Lipscomb Elementary School Parent Handbook 2020-2021

Page created by Christian Gill
Lipscomb Elementary School Parent Handbook 2020-2021
Lipscomb Elementary School
                 Parent Handbook

 In every academic year, we ask that you read this handbook as a partner
      with us in your child’s education. This year is perhaps more
important than other years, as there are many changes to our school
 day. Please know – we are all humans and will work to carry out these
  policies with compassion and understanding as we all adjust to a new
   normal. Our first step together is to literally be on the same page by
               reading the contents of this year’s handbook.
                  We know we can make it a great year!

                      Michelle Contich, Principal
                    Carol Cortez, Assistant Principal
                     Lipscomb Elementary School
                          8011 Concord Road
                        Brentwood, TN 37027
                            (615) 472-4650
                         Lipscomb Website
Lipscomb Elementary School Parent Handbook 2020-2021
Table of Contents
OFFICE PERSONNEL............................................................................................................... 4
WCS VISION STATEMENT ....................................................................................................... 5
OUR MISSION ........................................................................................................................... 5
OUR STRATEGIC COMMITMENTS.......................................................................................... 5
DEDICATION TO STUDENTS .......................................................................................................5
ARRIVAL PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................7
ATTENDANCE ................................................................................................................................7
BEHAVIOR ......................................................................................................................................9
“BULLY-FREE” SCHOOL ..............................................................................................................9
Bus Riders .................................................................................................................................... 10
CAR SERVICES ............................................................................................................................ 10
CAFETERIA/LUNCH ..................................................................................................................... 10
CAR RIDERS ................................................................................................................................. 11

CELL PHONES AND OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES ............................................................. 12
CHILD FIND ................................................................................................................................... 13
CHROMEBOOKS .......................................................................................................................... 13
CIVITAN WALKERS ..................................................................................................................... 13
CLINIC/ILLNESS ........................................................................................................................... 14
COMPLAINTS ............................................................................................................................... 15
CUSTODIAL ISSUES/PARENTING PLAN .................................................................................. 15
CREATING AN ENVIRONMENT FOR LEARNING ..................................................................... 15
DRESS CODE ............................................................................................................................... 16
EMERGENCY DISMISSAL ........................................................................................................... 17
EMERGENCY INFORMATION ..................................................................................................... 17
FACE COVERINGS....................................................................................................................... 17
FAMILY TRIPS .............................................................................................................................. 18
Lipscomb Elementary School Parent Handbook 2020-2021
FIELD TRIPS ................................................................................................................................. 18
FIRE, TORNADO, & EMERGENCY DRILLS ............................................................................... 18
HOMEWORK ................................................................................................................................. 19
INTERNET AND ACCEPTABLE USE.......................................................................................... 19
LOST & FOUND ............................................................................................................................ 19
MEDICATION PROTOCOL ......................................................................................................... 19
MOMENT OF SILENCE OR PRAYER ......................................................................................... 20
PARENT ONLINE COMMUNICATION......................................................................................... 20
PARENT - SCHOOL COMMUNICATION .................................................................................... 21
PET POLICY .................................................................................................................................. 21
PBIS ............................................................................................................................................... 21
PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO GUIDELINES ................................................................................... 22
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ................................................................................................................... 22
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ......................................................................................................... 22
PROTECTING INSTRUCTIONAL TIME ....................................................................................... 22
PTO ................................................................................................................................................ 23
RECESS & PLAYGROUND SAFETY .......................................................................................... 23
SACC – School Age Child Care.................................................................................................. 24
SCHOOL IMMUNIZATION LAW .................................................................................................. 24
SCHOOL SAFETY ........................................................................................................................ 25
STUDENT ENROLLMENT ............................................................................................................ 26
STUDENT PROGRESS ................................................................................................................ 26
TEXTBOOKS ................................................................................................................................. 26
THREATS ...................................................................................................................................... 26
TOBACCO FREE CAMPUS ......................................................................................................... 26
TOYS.............................................................................................................................................. 26
VOLUNTEERS .............................................................................................................................. 27
WALKERS and BIKE RIDER ....................................................................................................... 28
WEAPONS..................................................................................................................................... 28
WITHDRAWAL PROCEDURES ................................................................................................... 28
ZERO TOLERANCE AND SCHOOL DISCIPLINE ...................................................................... 28
FEDERAL NOTICES ..................................................................................................................... 29

    Michelle Contich, Principal

 Carol Cortez, Assistant Principal

    Sally Auville, Bookkeeper

    Linda Reynolds, Secretary

  Susan Hudson, Office Assistant

   Williamson County Schools
   Jason Golden, Superintendent
      1320 West Main Street
       Franklin, TN 37064
         (615) 472-4000

Williamson County Schools Website
Williamson County Schools will provide a
supportive environment where students are
challenged to pursue excellence in academics,
athletics, and the arts.
We exist to provide all students
with a quality education that supports
their intellectual, physical, emotional, and social development.

1. We will invest in team quality and excellence.
2. We will improve student centered operational support systems.
3. We will prepare students for the future.

