M5 Curriculum Outline - International School of Billund 2019-2020

Page created by Clifton Gonzalez
M5 Curriculum Outline - International School of Billund 2019-2020
Curriculum Outline

International School of Billund
                                                                           August 2019
Dear Students and Parents,

In conjunc on with the publica on ‘Welcome to the MYP’ available in the MYP sec on of the ISB
website, this curriculum guide is designed to give both students and parents an overview of the
MYP learning programme at ISB. Together these two publica ons aim to clarify the key areas of
the teaching and learning that takes place at each grade level, as well as explain some of the
philosophical ideas that underpin the programme and lay the founda on for our educa onal

Our curriculum is organized according to the framework provided by the Interna onal
Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IBMYP) and heavily influenced by our mission statement
and core philosophy of learning through play.

The approach to teaching and learning in the MYP is student-centred and has a strong emphasis on
‘learning how to learn’. Students develop a broad range of skills, knowledge, and understanding,
which provides a solid basis for further studies at an upper secondary level.

While not covered directly in this guide, learning at ISB also involves a number of projects, Student
Composed Schedule weeks and Interdisciplinary Units, which ISB considers powerful tools towards
developing strong independent learners who are curious and intrinsically mo vated to learn.

Our community and service projects are partly curricular and partly extra-curricular by nature and
involve personal as well as class projects. The purpose is to encourage responsible ci zenship,
deepen the students’ knowledge of the world around them and to increase intercultural

While the details in this publica on are correct at the me of publica on, the Middle Years
Programme is dynamic and constantly evolving, hence details may be subject to change at any
 me. Students and parents will be informed of bigger changes or ini a ves as they occur.

If you have comments or ques ons about the Middle School curriculum, you are always welcome
to contact me on tuex0829@edu.isbillund.com or set up a mee ng.


Table of contents

Introduction                                           1
Table of contents                                      2
English Language and Literature                        3
Danish Language and Literature                         5
Spanish Acquisition                                    7
German Acquisition                                     9
Danish Acquisition                                    11
Mathematics                                           14
Individuals and Societies                             18
Science                                               21
Music                                                 23
Visual Art                                            25
Physical and Health Education                         27
Design                                                29

English Language and Literature

                                        Course Outline 2019-2020
                                    The International School of Billund
The following outline indicates the topics and the approximate dates that they will be studied. Please be aware that
these are intended dates only and can be altered at the teacher’s discre on. Addi onal curriculum informa on and
submission dates will be available on ManageBac.

Aims and Objectives:
The aims of MYP language and literature are to encourage and enable students to:

• use language as a vehicle for thought, crea vity, reflec on, learning, self-expression, analysis and social interac on
• develop the skills involved in listening, speaking, reading, wri ng, viewing and presen ng in a variety of contexts
• develop cri cal, crea ve and personal approaches to studying and analysing literary and non-literary texts
• engage with texts from different historical periods and a variety of cultures
• explore and analyse aspects of personal, host and other cultures through literary and non-literary texts
• explore language through a variety of media and modes
• develop a lifelong interest in reading
• apply linguis c and literary concepts and skills in a variety of authen c contexts.

The outline for the units taught this year in M5:

        Topic/Unit Name                                  Main Content                       Tentative Time Frame
1. Post-Colonialism                        ●   IDU with I.S.                             August-November
                                           ●   Follow the Rabbit Proof Fence
                                           ●   The Man Who Would Be King
                                           ●   Poli cal speeches
2. A series of miniature units             ●   Persepolis                                November-May
constructed about the named                ●   To be confirmed based on IBO
Global Context for this year’s                 informa on released in November
3. TBA                                     ●   End of year project                       May-June

Main resources:
We do not use a single set textbook in this subject, but rather a collec on of resources, many of which are of teachers
own crea on and disseminated on Google Classroom. Our major texts are listed in the Unit table above.

Homework will be assigned according to the ISB Homework Schedule in the assessment policy. Please remember
parents must inform the teacher if students are not able to hand their homework in on me. Students may
occasionally need to do addi onal work at home for some assessment tasks.


Assessment criteria, Language and Literature
Students grades will be made up of marks from the following criteria
Criterion A                       Analysing                          Maximum 8

Criterion B                       Organizing                         Maximum 8

Criterion C                       Producing text                     Maximum 8

Criterion D                       Using Language                     Maximum 8

Major Assessment tasks:

    ●    Task 1: A compare and contrast task based on ‘Follow the Rabbit Proof Fence’ and two poli cal speeches:
         John Howard’s ‘Statement of Regret’ (1999) and Kevin Rudd’s ‘Apology for the Stolen Genera ons’ (2008)
    ●    Task 2: A piece of wri ng reflec ng on the responsibility of people today for the abuses of the past
    ●    Task 3: Mock examina on
    ●    Task 4+: dependent upon the named Global Context

Students will be given detailed informa on about the tasks, due dates, expecta ons, and which criteria are being
marked for each assessment task.

Danish Language and Literature

                                        Course Outline 2019-2020
                                    The International School of Billund
The following outline indicates the topics and the approximate dates that they will be studied. Please be aware that
these are intended dates only and can be altered at the teacher’s discre on. Addi onal curriculum informa on and
submission dates will be available on ManageBac. Furthermore, the Danish Language and Literature course at ISB
follow the aims and objec ves set for the subject from Danish state authori es.

Aims and Objectives:
The aims of MYP language and literature are to encourage and enable students to:

• use language as a vehicle for thought, crea vity, reflec on, learning, self-expression, analysis and social interac on
• develop the skills involved in listening, speaking, reading, wri ng, viewing and presen ng in a variety of contexts
• develop cri cal, crea ve and personal approaches to studying and analysing literary and non-literary texts
• engage with text from different historical periods and a variety of cultures
• explore and analyse aspects of personal, host and other cultures through literary and non-literary texts
• explore language through a variety of media and modes
• develop a lifelong interest in reading
• apply linguis c and literary concepts and skills in a variety of authen c contexts.

