Lyndhurst Middle School 2020-2021 - Lyndhurst School District

         Middle School
LYNDHURST                                                                              2. Medical absences of 3 or more days
BOARD OF EDUCATION                                                                     require a doctor’s note on the day of
Ms. Erin Keefe (President)                                                             return to school
Mr. Frank Ferrandino (VP)                                                              3. Absences ordered by a physician
Mr. Joseph Abruscato                                                                   (any note is required within 3 days of
Mr. Chris Andrinopoulos                                                                the student’s return to school)
Mr. Anthony Dell’Aquila                                                                4. Administratively pre-approved
Mr. James Donovan                                                                      reasons, including, but not limited to,
Mr. Rich Pizzuti                              LYNDHURST                                special competitions or activities
Ms. Elaine Stella                                                                      5. Death in family
Mr. James “Chizzie” Vuono                   MIDDLE SCHOOL                              6. Quarantine
                                                                                       Extreme situations related to the
                                            Arrival to School
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,                                                   above-indicated scenarios will be
                                            Supervision on school grounds will be
                                                                                       reviewed on an individual basis with
We would like to welcome you to             provided ten minutes prior to the entry
                                                                                       regard to promotion.
Lyndhurst Middle School. There are          bell; therefore, students should arrive
bound to be many questions as you           no earlier than 8:00 unless present for
                                                                                       Vacations and visits to relatives are
continue this educational adventure.        a pre-scheduled (designated by a
                                                                                       considered ​unexcused absences ​and
Please note that the faculty of LMS         teacher’s note) before-school activity
                                                                                       cannot be approved by the school​.
has worked hard to minimize your            or meeting with a teacher. Students are
                                                                                       *Although parent/guardian permission
concerns and to provide you with a          welcome to go to breakfast daily
                                                                                       may be granted for such absences,
comfortable and secure learning             between 7:30 and 8:00 am in the
                                                                                       they are still categorized as unexcused
environment. We recognize, however,         cafeteria.
                                                                                       absences and the work to be made up
that unexpected or unprecedented
                                            Attendance                                 is the responsibility of the student. If
events and situations may occur and
                                            Students are expected to be in school      the student does not return on
thus, as a team, we plan to address
                                            every scheduled day and on time to         schedule, s/he may be dropped from
those needs as they arise in the best
                                            both school and class. ​Attendance of      the school roster and readmission will
interest of the students in our care.
                                            163 or more days is mandatory in           require re-registration.
In an effort to share clear expectations,   order to be considered as having           *Additionally, an absent student
we have developed a user-friendly           successfully completed instructional       cannot be on school grounds nor
handbook which should answer most           program requirements.          Parents/    participate in any after-school activity
of the questions you have. It is            guardians        must       call/email/    or event on the day of the absence.
arranged alphabetically, by category,       electronically contact the attendance      Appointments should be scheduled
with the Conduct Code located at the        line by 8:00 am on the day of their        outside of school hours.
end. ​Please review this handbook           child’s absence and are urged to utilize   EARLY DISMISSAL
together with your child(ren) and           Google       Classroom     to     view     Parents/guardians must report to the
electronically acknowledge receipt          assignments. However, in the event of      Main Office and sign out the student
via Realtime.                               extended absences, work may be             in order for the child to leave early. No
                                            requested from the Student Services        student will be permitted to leave by
Of course, if any questions arise
                                            Department.                                him/herself or with someone who is
throughout the course of the year,
please do not hesitate to ask teachers,     EXCUSED ABSENCES                           not designated in Realtime. Please
guidance       counselors,       and/or     It is the responsibility of the            apprise the main office in writing of
administrators. We are here to assist       parents/guardians to see to it that        any changes or make changes in
you. Likewise, we urge you to join          students do not miss an inordinate         Realtime.
with us, stay involved in your child’s      amount of school. The following are        TARDY POLICY
education, and thereby, ensure that as      excused absences:                          Students arriving to homeroom after
a community, our children are safe,         1. Religious holidays                      the bell will be considered ​Tardy to
productive and successful.                  2. School related trips                    School​. Students who are late without
                                            3. Any administrative or staff created     a note will receive Central Detention
Thank you,                                  absences such as an office                 the day of the tardiness. Only a note
The LMS Administrative Team                 appointment, guidance appointment,         from a parent or guardian will allow
                                            suspension, music performances, field      the detention to be waived. If the
                                            trips and the like                         student is not in school for 4 hours
                                            4. Court appearances                       total, s/he will be considered to have
                                            UNEXCUSED ABSENCES                         an unexcused absence from school.
                                            1. Hospitalization
MAKE-UP WORK                                *Navy blue (leggings, yoga pants,         prior to withholding the pupil from
In cases of absence, it is the student’s    jeggings are also permitted)              walking the hallways and/or attending
responsibility to communicate with the                                                classes. Schoolwork missed due to
teacher to complete any assignments                                                   time spent rectifying dress code
and make up any tests missed in a                                                     violation(s) will be the responsibility
timely fashion. This may require that       -Pajama pants are NOT permitted
                                                                                      of the pupil. School time missed due
students work outside of class time.        Tops                                      to time spent rectifying dress code
Students receive one day per day            -Acceptable shirts (short or long         violation(s) will be made up in Central
absent to make up work and should           sleeve only) include those with or        Detention.
utilize Google Classroom to get             without a collar that are either
assignments.                                                                          Electronic / Non-Essential Items
                                            plain/solid (only a very small logo is    Items that do not contribute to the
Books                                       acceptable) or have a Lyndhurst logo      learning process or are distractible/
All textbooks must be covered​.             in the following colors:                  dangerous in nature are not permitted
Students who mistreat or lose               *Blue                                     in the building, on the grounds, or on a
school-owned       books     will    be     *Black                                    school bus. These items may include,
responsible for their replacement/cost.                                               but are not limited to laser pens, air
Conferences                                 *White                                    horns, whistles, portable games, water
Parent/guardian-teacher conferences                                                   pistols, and other toys or items of a
are encouraged on an "as-needed"                                                      similar nature. ​These items will be
                                            -Crew-neck sweatshirts, sweaters and      confiscated and may NOT be
basis.    Teachers may be contacted
                                            cardigans in the same colors              returned to the student. Disciplinary
through a written note, a phone call to
                                            (plain/solid or with a Lyndhurst logo)    action may be imposed. Building
the main office, or an email sent to the
teacher using the first name . last name    are permitted                             administrators will have the final
of the teacher ​​.      -Tank tops are NOT permitted              decision in these matters. Students are
Teachers will be contacting families        -Hoodies are NOT permitted within         urged not to bring such items to
regarding their students periodically       the school building                       school. The school is not responsible
throughout the year. Additionally,                                                    and will not take action if damaged,
                                            Outerwear                                 misplaced, lost or stolen.
formal parent/teacher conferences will
be announced during the year. For           -Hoodies and other outerwear/jackets/
                                                                                      While students are permitted to have
meetings with administration and            coats can be worn to school but must      cellular phones in the school building
student services, it is recommended         be left in lockers                        during school hours, cell phones must
that an appointment be made.                                                          remain in lockers from time of arrival
Delayed Openings / School Closings          -All shoes/sneakers must have both a      until time of dismissal. During the
It is periodically necessary to close                                                 school day or after school, students
                                            closed back (over the heal) and a
schools or delay the start time due to a                                              who have urgent reasons for using a
                                            closed toe                                phone must obtain permission from
storm      or     other      unforeseen
                                            -Slippers are NOT permitted               their teacher. Phones are available in
circumstance. The decision is made as
                                            -Rubber soled sneakers are required       the main and student services’ offices.
early    as     possible      by     the
Superintendent.     Lyndhurst Public        for Physical Education class              Parent/guardian communications with
School families will be alerted by                                                    their child should take place only
Realtime communication. It is critical                                                when there is a family emergency and
                                            -Hats, caps, du-rags, bandanas and        via the main office or guidance phone
to keep contact information (phone
                                            scarves (except for religious and         numbers, NOT via cell phone.
and email) up-to-date.
