Lynas Kalgoorlie Pop Up Information June 2021

Lynas Kalgoorlie Pop Up Information June 2021
Lynas Kalgoorlie
Pop Up Information
June 2021

Lynas Kalgoorlie Pop Up Information June 2021
Process Flow
Lynas Kalgoorlie Pop Up Information June 2021
Process Description

      Mine and Concentrator - Mt Weld:
      Rare Earth ore is mined at Mt Weld and treated in the on site Concentrator which consists of comminution, froth flotation and
      concentrate dewatering circuits to produce a Rare Earth concentrate ready for transport.

      To minimise handling and dust generation, the concentrate will be transported to the proposed Rare Earths Processing Facility
      (REPF) in Kalgoorlie by sealed containers.

Rare Earth Processing Facility – Kalgoorlie:
The Mt Weld concentrate is fed directly from sealed containers into the feed hopper without any additional handling to minimise dust generation.
Concentrate is mixed with acid and baked in a kiln to make the Rare Earths soluble in water.
The Rare Earth solution is neutralised and filtered to remove impurities, which form a solid Iron Phosphate by-product filter cake (which contains insoluble Thorium).
The filter cake is mixed with recycled acid and filtered to recover un-leached Rare Earths.
The Iron Phosphate is recovered in the resulting filter cake and will be stored at the off site By-products Storage Facility.
The Rare Earth solution is precipitated as a Rare Earth carbonate which is railed and shipped to Malaysia for refining.
Recovered water from the process is neutralised with lime, forming gypsum, and recycled through a Reverse Osmosis plant.
The gypsum is recovered as a by-product which will be stored at the By-product Storage Facility with the Iron Phosphate.

By-product Storage Facility – Kalgoorlie:
Iron Phosphate and Gypsum from the Rare Earth Processing Facility will be transported to the By-product Storage Facility in fully covered triple tippers.
The Iron Phosphate will be built up in the centre of the storage facility stockpile and will be capped with the gypsum over time.
The stockpile will be built using conventional techniques, using mobile equipment.
Run-off water from the Iron Phosphate stockpile will be collected in a stormwater dam and evaporated, clean rainfall run-off will be diverted with minimal interruption to
the surface water features.
Lynas Kalgoorlie Pop Up Information June 2021
Lynas Kalgoorlie Pop Up Information June 2021
Site Locations

Rare Earths Processing              By-product Storage                By-product Transportation
Facility, Located at 70 Johns       Facility (Yarri Road)
Road, Yilkari (Lot 500)                                               •   26km by road between the
                                    •   North-East of Kalgoorlie          Rare Earth Processing
•   South-West of Kalgoorlie                                              Facility and By-product
                                    •   Close to City of Kalgoorlie       Storage Facility via heavy
•   135 ha, classified as General       Boulder land fill site            haulage route
                                    •   535 ha classified as rural,   •   Triple road trains proposed
                                        only 100 ha proposed to be
Lynas Kalgoorlie Pop Up Information June 2021
Stakeholder Engagement
Lynas Kalgoorlie Pop Up Information June 2021
Our Commitment to the Kalgoorlie Community
 Lynas cares for the communities in which we work and live, making it a priority to take an active role in building
 better communities. We aim to make a positive contribution to local employment, skills, education, health, and the

Employ Local                                                              Community Participation
We are committed to employing locally. We recognise the importance of     Lynas and our employees are actively engaged with our local
local employment to our communities. We value and embrace diversity in    communities and provide opportunities for the community to be engaged
our workforce.                                                            in Lynas activities.

At Kalgoorlie, we will employ local residents and candidates who will     Our key areas of support include: health and wellness, education and
relocate to the region.                                                   employment, and vulnerable community members.

Buy Local                                                                 Aboriginal Participation
Lynas will preference local, then regional and WA businesses and          Lynas acknowledges and respects the traditional custodians of the land on
suppliers. Lynas recognises the positive impacts local businesses make    which we operate.
on our communities. To support this Lynas will:
                                                                          Lynas is committed to developing long-term, beneficial, and
• Incorporate a premium allowance for locals in our procurement           reciprocal partnerships. We aim to increase training, employment and
  processes                                                               supplier opportunities for Aboriginal people and enrich our workforce
• Maintain a procurement portal for local businesses to register their    through inclusion, understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal cultures.
• Where possible split tender packages, to encourage local suppliers to   Lynas will engage and consult with Aboriginal Traditional Land Owners and
  participate                                                             community groups in Kalgoorlie.
• Partner with major contractors to support local content e.g. local
  employees and suppliers.                                                You can read more in our WA Community Statement of Commitment
Lynas Kalgoorlie Pop Up Information June 2021
Flora and Vegetation at Lot 500

     Rare Earth Processing Facility, Lot 500   Typical vegetation at Lot 500
Lynas Kalgoorlie Pop Up Information June 2021
Flora and Vegetation at Lot 500

 An uncleared buffer zone of up to 50 metres will be retained around the Rare Earth Processing Facility
 (REPF) site. The site will be progressively cleared and large trees retained wherever possible.