The outline for the units taught this year in M5:

       Topic/Unit Name                                 Main Content                         Tentative Time Frame
1. Det moderne gennembrud                  ●   Main text:                                August - October
                                                  ○ A variety of texts from The
                                                       Modern Breakthrough
                                           ●   Knowledge and skills:
                                                  ○ The history of literature
                                                  ○ Wri ng style
                                                  ○ Image analysis
                                                  ○ Analysis and interpreta on

2. Virkelighedens kompleksitet             ●   Main text:                                October - February
                                                  ○ Jesper Wung Sung “Kopierne”
                                                       and a variety of short stories
                                                       wri en by Jesper Wung Sung.
                                           ●   Knowledge and skills:
                                                  ○ Authorship - the authors
                                                       unique style
                                                  ○ Genre knowledge
                                                  ○ Figura ve language

3. Mediernes virkelighed                   ●   Main text:                                March - may
                                                  ○ A selec on of different

●   Knowledge and skills:
                                               ○ Knowledge of the genre
                                               ○ Communica on
                                               ○ Understanding of audience
                                               ○ Target group
                                               ○ Filmic effects

4. Eksamensforberedelse                 ●   Exam prep and final exam                       May - June

Main resources:
We use the textbook system Fandango and different learning websites including dansk.alinea.dk. For grammar and
spelling exercises we use the textbook system Dansk Direkte, iStavning.dk and gramma p.com.
To support your child’s reading progression, we expect that all students have access to the online library website
E-reolen.dk, where audio books as well as online books are available. To get access to this, the students have to visit
their local library.

Homework will be assigned according to the ISB Homework Schedule in the assessment policy. Please remember
parents must inform the teacher if students are not able to hand their homework in on me. Students may
occasionally need to do addi onal work at home for some assessment tasks. In Danish, students will register individual
reading. Besides daily reading, the students will get reading assignments to complete at home. We expect parents to
support their children when reading at home. During the year, students will furthermore receive grammar homework
to be completed at home. The grammar homework will be assigned to improve individual difficul es.


Assessment criteria, Language and Literature
Students grades will be made up of marks from the following criteria
Criterion A                       Analysing                          Maximum 8

Criterion B                        Organizing                          Maximum 8

Criterion C                        Producing text                      Maximum 8

Criterion D                        Using Language                      Maximum 8

Major Assessment tasks:

    ●    Contribu on to a debate about a current theme
    ●    Blog post about being young
    ●    Documentary produc on
    ●    Mock exam

Students will be given detailed informa on about the tasks, due dates, expecta ons, and which criteria are being
marked for each assessment task.

Spanish Acquisition

                                        Course Outline 2019-2020
                                    The International School of Billund
The following outline indicates the topics and the approximate dates that they will be studied. Please be aware that
these are intended dates only and can be altered at the teacher’s discre on. Addi onal curriculum informa on and
submission dates will be available on ManageBac. Spanish acquisi on place students in phases suitable to individual
needs, hence students in one class might be placed in different phases and receive differen ated instruc on. The MYP
language acquisi on global proficiency table is used by teachers to place students in the correct phases and is included
a er the language acquisi on sec on in this document.

Aims and Objectives:
The aims of the teaching and learning of MYP language acquisi on are to:
         • gain proficiency in an addi onal language while suppor ng maintenance of their mother tongue and
          cultural heritage
         • develop a respect for, and understanding of, diverse linguis c and cultural heritages
         • develop the student’s communica on skills necessary for further language learning, and for study,
           work and leisure in a range of authen c contexts and for a variety of audiences and purposes
         • enable the student to develop mul literacy skills through the use of a range of learning tools, such as
          mul media, in the various modes of communica on
         • enable the student to develop an apprecia on of a variety of literary and non-literary texts and to
          develop cri cal and crea ve techniques for comprehension and construc on of meaning
         • enable the student to recognize and use language as a vehicle of thought, reflec on, self-expression
          and learning in other subjects, and as a tool for enhancing literacy
         • enable the student to understand the nature of language and the process of language learning, which
          comprises the integra on of linguis c, cultural and social components
         • offer insight into the cultural characteris cs of the communi es where the language is spoken
         • encourage an awareness and understanding of the perspec ves of people from own and other
          cultures, leading to involvement and ac on in own and other communi es
         • foster curiosity, inquiry and a lifelong interest in, and enjoyment of, language learning.

The outline for the units taught this year in M5:

Phase: 2
      Topic/Unit Name                                 Main Content                            Tentative Time Frame
    1. Vida después de la           Oraciones interroga vas, preguntas y respuestas,       August - November
         escuela                    profesiones, fortalezas y debilidades.
                                    Presente y futuro.
    2.   E-por olio                 To be decided by the IB in November                    November - March

    3.   E-exams                    Students will have completed their language            March - June
                                    acquisi on course at this point.

Main resources:
We do not use a single set textbook in this subject, but rather a collec on of online and offline resources, many of
which are of teachers own crea on and are posted on Google Classroom and other pla orms.

Homework will be assigned according to the ISB Homework Schedule in the assessment policy. Please remember
parents must inform the teacher if students are not able to hand their homework in on me. Students may
occasionally need to do addi onal work at home for some assessment tasks.


Assessment criteria, Spanish acquisition
Students grades will be made up of marks from the following criteria
Criterion A                       Comprehending spoken and             Maximum 8
                                  visual texts
Criterion B                       Comprehending wri en and             Maximum 8
                                  visual texts
Criterion C                       Communica ng in response to          Maximum 8
                                  spoken and/or wri en and/or
                                  visual text
Criterion D                       Using language in spoken             Maximum 8
                                  and/or wri en form

Major Assessment tasks:

    ●   Task 1: Entrevista de trabajo (Final submission and presenta on)

    ●   Task2: E-por olio

Students will be given detailed informa on about the tasks, due dates, expecta ons, and which criteria are being
marked for each assessment task.