                                            medical reasons) are NOT permitted in
Dress/Personal Appearance                                                             At the discretion of an administrator,
                                            the school building. All can be left in
Bottoms                                                                               disciplinary action for possession/use
                                            locker during the school day.             of electronic or non-essential item in
-Acceptable pants and finger-tip length     -Jewelry and accessories that may         school will include:
shorts/skirts include plain/solid (only a   present a danger to self or others are    *1​st offense: confiscation of item and
very small logo is acceptable) slacks,      NOT permitted.                            return at day’s end
presentable joggers/sweatpants, jeans                                                 *2​nd offense: item returned to
(without holes, rips or frayed bottoms)     Note: All building administrator(s) or    parent/guardian ONLY
                                            designees may address violations of       *3​rd (+) offense: Item returned to
in the following colors:
                                            the dress code with the pupil and         parent/guardian         ONLY       once
*Black (leggings, yoga pants, jeggings
                                            parent(s) or legal guardian(s).           detention(s) is/are served
are also permitted)
                                            Reasonable attempts will be made to
                                            correct any dress code violation(s)
Emergency Contacts                         STEAM       Competitions,       Student     and disciplined environment. For the
It is essential that emergency contact     Council, Yearbook                           complete policy, please see the district
information, address, and all phone                                                    website.
                                           Firearms and Other Weapons
numbers be updated so that
                                           Students in possession of a weapon or       Health Services
communication can be swift when a
                                           weapon replica (guns, knives, etc.)         A certified school nurse is on duty
student needs immediate assistance.
                                           will be suspended immediately and           daily to provide for the emergency
Students will ONLY be released to
                                           law enforcement will be contacted.          health needs of students and staff, as
adults named in Realtime.
                                           The length of suspension may be             well as to schedule and conduct
Equal Opportunity Policy/                  determined following a Board hearing.       height, weight, audio, and visual
Affirmative Action                                                                     screenings.     Students with health
                                           Grading Policy
All students are ensured equal                                                         issues (including allergies) are asked
                                           Please refer to district grading policy
educational opportunity regardless of                                                  to report to the school nurse at the
                                           where 65% is the passing score. Each
race, color, creed, religion, gender,                                                  beginning of the school term or when
                                           marking period students may qualify
ancestry, national origin, special needs                                               such a concern arises.
                                           to     be   recognized      for   their
or social or economic status. No
                                           achievements in two categories: High        If a student must receive medication
individual shall be denied the benefits
                                           Honor Roll (90 or greater in each           during school hours, parents/guardians
of any activity, nor shall they be
                                           class) and Honor Roll (85 or greater in     must comply with New Jersey State
subjected to discrimination of any
                                           each class.) A limited number of            Narcotic and Dangerous Drugs Law;
                                           students may receive an Achiever            Title-24:21--16-18:
Evacuation/Lockdown Drills                 Award for demonstrating significant         1. Parent/guardian must provide a
Evacuation/lockdown        drills    are   growth, effort and understanding in all     written request for the administration
necessary exercises to ensure the          classes.                                    of medication at school.
safety of everyone in the building in                                                  2. Written orders must be provided by
the event of an unexpected emergency                                                   the doctor, detailing what condition
                                           These peer groups will meet with an
and will occur at least twice per                                                      the medication treats, side effects, and
                                           advisor and are held throughout the
month. During an evacuation, all staff                                                 how often it is to be administered.
                                           year. Parents/guardians should submit
and students are to exit in a silent and                                               3. Medication containers must be
                                           a written letter to the Student Services
orderly fashion, stand in designated                                                   properly labeled by pharmacy/doctor
                                           Department at the start of the school
line, and wait for a signal from a                                                     and brought directly to school nurse by
                                           year if they DO NOT wish for their
school administrator before re-entering                                                the parent/guardian upon entering the
                                           child to participate in such groups.
the building. When an administrator                                                    school building. All medication must
announces a lockdown, students are         Hallways/Stairways/Hall Passes              be in its original container.
expected to be silent and follow           As students travel throughout the           4.     No      medication,    including
faculty instructions.                      building, certain rules apply:              over-the-counter, will be administered
                                           1. Walk at all times                        without a doctor's note. Students are
Exit from Building
                                           2. Keep to right in halls and on stairs     not to have medication on their person,
After the last period of the day,
                                           3. Proceed quickly and quietly to class     in their locker or anywhere else, unless
students retrieve coats and books from
                                           4. Use “up” and “down” staircases           doctor-signed self-carry orders have
their lockers and exit the building.
                                           appropriately for safety reasons            been submitted to the Health Office.
Dismissal is at 2:40. All students must
                                           5. Enter and exit through right-hand        5. Elevator is only for students with
leave school grounds by 2:45 or sign
                                           side doors                                  medically       documented     mobility
in with an appropriate faculty member
                                           6. Be in possession of a hall pass if in    difficulty. Doctor’s note is required
for an after-school activity.
                                           halls during class time                     for crutches, braces, early class
Extracurricular Activities                                                             release, elevator use, and PE excuses
                                           Harassment,        Intimidation, and
There are various clubs and activities                                                 and must state the reason and specified
                                           Bullying (HIB) Policy
for students to join.      For a list,                                                 dates for the accommodations.
                                           LMS and the Board of Education
students/guardians can visit the LMS                                                   6. Students are not permitted to
                                           prohibit acts of harassment,
website or the Student Services Office.                                                self-medicate​. Students who become
                                           intimidation, or bullying of a pupil. A
Appropriate conduct is expected by                                                     ill or injured during the school day
                                           safe and civil environment in school is
club members at all times. Students                                                    must obtain a pass to the Health Office
                                           necessary for pupils to learn and
must be in good academic/behavioral                                                    from a teacher and report to the school
                                           achieve high academic standards.
standing to participate.     Available                                                 nurse.
