LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE - Course Schedule | Summer 2020

Page created by Jared Bell
LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE - Course Schedule | Summer 2020
                                                               Course Schedule | Summer 2020

  The Lifelong Learning Institute is committed to creating and fostering a variety of intellectually stimulating educational
opportunities for Montgomery County residents age 50 and over. However, adults of any age may register for these classes.

       Workforce Development and Continuing Education
                                 | 240-567-5188
LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE - Course Schedule | Summer 2020
Message from the Program Director
                                                                        Virtual Face-to-Face in Real-Time!
  In this challenging time of COVID-19, the Lifelong
                                                                 All LLI Summer Classes are being taught Online
  Learning Institute is wishing you wellness and
                                                                                   with Zoom
  resilience. During the social distancing we all miss
  not being on campus and in the classrooms. Our                 During this COVID-19 crisis, all LLI Summer classes
  faculty took the initiative from the start of social           have shifted online using Zoom. Zoom allows
  distancing to bring instruction and learning to                students to hear and see the instructor as they
  our students’ homes via online classes. While                  present their class using videos, powerpoints, and
  the experience was new and challenging in the                  lectures. Zoom also offers students the opportunity to
  beginning, our instructors demonstrated creativity             interact with the instructor and other students—asking
  by adapting their courses to Zoom online with                  questions and joining in discussions. All of this is
  PowerPoint lectures, face-to face discussions,                 during real-time, helping you stay connected.
  and videos to make for a satisfying educational                It’s Easy to Zoom! A few days before your class, your
  experience.                                                    instructor will send you a link to your class. You will
  Our students responded with curiosity to learn a               need to have a working microphone built into your
  new technology and with determination to continue              device or headphones with a microphone. If you do
  learning. This underscores the importance of what              not, you can use the free phone conference feature.
  we do and motivates us greatly to offer fascinating            You will need to visit: and
  and stimulating courses. Just take a look at the               download the Zoom application onto your computer.
  Summer Semester catalog—30 new courses. If you                 It only takes a few minutes. We recommend that you
  would like to see a specific course on the LLI                 do this in advance to make sure all your computer
  schedule, please contact me.                                   components are working.
  The Lifelong Learning Institute will conduct the               Note: We plan to run classes online until Montgomery
  Summer Semester I and the Summer Semester II                   College makes the decision to return to face-to-face
  courses online to protect the safety of our                    classes. If this happens, those unable to attend in
  students. Here is what one of our students said                person will still be able to take the class online.
  about Professor Naomi Daremblum's online
  course:                                                            Registration Process During COVID-19
  "I will enroll in other classes Prof. Daremblum is teaching.    Due to COVID-19, face-to-face registrations are not
  This is the third one I have taken, and I have never been            available until the restrictions are lifted.
  disappointed in any of the classes she had delivered. This
                                                                 Registration options:
  was the first class taught entirely via the zoom platform
  that I have taken, and I thought it worked well".              Online: Please visit the link below for Registration
                                                                 Information (including links to detailed online registration
  Looking toward the future, a certain segment of our
  courses will be offered online, in addition to our in
  class schedule, to bring learning to those who
  otherwise cannot physically attend a class.                    For assistance with online registration, please contact
                                                                 Customer Service 240-567-5188
  In the COVID-19 challenging economic situation,
  many of our students lost their employment, and                Fax: Please fax completed registration form to 240-567-1877
  food insecurity is an issue. I want to encourage you           Mail-In: Montgomery College
  to donate to the student emergency fund:                       Workforce Development and Continuing Education                        51 Mannakee Street
                                                                 Campus Center Room 220
  Stay safe and healthy!
                                                                 Rockville, Md 20850-1195
  With warm regards,
                                                                 (Credit card is the preferred method of payment during
  Natasha Sacks, M.S. NCC
                                                                 COVID-19 due to limited access for bank deposits of checks).
  Program Director
  LIfelong Learning Institute                                    Please register at least 3 days before the start of class to
  51 Mannakee Street, Rockville, MD 20850                        ensure your information is provided to your instructor.
2 | Workforce Development and Continuing Education
LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE - Course Schedule | Summer 2020
Archaeology and World Cultures                                  History of Sephardic Jews
                                                                This course presents an overview of the human,
A Taste of History: Coffee and Chocolate                        historical, and cultural heritage of the Spanish Jews,
Chocolate and coffee have played important roles in             from the Middle Ages to present day. Discuss the cultural
indigenous, colonial, and post-colonial societies in Africa,    history of Sepharad, from its origins to the expulsion of
Latin America, Asia, and Europe, as well as in modern           the Jews in 1492. Explore how the Sephardic Diaspora
industrial nations. Explore the history of cacao cultivation;   led to the development of a distinct Judeo-Hispanic
the present day state of the global chocolate industry;         culture and how the Shoah relates to Spain. Examine the
and the diverse cultural constructions surrounding              cultural, architectural, and human recovery of the Spanish
chocolate. Discuss the implications for chocolates future       Jewish heritage. TWA
of international politics, alternative trade models, and        Course: LLI394      8 Hours
the food movement. Examine the historical roots of              $59 + $79 fee = $138; NMR add $120
coffee production and trade, including its roles in nation-
building and international power relations, and its current     Online
implications for environmental change and economic              CRN#: 15888          4 Sessions           T
development. TWA                                                7/7-7/28             1:30-3:30 p.m.
                                                                Instructor: Naomi Daremblum
Course: LLI297      10 Hours
$65 + $89 fee = $154; NMR add $120                              Modern Syria: A Story of Changing
Online                                                          Nationalism NEW
CRN#: 16055          5 Sessions            W                    What political and international forces shaped Modern
7/8-8/5              1:30-3:30 p.m.                             Syria? Examine the rise of Syrian political life after the
Instructor: Naomi Daremblum                                     dramatic changes following the end of four hundred
                                                                years of Ottoman rule and the imposition of French
America’s First National Park—Yellowstone                       control. Explore how Syrians challenged France’s control
In 1872, President Ulysses S. Grant signed legislation          (The Great Syrian Revolt of 1925) even as they battled
protecting Yellowstone as a public park, creating the first     each other over the nature of their nationalism: liberal
national park in the U.S. Join your instructor, a 36-year       against radical. Learn about the impact of Western
career National Park Service employee, to explore the           political and cultural influence and the linkage between
well and lesser-known history of Yellowstone National           the Arab-Israeli conflict and the domestic political arena
Park. Examine the truth and myths of hot springs,               in Syria. Conduct a comparative analysis of the Syrian
petrified trees, and geysers, including Old Faithful.           civil war that erupted in 2011. TWA
Discuss the U.S. Armys management of the park prior             Course: LLI085      10 Hours
to the founding of the National Park Service in 1916.           $65 + $89 fee = $154; NMR add $120
Analyze the challenges in maintaining this scenic wonder
in the face of growing tourism, demands of energy               Online
exploration, climate change, and fire. Discuss the best         CRN#: 46190          5 Sessions         R
way to see the park. TWA                                        6/4-7/9              10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
                                                                No class 7/2
Course: LLI451       8 Hours                                    Instructor: Naomi Daremblum
$20 + $79 fee = $99; NMR add $50
CRN#: 46140            4 Sessions          T
6/2-6/23               1:30-3:30 p.m.                                   Summer Registration Begins
Instructor: Steve Pittleman                                                    April 27th.

