Local Scholarship Packet 2022 - Sachem High School East - Sachem Central School District

Page created by Roberto Douglas
Local Scholarship Packet 2022 - Sachem High School East - Sachem Central School District
Sachem High School East

Local Scholarship
Local Scholarship Packet Table of Contents

 Scholarship Name                                                                                Amount
 Alice Brandsema Scholarship                                                                       $1,000
 Charles R. Johnson Memorial Scholarship                                                             $500
 Dylan Caruso Memorial Scholarship                                                                   $500
 Ed Rall Memorial Scholarship                                                                        $500
 Farmingville Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship                                           $250
 Firefighter Joseph E. Maloney Memorial Scholarship                                                $1,000
 Friends of the Sachem Public Library Scholarship                                                    $500
 Karen Jacobsen “Schatzie” Memorial Scholarship                                                     $1000
 Michael J. Timo Jr. Scholarship                                                                     $500
 Power of Women Exchanging Resources Inc. Scholarship                                            (2) $500
 P.S. I Love You Day Scholarship                                                                     $500
 Retired Educators Association Sachem Chapter (RESC)                                           (3) $1,000
 Richard Becher Memorial Foundation for Safety in Sports Scholarship                           (2) $1,000
                                                                                       (1-male, 1-female)
 Richard DiMartino Memorial Scholarship                                                              $300
 Rochelle Spector Memorial Scholarship                                                               $500
 Sachem Administrative Association Scholarship                                                       $250
 Sachem High School East PTA Citizenship Scholarship                                                 $300
 Sachem Sports Club Scholarships                                                                 (4) $250
 SCTA Educators of Tomorrow Scholarship                                                        (5) $1,000
 SYAG Scholarship                                                                                    $500
 Time to Make a Difference Scholarship                                                               $500

 Supplemental Forms (Located in the back of the packet)
 Charles R. Johnson Memorial Scholarship
 SCTA Educators of Tomorrow Scholarship
 Sachem High School East PTA Scholarship

The Sachem Central School District does not discriminate on the basis of an individual’s actual or
perceived race, color, creed religion, religious practice, national origin, ethnic group, sex (including
sexual harassment and sexual violence), gender identity, sexual orientation, political affiliation, age,
marital status, military status, veteran status, disability, weight, domestic violence victim status, arrest
or conviction record (except as permitted by law), genetic information or any other basis prohibited by
New York state and/or federal non-discrimination laws in its programs and activities.
    ****** Please read this instruction sheet in its
  entirety before beginning your application. *******

                           Deadline: April 1, 2022
STEP ONE: Complete Local Scholarship Application
  •   Complete the Sachem Local Scholarship Application 2022 in its entirety. This
      application will serve as the cover sheet for all scholarships presented in this packet.
      When filling the application out for the first time:
  ✓   Leave the “Scholarship Name” field blank.
  ✓   Once you have completed the application in its entirety, please make an appointment
      to see your guidance counselor, so they can verify and sign that your GPA, Rank and
      test scores are correct.
  ✓   When you have those things completed, make copies for as many scholarships as you
      plan to apply, plus one extra copy that you can keep blank in case you decide to apply
      to additional scholarships.
  ✓    Once copies have been made, write the name of each scholarship you are applying for
      into the “Scholarship Name” field at the top of each page (one sheet for each
  ✓   Make sure that both you and your parent/guardian have signed the application at the
      bottom authorizing the release of your transcript, standardized test scores, and letters
      of recommendation.

STEP TWO: Attach Supporting Documents
  • Read each scholarship description carefully and make sure that you have attached the
    necessary documents to your cover sheet.
  ✓ For all scholarships, the Guidance Office will include your transcript.
  ✓ You must attach a copy of your resume/activity sheet with each application you
  ✓ If the scholarship requires letters of recommendation, please complete a transcript
    request form (copies available in Guidance) indicating which letters should be included
in the application. Parent signature is not necessary on the transcript request form as
     long as both the student and parent have signed the bottom of your Sachem Local
     Scholarship Application. Please note it is your responsibility to make sure that the
     letters you are requesting are on file with the Guidance Office. If you are attaching a
     letter from a community member or other personal reference, please include a copy of
     the letter with your application.
   ✓ Note that some applications contain “Supplemental Forms” that must be completed in
     addition to the Sachem Local Scholarship Application. All Supplemental Forms are
     included in this packet and should be attached for scholarships that require them.
   ✓ Each Scholarship has different criteria/requirements. Please review all directions
     provided in the “Requirements” section for each scholarship to ensure you have
     attached all necessary documentation (i.e., essay, college acceptance letters, etc.).
   ✓   Incomplete scholarship applications cannot be processed.