The Lipscomb Elementary School team works
with parents to realize the school’s purpose for
each student. We believe that all students can
and will learn. We strive to provide challenging
educational experiences that develop lifelong
learners and responsible citizens.
The Lipscomb Elementary School team includes
administrators, teachers, parents, students, professional
support personnel, teacher assistants, office personnel,
cafeteria staff, and custodial staff. We value a strong team
working together to promote the academic success of students.
1st Semester = 86 Instructional Days                        2nd Semester = 91 Instructional Days

                  Day                          Date                             Definition
Friday (No Students)                 July 3             Independence Day Observed (System Closed)
Wednesday – Thursday (No Students)   July 29 – July30   New Teacher Induction
Monday (No Students)                 August 3           Administrative Day (All Teachers Report)
Tuesday (No Students)                August 4           District-Wide Professional Development Day
Wednesday (No Students)              August 5           Site-Based Professional Development Day
Thursday (No Students)               August 6           Administrative Day (All Teachers Work in Classroom)
Friday (Students ½ Day)              August 7           Start of School (1st – 12th Grades)
Monday                               August 17          First Full Day for Kindergarten Students
Monday (No School)                   September 7        Labor Day (System Closed)
Thursday                             September 17       Constitution Day (Students in School)
Wednesday                            October 7          End of First Quarter Grading Period
Thursday & Friday (No School)        October 8 - 9      Fall Break (System Closed)
                                                        Site-Based Professional Development Day;
Monday (No Students)                 October 12
                                                        Columbus Day
                                                        District-Wide Professional Development Day;
Tuesday (No Students)                November 3
                                                        Election Day
Wednesday                            November 11        Veterans Day Observation (Students in School)
Monday – Friday (No School)          November 23 – 27   Thanksgiving Holiday (System Closed)
Friday (Students ½ Day)              December 18        End of First Semester
                                     December 21 –
Monday - Friday (No School)                             Winter Break (System Closed)
                                     January 1
Monday (No Students)                 January 4          Administrative Day (All Teachers Work in Classroom)
Tuesday                              January 5          Students Full Day – Second Semester Begins
Monday (No School)                   January 18         Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (System Closed)
                                                        Site-Based Professional Development Day;
Monday (No Students)                 February 15
                                                        Presidents’ Day
Wednesday                            March 10           End of Third Quarter Grading Period
Monday – Friday (No School)          March 15 – 19      Spring Break (System Closed)
Friday (No School)                   April 2            Spring Holiday (System Closed)
Friday (Students ½ Day)              May 21             Last Day for Students – End of Second Semester
Friday - Sunday                      May 21 - 23        Graduation Window
Monday                               May 24             Administrative Day for Teachers
Monday                               May 31             Memorial Day (System Closed)
(please note significant changes due to COVID)

All students will be screened either as a car rider, walker, bike rider or bus rider. The
Civitan lot will not be open for morning arrivals. All car riders will need to enter through
the front parking lot. Temperatures will be checked, and screening questions asked
before students exit cars, and as they exit buses. Anyone with a fever of 100.0 or who
exhibits two or more of the following symptoms will be sent home. Upon passing the
screening students will go directly to their classrooms. The building will open for
students at 8:30 as that is when teachers are on duty.

Screening questions (please practice these with your kids to explain what is “normal” for
their health, and what is something to report):

   1. Have you been in close contact with a person with a confirmed diagnosis of
   2. Have you had an unusual cough or shortness of breath?
   3. Have you had a sore throat or other flu-like symptoms?
   4. Have you had a fever of 100.0 F or greater in the past 72-hours?
   5. Have you had a new loss of taste or smell?
   6. Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24-hours?

Williamson County Students participate in both formative and summative assessments.
   •   Formative assessments are ongoing classroom assessments utilized to inform
       instruction. Examples include exit tickets, discussion boards,
       observations/conversations, and benchmark assessments.
   •   Summative assessments typically take place at the end of a unit. They are
       utilized to guide the school on overall approaches and strategies for instruction.
Students in grades K-5 will participate in the district-wide reading and math Aimsweb
screener. Students in grades 3-5 will participate in state and district assessments.
Please refer to the district website for information regarding district assessments
including the assessment calendar.

Consistent attendance and punctuality are a cornerstone of student progress and
success. If students repeatedly miss school or are often tardy, it puts them at risk for
misunderstanding concepts that are taught and reinforced while they are not present.
Additionally, student attendance is one of the categories the federal and state
governments use to evaluate schools and assess whether they are making adequate
yearly progress. Consistent attendance is a priority at Lipscomb.
Student attendance will be taken daily, even while learning remotely. Please talk to your
teachers about any situation where you have one child remote and one child in school.
We have worked schedules to make that as smooth as possible. If your child is ill or
otherwise is unable to attend a scheduled learning session, please contact your child’s
teacher. It is likely that the teacher post assignments to his or her Google classroom for
our child to be able to review and complete when they are well.
Excused Absences
Excused absences include: (1) illness, (2) death in the family, (3) recognized religious
holiday, (4) doctor or dentist appointment, or (5) Principal approved emergency or
exceptional circumstances.