                                                                                  Art Supply List!
 ROOM NUMBERS                                                          Material lists for LLI Art classes
 Room numbers will be printed on your registration
 receipt for classes held on our campuses. Please be
                                                                               are available at
 sure to keep the receipt for your records.             

                                                                            | 3
LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE - Course Schedule | Summer 2020
Southeastern Europe: Albania, Bulgaria, and                    Drawing with Pencils, Charcoal, or Pastels
  Macedonia NEW                                                  This course will help you develop fundamental drawing
  Join this class as we explore the fall of the Byzantine        skills. Learn basic techniques such as blocking in the
  Empire to the Ottomans and the birth of myths and              composition with pencil, shading with charcoal, and
  folklore grounded in martyrdom. Analyze the rise               using pastels to create vibrant color. Begin by drawing a
  of nationalist revolutions and uprisings in the 19th           still life and move onto landscape and portrait drawings
  century, which challenged Ottoman control and led to           from photographs. Examine these subjects using a
  the creation of semi-independent states. Learn about           variety of media (pencil, color pencils, charcoal, pastel,
  the crisis brought about by the rise of nationalism and        ink, and watercolor). This class is designed for students
  modernization and how these changes brought about              of any skill level. Supply list is available on the LLI
  WWI. Examine the communist period and the transition           website. TWA
  from one-party rule in each of these states and the role       Course: LLI698      12 Hours
  of the international community in the region. Discuss          $95 + $92 fee = $187; NMR add $120
  how, after 1989, the region went through a revolutionary
  transformation that was supposed to fully integrate it         Online
  into Europe, when today, these countries are still trying to   CRN#: 46351          6 Sessions         M
  find their place.TWA                                           5/11-6/22            10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
                                                                 No class 5/25
  Course: LLI093      10 Hours                                   Instructor: Tatiana Martin
  $65 + $89 fee = $154; NMR add $120
  Online                                                                              6 Sessions            W
  CRN#: 46209          5 Sessions            T                                        6:30-8:30 p.m.
  6/2-6/30             1:30-3:30 p.m.                            Instructor: Evan Goldman
  Instructor: Naomi Daremblum
                                                                 Quilting for Beginners
                                                                 Have you always wanted to learn to quilt? Not only is
                                                                 quilting fun and a chance to enjoy socializing with others,
  Acrylic Painting: Basic Techniques                             but studies have found that pursuing such creative
  This course is designed to introduce the basic elements        passions can help improve your brain. Hand sewing has
  of painting to students with little or no experience, while    been proven to reduce stress, enhance mindfulness, and
  working to attain an understanding of the painting             stimulate flow. Create a small hand-made quilt featuring
  medium. You will work with acrylic colors and explore          a variety of blocks complete with borders and binding.
  the many ways paint can be handled, as well as how             Learn to select fabrics and colors, make templates,
  to prepare materials. You will explore color, light,           mark, cut, and sew blocks with a basic running stitch,
  transparency/impasto, and composition through in-class         press, and arrange and assemble quilt blocks into a quilt
  exercises in order to learn to translate concepts into         top. After you measure, cut and attach borders, you will
  visual images. Bring supplies to first class. Supply list is   create the ever-popular Quilt Sandwich before completing
  available on the LLI website. TWA                              your project by basting, quilting, and binding. This project
  Course: LLI247      12 Hours                                   is created entirely by hand. Sewing machines are not
  $95 + $89 fee = $184; NMR add $120                             required either in class or at home. Supply list is available
                                                                 on the LLI website. TWA

                       6 Sessions            T                   Course: LLI223      12 Hours
                       2:45-4:45 p.m.                            $65 + $89 fee = $154; NMR add $120
  Instructor: Evan Goldman                                       Online
                                                                 CRN#: 46130           6 Sessions         T
                                                                 6/2-7/7               10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
                                                                 Instructor: Lauren Kingsland
      Virtual Face-to-Face in Real-Time!
    Many LLI Summer Classes are being taught
                online with Zoom
              See page 2 for details.

4 | Workforce Development and Continuing Education
LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE - Course Schedule | Summer 2020
The Art of Sketching                                           Watercolor Techniques I
Whether you are an avid sketcher or new to the art,            Explore the beauty and magic of watercolor painting
sketching allows you to record events such as a trip           through a structured series of exciting classes that focus
to a foreign land, a tour of a local garden, or a special      on basic watercolor techniques. Learn techniques of
occasion such as a birth or anniversary. Examine               various washes, wet-on-wet, and dry brush on wet and
different types of sketches, such as, drawings, or quick       dry paper by watching the instructor demonstrate before
paintings. Explore adding short captions, notes, parts         performing the technique yourself. Basic drawing will be
of conversations, and observations to create a journal.        reviewed as needed. Practice the techniques by painting
Utilize sketches to plan an organic garden, create a           from a still life or photo. Creation of an individual style is
preliminary drawing for a painting or portrait, or provide     encouraged. Bring supplies to the first class. Supply list
an outlet for discovering solutions to a variety of            is available on the LLI website. TWA
problems. Learn how to improve your observational skills
                                                               Course: LLI609      12 Hours
while sketching with pen, pencil, or watercolor. Bring
                                                               $95 + $92 fee = $187; NMR add $120
supplies to the first class. Supply list is available on the
LLI website. TWA                                               Online
                                                               CRN#: 46144          6 Sessions             M
Course: LLI970      12 Hours
                                                               6/1-7/6              1:30-3:30 p.m.
$95 + $92 fee = $187; NMR add $120
                                                               Instructor: Tatiana Martin
CRN#: 46150          6 Sessions         W
                                                                                    6 Sessions             T
6/3-7/8              10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
                                                                                    6:30-8:30 p.m.
Instructor: Tatiana Martin
                                                               Instructor: Evan Goldman

The Brain and Art                                              Art History
In this studio art course, you will examine how the
brain looks at new ways of creating art. With hands-           Baroque Art in Genoa
on art projects, learn how to break up images into
                                                               New Exhibit at the NGA
parts and then rearrange them to create a new image
                                                               Explore the work of the Baroque period with a focus on
(deconstructionism), or how to associate colors with
                                                               artists and paintings on display in the landmark exhibition
objects and moments and use color based on emotion
                                                               at the National Gallery of Art—Superb Baroque: Art in
(abstract expressionism). Practice pulling images from
                                                               Genoa, 1600-1750. Discuss elements of composition
dreams and the unconscious and placing them in a new
                                                               and lighting including chiaroscuro. Examine the cultural,
environment (surrealism). Projects will focus on how to
                                                               physical, and political conflicts that influenced art of
reduce a picture into basic shapes, reinterpret shapes,
                                                               the time. Analyze the difference between Northern and
colors, and arrangements mimicing the art of Kandinsky,
                                                               Italian Baroque art. Identify what differentiates Baroque
Dali, Picasso, Rothko, Newman, Magritte and other
                                                               art from previous movements. The course is composed
contemporary artists. Acrylics, watercolors, and mixed
                                                               of two lectures educating students on key aspects of the
media will be used. Supply list is available on the LLI
                                                               movement and an instructor lead tour of the exhibition at
website. TWA
                                                               the National Gallery of Art. Artists will include: Peter Paul
Course: LLI345      12 Hours                                   Rubens, Orazio Gentileschi, Anthony van Dyck, and more.
$69 + $92 fee = $161; NMR add $120                             TWA
Online                                                         Course: LLI088      4 Hours
CRN#: 46353            6 Sessions          R                   $55 + $75 fee = $130; NMR add $120
5/14-6/25              6:30-8:30 p.m.
No class 5/28
                                                               CRN#: 46343          2 Sessions         R
Instructor: Kristine DeNinno
                                                               6/4-6/11             6:30-8:30 p.m.
                                                               Instructor: Adrienne Wyman
                                                               Virtual museum trip 6/14 from 11:15-12:45 p.m.