STEP THREE: Submit to the Guidance Office
   •   Once you have completed your application(s), including the attachment of all supporting
       documents, please submit them to the Guidance Office by the April 1st deadline.
       letters of recommendation that have been formally requested from the Guidance Office
       will be attached by our office upon receipt of your application(s).
   •    Make sure that you have carefully reviewed each submission for accuracy.

Good luck! Please see your counselor with any questions about scholarship procedures.
Sachem Local Scholarship Application 2022
                       April 1, 2022
Scholarship Name: ____________________________________________________________
Student Name: _______________________________ Sachem ID#: ____________________
Address: _______________________________________ HR Teacher: __________________
_______________________________________________ Birthday: _____ / _____ / _______
Home Phone: __________________________ Cell Phone: _____________________________
Student email: _________________________________________________________________
Colleges applied to (list in order of preference): ______________________________________

Intended Major: _______________________ Career Goal: _____________________________
Mother’s Name: _______________________ Mother’s Occupation: ______________________
Father’s Name: ________________________ Father’s Occupation: _______________________

Please list all siblings:         Age                          School/College Attending:

*I authorize the Sachem Guidance Department to provide copies of my transcript, standardized test
scores, and letters of recommendation to local scholarship organizations/benefactors that require this
information. I attest that all information provided in this application is accurate and truthful.