Written Documentation
The Williamson County School Board Policy 6.200 requires written parental or medical
documentation for all absences, tardies, and early dismissals. This documentation
ensures that school personnel are fully and accurately informed about your child. All
absences are considered “unexcused” until a note is sent, preferably within 48 hours of
the student’s return to school. When a student’s absences exceed 8 days, a doctor’s
note will be required to excuse all future absences. Notes are kept on file for the school
year. Parents may also send an email with all appropriate information to their teacher
AND our attendance secretary, Linda Reynolds (
Notes should state:
   • child’s name
   • teacher’s name
   • date(s) of absence
   • reason for absence
   • doctor’s note attached (if applicable)
   • parent or guardian signature

School Notification
When a student accumulates a total of 8 excused absences, all other absences will be
considered unexcused unless a doctor’s note is presented upon the day of returning to
school. The principal may excuse more absences beyond 8 based on her discretion of
the absences previously accumulated.
Parents will be notified when absences begin to accumulate.
In accordance with new state guidelines for schools related to truancy, Williamson
County Schools has implemented a three-tiered system to monitor attendance. Parents
will be notified as unexcused absences accumulate (recorded) to proactively help with
truancy concerns. However, if absences accrue due to illness and/or quarantine, please
know we will work with families on exceptions to these rules:
    • 3 unexcused absences - parents will be notified via email or phone.
    • 5 unexcused absences – a meeting will be held with family and school personnel.
        The team will create a plan to support the family and ensure subsequent school
        attendance. Follow-up meetings will be planned to monitor progress.
•   If the student continues to accumulate absences, additional interventions will be
The new Tennessee Department of Education Accountability Regulations (ESSA)
defines students as "chronically absent" after 18 absences per year, regardless of
excused or unexcused. Students who accumulate 18 or more absences will be
considered “Chronically Absent” and reported to the state.

All students are expected to adhere to the following school expectations: Do Your
Personal Best, Act Responsibly, Work and Play Safely, and Show Respect.
Individual teachers will establish procedures for meeting these expectations. If a student
fails to meet expectations, it may result in a conference with school administration.
Administrative consequences will be determined based on behavior and any prior
behaviors or interventions. Consequences may include but are not limited to: time in the
office, silent lunch, ISS (in school suspension) and possible OSS (out of school
suspension). In addition, all students are expected to follow WCS policies, procedures
and guidelines concerning discipline for any offenses concerning Zero Tolerance and
Zero Tolerance reasoned judgement offenses.

During the time of active COVID cases, teachers will implement routines and
procedures to keep students and staff safe. Any intentional behavior that puts another
person at risk will be taken seriously and addressed accordingly. While learning
remotely a student may be muted or his or her camera turned off if misbehavior
continues. At that time, a phone call to a parent will be made as well.

Bullying is not tolerated. We ask all parents and students to report any bullying to
administration. The report will be investigated by administration within 48 hours. The
investigation and required intervention will be implemented within 20 calendar days.
Administration will notify the parent/guardian of involved students. Administration will
also provide information regarding any support services available. Administration will
follow investigation procedures and definitions set forth in policy 6.3032. Behavior that is
found to be in violation of this policy shall be subject to discipline, up to and including
Definition: Bullying is defined by Tennessee law as any act that substantially interferes
with a student’s educational benefits, opportunities, or performance. Bullying is: 1)
repeated, 2) intentional harm, 3) against someone perceived with less power. Bullying
has the effect of:
   1. Physically harming a student or damaging a student’s property.
   2. Knowingly placing the student or students in reasonable fear of physical harm to
      the student or damage to the student’s property.
   3. Causing emotional distress to a student or students; or
   4. Creating a hostile educational environment.
If a student needs help with resolving a conflict or if a student feels that he/she is being
bullied, he/she should communicate with a staff member such as a teacher, counselor,
or administration.
Families may also report bullying to a WCS toll-free tip line. The toll-free number is
1-855-284-0669. Incidents can also be reported via email.

Bus Riders
(please note changes due to COVID)
Students are required to wear a mask at all times while on the bus. Student
temperatures and wellness checks will happen as students get off buses.
Students are expected to behave in a safe and respectful manner and to follow
directions given by the bus driver. Policies will be strictly followed for the
safety of all children. Students are to stay seated on the bus, demonstrate self-control,
and talk quietly. No food is allowed to be eaten on the bus. Riding the school bus is
a privilege. Any inappropriate behavior will result in disciplinary action which may
include suspension from riding the bus. Specific questions about bus routes and
times for bus arrival should be addressed to the school system transportation
department (472-4950) or checked on the website above.
Parent can also sign up with Safe Stop bus app to track their student’s bus.

CAR SERVICES Students may not be picket up from car services such as Uber and
Lyft. These companies prohibit minors from being transported alone.

(please note significant changes due to COVID)

   •   Students will eat in their classrooms.
   •   Students are encouraged to bring their lunches in disposable containers such as
       brown bags and/or plastic bags.
          o Carbonated drinks and food brought from anywhere other than home are
             not allowed.
          o Please send items in your child’s lunch that can be easily managed by the
   •   The school cafeteria will offer a variety of lunch options each day.
          o The price for a school lunch is $3.25 (this is subject to change and
             dependent on any a la carte items bought).
          o Please consider managing your child’s lunch account online. This way
             you are able to check the account daily.
o At the beginning of class each morning, the teacher will fill out a “Lunch
              Order Sheet” which indicates each student’s choice. Lunches will be
              brought to classrooms.
   •   Visitors will not be allowed during lunch.

