LIBSHOUT! - University of Bolton

Page created by Cindy Long
LIBSHOUT! - University of Bolton
MARCH ISSUE                                                            2020

                    Library Communications Newsletter

Library                                            IN THIS ISSUE

A quick glance at some of the improvements to      FAIRS, STALLS
our Library services:
                                                   & COMPETITIONS
  Beverley Knights, Trevor Hodgson and Tim
  Leonard arranged for all Ground Floor Group
  Study Rooms to be open 24/7 from the 14th
  February onward. This excludes the SW Room.      LGBT+ MONTH,
  Pam Hardy has organised debit and credit card
  payments at the HelpDesk for items below
                                                   TIME TO TALK DAY
  £5.00.                                           & MEN OF LETTERS
  Sarah Markham and Sarah White will now do
  Library tours every fortnight on a Friday from
  We now have new printers throughout the          CUBE FIRE
                                                   STAFF RECOGNITION

                                                   ON TOUR
LIBSHOUT! - University of Bolton
MARCH ISSUE                                                                               2020

Fairs, Stalls
& Competitions
On 4th February, the Academic Librarians
supervised a stall for the #UniAsItShouldBe Fair
where they met students and promoted Reading
Lists Online. Graeme Prescott promoted LEAP
online to students needing support with
referencing and assignments.

We also got involved with the Welcome Back fair
on 18th February, where Belle Jackson, Mark
Ogden and Sarah White promoted the Library,
handed out freebies and encouraged students to
take part in two competitions to gain student
feedback on the library services, and grow our
social media followers. The prizes included an
Amazon voucher and a Chilly's water bottle
worth £25.

The event was well-received and it was fun to
engage with students outside the Library                                 "Great
setting. Below are just some of the positive
comments we received on the day - well done,                         support and
         at' s   g re at  is  the service
                              oks from
       which gets bo                              "The staff at
      th e r  lib  rari es . Robert Gray
              e  xp e rt  a t this - he is      the Library a
     is a n
                               e Library's
       the jewel in th                          very helpful a
                       crown!"                                 nd

                                                 Cube Fire Recognitions
                                             On 25th February, many first responders from the
                                             Cube Fire were invited to an event to acknowledge
                                             and award their bravery. This included members of
                                              the University, who were thanked for their help
                                               directing displaced students to shelter into the
                                             University. Beverley Knights and Tim Leonard were
                                             both invited and each received their own plaques.
                                                                  Well done!

                                             We also want to thank all Library staff who helped
                                              over that weekend by giving their time, care and
                                                support. This includes Lisa McLellan, Graeme
                                                         Prescott and Belle Jackson.
LIBSHOUT! - University of Bolton
MARCH ISSUE                                                                            2020

& Time to Talk Day
Lisa McLellan and Sarah White kicked off the
month with an LGBT+ History Month display
which was themed around celebrating the
works and achievements of LGBT authors,
poets and playwrights. This was later
expanded by Susan Ward into a Valentine's
Day display with the theme #LoveIsLove as
the focus.

Following this we marked Time to Talk Day
on 6th February by hosting wellbeing games
and activities in the Library. The aim of the
day was to encourage students and staff to
engage in conversations about their
wellbeing to end the stigma surrounding
mental health.

                                                Our last display of March was a promotion
                                                for the 'Men of Letters' exhibition at the
                                                Bolton Library and Museum. This is an
                                                exhibition of the work of two University of
                                                Bolton alumni, Tony Forster and Phill
                                                Grimshaw, who worked as typography
                                                artists. The exhibition ran from 8th
                                                February - 8th March and was staged by
                                                the School of Arts.

 The Mysterious Case of the Missing Spoons
 Library Staff are becoming increasingly concerned at the rate at which spoons have
   disappeared from the Library Staff Room. We urgently ask you to search for the
missing Library spoons so that they can be returned home to the kitchen drawer where
                   their family, The Cutleries, are anxiously waiting.

  Each spoon is described as being silver, 7" tall, some slightly bent in shape and at
                                least two decades old.

                                    Can you help us?
LIBSHOUT! - University of Bolton
MARCH ISSUE                                                                         2020

Librarians                                      Exchange of Experience event
                                                At the end of January, Rob Gray was
                                                invited to the University of Manchester
On Tour                                         for a collaborative event with other
                                                North West Universities. Through
                                                presentations and workshops, they
Houses of Parliament Visit
                                                discussed the positive impact good
On 19th February, Mark Ogden attended the
                                                customer services can have on a
House of Commons Library Open Day where
                                                student’s experience.
he listened to talks about the history of the
Library and had a tour of Parliament.
                                                 Rob commented:
                                                 "The event was a good experience, the
                                                 shared outlook of student-focused
                                                 support was obvious from all who
                                                 attended and I am positive that the
                                                 ideas presented can be applied to our
                                                 University’s students to improve their
                                                 experience here!"

                                                What's Next?
                                                 St. David's Day Display, 1st March
                                                 University Mental Health Day, 5th
 Mark commented:
                                                 World Book Day, 5th March
 "It was a great experience, despite the 4
                                                 British Science Week Begins, 6th
 o’clock wake up call. The best bit was
 probably the tour we went on in the
 afternoon, including to both Houses of          International Women's Day, 8th
 Parliament and to the Members Library,          March
 which usually only MP’s are allowed in.         Mario Day, 10th March
 The talks were all very interesting, and it     St. Patrick's Day, 17th March
 was particularly useful to see the process      Global Recycling Day, 18th March
 they went through in adapting the               Spring Equinox, 20th March
 website. It was also a good experience
                                                 International Day of Happiness,
 getting to meet other librarians from all
                                                 20th March
 over the world, especially the one who
 had made it all the way from Munich."
                                                 World Storytelling Day, 20th March
                                                 World Poetry Day, 21st March
                                                 Mother's Day, 22nd March
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