Student Signature: ________________________________________________
Parent Signature: _________________________________________________
*Please attach a Student Resume/Activity Sheet & copies of your SAT/ACT scores to this application.
Local Scholarship Packet 2022
Scholarship   Amount      Description/Eligibility                 Requirements
Alice          $1000     The Alice Brandsema              Please attach:
Brandsema                Scholarship is looking to            • A typed 200-word essay
Scholarship              award its scholarships to a              describing what influenced
                         student who has a sincere                you or led you to pursue
                         interest in education and                the field of education as a
                         possess personal attributes              career goal. Consider
                         (such as dedication,                     people who may have
                         compassion, and concern for              been role models, your
                         others) that will help them in           own past experiences as a
                         their chosen profession.                 child or working with other
                                                                  children, or anything else
                         Applicants must:                         that may have guided your
                            • Have earned a                       decision
                                 minimum non-                 • One letter of reference
                                 weighted grade                   from a teacher attesting to
                                 average of 80%                   your potential as a future
                            • Be planning on a                    teacher; this letter should
                                 career in the field of           specifically address
                                 education                        personal characteristics as
                                                                  noted in the
                                                                  section of this scholarship.
Scholarship   Amount   Description/Eligibility                  Requirements
Charles R.     $500    The family and friends of        Please attach:
Johnson                Charles R. Johnson have              • An essay (minimum 250
Memorial               created this memorial                    words), which explains the
Scholarship            scholarship in his name to               true meaning of teamwork
                       honor his long and illustrious           and sportsmanship
                       career as a teacher and coach        • Proof of college
                       in the Sachem District.                  enrollment/acceptance
                                                            • Attendance record
                       Applicants must:
                                                           • Complete the
                          • Be graduating seniors
                          • Be planning to attend            supplemental
                               a four-year college           application located
                          • Have participated in             toward the back of
                               Spring or Winter              this packet
                               Track or Cross
                               Country during their
                               high school years
                          • Have maintained an
                               80 or better grade
                               average in their
                               history courses
                          • Consideration will
                               also be given to those
                               students who
                               excellent attendance
                               in school and at
                               practice and who
                               exemplify the true
                               meaning of
Scholarship    Amount   Description/Eligibility                  Requirements
Dylan Caruso    $500    The family and friends of        Please attach:
Memorial                Dylan Caruso have created            • An essay (minimum 250
Scholarship             this memorial scholarship in             words), which explains the
                        his name to honor his                    true meaning of teamwork
                        memory as a Sachem East                  and sportsmanship
                        baseball player.                     • Proof of college
                        Applicants must:
                           • Be graduating seniors
                           • Be planning to attend
                                a four-year college
                           • Have participated in
                                Baseball during their
                                high school years
                           • Have maintained an
                                80 or better
                                cumulative GPA
                           • Consideration will
                                also be given to those
                                students who
                                excellent attendance
                                in school and at
                                practice and who
                                exemplify the true
                                meaning of
Scholarship        Amount   Description/Eligibility                  Requirements
Ed Rall             $500    Ed Rall was a beloved coach         •   On a separate sheet,
Memorial                    in the SYAG baseball                    please indicate the number
Scholarship                 program. He was an                      of years you participated in
                            esteemed member of the                  SYAG baseball/softball, as
                            New York City Fire                      well as the dates/years
                            Department, Rescue 2, who               that you were involved in
                            perished on 9/11. SYAG                  these programs.
                            hosts a baseball tournament         •   In addition, please write a
                            each summer in his memory,              brief statement (one
                            the proceeds of which are               paragraph) about what
                            used to provide this                    your participation in SYAG
                            scholarship.                            baseball or softball has
                                                                    meant to you.
                             Applicants must:
                                • Be college-bound
                                    seniors with financial
                                • Have participated in
                                    the SYAG baseball or
                                    softball program as a
Farmingville        $250    One $250 scholarship will be     Please attach:
Fire                        awarded to a senior from             • Official HS transcript
Department                  Sachem East HS. Applicant            • SAT/ACT scores
Ladies Auxiliary            must:                                • Proof of acceptance to a
Scholarship                     • Be a graduating HS                 four-year college or
                                    senior who plans to              Technical School
                                    attend an accredited         • Short essay (1-2
                                    college or technical             paragraphs) stating which
                                    school in the fall of            college you will be
                                    2022                             attending and the course
                            Be a member of the                       of study you plan to pursue
                            Farmingville Fire Department
                            (Junior &/or Probie)
Scholarship      Amount     Description/Eligibility                 Requirements
Firefighter       $1,000   This scholarship is awarded to       •   Please attach a brief
Joseph E.                  honor the memory of F.F.                 statement (approx. 100
Maloney                    Maloney, who lost his life on            words) in which you
Memorial                   9/11/01 at the World Trade               describe a circumstance or
Scholarship                Center. Applicants must:                 event in your life that you
                               • Plan to enroll at an               dealt with successfully,
                                    accredited four-year            because of your positive
                                    college or university           outlook.
                               • Have a minimum 3.0
                               • Demonstrate
                                    participation in extra-
                                    curricular activities
                               • Demonstrate
                                    participation in
                                    community service
                               • Have a positive
                                    outlook on life
Friends of the    $500     The Friends of the Sachem          ****Please pick up
Sachem Public              Public Library is offering two
Library                    scholarships to graduating         the application for
Scholarship                seniors who reside in the          this scholarship in
                           Sachem Central School
                           District and plan on               the guidance
                           continuing their education.        office****
                           A 400–500-word essay
                           required. The top is listed on     Do not use the
                           the application available in
                           the guidance office.               application in this
                                                              packet for this
                                                              scholarship. You
                                                              will mail completed
                                                              materials to the
                                                              address provided on
                                                              the application.
Scholarship        Amount        Description/Eligibility                Requirements
Karen Jacobsen       $1000       One $750 scholarship will be   Please attach the following to your
“Schatzie”                       awarded to a Sachem East       application:
Memorial                         senior. Applicant must:
Scholarship                          • Be a graduating              •  HS transcript
                                         senior pursuing a          •  Letter of recommendation
                                         degree in higher              from a social studies
                                         learning                      teacher
                                     • Demonstrate a                • Essay (250 words or less)
                                         passion for history           describing your passion or
                                 Show a true love of people            love of history
                                 through community service      Statement regarding your
                                                                community service endeavors.
Michael J.
Timo Jr.           Two (2)         The family and friends of     Please attach:
Scholarship        $500.00         Michael J. Timo Jr. have      • A 200-word essay specifying
                   awards          created this memorial         academic accomplishments and
                   One East        scholarship in his name to    any recognition received from
                   student         honor his service to the      local or civic organizations.
                   One North       community. To be eligible     Conclude by briefly mentioning