(please note significant changes due to COVID)
Arrival: The number one priority is to make sure children get safely in to school.
There are two car lanes that circle the parking lot in front of the building.
To exit school grounds and turn LEFT, use left lane when possible.
To exit school grounds and turn RIGHT, use right lane when possible or Civitan lot.
    1. The first car in each lane, please stop at the teachers holding signs.
    2. All cars in the loading zone please turn off the engines.
    3. Staff members will move car to car to screen your child(ren). Please have
        students put their masks on and keep them on.
    4. Please do not escort your child to the door. Teachers will ensure their safety.
    5. If your car is in the no loading zone, please wait in your car for the line to
        proceed. Students will not be allowed to exit cars that are in the no loading zone.
    6. When all cars in the loading zone are ready, staff will signal them to exit.
    7. The next set of cars moves forward and the procedures repeat.

It is not permitted to park on Lipscomb Drive and walk up to drop off your child.
Please do not park your car on Lipscomb Drive or leave it parked in the loading zones
to walk your child in. If you need to enter the building for other purposes, please use
the parking lot.

•Students may still be dismissed as Civitan Walkers. Students will social distance
       as they are walked down to the Civitan parking lot.
        •   Students will be dismissed through a staggered process to allow for as
            much social distancing as possible.
        • We request EXTRA PATIENCE as we try this new procedure and make
            needed adjustments. It will take longer than our typical dismissal.
        • As parents arrive at the school, they will check in out front with a staff
            member. Parents will need a paper plate or sign with the child’s name,
            teacher’s name and grade level written in large letters. This staff member
            will be at the first bend in the parking lot and will look at your information
            and will radio the name to the classrooms. The student(s) will come up
            from their classrooms when they are called.
        • Parents will proceed in two lines up to the staff member at the front of the
            line. Please turn off your car. Parents will stay in their cars.
        • As students arrive to the front of the school from their classrooms they will
            get in a line by their last names, socially distanced. Students will be loaded
            into cars from the front porch loading zone.
        • Once students are safely loaded, cars will be dismissed by a staff member.
            It will take us several rounds of this procedure to complete dismissal.
        • In an effort to reduce traffic on Lipscomb Drive and Concord Road, we ask
            parents to arrive at staggered times as well.
    For a regular school day, parents with students in grades
                       • K,1, carpools, and families with multiple siblings – arrive at 3:40
                       • 2,3 – arrive at 3:50
                       • 4,5 - arrive at 3:55
    For a K-2 hybrid dismissal, parents with students in grades
        • K,1, carpools, and families with multiple siblings – arrive at 3:05
        • 2,3 – arrive at 3:10

Cell phones, Apple watches and cameras may not be used to take pictures or video in
the school setting. If, as a parent, you feel that it is imperative for your child to have a
cell phone/Apple watch at school for after school communication, it is to remain in your
child’s backpack, turned off during the school day and during bus transports to and from
school. All items in backpacks are the responsibility of the student and the school is not
liable for ANY loss or damage incurred. We are working to keep students focused on
learning. All electronic games, toys, trading cards, MP3 players, virtual pets, hand-held
electronic games, etc. are not permitted AND should not be seen or heard during the
school day. If any of these items are seen or heard during the school day they will be
taken up and returned only to a parent/guardian. Students take full responsibility for
personal digital devices at all times. The school is not responsible for the security of the
Child Find is how Williamson County Schools identify students who may be having
problems. This may include children who are gifted as well as students who have
trouble seeing or hearing, need special education services, or need supports to learn. It
is important to find these children and give them the help they need as early as
possible. For more information regarding child, call Student Support Services at 615-

Chrome books will be provided at the beginning of the school year. Before students are
issued a Chromebook, both the child and parent must read and sign the Acceptable
Use Policy, the Video Conferencing form and the Authorization District Device form.
These forms will be made available in Skyward prior to the start of school for review and

Students must act responsibly with their Chromebooks. Teachers will review proper
practices with students to maintain good condition. If a student willingly and
intentionally damages a Chromebook, the student may be charged for repairs up to the
total cost for replacement. Charges will be determined by administration.

Students should take their Chromebook home nightly to charge the device, use the
device for any assigned homework, and to be prepared for any transition to Remote
Learning. Student issued Chromebook charge cords are not needed at school.

(please note significant changes due to COVID)

Arrival: The Civitan lot will be closed in the mornings. All car riders must enter from the
top of the school lot.
    • All adults who are picking up students at Civitan MUST park in a designated
    parking spot and walk through the Civitan gate. You may not pull up and have your
    child walk unattended to your car. Be sure to wear a mask and social distance.
     • Students will line up behind a colored cone. (kindergarten-green, first-orange,
     second-red, third-blue, fourth-purple and fifth-yellow). Grades K, 1 and 2 will be on
     one side and grades 3, 4 and 5 will be on the other. Students MUST stay
     behind their designated cone, spaced apart until a parent retrieves them from the
     line. Once connected, please proceed down the sidewalk and out the gate.
    • It is important that you exit the area as soon as you make contact with your child
    to verify that all students have been dismissed safely. Please do not stay and chat
    or play on the playground. You must leave the school property once you
    have connected with your child.
(please note significant changes due to COVID)

Parents/Guardians should always follow the WCS Illness Guidelines, found on the WCS
website. Parents/Guardians should conduct health screening(s) on their children before
sending them to school. This includes taking their temperature and assessing for the
following COVID-19 symptoms:
 • Have you been in close contact with a person with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-
 • Have you had unusual cough or shortness of breath?
 • Have you had a sore throat or other flu-like symptoms?
 • Have you had a fever of 100F or greater in the past 72-hours?
 • Have you had new loss of taste or smell?
 • Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24-hours?