        Summer Registration Begins
               April 27th.
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LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE - Course Schedule | Summer 2020
Between French Avant Garde & Muralismo:                        Diego Velasquez         NEW
  Mexican Art in the 20th Century NEW                            Explore the style and characteristics of Spanish
  Explore Mexican art reflecting the integration of              Baroque paintings by Diego Velasquez. Discuss his
  indigenous people’s heritage as it merged with French          use of dramatic lighting, dynamic compositions, and
  Avant-Garde. Learn how this resulted in booming                his fascination with the reality of the human condition.
  creativity in the arts and a radical expansion of              Analyze Velasquez’s influence on Edouard Manet and
  educational and political agendas. Trace the artistic          Pablo Picasso. TWA
  social circle of the time, including, not just the muralists
                                                                 Course: LLI398      6 Hours
  (Rivera, Clemente Orozoco, and Siqueiros), but also the
                                                                 $45 + $72 fee = $117; NMR add $120
  independent Rufino Tamayo; photographers like Lola
  Álvarez Bravo, as well as important musicians such as          Online
  Manuel M. Ponce, Silvertre Revueltas, and Carlos Chavez.       CRN#: 16143             3 Sessions         M
  Examine the surrealist and personal works of Frida Kahlo,      7/6-7/20                1:30-3:30 p.m.
  Remedios Varo, and Leonora Carrington. Discuss how             Instructor: Irina Stotland
  these artists came to redefine the role of women, not just
  in art, but also in Mexican society. TWA                       Raphael and His Circle          NEW

  Course: LLI083      8 Hours                                    New Exhibit At NGA
  $59 + $79 fee = $138; NMR add $120                             The National Gallery of Art is commemorating the
                                                                 500th anniversary of Raphael’s death with an exhibit of
                                                                 his drawings and those of his close collaborators and
  CRN#: 46188          4 Sessions            M
                                                                 followers. Prepare for the exhibit by exploring Raphael’s
  6/8-6/29             6:30-8:30 p.m.
                                                                 life and art, as well as that of his fellow artists. Discuss
  Instructor: Naomi Daremblum
                                                                 the historical, political, and religious context that
                                                                 influenced Raphael’s work. This class is co-taught by a
  Degas at the Opera        NEW                                  Professor of History and a Professor of Art History. TWA
  New Exhibit at NGA
                                                                 Course: LLI090      4 Hours
  The National Gallery of Art is celebrating the 350th
                                                                 $55 + $75 fee = $130; NMR add $120
  anniversary of the Paris Opera. A special exhibit, Degas
  at the Opera, will present over 100 works of Edgar Degas,      Online
  in different media (drawings, paintings, sculpture).           CRN#: 46208          2 Sessions         T
  These works depict the world of the Opera theater and          5/12-5/19            6:30-8:30 p.m.
  its performers—dancers, singers, and musicians. Learn          Instructors: Naomi Daremblum and Evan Goldman
  about the Paris Opera from Conductor Jesse Parker,             Virtual museum trip 5/23 from 11:15-12:45 p.m.
  who will lead the first class session. Explore the world of
  Degas’ paintings, their composition, technique, and colors     Russian Artists in Paris         NEW
  with Art Historian Irina Stotland. TWA                         This course explores the paintings and personalities of
  Course: LLI091      4 Hours                                    the most famous of Russian expatriates in Paris from
  $45 + $69 fee = $114; NMR add $120                             the turn of the nineteenth century to the post-war period.
                                                                 Explore the modernist orientalism of Leon Bakst and
                                                                 the expressionism of Mark Chagall. Examine the non-
  CRN#: 46344          2 Sessions           R
                                                                 representation avant-garde works of Mikhail Larionov,
  5/14-5/21            1:30-3:30 p.m.
                                                                 Natalia Goncharov, and Sonia Delaunay, among others.
  Instructors: Jesse Parker and Irina Stotland
                                                                 Discuss how their work in France had a profound effect
                                                                 on Russian, European, and American art and how it led to
                                                                 the development of new modern styles of painting. TWA
                                                                 Course: LLI395      6 Hours
                                                                 $45 + $72 fee = $117; NMR add $120
                                                                 CRN#: 46349             3 Sessions         T
   ROOM NUMBERS                                                  6/2-6/16                1:30-3:30 p.m.
   Room numbers will be printed on your registration
                                                                 Instructor: Irina Stotland
   receipt for classes held on our campuses. Please be
   sure to keep the receipt for your records.

6 | Workforce Development and Continuing Education
The Architecture of Washington, D.C.: It’s Not All                 Memory Academy: Train Your Brain to Retain!
Neo-Classical NEW                                                  Have you experienced senior moments? Struggled to
Have you ever looked closely at the buildings in Washington,       remember where you placed your car keys, or experienced
D.C.? Are there any pre-revolutionary or 19th century              that tip of the tongue feeling when trying to recall
architecture left? Explore the different architectural styles of   someone’s name? This memory training course is designed
the various buildings—neo-classical, art deco, brutalist—and       to address these issues and other memory challenges that
more. Discuss if there is any pre-revolutionary architecture       you experience in daily life. Discuss what memory is and
left. Analyze the 20th century building boom including the         how it works. Learn new techniques on how to: remember
need for new government buildings. Identify 21st century           what you did in the past; put names to faces; and remember
“avant garde” style buildings. TWA                                 lists, errands, or other things you need to do. Examine your
                                                                   individual learning style and the technique that works best
Course: LLI077      6 Hours
                                                                   for your style in order to improve your memory. Practice
$45 + $72 fee = $117; NMR add $120
                                                                   applying learned memory techniques to real life situations.
Online                                                             This program originated with the UCLA Center on Aging and
                     3 Sessions            R                       is taught by a Holy Cross Hospital memory specialist. TWA
                     1:30-3:30 p.m.
                                                                   Course: LLI396      10 Hours
Instructor: Ruth Manchester
                                                                   $50 + $75 fee = $125; NMR add $120

