Machines WELES: Policy-driven Runtime Integrity Enforcement of Virtual

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W ELES: Policy-driven Runtime Integrity Enforcement of Virtual
                                                          Wojciech Ozga                     Do Le Quoc                            Christof Fetzer
                                                       TU Dresden, Germany              TU Dresden, Germany                    TU Dresden, Germany
                                                       IBM Research Europe
arXiv:2104.14862v1 [cs.CR] 30 Apr 2021

                                                                                              May 3, 2021

                                         Abstract                                                          provider, its employees, and the infrastructure protect the
                                                                                                           tenant’s intellectual property as well as the confidentiality
                                         Trust is of paramount concern for tenants to deploy their         and the integrity of the tenant’s data. A malicious em-
                                         security-sensitive services in the cloud. The integrity of        ployee [8], or an adversary who gets into possession of
                                         virtual machines (VMs) in which these services are de-            employee credentials [74, 50], might leverage administra-
                                         ployed needs to be ensured even in the presence of pow-           tor privileges to read the confidential data by introspecting
                                         erful adversaries with administrative access to the cloud.        virtual machine (VM) memory [85], to tamper with com-
                                         Traditional approaches for solving this challenge leverage        putation by subverting the hypervisor [54], or to redirect
                                         trusted computing techniques, e.g., vTPM, or hardware             the tenant to an arbitrary VM under her control by alter-
                                         CPU extensions, e.g., AMD SEV. But, they are vulnera-             ing a network configuration [91]. We tackle the problem
                                         ble to powerful adversaries, or they provide only load time       of how to establish trust in a VM executed in the cloud.
                                         (not runtime) integrity measurements of VMs.                      Specifically, we focus on the integrity of legacy systems
                                            We propose W ELES, a protocol allowing tenants to es-          executed in a VM.
                                         tablish and maintain trust in VM runtime integrity of soft-
                                                                                                              The existing attestation protocols focus on leveraging
                                         ware and its configuration. W ELES is transparent to the
                                                                                                           trusted hardware to report measurements of the execu-
                                         VM configuration and setup. It performs an implicit at-
                                                                                                           tion environment. In trusted computing [34], the trusted
                                         testation of VMs during a secure login and binds the VM
                                                                                                           platform module attestation [11] and integrity measure-
                                         integrity state with the secure connection. Our prototype’s
                                                                                                           ment architecture (IMA) [78] provide a means to en-
                                         evaluation shows that W ELES is practical and incurs low
                                                                                                           force and monitor integrity of the software that has been
                                         performance overhead (≤ 6%).
                                                                                                           executed since the platform bootstrap [7]. The virtual
                                                                                                           TPM (vTPM) [19] design extends this concept by intro-
                                                                                                           ducing a software-based trusted platform module (TPM)
                                         1    Introduction                                                 that, together with the hardware TPM, provides integrity
                                                                                                           measurements of the entire software stack — from the
                                         Cloud computing paradigm shifts the responsibility of the
                                                                                                           firmware, the hypervisor, up to the VM. However, this
                                         computing resources management from application own-
                                                                                                           technique cannot be applied to the cloud because an ad-
                                         ers to cloud providers, allowing application owners (ten-
                                                                                                           versary can tamper with the communication between the
                                         ants) to focus on their business use cases instead of on
                                                                                                           vTPM and the VM. For example, by reconfiguring the net-
                                         hardware management and administration. However, trust
                                                                                                           work, she can mount a man-in-the-middle attack to per-
                                         is of paramount concern for tenants operating security-
                                                                                                           form a TPM reset attack [53], compromising the vTPM
                                         sensitive systems because software managing computing
                                                                                                           security guarantees.
                                         resources and its configuration and administration remains
                                         out of their control. Tenants have to trust that the cloud          A complementary technology to trusted computing,

