Machin Messenger - Municipality of Machin

Page created by Alberto Morris
Machin Messenger - Municipality of Machin
Machin Messenger
                  Serving Minnitaki, Eagle River, Vermilion Bay
                                   And surrounding area
                      Volume 22 issue 2                         February6, 2020

                                                                February Events:
Municipal Notes                                                     3rd & 4th Little Bands Hockey Tournament
                                                                    Novice Tournament on the 8th (and possibly 9th-
February is a great opportunity to spend time with family            not finalized)
and friends with activities planned in our area; February           15th I.P. Vermilion Bay Local Tournament
17th is Family day, followed by the 54th annual Kin Karnival        Double A Hockey, Pickup Hockey, Public Skating,
on February 20th - 23rd. The Vermilion Bay Lion Club’s an-           Hall Walking (as posted)
nual Snowmachine Poker Derby is scheduled on February
22. Our Woodland Arena has several hockey events
planned as well (see list below). We hope you and your
family get a chance to enjoy what our area has to offer.
                                                                Community Revitalization Committee
On Wednesday January 8, Mayor and Council representa-
tives had the opportunity to meet one-on-one with MPP           Hey Machin! We wanted to give you an update on some
Greg Rickford to again discuss key issues in our communi-       of our projects! I’m sure some of you have noticed the
ty and ask for his support.                                     flag posts in our communities and the large concrete
                                                                planters in Vermilion Bay and Minnitaki.
Friday January 10th Council had a productive meeting with
local Dryden Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
(MNRF) representatives, discussing our Crown land initia-       There are still many items to be completed in the next
tives involving Municipal landfills, Ely Lake Cottage Lot de-   few months that we are very excited about. There will
velopment, and Crownland acquisition.                           be log benches and log fence installed in Eagle River as
                                                                well as a beautiful history wall and a “You Are Here”
Deputy Mayor Ron Kujansuu participated in the Ministry of       map. We have new signs coming for Vermilion Bay and
Health Open House discussions January 22nd and 23rd in          a new sign for Minnitaki as well.
Kenora. The meetings were part of the Province’s consulta-
tions on Public Health and Emergency Health Services            We are excited to see all of our hard work and hours
(EHS) Modernization and Transformation. Four meet-              come together and unite our communities.
ings were held over the two days with participation from
the Treaty 3 - Ogichidaa, Chiefs and Elders. Kenora, Fort       We hope to continue our work as a group for Machin ...
Frances and Rainy River District - Mayors, Councillors,         Stay tuned for upcoming details!
CAO’s, EMS, Ornge Air Ambulance Services, Ontario Health
Board, and Territories Without Municipal Organiza-              Your Revitalization Committee,
tion (TWOMO). Excellent discussions on many of our local
and regional concerns were expressed; working together,         Erin Leutschaft, Norbert Bruyere, Caleigh Ross, Carmene
levels of service, staffing, land ambulance flexibility/        Hampe and Ray Pilkey
certification, new technologies, cost increases and funding
were the main topics.
Council representatives participated Thursday January 23
in the Provincial Draft Forest Sector Strategy review in
Kenora along with other Municipal and Industry represent-                The Machin Office will be closed
atives. The Draft Strategy is the result of communication            on February 17, 2020, for Family Day.
with Indigenous partners, industry, municipal leaders and
the public started in September of 2018. The new Forest
                                                                   Staff, Council & Mayor wish everyone and
Sector Strategy will aim to stimulate job creation, pro-                their families a safe and fun day.
mote economic growth, and reduce unnecessary burden
and costs for businesses, while ensuring our forests con-
tinue to be managed sustainably.

Woodland Arena
Overall the arena has seen steady usage, with an increase
in Double A Hockey, Pickup Hockey and Public Skating this
winter. The canteen has seen a steady increase in usage
and revenue which is great to see.
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                                                               MESSENGER ADS
                                                               If you wish to advertise in the Machin Messenger, please
  Submissions for the Machin Messenger must now be in by
  the LAST WEDNESDAY of the month, by noon. Since the
                                                                call the Municipal Offices at 227-2633 to find out the
  Messenger is published on the first Thursday of the month, charge for your ad. Ads will need to be pre-paid.
  the deadline will change if the 1st is on Thursday. We will
  put reminders in the month before. The deadline for the Property Owners in Vermilion Bay with Aqua
  March Messenger will be Wednesday February 26th. Flow units are reminded to turn them on to
  Drop submissions off at the Municipal Office or email to pil-, subject line “Machin Messenger”. Ads prevent your water from freezing. Please en-
  will need to be pre-paid prior to insertion in the Messenger.
                                                                sure that they remain on until the middle of
                                                                April. Should you have any questions please
                                                                call Shawna Alberts at 227-2064.