If they answer ‘yes’ to two or more of any of the above questions, or have a temperature
of 100F or higher, then please keep them home and seek medical attention, as
necessary. Please assist your younger children in how to answer these questions once
they get to school.

Upon arrival at school students will go through health screening conducted by staff.
Their temperature will be checked with a no touch thermometer, and they will be asked
to answer the above six COVID-19 symptoms questions. Any student who does not
pass this screening will be kept in the isolation room under the care of staff until you can
be contacted to pick-up your child from school.

Staff will report any observed symptoms in students during the day to the school nurse.
The school nurse will determine if any symptoms are present and, if so, contact you to
pick-up your child.

Please refer to the WCS Illness Guidelines for return to school.

We are very fortunate to have a full-time nurse on staff. She is committed to serving all
students and staff. If a student becomes ill or injured at school, the teacher will have
the student evaluated by the school nurse. Through her examination and in accordance
with the district WCS Illness Guidelines, the nurse will determine treatment or if the
student does not meet criteria to stay in school. The nurse will notify parents if a
student becomes significantly ill or injured. The school is not equipped for prolonged
care of your sick child. We ask that you or an emergency contact pick up your child
within the hour that you are called. The school nurse may only administer medications
that are provided and authorized by the parent/guardian. Please contact Nurse Amy for
more information about medications.
Students will be checked for head lice by the school nurse when demonstrating
symptoms of infestation. Parents of students with live lice or an active infestation will be
asked to pick up their child as soon as possible to begin the treatment process. The
student may return to school only after the hair has been treated appropriately and the
parent presents proof of treatment.

When determining whether your child is well enough to attend school, please refer to
the WCS Illness Guidelines. Please note that your child should not be sent to school
until he/she has been fever-free for at least 72 hours without taking a fever reducing
medication. In addition, if student is absent from school due to illness, he/she may not
attend after school activities that same day.

If you have any other questions regarding health services, policies or procedures,
please visit the Williamson County Schools Health Services Site.

Should a parent become dissatisfied with the action of a teacher, administrator, or other
school employee, there is a recommended course of action to follow. First, try to resolve
the complaint directly with the person on an informal basis. Following the teacher/parent
discussion, persons can bring the issue to the principal.

Custodial parents must inform the school immediately upon any changes in custody,
especially court restraining orders. Non-custodial parents requesting information for a
student should provide the child’s teacher with self-addressed, stamped envelopes for
periodically mailing information or arrangements may be made for the child’s teacher to
collect information to be transported with the student to the non-custodial parent. All
families with a parenting plan must have that plan on file in our office along with any
subsequent orders or changes to the parenting plan. Students will be unable to register
for school without a parenting plan or court order establishing the primary care parent,
should any court order exist.

We believe it is imperative for the home and school to work harmoniously in helping
students grow into responsible individuals who can demonstrate good character traits
while weighing the rights and interest of others at the same time. This learning related to
character development is as important as academic achievement. Developing good
character traits will allow students to learn empathy and celebrate everyone’s
achievements. It is our goal to ensure our school environment is a place where students
want to be and where they see themselves as capable of success.
In most cases, discipline concerns can be handled in the classroom by the teacher.
After following these steps, teachers should involve administration.

1. Talk with all the students involved individually.

2. Investigate the situation.

3. Document what has occurred and ask student to reflect on situation and determine
better choices that they could have made.

4. Call a parent to explain the situation.

5. Determine consequences:
       a. Warning only
       b. Time out in the office
       c. Loss of privileges
       d. Parent conference with principal and student
       e. In-School Suspension
       f. Out of school suspension
       g. “Thinking/Reflection Table” at lunch or in the office

Students should dress appropriately for learning. Any type of clothing, apparel or
accessory, including that which denotes such students' membership in or affiliation with
any gang associated with criminal activities is not permitted (TCA 49-6-4215).

Lipscomb will follow the guidelines set forth by the county school board policy 6.310.
1.    Tops of shoulders must have a minimum of a 1-inch strap unless otherwise
      covered by an opaque top garment.
2.    Skin and undergarments must be covered with opaque clothing from the
      underarm to mid-thigh.
3.    Mid-thigh is defined as the mid-point between the waist and mid-knee.
4.    All pants, trousers, shorts and skirts must be held at the waist.
5.    Leggings and other compression-style garments may be worn so long as an
      opaque top garment covers the private body parts.
6.    Hats may be worn in buildings on special occasion as permitted by
7.    Appropriate shoes are required.
8.       Tennis shoes with non-marking soles are required for physical education.
9.       It is recommended that students wear tennis shoes for recess. Please do not
         send students in flip flops or shoes without a back as this can result in injury.