                                           Harassment, intimidation or bullying,
clubs may include (subject to change):                                                 Students             cannot          call
                                           like other disruptive or violent
Chorale, Culinary Club, Jazz Band,                                                     parents/guardians directly, from the
                                           behaviors, is conduct that disrupts both
Math Club, National Junior Honor                                                       Student Services Office or from a
                                           a pupil’s ability to learn and a school’s
Society, Musical Production, Robotics,                                                 cell phone, and request to be taken
                                           ability to educate its pupils in a safe
home​. ​A student who claims illness        •Pursuant to Board policy, any             Individuals violating this Policy shall
and states that s/he was too ill to         prescription drug, except where            be subject to appropriate disciplinary
either go to the teacher or to the          permission for use in school has been      actions, which include but are not
nurse and spends a class period or          granted                                    limited to:
portion thereof in the bathroom will                                                   - Use of the network only under direct
                                            Board policy dictates that no one is
be considered as having cut class.                                                     supervision
                                            permitted to use drug and/or smoking
                                                                                       - Suspension of network privileges
Homework                                    devices/materials/edibles containing
                                                                                       - Revocation of network privileges
Students should expect to receive           illegal substances, drugs, tobacco or
                                                                                       - Suspension of computer privileges
homework every night and are                any nicotine-related products.
                                                                                       - Revocation of computer privileges
responsible    for   completing  it.
                                            Internet and Email Rules                   - Suspension from school
Parents/guardians are encouraged to
                                            Any individual engaging in the             - Expulsion from school
check postings on Google Classroom
                                            following        actions     in     any    - Legal action and prosecution by the
and monitor grades via Realtime.
                                            form/language when using computer          authorities
I&RS (Intervention and Referral             networks/computers shall be subject to
                                                                                       Cyberbullying from any and all
Services) Committee                         discipline or legal action:
                                                                                       electronic devices that affects
The I&RS Committee is comprised of          a. Using the computer networks/
                                                                                       students in school will result in
staff    members:      administrator(s),    computers for illegal, inappropriate or
                                                                                       disciplinary action as deemed
counselor(s),      teacher(s),      and     obscene purposes, or in support of
member(s) of the Child Study Team           such activities.
and meets regularly to discuss cases        b. Using the computer networks/            Lockers (Hallway and PE)
relating to students who demonstrate        computer to violate copyrights,            Lockers are the possession of the
educational, health-related, social, or     institutional or third-party copyrights,   Board of Education and are subject to
behavioral difficulty. It is the goal of    license agreements, or other contracts.    search by the administration in the
the team to intervene early so these        c. Using computer networks in a            interests of safety, sanitation,
students may receive the proper             manner that:                               rule/regulation enforcement, and by
counseling,      treatment,       and/or    - Intentionally disrupts network traffic   law enforcement upon presentation of
accommodations necessary for them to        or crashes the network                     a warrant. There is to be no sharing
succeed in the school environment.          - Degrades or disrupts equipment or        of lockers, no giving of locker
                                            system performance                         combinations to other students, no
Illegal Substances
                                            - Uses the computing resources of the      opening of other students’ lockers, no
In accordance with applicable New
                                            school district for commercial             defacing lockers, and no displaying or
Jersey Statutes and Administrative
                                            purposes, financial gain or fraud          storing of inappropriate materials.
Code, the Lyndhurst Board of
                                            - Steals data or other intellectual
Education      prohibits     the     use,                                              Lost and Found
possession, or distribution of alcohol                                                 Students should always safeguard their
                                            - Gains or seeks unauthorized access
or any other drug by students, staff or                                                possessions and know where they are.
                                            to the files of others or vandalizes the
others. New Jersey Law requires an                                                     Some form of identification should be
                                            data of another person
immediate medical examination of any                                                   placed in books, bookbags, purses,
                                            - Gains or seeks unauthorized access
student thought to be under the                                                        eyeglasses, etc.      Do not bring
                                            to resources or entities
influence of alcohol or a controlled                                                   excessive amounts of money or other
                                            - Forges electronic mail messages or
dangerous substance. A written report                                                  valuables to school. LMS is not
                                            uses an account owned by others
certifying physical and mental ability                                                 responsible for the loss of valuables.
                                            - Invades privacy of others
to return, as well as laboratory results                                               Accumulated items will be donated on
                                            - Harrassses, intimidates or bullies
of the drug and alcohol screen, must                                                   the 15th of each month to a local
                                            students, faculty and/or staff
be presented for re-entry to school.                                                   organization.
                                            - Posts anonymous messages
For purposes of this policy, "drugs"        - Possesses any data which is a            Lunchtime
shall mean:                                 violation of this Policy                   All school rules apply at lunchtime.
•All dangerous controlled substances        - Engages in other activities that do      Students must report on time,
so designated and prohibited by New         not advance the educational purpose        maintain cleanliness throughout the
Jersey statutes                             for           which            computer    period, and exit appropriately when
•All chemicals that release toxic           networks/computers are provided            dismissed. Seat changes may be
vapors as defined and prohibited by                                                    made to curb disruptive/dangerous
New Jersey statutes                         No pupil shall be allowed to use the       behavior. Food is not permitted in
•All alcoholic beverages                    school         districts’     computer     the building other than in the food
•Anabolic steroids                          networks/computers and the internet        court unless otherwise allowed by
                                            unless it is acknowledged in Realtime.     administration. Students may not
bring energy drinks/items containing       name and identifying information to       Realtime Portals
excessive caffeine or sugar. Glass         be published.                             Realtime​, the computerized student
containers are prohibited in the                                                     data system, affords parents/guardians,
                                           Physical Education Program
building.     LMS is sensitive to                                                    and students the opportunity to view
                                           Laced and heeled sneakers and an
students and staff who may have food                                                 grades,    assignments,     attendance,
                                           appropriate change of clothes must be
allergies and areas are designated for                                               behavior, and contact information.
                                           worn to participate.
their use.                                                                           Account logins remain the same from
                                           In case of injury, parents/guardians      year to year and can be obtained by
Mission Statement - LMS
                                           may provide their child with a written    contacting the school office. All are
Lyndhurst Middle School inspires
                                           excuse for PE class for 1 day only. A     also welcome to download the
life-long       learning        through    doctor’s note is required for a medical   Realtime ​app via Google Play and the
collaboration, communication, critical     excuse from PE lasting longer.            App Store, using district code 2860.
thinking and creativity, where all                                                   Parents/guardians and students are
members of our community are               Placement                                 encouraged to check the Portal
encouraged to seek new opportunities,      ELA and Math placement in                 regularly    and     update     contact
take risks, embrace diversity and strive   Advanced and Skills classes is based      information whenever changes occur.
for growth.                                on a number of factors shared with
                                                                                     Report Cards and Progress Reports
                                           students and families, including but
                                                                                     Midway through and at the end of
NJHS                                       not limited to marking period grades,
                                                                                     each marking period, progress reports
Students will be invited to apply          quarterlies      and       local/State
                                                                                     and report cards respectively are
based on scholarship, a final average      assessments.
