reported that robert Pettman,         Telstra has earmarked 12 points on its Next IP

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