Any apparel or dress that advertises or promotes products or activity prohibited by law
or by the Board of Education is prohibited (e.g., profanity, illustrations, or suggestive
language, etc).

Director of Schools or a public relations designee from the district will use the phone
and email system to notify you of emergency closings. The school will follow the
dismissal plan on each child’s emergency dismissal card on file in the office if school is
dismissed early due to weather or other emergency conditions. Please make sure that
the emergency dismissal information remains up-to-date.

It is vitally important in times of emergency that the school is in possession of
information that will enable us to promptly and directly reach the parents. If there are
any changes in your contact information throughout the year, you must notify the office

A cloth or disposable face covering must be worn by all students, staff and visitors while
on school property except as follows:
   • When an individual cannot safely wear a cloth or disposable face covering.
   • While eating and drinking.
   • While indoors and maintaining social distancing, at the direction of WCS staff.
   • While outdoors and maintaining social distancing, at the direction of WCS staff.
Cloth face coverings should be washed after each use.
Allowable Exemptions
     •   Student has an approved Student Face Covering Exemption Request form on file
         with the school. Parents should contact the school Principal to request the form.
     •   Any child on campus who is under age 2.
     •   Student is having trouble breathing, is sleeping.
     •   Student is unable to remove their face covering without assistance.
     •   Staff or Student is eating or drinking
     •   Staff has provided a documented medical reason approved by Human
Face shields may only be used in place of a face covering if a student or staff member
has an approved exemption on file at school or with Human Resources.

In response to the new Tennessee Department of Education Accountability Regulations
(ESSA), which defines students as "chronically absent" after 18 absences per year,
regardless of excused or unexcused, WCS schools will be more conservative than in
the past in regard to excusing absences due to family trips. Family trips should be
scheduled during regularly planned breaks. Family trips will not be excused except for
Principal approved emergencies or in exceptional circumstances with prior approval.

(please note significant changes due to COVID)
For health and safety reasons, all field trips have been cancelled for the 2020-2021
school year.

Fire, tornado, and emergency drills are necessary for the safety of the students and
staff; therefore, we practice them throughout the year. The following safety drills are
scheduled: fire drills, tornado drills, and security lockdown drills.

Lipscomb Elementary School’s guidance program follows a comprehensive counseling
model outlined by the State of Tennessee and the American School Counseling
Association. The counselors serve staff and parents through consultation and serves as
the students’ advocate. Student learning is facilitated in academic, career and personal
and social development. Classroom guidance curriculum includes topics such as
personal safety, careers, character education, study skills, conflict resolution, friendship
skills, social skills, decision making and other life skills. Small group and individual
counseling are available. Small groups can include grief, changing family, social skills
and other types of groups depending upon need. Character Education is a big part of
education here at Lipscomb. Our slogan, PAWS, guides our character program. (P –
Personal Best; A- Act Responsibly; W-Work and Play Safely; S – Show Respect).
Guidance provides practical suggestions and daily reminders of what good character
means and how to put it into practice. The learning of appropriate social skills is a vital
part of the educational process. Together, with wonderful support from parents, we help
our children learn that it is important to work and learn respectfully in our school
community. We hope a love of lifelong learning, as well as a commitment to good
character, is established in these elementary school years.
Homework is an extension of the learning and allows independent practice and
reinforcement of skills and concepts presented in class. In addition, it is an expectation
that students read each night as research shows the vast impact it has on overall

When assigning homework, teachers will follow the guidelines set forth by school board
policy 4.607. For students in kindergarten and 1st grade there will be no more than 20
minutes of homework each night. For students in 2nd and 3rd grade there will be no
more than 40 minutes assigned each night. For students in 4th and 5th grades there will
be no more than one hour of homework nightly. This time does include time for reading
either independently or with someone.

Homework is something that should be completed independently by the child. Parents
are encouraged to monitor that homework is attempted or done. If a child is unable to
complete work independently, this should be communicated with the child’s teacher. If a
child is struggling to complete homework or is spending over the maximum time allotted,
please contact the teacher. The teacher needs feedback at this point so that together
you can resolve the issue. We know our students and families are busy and it is not our
intent to dominate all of a student’s after-school hours. It is our intent to promote
organization, good work habits, and responsibility in our students.

Students will have the opportunity to access the Internet for instructional purposes while
on campus under close supervision. In addition, students will also need access to the
internet at home when completing either remote or online school work. Before students
are allowed access WCS instructional resources online, both the child and parent must
read and sign the Acceptable Use Policy, the Video Conferencing form and the
Authorization District Device form. These forms will be made available in Skyward prior
to the start of school for review and acceptance. If your child violates these policies,
they could lose technology access while at school.

The Lost and Found is located inside the cafeteria. Please label students’ clothing such
as jackets and sweaters. At times throughout the year, lost and found items are given to
charity after notifying parents and allowing time to claim items.