                   student         for this scholarship,         your future intentions.
                                   student must be a Sachem
                                   senior who is in good         • Above must be verified by
                                   academic standing and         means of a transcript and a
                                   demonstrates the capacity     letter from the organization or
                                   to lead and serve in their    club in which you served.
                                   For consideration, the
                                   candidate must identify
                                   and substantiate ways they
                                   have made a positive
                                   impact in both school and
                                   community through service
                                   and participation.
Power of          Two (2) $500   Open to any graduating         Write an essay identifying and
Women               awards       senior who has had an          explaining how an inspiring woman
Exchanging                       inspiring woman impact their   has made an impact in your life.
Resources, Inc.                  life.
Scholarship       Amount   Description/Eligibility               Requirements
P.S. I Love You    $500    In 2010, West Islip High          •   A 400-word essay (or less)
Day Scholarship            School Class of 2014 and its          describing the following:
                           advisors created P.S. I Love
                           You Day. P.S. I Love You Day              1. A personal account
                           is now celebrated by                         of a time you
                           students, faculty, &                         influenced
                           communities across the                       someone with the
                           country. Our goal is to                      message of P.S. I
                           decrease the stigma that                     Love You Day.
                           surrounds mental illness. As              2. What have you
                           an official non-profit                       learned by
                           organization, we have stuck                  participating in P.S.
                           to our mission of spreading                  I Love You Day?
                           the love to stand up against                 How had this
                           bullying, help those who are                 experience
                           suffering from depression, &                 inspired you?
                           prevent suicide. Thanks to                3. How have you
                           fundraising efforts, we have                 promoted the
                           been given the opportunity to                message of P.S. I
                           award a student in your                      Love You Day?
                           community with a $500
                                                           ****Please pick up
                           scholarship. We hope that
                           with this scholarship, the      the application for
                           student can think beyond        this scholarship in
                           today and see a bright,
                           incredible future for           the guidance
                           themselves.                     office****
                           If chosen, your submission
                           will be shared anonymously      Do not use the
                           to the P.S. I Love You Day
                           community to positively         application in this
                           inspire others.                 packet for this
Scholarship      Amount       Description/Eligibility                 Requirements
Retired          Three (3)   The Retired Educators            Please attach:
Educators         $1,000     Sachem Chapter (RESC) is             • A typed 200-word essay
Association       awards     looking to award its                     describing what influenced
Sachem                       scholarships to students who             you or led you to pursue
Chapter (RESC)               have a sincere interest in               the field of education as a
Scholarship                  education and possess                    career goal. Consider
                             personal attributes (such as             people who may have
                             dedication, compassion, and              been role models, your
                             concern for others) that will            own past experiences as a
                             help them in their chosen                child or working with other
                             profession.                              children, or anything else
                                                                      that may have guided your
                             Applicants must:                         decision
                                • Have earned a
                                     minimum non-                 •   One letter of reference
                                     weighted grade                   from a teacher attesting to
                                     average of 80%                   your potential as a future
                                • Be planning on a                    teacher; this letter should
                                     career in the field of           specifically address
                                     education                        personal characteristics as
                                                                      noted in the
                                                                      section of this scholarship.
Richard Becher     $750   Richard Becher was an avid        Please attach:
Memorial                  sports fan (especially                • A 500-word essay detailing
Foundation for            baseball), who possessed an               accomplishments related
Safety in Sports          enthusiasm for life and an                to citizenship and
Scholarship               adventurous spirit. His sense             sportsmanship through
                          of humor, honest nature,                  your personal experiences.
                          kindness and appreciation for             Highlight specific instances
                          life were evident from the                where you have
                          moment you met him. The                   demonstrated leadership
                          family and friends of Richard             qualities that focused on
                          Becher have teamed up to                  humanitarian efforts that
                          form a foundation, whose                  you personally
                          primary mission is to                     demonstrated.
                          promote a safe environment            • Three (3) letters of
                          for players, coaches and                  recommendation
                          spectators participating in
                          youth sports.                     On your resume, make sure you
                                                            specifically note:
                          The purpose of this                   • All interscholastic teams
                          scholarship is to provide                  that you have participated
                          funding to a worthy high                   on over your high school
                          school senior who has                      career
                          demonstrated exceptional              • All extracurricular activities
                          sportsmanship,                             that you have worked with
                          humanitarianism, and overall               over your high school
                          citizenship both on the field              career
                          and off. The individual               • All leadership positions
                          selected will possess qualities            that you have earned and
                          that the committee deems                   their title
                          reflective of the foundation’s        • Any special awards or
                          mission.                                   achievements that you
                          To be eligible, the applicant              have earned in your high
                          must:                                      school career
                               • Be a full-time student
                                   of Northport High        For more information on Richard
                                   School, Sachem High      Becher and the goals of the
                                   School North or          Foundation, you may visit the web
                                   Sachem High School       site at: http://richardbecher.org/
                               • Be in good academic
                               • Be accepted into
                                   either a 2- or 4-year
                          Have a proven track record of
                          citizenship, providing detailed
Scholarship   Amount   Description/Eligibility              Requirements
Richard        $300    Applicant must be a senior   Please attach:
DiMartino              currently enrolled in the        • a short essay about
Memorial               Science Research Program             what you’ve
Scholarship            at either Sachem East or             accomplished in Science
                       Sachem North.                        Research.
                                                        •   Essay must be typed
Rochelle       $500    The scholarship will be      The student must demonstrate,
Spector                awarded to a high school     through a resume and essay, a
Memorial               senior with a passion for    high school career of ambition,
Scholarship            accounting and is pursuing   dedication, determination, and
                       a career in that field.      kindness to others. The
                                                    recipient will be someone who
                                                    demonstrates that others are
                                                    placed before themselves, but
                                                    also an unwavering desire to
                                                    strive to reach goals and
                                                    dreams. The scholarship
                                                    committee will look for
                                                    evidence of leadership and
                                                    humility across a high school
Scholarship       Amount          Description/Eligibility                  Requirements
Sachem               $250        The Sachem Administration         Please attach a 500-word essay
Administrative                   Association will honor a          describing what the Sachem school
Association                      graduating senior who             and community mean to you and
Scholarship                      exhibits the "We Are              what you have contributed in
                                 Sachem" spirit. The mission       return.
                                 statement of our district
                                 states: "The Sachem Family
                                 inclusive of students, parents,
                                 employees and residents,
                                 works interdependently to
                                 develop leaders of great
                                 character, who are highly
                                 competent, confident, and
                                 caring. Most importantly, we
                                 are motivating our students
                                 to become the best possible
                                 version of themselves. We
                                 are Sachem!"

