London's Calling! Arrival Guide Associate Students - - Queen Mary University ...

Page created by Armando Rose
London's Calling! Arrival Guide Associate Students - - Queen Mary University ...

                Arrival Guide
              Associate Students
London's Calling! Arrival Guide Associate Students - - Queen Mary University ...
Contents                                                               Welcome
                                                                       to Queen Mary University of London

Semester Dates                  7                                      We are delighted that you have chosen to study with us
Visas and Immigration           9                                      and look forward to your arrival.
Housing & Council Tax        10-11
                                                                       We know that you have a lot to arrange          do contact us or arrange to meet with us on
Your Arrival at Queen Mary     12                                      prior to arriving in London and we hope         your arrival. We usually have an open-door,
Your Welcome Programme                                                 that this Arrival Guide can help. It includes   drop-in policy, but due to Covid-19, we are
(Orientation)                  15                                      information you will need before and after      currently operating an appointment system
                                                                       you arrive at Queen Mary. Preparing to          where you can book online to meet with us.
Studying at Queen Mary       16-19                                     live and study abroad can sometimes be          You are also still welcome to email or call
Life on and around Campus    20-24                                     overwhelming, but we are here to make           us, of course!
                                                                       the transition as easy and enjoyable as
Living in London             26-30                                     possible.                                       Have a great time studying
                                                                                                                       at Queen Mary!
Student Support              32-37
                                                                       You will find a handy Arrival Checklist
Communication                38-39                                     on page 4, as well as useful information        Enquiries:
                                                                       throughout. We have also provided contact       Queens’ Building, Room E09
Useful Apps                  40-41                                                                                     (ground floor) or CB110 (first floor)
                                                                       details for various people and services
Useful Contacts              42-44                                     that offer help and support during your         email:
                                                                       studies. We hope you are looking forward        Phone: +44 20 7882 6858
                                                                       to beginning your study abroad experience       Global Opportunities Office –
                                                                       and if there is anything we can help with,      Campus Map, Location 19

                                            Here to
                                                     help or advice,
                                     If you need any
                                            please email us
                                           to arrange a m

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Your arrival

Before you arrive                                                 When you arrive
      pply for University housing
     A                                                               ell your family/those responsible
     (if you are eligible)                                          for you that you have arrived
      pply for your visa or ensure you
     A                                                               ick up your keys from Housing
     have relevant documents with you                               (if applicable)
      ook transport to Queen Mary if you
     B                                                               heck you can access the internet
     intend to take a taxi. Alternatively,                          on your devices
     research your train/tube options before
                                                                     Complete enrolment
                                                                    Get your student ID card.
      ign your housing contract online
     S                                                               More information will be sent to you via
     (if applicable)                                                 email prior to your arrival.
     Complete module registration                                   Register with the police (if applicable)
     Read all correspondence from                                  Attend Global Opportunities Welcome
      Queen Mary carefully                                           Programme week commencing
     Pre-enrol online                                                Monday 18 January 2021 (subject to
                                                                     change) this may be a mix of in-person
     Plan your budget
                                                                     and online sessions
     Plan your fee payments (if applicable)
                                                                    Open a bank account (if applicable)
     Prepare for your studies
                                                                    Register with a doctor
     Pack your suitcase and hand luggage
                                                                    Attend Welcome Events
*You don’t have to do everything in this exact order but do use     Attend induction events held
this list as a guide to ensure you have completed everything
before arrival.                                                      by your School
                                                                    Collect Council Tax letter (if required)
                                                                     Complete the module registration form
                                                                      online by the deadline provided by the
                                                                      Global Opportunities team

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Semester dates

You can find our official term time dates, including national              What is a “reading week”?                   Can I stay on campus over
holidays here:                                  Some Academic Schools have a ‘reading       the holiday period?
                                                                           week’, which is an opportunity for you to   Yes, you can stay on campus in your
Semester dates: Spring 2021                                                catch up on assignments and study for       accommodation over the holiday period.
                                                                           your exams. Please consult the relevant     Please check with the Housing Office
 Arrive on campus               Arrive on Campus: Thursday 14 January      academic Schools for dates and policies     for check-out dates and/or your license
                                (subject to change)                        on attendance during this week.             agreement.
 Welcome Programme              Week commencing Monday 18 January 2021     Can I leave campus before
                                (subject to change)
                                                                           the end of term?
 Enrolment                      More information will be sent to you via   You should not make any plans to leave
                                email prior to your arrival                campus before the end of term, unless you
                                                                           have checked with your academic school
 Teaching begins                Monday 25 January 2021
                                                                           that all exams and classes are complete
 Teaching ends                  Friday 16 April 2021                       for the semester. Students are required
                                                                           to stay on campus until assessments
 Holiday                        Monday 19 April - Monday 3 May 2021        for all modules have been completed.
                                                                           Exam timetables for the end of the spring
 Exam period                    Thursday 6 May - Friday 4 June 2021        semester are usually published by the end
                                                                           of March.

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Visas and
                                                                                                 Do I need to register with                      postcode in their immigration application
                                                                                                 the Police?                                     will have their BRP sent to the post office in
                                                                                                                                                 Whitechapel (208A-210 Whitechapel Road,
                                                                                                 Depending on your nationality and the

                                                                                                                                                 Whitechapel, London, E1 1BJ).
                                                                                                 length of time you will be staying in the UK,
                                                                                                 you may be required to register with the        Important: Entering the UK
                                                                                                 police as a condition of your immigration
                                                                                                 permission. If you are unsure if you need
                                                                                                                                                 via Ireland
                                                                                                 to do this then visit       The common travel area is made up of
                                                                                                 international                                   the UK, Republic of Ireland, the Isle of
                                                                                                                                                 Man & the Channel Islands. There are
                                                                                                 I need to get a Biometric                       problems for students entering the UK via
                                                                                                 Residence Permit. How do                        the Republic of Ireland because there are
                                                                                                                                                 different immigration rules which apply
                                                                                                 I do this?                                      to people entering the UK from another
                                                                                                 International students who will be studying     part of the Common Travel Area. If you
To study at Queen Mary University of London, you will need to                                    for more than six months will need to           are travelling via the Republic of Ireland,
                                                                                                 obtain a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP).      you should check to see if you need
ensure you hold a correct and valid visa. You will not be able to                                Students are required to collect their BRP      immigration permission to travel to Ireland.
commence your studies with us otherwise.                                                         within ten days of arriving in the UK. You      The immigration rules for the Republic of
                                                                                                 should collect this from the local post         Ireland are different to those of the UK.
You should ensure you have the relevant        When can I arrive in the UK?                      office. Students who select Queen Mary’s        For more information see
documents with you to be checked at            Law, regulations and policies can change
immigration when you arrive in the UK.         quickly. They are also dependent on other
Your visa will then be checked when you        factors (e.g date of application, nationality
enrol at Queen Mary.                           etc.)
Where can I find information                   We therefore recommend you check
on visas?                                      Advice and Counselling’s website for
Queen Mary Advice and Counselling Service      professional advice.
has extensive visa advice on their website and a         What should I do if I want to
comprehensive booklet available online:        travel outside of the UK?
“What immigration permission do I need         If you want to travel to certain countries
to study at Queen Mary?”.                      within the European Economic Area, you
                                               may need a Schengen visa. If you would like
If you are still unsure about which type of    to speak to someone about this then please
visa you require and for more information      contact the Advice and Counselling Service.
prior to your arrival at Queen Mary, you can
contact us at          *This guidance was accurate as of October 2020.
and we can refer you to our Advice and         Please ensure you are up to date with the most
Counselling Service, if appropriate.           recent visa advice by viewing our website:

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London's Calling! Arrival Guide Associate Students - - Queen Mary University ...
Students staying in                             You can also view the Residents’ Handbook
Queen Mary housing                              online:

When can I move in?                             Students finding private housing
Your licence agreement will show the date       We would not advise arranging long- term                                                                            Top Tip:
you can move into the halls. You can collect    rented accommodation from home. We                                                                              Try not to over-pack.
keys, and move your belongings into the         recommend that you wait until you arrive                                                                      You can buy most things
room, on this day or any day after this date.   in London and book some short-term                                                                           you could want in the UK.
Collecting your keys
                                                accommodation for your first few weeks          What to bring                                                  Don’t bring more than
                                                either in a hotel, hostel or guest house.       We know it can be difficult to know what to                        you can carry!
You will be able to collect your keys when      Housing in London is plentiful and it is
you arrive at Queen Mary. You must have                                                         pack, especially when you are moving to a
                                                possible to find accommodation very             new country! We hope that this section can
signed your licence agreement (online) and      quickly. We will provide information on
have paid your deposit in order to do this.                                                     give you some useful advice.
                                                sessions run by the Housing Office for                                                          Can I bring food from home?
Instructions for key collection can be found                                                                                                    We don’t advise that you bring food into
                                                assistance finding private accommodation        Clothing
at:       during the Welcome Programme and in                                                             the UK. There are many food items which
                                                                                                Students in the UK mostly dress informally
                                                your Countdown Newsletters.                     - jeans, t-shirts, jumpers are essentials! We   are illegal to bring into the country. London
When are my residential fees due?
                                                                                                have a temperate climate which means it         has many international food stores and
Your licence agreement is your residential      Housing Services can also help you find         isn’t usually too hot or too cold. Make sure    restaurants so you should be able to find
fee confirmation. You will also receive an      off-campus housing. They can provide            you have a variety of clothes, including a      a lot of your favourites from home.
invoice for the full period of the licence      information on where to look, and can
agreement, reminders and statements                                                             warm jumper, jacket, waterproof coat and
                                                go through your contract with you.                                                              Sending and storing luggage
to your Queen Mary email address; it is                                                         suitable footwear for rain. Don’t forget to
                                                                                                                                                We cannot store your luggage at any point.
essential that you regularly check this         Further information is available here:          pack an umbrella too…
                                                                                                                                                However, there are lots of local storage
account. Residential fees should be paid                                                               centres in London. You can find these
each term in full on or within 14 days from                                                                                                     online, or contact us if you would like
                                                                                                You should ensure that your electrical
the commencement date of each period            Council Tax                                     appliances (laptops, hairdryers, shavers        further information.
stated on the licence.                          Council Tax is a British property tax that is   etc.) are compatible with the UK voltage
                                                paid to the local council for local servicing                                                   Housing equipment
Your deposit is due by the deadline date                                                        system: 230V. Adaptors are cheap and
                                                including rubbish collection, the police                                                        If you are staying in Queen Mary housing
on your online housing offer.                                                                   easy to find in travel shops, airports and
                                                and fire service. If you are coming to Queen                                                    you can order housing packs in advance
                                                Mary for the full academic year, you will                                                       of arriving if you wish.
The Residences website has full details
of University housing:              automatically be exempt from this tax.                                                          For more information see: https://
residences                                      Those living in student accommodation                                                 
                                                are not required to pay Council Tax. For                                                        accommodation
                                                more information see:

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Your arrival at
Queen Mary

Arriving at Queen Mary                         • You can also take a London taxi. The
Can I arrive early?                              cost to Central London is £45–£70
Please check your housing contract for           and the journey time is approximately
move-in details. If you wish to arrive earlier,  one hour.
please contact the Residences Team to query The closest tube station to campus is
this possibility:         Mile End. If you need advice about traveling
What if I arrive late?                          to campus, please email us on
If you think you are going to arrive late,
please let us know so that we can advise       Can my family travel with me?
the Housing Office. It is important that       Priority on the service is given to students.
you attend/view online all of the Global       Your family is welcome to use the coach if
Opportunities Welcome Programme                there is space, but this isn’t guaranteed.
during the week of 18 January 2021 (subject
to change). If you are unable to attend you    I’m not arriving at Heathrow Airport –
must inform us in the Global Opportunities     what should I do?
Office. See more information on the            If you are arriving at a different airport, you
Welcome Programme on page 14-15.               will be able to arrange onward travel to
                                               Queen Mary’s Mile End Campus. You can
Arriving at Heathrow Airport                   find directions online:
There are different available options to       howtofindus/mileend
travel to Central London from Heathrow
• The fastest option (15 minutes to
   Paddington) is the Heathrow Express
• The cheapest option is the Tube.
  Take the Piccadilly line to Central London
  (50-60 minutes).

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Your Welcome Programme                        There will be a number of social events         Global Opportunities Events                   You can buy tickets
(Orientation)                                 taking place on and around campus               Our team will be running events exclusively   for all QMSU events
                                              throughout Welcome Week and your                for associate students! In the past, we’ve    on QMSU Events
The Welcome Programme for new Study
                                              semester at Queen Mary. Please do check         organised events such as pub quizzes          website qmsu.
Abroad and European Exchange students
                                              your emails and social media for updates        to test your British knowledge, speed         org/events
at Queen Mary is intended to welcome you
                                              as they’re a great way to get to know people    meetings to get to know your peers and        Events are released
to the University and give you all of the
                                              and feel part of the amazing Queen Mary         trips to our local independent cinema,        weekly.
essential information needed to make the
                                              community!                                      to name a few.
most out of your time here.
                                              Welcome Programme Schedule                      Housing Services Events                                Housing and
The Welcome Programme
                                              The Welcome Programme Schedule will be          Our Housing Services team runs events for            QMSU run events
Make sure you read and watch all of
                                              sent to you by email before your arrival.       students who are staying in Queen Mary
the material we have prepared for you
                                                                                              housing. They will also host an event about        throughout the year!
during Welcome Week, otherwise you            Events and activities                                                                              Don’t forget to check
                                                                                              finding accommodation off-campus, should
will miss out on essential information you
                                              We will send full details of events as          you choose this option.                          their websites and keep
need to enrol and successfully complete
on the programme. We will cover a range       they are released in your Countdown                                                                  your eyes peeled
                                                                                              Queen Mary Student Union (QMSU)
of topics that help you settle in to London   Newsletters which you receive via                                                                       for posters.
life as well as your Queen Mary community.    email. You will be able to book a lot of
                                                                                              QMSU hosts events throughout the entire
Orientation is also a great chance to meet    events before you arrive at Queen Mary.
                                                                                              semester. They have weekly club and music
other associate students joining us for       There will be a range of different activities
                                                                                              nights, alcohol-free events and trips to a    Your academic schools may also
the semester.                                 and event types, so whatever your
                                                                                              range of places – from Ikea to Amsterdam!     have induction events and social
                                              hobbies and interests are, there should be
                                                                                              QMSU also provides you with the               activities.
Full details about your Welcome               something for you! Bearing Covid-19 safety
                                                                                              opportunity to sign up to clubs, societies,
Programme will be outlined in your            measures in place, some activities may be
                                                                                              volunteering opportunities, sports clubs
Countdown to Queen Mary newsletters.          altered. We will advise you as such as early
                                                                                              and much more. We will announce
Please make sure you consult these.           as possible.
                                                                                              all of this in your Countdown Newsletters.