German Acquisition

                                        Course Outline 2019-2020
                                    The International School of Billund
The following outline indicates the topics and the approximate dates that they will be studied. Please be aware that
these are intended dates only and can be altered at the teacher’s discre on. Addi onal curriculum informa on and
submission dates will be available on ManageBac. German acquisi on place students in phases suitable to individual
need, hence students in one class might be placed in different phases and receive differen ated instruc on. The MYP
language acquisi on global proficiency table is used by teachers to place students in the correct phases and is included
a er the language acquisi on sec on in this document.

Aims and Objectives:
The aims of the teaching and learning of MYP language acquisi on are to:
         • gain proficiency in an addi onal language while suppor ng maintenance of their mother tongue and
          cultural heritage
         • develop a respect for, and understanding of, diverse linguis c and cultural heritages
         • develop the student’s communica on skills necessary for further language learning, and for study,
             work and leisure in a range of authen c contexts and for a variety of audiences and purposes
         • enable the student to develop mul literacy skills through the use of a range of learning tools, such as
          mul media, in the various modes of communica on
         • enable the student to develop an apprecia on of a variety of literary and non-literary texts and to
          develop cri cal and crea ve techniques for comprehension and construc on of meaning
         • enable the student to recognize and use language as a vehicle of thought, reflec on, self-expression
          and learning in other subjects, and as a tool for enhancing literacy
         • enable the student to understand the nature of language and the process of language learning, which
          comprises the integra on of linguis c, cultural and social components
         • offer insight into the cultural characteris cs of the communi es where the language is spoken
         • encourage an awareness and understanding of the perspec ves of people from own and other
          cultures, leading to involvement and ac on in own and other communi es
         • foster curiosity, inquiry and a lifelong interest in, and enjoyment of, language learning.

The outline for the units taught this year in M5:

Phase: 2/Y1
      Topic/Unit Name                                 Main Content                            Tentative Time Frame
1. News                             Different types of media                                August - November
                                    Explaining preferences
3. E-Por olio unit                  To be decided by IB in November                        December- February

4. E-Exams                          Vocabulary of different types of transporta on          March - June

Main resources:
In this subject we use the textbook “Zoom Deutsch 2” for some of the Units. Apart from that, the teacher creates her
own resources, which are disseminated on Google Classroom.

Homework will be assigned according to the ISB Homework Schedule in the assessment policy. Please remember
parents must inform the teacher if students are not able to hand their homework in on me. Students may
occasionally need to do addi onal work at home for some assessment tasks.


Assessment criteria, German acquisition
Students grades will be made up of marks from the following criteria
Criterion A                       Comprehending spoken and             Maximum 8
                                  visual texts
Criterion B                       Comprehending wri en and             Maximum 8
                                  visual texts
Criterion C                       Communica ng in response to          Maximum 8
                                  spoken and/or wri en and/or
                                  visual text
Criterion D                       Using language in spoken             Maximum 8
                                  and/or wri en form

Major Assessment tasks (Phase 2/Y1):

    ●   Task 1: German ar cle & news report
    ●   Task 2: First part: oral review, Second part: Horror story
    ●   Task 3: Future product
    ●   Task 4: I need a cket

Students will be given detailed informa on about the tasks, due dates, expecta ons, and which criteria are being
marked for each assessment task.

Danish Acquisition

                                       Course Outline 2019-2020
                                   The International School of Billund
The following outline indicates the topics and the approximate dates that they will be studied. Please be aware that
these are intended dates only and can be altered at the teacher’s discre on. Addi onal curriculum informa on and
submission dates will be available on ManageBac. Danish acquisi on place students in phases suitable to individual
need, hence students in one class might be placed in different phases and receive differen ated instruc on. The MYP
language acquisi on global proficiency table is used by teachers to place students in the correct phases and is included
a er the language acquisi on sec on in this document. Students who progress to phase 5 or 6 will be considered for
the Danish Language and Literature course at discre on of the teacher.

Aims and Objectives:
The aims of the teaching and learning of MYP language acquisi on are to:
        • gain proficiency in an addi onal language while suppor ng maintenance of their mother tongue and
          cultural heritage
        • develop a respect for, and understanding of, diverse linguis c and cultural heritages
        • develop the student’s communica on skills necessary for further language learning, and for study,
           work and leisure in a range of authen c contexts and for a variety of audiences and purposes
        • enable the student to develop mul literacy skills through the use of a range of learning tools, such as
          mul media, in the various modes of communica on
        • enable the student to develop an apprecia on of a variety of literary and non-literary texts and to
          develop cri cal and crea ve techniques for comprehension and construc on of meaning
        • enable the student to recognize and use language as a vehicle of thought, reflec on, self-expression
          and learning in other subjects, and as a tool for enhancing literacy
        • enable the student to understand the nature of language and the process of language learning, which
          comprises the integra on of linguis c, cultural and social components
        • offer insight into the cultural characteris cs of the communi es where the language is spoken
        • encourage an awareness and understanding of the perspec ves of people from own and other
          cultures, leading to involvement and ac on in own and other communi es
        • foster curiosity, inquiry and a lifelong interest in, and enjoyment of, language learning.

The outline for the units taught this year in M5:

Phase: 2 and 3
      Topic/Unit Name                               Main Content                             Tentative Time Frame
    1. John Kenn Mortensens        Reflec on, knowledge about poe c language and           August - October
         forfa erskab              images, sentence structure, coherence between
                                   wri ng work and imagery, compare wri en work
                                   with own experiences,

2. Jeg er Frede               „Jeg er Frede“, reading, analysing                   October - November
(I am Frede)                       How to read and understand
                                   How do we see ourselves?
                                   How do our peers influence us?