                                 This recipient should be a
                                 student who has been
                                 actively involved in the school
                                 community, exhibits a caring,
                                 altruistic nature, and
                                 embodies Sachem pride.
Sachem High           $300       Applicant must be a               Please complete application and
School East PTA     (Amount      graduating senior from            include the following:
Citizenship        may vary)     Sachem East who will be
Scholarship       Scholarship    continuing their education  Students must discuss the
                  available to   after graduation and have a following in their application:
                  Sachem East    parent/guardian be a             • What are your plans after
                    Students     member of the Sachem East           high school?
                                 PTA since November of the        • Discuss a community
                                 current school year.                service you participated in
                                                                     and what you took away
                                                                     from it.
                                 ** Note: Parent or guardian      • What PTA function was
                                 must be an East PTA Member.         your favorite throughout
                                                                     your time at Sachem?
                                                                  • Additional supplemental
                                                                     application located in the
                                                                     back of this scholarship
                                                                     packet, must be
                                                                     completed for this
Scholarship     Amount         Description/Eligibility                  Requirements
Sachem Sports     Four (4)    The Sachem Sports Club is         For all scholarships, please attach
Club            $250 awards   offering four (4) scholarships    a college acceptance letter.
Scholarships                  (one each for the following
                                                                Additional requirements include:
                              sports): boys’ lacrosse, girls’
                              lacrosse, cheerleading, and       For Boys and Girls Lacrosse:
                              football.                             • Letter of recommendation
                                                                       from a community leader
                                  •   All scholarships
                                      require a minimum         For Cheerleading:
                                                                    • One letter of
                                      non-weighted grade               recommendation that
                                      average of 3.0 (B -              elaborates on your cheer
                                      85%).                            background and your
                                                                       abilities as a leader within
                                                                       your school/gym or youth
                              Additional criteria for each             team
                              scholarship is as follows:
                                                                For Football:
                              For Boys and Girls
                              Lacrosse:                             • Letter of recommendation
                                                                       from a community leader
                                  • Must have
                                     volunteered time to
                                     younger players by
                                     assisting with clinics     **Note: Letters of
                                     and practices              recommendation may not be from
                                  • Must have played at         current SSC Board Members
                                     Sachem Sports Club

