Loxford School Year 7 2020 - 2021 Induction Booklet My name is: My primary school is

Page created by Bradley Russell
Loxford School Year 7 2020 - 2021 Induction Booklet My name is: My primary school is
Loxford School
               Year 7 2020 – 2021
                Induction Booklet

My name is: …………………………………………………
My primary school is: ………………………………
Loxford School Year 7 2020 - 2021 Induction Booklet My name is: My primary school is
Loxford School – The School Day
8:45                      Arrive at school
8:55-9:00                 Tutor Time -Registration
9:00-10:00                Period 1
10:00-11:00               Period 2
11:00-11:20               Break
11:20-12:20               Period 3
12:20:13:20               Period 4
13:20:14:10               Lunch
14:10-15:10               Period 5
15:10-15:25               Tutor Time

                                 Key staff
Senior Leadership Team                                 Name
Headteacher                                            Mrs Johnson
Senior Deputy Headteacher                              Mr Bainbridge
Senior Deputy Headteacher                              Mr Curcio
Director of SEND                                       Mr. Faure
Deputy Headteacher – Key Stage Three                   Miss Roberts
Deputy Headteacher – Key Stage Four                    Mrs Kakkad
Deputy Headteacher - Exams                             Mr Thurai
Assistant Headteacher                                  Mr Mackay
(Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Assistant Headteacher                                  Mr Rieger
Assistant Headteacher (Sixth Form)                     Mrs Hart
Assistant Headteacher                                  Ms. Cantero
Assistant Headteacher                                  Mr Whiteman

Year 7 Team                            Names
Achievement Team Leader                Mrs. Geke
Year Care Team                         Mrs. Kaur
Deputy Headteacher – Key Stage         Miss. Roberts

Loxford School Year 7 2020 - 2021 Induction Booklet My name is: My primary school is
Our motto at Loxford School is:
              “Be at the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.”

                                        LEADER Award
All students in years 7-9 will have the chance to complete challenges towards a LEADER
award – LEADER stands for Leadership, Empathy, Ambition, Determination, Enthusiasm,
Resilience. Write a definition or give an example in the box provided:







 Leadership     Empathy           Ambition       Determination   Enthusiasm        Resilience

Loxford School Year 7 2020 - 2021 Induction Booklet My name is: My primary school is
Maps of the school                             Ground Floor:

                                                Main Entrance
                                                Main Office
                                                Student Reception
                                                Sixth Form Library
                                                Design and Technology
                                                Assembly Hall
                                                Social Sciences
                                                Media Studies

First Floor:

Sixth Form Study rooms
Finance Office
ATL offices
Deputy Headteacher Offices

                             Second Floor:

                             Business Studies

  Third Floor:


Loxford School Year 7 2020 - 2021 Induction Booklet My name is: My primary school is
Important information
You must wear your uniform correctly at all times:
     -   Blazer (purchased from the School uniform shop) with logo
     -   White shirt, with collar (not a polo t shirt). Top button done up.
     -   Loxford School tie –worn with knot ties correctly and at the correct length (to the waistband).
     -   Black trousers (no skinny trousers/leggings) or black knee length school skirt
     -   Black shoes must be worn, no trainers or shoes that resemble trainers. No boots are allowed.
     -   Black coat for outdoor wear only (no oversized or bright logos).
     -   PE kit – White polo t shirt with Loxford Logo; black tracksuit bottoms or PE shorts; trainers

You must come to school every day with all of the correct equipment:
     -   Black or Navy school bag
     -   Student diary (you will be given a diary on your first day)
     -   Reading book (you will be taken to the library to choose a book with your English teacher)
     -   Your reading book and diary will be placed on your desk in every lesson. Teachers, your ATL, YCT
         and SLT will regularly check your diary
     -   Pencil case, including black or blue pens, pencils, rubber, ruler, compass, protractor (it is
         suggested to have green and red pens as teachers often ask to complete self and peer assessment
         with coloured pens)
     -   Exercise books: You must bring the correct books for your lessons every day, you will need to
         learn your timetable and check your school bag every night.