Brain Fitness Institute                                            Online
                                                                   CRN#: 15891          5 Sessions         F
Fun With Words                                                     6/19-7/24            10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Mentally stimulating activities, such as learning new words
and their meanings, help boost your brain power. Practice          Pathway to Present Moment and Self-Awareness
techniques to improve your ability to remember definitions         NEW
of new words and a number of items at once. Explore the            Do you want to learn how to de-stress, unplug, and focus on
cognitive science behind effective vocabulary learning:            the present moment? Explore the similarities, differences,
definition, context, connections, morphology, and semantic         and intersection between mindfulness and meditation.
chunking. Examine how these techniques will enhance your           Practice using breath, visualization, and meditation to
reading and writing and improve your overall memory skills.        incorporate mindfulness and meditation in daily life. Explore
TWA                                                                a pathway to self-awareness and learn to be in the present
                                                                   moment at any time. TWA
Course: LLI099      8 Hours
$59 + $79 fee = $138; NMR add $120                                 Course: LLI092       4 Hours
                                                                   $35 + $59 fee = $94; NMR add $50
CRN#: 15943           4 Sessions         F                         Online
7/10-7/31             10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.                        CRN#: 46345         4 Sessions            M
Instructor: Courtney Johnson                                       6/8-6/29            10-11 a.m.
                                                                   Instructor: Gwen Dorsey
Meditation for Mindfulness and Stress Reduction
One of the most beneficial effects of meditation is a sense        Stress Management & Resiliency Through
of calm and relaxation. In this course you will learn a few        Mind-Body Techniques NEW
simple mindfulness meditation practices that can result            Would you like to learn how to manage stress better and
in a more consistent sense of well-being, less reactivity to       become more resilient? Explore a variety of mind-body
negative experiences, and an enhanced quality of sleep and         principles and self-care interventions. Discuss how nutrition,
brain development. This course does not require experience         sleep, meditation, and physical activities such as yoga affect
with meditation or sitting in any particular posture. You will     stress. Learn coping skills, distress tolerance, and ways to
practice sitting or walking meditation. TWA                        enhance physical and emotional health. TWA
Course: LLI249      6 Hours                                        Course: LLI098       4 Hours
$35 + $72 fee = $107; NMR add $120                                 $35 + $59 fee = $94; NMR add $50
Online                                                             Online
CRN#: 46131           4 Sessions           W                       CRN#: 46348          3 Sessions           F
5/13-6/3              2-3:30 p.m.                                  6/5-6/26             1-2:30 p.m.
Instructor: Phil Bender                                            No class 6/19        1-2 p.m. (6/26)
                                                                   Instructor: Monica Byrd
Computers and Technology                                    Knowing Technology III: Your Digital Security
                                                              and Privacy
  Knowing Technology I: Your Computer, Cloud,                 Everyone has created a digital footprint. Whether its your
  and Internet of Things—How You Can Benefit                  password, username, SSN, IP address, or your home
  Content: Home Computers/Devices, the Internet, World        address, everyone has a digital identity. Protecting and
  Wide Web, and Internet of Things (IOT)                      controlling your digital identity starts with understanding
  Home computing devices and networks are changing the        what it is, and how you control its use and privacy in
  way we live daily life, work and play. This course is for   the digital world. This course is designed to provide you
  home users of computers and digital technology. Get to      with the tools to secure and protect your digital identity
  know what home digital devices can do for you. Discuss      and privacy in your daily life. This class is part three of a
  how the Internet, the World Wide Web, wireless devices      sequence of classes. Prerequisite: Knowing Technology I
  and even the Internet of Things (IoT) are impacting your    and II or equivalent knowledge.
  life. Get to know how to save money and get the best
                                                              Course: LLI457       3 Hours
  use of these new technologies to enhance your life. This
                                                              $15 + $20 fee = $35; NMR add $30
  class is the first class in a sequence of classes.
  Course: LLI461       3 Hours                                Online
  $15 + $10 fee = $25; NMR add $30                            CRN#: 46142           1 Session             R
                                                              6/4                   1-4 p.m.
                                                              Instructor: Carl Burnett
  CRN#: 46350           1 Session           R
  5/14                  1-4 p.m.
  Instructor: Carl Burnett                                                          1 Session             T
                                                                                    6:30-9:30 p.m.
                                                              Instructor: Carl Burnett
  CRN#: 15895           1 Session           T
  7/7                   6:30-9:30 p.m.
  Instructor: Carl Burnett                                    Wonders of Artificial Intelligence           NEW
                                                              This course is designed to provide students with an
  Knowing Technology II: Your Cloud Computing                 overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Learn about
  Services                                                    the history of artificial intelligence; about the current
  Cloud computing apps are used every day for                 technologies used to enable artificial intelligence; and
  productivity at home and at work. What are the critical     discover how artificial intelligence is changing robotics,
  apps? Word processing, spreadsheets, email, file            transportation, medicine, and even the appliances in your
  management, video, music, mapping and many more             home.
  apps are available on all your devices. Also, cloud         Course: LLI081       3 Hours
  computing takes many forms and it can get confusing         $15 + $20 fee = $35; NMR add $30
  to figure out how to get the most of each service. From
  OneDrive to iCloud, Google Drive to Netflix and iTunes,     Online
  the course covers the critical productivity and media       CRN#: 46187           1 Session             T
  apps provided by desktops, mobile devices, and the          6/2                   1-4 p.m.
  Cloud. Learn how to determine which apps work best for      Instructor: Carl Burnett
  you, how to find and access them, and how to manage
  these apps on any device. This class is part two of a
  sequence of classes. Prerequisite: Knowing Technology I
  or equivalent knowledge.
  Course: LLI456       3 Hours
  $15 + $20 fee = $35; NMR add $30
  Online                                                         Consider making a donation to the
  CRN#: 46141           1 Session           R
  5/21                  1-4 p.m.                                 emergency funds for MC students.
  Instructor: Carl Burnett                                      Visit
                                                               and click on “student emergency assistance”
                        1 Session           T
                        6:30-9:30 p.m.                                    in the dropdown menu.
  Instructor: Carl Burnett
8 | Workforce Development and Continuing Education
History and Current Events                                    Dehumanization: From the Slave Trade to
                                                              Immigration NEW
9/11 and New York City: The Setting, the                      Animal collars, brands, and scarring; yellow stars,
Crime, and the Recovery NEW                                   pink triangles, and stockades; children in cages and
The attack on the World Trade Center (WTC) was a              fumigating immigrants; these symbols and systems
watershed event in the history of the nation and around       seem disparate, but they intertwine for an important
the world. This course focuses on Ground Zero: New            discussion about rights and personhood. Explore the
York City. Learn more about the mission of the WTC, why       origins of the Transatlantic Slave Trade through the
it became a target for international terrorists, how it was   social structures evolved to stigmatize and repudiate,
able to withstand an earlier terrorist attack, and how the    persons deemed of lower race (Jews, Africans,
9/11 conspirators plotted and carried out their crime.        Muslims, other non-white). Analyze technologies of the
Explore the heroism of first responders and discuss           colonization of animals, which became the instruments
stories of the survivors. Examine how the city recovered      for capturing and domesticating persons of color in New
from the shock and damage of the attack, and the way          World slave factories—and which, later, were imported
in which 9/11 left a lasting impression on the life of the    by the Nazi regime into their 20th century stockyards of
city and it its citizens. Analyze American anti-terrorist     human death. Discuss the discrimination issues of today.
policies. TWA                                                 TWA

Course: LLI087      8 Hours                                   Course: LLI094      8 Hours
$59 + $79 fee = $138; NMR add $120                            $59 + $79 fee = $138; NMR add $120

CRN#: 46206            4 Sessions         R                                        4 Sessions         T
6/4-6/25               10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.                                       10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Instructor: Jesse Stiller                                     Instructor: Edward Ingbretsen

A Discovery of Witches: A History of European                 Elections: 2020      NEW