                                                                                     available via ​Realtime.​ Marking
of 85 the previous school year, as
                                           Plagiarism/Academic Integrity             periods are approximately 45 days
well as for the first marking period of
                                           Plagiarism is copying homework,           long.
the current school year. Other criteria
                                           assessments and other assignments,
for          acceptance        includes                                              Schedule of Bells
                                           and/or using someone’s words or ideas
demonstration of positive character,                                                 REGULAR SCHEDULE
                                           without giving the source credit.
service to others and leadership                                                       BLOCK      TIME        A    B    C    D

                                           Third party vendors may be utilized to    Arrival   8:05
initiatives.                                                                         Homeroom  8:10-8:14      HR   HR   HR   HR
                                           check for originality. The following      a          8:18-9:11     1    4    3    24
Outside Areas                              actions will be taken for acts that       2          9:15-10:08    2    1    4    3
Students are to adhere to all school       jeopardize academic integrity:            3          10:12-11:05   3    2    1    4
rules when on the school campus.           1​st offense – a zero will be given for   4/5
                                           the assignment or assessment         in   Lunch A    11:09-11:49
Permission Slips                                                                     Class      11:53-12:46
                                           question along with appropriate                                    5    8    7    6
Rules/regulations in place at LMS are                                                Class      11:09-12:02
                                           consequences at the discretion of         Lunch B    12:06-12:46
to be followed for any school or
PTA-sponsored activity. Please refer
                                           2​nd offense – a failing grade for the    6          12:50-1:43    6    5    8    7
to the Conduct Code point system for
                                           marking period in the class in which
eligibility. ​Costs are not refunded if
                                                                                     7          1:47-2:40     7    6    5    8

                                           the offense took place along with
a     student     is    excluded   for
                                           appropriate disciplinary consequences.
disciplinary reasons. ​Students must
return signed permission slips by the      Promotion and Retention
deadline, whether or not they are          All students are expected to meet the
attending.      Deadlines are strictly     requirements set for their grade level.
enforced.                                  Students who do not earn a passing
                                           grade (65% or greater) in any core
Photo Opportunities
                                           subject area will be required to enroll
For safety reasons, student images will
                                           in summer school and complete the
be required as part of their Realtime
                                           course(s) with a passing mark in order
profile and on their identification
                                           to be promoted to the next grade. All
cards. There will be various occasions
                                           costs     incurred   will    be     the
throughout the school year where
                                           responsibility of the student and
students will be photographed for
                                           her/his family. Students who have not
school/district publications and secure
                                           successfully completed the academic
websites. Via Realtime at the start of
                                           requirements for promotion by the end
the year, parents/guardians must
                                           of MP 4 will not participate in the
acknowledge their consent or dissent
                                           promotion ceremony.
for their child(ren)’s image and/or
Sexual Harassment Policy                     the main office and wear a badge for       3. ​Restorative Intervention (RI) /
The Lyndhurst Board of Education             the remainder of the visit. Anyone         In-School Suspension (ISS)/​–
prohibits sexual harassment of and by        found in the building without                  3/4 points assessed per day
staff members and students. Sexual           authorization may be prosecuted for        Students are expected to report to the
harassment is a violation of state and       trespassing. Students may not bring        Dean’s Office at indicated time and
federal laws. It has been defined by         visitors to school at any time.            will be supervised throughout the day
the Equal Employment Opportunity                                                        as they complete assignments.
Commission (EEOC) as “​unwelcome                                                        Students will be dismissed at 3:40 pm,
                                             At the end of each school year,
sexual advances, requests for sexual                                                    after serving a detention.
                                             yearbooks are distributed to those
favors, and other verbal or physical                                                    4. ​Home Suspension​ –
                                             students who have ordered them. It is
conduct of a sexual nature constitute                                                       5 points assessed per day
                                             expected that all comments/images
sexual harassment when this conduct                                                     Students are not permitted on school
                                             included in the yearbooks are
explicitly or implicitly affects an                                                     grounds between 7 am and 4 pm
                                             appropriate. Students are responsible
individual's             employment,                                                    during home suspension, nor may they
                                             for comments in their own yearbooks.
unreasonably interferes with an                                                         take     part     in   school-sponsored
                                             Yearbooks with any inappropriate
individual's work performance, or                                                       activities.
                                             marks, notations, or illustrations will
creates an intimidating, hostile, or
                                             be confiscated and they will not be        Monitoring point accumulation
offensive work environment.​" See the
                                             returned, refunded, nor replaced.          Conduct points should be monitored
Lyndhurst Public School website for
                                                                                        by parents/guardians. Notification of
additional information.
                                                                                        excessive conduct points will be
Student Records                              CODE OF CONDUCT /                          provided. A meeting can be requested
The parent/guardian of a pupil or            DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES                      at any time.
her/his authorized representative may         The Lyndhurst Board of Education          Accumulation of 25 points
have access to records upon written          and Lyndhurst Middle School strive to      Upon the accumulation of twenty-five
request to the school principal.             ensure that the physical and mental        or more conduct points, students
Thereafter, an appointment must be           health, safety and welfare of pupils       forfeit their right to participate in any
made and an authorized staff member          will be protected, and an orderly          extra-curricular activity, school trip,
must be present when the student’s           environment conducive to learning,         event, activity or function, including
records are reviewed.         It is the      will be maintained.                        but not limited to Olympics/Field Day,
responsibility of the parent/guardian to                                                the Promotion Ceremony, and the
                                             Point System
report to the principal in writing (with                                                Promotion Dance. The parent/guardian
                                             In accordance with the policy
legal documentation) any situation                                                      will be notified. No refund will be
                                             established by the staff and
which may affect records distribution.                                                  given for any trip or activity should
                                             administration of LMS, a point system
                                                                                        the student be excluded for
                                             exists to ensure that students obey
Student Support Services                                                                disciplinary reasons.
                                             school rules and regulations and
                                             respect the authority of the school, its   Point Reduction
The CST, consisting of a learning
                                             teachers, and administrators.              In an effort to reinforce positive
specialist, school psychologist and
                                                                                        behavior, a student may reduce her/his
social worker, screens and evaluates         1. ​Warning/Teacher Detention​ –
                                                                                        discipline point record by one (1) point
students      for   special education            no points assessed
                                                                                        for every (30) thirty days s/he does not
eligibility.      CST members are            Teachers may assign individual
                                                                                        receive a point. Furthermore, if the
available to assist with any concerns        detentions after school, however,
                                                                                        student completes the scheduled
that may arise.                              failure to appear will result in an
                                                                                        consequence(s) and a parent/guardian
SCHOOL COUNSELORS                            administrative detention.