Break and Lunch times:
     -   You cannot buy any food with money in the school
     -   You will give a biometric scan of your fingercon your first day at school and this will be used to pay
         for food and drinks
     -   Your parents will have a ‘ParentPay’ account where they can add money for you to spend
     -   If you are entitled to Free School Meals, your money will also be added to this account
     -   You need to be responsible for how much money you are spending each day
     -   No fizzy drinks or sweets are allowed in School
     -   You can bring a packed lunch
     -   You can have a bottle of water in your bag
     -   There is a strict queuing system for the dinner hall, with hot food and cold food lining up on two
         different sides.
     -   You must quickly learn which is the correct queue and make sure you know which way to enter
         and leave the hall. Your tutor will show you on your first day
     -   There are lots of clubs available at lunchtime and after school. You will receive a timetable from
         your tutor and we encourage you to join as many as possible

Loxford School Year 7 2020 - 2021 Induction Booklet My name is: My primary school is
Are you ready for Secondary School?

Here are some skills that are useful for everyone to have before they
start at ‘big school’ – how many of them can you already do?

☐ Write a structured piece of writing with sentences and paragraphs.

☐ Recite your times tables up to 12

☐ Read a book that is appropriate for your age

☐ Correctly spell the most commonly misspelt words (see next page)

☐ Discuss an author whose books you have read

☐ Interact confidently with your peers and other adults

☐ Be able to express yourself in front of a small audience

☐ Swim 25 metres

☐ Have held a position of responsibility (e.g prefect or monitor)

Loxford School Year 7 2020 - 2021 Induction Booklet My name is: My primary school is
Summer Challenges

Try and complete as many of the summer challenges as you can.
You must complete your letter to your form tutor and your creative writing task.
Try and complete at least 4 of the LEADER challenges from the grid (take pictures
or write up accounts of your work to show your ATL).
Try and complete at least 4 of the subject challenges.
You can complete work in your own notebook, or on paper, bring your work in to
show your subject teachers when you start School in September.

Good luck and enjoy!

Loxford School Year 7 2020 - 2021 Induction Booklet My name is: My primary school is
100 commonly misspelled words
 acceptable               equipment            library                 referred

accidentally              exhilarate           lightning               reference

accommodate                 exceed          maintenance                 relevant

  acquire                  existence         manoeuvre                  religious

   acquit                 experience          memento                  restaurant

    a lot                  February           millennium                ridiculous

  amateur                   foreign           miniature                  rhythm

  apparent                  fourth           mischievous                 sandal

 argument                   gauge             noticeable                schedule

  because                  generally           occasion                 scissors

   believe                 grammar           occasionally               sensible

  calendar                 grateful       occur / occurred              separate

  category                guarantee          occurrence                  special

 cemetery                   harass             official                  success

 changeable                 height             parallel              to / too / two

 collectible              hierarchy          parliament                 tomorrow

 committed                 ignorance           pastime           their / they're / there

 conscience               immediate             pigeon                   twelfth

conscientious            independent          possession                tyranny

 conscious               indispensable       preferable                   until

definite(ly)              intelligence   principal / principle           vacuum

 disappear                 its / it's          privilege                 vicious

 disappoint               judgement         questionnaire               weather

drunkenness               knowledge            receive                    weird

 embarrass                  leisure          recommend               you're / your

Loxford School Year 7 2020 - 2021 Induction Booklet My name is: My primary school is
Summer challenges

Here are some activities for you to do before you start at Loxford School – you do not have
to do all of these activities, but you must do the first 2 activities: letter to form tutor and
creative writing task.
You should try to complete at least 4 of the LEADER challenges (on the grid) and 4 of the
subject-specific challenges. Those who complete these will earn a LEADER summer challenge
certificate in September.