    3.   Miniværk: Farfar          Reflec on, interpreta on, theme, genre,               December - March
         Flo enhejmer sæ er        characteris cs, compare wri en work with own
         fut i fejemøget           experiences,
    4.   Epor olio                 IB Epor olio will be available in November           April - June

Main resources:
We do not use a single set textbook in this subject, but rather a collec on of resources, many of which are of teacher’s
own crea on and disseminated on OneNote or Google Classroom.

Homework will be assigned according to the ISB Homework Schedule in the assessment policy. Please remember
parents must inform the teacher if students are not able to hand their homework in on me. Students may
occasionally need to do addi onal work at home for some assessment tasks.


Assessment criteria, Danish acquisition
Students grades will be made up of marks from the following criteria
Criterion A                       Comprehending spoken and              Maximum 8
                                  visual texts
Criterion B                       Comprehending wri en and              Maximum 8
                                  visual texts
Criterion C                       Communica ng in response to           Maximum 8
                                  spoken and/or wri en and/or
                                  visual text
Criterion D                       Using language in spoken              Maximum 8
                                  and/or wri en form

Major Assessment tasks:

    ●    Task 1: Create (write and draw) your own monster and tell its story (B + D)
    ●    Task 2: Rewrite the story seen from another person’s perspec ve (C + D)
    ●    Task 3: Review (B + D)
    ●    Task 4: IB Epor olio will be available in November

Students will be given detailed informa on about the tasks, due dates, expecta ons, and which criteria are being
marked for each assessment task.

MYP language acquisition global proficiency table
Emergent communicator
Phase 1                                                     Phase 2
•   Understand and respond to simple phrases,               •   Understand and respond to simple spoken and wri en
           statements and ques ons.                             texts.
•   Iden fy basic messages, facts, opinions, feelings       •   Iden fy messages, facts, opinions, feelings and ideas
    and ideas presented in oral, visual and wri en              presented in oral, visual and wri en language, and
    language, and demonstrate their comprehension in            demonstrate their comprehension in short oral and
    simple oral and wri en phrases.                             wri en form.
•   Convey basic informa on in a limited range of           •   Interact to share informa on in a limited range of
    everyday situa ons, using oral and wri en language          familiar situa ons, using basic language appropriate to a
    appropriate to a very limited range of interpersonal        limited range of interpersonal and cultural contexts.
    and cultural contexts.                                  •   Be aware that language varies according to purpose and
•   Begin to be aware that language use is connected            audience.
    to a purpose and an audience.

Capable communicator
Phase 3                                                     Phase 4
•   Understand and respond to a limited variety of          •   Capable communicators in phase 4 understand and
    spoken and wri en texts.                                    respond to a variety of spoken and wri en texts.
•   Understand specific informa on, main ideas and           •   Interpret specific informa on, main ideas and some
    some detail presented in oral, visual and wri en            detail presented in complex oral, visual and wri en
    language, and demonstrate their comprehension in            language, draw conclusions and recognize implied
    a limited range of oral and wri en forms.                   opinions and a tudes in texts read and viewed.
•   Engage in conversa on and write structured text to      •   Engage in conversa on and write structured text to
    express their ideas, opinions and experiences in a          share informa ve and organized ideas on topics of
    range of familiar and some unfamiliar situa ons, in a       personal interest and global significance, in a range of
    limited range of interpersonal and cultural contexts.       interpersonal and cultural contexts.
•   Understand that they can speak and write in             •   Can communicate substan al informa on containing
    different ways for different purposes and audiences.          relevant and developed ideas and jus fied opinions on
                                                                events, experiences and some concepts explored in
                                                            •   Iden fy aspects of format and style, and speak and write
                                                                with a clear sense of audience and purpose.

Proficient communicator
Phase 5                                                     Phase 6
•   Analyse specific informa on, ideas, opinions and         •   Evaluate the important informa on, details and ideas
    a tudes presented in oral, visual and wri en                presented in spoken, wri en and visual language in
    language.                                                   social and academic contexts.
•   Draw conclusions, infer informa on and recognize        •   Analyse the informa on, draw conclusions and make
    implied opinions and a tudes.                               inferences about ideas, opinions and a tudes implied
•   Respond and react to ques ons and ideas in a range          in a wide range of spoken, visual and wri en texts.
    of spoken, visual and wri en texts.                     •   Engage ac vely in conversa ons in social and academic
•   Engage ac vely in conversa ons in social and some           situa ons to contribute substan al informa on and give
    academic situa ons to contribute substan al                 detailed analysis and explana on.
    informa on containing relevant and focused ideas        •   Organize informa on and ideas logically and effec vely
    supported by examples and illustra ons.                     to communicate their understanding, opinions and
•   Organize informa on and ideas into a clear and              perspec ves to a wide range of audiences, and for a
    effec ve structure to express their understanding            variety of social and academic purposes.
    and opinions on topics of personal interest and
    global significance.
•   Interpret aspects of format and style, and are able
    to adapt register and style of language to suit the
  Adapted from Middle Years Programme language acquisition guide, for use from September 2014 or January 2015


                                       Course Outline 2019-2020
                                   The International School of Billund
The following outline indicates the topics and the approximate dates that they will be studied. Please be aware that
these are intended dates only and can be altered at the teacher’s discre on. Addi onal curriculum informa on and
submission dates will be available on ManageBac.

Aims and Objectives:
The aims of MYP mathema cs are to encourage and enable students to:
• enjoy mathema cs, develop curiosity and begin to appreciate its elegance and power
• develop an understanding of the principles and nature of mathema cs
• communicate clearly and confidently in a variety of contexts
• develop logical, cri cal and crea ve thinking
• develop confidence, perseverance, and independence in mathema cal thinking and problem-solving
• develop powers of generaliza on and abstrac on
• apply and transfer skills to a wide range of real-life situa ons, other areas of knowledge and future
• appreciate how developments in technology and mathema cs have influenced each other
• appreciate the moral, social and ethical implica ons arising from the work of mathema cians and the
 applica ons of mathema cs
• appreciate the interna onal dimension in mathema cs through an awareness of the universality of
 mathema cs and its mul cultural and historical perspec ves
• appreciate the contribu on of mathema cs to other areas of knowledge
• develop the knowledge, skills and a tudes necessary to pursue further studies in mathema cs
• develop the ability to reflect cri cally upon their own work and the work of others.