                                                                                        acknowledges the infractions and
Each student is assigned a counselor
                                             2. ​Lunch/After-School Detention​ –        resulting consequences via Realtime,,
based on the first letter of the student’s
                                                 2 points assessed per day              a one (1) point reduction will occur.
last name. Counselors meet regularly
                                             For lunch detention, students are          Please note that a student’s record
with parents/guardians and students to
                                             expected to report to the Restorative      cannot be reduced below zero.
discuss      academic,     social,    and
                                             Intervention (RI) room and will be
emotional issues.                                                                       Level I Infractions:​ minor
                                             brought to the cafeteria to retrieve
                                                                                        misbehavior which impedes orderly
Visitors to Our Schools                      food. After school, students report to
                                                                                        classroom procedures or interferes
All visitors must report to the front        designated room by 2:45 pm and
                                                                                        with orderly operations of the school
entrance, present photo identification       remain until 3:40 pm. They will sign
and reason for visit to the security         in and work silently. Exclusion from       1. Classroom disturbance (with teacher
monitor in the vestibule and should          detention results in ISS.                  or substitute) / exclusion from class
they be granted admittance, report to                                                   2. Inappropriate language
3. Travel during class time without a      13. Bystander/observer of theft or         17. Indecent exposure of self or others
pass or permission                         aggressive act                             18. Disruption of or cheating in a
4. Inappropriate public displays of                                                   secure testing site
                                           Consequences of a LEVEL II
affection                                                                             19. Intentionally causing injury
5. Late to class/school without a                                                     20. Recording violent/lewd act or any
                                           a. 2 – 4 days detention
written excuse                                                                        activity on school grounds and/or
                                           b. 1 – 3 days In-School Suspension
6. Failure to follow school rules and/or                                              sharing/posting it
staff member directives
                                           Level III Infractions:​ ​acts directed     Consequences of a LEVEL III
7. Eating or drinking outside of lunch
                                           against persons or property but whose      infraction:
periods or where prohibited
                                           consequences do not seriously              a. 3 – 5 days detention
8. Unauthorized use of electronics (see
                                           endanger the health or safety of others    b. 2 – 5 days In-School Suspension
page 4 of handbook)
                                                                                      c. 1 – 5 days Home Suspension
9. Violation of the dress code             1. Continued ​LEVEL II​ misconduct
10. Gum chewing on school property         2. Throwing objects/materials that
                                                                                      Level IV Infractions:​ acts which pose
11. Horseplay/inappropriate behavior       result in a minor injury
                                                                                      a direct threat to the safety and
12. Littering                              3. Abusive and/or indecent language,
                                                                                      security of others at school
13. Failure to submit required             acts, and/or gestures directed at school
paperwork on time                          employees or students                      1. Continued ​LEVEL III​ misconduct
14. Unauthorized locker use                4. Truancy/unauthorized absence from       2. Possession, use or threatened use of
                                           school                                     a (perceived) dangerous weapon
Consequences of a LEVEL I
                                           5. Fighting between students and/or        3. Any violent or sexual act against a
                                           aggressive physical act                    student, teacher, or other staff member
a. Warning/Teacher detention
                                           6. Harassment of any type                  4. Use, possession, distribution, and/or
b. 1 – 3 days detention
                                           7. Intimidation, bullying, extortion or    sale of illegal/dangerous drugs,
                                           coercion                                   alcohol, or a substance which the
Level II Infractions:​ ​misbehavior
                                           8. Graffiti of any type                    individual believes or represents to be
whose frequency/seriousness disrupts
                                           9. Theft/vandalism/unauthorized            such drugs or alcohol
the climate of the school
                                           destruction or possession of property      5. Possession and/or use of fireworks
1. Continued ​LEVEL I​ misbehaviors        10. Leaving campus w/o authorization       or any explosive/flammable device
2. Throwing objects /materials             11. Any threat or perceived threat         6. Arson
3. Forgery of notes or fraud               made against a student, teacher, or        7. Activation of a false alarm, bomb
4. Cheating in any academic (includes      other staff member                         threat or other disaster alarm
plagiarism) or extra-curricular activity   12. Trespassing on school grounds          8. Discrimination against an individual
5. Class, teacher detention, or            13. Violating staff members’ or            or group on the basis of gender, race,
administrative detention cuts              students’ privacy                          religion, culture, creed, sexual
6. Violation of computer use policy        14. Possession/distribution of             orientation, nationality, etc.
(suspension of computer privileges)        obscene/violent/inappropriate              9. Commission of any conduct which
7. Willful disobedience/                   materials                                  constitutes a crime
insubordination/lying to staff members     15. Gambling
                                                                                      Consequences of a LEVEL IV
8. Excessive horseplay                     16. Smoking/use, possession,
9. Inappropriate use of aerosol and/or     distribution, and/or sale of
                                                                                      a. 1 -10 days Home Suspension
perfumed sprays                            tobacco/nicotine (including any and all
                                                                                      b. Loss of privileges (extra-curricular
10. Solicitation/unauthorized selling or   electronic cigarettes) or
                                                                                      events, dances, games, etc.)
distributing on school grounds             a substance which the individual
                                                                                      c. Other consequences as determined
11. Unintentionally causing injury         believes or represents to be tobacco
                                                                                      by Board hearing or law enforcement
12. Inciting a disturbance/fight/riot
         Middle School
COMITÉ EDUCATIVO DE                                                                   1.​ ​Hospitalizaciones;
LYNDHURST                                                                             2.Ausencias médicas de 3 días o más
Ms. Erin Keefe (Presidente)                                                           precisan presentar una nota del médico
Mr. Frank Ferrandino (VP)                                                             el día que el estudiante vuelve a la
Mr. Joseph Abruscato                                                                  escuela;
Mr. Chris Andrinopoulos                                                               3.Ausencias autorizadas por un
Mr. Anthony Dell’Aquila                                                               médico (cualquier nota firmada por un
Mr. James Donovan                           LYNDHURST                                 médico tiene que ser entregada a los 3
Mr. Rich Pizzuti                                                                      días de la vuelta del estudiante a la
Ms. Elaine Stella                         MIDDLE SCHOOL                               escuela);
Mr. James “Chizzie” Vuono                                                             4. ​Razones previamente aprobadas por
                                                                                      la administración, incluyendo, pero no
                                          Llegada a la escuela                        limitado       a,    competiciones   o
                                          La supervisión en el campus escolar         actividades especiales
Queridos padres/tutores y estudiantes,    comenzará 10 minutos antes de la            5.Defunción en la familia
Queremos darles la bienvenida a           campana de entrada; por lo tanto, los       6.Cuarentena
Lyndhurst Middle School (LMS).            estudiantes no deben llegar antes de
Habrá muchas preguntas durante esta       las 8:00 al no ser que se presenten para    Situaciones extremas relacionadas con
aventura académica. Por favor tengan      una actividad previamente programada        los    casos    mencionados     serán
en cuenta que el personal de LMS se       o una cita con un profesor/a                analizadas    individualmente     con
ha esforzado mucho por minimizar sus      (confirmada por una nota de éste). Los      relación a la promoción de nivel
preocupaciones y por proveerles con       estudiantes     son    bienvenidos a        académico.
un ambiente de aprendizaje cómodo y       desayunar en la cafetería entre las 7:30
                                          y 8:00.                                     Vacaciones y visitas a parientes se
seguro. Sin embargo, reconocemos
                                                                                      consideran ausencias injustificadas
que eventos y situaciones imprevistas     Asistencia a clase                          y no pueden ser aprobadas por la
ocurrirán y, por lo tanto, como grupo,    La expectativa es que los estudiantes       escuela.