                                   Letter to your form tutor
Write a letter to your form tutor introducing yourself – you could use these sentence starters
to help you…
Paragraph 1
My name is …
I went to … Primary School.
My favourite thing in the whole world is …
I live with …
We also have a pet …
Paragraph 2
I am really proud of the fact that this year I …
I managed to do this because …
In year 6 I enjoyed …
I did not enjoy …
Paragraph 3
I am a little bit worried about …
One thing I don’t want to happen is …
I am really looking forward to …
I can’t wait to …
I would like to get involved with …

Loxford School Year 7 2020 - 2021 Induction Booklet My name is: My primary school is
English creative writing task – REQUIRED

We want your English teachers to be able to get to know you and to see the level that you
are working at when you arrive at Loxford School.
Complete this piece of work using your best writing and don’t forget to use paragraphs and
ambitious vocabulary.

                           Creative writing – the doorway

In lots of novels and films, people find a doorway that leads them to another world. How
many books/films can you name where a door is a portal to another world?
Imagine that you have found a secret doorway. You need to describe in as much detail the
world that you discover on the other side of the door.
- What do you notice first about the world?
- Does it have any similarities to our world?
- Describe the senses: What catches your eye first? What scents are in the atmosphere?
  Can you hear anything?
- What do you choose to discover first?
- Are there any people around that you could ask to find out more information? Are you
  the only person in this world?
- How do you feel as you explore this new environment? What makes you feel this way?
  Challenge: Create a simile to describe this emotion.

     Try to vary your vocabulary as much as possible to ensure that your description is
     exciting to read. Remember – this world has been created from your imagination,
     therefore, you need to describe it in depth so that your reader can imagine every

     Define the words below and see how many you can include in your writing:

              Peculiar                 Inquisitive                 Tranquil
            Picturesque                Abandoned                 Extraordinary
              Dazzling               Overwhelming                  Daunting

Summer challenges – LEADER Award (complete at least 4 – write up accounts
           or take photos of you completing these challenges)

Bake a cake (some great recipes    Grow something – you don’t have to          Research the work of great authors,          Read a non-fiction book on a topic
           are here)                  have a garden – you could grow            scientists, mathematicians, actors,        that interests you and write at least
http://www.maryberry.co.uk/re           some herbs in your kitchen            architects – start to build a fact file of          10 facts that you learn.
         cipes/baking              https://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/grow       important people who have changed the
                                                -your-own                                      world.

Think of one thing you can do to   Complete 3 random acts of kindness       What did you learn about yourself during            Have a big clear out of your
  help the environment and try     – can you do something that makes         the lockdown? What will you remember          belongings and donate anything that
 doing it! Write about what you       someone’s day without them              about it? Write a letter to your future      you do not need to charity (with your
  did and bring your account to           knowing it was you?               grandchildren explaining what it was like.          parent/carer’s permission!)
      school in September.

Research a charity that you care    Design 3 different healthy lunches;    What do you think your new routine will be         Make a timetable for your new
  about – plan something to        you could also design three different   at secondary school? Ask someone in your            routine for Loxford School in
      fundraise for them.             lunchboxes for your lunches.         family or an older friend what their routine                 September.
                                                                             is like? What time do they leave in the
                                                                            morning? What do they take with them to
Summer project – Art

The elements of art are the building blocks or ingredients of art; Line, Colour, Value (Tone), Shape, Form, Space, Texture and Pattern. The
principles of art are what we use to organise the elements of art or the tools to make art; Balance, Emphasis, Contrast, Rhythm and
Movement, Unity, Variety, and Proportion.
Task: Design and create a research and information poster on two A4 sheets or one A3 sheet of paper, in either landscape or portrait format. You
should demonstrate the elements of art through first-hand drawing and complete a scavenger hunt to find examples of the principles of art. The
poster should show experimentation with cutting as well as including annotations or definitions for the elements or principles of design you have
selected. There is no set format; be as creative as possible!

Summer project – PSCHE

Write a short answer to one or more of these questions…
   a. What is physical and emotional health?

   b. How can we keep ourselves safe as citizens?

   c. What types of bullying are there?

   d. What are human rights?

   e. Research a political party of your choice
Summer project - Drama

Are you a budding scriptwriter?