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London's Calling! Arrival Guide Associate Students - - Queen Mary University ...
Studying at
Queen Mary

Enrolling at Queen Mary                         For full details on how to pay please           frequently as we will use this as your         Queen Mary Mobile App
You need to complete enrolment in order to      view the following web link:                    correspondence address for all important       The Queen Mary Mobile App is an
be a student of Queen Mary.                         news, reminders, deadlines and academic        innovative application that allows you
                                                tuitionfees/payment                             information.                                   to access comprehensive information,
Complete pre-enrolment                                                                                                                         tools, news and events from Queen Mary –
You will be sent an email before you arrive     If you have any questions, please contact       Student ID card                                directly to your device.
at Queen Mary prompting you to complete         our Fees Office on              You will be issued with your Student ID card
pre-enrolment online. You will need to log                                                      at enrolment. This card will allow you to      With this feature you can:
                                                Please note, if you are not responsible for     access Queen Mary buildings.
into your MySIS account to do this. If you      paying your fees (e.g if your home university                                                  • Check your module timetables
are unsure of your log-in details, please       pays the fees on your behalf or if you are an   QMplus                                            on the move
contact us.                                     exchange student) then you will not receive     QMplus is Queen Mary’s Virtual Leaning         • Log into QMplus and your Queen
Enrol when you arrive                           this invoice.                                   Environment which includes useful                 Mary email
Please follow the guidelines you will receive                                                   information and practical advice to help       • Search for and renew library books
                                                I can’t attend enrolment,                       with your studies. You will be able to log
via email before your arrival to campus to      what should I do?                                                                                 directly from your phone
complete enrolment as required.                                                                 into QMplus using your Queen Mary log-in
                                                Please email us if you need to attend           details which are issued when you complete     • Check PC workstation availability
Pay your fees before enrolling                  late enrolment.                                 enrolment. The Global Opportunities               across all of our campuses
Queen Mary will send you an invoice before      If you have questions don’t forget to           Office has its own pages where you can         • Receive the latest news from Queen Mary
you arrive, which will represent the charge     contact us:             access useful information. Your academic
for the semester you are enrolled on. You                                                       schools will also have information posted      • Access social media from your School,
are then responsible for arranging payment                                                      on QMplus and they will explain this to you       Institute or Faculty, and from Student
                                                Being a Queen Mary student                                                                        Services
of these fees.                                                                                  either in your School orientation or in the
                                                Queen Mary email address
                                                                                                handbook they issue to you.                    • Information, news and events from
                                                Prior to arrival in London, you will be
                                                                                                                                                  Queen Mary Students’ Union
                                                assigned a Queen Mary email address.            You can access QMplus here:
                                                It is essential that this account is checked                      • Search campus maps for buildings
                                                                                                                                                  and locations

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• Access useful links to Student Services    Can I change my modules?                      Grades
   and Support                                We have a two week add/drop period at         Assessments are normally marked on a
                                              the start of term. During this time you may   percentage scale (0-100%) and assigned
Download the app and find out more here:      make changes to your schedules, however,      a corresponding letter grade.        please be aware that some modules may
qmul-mobile-app                               not have space by this time.                  A – 70-100% B – 60-69% C – 50-59%
                                                                                            D – 45-59% E – 40-44%
Modules and credits                           You will be provided with full details of
Registering for modules                       how to add/drop modules during                Further grade information can be obtained
You should have already registered for your   the Welcome Programme                         from your academic department.
modules prior to arriving at Queen Mary.      presentations.
                                                                                            How will my credits and grades be
If you have not done so then you should
                                                                                            transferred back?
notify us as soon as possible.
                                                                                            Overseas institutions normally award
Most students will be taking 60 credits per                                                 credit for study at Queen Mary on the basis
semester, which is usually four 15-credit                                                   of four hours for each 15 credit module;
modules. Some students on different                                                         60 credits equal 16 credit hours. It is your
programmes may be studying fewer                                                            responsibility to check whether your home
modules/credits.                                                                            institution follows a different policy.

If you would like to choose to take                                                         To obtain credit for a module you must
more than 60 credits (overload) or less                                                     complete all coursework and assessments
(underload) then you will need to obtain                                                    required by the module organiser and fulfil
written confirmation from your home                                                         all academic requirements for the module.
institution and consult with the Global                                                     Examinations and assessments will not
Opportunities Office.                                                                       be rescheduled except under extenuating
A full list of modules can be found online:

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Life on campus

Our campuses                                   Catering outlets on campus:                                                                     Explore the map at the end of this guide
The majority of our undergraduate students • The Curve serves a variety of hot and cold                                                       to find out more about our on-campus
                                                  food from around the world. The Cafe Bar                                                     facilities.
are based on our Mile End campus. Global
                                                  serves Starbucks Fairtrade coffee.             Queen Mary has been very
Health modules are taught a short walk or
bus ride away at our Whitechapel campus.       • Ground is coffee shop and deli selling         welcoming, with lovely staff,                 Off-campus food
                                                  Costa coffee, sandwiches, pastries and         great orientation events, and                 Local supermarkets including
Our Mile End campus offers a community            snacks, located behind the library.                                                          Sainsbury’s, the Co-Op, Tesco,
where you can live, relax and study. We
                                                                                                 many interesting Student                      Asda and Lidl.
                                               • Mucci’s is an Italian restaurant and bar
have two shops, four cafés, two restaurants,      located in Library Square.
                                                                                                 Union clubs to join.”                         There are a number of local supermarkets
a bar, a gym, a bookshop and a bank on                                                                                                         where you can do your daily or weekly
site. There’s plenty of greenery and outdoor   •  Drapers Bar & Kitchen serves drinks and       Laura from Monash
space as we’re situated next to two lovely         food and is located in the main Students’     University, Melbourne,
                                                   Union building. Regularly shows live                                                        • The Co-operative Food – under Mile End
parks and the picturesque Regent’s Canal,
                                                   sporting events.
                                                                                                 spring 2020.                                     bridge (open 7am-10pm, 7 days)
but you’re only minutes away from Central
London’s bustling streets. Please refer to the • The Learning Café is a coffee shop and deli                                                  • Co-operative – next to Stepney Green tube
map at the end of this guide for reference.        located in the library on the ground floor.   Libraries                                        (open 7am-11pm, 7 days)
                                                Meal Vouchers                                    As a Queen Mary student, you will have        • Tesco – a few hundred yards past Stepney
On-Campus facilities                            The Curve’s ‘Breakfast and Evening Meals’        access to library facilities on the Mile         Green tube (opens 6am-11pm, 7 days)
Shops                                           promotion gives you the opportunity to           End, Whitechapel and West Smithfield
• The Union Shop: Shop for day-to-day                                                           campuses. The Mile End library is a           • Sainsbury’s – opposite campus
                                                pre-pay for breakfast and evening meals
   essentials, stationery and official Queen                                                     large multi-disciplinary library, while the      (open 7-11, 7 days)
                                                on weekdays (excluding bank holidays).
   Mary branded clothing and merchandise.       There is also the option to pre-pay for          Whitechapel and West Smithfield libraries     • Asda – Stepney Green
• The Village shop: In the heart of the        just the breakfast or just the evening           hold Medical and Dental material. Once           (open 7am- 11pm 6 days)
   Student Village, this shop offers a great    meals package. The purchase of pre-paid          you are fully enrolled and receive your       • Waitrose – located at Canary Wharf and
   selection of leading brands for day-to-day   vouchers represents a considerable saving        student card, your library account will          in Westfield Shopping Centre, Stratford
   items such as groceries etc.                 over the walk-in cash price.                     be operational. Your student card also
                                                                                                 functions as your library card.
                                                Further information is available at