pensamos abordar esas necesidades         vengan a la escuela todos los días, y       *Aunque los padres/tutores dan
según se presenten a favor de los         que se presenten puntualmente, tanto a      permiso para tales ausencias, siguen
estudiantes que están en nuestras         la escuela como a clase. La asistencia      siendo      consideradas      ausencias
manos.                                    de 163 o más días es obligatoria para       injustificadas, y la tarea que no se
                                          poder considerar cumplidos los              completa por tal ausencia es la
Para que las expectativas sean            requisitos del programa de enseñanza.       responsabilidad del estudiante. Si el
mutuamente           claras,      hemos   Los padres/tutores deben llamar,            estudiante no vuelve a la escuela en el
desarrollado un manual de uso fácil       mandar un correo electrónico, y/o           tiempo acordado, es posible que se le
que deberá contestar muchas de sus        contactar electrónicamente con la línea     dé de baja del registro escolar y tendrá
preguntas. Está organizado por            de asistencia antes de las 8:00 a.m. el     que matricularse para ser readmitido/a.
categorías, con el Código de conducta     día de la ausencia de su hijo/a(s), y le    *Además, un estudiante no puede estar
al final. ​Por favor revise este manual   recomendamos a que utilice Google           en el campus escolar ni participar en
con su(s) hijo/a(s) y muestre recibo      Classroom para ver las tareas. En el        ninguna actividad después de clase o
de éste electrónicamente por medio        caso de una ausencia larga, la tarea        evento el día de su ausencia. ​Las citas
de​ Realtime​.                            puede ser solicitada por medio del          deben concertarse para horas fuera
                                          Departamento de Servicio Estudiantil.       del horario escolar.
Por supuesto, si tienen alguna pregunta
durante el año, por favor no vacilen en   AUSENCIAS JUSTIFICADAS                      SALIDA TEMPRANA
preguntarle a los profesores, a las       Es la responsabilidad de los                Los     padres/tutores    tienen   que
consejeras, y/o a la administración .     padres/tutores de ver que los               presentarse en la oficina de la escuela
Aquí estamos para ayudarles. Además,      estudiantes no una falten                   y firmar una autorización para que el
le animamos a que se unan a nosotros,     excesivamente a la escuela. Estas son       estudiante pueda marcharse temprano.
a que se mantengan involucrados en la     ausencias justificadas:                     No se le dará permiso a ningún
educación de sus hijo/a(s), y por lo      1. Fechas religiosas;                       estudiante para marcharse solo/a o con
tanto, como comunidad, asegurarnos        2. Excursiones escolares;                   alguien que no está designado en
de que nuestros hijos estén seguros,      3. Ausencias creadas por la                 Realtime​. Por favor informe a la
sean productivos, y tengan éxito.         administración o personal como una          oficina por medio de una nota escrita,
                                          cita en la oficina, en la consejería, una   o haga el cambio en ​Realtime.​
Gracias,                                  suspensión, una actuación musical,          POLÍTICA DE TARDANZA
                                          viajes de estudio, o semejante;             Se les considera ​tarde a la escuela a​
El equipo administrativo de LMS           4. Cita ante un tribunal.                   aquellos estudiantes que llegan al
                                          AUSENCIAS INJUSTIFICADAS                    salón de llegada después de que suene
la campana​. Los estudiantes que llegan     comunicado       de     ​Realtime​. Es      - NO SE PERMITEN zapatillas de
tarde sin una nota recibirán una            sumamente importante mantener su            casa/pantuflas.
detención general el día de la tardanza.    información de contacto (teléfono y         - Las zapatillas para la clase de
Solamente      una     nota    de    los    correo electrónico) al día.                 gimnasia tienen que tener las suelas de
padres/tutores       servirá       como                                                 goma.
                                            Vestimenta/Aspecto personal
justificante para perdonar la detención.
                                            Parte de abajo                              Accesorios
Si el estudiante no está en la escuela
                                                -​ ​Se aceptan pantalones largos y      -​ ​NO SE PERMITEN sombreros,
un total de 4 horas, ese día será
                                                   pantalones cortos/faldas hasta las   gorros, pañuelos en la cabeza de
considerado una ausencia injustificada
                                                   rodillas que sean de un color        cualquier tipo (excepto por motivos
de la escuela.
                                                   sólido (solo un pequeño logo será    religiosos o por salud) dentro del
TAREA DE RECUPERACIÓN                              aceptado), pantalones de             edificio escolar. Todos los accesorios
En el caso de una ausencia, es la                  entrenamiento, pantalones de jean    se pueden guardar durante las horas
responsabilidad      del     estudiante            (sin agujeros, roturas o             escolares en los casilleros.
comunicarse con el/la profesor/a para              deshilachados) en los siguientes     -​ ​NO SE PERMITEN joyería ni
ponerse al día con las tareas y con                colores:                             accesorios que pueden ser un peligro
cualquier prueba que no hizo dentro de             *negro (también se permitirán        para uno mismo y/u otros.
un periodo de tiempo razonable. Esto               mallas, pantalones de yoga),
                                                                                        Nota: ​todos los administradores del
puede que requiera que el estudiante               *azul marino (también se
                                                                                        edificio y personas designadas pueden
haga el trabajo fuera de las horas de              permitirán mallas, pantalones de
                                                                                        abordar el incumplimiento del código
clase. El estudiante tendrá un día por             yoga),
                                                                                        de vestimenta con el estudiante y los
cada día ausente para ponerse al día, y            *gris,
debe usar Google Classroom para                    *khaki/beige.
obtener las tareas.                                *NO SE PERMITEN pantalones           Se harán esfuerzos razonables para
                                                   de pijama.                           corregir cualquier incumplimiento
                                            Parte de arriba                             antes de permitir que el estudiante
Todos los libros tienen que estar
                                              -​ ​Blusas/camisas/camisetas (de          camine por los pasillos y/o vaya a
cubiertos. Los estudiantes que
                                                   manga larga o corta solamente)       clase. La tarea que no se complete
maltratan o pierden libros que
                                                   incluyendo aquellos que tengan o     debido al tiempo tomado para
pertenecen a la escuela serán
                                                   no tengan cuello, que sean de un     rectificar el incumplimiento del código
responsables por su repuesto/costo.
                                                   color sólido (solo un pequeño        de vestimenta será la responsabilidad
Conferencias                                       logo será aceptado), y/o que         del estudiante para ponerse al día. El
Las      conferencias      con      los            tengan el logo de Lyndhurst en los   tiempo      perdido    debido a la
padres/tutores son bienvenidas según               siguientes colores:                  rectificación de dicho incumplimiento
sean necesarias. Pueden ponerse en                 *azul,                               se recuperará durante una detención
contacto con los profesores por medio              *negro,                              general.
de una nota escrita, una llamada                   *gris,
                                                                                        Artículos electrónicos/no esenciales
telefónica a la oficina, o un correo               *blanco,
                                                                                        Los artículos que no contribuyen al
electrónico utilizando el nombre,                  *dorado.
                                                                                        proceso de aprendizaje o que son
apellido         del         profesor/a    - Sudaderas sin capucha, suéters, y
                                                                                        recreativos/peligrosos por naturaleza​. Los profesores           rebecas en los mismos colores (de
                                                                                        no se permiten en el edificio, en la
estarán en contacto con las familias            color sólido o con un logo de
                                                                                        propiedad, o en el autobús escolar.
durante el año. Además, las                     Lyndhurst) serán aceptables.