The outline for the units taught this year in M5:

       Topic/Unit Name                                Main Content                           Tentative Time Frame
1.   Generalizing different              ●   Drawing a scatter diagram for bivariate       August - September
     representa ons to make                 data
                                        ●   Drawing a line of best fit (regression line)
     predic ons                             by eye
                                        ●   Understanding and interpreting the
                                            correlation between two sets of data
                                        ●   Using technology to obtain the equation
                                            of a line of best fit
                                        ●   Selecting samples and making
                                            inferences about populations
                                        ●   Understanding the purpose of taking a
                                        ●   Using different sampling techniques

●   Understanding when it is appropriate to
                               generalize from a sample to a population
                           ●   Understanding the effect of sample size
                               on the reliability of your generalizations
2. Equivalent forms of     ●   Factorizing quadratic expressions, where      September - November
quadratic equations            the coefficient of x2 is 1, including the
                               difference of two squares
                           ●   Factorizing quadratic expressions where
                               the coefficient of x2 is not 1
                           ●   Finding the axis of symmetry and vertex
                               of a quadratic function
                           ●   Expressing a quadratic function in three
                               different forms: standard, factored and
                           ●   Finding a quadratic function given three
                               distinct points on its graph
                           ●   Finding a function to model a real-life
                           ●   Understanding how many unique points
                               define an object in a given dimension of
                           ●   Solving quadratic equations algebraically
                               and graphically
                           ●   Solving real-life problems by creating and
                               using quadratic models

3. Exploring pa erns and   ●   Understanding and using recursive and         November-December
generalizing solu ons          explicit formulae for sequences
                           ●   Recognizing linear and quadratic
                           ●   Finding a general formula for a linear or
                               quadratic sequence
                           ●   Recognizing patterns in real-life contexts
                           ●   Solving problems involving sequences in
                               real-life contexts
                           ●   Identifying patterns in number problems
                           ●   Solving complicated problems by looking
                               at a more general case
                           ●   Making generalizations from a given
                           ●   Finding and justifying (or proving) general
                               rules/ formulae for sequences
                           ●   Using explicit and recursive formulae to
                               describe arithmetic sequences and
                               geometric sequences
                           ●   Recognizing arithmetic and geometric
                               sequences in context
4. Time to take a chance   ●   Represen ng sample spaces in tables,          January-February
                               lists and diagrams
                           ●   Drawing tree diagrams, Venn diagrams
                               and two-way tables
                           ●   Calcula ng probabili es from Venn
                               diagrams and two-way tables
                           ●   Using tree diagrams to calculate
                               probabili es with and without
                           ●   Understanding informal ideas of
                           ●   Understanding and using formal
                               probability nota on

●   Calcula ng probabili es of independent,
                                         mutually exclusive and combined events
                                     ●   Proving probability theorems
                                     ●   Determining whether or not events are
                                         mutually exclusive and/or independent
5.Transforma ons can change          ●   Understanding how various parameters         February - March
models                                   affect the shape and posi on of a graph
                                     ●   Applying transla ons, reflec ons and
                                         dila ons to graphs
                                     ●   Describing the transforma on of a
                                         func on algebraically and graphically
                                     ●   Describing combina ons of
                                         transforma ons of a func on
                                         algebraically and graphically
                                     ●   Wri ng the equa on of a graph
                                         following one or more transforma ons
                                     ●   Recognizing exponen al func ons
                                     ●   Using exponen al func ons to model
                                         real-life problems
                                     ●   Iden fying and using transla ons,
                                         reflec ons and dila ons with
                                         exponen al func ons
6.Measurement of spaces in           ●   Knowing the terms chord, arc, segment        March - April
different dimensions                      and sector
                                     ●   Finding the length of an arc of a circle
                                     ●   Finding the angle in a sector of a circle
                                     ●   Finding the perimeter and area of a
                                         sector of a circle
                                     ●   Finding the length of a chord
                                     ●   Finding the surface area of any 3D shape
                                         (including pyramids, cones and spheres)
                                     ●   Finding the volume of any 3D shape
                                         (including pyramids, cones and spheres)
7.Jus fying circle theorems          ●   Finding angles and lengths using circle      April
                                     ●   Proving results using circle theorems
                                     ●   Examining ‘If . . . then . . .’ statements
                                         and tes ng the truth of their converses
                                     ●   Using circle theorems to find lengths of
                                     ●   Finding lengths using the intersec ng
                                         chord theorem

Main resources:
‘MYP Mathema cs 4 & 5 Standard; A concept-based approach’. Supplemented with ‘MYP by Concept 4&5,
Mathema cs’, ‘Interna onal Mathema cs for the Middle years’, ‘Mathema cs for the interna onal student’ and a
variety of online resources. In Maths OneNote is the main pla orm.

Homework will be assigned according to the ISB Homework Schedule in the assessment policy. Please remember
parents must inform the teacher if students are not able to hand their homework in on me. Students may
occasionally need to do addi onal work at home for some assessment tasks.


Assessment criteria, Mathematics
Students grades will be made up of marks from the following criteria
Criterion A                       Knowing and understanding          Maximum 8

Criterion B                         Integra ng pa ers                    Maximum 8

Criterion C                         Communica ng                         Maximum 8

Criterion D                         Applying Mathema cs in               Maximum 8
                                    real-world contexts

Major Assessment tasks:

For all units there will be a Unit test and small explora ons for assessing students against the criteria.

Students will be given detailed informa on about the tasks, due dates, expecta ons, and which criteria are being
marked for each assessment task.