20                                                                                                                                                            21
Note that prices tend to be lower at Asda,    If in doubt, please visit us in the Global     Student groups – Club Sport                    groups you can get involved with to find
Sainsbury’s and Tesco. You can also find      Opportunities office for guidance on           and Societies                                  like-minded students. You can find out
International Food Shops throughout           the best places to eat and drink in the        There are hundreds of student groups to        more online at
London as well as international sections in   local area.                                    get involved with that will help you make
supermarkets. Food can also be purchased                                                     new friends, spark new interests, and gain     Hey Buddy!
at the markets at Whitechapel (Mon-Sat        Social life                                    new skills and experiences. With over 200      Settling into a new country and university
9am- 5pm) or Roman Road (Tue-Thu                                                             societies, 60 sports clubs and a variety       can be a daunting experience, but not
                                              Don’t forget to check out the clubs you
9am- 2pm, Sat 9am-4pm).                                                                      of media outlets, there is something for       when you’ve got a buddy! The Union
                                              can join on campus:
                                                                                             everyone. Each of our societies provides       Buddy Scheme matches current Queen
Catering outlets close to campus              Students’ Union                                a unique and exciting experience, offering     Mary mentors who have been on a
• The Rusty Bike (pub serving Thai           When you start your studies at Queen Mary,     a great opportunity to meet people with        study abroad programme with one of
   & Japanese food)                           you automatically become a member of           the same interests as you. Being part of a     our partner institutions with new Study
                                              Queen Mary University of London Students’      sports club is a great social experience and   Abroad Programme students (mentees)
• Verdi’s (Italian)
                                              Union (QMSU). The Union aims to improve        an excellent way to develop your sporting      to ensure you get the most out of your
• Ariana (Afghani)                            your student experience by listening to your   skills. Sports clubs compete in local,         time at Queen Mary. The Buddy Scheme
• Tayyabs (Indian)                            feedback and opinions, representing your       national and international competitions.       gives new students a chance to meet
                                              views, and providing student-led activities    You can also take your first steps towards     other new students, as well as get tips
• German Döner (kebabs)                                                                                                                     and advice about university life from
                                              and services.                                  a career in journalism by getting involved
• Di Stefano (Italian)                                                                       with student media. From radio to print, all   experienced mentors. You could also speak
                                              The Union runs a lively events programme                                                      with the Erasmus Student Network (ESN)
• Efes (Turkish)                                                                             of the student media outlets are inspiring
                                              offering a range of activities including                                                      about mentoring. You will be given more
• The Greedy Cow (burgers & steaks)                                                          and supportive places to get your voice
                                              day trips, live music, club nights, spoken                                                    information on ESN during Welcome Week.
                                                                                             heard. There are also a range of student
• The Coffee Room (cafe)                      word and more. Some past
                                              favourites include gala balls,
• The Pizza Room (pizzeria)
                                              language lessons,
• Nandos (Portuguese-African chain)           graffiti painting and a
• Kitchen Pizzeria (pizza)                    floating cinema.

Local pubs
• The Morgan Arms
• The Lord Tredegar
• The Crown
• The Coburn
• The Cherry
• The Palm Tree

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Volunteering                                   Where can I find others who share
The Union supports the local community         my religion?
through volunteering, fundraising and          You can join one of our faith societies;
sports programmes. Volunteers log              or if you want advice or your faith or
thousands of hours in one-off and ongoing      religion does not have a society, then go
opportunities with charities and not-for-      along to the University Chaplaincy on-
profit organisations. Volunteering groups,     campus who can advise. The Chaplaincy
set up by students, deliver projects in        welcomes individuals from all parts of the
the likes of local hospitals, schools and      world regardless of their nationality or
community centres.                             religion and is committed to encouraging
                                               discussion between students of different
Religion and faith                             faiths and backgrounds.
Queen Mary University of London is proud
                                               Are there prayer-rooms on-campus?
of its diverse multicultural population and
                                               The Multi-Faith Centre is situated in the
is committed to encouraging religious
                                               Students’ Union Hub at the Mile End
understanding, freedom of speech and
                                               campus (number 34 on the Mile End
open social interaction.
                                               Campus map). Its two large rooms and
There are many faith societies at Queen        adjacent washing facilities are designed as
Mary, as well as an atheist society. You can   places of prayer, worship and reflection
find full details of the societies here:       and is shared by students and staff of all                            faiths and beliefs. For full details see:

24                                                                       25
Living in London
Queen Mary is situated in the heart of East London, an area
that’s both rich history and one of the City’s most vibrant and
cosmopolitan. The East offers contrasts unlike any other area
of London, from the bustle of street markets to peaceful walks
along Regent’s Canal and through Victoria Park, traditional pubs,
museums, start-ups and art galleries.
                                                                                            Walking                                       choose to use the Tube or bus over a cab as
 Time Out!                                   The Underground (The ‘Tube’)                   This is the best way to discover London       there is 24-hour transport available in most
 If you want to explore London and find      The Underground is the most famous,            if you want to understand it better. Maps     parts of the city!
 out what events are on, then Time Out is    and often the most convenient, mode of         can be found online at
                                             transport in London. It can seem daunting      walking                                        Trains
 a great guide! The free magazine is given
                                             at first, but you will quickly master                                                         If you are planning on travelling outside
 out at most tube stations every Tuesday
                                             navigating the tube map! Don’t forget to       Bicycles                                       of London the train tends to be the fastest
 and you can also find it online: timeout.
                                             check the direction of travel. You can even    Queen Mary is serviced by the new Cycle        option. You can use the National Rail
                                             start to familiarise yourself with the handy   Highway which operates in London. You can website to plan journeys and can get tickets
Transport                                    tube map in this brochure ahead of your        also rent Santander bikes – £2 for 24 hours    either at stations or on
                                             arrival.                                       – which you will see dotted around the city.
Transport and TfL Oyster Card                                                               Find out about the scheme here: Airports
This is a plastic smartcard which can be     The Night Tube runs on Fridays and             modes/cycling/santander-cycles                 There are a number of airports in
topped up with pay-as-you-go credit, or      Saturdays on the Victoria, Jubilee, and                                                       and around London:
used as a weekly or monthly travel pass      most of the Central, Northern and Piccadilly   Taxis                                          • Gatwick Airport
during your time here. You can use an        lines, which means you can use the London      Taxis in London can often be expensive,
Oyster card to travel by bus, Tube, tram,    Underground around the clock on these          especially if you use a black cab. Traditional • Heathrow Airport
DLR, London Overground, TfL Rail, Emirates   days and lines!                                black cabs are operated by experienced         • Stanstead Airport
Air Line, River Bus services and most                                                       London cab drivers who have to know all        • City Airport
National Rail services in London.            Use the TFL website for all underground        areas of London and sit an in-depth test
                                             information:                        called The Knowledge. If you do choose         • Luton Airport
We will tell you more about how to obtain                                                   to use any type of taxi please ensure they     • London Southend Airport
an Oyster card and Student Oyster cards      Buses
                                                                                            are licenced. London is also serviced by
at your Orientation Sessions.                Another great way to get around London is                                                     Find out more about London airports here:
                                                                                            Uber, but you should consider your safety
                                             on the bus. It’s also cheaper than the Tube!                                        
                                                                                            when using Uber cars as drivers are not
                                             The local area is serviced by a number of                                                     travel-to-london/airport
                                                                                            required to follow the same standards as
                                             bus routes; the number 25 and 205 stop
                                                                                            other licenced cab drivers. Most Londoners
                                             right outside campus.