                                                                                        Estos artículos pueden ser, pero no
conferencias formales entre los padres      - NO SE PERMITEN camisetas sin
                                                                                        limitados a, punteros láser, sirenas,
y los profesores serán publicadas           mangas/de tiras.
                                                                                        pitos, juegos portátiles, pistolas de
durante el año. Para las reuniones con      - NO SE PERMITEN SUDADERAS
                                                                                        agua, y otros juguetes o artículos
la Administración y los Servicios           CON CAPUCHA en el edificio.
                                                                                        parecidos. ​Estos artículos serán
Estudiantiles, le recomendamos que
                                            Ropa de abrigo                              confiscados y no se le devolverán al
hagan una cita.
                                            Sudaderas y otra ropa exterior como         estudiante. Medidas disciplinarias
Apertura tardía/Cierre escolar              chaquetas y abrigos se pueden usar,         pueden ser tomadas. La administración
A veces es necesario cerrar las             pero tienen que ser guardados en los        del edificio tendrá la decisión final en
escuelas o demorar la hora de apertura      casilleros.                                 estos casos. Se les urge a los
debido a una tormenta u otra                                                            estudiantes a no traer tales artículos a
circunstancia imprevista. La decisión                                                   la escuela. La escuela no es
es tomada lo más temprano posible por                                                   responsable y no tomará medidas si
el superintendente. Las familias de las                                                 son dañadas, perdidas, o robadas.
                                            - Los zapatos/zapatillas tienen que ser
Escuela Públicas de Lyndhurst serán
                                            cerrados tanto en la punta como en el       Aunque se permite tener un teléfono
notificadas por medio de un
                                            talón.                                      celular en el edificio escolar durante
horas escolares, los teléfonos celulares   de todas las personas en el edificio en     los estudiantes pueden calificar para
deben guardarse en los casilleros          el caso de una emergencia imprevista,       ser reconocidos por sus logros en dos
desde la hora de llegada hasta la hora     y tomarán lugar dos veces al mes.           categorías: Cuadro de Honor Superior
de salida. Durante el día o después de     Durante una evacuación, todo el             (90 o más en cada clase) y Cuadro de
clase, los estudiantes que tienen un       personal y los estudiantes saldrán del      Honor (85 o más en cada clase). Un
motivo urgente para usar un teléfono       edificio en silencio y de manera            número limitado de estudiantes pueden
deben de obtener permiso de su             organizada, y esperarán en la línea         recibir un Premio de Triunfo por
profesor/a. Hay teléfonos disponibles      designada a la señal del administrador      demostrar un gran crecimiento y
en la oficina general y en la de           del edificio para poder volver a entrar.    entendimiento en todas las clases.
Servicios       Estudiantiles.       La    Cuando un administrador anuncia un
comunicación entre hijo/a(s) y los         cierre de emergencia, la expectativa es
                                                                                       Estos son grupos de generación que se
padres/tutores debe de tomar lugar         que los estudiantes están silenciosos y
                                                                                       reúnen con un/a consejero/a durante el
solamente cuando hay una emergencia        seguirán     las   instrucciones    del
                                                                                       año. Los padres/tutores deben mandar
de familia y debe ser por medio de         profesorado.
                                                                                       una carta por escrito al Departamento
números de teléfono de la oficina
                                           Salida del edificio                         de Servicios Estudiantiles al principio
general o Servicios Estudiantiles, NO
                                           Al final del día, los estudiantes           del año escolar si NO QUIEREN ​que
por teléfono celular.
                                           recogerán sus abrigos y libros de sus       su hijo/a(s) participe(n) en dichos
A discreción de un administrador,          casilleros, y saldrán del edificio. La      grupos.
medidas disciplinarias por posesión        salida escolar es a las 2:40 p.m. Todos
/uso de artículos electrónicos o no        los estudiantes se deben haber
esenciales en la escuela puede incluir:    marchado a las 2:45, o inscrito con un      A medida que los estudiantes se
*Primera ofensa: expropiación del          miembro del profesorado para una            movilizan por el edificio, hay que
artículo y devolución al final del día;    actividad extra-escolar.                    tener en cuenta ciertas reglas:
*Segunda ofensa: devolución del                                                        1.​ ​Caminar siempre;
                                           Actividades Extracurriculares               2.Mantenerse a la derecha en los
artículo solamente a los padres/tutores;
                                           Hay varios clubs y actividades a los        pasillos y escaleras;
*Tercera o más ofensas: devolución
                                           que los estudiantes pueden inscribirse.     3.Ir     a    clase    rápidamente       y
del artículo solamente a los
                                           Para ver una lista, los padres/tutores      silenciosamente;
padres/tutores una vez que una
                                           pueden visitar la página de internet de     4.Subir y bajar las escaleras con
detención (o más) haya(n) sido
                                           LMS o la oficina de Servicios               cautela por razones de seguridad;
                                           Estudiantiles. Se espera siempre un         5.Entrar y salir por la puerta de la
Contacto de emergencia                     comportamiento apropiado por parte          derecha;
Es indispensable que la información        de los estudiantes. Los estudiantes         6. ​Tener un pase si están en los pasillos
de contacto de emergencia, dirección,      deben tener una posición académica/de       durante la hora de clase.
y todos los números de teléfono estén      conducta buena para poder participar.
al día para que la comunicación pueda      Los clubs disponibles pueden ser (y         Política de Acoso, Amenaza, y
ser rápida cuando un estudiante            pueden cambiar): Coro, Club de              Bullying Escolar (HIB por sus siglas
necesite asistencia inmediata. Los         cocina, Banda jazz, Club de                 en inglés)
estudiantes       solamente      serán     matemáticas, Sociedad Honoraria             LMS y el Comité de Educación
entregados a personas nombradas en         Nacional de Primaria, Producción            prohíbe actos de acoso, amenaza o
Realtime​.                                 musical, Robótica, Competiciones            bullying escolar de un estudiante. Un
                                           STEAM,        Consejería    estudiantil,    ambiente seguro y civil es necesario
Igualdad        de    Oportunidades/                                                   para que los estudiantes puedan
Discriminación Positiva                                                                aprender y lograr altos estándares
Se les asegura a todos los estudiantes     Armas de fuego y otras armas                académicos. Acosos, amenazas o
la     igualdad    de   oportunidades      Estudiantes que tengan posesión de un       bullying escolar, como cualquier otro
independientemente de raza, color, fe,     arma o la réplica de un arma (pistola,      comportamiento         alborotador      o
religión, género, linaje, origen           cuchillo, etc.) serán suspendidos           violento, es conducta que perturba
nacional, necesidades especiales, o        inmediatamente, y los cuerpos               tanto la habilidad del estudiante de
condición social o económica. Nadie        policiales serán contactados. La            aprender como la de la escuela de
será negado los beneficios de ninguna      duración de la suspensión será              educar a sus estudiantes en un
actividad, ni será sometido a              determinada luego de una audiencia          ambiente seguro y disciplinado. Por
discriminación de ninguna clase.           del Comité de Educación.                    favor consulte la página web del
Evacuación/Prácticas de Cierre de          Política de calificaciones                  distrito para ver la política completa.