For Sale By Tender:
The Municipality of Machin has the following items
for sale by Tender – 49 Large Halogen Highbay
Lights, the type you would use in a garage. (they
                                                                 Local MP Eric Melillo will be in Vermilion
have been removed from the Arena and Rec. Centre)
                                                                 Bay on February 15th, 2020. If you
                                                                 would like to meet with Mr. Melillo to
Please write the amount you are willing to pay and               discuss any issues or concerns you
how many lights you would like, name and a contact               have or if you would just like to say hi,
number.                                                          Mr. Melillo will be at the Municipal
Please bring your sealed Tender to the Municipal Of-             Office Building at 75 Spruce Avenue,
fice at 75 Spruce Avenue , by February 20th, 2020 at             Vermilion Bay from 12:30 to 3:30. To
noon.                                                            set up an appointment time to meet
                                                                 with Mr. Melillo please call his office at
If you have any questions please contact Tammy                   (807-468-2170).
Rob at (807) 227-2633 ext. 22.

                                         The Public Works Department would like to remind every-
         one that it is illegal to push snow onto and across Municipal Roads as stated in the
         Highway Traffic Act. The Highway Traffic Act R.S.O. 199, C.H.8,S.181 states: “No person
         shall deposit snow or ice on a roadway without permission in writing to do so from
         the Ministry or road authority responsible for maintenance of the road”. The penalty
         on conviction is a fine and you can also be personally liable for damages.
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                                   MACHIN VOLUNTEER FIRE & FIRST RESPONSE DEPARTMENT
                                                      P.O. BOX 249
                                               VERMILION BAY, ON P0V 2V0
                                                   FAX: 866-505-3447

                                                    Shoveling Safety

When shoveling snow, clear all entry/exits of your home to ensure that you can get out in case of a fire,
and clear a wide enough path that emergency vehicles will be able to easily access your house, in case
of a fire or other emergency. Also, check all intake/exhaust vents for furnace and fuel-burning applianc-
es to make sure that they are not getting blocked with a buildup of snow and/or ice.

Snow removal is often done in a rush to get to work on time, or to finish as fast as possible. The good
news is that 15 minutes of light snow shoveling is considered moderate physical activity. Canada’s Phys-
ical Activity Guide says we should aim for at least 60 minutes of daily moderate physical activity of some
kind. The bad news is that research has shown an increase in the number of fatal heart attacks among
individuals shoveling snow following heavy snowfalls. This may be due to the sudden demand that shov-
eling in cold weather places on an individual’s heart and body. Shoveling can be good exercise when
performed correctly and with safety in mind.

Who should think twice about shoveling snow?
    People who have existing health problems, or injuries.
    Older individuals.

    Anyone who has had a previous heart attack.
    People with family or personal history of heart disease, high blood pressure or high cholesterol lev-
    Smokers.
    People leading a sedentary lifestyle.

To reduce risk of injury,
    Avoid stimulants like caffeine and nicotine that place extra stress on the heart.
    Avoid eating large meals that place demands on the digestive system.

    Drink plenty of water; dehydration is an issue in winter as it is in summer.
    Dress in several layers; remove a layer as needed. Extremities, such as the nose, ears, hands and
     feet need extra attention when it is cold outside; place a scarf or other face protection over the
     nose/mouth to avoid breathing cold air. Wear proper footwear; boots with slip-resistant soles or
     anti-slip cleat attachments can help to minimize the risk of slips and falls.
    Warm-up for five-to-ten minutes to get the joints moving and increase blood circulation; march on
     the spot, climb stairs, or go for a quick walk around the block. After warm-up, perform gentle
     stretches for the back (i.e. knees to chest), arms and shoulders (i.e. body hug), and legs (i.e. for-
     ward bends from a seated position). This will ensure that your body is ready for activity.
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It's been a special two months for the Vermilion
Bay Kinsmen. Gilbert Grandbois was presented his
life membership in December, and Ken Canan was
presented his Maple Leaf of Distinction Award in

We are busy getting ready for the Kin Karnival,
hope to see everyone out at all of the events!

                                 Scott & Ken
                                                       Come out to the annual Kinsmen Fish Fry on Feb
  Chloe, Gilbert
  and Gabby
                                                       21st and Stay for the Meat Draws which will be
                                                       drawn at 6:00 and 6:30 while enjoying the fab-
                                                       ulous Fish Fry by the Kinsmen. Tickets will be
                                                       $5.00 per draw with a prize value of approxi-
                                                       mately $75.00 per draw.

                                                       Come on out for the annual Karnival Pancake
                                                       Breakfast Feb 23rdh from 9 to 11:30. Bring your
                                                       babies age 0 to 24 months and receive a certifi-
                                                       cate and a prize while supplies last compliments
                                                       of the Vermilion Bay & Area Kinette Club.

                                                                      Need to contact us?
                                                                      You can email us at
                                                              or leave us a Facebook message on
                                                               “Vermilion Bay and Area Kinettes”
                                                        or contact our president Lori Miles at 221-7667.