26                                                                                                                                                      27
Shopping                                       Shopping Centre (one of Europe’s largest   • Big Ben – 4.6 miles/7.4km                      • One of the best contemporary art galleries
Try local markets in East London for all       shopping mall) is one stop away from       • London Eye – 4.7 miles/7.5km                      in Europe (Whitechapel Gallery) – 22
your shopping needs! They are the most         Queen Mary.                                                                                    minutes (1.5 miles/2.4km)
                                                                                          • Oxford Circus – 4.9 miles/7.8km
exciting places to shop and experience         Books and stationery                                                                        • A fresh bagel any time of the day or night
London. Brick Lane and Columbia Road                                                      • Buckingham Palace – 5.1 miles/8.2km               (Brick Lane) – 25 minutes (1.8 miles/2.9km)
                                               There is a small bookshop on campus,
Flower Market in Shoreditch are a couple       located behind the library next to the     On your doorstep (in walking times)              • Heated outdoor pool all year round
of our favourites!                             Students’ Union Hub. Additionally, shops                                                       (London Fields Lido) – 30 minutes
                                                                                          • Climbing wall – 7 minutes (704
Student discounts                              such as Waterstones or WHSmith offer                                                           (2 miles/3.2km)
Being a student in London has many perks-      stationery, newspapers, magazines etc.                                                      • Rinkoff Bakery – 15 minute walk from
                                               The nearest branch is at Westfield         • Mile End Park Leisure Centre,
one of which is a student discount at many                                                                                                    campus. Great bakery and you must try
                                               Stratford City.                               with swimming pool, sports pitches
retailers. This is for select stores only. You                                                                                                the Crodoughs – a croissant-doughnut
                                                                                             and athletics track – 8 minutes
can find out more about obtaining a TOTUM Local landmarks:                                                                                    hybrid!
                                                                                             (0.5 miles/0.8km)
card here:                                                                                                                       • Old Spitalfields Market – 25 minutes.
                                               • Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park –          • Independent cinema (Genesis) –
Shopping near campus                              1.8 miles/2.9km                                                                             If you’re looking for a bite to eat or maybe
                                                                                             8 minutes (0.6 miles/0.9km)
London is world-famous for its shopping                                                                                                       some vintage items to bring back home,
                                               • Canary Wharf – 1.9 miles/3km             • If you would like a traditional British pub      this market is a must!
and you can purchase anything you need                                                       experience, then why not try the Morgan
here! Queen Mary’s Mile End campus is          • Tower of London – 2.3 miles/3.7km                                                         • Stepney City Farm –
                                                                                             Arms, the Lord Tredegar or the Coburn? -
approximately 10 minutes from Oxford           • St Paul’s Cathedral – 2.8 miles/4.5km                                                        14 minutes. It sounds
                                                                                             13 minutes (0.7 miles).
Circus on the Central Line and Westfield                                                                                                      improbable, but you
                                               • Tate Modern – 3 miles/4.8km
                                                                                                                                              can escape City life at
                                               • Trafalgar Square – 4.3 miles/6.9km                                                           our local farm.

28                                                                                                                               29
There are several banks very close to
• Santander – located on campus in the
   Student Village (
• Barclays – located at 240 Whitechapel
   Road, E1 1BS (
• HSBC – located at 75 Whitechapel Road,
   E1 1DU (
• NatWest – located at
   331-335 Whitechapel
   Road, E1 1AU
We cannot recommend specific banks,
but it is useful to choose one which is
easily accessible.

Opening a bank account                          Transferring money to the UK
You should view our information on              The easiest way to send money from your
opening a bank account online as a guide:       home country into a UK bank account is international/money/        by electronic transfer. You’ll need to check
banking-uk                                      with your bank in your home country what
                                                exactly they’ll need to make a successful
You can request a bank letter when you          transfer.
attend enrolment. You should have an idea
which bank you are going to apply to open       Money can also be transferred using a
an account with so that the bank name can       banker’s draft. This is a document drawn up
be included in the letter. You can only get a   by the bank in your home country and sent
bank letter from Queen Mary once you have       to you by post. Before you transfer money
provided a UK term-time address.                ask what charges will be made by the bank
                                                and how long it will take. Make sure that
Outside the enrolment period, you can           you keep copies of all documents.
request a bank letter by visiting the Student
Enquiry Centre or via MySIS.

30                                                                         31
Student support
At Queen Mary, we are here to support you from before you
arrive, throughout your studies and as valued alumni of our
Programmes. Our dedicated Global Opportunities Team is here
to assist with any queries you may have and provide ongoing
support whilst you study with us. Queen Mary offers a wide
range of services to help you make the most of your time with us.
Academic support                                 The Language Centre at Queen Mary offers
Academic support                                 workshops and modules which you can take
You may find that your academic study and        during your studies to help with written work
teaching is different in the UK to what you      and study skills.
are used to at home. We have a vast range        centre
of support for students who have academic        PASS mentoring
queries, or just want to speak to someone        PASS is a course-based mentoring scheme,
about their Schools or studies. We have          run for students by students. It gives you
dedicated Study Abroad and Erasmus+              the opportunity to discuss study-related
Coordinators in each academic school who         problems and get general advice from
are there to help you with your questions.       higher-year undergraduates in their subject.
Each coordinator has office hours during         You can find out more about the scheme
which you can visit them and their email         from your academic schools when you arrive
addresses are online so you can contact          at Queen Mary or email: pass-scheme@
them anytime.                                                                after a class. It is always best to arrange a   Careers
You can find their contact details on page 43.                                                   time with them to meet to ensure they can       The Careers and Enterprise Centre offers
                                            How can I arrange to see my lecturers?               adequately address your enquiry.                work experience placements. Visit their
Our academic schools also provide their own If you need to meet with your lecturer or
                                                                                                                                                 website here:
briefings and guidance for Study Abroad and an academic member of staff you should               You may find that studying in the UK is quite
Erasmus+ students so please ensure you      check their office hours which will be listed        different to your home University. Don’t        You may want to find some part-time work
attend any sessions and read documents      on the website for the academic school.              worry, we are here to help so do contact us     whilst studying. You must ensure that your
given to you.                               You may also wish to email them to arrange           or speak to your School Coordinator if you      visa allows you to work and what is the
                                            an appointment. In the UK, it is rare for            have any questions at all!                      maximum number of hours you are allowed
                                            academic staff to be available to meet at                                                            to do.
                                            any time and often they have back-to-back
                                            lectures meaning they cannot meet directly