Witchhunts NEW                                                Are you ready for the upcoming elections? Do you have
                                                              questions about some of the issues facing local and
Are you intrigued by the heightened concern in Europe
                                                              national politicians? Discuss the races for President,
regarding witchcraft in Europe from the medieval period
                                                              Senate, House of Representatives, and Governor. Analyze
to the Enlightenment? Explore the notions of witchcraft,
                                                              the races by looking at the candidates and their positions
magic, and the supernatural in medieval, early modern,
                                                              on major issues. Examine current events, both foreign
and modern Europe. Examine and discuss primary and
secondary sources to learn how Europeans defined and          and domestic, that may shape the races between now
treated their alleged witches with special attention to       and the November elections. TWA
economic, social, and cultural context. Discuss the roles     Course: LLI076      8 Hours
of class and gender in focusing hostility on particular       $59 + $79 fee = $138; NMR add $120
groups of people, especially women. TWA
Course: LLI082      10 Hours                                  CRN#: 15771           4 Sessions         T
$65 + $89 fee = $154; NMR add $120                            7/7-7/28              10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
                                                              Instructor: Joel Cockrell
                     5 Sessions           R
                     2-4 p.m.
Instructor: Naomi Daremblum

                                                                 Virtual Face-to-Face in Real-Time!
                                                               Many LLI Summer Classes are being taught
                                                                           online with Zoom
        Summer Registration Begins                                       See page 2 for details.
               April 27th.
                                                                          | 9
Human and Natural Science                                    International Political and Social Issues
                                                                New Content! Learn about and share ideas on key
   Espionage, Cryptology, and Plots                             pressing political and social issues that have an
   This course will demystify the various methods used          international impact. This is an opportunity for discussion
   during World War II to disrupt, mislead, and hide from       and further learning on the headlines of the day, which
   the enemy the true intentions of the combatants. The         may include the 2020 presidential campaign; U.S.
   various espionage operations will be discussed and the       relations with its allies and adversaries; the national and
   operations of individual spies, such as Cicero and Garbo,    international economy; race, gender, and ethnic politics;
   will be examined. Explore the history of various codes,      climate change; and the role of technology in society.
   devices used, and how the codes were eventually broken-      The moderator and/or guest speakers will provide a list
   the most famous being the Enigma code used by the            of suggested readings and links on the topics discussed.
   Germans. Encryption techniques will be demonstrated          TWA
   in the classroom and augmented by slides taken at            Course: LLI692      12 Hours
   Bletchley Park by the instructor. You will discuss plots,    $69 + $92 fee = $161; NMR add $120
   such as Operation Long Jump, the plot to assassinate
   the Big Three-Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt; as well as
                                                                                       6 Sessions         R
   the attempted assassination of Hitler by his own officers.
                                                                                       1:30-3:30 p.m.
   In addition, special operations, such as the rescue of
                                                                Instructor: Jesse Stiller
   Mussolini by Otto Skorzeny; and counter-intelligence
   techniques, such as the broad strategic deceptions of
   Operation Bodyguard will be explained. TWA                   Jewish Resistance during the Holocaust
                                                                Questions of Jewish resistance against the Nazis during
   Course: LLI955      12 Hours
                                                                the Holocaust has been a topic of great interest and
   $69 + $92 fee = $161; NMR add $120
                                                                controversy since World War II. In this course, you will
   Online                                                       examine the extent of Jewish resistance, its limitations,
   CRN#: 46151          6 Sessions         W                    and its achievements. You will explore Jewish resistance
   5/20-6/24            10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.                   in the ghettos, camps, and forests. You will discuss the
   Instructor: Harry Cawood                                     daily life of Jews under the Nazi occupation. You will
                                                                learn about the formation of an all-Jewish fighting unit in
   How a Victorian Vision of Europe Turned into                 the British army. TWA
   a Nightmare NEW                                              Course: LLI368      8 Hours
   Explore how the Victorian dream of a united monarchical      $59 + $79 fee = $138; NMR add $120
   Europe collapsed into a family feud that would reinvent
   modern warfare and tear Europe apart. Examine the
                                                                CRN#: 16296           4 Sessions          W
   moment of supreme monarchical glory: never since the
                                                                7/22-8/12             6:30-8:30 p.m.
   days of the ancient regime of pre-revolutionary France
                                                                Instructor: Eric Gartman
   had monarchy seemed so firmly entrenched. Discuss
   the connections between the different royal families and
   their intersecting and contrary political and geographical
   interests. Analyze how in the following decade, war and
   revolution heaped assassination, defeat, and exile upon
   most of the Victorian royal families. TWA
   Course: LLI084      8 Hours
   $59 + $79 fee = $138; NMR add $120
   CRN#: 46189          4 Sessions           M
   6/8-6/29             2-4 p.m.
   Instructor: Naomi Daremblum
                                                                 ROOM NUMBERS
                                                                 Room numbers will be printed on your registration
                                                                 receipt for classes held on our campuses. Please be
                                                                 sure to keep the receipt for your records.

10 | Workforce Development and Continuing Education
Decorative Trees and Shrubs           NEW                    Floral Arrangements for Home and Office
Do you know which trees and shrubs are successful in         Learn how to purchase, process, and care for
Mid-Atlantic garden spaces? Learn how to select woody        fresh flowers purchased from the supermarket,
ornamentals and plan a Mid-Atlantic region garden.           farmers market, and florist. Discuss the basic tools
Discuss deer resistant shrubs and the challenges of          and containers available to create beautiful floral
bamboo and other invasive plants in the landscape.           arrangements. Demonstration of four to six floral designs
Analyze which trees and shrubs to avoid. Explore general     using supermarket purchases with simple tools and
maintenance techniques. TWA                                  techniques.
Course: LLI078       4 Hours                                 Course: LLI028       4 Hours
$20 + $49 fee = $69; NMR add $50                             $15 + $49 fee = $64; NMR add $50

                     2 Sessions          W                                        2 Sessions          W
                     6:30-8:30 p.m.                                               6:30-8:30 p.m.
Instructor: Janet Johnson                                    Instructor: Janet Johnson

Facing Climate Change         NEW                            Garden Design
Do you understand what climate change means and              Do you ever wish you could have a beautiful home
how it impacts daily life? Learn the basic science behind    garden? In this course, garden enthusiasts and
climate change and the dangers it poses. Examine             homeowners will examine the basics of garden design.
reducing, reusing, recycling and personal consumption.       You will discuss current garden trends; and how to
Calculate your environmental footprint and explain its       integrate the architecture of your home/buildings into the
relevance. Compare it to the numbers actually needed         landscape for a cohesive overall design. You will focus
for a sustainable Earth. Explore renewable energy and        on using plants and materials that are suitable for the
energy efficiency. Create personal goals for reducing        Mid-Atlantic region to create a garden design suitable for
your environmental footprint. Discuss energy audits, solar   your own home. TWA
panels, reduced meat consumption, and sustainable
                                                             Course: LLI370      8 Hours
                                                             $59 + $79 fee = $138; NMR add $120
Course: LLI075       3 Hours
$15 + $15 fee = $30; NMR add $50
                                                             CRN#: 46358          4 Sessions          T
Online                                                       5/12-6/2             6:30-8:30 p.m.
CRN#: 46129          2 Sessions          M                   Instructor: Janet Johnson
6/15-6/22            1:30-3 p.m.
Instructor: Ethan Gothman                                    Introduction to Organic Vegetable Gardening
                                                             This course provides gardeners a way to produce
                                                             vegetables for their household while using sustainable
                                                             gardening practices. This class will cover what to plant,
                                                             when to plant, and how to plant vegetable crops that are
                                                             well suited to Maryland. In addition, how to organically
   Interested in receiving the Lifelong                      control pest and diseases will be discussed. Furthermore,
                                                             guidance will be provided on designing vegetable
  Learning Institute e-newsletter, class                     gardens. TWA
        updates, and free events?
                                                             Course: LLI825      5 Hours
                     Just e-mail:                            $40 + $69 fee = $109; NMR add $120
       or visit our website to sign-up to be
                                                             CRN#: 46145            2 Sessions         W
            placed on our mailing list.                      5/13-5/20              10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.                          Instructor: Terri Valenti