                                                                       Have an event???
 We R Eager organizes funeral lunches                              Need designated drivers?
 for people in the communities of Eagle
 River and Minnitaki at no charge.                                       Bartenders?
                                                                    (SIPS Course certified)

 Contact: Carolle Eady at 755-2117
                                                                    Call for a quote today
 or Pat Calvert at 755-2412                                                 Or email
                                                                      Lori Miles 221-7677
                                                                  Debbie Landry 938-7290
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                                               The Vermilion Bay Co-op would like to let the shoppers
                                                    know the following monthly dates for 2020
                                                Shareholder         Senior Days          Flyer Days
                                                 Feb. 14th            Feb.19th      Jan. 31st - Feb. 6th
                                                                                    Feb. 14th-Feb.20th
      G & G SPORTS                                                                  Feb. 28th-March 5th

     Box 309 Vermilion Bay
        Phone 227-2895
 Repairs to most sports equipment            Just a reminder that you can view the Co-op Flyers online at
   Zipper replacement or repair                      
          Snaps & buckles
Recover ski-do seats and bike seats
        Chairs—boat seats
    Re-lacing baseball gloves
     Skate repair/sharpening

                                                                In this area, batteries may be
                                                             dropped off at Timbermax in Dryden.
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                                                                                            Depth of winter!
                                                                                 Does your body think it has to
                                                                             pack on the pounds to keep you warm?
                                                                                       It doesn’t! Honest!

                                                                                       Join us Thursdays
                                                                                          at 2:00 p.m.
                                                                                     in the Reading Room
                                                                                       (basement of the
                                                                                   Municipal Office Building)

                                                                              We’ll give you the support you need
                                                                                       to lose those extra pounds!
                                                                                 For more info, call Val @ 227– 5293
                                                                                          or Marcia @ 227-2061

Machin Council: M onday February 10th and M on-
day February 24th, 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Machin
Municipal Office. Meeting minutes are now available Building Permit Applications and general inquiries are
online— www.
                                                      available at the Machin Office. Any questions on building,
Public Works Meeting: M onday February 10th, please call the Chief Building Office, Noel Dumontier at (807)-
6:00 p.m., Council Chambers, Machin Municipal Office. 727-7276 or the Municipal Office at 227-2633.
Recreation/Woodland Arena Committee Meeting—
TBA                                                                             Area Church Services
Revitalization Committee: TBA
Lions Club—First and third Wednesdays of every
month, 7:00 p.m., Lion’s Hall.
Happy-Go-Lucky Seniors: Dinner meeting, M onday
February 10th at noon.
Pine Tree Pathways: No meeting until spring.
TOPS—Weigh-in at 2:00 p.m.. every Thursday. Short
                                                                                       Our Lady of Fatima
meeting follows in the Reading Room, Municipal Build-                               Roman Catholic Church
ing. AA - Every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. New meeting:                                    Hwy 17 Vermilion Bay
Every Sunday at 7:00 p.m. - Open meeting for any-                                 Mass: Fridays at 5:30 p.m.
one affected by Alcoholism. All meetings held
in the Reading Room at the Machin Municipal Of-                                 Vermilion Bay United Church
fices.     AL-Anon Family Group: Every Thursday                                        97 Spruce Street
                                                                                        Vermilion Bay
7:00 p.m., at St. Mark Lutheran Church. For more info                                  Worship Services:
call Darlene @938-7061.                                                        Easter to the end of September
Stitch and Sew— Every Tuesday from 9:30—3:30.
Kinettes—The first WEDNESDAY of each month, 7:00
p.m. in the Bayview meeting room.                                           Eagle River (Ebenezer) Baptist Church
                                                                               Services at First Baptist Church
Community Gardens Committee— TBA                                               58 King Street, Dryden, Ontario
Seniors Friendship Club of Eagle River—Second                              Morning Worship Service at 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday of each Month.
Police Services Board—TBA
                                                                                   St. Mark Lutheran Church
Waldhof Wranglers—Contact Joanne Graham at 807-
                                                                                     Hwy 17 Vermilion Bay
220-3497 or check out the Waldhof Wranglers Facebook                            Services: Sundays 11:30 a.m.
                                                                                                     Evangelical Mission Church
    WINTER HOURS—WASTE DISPOSAL SITES Effective Oct. 1, 2019                                       55 Willow Street, Vermilion Bay
                                                                                                    Services: Sundays 11:00 a.m.
                             TUESDAY          THURSDAY          SATURDAY                             Sunday School—10:00 a.m.

                                                                                                       Upper Falls Baptist Church
       VERMILION BAY      2 p.m.— 6 p.m.    Closed           9 a.m.—1 p.m.                                  Hwy 105 North
                                                                                                     Worship: Sundays 11:00 a.m.
       EAGLE RIVER        9 a.m.— 1 p.m.    Closed           2 p.m.—6 p.m.                            Sunday School/Bible Study:
                                                                                                         10:00 a.m. (all ages)

Copies of the water systems monthly summary, annual reports and the financial plan are
available for viewing at the Municipal Office if any of the general public would like to re-
view them. Also available at the Municipal Office the public may access the Water Quality
System Policy for the Vermilion Bay water treatment plant and distribution system which
forms part of the Operational Plan. Should anyone have any questions or concerns please
do not hesitate to contact Shawna Alberts at 227-2064.
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