Do you have a story to tell?

Can you think of plots and characters?

Your task:

Write a short play (to last no more than 5 minutes) about leaving primary school.

How do you feel about moving on?

What will you miss?

What are you excited about?

Do you think other people will feel the same?

Try to make the play interesting to watch. It would be good to have only a few characters in
the play, so that when you come to Loxford School you might perform it to friends and

English Challenge
                                                                                         *POV = point of view



                    Read a book from every colour of the board
Write the title of the book in the coloured rectangle at the top of the space you have
  Show your completed Loxfordopoly board to your English teacher in September
Loxfordopoly – ideas of novels
Novels with a teenage protagonist   Set in the future            Non-fiction articles
- The Fault in Our Stars            - Divergent                  - Newsround
- Lord of the Flies                 - 1984                       - The Guardian
                                    - Fahrenheit 451             - The Week
Part of a series                    Set in a different country   Shakespeare play
- A series of unfortunate events    - The Help                   - A Midsummer Night’s
- Harry Potter and the              - The life of Pi                Dream
   Philosopher’s stone              - The Tattooist of           - Julius Caesar
- The Lion, the Witch and the           Auschwitz                - Hamlet
Written by a British author         400 pages or more            Dystopian
- The Curious Incident of the Dog   - Great Expectations:        - The Giver
   in the Night-time                - The Fellowship of The      - The Chrysalids
- The Woman in Black                   Ring

More than one point of view         Written in 19th century      Poem about different
- Wonder                            - The Strange Case of Dr     culture:
- The Help                             Jekyll & Mr Hyde          - Nothing’s Changed
                                    - Oliver Twist               - Search for my Tongue
                                    - Emma                       - Blessing
Female lead character               Book that became a film      American author
- Coraline                          - The Maze Runner            - To Kill A Mockingbird
- The Hunger Games                  - Alice’s Adventures in      - Holes
                                    - Jane Eyre
Historical event                    Autobiographical             Recommended by your
- Private Peaceful                  - Diary of Anne Frank        teachers
- Once                              - The Reason I Jump          - Pride and Prejudice
- The Book Thief                    - Mud, Sweat and Tears –     - The Secret Garden
                                       Bear Grylls               - A Study in Scarlet
                                                                    (Sherlock Holmes)
Summer project – Computing

1. Find the key words in the word search

2. Write a definition of 5 words you did not know
Summer project – Food Technology
Research – Use these websites/videos to gather information about nutrients (fat, protein,
carbohydrates, water, vitamins & minerals) that are found in food and their functions within
the body. Create a poster/infographic that you can keep on the fridge as a reminder!



Cook – Plan, prepare and cook one dish each week! Some suggestions for you: couscous salad,
pizza, bread rolls, vegetable soup, flapjacks, courgette and cheese muffins…the list is endless.
Plan – organise your shopping list. Challenge yourself by using your maths skills to cost the
dish. Prepare yourself, ingredients and equipment ready for cooking.
Present - The visual appearance of a dish is as important as its flavour. Taking time to present
food in a thoughtful way can make a dish look “good enough to eat”!

Use this fantastic website to help you to present your food and take photos! You can keep a
food journal and show this to Mrs Nicholls (food teacher) when you start your food lessons.
Evaluate – Evaluate your food using the senses to describe the taste, texture, appearance,
smell and even sound! When we taste food we can record the sensory characteristics using a
star chart. Select sensory vocabulary that best describes your dish and give it a rating out of
For example, when making brownies one of the attributes could be gooey. If the brownies
were very gooey in the centre I would give a rating of 5. If the brownies were dry and hard I
would give a rating of 1. See the example on the next page.
Have fun!

Support for writing sensory evaluations
Sensory attributes WORD BANK: words to describe food characteristics using senses characteristics.

     How to complete star profile

                      Summer project – Geography

                     Before                                           After
Research a natural disaster
  -   Volcano
  -   Earthquake
  -   Flood
  -   Hurricane

  Produce a fact sheet/poster about it!