32                                                                                                                                                            33
Where can I find employment                     We are always happy to talk if you have any      • IT Services                                  Security on campus
opportunities?                                  questions at all during your stay with us – so   • Student Enquiry Centre                       The University Security Centre provides
QMSU and Queen Mary both offer casual           don’t hesitate to book an appointment online                                                    24-hour security cover for the University
                                                                                                 • Careers Service
employment to students. Our Careers and         to meet with us - or just send an email.                                                        campus and halls of residence. A
Enterprise Centre also list some local job                                                       • QMSU Buddy Scheme                            comprehensive CCTV camera system
listings and you can visit them for advice  Peer-to-peer support for you: Global                 • English Language Support                     operates throughout the University campus,
                                            Opportunities Ambassadors’
on finding work. You can find listings of job                                                                                                   including some of the large residential sites.
                                                                                                 • Drop-in Study Centre (DISC)
opportunities on the following websites:    Our Global Opportunities Ambassadors                                                                The cameras are used to direct security
                                            are students and alumni who have studied             • Academic support – workshops on /jobs                                                                                                                                  staff to incidents, and the Centre works in
                                            abroad at Queen Mary, or who have gone                  academic writing, seminar skills and more
                                                                                                                                                close liaison with the police. If you have any
What types of work will I be able           abroad as part of their Queen Mary degree.           • Legal Advice Centre                          personal security concerns, require some
to get and how much do they pay?            They’re available to answer any questions                                                           security advice, or wish to report a crime,
In the UK, levels of pay vary for different you might have about their experience                Advice and Counselling Services
                                                                                                 Our on-campus Advice and Counselling           telephone the Security Control Centre:
types of work. Generally, students obtain   abroad and about Queen Mary. They know                                                              020 7882 3333
part-time casual work paid at the minimum what it’s like to study in and experience a            Service provides help and support for
wage. Typically this includes working       new country and culture, so their advice             students who have been victims of assault;
in a shop, as a campus tour guide, in       is invaluable. They’re here to share their           sexual, emotional or physical. They can also
a restaurant or bar or as a cleaner. For    knowledge and insights with you, so check            offer help for those with eating disorders,
information on the National Minimum Wage them out and get in touch! Details can                  depression and a wide variety of other
visit: be found here:               mental health issues. They’re located in the
                                            global-opportunities/ambassadors.                    Geography Building, Ground Floor. You can
Help and Advice                                                                                  contact them on or
                                                On-campus services                               020 7882 2717.
Support for Associate students (The
                                                • Advice and Counselling Service
Global Opportunities Team)
In the Global Opportunities Team, we’ve         • Disability & Dyslexia Service
all had experience living, working or           • 24 hour campus Security Service
studying abroad and we want to make             • St Benet’s Chaplaincy
sure you have a wonderful experience with
                                                • Multi Faith Centre
us. Not everything about your experience
will be easy; there will undoubtedly be         • Pastoral support through chaplains
many challenges, and we are here to offer       • 24 hour Residences welfare support
you support and practical advice about          • Student Health Centre
living and studying in London. Our regular
                                                • Departmental advisers
newsletters will provide you with helpful
tips and guidance on how best to thrive at      • Language Centre
Queen Mary and in London more generally.        • Libraries

34                                                                                                                                                             35
If you feel that your case needs attention     International students (from outside the         NHS Direct                                      Sources of medical assistance
from the management team, please contact       EEA) who are studying in the UK for less         NHS Direct give health advice and               Please ensure you have reviewed any
020 7882 5000 and ask to speak to a Shift      than six months are not eligible for free UK     information over the phone, day and night.      private healthcare insurance documents
Manager. They are on call 24/7, 365 days per   National Health Service (NHS) treatment,         You can call on 111 or visit         you have and follow all relevant guidance
year.                                          except certain services like initial treatment                                                   when seeking medical assistance. For full
                                               in an emergency and so separate private          Ambrose King Centre                             details around seeking medical assistance
Emergencies                                    non-NHS arrangements have to be made             This centre offers a free and confidential      and anything relating to healthcare please
UK Emergency telephone number                  for these students.                              service for sexually transmitted infections     speak to the Queen Mary Health Centre
(police, fire, ambulance): 999                                                                  and other genitourinary infections. They        or view their website studenthealth.qmul.
Police non-emergency number: 101               Finding a dentist                                are based close to                    
                                               Dental treatment is available to students
                                               (under the NHS) at The 2nd Floor Staff           The Royal London Hospital, on Mount             Emergency procedures
Staying safe and healthy                                                                        Terrace, Whitechapel, London, E1 2BB
                                               Dental Clinic, 2nd Floor, Health and                                                             In the case of an emergency where we
We want you to make the most of your time                                                       and can be contacted on 020 7377 7306.
                                               Wellness Centre, Occupational Health,                                                            need to know students are safe, we will
at Queen Mary and ensuring you stay safe
                                               31-43 Ashfield Street, London E1 2AH.                                                            expect you to confirm your safety both to
and healthy is important. Here are some                                                         Opticians and Pharmacies
                                               Call 020 7377 7067 for an appointment.                                                           us and to your home university/programme
useful resources:                                                                               A list of doctors, dentists, opticians and
                                                                                                                                                provider. It will be your responsibility to
                                               The nearest hospital                             pharmacies located near to Queen Mary
Finding a doctor                                                                                                                                confirm you are safe and well. We will cover
                                               The Royal London Hospital has an Accident        can be obtained from the Student Health
The Student Health Service (SHS) is                                                                                                             full emergency procedures in the Welcome
                                               & Emergency Department (A&E). This is            Service and Occupational Health which
located in the Geography Building, Mile                                                                                                         Programme presentations. If you miss this
                                               located opposite Whitechapel tube station        are both located on the ground floor of
End Campus. Services are provided for all                                                                                                       information please contact us to ensure you
                                               and is open 24 hours a day, seven days a         the Geography building on the Mile End
students with a Tower Hamlets postcode                                                                                                          are aware of procedures to follow.
                                               week for medical emergencies.                    Campus.
(E1, E2, E3, E14), which includes students
                                                                                                                                                Personal Safety Guide
living in Queen Mary University of London      Walk-in centres                                  The Havens Sexual Assault Centre
                                                                                                                                                Queen Mary’s Security Service has
Halls of Residence.                            Walk-in Centres offer a range of healthcare      The Havens offer specialist counselling for
                                                                                                                                                prepared a Personal Safety Guide to help
                                               services for those who are unable to access      victims of sexual assault, as well as dealing
Please note that the service is closed                                                                                                          you stay safe in London. From securing
                                               their normal health provider. You should         with all the forensic exams and police
during the Christmas, Easter and Summer                                                                                                         your belongings, to dealing with sexual
                                               first ring 111 who will be best placed to        liaison (they can also see and support
vacations, during which time enquiries                                                                                                          assault this guide can provide a starting
                                               advise whether you need or are eligible to       people who don’t wish to make a police
can be made in person at the Globe Town                                                                                                         point in helping you to keep safe. security.
                                               use this service. Advice and Counselling can     report).
Surgery, 82-86 Roman Road, London E2                                                                                                  
                                               also provide information on where to go.                                                         documents/19882.pdf
0PG, or by calling 020 8980 3023.
                                               The closest location with urgent care
                                               services is Homerton University Hospital,
                                               Homerton Row, London E9 6SR;
                                               Tel: 020 8510 5555.

36                                                                                                                                                             37
Communication                                                                                                                                                     Feeling Social?
                                                                                                                                                                 Contribute towards
                                                                                                                                                                 our student blogs,
                                                                                                                                                                Facebook, Instagram
                                                                                                                                                                     or Twitter!
                                                                                                                                                              Use #qmulgo to share your photos,
                                                                                                                                                                      or contact Jess Tan
                                                                                                                                                                   for further opportunities.