EPA Objective: To protect flora and vegetation so that biological diversity and ecological integrity are

“None of the plant taxa recorded from the study area were gazetted as Threatened Flora pursuant to the Biodiversity
Conservation Act 2016 (BC Act), or listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
(EPBC Act). There were no Priority flora taxa, as listed by the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and
Attractions (DBCA), recorded from the study area, and none of the plant taxa recorded were considered to represent a
significant range extension from their current known distributions.”

- Report: Onshore Environmental. (April 2020). Detailed Flora and Vegetation Survey Lot 500 Great Eastern Highway, Yilkari.
Lynas Kalgoorlie Pop Up Information June 2021
Flora and Vegetation at Yarri Road

         By-product Storage Facility, Yarri Road
Flora and Vegetation at Yarri Road

 The By-product Storage Facility (BSF) has been relocated on site to avoid interaction with the Eremophila
 Praecox located on the site.

EPA Objective: To protect flora and vegetation so that biological diversity and ecological integrity are

“None of the plant taxa currently identified from the study area were gazetted as Threatened Flora pursuant to the
Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (BC Act) or listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation
Act 1999 (EPBC Act). Based on the database searches completed as part of the desktop assessment, no Threatened
flora species were likely to occur
within the study area.”

“One species recorded from the study area was listed as a Priority flora taxon by the Department of Biodiversity
Conservation and Attractions (DBCA); Eremophila praecox (Priority 2). Eremophila praecox was recorded as a total
of seven plants from six point locations within the study area. It reached a maximum height of one metre and was
recorded on hardpan plains. Seven additional locations for this species were recorded outside the study area

- Report: Onshore Environmental. (April 2021). Detailed Flora and Vegetation Survey for By-product Storage
By-product Storage Capping Design

                                                                        10m capping

Conceptual design of the By-product Storage Facility

Terrestrial Environmental Quality

Yarri Road By-product Storage Facility
Landform Modelling of stockpile after closure by Soilwater Consultants

Erosion of Landform 1000 years after closure

                                                                                                             Encapsulated IP

                                                                           Landform at
                                                                         closure (year 0)

Erosion of Landform 5000 years after closure

                                                                                                             Encapsulated IP

                                              Iron Phosphate remains encapsulated with 10m of gypsum cover
Terrestrial Environmental Quality

Yarri Road:                                                              The final closure design for the By-product Storage
                                                                         facility will use the gypsum to encapsulate the Iron
“The results of LEM modelling of the two cover scenarios show
that surface stability in both scenarios is not high, with large
                                                                         Phosphate. A cover scenario utilising waste rock
sediment movement and loss occurring over the modelled                   material as a stabilising agent in a 50:50 ratio with
timeframe in both scenarios. The mixed cover system displayed            the gypsum has been selected for the mine closure
higher resistance to erosion as would be expected, and                   design. When by-product material becomes
significantly also largely retained the over batter berm design          available in sufficient quantity testing will be
configuration over the length of the model. However neither              conducted to increase the long term stability of the
cover scenario outcome can be considered stable over the long            landform after closure.
term for closure purposes. Based on these outcomes the
following recommendations are made:

•   Carry out direct measurements of material erodibility and           Lot 500:
    surface runoff / permeability characteristics in a laboratory
                                                                        “This greenfield site has no soil or groundwater quality
    setting for the different components of all proposed cover
                                                                        characteristics that would indicate any pre-existing
                                                                        contamination or preclude the proposed use of the site for a
•   Consider different cover system materials and/or proportions        REPF. Specific conclusions for soils and groundwater are set
    to increase long term surface stability of the closure design.”     out in the sections below.”