Summer project – History
Task 1 – biography
Biographies are stories about real people and tell us about their life. Research and write a
biography on a famous historical figure. Pick one of the people we learn about in Years 7-9
at Loxford School
       -    Edward the Confessor                    -   Archduke Franz Ferdinand
       -    William the Conqueror                   -   Adolf Hitler
       -    Queen Mary I                            -   Josef Stalin
       -    Queen Elizabeth I                       -   Winston Churchill
       -    King James I                            -   John F. Kennedy
       -    King Charles I                          -   Ronald Reagan
       -    Oliver Cromwell                         -   Mikhail Gorbachev

As a minimum you should include:
   -       Date and place of birth
   -       Childhood and family
   -       Education
   -       Work
   -       Major achievements
   -       Date and place of death
   -       Images
Task 2 – timeline
Below is a list of important historical events. Can you write the correct event next to the
correct year on the timeline on the next page?

       •    Humans came into existence              •   Beginning of Tudor Period
       •    Second World War begins                 •   Iron Age
       •    Bronze Age                              •   Apollo mission lands on the moon
       •    First Viking attacks on Britain         •   United Kingdom established
       •    Beginning of Victorian period           •   Dinosaurs walked the Earth
       •    The Big Bang                            •   Founding of Scotland
       •    Norman invasion of England              •   First World War begins

Summer project – Maths
Can you recite your times tables up to 12? Practice these
             over the summer if you can’t!
Summer project – Music

Task: Research the seven elements of music and create a poster which includes
the definitions. These terms will form the basis of your music education
throughout your time at secondary school.
Summer project - French
Practise these important key words.
Draw or print a picture of your family – using these key words can
you label it in French?
Very important verbs
Avoir                              To have
J’ai                               I have
Tu as                              You have
Il a                               He has
Elle a                             She has
On a                               We have
Nous avons                         We have
Vous avez                          You all have
Ils ont                            They have
Elles ont                          They (girls) have

Etre                               T be
Je suis                            I am
Tu es                              You are
Il est                             He is
Elle est                           She is
On est                             We are
Nous sommes                        We are
Vous êtes                          You all are
Ils sont                           They are
Elles sont                         They (girls) are

Vocabulary for describing my family
           Ma famille                         Ma famille
            Mon père                  My Dad (sounds like pear)
            Ma mère                            My Mum
            Mon frère                         My brother
            Ma sœur                   My sister (sounds like ‘Sir’)
          Mes parents                         My parents
        Mon grand-père                       My grandad
        Ma grand-mère                        My grandma
       Mes grands-parents                 My grandparents
           Mon oncle                           My uncle
            Ma tante                           My aunty
           Ma cousine                      My cousin (girl)
           Mon cousin                     My counsin (boy)
        Mon beau père                        My step dad
         Ma belle mère                       My step mum
        Mon demi-frère                  My step/half brother
         Ma demi-sœur                    My step/half sister
           Il s’appelle                       He is called
          Elle s’appelle                     She is called
         Ils s’appellent                    They are called
        Elles s’appellent               They (girls) are called

As-tu des frères ou des sœurs ?         Do you have any brothers or
                                        sisters ?
J’ai un frère                           I have a brother
Il s’appelle                            He is called
J’ai deux frères                        I have 2 brothers
J’ai trois frères                       I have 3 brothers
Ils s’appellent                         They are called
J’ai un demi-frère                      I have a half/step brother
J’ai deux demi frères                   I have two half/step brothers
Je n’ai pas de frère                    I don’t have any brothers
J’ai une sœur                           I have a sister
Elle s’appelle                          She is called
J’ai deux sœurs                         I have two sisters
J’ai trois sœurs                        I have three sisters
Elles s’appellent                       They are called
J’ai une demi-sœur                      I have a half/step sister
J’ai deux demi-sœurs                    I have two half/step sisters
Je n’ai pas de sœur                     I don’t have any sisters
Je suis fils unique                     I am an only child (boy)
Je suis fille unique                    I am an only child (girl)