Individuals and Societies

                                       Course Outline 2019-2020
                                   The International School of Billund
The following outline indicates the topics and the approximate dates that they will be studied. Please be aware that
these are intended dates only and can be altered at the teacher’s discre on. Addi onal curriculum informa on and
submission dates will be available on ManageBac. The IS course at ISB is taught as an integrated humani es course
including aspects of History, Geography, Economy, Sociology and Religion.

Aims and Objectives:

The aims of MYP individuals and socie es are to encourage and enable students to:
                • appreciate human and environmental commonali es and diversity
                • understand the interac ons and interdependence of individuals, socie es and the environment
                • understand how both environmental and human systems operate and evolve
                • iden fy and develop concern for the well-being of human communi es and the natural environment
                • act as responsible ci zens of local and global communi es
                • develop inquiry skills that lead towards conceptual understandings of the rela onships between
                individuals, socie es and the environments in which they live.

The outline for the units taught this year in M10:

         Topic/Unit Name                           Main Content                            Tentative Time Frame
    1.     Colonialism             Framework for coloniza on: Irish occupa on           August - October
                                       ● The policy and prac ce of occupa on
                                           o Suppression of language and culture
                                           o Religion and discrimina on
                                           o Marginaliza on of indigenous pop.
                                   Framework for coloniza on: Israel & Pales ne
                                       ● The policy and prac ce of occupa on
                                                ○ The “Right of Return”,
                                                ○ se lements
                                                ○ opposi on and an -semi sm,
                                                ○ two state solu on
                                   Owning the past
                                       ● Legacies of colonialism
                                       ● Official recogni on of mistakes and
                                           ‘repara ons’
                                   Debate and effect on public consciousness
                                   Case Study: Zambia

                                   Reasons for migration - Push and Pull factors
                                   (economic, social, political, environmental),
                                   Finding migration trends in different big world
                                   migrations (Chinese, Irish, Jews post WW2,
                                   Eastern Europeans, Scandinavians, Jordanian,
                                   Native Americans),

2.   Money makes the           Development of the monetary system:                   November - January
         world go around                ● Characteris cs and func ons of money,
                                        ● Barter system, gold standard, credit,
                                   Origins of the financial system:
                                        ● capitalism and democracy,
                                   Post-colonialism and the Interna onal financial
                                        ● legacies of the IMF & World Bank,
                                        ● Aid and corrup on
    3.   Worlds largest lesson     Popula on Dynamics, Distribu on and Density:          February - April
                                        ● Popula on structures and policies,
                                        ● Global migra ons of people,
                                        ● An child campaigns, Epidemics impact
                                            on popula on,
                                   Popula on theories,
                                        ● Lees push and Pull theory,
                                        ● Rosling on Popula on explosion
                                        ● sta s cal review/research

                                   UN Millenium Development & Global Goals
                                         ● what are they & how are they different?
                                         ● are things really that bad?
                                   What does ‘sustainable development’ mean?
                                   Why should Global Goals ma er to me?
                                         ● How and why are they connected?
                                         ● how understanding interconnectedness
                                             helps us to find solu ons to the
                                             problems surrounding them.
    4.   eAssessments              Skills needed for eAssessments and curriculum         June-July

Main resources:
In Individuals and Socie es we do not use a single set textbook in this subject, but rather a collec on of resources,
many of which are of teachers own crea on and disseminated on OneNote or Google Classroom.

Homework will be assigned according to the ISB Homework Schedule in the assessment policy. Please remember
parents must inform the teacher if students are not able to hand their homework in on me. Students may
occasionally need to do addi onal work at home for some assessment tasks.


Assessment criteria, Individuals and societies
Students grades will be made up of marks from the following criteria
Criterion A                        Knowing and understanding         Maximum 8

Criterion B                        Inves ga ng                         Maximum 8

Criterion C                        Communica ng                        Maximum 8

Criterion D                        Thinking cri cally                  Maximum 8

Major Assessment tasks:

    ●   Task 1:
    ●   Task 2: Inves ga ng role and responsibility in crea ng shared cultural iden ty through research,
    ●   DBQ, short wri en answers
    ●   Project presenta on and documentary film
    ●   In class wri en test
    ●   Money essay
    ●   Mock exam

Students will be given detailed informa on about the tasks, due dates, expecta ons, and which criteria are being
marked for each assessment task.


                                       Course Outline 2019-2020
                                   The International School of Billund
The following outline indicates the topics and the approximate dates that they will be studied. Please be aware that
these are intended dates only and can be altered at the teacher’s discre on. Addi onal curriculum informa on and
submission dates will be available on ManageBac. At ISB the science programme is taught as an integrated science
course and combine aspects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Environmental Science.

Aims and Objectives:
The aims of MYP sciences are to encourage and enable students to:
                • understand and appreciate science and its implica ons
                • consider science as a human endeavour with benefits and limita ons
                • cul vate analy cal, inquiring and flexible minds that pose ques ons, solve problems, construct
                explana ons and judge arguments
                • develop skills to design and perform inves ga ons, evaluate evidence and reach conclusions
                • build an awareness of the need to effec vely collaborate and communicate
                • apply language skills and knowledge in a variety of real-life contexts
                • develop sensi vity towards the living and non-living environments
                • reflect on learning experiences and make informed choices.

The outline for the units taught this year in M5:

       Topic/Unit Name                                   Main Content                               Tentative Time Frame
1. What is science?                  A short unit focusing on:                                   August
                                     Empiricism, Valid/ reliable inquiries, SI units and ’Fake
2. How do we organize the            The periodic table + The Isotope table                      September
natural world?                       Classifying living things - Taxonomy

3. How do different chemical          Biochemistry:                                               October-December
environments support life?           Acids, alkalis and salts
                                     Foods (recap)
4. How do humans impact the          Food chains and food webs                                   January - February
environment?                         Biodiversity
5. How can we use science to         Plastics                                                    March - April
make a be er future for all?         Clever materials
                                     Plant inspired solar panels
                                     Fair distribution of natural resources

Main resources:
’MYP by concept’ 4&5 plus a collec on of resources, which are of teachers own crea on and disseminated on
OneNote or Google Classroom.