- Report: Soilwater Consultants. (2021). Landform Evolution Modelling   - Report: Ramboll. (May 2020). Baseline Soil and Groundwater
(LEM) for By-Products Storage Facility.                                 Investigation for Lot 500 Great Eastern Highway, Kalgoorlie.
Terrestrial Fauna

         Arid Bronze Azure Butterfly   Larvae has symbiotic relationship with sugar ants
Terrestrial Fauna

 The survey found no evidence of suitable colonies for the host sugar ant (Camponotus sp. nr. terebrans) at
 any of the 235 trees sampled across the two sites. It is therefore concluded that the likelihood of direct or
 indirect impact on the Arid Bronze Azure Butterfly is considered to be low to negligible.”

EPA Objective: To protect terrestrial fauna so that biological diversity and ecological integrity are maintained

Arid Bronze Azure Butterfly                                            Yarri Road
“Desktop environmental surveys identified that the study               “No evidence of any conservation significant fauna
areas were within the potential range of the Arid Bronze               species was recorded within the study area. Three
Azure Butterfly (Ogyris subterrestris petrina) host sugar ant          significant species have the potential to occur within the
(Camponotus sp. nr. terebrans). The Arid Bronze Azure                  study area; the Malleefowl, Rainbow Bee-eater and
Butterfly is listed as Critically Endangered under the                 Carnaby’s Cockatoo. While suitable habitat exists for
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act
                                                                       the Rainbow Bee-eater and Carnaby’s Cockatoo, the
1999 (EPBC Act) and the Biodiversity Conservation Act
                                                                       study area is not considered suitable breeding habitat
2016 (BC Act).”
                                                                       for these species. The area was extensively ground
- Report: Onshore Environmental. (March 2021). Survey of Arid Bronze   truthed for evidence of Malleefowl and no nesting
Azure Butterfly. Cracking and Leaching and By-product Storage Site
                                                                       mounds or evidence of this species was recorded.”
                                                                       - Report: Onshore Environmental. (February 2021). Detailed and Targeted
                                                                       Fauna Survey By-product Storage Site
Inland Waters – Lot 500

                          Ground water monitoring Lot 500
Inland Waters – Lot 500

 The predicted seepage rates obtained show that any seepage generated from these two facilities is unlikely
 to impact on the underlying groundwater aquifer

EPA Objective: To maintain the hydrological regimes and quality of groundwater and surface water so that
environmental values are protected.

Lot 500:

“From a hydrogeological perspective this site is well suited to the proposed use with little to no significant groundwater
resources present nor any impact potential to know or potential Ground Dependent Ecosystems (GDE). Baseline
groundwater conditions at the site have been captured for comparison to future monitoring

- Reports: Ramboll. (May 2020). Baseline Soil and Groundwater Investigation for Lot 500 Great Eastern Highway, Kalgoorlie.

“The predicted seepage rates obtained for Lot 500 REPF and Yarri Road BSF show that any seepage generated from these
two facilities is unlikely to impact on the underlying groundwater aquifer due to the negligible volume of seepage reaching the
water table. Even under worst case conditions (i.e. field capacity), the seepage rate interacting with the underlying aquifer is
equivalent to the accepted DoW (2013) Clay Liner seepage rate (10-9 m/s).”

- Soilwater Consultants. (March 2021). Seepage Assessment for Lynas Rare Earths – Yarri Road and Lot 500.
Inland Waters – Yarri Road
Inland Waters – Yarri Road

    The By-product Storage Facility has been located on the Yarri Road site to minimise impact on the natural
    drainage systems. Natural water flows are directed around the facility by bunds.

EPA Objective: To maintain the hydrological regimes and quality of groundwater and surface water so that
environmental values are protected.

“The predicted seepage rates obtained for Lot 500 REPF and Yarri Road BSF show that any seepage generated from these two
facilities is unlikely to impact on the underlying groundwater aquifer due to the negligible volume of seepage reaching the water table.
Even under worst case conditions (i.e. field capacity), the seepage rate interacting with the underlying aquifer is equivalent to the
accepted DoW (2013) Clay Liner seepage rate (10-9 m/s).”

- Report: Soilwater Consultants. (March 2021). Seepage Assessment for Lynas Rare Earths – Yarri Road and Lot 500.