Emergencia                                 Por favor consulte el reglamento del        Servicios de Salud
Las evacuaciones/prácticas de cierre       distrito de las calificaciones en el cual   Una enfermera certificada estará de
de emergencia son actividades              65% es un puntaje de aprobación.            guardia a diario para las necesidades
necesarias para asegurar la seguridad      Durante cada periodo de evaluación          de emergencia de los estudiantes y del
personal escolar, al igual que para        Los estudiantes no pueden llamar a
                                                                                       Para el propósito de esta política,
hacer revisiones programadas de            sus padres/tutores directamente,
                                                                                       "drogas" significa:
altura, de peso, de audio, y de visión.    desde la oficina de Servicios
                                                                                       •Todas las sustancias controladas
Se les pide a los estudiantes con          Estudiantiles o desde un teléfono
                                                                                       peligrosas designadas y prohibidas por
problemas de salud (incluyendo             celular, y pedir que le lleven a casa.
                                                                                       los estatutos de Nueva Jersey;
alergias) que se presenten ante la         Un estudiante que diga que está
                                                                                       •Todos los productos químicos que
enfermera al principio del año o           enfermo/a y que diga que estaba
                                                                                       liberan vapores tóxicos según lo
cuando una de estas preocupaciones se      demasiado enfermo/a para decírselo
                                                                                       definido y prohibido por los estatutos
manifieste.                                a un/a profesor/a o a la enfermera, y
                                                                                       de Nueva Jersey;
                                           pasa una clase o parte de clase en el
                                                                                       •Todas las bebidas alcohólicas;
Si un estudiante tiene que tomar           baño será considerado/a ausente de
                                                                                       •Esteroides anabólicos;
medicina durante las horas escolares,      clase sin autorización.
                                                                                       •De acuerdo con la política de la Junta,
los padres/tutores deben obedecer la
                                           Tarea                                       cualquier medicamento recetado,
Ley del Estado de New Jersey sobre
                                           Los estudiantes deben esperar recibir       excepto cuando se haya concedido
Narcóticos y Medicinas Peligrosas,
                                           la tarea todas las noches y son             permiso para su uso en la escuela.
título -24:--16—18:
                                           responsables de completarla.           Se
1. ​Los padres/tutores tienen que                                                      La política de la Junta dicta que nadie
                                           recomienda a los padres/tutores que
proporcionar una solicitud escrita para                                                está autorizado a usar medicamentos
                                           comprueben las publicaciones en
suministrar la medicina en la escuela;                                                 y/o           dispositivos           de
                                           Google Classroom y revisen las
2. ​Proporcionar una receta escrita por                                                fumar/materiales/comestibles        que
                                           calificaciones a través de​ Realtime​.
un médico detallando qué condición                                                     contengan sustancias ilegales, drogas,
médica trata la medicina, sus efectos      Comité de I&RS (Servicios de                tabaco     o     cualquier     producto
secundarios, y con qué frecuencia          Intervención y Referencia)                  relacionado con la nicotina.
tiene que ser suministrada.                El Comité de I&RS está compuesto
                                                                                       Reglas de Internet y correo
3. ​Los envases de la medicina tienen      por      miembros     del     personal:
que estar etiquetados apropiadamente       administrador(es),        consejero(s),
                                                                                       Cualquier persona que participe en las
por una farmacia/médico y entregados       maestro(s) y miembro(s) del Equipo
                                                                                       siguientes acciones en cualquier
directamente a la enfermera de la          de Estudio Infantil, y se reúne
                                                                                       forma/idioma         cuando       utilice
escuela por los padres/tutores en          regularmente para discutir casos
                                                                                       redes/ordenadores informáticos estará
cuanto entren al edificio escolar.         relacionados con estudiantes que
                                                                                       sujeta a disciplina o acciones legales:
Todas las medicinas deben de estar en      demuestren dificultades educativas,
                                                                                       a. Utilizar las redes/ordenadores
sus envases originales.                    relacionadas con la salud, sociales o
                                                                                            informáticos con fines ilegales,
4. ​Ninguna medicina, incluyendo las       conductuales. El objetivo del equipo es
                                                                                            inapropiados u obscenos, o en
de venta libre, será suministrada sin la   intervenir temprano para que estos
                                                                                            apoyo de tales actividades.
nota de un médico. Los estudiantes no      estudiantes    puedan      recibir   el
                                                                                       b. Utilizar las redes informáticas/
pueden tener medicina en su posesión,      asesoramiento,     tratamiento      y/o
                                                                                            ordenador para violar derechos de
en su casillero, ni en ninguna otra        adaptaciones adecuados y/o necesarios
                                                                                            autor,     derechos     de    autor
parte, al no ser que un médico firme       para que tengan éxito en el entorno
                                                                                            institucionales o de terceros,
órdenes de que la tenga y hayan sido       escolar.
                                                                                            acuerdos de licencia u otros
entregadas a la Oficina de Salud.
                                           Sustancias ilegales                              contratos.
5. ​El ascensor es solamente para
                                           De acuerdo con los Estatutos de Nueva       c. Utilizar redes informáticas de
estudiantes     con     dificultad   de
                                           Jersey y el Código Administrativo                manera que:
movilidad médica documentada. Se
                                           aplicables, la Junta de Educación de             - Interrumpe intencionalmente el
requiere una nota del médico para el
                                           Lyndhurst prohíbe el uso, posesión o               tráfico de red o bloquea la red.
uso de muletas, aparatos, salida
                                           distribución de alcohol o cualquier              - Degrada o interrumpe el
temprana de clase, uso del ascensor, y
                                           otra droga por parte de estudiantes,               rendimiento del equipo o del
justificaciones para no hacer gimnasia,
                                           personal u otros. La Ley de Nueva                  sistema.
y deben de mostrar la razón y las
                                           Jersey requiere un examen médico                 - Utiliza los recursos informáticos
fechas específicas para los ajustes.
                                           inmediato de cualquier estudiante que              del distrito escolar con fines
6. ​Los estudiantes no tienen permiso
                                           se cree que está bajo la influencia del            comerciales,      de     ganancia
para autoadministrarse medicina​.
                                           alcohol o una sustancia peligrosa                  financiera o fraude.
Los estudiantes que se enferman o
                                           controlada. Hay que presentar un                 - Roba datos u otra propiedad
resultan lesionados durante el día
                                           informe escrito que certifique la                  intelectual.
escolar tienen que obtener un pase a la
                                           capacidad física y mental cuando el              - Obtiene o busca acceso no
Oficina de Salud de un/a profesor/a y
                                           estudiante vuelva a la escuela, así                autorizado a los archivos de
presentarse ante la enfermera de la
                                           como los resultados de laboratorio de              terceros o vandaliza los datos de
                                           la prueba de drogas y alcohol, para su             otra persona.
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