                                                                         | 11
Perennials For Your Garden            NEW                     International Short Stories        NEW
   Do you want to know how to plant and maintain a               Read and discuss a selection of short stories from The
   perennial garden in this growing zone? Learn how              Art of the Short Story, edited by Dana Gioia and R.S.
   to select plants, where to purchase perennials, and           Gwynn (2006) as well as supplemental provided material.
   plan a blooming perennial garden. Explore vines and           Examine the short story as an art form with some
   climbers-where to use them and how to maintain them.          classic, as well as newer, stories by authors from around
   Discuss deer resistant plants, repeat blooming options,       the world, including Nikolai Gogol, Guy de Maupassant,
   and support/structure in a perennial garden. Identify         James Joyce, Katherine Mansfield, Chimamanda Ngozi
   which garden items to avoid, what species make viable         Adiche, and others. TWA
   substitutions, and compatible annuals. Determine how
                                                                 Course: LLI097      12 Hours
   often to divide and how to maintain perennial plants.
                                                                 $69 + $92 fee = $161; NMR add $120
   Examine shade and sun loving plants. TWA
   Course: LLI079       4 Hours
                                                                 CRN#: 46347         6 Sessions         M
   $15 + $49 fee = $64; NMR add $50
                                                                 6/1-7/13            10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
   Online                                                        No class 7/6
   CRN#: 46186          2 Sessions             R                 Instructor: Pam McFarland
   5/14-5/21            6:30-8:30 p.m.
   Instructor: Janet Johnson                                     Romantic and Gothic Literature            NEW
                                                                 The secret at the heart of Romantic literature is its dark
   Literature and Writing                                        obsession with all things Gothic. This course brings the
                                                                 skeletal Gothicism of high Romantic literature out of the
   Appreciating Poetry        NEW                                closet to consider how the relationship between the two
   Do you love poetry? Would you like to better understand       came to define the Romantic age. Examine the roots
   poetry? Read and explore sonnets by Shakespeare,              of Gothic literature that immediately preceded during
   Thomas Wentworth Higginson, and poems by Robert               the Regency period in England (1790-1820). Discuss
   Frost, Gwendolyn Brooks, Emily Dickinson, among others.       how it contributed to the rise of Romanticism. Explore
   Discuss the differences between minor and major poets         the impulses and themes at the heart of the Gothic,
   and poems. Analyze the political, socio-cultural, and         focusing on the sublime, the mysterious, the uncanny,
   historical contexts of poems, as well as the poet’s career,   and the pervasiveness of doubt. Examine the role of the
   poetic fashions, poetic trends, and the reader’s response.    supernatural in the Gothic and Romantic imagination.
   All readings will be provided. TWA                            Analyze how Romantic and Gothic literature shaped
                                                                 literary forms and challenged the period’s ideas about
   Course: LLI086      6 Hours
                                                                 class and gender. TWA
   $45 + $72 fee = $117; NMR add $120
                                                                 Course: LLI080      8 Hours
                                                                 $59 + $79 fee = $138; NMR add $120
                        3 Sessions             W
                        1:30-3:30 p.m.                           Online
   Instructor: Marianne Szlyk                                    CRN#: 46342          4 Sessions           W
                                                                 6/3-6/24             1:30-3:30 p.m.
                                                                 Instructor: Naomi Daremblum

                                                                     Virtual Face-to-Face in Real-Time!
                                                                   Many LLI Summer Classes are being taught
                                                                               online with Zoom
           Summer Registration Begins
                                                                             See page 2 for details.
                  April 27th.
12 | Workforce Development and Continuing Education
The Art of Storytelling                                            Music
Do you want to captivate your audience when speaking?
Whether you are looking to enhance your professional               How to Read Music           NEW
career or connect in a social setting, storytelling can            Memory Enhancement Have you always wanted to learn
help you persuade, engage, and captivate. Discuss how              how to read music or would like to brush up on basic
to engage the listener, command attention, use body                skills? Explore the mechanics of reading music in this,
language, and find words that will paint a picture and             lecture only, course including: key and time signatures,
convey a message. Explore skills to help keep your                 pitch, tempo, rhythm, and musical notation. Increase
listeners on the edge of their seats, laugh, or cry. Learn         memory skills through key and note recognition and
how to deliver a story that listeners will remember. TWA           reinforce brain training techniques. TWA
Course: LLI095      4 Hours                                        Course: LLI089      6 Hours
$35 + $69 fee = $104; NMR add $120                                 $45 + $72 fee = $117; NMR add $120
Online                                                             Online
CRN#: 46346         3 Sessions            T                        CRN#: 46207          4 Sessions         M
6/2-6/16            10 a.m.-12 p.m.                                6/1-6/22             10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
Instructor: Noa Baum                                               Instructor: Jesse Parker

Writing Memoirs, Writing Memories                                  Personal Enrichment
Whether you wish to pass on the family heritage to
your grandchildren, tell some of the funny stories or              A.S.K. in a Nutshell
interesting events of your life, or if you want to explore         New Content! Are you intellectually curious? If so,
your past in order to discover your own reality, writing           then A.S.K. (Adults Seeking Knowledge) is for you!
is a wonderful way to begin. Writing for a group of other          A.S.K. offers an array of weekly programs and lectures,
people who have stories to tell and who are also working           including invited experts who present lectures covering a
to find the best way to tell them is a good way to begin           wide range of topics. Past topics have included current
and to keep going. In this class, students will form a             events, science, history, world travels, mediation for
writing group where they will share ideas, experiences,            seniors, opera, alternative medicine, and fitness and
and some of the rewards and frustrations of writing.               health. TWA
                                                                   Course: LLI841       7.5 Hours
Course: LLI543      12 Hours                                       $30 + $62 fee = $92; NMR add $50
$69 + $92 fee = $161; NMR add $120
Online                                                             CRN#: 46146             6 Sessions        W
CRN#: 46143         6 Sessions         R                           6/3-7/15                1-2:15 p.m.
6/4-7/23            10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.                          No class 7/1
No class 6/18, 7/2                                                 Instructor: Jeff Miller
Instructor: Pam McFarland

                             Virtual Face-to-Face in Real-Time!
                 Many LLI Summer Classes are being taught online with Zoom
 During this COVID-19 crisis, many LLI classes have shifted online using Zoom. Zoom allows students to hear and see the
 instructor as they present their class using videos, powerpoints, and lectures. Zoom also offers students the opportunity
 to interact with the instructor and other students—asking questions and joining in discussions. All of this is during real-
 time, helping you stay connected.
 It’s Easy to Zoom! A few days before your class, your instructor will send you a link to your class. You will need to have
 a working microphone built into your device or headphones with a microphone. If you do not, you can use the free
 phone conference feature. You will need to visit: and download the Zoom application onto
 your computer. It only takes a few minutes. We recommend that you do this in advance to make sure all your computer
 components are working.
 Note: We plan to run classes online until Montgomery College makes the decision to return to face-to-face classes.
 If this happens, those unable to attend in person will still be able to take the class online.
                                                                                 | 13
Declutter Your Life and Space                              Personal Finance Academy
   Preparing for retirement or living in a newly-empty nest
   space? This is the perfect time to take stock of your      Health Care Insurance for Retirement
   belongings and part ways with items that no longer         This course will address the major components of retiree
   serve you. Downsizing your home can be a great way to      health care: Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, and
   enter a new phase of your life—one thats less stressful    Long-Term Care. Health care costs typically rise at twice
   and more relaxing. Learn strategies to help you organize   the inflation rate, so the course will also address ways
   and prioritize your belongings; create a more calming      to fund this expense through tax-advantaged plans.
   environment; reduce your stress levels; save time and      Determine the cost of supplemental coverage, evaluate
   money; and improve your quality of life. Examine the       your ability to pay for health care not covered by federal
   common roadblocks and issues surrounding downsizing.       or state programs, and be able to project your health care
   Course: LLI165       4 Hours                               expenses. The target audience for this course are those