We know how important it is to get up and running with internet                                Mail                                            Help and Support
                                                                                               If you wish to send mail home you can buy       For help and support accessing internet
as soon as possible. Don’t worry, we explain how in this section.                              stamps from most local shops and post           or using computer equipment on campus,
                                                                                               offices. You should ensure that you have the    please contact the IT Helpdesk:
Email                                           How do I set up internet in private            correct stamp type for what you are sending     Call us 24/7: 020 7882 8888
You can use your personal email address         accommodation?                                 and where it needs to go. If you are unsure
but make sure you check your Queen Mary         If you are renting private accommodation       or are sending heavier items then you           Visit us: Queens’ Building,
email regularly as Queen Mary University        and do not have internet included, you will    should go to a local post office. The nearest   Room W209, Mile End
staff will use it as the main way               need to set up broadband in your home          post office to Queen Mary is in Whitechapel,    Office hours: 9am-4pm Mon-Fri
of communicating with you.                      to obtain WiFi. There are a number of UK       about a fifteen-minute walk from campus.        email:
                                                Broadband providers, you can find a list       If you are ordering via Amazon, we have
How can I get access to the internet            here:                   Amazon lockers located in the QMSU.             *note that you can only email via
when I first arrive?
                                                                                                                                               your Queen Mary email address.
 If you have enrolled online before you         Mobile phones                                  If you wish to receive mail on campus this
arrive at Queen Mary, you will be able to use   You should check any additional charges        will be delivered to your pigeon holes in
your Queen Mary username, password and          that would be added for using your phone       the entry to your flats. If you are expecting
email account on any networked computer         in the UK. You can easily purchase a UK SIM    a larger parcel then you will need to
in the University.                              card when you arrive in the UK and WiFi is     ensure you are in to collect the parcel
                                                readily available, including at the airport,   as the Residence’s Office cannot
Can I get internet access in my room?           so you should be able to send a message or     sign for or store parcels and
Yes, if you are living on campus you will       email to let people at home know you have      deliveries.
be able to access WiFi. As soon as you          arrived.
complete your Pre-Enrolment at the
University, your access is automatically

38                                                                                                                                                                  39
Useful apps
Queen Mary App                                Travelling                                    Railcard                                        News
This app will allow you to access             CityMapper                                    This app will give you access to discounted     BBC News
comprehensive information, tools, news        This app will help you to plan your journey   rail fares after buying a Railcard and adding   With this app, you will get the latest
and events from Queen Mary University         and find the best route among all transport   it to your phone. You should be eligible for    breaking news from the BBC.
of London.                                    modes available (Tube, bus, cycling,          the 16-25 Railcard.
                                              walking, Uber/Taxis). You can use this app    EasyJet, Ryanair etc.
Keeping in touch                              in different cities across the UK (London,    These apps will allow you to book cheap         TOTUM
WhatsApp                                      Manchester and Birmingham for example)                                                        TOTUM is a UK student discount card
                                                                                            flights and manage your bookings.
WhatsApp is a free messaging app that uses    and Europe (Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris,                                                       and app, which can also be used as proof
your phone’s Internet connection to let you   etc.).                                                                   of age ID.
message and call friends and family.                                                        With this app, you will be able to search
                                            TFL Oyster                                      for hotels, motels and holiday homes.           Revolut
Google Duo                                  The TfL Oyster and contactless app lets you                                                     Revolut is a debit card and app that will
Google Duo is a video calling app that      top up and manage your contactless and          Entertainment                                   allow you to manage your money (by
works across platforms, on all smartphones, Oyster cards on the go.                                                                         creating budgets, for example) and that
as well as on the web.                                                                      BBC iPlayer*
                                                                                            This app gives you access to the latest         allows you to spend money abroad with
                                            Tube Map
Houseparty                                                                                  programmes from the BBC.                        the real exchange rate, meaning no
                                            Working both off and online, this navigation
Houseparty is a face-to-face social network app helps you navigate your way around                                                          additional fees.
app. The app alerts you when your friends                                                   *However, you will need to pay for a TV
                                            London on the Underground, planning your
are “in the house” and ready to chat.                                                       license to access the BBC’s programmes.
                                            tube journeys.
Zoom                                                                                        All 4
Zoom allows you to create video meetings                                                    This app gives you access to the latest
                                              This app will help you discover nice walks
across platforms with up to 100 people.                                                     programmes from Channel 4.
                                              close by to you – it’s a great way to enjoy
                                              and discover new parts of London on foot!     Netflix
With Skype, you can stay connected with                                                     See what different shows Netflix UK has
your friends and family by instant message,                                                 to offer you!
                                              This app will help you travel across the UK
voice and video call.                         and the rest of Europe by rail and road.
                                              You can book tickets and plan international

40                                                                                                                                                          41
Useful contacts
                                                                               Departmental and academic advisers
                                                                               Within each academic school, there is a member of staff who will be available to advise
                                                                               you on academic matters. Departmental advisers are responsible for approving your
                                                                               module registration choices within their department.

                                                                                Department           Name                 Tel             Room                 Email
                                                                                Biological and       Dr Greg Szulgit      020 7882 6960   Room 4.14, Fogg      g.szulgit@qmul.
                                                                                Chemical Sciences                                         Building   
                                                                                Blizard Institute/   Ms Emily Mclean-     020 7882 2541   G.03                 e.mclean-inglis@
                                                                                Global Health        Inglis                                          
                                                                                Business and         Anisa Islam          020 7882 5059   FB4.22               anisa.islam@qmul.
                                                                                Economics            Professor Xavier     020 7882 8841   Graduate Centre,     x.mateos-planas@
                                                                                and Finance          Mateos-Planas                        GC417      
                                                                                Electronic           Dr Paula Fonseca     020 7882 7340   Eng. E203            eecs-studyabroad@
Your dedicated Global Opportunities Team is here to help you                    Engineering and
                                                                                Computer Science
                                                                                                     Dr Pengwei Hao       020 7882 5207   Eng. E104  

with any queries you may have. Please feel free to contact us by                Engineering          Dr Adrian Briggs     020 7882 8876   Eng. 334             a.briggs@qmul.
email to arrange a meeting!                                                     and Materials                                                        
                                                                                English              Dr Jaclyn Rajsic     020 7882 2918   ArtsOne 3.25         jaclyn.rajsic@qmul.
Ceri Bevan                       Rachel Davies                                                                                                       
Head of Global Opportunities     Global Opportunities Administrative Officer    Drama                Dr Penelope Woods    020 7882 3060   ArtsOne 3.21         p.woods@qmul.                                                                                                 