“The development is likely to have the following impacts to hydrological processes after appropriate surface water management:
•    Minimal impact to annual flow volumes and the hydrological regime in most of the sub-catchments which cross the development
     areas following the installation of culverts and drain diversion structures,

•    Minor reduction in surface water flow volumes and altered hydrologic variability downstream of the development.”
- Report: Soilwater Consultants. (March 2021). Lynas Storage Facility Surface Hydrology Assessment.
Air Quality

      Dust monitoring station at Lot 500   Waste Gas Treatment Plant at Lynas Malaysia
3D Model of the Kalgoorlie
                5-stage Waste Gas Treatment Plant
                                                     1. First Venturi
                                                        • Reduces the gas temperature
                                                        • Scrubs SO3 and particulates.
                                                     2. Second Venturi
                                                        • Scrubs residual SO3 and particulates.
                                                        • Eliminates acid mist.
                                                     3. Spray Tower
                                                        • Scrubs SO2 and acid mist
                                                     4. WESP
                                                        • Scrubs sub-micron particles and acid mist

                                         Venturi 1
                 Emergency                           5. Stack
                  System                                • Final gas exhaust
                             Venturi 2


Air Quality
 Our environmental systems for Kalgoorlie are based on improvements to the proven design used at Lynas
 Malaysia. Dust monitoring stations have been set up for use during construction, commissioning and
 operation of the plant.

EPA Objective: To maintain air quality and minimise emissions so that environmental values are protected.

“The project only (REPF Lot 500 and the Yarri Road facility only) predicted maximum ground level concentrations for all modelled
pollutants are below the relevant air quality assessment criteria, and generally present a low risk of potential impact to the sensitive
receptors identified.”

“Where regional ambient monitoring data is available (particulates and combustion gases only), potential cumulative impacts have
been assessed. The cumulative results (with background concentrations included) shows that the existing ambient concentration of the
modelled pollutant are more dominant than the project related emissions. The predicted cumulative results are less than the
assessment criteria, and also indicate a low risk of potential impact to sensitive receptors identified.”

- Reports: ETA. (March 2021). Kalgoorlie Rare Earths Processing Plant – Air Quality Impact Assessment.

The REPF environmental systems are based on an improvement to the proven design used in the LAMP facility in Malaysia. Stack
discharge gases will have continuous online SO2 monitoring. Compared with the Gidji Roaster, the RE Processing Facility (REPF) is
expected to discharge only 130ppm or 0.13% of the 99,600ppm of SO2 discharged from the roaster. Under worst conditions the
REPF is only expected to increase the cumulative SO2 emission by 2 .1% at the nearest receptor in any hourly period.

Dust monitoring stations have been set up for use during construction, commissioning and operation of the plant.
Social Surroundings – Noise

        Original Design       With Noise Control
Social Surroundings – Noise

EPA Objective: To protect social surroundings from significant harm                            “With the noise control measures
                                                                                               implemented the Rare Earths
Lot 500:                                                                                       Processing Facility (REFP) is
“With the noise control measures implemented the REPF is predicted to comply                   predicted to comply with the
with the assigned noise levels at all sensitive receivers.”                                    assigned noise levels at all sensitive
- Reports: Talis Consultants. (June 2020). Rare Earths Processing Facility Yilkari, Western
Australia: Environmental Noise Impact Assessment.

The following actions have been implemented during the design of the
REPF:                                                                                         Yarri Road
• The facility layout has been optimised to ensure pumps and drives are                       “The BSF is predicted to be compliant with the
   shielded from the receivers located North and West of the facility.                        Regulations. As a result, no mitigation or
• For equipment items which cannot be relocated, shielding will be applied to                 management measures are proposed. Post
   these items.                                                                               commissioning noise monitoring of the BSF will
• Shielding walls applied to some top contributing noise sources.                             be undertaken which will be used to confirm the
• Equipment specifications using low noise specifications based on model                      model outcomes.”
   outputs used to ensure that vendor equipment meets required noise levels.
                                                                                              - Reports: Talis Consultants. (February 2021). Lynas By-
• A 9m high bund located North of the plant (i.e. Gypsum Storage bund), and
                                                                                              products Storage Facility (BSF) – Environmental Noise
   a 2m high fence placed on the plant facing edge of this bund.                              Assessment.
• A 3m high bund located West of the plant (i.e. Iron Phosphate bund), and a
   2m high fence placed on the plant facing edge of this bund.
Social Surroundings – Heritage
      EPA Environmental Factor Guideline for Social Surroundings states:
      Most of Western Australia is remote and Aboriginal people have lived throughout the entire state. As such, the EPA recognises that not
      all significant Aboriginal heritage is registered. It is important that the necessary surveys and consultations are undertaken to ascertain
      the presence of objects or sites customarily used by or traditional to Aboriginal people that are important and significant.