Homework will be assigned according to the ISB Homework Schedule in the assessment policy. Please remember
parents must inform the teacher if students are not able to hand their homework in on me. Students may
occasionally need to do addi onal work at home for some assessment tasks.


Assessment criteria, Science
Students grades will be made up of marks from the following criteria
Criterion A                       Knowing and understanding          Maximum 8

Criterion B                       Inquiring and designing            Maximum 8

Criterion C                       Processing and evalua ng           Maximum 8

Criterion D                       Reflec ng on the impact of          Maximum 8

Assessment tasks:
During the year, students will make both smaller and more compressive lab reports. In addi on, they will make a
variety of tasks including video recordings, presenta ons and wri en tests. This will include two mock exams.

Students will be given detailed informa on about the tasks, due dates, expecta ons, and which criteria are being
marked for each assessment task.


                                       Course Outline 2019-2020
                                   The International School of Billund
The following outline indicates the topics and the approximate dates that they will be studied. Please be aware that
these are intended dates only and can be altered at the teacher’s discre on. Addi onal curriculum informa on and
submission dates will be available on ManageBac. In M4 and M5, students focus on only one of the Art disciplines
which is taught throughout the year.

Aims and Objectives:

The aims of MYP arts are to encourage and enable students to:
                • create and present art
                • develop skills specific to the discipline
                • engage in a process of crea ve explora on and (self-)discovery
                • make purposeful connec ons between inves ga on and prac ce
                • understand the rela onship between art and its contexts
                • respond to and reflect on art
                • deepen their understanding of the world.

The outline for the units taught this year in M5:

      Topic/Unit Name                                 Main Content                         Tentative Time Frame
1. Mozart vs Super Mario           Themes and varia ons as musical form, historical     August - October
                                   Mozart’s varia ons of ‘Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman’-
                                   Analysis of musical elements: Melody, texture,
                                   instrumenta on and harmony
                                   Koji Kondo’s varia ons for ‘Super Mario Wold’-
                                   Analysis of musical elements
                                   Musical theory: Major/minor scales and
                                   harmonies, triads, harmoniza on using primary
                                   and secondary triads, melodic embellishment,
                                     mbral experimenta on, texture varia ons
                                   within one or more instruments (monophonic,
                                   polyphonic homophonic) and varia ons of
                                   rhythm, tempo and registers.
                                   MuseScore nota on so ware, technical aspect
2. Pimp up Christmas               Analyzing cover versions in terms of musical         November- December
                                   elements such as instrumenta on, mbre,
                                   stylis c features and performance skills.
                                   Development and performance of students own
                                   cover version of a Christmas song. Process
                                   Journal entries and process work.
3. eAssessment unit                TBA, unit only released form the IB in November.     January- March
                                   The unit will entail work against all 4 criteria:

1.  Research into an ar st /musical style
                                           placing artwork in a historical and
                                           cultural context together with analysis of
                                           chosen artwork.
                                       2. A composi on
                                       3. Process Journal that explains the
                                           development of the artwork, examples
                                           of ar s c choices and responses to the
                                           composi on in a real world context.
4. Group performance               Group performance of a chosen song:                  April-June
                                   performance skills, technical skills, stage
                                   presence and performance for a live audience.

Main resources:
We do not use a single set textbook in this subject, but rather a collec on of resources, many of which are of teachers
own crea on and disseminated on OneNote.

Homework will be assigned according to the ISB Homework Schedule in the assessment policy. Please remember
parents must inform the teacher if students are not able to hand their homework in on me. Students may
occasionally need to do addi onal work at home for some assessment tasks.


Assessment criteria, Arts
Students grades will be made up of marks from the following criteria
Criterion A                       Knowing and understanding          Maximum 8

Criterion B                        Inves ga ng                        Maximum 8

Criterion C                        Communica ng                       Maximum 8

Criterion D                        Thinking cri cally                 Maximum 8

Major Assessment tasks:

    ●    Staff nota on composi on and process journal (Inves ga on, musical analysis and process work)
    ●    Mul media presenta on on a chosen ar st
    ●    Group performance
    ●    ePorfolio unit: Music composi on and Process Journal (Inves ga on, Analysis and process work)
    ●    Live performance

Students will be given detailed informa on about the tasks, due dates, expecta ons, and which criteria are being
marked for each assessment task.

Visual Art

                                       Course Outline 2019-2020
                                   The International School of Billund
The following outline indicates the topics and the approximate dates that they will be studied. Please be aware that
these are intended dates only and can be altered at the teacher’s discre on. Addi onal curriculum informa on and
submission dates will be available on ManageBac. In M4 and M5, students focus on only one of the Art disciplines
which is taught throughout the year.

Aims and Objectives:

The aims of MYP arts are to encourage and enable students to:
                • create and present art
                • develop skills specific to the discipline
                • engage in a process of crea ve explora on and (self-)discovery
                • make purposeful connec ons between inves ga on and prac ce
                • understand the rela onship between art and its contexts
                • respond to and reflect on art
                • deepen their understanding of the world.

The outline for the units taught this year in M5:

       Topic/Unit Name                               Main Content                          Tentative Time Frame
1. Transforma ons                  Looking at two different understandings of            August - October
                                   Transforma ons in Visual Art, for e.g Escher’s
                                   Metamorphosis and ‘Mother and Child’ across
                                    me and space. The students will choose one and
                                   research into some artworks to develop their
                                   understanding of the concept and crea ng their
                                   own artwork.
2. Storytelling (mock              Students will look at how stories are told through   November- December
e-por olio)                        art. They students will find their own
                                   ar sts/artworks using Artsy and Google Arts and
                                   Culture and analyse and develop their artwork
                                   based on their research. The will make
                                   mul media 2D art as their final artwork.
3. E-por olio                      Framework to be provided by the IBO in               January - March.