Medication procedures are consistent with State of Tennessee Law 49-5-415 and are
implemented in our schools district-wide. Medications should be limited to those
required during school hours to assure safe administration of medications for those
students who require them. Please be aware of the following:
1) The school must have a medication authorization form completed each school year
for both prescription and non-prescription medications. These forms are available in the
2) Parents, or legal guardians, must bring their child’s medication into school.
Students are not allowed to bring in their own medication. This includes prescription as
well as non-prescription medication. Empty prescription bottles may be given to the
student to take home unless you inform the school otherwise.
3) Prescription medications must be in the original, pharmacy labeled container and
match the doctor’s orders exactly (up to 30-day supply at a time). If your child is taking
an antibiotic that is prescribed for three times per day, parents should administer the
medication before school, after school, and at bedtime. DO NOT send the antibiotic to
4) All over-the-counter medications must be in the original, unopened manufacturer’s
packaging with the child’s name affixed. You can supply over-the-counter medication
with an expiration date that will not expire during the school year. Only FDA approved
medications can be administered at school.
5) Designated school personnel will be trained to assist students with their medications
on field trips. If you do not want your child to receive medication on a field trip, please
notify your school nurse in writing.
6) Medications must be kept at school no longer than the expiration date or end of the
school year, whichever is sooner. All medications not picked up by the last school day
will be destroyed.

- Tennessee State Law – (TCA 49-6-1004)
In order for all students and teachers to prepare themselves for the activities of the day,
a period of silence of approximately one minute in duration shall be maintained in each
grade in public schools at the beginning of each school day. The teacher shall not
indicate or suggest to the students any action to be taken by them during this time but
shall maintain silence for the full time. It is lawful for any teacher in any of the schools of
the state to permit the voluntary participation by students or others in prayer. Nothing
contained in this section shall authorize any teacher or other school authority to
prescribe the form or content of any prayer.

Williamson County Schools Family Access gives parents the ability to track their child’s
academic progress safely and securely online. It is called Skyward.
Ongoing communication from school to home and from home to school is essential to
working together as partners in providing excellence in education for all students. Your
ideas, questions, and concerns are important to the entire Lipscomb Team. We
welcome your notes, calls, and visits. Listed below are possible ways teachers can
communicate with parents:
   1. Parent Back to School Social
   2. Parent Information Night/Open House (virtual)
   3. Parent/Student Handbook
   4. PTO Meetings and weekly email blasts
   5. Weekly Teacher/Classroom newsletters
   6. Teacher-parent phone calls
   7. Teacher-parent video conferencing
   8. Lipscomb Elementary Website
   9. WCS Skyward Family Access – track student attendance and academic progress
   10. Phone calls from the principal through a message system
   11. Parents should also sign up for the county’s district-wide In Focus digital news.

E-mail Policy
All teachers have a published e-mail address. Although you may wish to communicate
with your child’s teacher by e-mail, please be aware that e-mail is not always
confidential. Please do not send time sensitive information by e-mail as the system is
occasionally down and teacher’s instructional schedules do not allow for immediate
response. School staff will make every effort to return parent communication within 24
business hours.

 Due to allergies and potential safety concerns, pets (dogs, hamsters, rabbits) are not
allowed in the school building or on the school campus without permission from the
classroom teacher and the administration.

It is the goal of Lipscomb Elementary School to assist students in achieving academic
excellence while supporting balanced social and emotional growth. In an effort to meet
our goal, Lipscomb Elementary School has adopted a comprehensive, integrated three-
tiered (CI3T) model of prevention (Lane, Oakes, & Menzies, 2010). This CI3T model is
designed to address the academic, behavioral, and social needs of our students,
including a proactive approach for addressing students’ needs in all three areas.
Following are guidelines from the WCS office of communications regarding parents
taking photographs at school events. The purpose of the guidelines is to address
problems that have occurred at some schools when parents have taken pictures at
school and posted them on online social media sites.
   1) Parents are advised not to post on social media any pictures taken at school that
      include any children other than their own.
   2) Picture-taking at non-public school events: These events occur before, during,
      and after school and include class parties, field trips, assemblies to which the
      public is not invited (ex. talent show during the day, etc.) Parents are encouraged
      to take photos/video of their own children but should not take photos/video of
      other children.
   3) Picture-taking at public school events: This includes events that are open to the
      public such as Back to School Social, STEM Night, etc. Parents may take
      photos at public school events that include other people's children but should
      avoid posting these photos to social media
   4) Class Parent Photographer: A teacher may assign a parent to be the class
      photographer to take pictures for the teacher. This parent may use the teacher's
      school-owned camera. Another alternative is to use the parent's personal
      camera, taking the pictures on a school-owned flash media card.

Per Tennessee State Law, elementary students are required to participate in physical
activity. Physical education class and recess are examples of physical activity.
Therefore, students must have a doctor’s note in order to be excused from participating
in recess or physical education.

Tennessee State Law – (TCA 49-6-1001)
As required by our School Board, students will recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag
each day at a designated time. No student will be compelled to participate in such
exercise if the student or the student’s parents or legal guardian objects on religious,
philosophical, or other grounds. Students not participating will remain quietly standing or
sitting at their desks while others recite the Pledge of Allegiance and shall make no
display that disrupts or distracts others who are reciting the Pledge.