Adjectives to describe someone in French
Adjectives to describe a   Adjectives to describe a   Translation in English
boy                        girl

Intelligent                Intelligente               Intelligent
Marrant/drôle              Marrante/drôle             Funny
Poli                       Polie                      Polite
Généreux                   Généreuse                  Generous
Fabuleux                   Fabuleuse                  Fabulous
Gentil                     Gentille                   Kind
Bavard                     Bavarde                    Chatty
Pénible                    Pénible                    Annoying
Compréhensif               Compréhensive              Understanding

J’ai les cheveux courts     I have short hair
J’ai les cheveux longs      I have long hair
J’ai les cheveux raides     I have straight hair
J’ai les cheveux bouclés    I have wavy hair
J’ai les cheveux frisés     I have curly hair
J’ai les cheveux noirs      I have black hair
J’ai les cheveux bruns      I have brown hair
J’ai les cheveux blonds     I have blond hair
J’ai les cheveux roux       I have ginger hair
J’ai les cheveux gris       I have grey hair
J’ai les cheveux blancs     I have white hair
J’ai les yeux bleus         I have blue eyes
J’ai les yeux verts         I have green eyes
J’ai les yeux gris          I have grey eyes
J’ai les yeux marron        I have brown eyes
J’ai des lunettes           I have glasses
J’ai une barbe              I have a beard
J’ai une moustache          I have a moustache
Je suis petit(e)            I am small
Je suis grand(e)            I am tall
Je suis de taille moyenne   I am medium height
Je suis marrant(e)          I am funny
Je suis bavard(e)           I am chatty
Je suis intelligent(e)      I am intelligent
Je suis poli(e)             I am polite

Summer project - Spanish
Practise these important key words.
Draw or print a picture of your family – using these key words can
you label it in Spanish?
Very important verbs
Tener                                 To have
Tengo                                 I have
Tienes                                You have
Tiene                                 He/she has
Tenemos                               We have
Tenéis                                You all have
Tienen                                They have

Ser                                   To be (for descriptions)
Soy                                   I am
Eres                                  You are
Es                                    He/she is
Somos                                 We are
Sois                                  You all are
Son                                   They are

Vocabulary for describing my family
           Mi familia                            Ma famille
            Mi padre                              My Dad
            Mi madre                              My Mum
           Mi hermano                     My brother (“h” is silent)
           Mi hermana                      My sister (“h” is silent)
           Mis padres                           My parents
            Mi abuelo                           My grandad
            Mi abuela                          My grandma
Mis abuelos            My grandparents
             Mi tío                 My uncle
             Mi tía                 My aunty
           Mi prima              My cousin (girl)
           Mi primo              My cousin (boy)
         Mi padrastro              My step dad
         Mi madrastra             My step mum
        Mi hermanastro         My step/half brother
        Mi hermanastra          My step/half sister
            Se llama             He/She is called
           Se llaman             They are called

¿Tienes hermanos ?       Do you have any brothers or
                         sisters ?
Tengo un hermano         I have a brother
Que se llama             Who is called
Tengo dos hermanos       I have 2 brothers
Tengo tres hermanos      I have 3 brothers
Que se llaman            who are called
Tengo una hermanastra    I have a half/step brother
Tengo dos hermanastros   I have two half/step brothers
No tengo hermanos        I don’t have any brothers
Tengo una hermana        I have a sister
Que se llama             who is called
Tengo dos hermanas       I have two sisters
Tengo tres hermanas      I have three sisters
Que se llaman            who are called
Tengo una hermanastra    I have a half/step sister
Tengo dos hermanastras   I have two half/step sisters
No tengo hermanas        I don’t have any sisters
Soy hijo único           I am an only child (boy)
Soy hija única           I am an only child (girl)

Adjectives to describe someone in Spanish
Adjectives to describe a   Adjectives to describe a    Translation in English
boy (masculine)            girl (feminine)