Main resources:
We do not use any one textbook on this subject, but rather a collec on of resources, many of which come from the
teachers own research and is shared with the students on Google Classroom or as websites. The students have also
been asked to get themselves, linked to their local commune libraries to access various online resources, this needs
their NemID and might need to request their parents for help.

Homework will be assigned according to the ISB Homework Schedule in the assessment policy. Please remember
parents must inform the teacher if students are not able to hand their homework in on me. Students may
occasionally need to do addi onal work at home for some assessment tasks.


Assessment criteria, Arts
Students grades will be made up of marks from the following criteria
Criterion A                       Knowing and understanding          Maximum 8

Criterion B                       Inves ga ng                        Maximum 8

Criterion C                       Communica ng                       Maximum 8

Criterion D                       Thinking cri cally                 Maximum 8

Major Assessment tasks:

    ●    Task 1: Research an ar st/artwork, paying careful a en on to the context in which the ar st worked/the
         artwork was created.
    ●    Task 2: Use prior knowledge, skills and techniques and develop new skills and techniques in the development
         of your artwork.
    ●    Task 3: Apply prior and new skills and techniques to create an original artwork.
    ●    Task 4: Reflect on your processes and development through the trimester.

Students will be given detailed informa on about the tasks, due dates, expecta ons, and criteria are being marked for
each assessment task.

Physical and Health Education

                                       Course Outline 2019-2020
                                   The International School of Billund
The following outline indicates the topics and the approximate dates that they will be studied. Please be aware that
these are intended dates only and may be altered at the teacher’s discre on. Addi onal curriculum informa on and
submission dates will be available on ManageBac.

Aims and Objectives:
The aims of MYP physical and health educa on are to encourage and enable students to:
                • use inquiry to explore physical and health educa on concepts
                • par cipate effec vely in a variety of contexts
                • understand the value of physical ac vity
                • achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle
                • collaborate and communicate effec vely
                • build posi ve rela onships and demonstrate social responsibility
                • reflect on their learning experiences.

The outline for the units taught this year in M5:

      Topic/Unit Name                               Main Content                            Tenta ve Time Frame
   1.Outdoor treasure hunt         Orienta on in different situa ons, using a                   August-October
                                   compass and making a map, reading and
                                   understanding the outdoor environments.
         2. E-Por olio             The unit for M10 e-por olio PHE in the IB system.           November- April
                                           Based on a coach client situa on.

Main resources:
We do not use a single set textbook in this subject, but rather a collec on of resources, many of which are of teachers
own crea on and disseminated on OneNote or Google Classroom.

Homework will be assigned according to the ISB Homework Schedule in the assessment policy. Please remember
parents must inform the teacher if students are not able to hand their homework in on me. Students may
occasionally need to do addi onal work at home for some assessment tasks.


Assessment criteria, Physical and health education
Students grades will be made up of marks from the following criteria
Criterion A                       Knowing and understanding          Maximum 8

Criterion B                        Planning for performance           Maximum 8

Criterion C                       Applying and performing            Maximum 8

Criterion D                       Reflec ng and improving             Maximum 8

Major Assessment tasks:

    ●    Task 1 Outdoor treasure hunt
    ●    Task 2 Coach-client scenario for E-por olio

Students will be given detailed informa on about the tasks, due dates, expecta ons, and which criteria are being
marked for each assessment task.


                                       Course Outline 2019-2020
                                   The International School of Billund
The following outline indicates the topics and the approximate dates that they will be studied. Please be aware that
these are intended dates only and can be altered at the teacher’s discre on. Addi onal curriculum informa on and
submission dates will be available on ManageBac.

Aims and Objectives:
The aims of MYP design are to encourage and enable students to:
                • enjoy the design process, develop an apprecia on of its elegance and power
• develop knowledge, understanding and skills from different disciplines to design and create
 solu ons to problems using the design cycle
                • use and apply technology effec vely as a means to access, process and communicate informa on,
                  model and create solu ons, and to solve problems
                • develop an apprecia on of the impact of design innova ons for life, global society and environments
                • appreciate past, present and emerging design within cultural, poli cal, social, historical and
                  environmental contexts
                • develop respect for others’ viewpoints and appreciate alterna ve solu ons to problems
                • act with integrity and honesty, and take responsibility for their own ac ons developing effec ve
                  working prac ces.

The outline for the units taught this year in M5:

       Topic/Unit Name                              Main Content                            Tentative Time Frame
1. 3D design and prin ng           Technical 3d drawing and prototyping                  August - September

2. Promo ng produc vity            How can produc vity be increased through              September - December
through crea ve design             design?
                                   Documen ng the design process -a mock
                                   e-por olio.
3. E - assessment unit             Framework will be released by the IBO in              December - April

Main resources:
We do not use textbooks in this subject, but rather a collec on of resources, many of which are of teachers own
crea on and disseminated on OneNote or Google Classroom.

Homework will be assigned according to the ISB Homework Schedule in the assessment policy. Please remember
parents must inform the teacher if students are not able to hand their homework in on me. Students may
occasionally need to do addi onal work at home for some assessment tasks.


Assessment criteria, Design
Students grades will be made up of marks from the following criteria
Criterion A                       Inquiring and analysing            Maximum 8

Criterion B                       Developing ideas                   Maximum 8

Criterion C                       Crea ng the solu on                Maximum 8

Criterion D                       Evalua ng                          Maximum 8

Major Assessment tasks:

    ●    Portefolio of the “increase produc vity through crea ve design” design process
    ●    E-por olio

Students will be given detailed informa on about the tasks, due dates, expecta ons, and which criteria are being
marked for each assessment task.

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