                              For Cheerleading:
                                  • Must have cheered or
                                     coached for Sachem
                                     Sports Club.
                                  • Must have cheered
                                     on either JV or
                                     Varsity team at North
                                     or East.

                              For Football:
                                  • Must have played
                                     youth football for
                                     Sachem Sports Club
                                     or volunteered at
                                     Sachem Sports Club
                                     in some capacity.
                                  • Must have played on
                                     the JV or Varsity level
                                     for a minimum of two
Scholarship      Amount     Description/Eligibility                    Requirements
SCTA Educators    $1,000        The Sachem Central             Please attach:
of Tomorrow                     Teachers Association is            • A 250-word typed essay
Scholarship                     offering a total of ten (10)           explaining why teaching is
                                $1,000 scholarships to                 the future profession you
                                students from Sachem                   have selected
                                North and/or Sachem                • Completed supplement
                                East. Any graduating                   Additional supplemental
                                senior who plans to                    application located in the
                                attend college in the fall             back of this scholarship
                                of 2022 and intends to                 packet, must be
                                pursue a career in                     completed for this
                                teaching is eligible to                scholarship.
SYAG Sports       $500     The Sachem Youth Advisory           Please attach:
Scholarship                Group (SYAG) will be offering           • A one-page typed essay
                           this scholarship to a                       describing how athletics
                           graduating senior with a                    has contributed to your
                           minimum non-weighted                        success in school
                           grade average of 90% or                 • Two letters of
                           better, who has participated                recommendation
                           in at least one sport at
Time to Make a    $500     To be eligible, the student         To apply, write a 750-word essay
Difference                 must be:                            telling us what it means to you to
Scholarship                1. Graduating from Sachem           "make a difference" in the
                           East this spring.                   Farmingville Community.
                           2. Attending an accredited
                           college, vocational, or trade       ***Application can be
                           school in the fall (if selected,    found at
                           they will need to provide us
                           with a letter of acceptance
                           from the school they plan to
                           attend).                            DO NOT USE THE
                                                               APPLICATION IN THIS
Supplement: Charles R. Johnson Memorial Scholarship

Please complete and attach this supplemental sheet to your local scholarship
application for the Charles R. Johnson Memorial Scholarship.
Student Name: _____________________________________________________________

College you plan to attend: ___________________________________________________

Intended college major: _____________________________________________________

Cumulative Social Studies GPA: _______________________________________________

Attendance: Number of days absent from school (senior year)_____________________

Guidance Counselor’s Signature (verifying Social Studies GPA & Attendance)


       Number of years participating in:

       Winter Track: ________________      Coaches Signature ______________________

       Spring Track: ________________      Coaches Signature ______________________

       Cross Country: _______________      Coaches Signature ______________________
Supplement: SCTA Educators of Tomorrow Scholarship (2 pages)
Please complete and attach this supplemental sheet to your local scholarship application for
the SCTA Educators of Tomorrow Scholarship.
Student Name: ____________________________________________________________

Counselor’s Name: __________________________
Homeroom Teacher: _______________________________

   1. Please list the colleges to which you have been accepted:
      • _______________________________________
       •    _______________________________________                Attach Photo Here
       •    _______________________________________
       •    _______________________________________
       •    _______________________________________
   2. What area of education would you like to work in?
   3. Describe any particular situations or special circumstances you would like the
      Scholarship Committee to consider when reviewing your application (ie. extraordinary
      accomplishments, financial hardship, special circumstances during high school, etc.).
      Continue on the back of this sheet if necessary.
   4. Please name up to three Sachem District teachers whom you feel have been influential
      in your selecting a career in education. You may select a person who is not specifically a
      classroom teacher (i.e., counselor, social worker, or psychologist), as well.
Elementary School:
Teacher’s Name: _________________________ Grade _____School _______________

Junior High School:
Teacher’s Name: __________________________ Grade ____ School _______________

High School:
Teacher’s Name: ___________________________ Grade ____School _______________
Supplement: Sachem High School East PTA Citizenship Scholarship (2 pages)
Please complete and attach this supplemental sheet to your local scholarship application for
the Sachem High School East PTA Scholarship.
Student ID#: (Do not include your name on this page)
   1) What type of higher education are you pursuing after graduation?
   2) a. Please list the community service that you have been involved in during your high
      school years.
       b. Briefly describe your involvement in one activity and the effect it had on you.
   3) a. List high school organization, clubs, etc. in which you have been active. Describe the
      nature and extent of your activity, including any offices held or committees on which
      you have served.
       b. List any high school sports in which you have participated in as a member of the team
       or a squad.
4) Name a PTA event or activity throughout your educational years that has left an
   impression on you.
5) Are there any special circumstances or other information you wish to communicate to
   the scholarship committee members?

         If additional space is required, please feel free to attach an additional sheet.
You can also read