Harry Gibney                     Jess Tan                                       Geography            Dr Regan Koch        020 7882 8200   Geography 123/219
                                                                                                     Dr Marcia Vera       020 7882 2751                        m.vera-espinoza@
International Exchange           Study Abroad Marketing                                              Espinoza                                        
Programme Manager                and Recruitment Manager
                                                                                History              Dr Matt Jacobsen     020 7882 3371   ArtsTwo              m.jacobsen@qmul.                                                                                                  
Colleen Jaycox                   Sophie Dilley                                  Language             Ms Catalina          020 7882 2842   ArtsOne 108          c.gonzalez@qmul.
Global Programmes Coordinator    Summer School Director                         Learning             Gonzalez                                                                        (Language Centre)
                                                                                Languages,           SLLF Programme       020 7882 2827   ArtsOne 1.40         sllf-progadmin@
Wiebke Leugers                                                                  Linguistics          Admin                                           
Erasmus+ Manager                                                                and Film                                                            Law                  Mrs Sheila Shirley   020 7882 3934   Law Building G15     s.shirley@qmul.
                                                                                Mathematical         Professor Ilya       020 7882 5473   Mathematical         i.goldsheid@qmul.
                                                                                Sciences             Goldsheid                            Sciences Building,
                                                                                                                                          Room MB-123
                                                                                Physics              Dr Matthew Buican    020 7882 3462   GO Jones 601         m.buican@qmul.
                                                                                Politics             Dr Ksenia            020 7882 5832   ArtsOne 2.27B        k.northmore-ball@

42                                                                                                                                                 43
Residence Office                             Security
  The Housing Hub, Feilden House               Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 5000
  Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 5522                     Emergency number: +44 (0)20 7882 3333
  Email:                 Email:

  Disability and Dyslexia Service              Queen Mary Students’ Union
  Room 2.06, Francis Bancroft Building         329 Mile End Road
  Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 2756                     Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 8030
  Email:                 Email:

  Fees Office                                  Advice and Counselling Service
  Queen’s Building, Room W117                  Geography Square, Ground Floor
  Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 3086                     Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 8717
                                               IT Services
  Health Centre                                Queen’s Building, Room W209
  Geography Building, Ground Floor             Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 8888
  Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 8710                     Email:

External contacts
You should check the British Council website for details of the British Embassy in your
home country.

Check if your home country has advice for students planning to study overseas.
E.g. The US State Department have a website giving information on travel, health,
emergency procedures and voting whilst abroad at

44                                                                    45
London Tube map                                                                         Mile End campus
                                                                                         Educational/Research                                                                        Residential                                                                           Facilities                                                                                  Information
                                                                                        ArtsOne                                                              37                    Albert Stern Cottages                                                     3           Advice and Counselling Service                                       27       Visitors who require further information or
                                                                                        ArtsTwo                                                              35                    Albert Stern House                                                        1           Bookshop                                                             22       assistance should please go to the main
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       reception in the Queens’ Building.
                                                                                        Bancroft Building                                                    31                    Beaumont Court                                                         53             Canalside – Student study space                                      63

                  5 West Smithfield campus
                                                                                        Bancroft Road                                                                              Chapman House                                                          43             Careers Centre                                                       19       AREA       The smoking of cigarettes
                                                                                        Teaching Rooms                                                       10                    Chesney House                                                          45                                                                                                      or tobacco products is only
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Clock Tower                                                          20
                                                                                        Peter Landin Building                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     permitted at designated smoking
                                                                                                                                                                                   Creed Court                                                            57             CopyShop – Print services                                            56                  areas/shelters indicated on this
                                                                                        (Computer Science)                                                          6
                                                                                                                                                                                   France House                                                           55             The Curve                                                            47                  map.
                                                                                        Engineering Building                                                 15
                                                                                                                                                                                   Feilden House                                                          46             Disability and Dyslexia Service                                      31                  Electronic cigarettes permitted
                                                                                        G.E. Fogg Building                                                   13
                                                                                                                                                                                   Ifor Evans Place                                                          2                                                                                                    on outside spaces only.
                                                                                        G.O. Jones Building                                                  25                                                                                                          Drapers’ Bar and Kitchen                                              8
                                                                                                                                                                                   Lindop House                                                           21                                                                                                      These premises are alarmed
                                                                                        Geography                                                            26                                                                                                          Ground Café                                                          33
                                                                                                                                                                                   Lodge House                                                            50                                                                                                      and monitored by CCTV;
                                                                                        Graduate Centre                                                      18                                                                                                          The Nest – Student space                                             24
                                                                                                                                                                                   Lynden House                                                           59                                                                                                      please call Security on
                                                                                        Informatics Teaching                                                                                                                                                             Housing Hub                                                          48                  +44 (0)20 7882 5000
                                                                                        Laboratories                                                                5              Maurice Court                                                          58
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Mucci’s                                                              29                  for more information.

                  4 Lincoln’s Inn Fields campus
                                                                                        Joseph Priestley Building                                            41                    Maynard House                                                          44
                                                                                                                                                                                   Pooley House                                                           60
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Occupational Health Service/                                                  Key
                                                                                        Library                                                              32                                                                                                          Student Health Service                                               28
                                                                                                                                                                                   Selincourt House                                                       51                                                                                                      Library/bookshop
                                                                                        Law                                                                  36                                                                                                          Octagon                                                         19a
                                                                                                                                                                                   Varey House                                                            49                                                                                                      Fitness centre
                                                                                        Lock-keeper’s Cottage                                                42                                                                                                          Qmotion Health and Fitness Centre
                                                                                        Mathematical Sciences Building                                              4                                                                                                    Sports Hall                       7                                                      Refreshment:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Santander Bank                                                       62                  Bar/Eatery/Coffee place
                                                                                        Occupational Health
                                                                                        and Safety Directorate                                               12                                                                                                          St Benet’s Chaplaincy                                                23                  Staff car park
                                                                                        People’s Palace/Great Hall                                           16                                                                                                          Student Enquiry Centre                                               19                  Bicycle parking
                                                                                        Queens’ Building                                                     19                                                                                                          Students’ Union Hub                                                  34                  Bicycle lockers
                                                                                        Scape Building                                                       64
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Union Shop                                                            9                  Cash machine
                                                                                        Temporary Building                                                   61
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Village Shop                                                         52
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Smoking area/shelter

                  1 Mile End campus 2 Whitechapel campus 3 Charterhouse Square campus
                                                                                        Redevelopment site                                              39, 40

                                                                                                                                        Bancroft Road                                                                                                      Bradwell Street

                                                                                                                                    Leatherdale Street                                                                     Moody Street

                                                                                                                    Portelet Road
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Longnor Road                                     59
                                                                                         Massingham St
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         58                 57

                                                                                                                                        Holton Street

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Bancroft Road
                                                                                                                                                             Grantley Street

                                                                                              Carlton Square
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Mile End Hospital                                                                                      53


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             48                                      51
                                                                                                                                    Alderney Road                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           49

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Regent’s Canal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         27                                                                                                                          50

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       28                                    31                        47
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Geography                                                                                                                           45
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       26               29                                           46       The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                61               Square
                                                                                                                                                                                              12                                               56                                                                                                                                          44

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Westfield Way
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          13                                              19a                           Library                                                                                      43
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 AREA   Square
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Nuevo            41
                                                                                                                                                         6                     7     8        10                                                                                                                                     Burial                                                          42
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     18                                                                              Ground
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          19                25                          32
                                                                                              M ile End Place


                                                                                                                                                                                                          Bancroft Road
                                                                                                                                                                           Godward            9    AREA
                                                                                                                                                         5                 Square                                                                                                                                                                  Arts Quarter

                                                                                                                                             3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              40
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               15                    16                                                       33
                                                                                                                                    2                                                    15                                                                                                 24
                                                                                                                                                        4                                                                                                                                                22                  35               36           37
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         15                                                 23
                                                                                                                1                   2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           39
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       East Gate

                                                                                                         Stepney Green Tube Station                                                                                            Mile End Road                                                                                                                                              Mile End Tube Station

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Harford St


46                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               47
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