Inteligente                Inteligente                 Intelligent
Divertido                  Divertida                   Funny
Educado                    Educada                     Polite
Generoso                   Generosa                    Generous
Fabuloso                   Fabulosa                    Fabulous
Amable                     Amable                      Kind
Charlatán                  Charlatana                  Chatty
Molesto                    Molesta                     Annoying
Comprensivo                Comprensiva                 Understanding

Tengo el pelo corto                      I have short hair
Tengo el pelo largo                      I have long hair
Tengo el pelo liso                       I have straight hair
Tengo el pelo ondulado                   I have wavy hair
Tengo el pelo rizado                     I have curly hair
Tengo el pelo negro                      I have black hair
Tengo el pelo castaño                    I have brown hair
Tengo el pelo rubio                      I have blond hair
Soy pelirrojo*                           I have ginger hair
Tengo canas                              I have grey hair
Tengo el pelo blanco                     I have white hair
Tengo los ojos azules                    I have blue eyes
Tengo los ojos verdes                    I have green eyes
Tengo los ojos grises                    I have grey eyes
Tengo los ojos marrones                  I have brown eyes
Llevo gafas*                             I wear glasses
Tengo barba                              I have a beard
Tengo bigote                    I have a moustache
 Soy bajo/baja                   I am small
 Soy alto/alta                   I am tall
 Soy de talla mediana            I am medium height
 Soy divertido/divertida         I am funny
 Soy charlatan/charlatan         I am chatty
 Soy inteligente                 I am intelligent
 Soy educado/educada             I am polite
*They don’t follow the pattern

Summer project - PE

Are you a keen athlete, or do you prefer to watch sport on TV? Answer the following
questions for your PE teachers. You could add pictures or drawings
   1.   What is your favourite sport and why?
   2.   Who is your favourite athlete or team and why?
   3.   Which clubs do you belong to?
   4.   What is your greatest sporting achievement or best sporting memory?

Summer project - Science
Science is all around you, so can you...

1) Find 5 different species of animal in your garden/park
Where did you find them? What was their habitat like? What might happen if
you moved them to a different habitat?

2) Find 3 different species of plant
Did they all look the same? How were they different? Do they all need the
same things to live?

3) Watch a science documentary on TV/YouTube/Netflix/BBC
Why not watch a programme with David Attenborough or Brian Cox? What did
you learn from this documentary?

4) Find out how things work in your house
How does the...... microwave work? The TV remote? The toaster?
Where does your water come from and how is it cleaned?
How do the brakes on your bike/car work?
How does your heart work to keep you alive?

5) Try some at home experiments
You can type the following into YouTube or google to show you how!
         • Science Experiments for Kids
         • Science bob.com- easy experiments you can do at home
         • YouTube- at home easy science experiments

Summer project - RE

Research the six major religions in this country and create a fact page on each. Use the
following points to collect your facts:

-What are the religions?
-What do they call people who practise the religions?
-What beliefs do they have about God?
-Do all the religions believe in God?
- Which countries in the world practise the religions?

Summer project – Checklist

Activity                                Complete? (Y/N)
Letter to Form Tutor
Creative writing challenge
LEADER challenge 1
LEADER challenge 2
LEADER challenge 3
LEADER challenge 4
Art Challenge
PSCHE Challenge
Drama Challenge
English Challenge
Computing Challenge
Food Technology Challenge
Geography Challenge
History Challenge
Maths Challenge
Music Challenge
PE Challenge
French Challenge
Spanish Challenge
RE Challenge

We cannot wait to see you in
We understand things have been very different this year. By
now we may have met you three or more times, at your taster
day, your admissions interview and at a ‘meet the tutor event’.
We want to reassure you that when you join us in September,
we will take the time to make sure you have all the
information you need. Until then, make sure you have viewed
all of the information on our website: www.loxford.net and
click on the Year 7 2020 tab to find everything you need to
know and take the virtual tour of the School.
Please telephone the School on 0208 514 4666 if you have any
unanswered questions, or email Miss. Roberts on

             Have a restful and happy summer,

               From all of us at Loxford School.

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