   $15 + $40 fee = $55; NMR add $50                           who are newly retired and those who plan to retire within

                                                              10 years. TWA
   Rockville Campus
   CRN#: 15880           2 Sessions          W                Course: PRF139      6 Hours
   7/15-7/22             6:30-8:30 p.m.                       $36 + $69 fee = $105; NMR add $120
   Instructor: Libby Kinkead                                  Online CRN#:
                                                              46364                  2 Sessions          T
   Successful Aging in Place: Assistive                       6/9-6/16               6:30-9:30 p.m.
   Technology for Increasing Independence in                  Instructor: Mark Gottlieb
   the Home
   Would you like to live at home, as you age? Assistive      Increase Cash, Decrease Debt, & Protect Your
   technology devices can help older adults with getting      Financial Future
   around, communicating, and handling routine tasks.         Learn to control your personal finances with spending,
   Discuss how to implement assistive technology solutions    saving, paying loans and expenses, and earning money.
   to address accessibility needs in each room of your        Understand when and how much you should be saving
   home. Explore smart technologies for the home as well      for specific goals. Topics include: banking, savings, credit
   as smartphone applications that can support maintaining    loans/credit reports and insurance; protecting against
   independence. Learn about Montgomery County                financial scams and identify theft; setting financial
   resources that promote successful aging in place. This     goals; developing budgets; and creating a financial plan.
   course is also suitable for caregivers and children of     Discuss how to track your money and expenses.
   aging parents. TWA
                                                              Course: PRF161       3 Hours
   Course: LLI351       4 Hours                               $20 + $20 fee = $40; NMR add $30
   $15 + $30 fee = $45; NMR add $30
   Online                                                     CRN#: 46294           1 Session          S
   CRN#: 46354          2 Sessions           M                6/6                   10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
   6/15-6/22            6:30-8:30 p.m.                        Instructor: Maria Antokas
   Instructor: Celene Moorer

    Room numbers will be printed on your registration
    receipt for classes held on our campuses. Please be
    sure to keep the receipt for your records.

14 | Workforce Development and Continuing Education
Investing in the Thrift Savings Plan When                   Money Matters for Millennials
Working and Retired                                         How to save and invest for things you need: home,
Are you a Federal Government employee or retired            education, retirement, and financial goals? Explore ways
from federal service? Do you understand the ins and         to pay off your loans or debts. Discuss how to save,
outs of the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)? Learn about the      generating income, and invest. Create a budget plan to
differences in TSP investment funds, tax considerations,    help you achieve the financial future you want. Discuss
the Roth TSP option, short-term and long-term               the best way to keep track of your money.
considerations, and withdrawal options. Discuss required    Course: LLI033       3 Hours
minimum distributions and the Life Annuity option. This     $15 + $10 fee = $25; NMR add $30
course is only relevant to TSP participants or Federal
employees considering participation.                        Online
                                                            CRN#: 46126          1 Session           M
Course: PRF155       3 Hours                                6/8                  6:30-9:30 p.m.
$20 + $20 fee = $40; NMR add $30                            Instructor: TBA
CRN#: 15988            1 Session         W                  Probate in Maryland: An Overview for
7/8                    6:30-9:30 p.m.                       Executors-To-Be
Instructor: Arthur Stein                                    An overview of the probate process in Maryland, and
                                                            more specifically in Montgomery County, including: a
Maximizing Social Security Benefits                         review of determining whether a probate is necessary;
Social Security is a cornerstone of retirement income       how to open a probate estate; how the estate is
for most Americans. Yet the nuances of how/when to          administered; and how the estate is closed. Explore the
receive benefits are often overlooked and can lead to       documents used by the Register of Wills; learn how to
missed opportunities. This course will address individual   determine if an asset is a probate asset or a non-probate
and couples benefits, special situations for widows and     asset; and how to deal with claims and debts against
ex-spouses, reductions due to federal pensions, and         the estate. Discuss the costs of probate, including the
taxation of benefits. The target audience for this course   fees owed to the personal representative (executor) and
are those who are newly retired and who plan to retire      attorneys. TWA
within 10 years.
                                                            Course: PRF150      4 Hours
Course: PRF159       3 Hours                                $55 + $66 fee = $121; NMR add $120
$20 + $20 fee = $40; NMR add $30
Online                                                                            2 Sessions         W
CRN#: 46257           1 Session          T                                        6:30-8:30 p.m.
6/23                  6:30-9:30 p.m.                        Instructor: Lindsey Sarowitz
Instructor: Brian Richmond
CRN#: 16085           1 Session          R
7/16                  6:30-9:30 p.m.
Instructor: Brian Richmond
                                                               Interested in receiving the Lifelong
                                                              Learning Institute e-newsletter, class
                                                                    updates, and free events?
                                                                                 Just e-mail:
                                                                   or visit our website to sign-up to be
                                                                        placed on our mailing list.
        Summer Registration Begins                                           lli-mailinglist.html
               April 27th.
                                                                        | 15
Rejuvenate Your Retirement           NEW                     Retirement Distribution Strategies
   How long will your retirement income last? This              Retirement Plans have many complicated rules. Rules
   course provides a fresh look at important financial          regarding how you can access your money, how
   topics relevant to adults entering, or already enjoying,     much you can contribute, and different tax rates for
   retirement. Making your money last throughout                withdrawals. Learn 13 retirement strategies including the
   retirement has never been more challenging. People           rules surrounding IRAs, 401ks, TSPs, Rothss, etc. You will
   are living longer and fewer retirees have traditional        also learn the optimal Social Security claiming strategies
   pensions, while interest rates are at all-time lows. Learn   for married and single participants that will maximize
   about important financial topics such as reducing taxes,     retirement income. TWA
   assessing investment risk, exploring retirement income       Course: LLI916      6 Hours
   sources and investment options, planning for health care     $60 + $69 fee = $129; NMR add $120
   needs, and preparing your estate. TWA
   Course: PRF165       4 Hours                                                      2 Sessions           W
   $25 + $57 fee = $82; NMR add $50                                                  6:30-9:30 p.m.
   Online                                                       Instructor: Neal Seagle
   CRN#: 46272           2 Sessions         W
   5/13-5/20             10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.                  Retirement Planning Today
   CRN#: 46275           2 Sessions         R                   Learn about the many ways to save for retirement as well
   5/14-5/21             1-3 p.m.                               as the advantages and disadvantages of each. Discover
   Instructor: Allison McCarty                                  how to save money on taxes, manage investment risks,
                                                                and protect your assets from potential long-term health
                                                                care expenses. Fee includes a course workbook and
   CRN#: 46274           2 Sessions         W
                                                                study aids. TWA
   6/3-6/10              10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
   CRN#: 46273           2 Sessions         R                   Course: PRF119       6 Hours
   6/4-6/11              1-3 p.m.                               $25 + $57 fee = $82; NMR add $50
   Instructor: Allison McCarty                                   Online
                                                                          46361       2 Sessions          T
                                                                 5/12-5/19            6:30-9:30 p.m.
                                                                 CRN#: 46360          2 Sessions          R
                                                                 5/14-5/21            6:30-9:30 p.m.
                                                                 Instructors: Steve Abbett/John Gracyalny
                                                                CRN#: 46362          2 Sessions           W
                                                                5/13-5/20            6:30-9:30 p.m.
                                                                Instructors: Jamie Ingoe/Russell Rifkin
                                                                CRN#: 46363          2 Sessions           R
                                                                5/14-5/21            6:30-9:30 p.m.
                                                                Instructors: Jamie Ingoe/Russell Rifkin

      Would you like to teach for the
       Lifelong Learning Institute?
          Please contact Natasha Sacks
                   for details.