Lot 500:                                            Yarri Road
A search of the State Government Aboriginal         Native title has not been extinguished over the Yarri Road
Heritage Inquiry System (April 2020)                site. The Aboriginal Heritage Inquiry System (AHIS)                Lynas acknowledges
indicates that there are no identified sites        shows that the site is free from indigenous heritage               and respects the
within the proximity of Lot 500.                    constraints.                                                       traditions custodians of
                                                                                                                       the land on which we
AHIS Survey Report 20850 – Archaeological           Lynas has:
and Ethnographic Site Avoidance Survey of           • Committed to progressing Native Title negotiations
Water Storage Reservoirs, which included               including identification of heritage survey monitors            We have undertaken
Lot 500 concluded:                                     endorsed by Traditional Owners to conduct
                                                                                                                       discussions with a
                                                       archaeological and ethnographic assessments at the
“9.2 Ethnographic investigations of the                BSF site prior to land disturbance                              number of local
project area found no sites or areas of             • Committed to Implement a Cultural Heritage                       stakeholders and have
significance to the various informant groups.          Management Plan in consultation with the EPA and                recently engaged with
9.3 No archaeological issues were identified           Traditional Owners                                              the Goldfields Native
during the archaeological survey process”           • Provided a letter of commitment to the EPA, which                Service and the
                                                       includes, the acceptance/non-objection to any pre-              Goldfields Aboriginal
                                                       construction Ministerial Condition that the EPA
                                                                                                                       Chambers of Commerce.
                                                       recommends be imposed on the organisation prior to
                                                       commencement of ground disturbance at Yarri Road
Social Surroundings – Health

EPA Objective: To protect social surroundings from significant harm

“The radiation impact assessment shows estimated doses are well below the limits to both workers and the public
with no impact to the environment expected. Through application of the ALARA principle of radiation protection, it is
expected there will be no radiological impact to workers, the public or environment.”

- Reports: Lynas Rare Earths. (April 2021). Lynas Kalgoorlie Rare Earths Processing Facility Radiation Impact Assessment
Lynas Rare Earths. (April 2021). Lynas Kalgoorlie Rare Earths Processing Facility Radiation Management Plan
(Approved by Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety, 8 April 2021)

                              Group                             Estimated Dose                        Regulatory Dose Limit
                                                                  (mSv/year)                               (mSv/year)
                            Workers                                      1.6                                       20.0
                              Public                                     0.3                                        1.0
                          Environment                       No measurable impact                                     -
Radiation in Perspective

Mt Weld Concentrate

•   Approximately 3 times more
    radiation on an international
    flight than standing next to Mt
    Weld concentrate

•   A single chest CT scan is
    equivalent to 4 years working
    with Mt Weld concentrate

•   “You would receive more
    radiation from a long-haul flight
    than standing next to Mt Weld
Baseline Environmental Radiation Monitoring

                     •     Baseline monitoring plan approved by WA regulators in 2020.
                     •     Monitoring approximately 85% complete.
                     •     Radiation levels in air, soil, water and dust covered in monitoring plan.

                         Parameter               Measurement Technique           Progress
                         Gamma Radiation         Gamma monitor & GPS             Complete

                                                 High-volume sampler & gross
                         Atmospheric Dust                                        Complete
                                                 alpha activity concentration
                         Radon & Thoron in air   Landauer Radtrak2 pairs         Final monitoring round underway
                                                 Radionuclide analysis (U, Th,
                         Water Quality           Ra-226, Ra-228, gross           Complete
                                                 Thorium & uranium chain
                     Soil                                                        Complete
Economic and Social Impact

                       Work on Lot 500
REMPLAN Economic Impact Model

A REMPLAN Economic Impact Model was developed for Lynas by the Goldfields-Esperance Development
Commission in July-2020
Outcomes of the report from this modelling are summarised below:

Operations:                                                      Construction:

Lynas has estimated that 120 people will be directly             Through REMPLAN modelling, it is estimated that the
employed by the project as staff or directly employed            project construction will, on average, have a direct
contractors. The flow-on effect to the Goldfields-Esperance      workforce of 120 people over a 2 year period. Lynas
region is expected to increase regional employment by            expects that peak manning for the project will average 180
almost 400 positions.                                            direct project positions over a 13 month period which will
                                                                 result in an overall employment increase of approximately
The total output for the Goldfields-Esperance region is          290 positions (including direct workforce on the project)
estimated to increase by $413 million per year, of which         over this period.
$202 million per year will be direct output from the project.
                                                                 The project is expected to add $72 million to the region
The project is expected to add a total value to the region of    over the 2 years, of which $46 million is directly contributed
$90 million pa of which $17 million is directly contributed by   by the project.
the project.
Find out more about Lynas’
   Kalgoorlie Project at:
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