Uninterrupted instructional time in the classroom is vital to an environment conducive to
teaching and learning. Parents can help protect and honor instructional time the
following ways:
•   Check to make sure students have needed items for school each day before the
       class starts (technology charged and working, homework, and supplies).
   •   Ensure that students are seated in an area free from distractions 5 minutes
       before the start of class.
   •   Ensure your child has the “speaker view” set up on his computer so he may
       attend to the speaker.
   •   Do not schedule appointments for students during the school day, if possible.
   •   Plan family vacations when school is not in session.

All parents and teachers are encouraged to join our amazing PTO. Please contact PTO
for more information. When sending in money or notes to PTO, please use this address:

Lipscomb Elementary School - PTO
8011 Concord Road
Brentwood, TN 37027

Students will have recess for 20 minutes each day. At Lipscomb Elementary, a 10-
minute Focus period is adjacent to recess on our daily schedule. Students that have
all their work completed could earn an additional 10 minutes of recess as a reward.
Students that are not finished with their work will spend 10 minutes working to
complete unfinished assignments and/or classwork.

COVID Change:

During times of active COVID cases, students will continue to receive recess.
Students will socially distance as feasible. Students are permitted to bring their own
non-electronic toys to play independently. Teachers will encourage and help lead
students in social games that do not require close contact with others such as
charades and shadow tag. Playground equipment will not be used.

We strive hard to put safety first at Lipscomb Elementary. To that end we have
established common playground rules. Please review these rules with your children.

  ●    Respect the rights and feelings of others.
  ●    You may not cause a problem for yourself or anyone else on the playground.
  ●    Rough play will not be tolerated
  ●    Learn to interact with others in a positive manner – cooperate.
  ●    Play fairly and take turns.
  ●    Rocks, sticks, dirt… are to remain on the ground.
Staff members observing children on the playground are equipped with a first aid kit
and a two-way radio for additional safety. Children may be removed from play for a
“cool-down” period if involved in unsafe playground behavior.

Children go to recess everyday unless it is raining or extremely cold/hot. Please keep
this in mind when helping your child select clothing and shoes for the day. Lipscomb
will follow Williamson County Schools Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
regarding whether students will go outside or have indoor recess. This SOP was
carefully written by a team of people including medical professionals to determine
what is safe for students. As you know, we all value recess time and the opportunity
for students to get some exercise; however, the effects of cold and heat exposure can
be very uncomfortable and even life threatening. Therefore, guidelines have been
   ● Students will not go outside for recess when the outdoor temperature including
     wind chill is less than 32 degrees. In addition, if the wind chill is less than 40
     degrees with precipitation, students will not go outside.
   ● When the heat index is between 90 F and 100 F, the principal will monitor and
     consider the appropriateness of outdoor activities. Recess time may be
   ● When the heat index is 100 F or greater students will not go outside for recess.

Finally, the county provided guidelines regarding appropriate dress. The following has
been recommended:
   ● Wind chill below 60 degrees: jacket or long sleeves recommended
   ● Wind chill below 50 degrees: coat and long pants recommended
   ● Wind chill below 40 degrees: gloves and hats with previously recommended gear

SACC – School Age Child Care
SACC offers childcare at Lipscomb Elementary. Call 615-472-4665 for information or
visit WCS SACC.

Even if we are not meeting in person for learning sessions, students must comply with
the following law: CHAPTER 76, SECTION 15

“No child shall, except as hereinafter provided, be admitted to school except upon
presentation of a physician’s certificate, that the child has been successfully immunized
against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, mumps, and rubella.” Requirements
for kindergarten also include immunizations against Hepatitis B and chicken pox (or
physician-documented history of disease). NOTE: Children exempt from physical
examination and immunizations must present a statement signed by the parent or
guardian upon entrance.

(please note significant changes due to COVID)
A school safety plan is in place and has been vetted by local law enforcement. The
following school safety policies have been established:
   1. All school doors are locked throughout the day.
   2. All visitors will be required to present photo identification and state their reason
       for visiting to enter the building.
   3. Parents, visitors, and volunteers must sign in and out in the office and wear a
       visitor badge.
   4. Volunteers are only to go to the area designated upon sign in.
   5. Parking is only allowed in designated parking places.
   6. Parents and visitors must schedule appointments to visit classrooms.
   7. A school nurse staffs the clinic and notifies parents by phone when a student has
       an accident or becomes ill.
   8. Medication policies established by the school system are followed.
   9. Students are expected to follow safety guidelines established by the school and
       classroom teachers.
   10. Students must have written permission from parents to change the bus the
       student rides at dismissal
   11. Office personnel will verify the identification of individuals when releasing a
       student. Parents must communicate, preferably in writing, the permission for
       someone to pick up a student other than the parent.
   12. Teachers and teacher assistants supervise students and direct traffic during
       arrival and dismissal following safety policies.
   13. The custodial and maintenance staffs work to keep the school clean and free
       from safety hazards.
   14. The State Fire Marshal inspects the school annually to ensure fire safety policies
       are followed.
   15. A student information card is on file in the office with the student’s updated
       emergency information. Please make sure you keep this information updated.
   16. An emergency dismissal form is on file with the dismissal plan for students in the
       event that school is dismissed early due to weather conditions, power failure, or
       hazardous conditions.
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