trusted execution environment (TEE) [46], uses hard-                that provides integrity guarantees to legacy systems exe-
ware extensions to exclude the administrator and privi-             cuted in the cloud. W ELES has noteworthy advantages.
leged software, i.e., operating system, hypervisor, from            First, it supports legacy systems with zero-code changes
the trusted computing base. The Intel software guard ex-            by running them inside VMs on the integrity-enforced ex-
tensions (SGX) [29] comes with an attestation protocol              ecution environment. To do so, it leverages trusted com-
that permits remotely verifying application’s integrity and         puting to enforce and attest to the hypervisor’s and VM’s
the genuineness of the underlying hardware. However, it             integrity. Second, W ELES limits the system administra-
is available only to applications executing inside an SGX           tor activities in the host OS using integrity-enforcement
enclave. Legacy applications executed inside an enclave             mechanisms, while relying on the TEE to protect its own
suffer from performance limitations due to a small amount           integrity from tampering. Third, it supports tenants con-
of protected memory [15]. The SGX adoption in the vir-              necting from machines not equipped with trusted hard-
tualized environment is further limited because the pro-            ware. Specifically, W ELES integrates with the secure shell
tected memory is shared among all tenants.                          (SSH) protocol [89]. Login to the VM implicitly performs
   Alternative technologies isolating VMs from the un-              an attestation of the VM.
trusted hypervisor, e.g., AMD SEV [52, 51] or IBM                      Our contributions are as follows:
PEF [44], do not have memory limitations. They sup-                  • We designed a protocol, W ELES, attesting to the VM’s
port running the entire operating system in isolation from             runtime integrity (§4).
the hypervisor while incurring minimal performance over-             • We implemented the W ELES prototype using state-of-
head [41]. However, their attestation protocol only pro-               the-art technologies commonly used in the cloud (§5).
vides information about the VM integrity at the VM ini-              • We evaluated it on real-world applications (§6).
tialization time. It is not sufficient because the loaded op-
erating system might get compromised later–at runtime–
with operating system vulnerabilities or misconfigura-              2    Threat model
tion [88]. Thus, to verify the runtime (post-initialization)
integrity of the guest operating system, one would still            We require that the cloud node is built from the software
need to rely on the vTPM design. But, as already men-               which source code is certified by a trusted third party [3]
tioned, it is not enough in the cloud environment.                  or can be reviewed by tenants, e.g., open-source soft-
   Importantly, security models of these hardware tech-             ware [13] or proprietary software accessible under non-
nologies isolating VM from the hypervisor assume threats            disclosure agreement. Specifically, such software is typ-
caused by running tenants’ OSes in a shared execution               ically considered safe and trusted when (i) it originates
environment, i.e., attacks performed by rogue operators,            from trusted places like the official Linux git repository;
compromised hypervisor, or malicious co-tenants. These              (ii) it passes security analysis like fuzzing [90]; (iii) it
technologies do not address the fact that a typical tenant’s        is implemented using memory safe languages, like Rust;
OS is a complex mixture of software and configuration               (iv) it has been formally proven, like seL4 [56] or Ever-
with a large vector attack. I.e., the protected application         Crypt [72]; (v) it was compiled with memory corruption
is not, like in the SGX, a single process, but the kernel,          mitigations, e.g., position-independent executables with
userspace services, and applications, which might be com-           stack-smashing protection.
promised while running inside the TEE and thus exposes                 Our goal is to provide tenants with an runtime integrity
tenant’s computation and data to threats. These technolo-           attestation protocol that ensures that the cloud node (i.e.,
gies assume it is the tenant’s responsibility to protect the        host OS, hypervisor) and the VM (guest OS, tenant’s
OS, but they lack primitives to enable runtime integrity            legacy application) run only expected software in the ex-
verification and enforcement of guest OSes. This work               pected configuration. We distinguish between an inter-
proposes means to enable such primitives, which are nei-            nal and an external adversary, both without capabilities of
ther provided by the technologies mentioned above nor by            mounting physical and hardware attacks (e.g., [87]). This
the existing cloud offerings.                                       is a reasonable assumption since cloud providers control
   We present W ELES, a VM remote attestation protocol              and limit physical access to their data centers.