16 | Workforce Development and Continuing Education
Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, and ETFs                          Wealth Creation Today          NEW
Explained                                                      This class is aimed at adults ages 35-50 who are
Whether you manage your own investments or someone             interested in building their financial wealth while meeting
manages them for you, it is important to understand            individual and/or family financial priorities. Learn to
the different types of investments. In this course, an         invest, manage debt, and explore tax advantaged
experienced investment advisor and Certified Financial         investment options. Reduce barriers to wealth
Planner explains advantages and disadvantages of               accumulation, develop smart money management
different investments, risks, ways to own investments,         strategies, and explore paths to risk management. Start
asset allocation, tax considerations, historical               on your wealth creation with this class. TWA
performance, and more. For instance, are Exchange              Course: PRF164       6 Hours
Traded Funds (ETFs) better than mutual funds? TWA              $25 + $49 fee = $74; NMR add $50
Course: PRF138      5 Hours                                    Online
$50 + $65 fee = $115; NMR add $120                             CRN#: 46268           2 Sessions           W
                                                               5/13-5/20             6:30-9:30 p.m.
                       2 Sessions          W                   Instructor: Allison McCarty
                       6:30-9 p.m.                             CRN#: 46270           2 Sessions           R
Instructor: Arthur Stein                                       5/14-5/21             6:30-9:30 p.m.
                                                               Instructor: Allison McCarty
Understanding How to Invest Wisely              NEW
Do you want to understand how to invest wisely?                Wills and Estates
Learning how to safely invest can mean a big difference        Take a deep dive into personal estate planning. Learn
for retirement. Discuss the basics of investing and why it     about the real differences between wills and revocable
is important to start investing early. Examine the different   trusts; why everyone always needs a power of attorney
kinds of investment products, the potential risks and          and health care directives; and what it really means to
benefits of investing, and how fees can impact portfolio       go through Maryland probate (and how to avoid that
performance. Hear about the free resources on Investor.        if appropriate). Topics include the use (and misuse) of
gov, the SEC’s online portal for individual investors.         revocable living trusts, the pros, cons and dangers of
Course: PRF163       2 Hours                                   joint ownership, the right way to make and receive gifts
$20 + $15 fee = $35; NMR add $30                               (and why there is a very wrong way), and the impact of
                                                               the Federal estate tax and Marylands two separate death
Online                                                         taxes on your estate. TWA
CRN#: 46266           1 Session            R
6/18-6/18             1:30-3:30 p.m.                           Course: PRF160      6 Hours
Instructor: Alan Sorcher                                       $60 + $75 fee = $135; NMR add $120
                                                               CRN#: 46265           2 Sessions           R
                                                               6/18-6/25             6:30-9:30 p.m.
                                                               Instructor: Lindsey Sarowitz

                                                                                     2 Sessions           W
                                                                                     6:30-9:30 p.m.
                                                               Instructor: Lindsey Sarowitz

    Virtual Face-to-Face in Real-Time!
  Many LLI Summer Classes are being taught
              online with Zoom
                                                                       Summer Registration Begins
            See page 2 for details.
                                                                              April 27th.
                                                                            | 17
Professional and Career Development                            How Montgomery College Can Help You with
                                                                  Employment and Job Training
   Choose a Career that is Right for You                          Looking for a job or re-training? This class will introduce
   What are you good at? What are your natural and work-          you to the wide range of employment and training
   related strengths? Discover and match them with career         resources that exist at Montgomery College (credit or
   areas in which you would be most successful. Choose            non-credit) for adults to further your employment goals.
   to apply your skills to your career or volunteering and        Explore the latest employment trends, learn where to find
   other life opportunities. Engage in a series of insightful     information on employment training and certification
   individual and group exercises and conduct research into       programs, and who to contact about employment
   career areas of interest to you. Draft your career plan        training and financial resources.
   while being supported through your career exploration          Course: LLI276      2 Hours
   stage by your classmates and career coach. TWA                 $5 + $5 fee = $10; NMR add $30
   Course: CRP116      12 Hours                                   Online
   $45 + $59 fee = $104; NMR add $120                             CRN#: 46132           1 Session             M
   Online                                                         6/1                   6:30-8:30 p.m.
   CRN#: 46098           4 Sessions           MW                  Instructor: Nicole Cyrus
   5/18-6/3              6:30-9:30 p.m.
   No class 5/25, 5/27                                            Photography and Digital Photography
   Instructor: Mary Pat Brennan
                                                                  Landscape Photography             NEW
   Employment Search Boot Camp                                    Learn the fundamentals of taking photographs of
   Learn traditional and innovative job search techniques         outdoor scenic spaces. Develop compositional and
   to help you land the job you want. This class provides         exposure techniques for creative framing and dealing
   a comprehensive approach to employment search,                 with tricky lighting situations. One session will be held in
   including resume writing, interviewing, and the latest self-   the classroom and one outdoors. TWA
   marketing and networking techniques. Explore how to            Course: LLI096      4 Hours
   distinguish yourself from others competing for the same        $35 + $69 fee = $104; NMR add $120
   jobs, try new job search strategies and get feedback on
   your practice interviews. Learn how to use career and job      Online
   search resources, such as Career Coach, and networking         CRN#: 15942          2 Sessions           MS
   and employment resources such as social media and              7/27-8/1             6:30-8:30 p.m. (7/6)
   LinkedIn.                                                      Outdoor shooting session on 7/11 from
                                                                  10 a.m.-12 p.m.
   Course: CRP107       15 Hours                                  Instructor: Michael Koren
   $0 + $25 fee = $25; NMR add $0
   Online                                                         Travel Photography
   CRN#: 46097           5 Sessions           MW                  This class will introduce students to techniques and
   6/15-6/29             6:30-9:30 p.m.                           practices for successful vacation and travel photography.
   Instructor: Nicole Cyrus                                       Topics include travel photography shooting techniques,
                                                                  photographic composition, use of built-in flash for travel
                                                                  pictures, and pre-trip preparation. TWA
                                                                  Course: LLI936      8 Hours
                                                                  $59 + $79 fee = $138; NMR add $120
                                                                  CRN#: 46147          4 Sessions             W
                                                                  5/13-6/3             6:30-8:30 p.m.
                                                                  Instructor: Michael Koren

           Summer Registration Begins
                  April 27th.
18 | Workforce Development and Continuing Education
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