An internal adversary, such as a malicious administra-           tamper-resistant. They cannot be written directly but
tor or an adversary who successfully extracted administra-          only extended with a new value using a cryptographic
tors credentials [74, 50], aims to tamper with a hypervisor         hash function: PCR_extend = hash(PCR_old_value ||
configuration or with a VM deployment to compromise                 data_to_extend).
the integrity of the tenant’s legacy application. She has              The TPM attestation protocol [40] defines how to read
remote administrative access to the host machine that al-           a report certifying the PCRs values. The report is signed
lows her to configure, install, and execute software. The           using a cryptographic key derived from the endorsement
internal adversary controls the network that will allow her         key, which is an asymmetric key embedded in the TPM
to insert, alter, and drop network packages.                        chip at the manufacturing time. The TPM also stores a
   An external adversary resides outside the cloud. Her             certificate, signed by a manufacturer, containing the en-
goal is to compromise the security-sensitive application’s          dorsement key’s public part. Consequently, it is possible
integrity. She can exploit a guest OS misconfiguration or           to check that a genuine TPM chip produced the report be-
use social engineering to connect to the tenant’s VM re-            cause the report’s signature is verifiable using the public
motely. Then, she runs dedicated software, e.g., software           key read from the certificate.
debugger or custom kernel, to modify the legacy applica-
                                                                    Runtime integrity enforcement. The administrator has
tion’s behavior.
                                                                    privileged access to the machine with complete control
   We consider the TPM, the CPU, and their hardware fea-
                                                                    over the network configuration, with permissions to in-
tures trusted. We rely on the soundness of cryptographic
                                                                    stall, start, and stop applications. These privileges per-
primitives used by software and hardware components.
                                                                    mit him to trick the DRTM attestation process because the
We treat software-based side-channel attacks (e.g., [58])
                                                                    hypervisor’s integrity is measured just once when the hy-
as orthogonal to this work because of (i) the counter-
                                                                    pervisor is loaded to the memory. The TPM report certi-
measures existence (e.g., [67]) whose presence is verifi-
                                                                    fies this state until the next DRTM launch, i.e., the next
able as part of the W ELES protocol, (ii) the possibility
                                                                    computer boot. Hence, after the hypervisor has been mea-
of provisioning a dedicated (not shared) machine in the
                                                                    sured, an adversary can compromise it by installing an ar-
                                                                    bitrary hypervisor [75] or downgrading it to a vulnerable
                                                                    version without being detected.
3    Background and Problem Statement                                  Integrity measurement architecture (IMA) [7, 78, 43]
                                                                    allows for mitigation of the threat mentioned above. Be-
                                                                    ing part of the measured kernel, IMA implements an
Load-time integrity enforcement. A cloud node is a
                                                                    integrity-enforcement mechanism [43], allowing for load-
computer where multiple tenants run their VMs in par-
                                                                    ing only digitally signed software and configuration. Con-
allel on top of the same computing resources. VMs are
                                                                    sequently, signing only software required to manage VMs
managed by a hypervisor, a privileged layer of software
                                                                    allows for limiting activities carried out by an adminis-
providing access to physical resources and isolating VMs
                                                                    trator on the host machine. A load of a legitimate kernel
from each other. Since the VM’s security depends on the
                                                                    with enabled IMA and input-output memory management
hypervisor, it is essential to ensure that the correct hyper-
                                                                    unit is ensured by DRTM, and it is attestable via the TPM
visor controls the VM.
                                                                    attestation protocol.
   The trusted computing [34] provides hardware and soft-
ware technologies to verify the hypervisor’s integrity. In          Integrity auditing. IMA provides information on what
particular, the dynamic root of trust for measurements              software has been installed or launched since the kernel
(DRTM) [81] is a mechanism available in modern CPUs                 loading, what is the system configuration, and whether
that establishes a trusted environment in which a hyper-            the system configuration has changed. IMA provides a
visor is securely measured and loaded. The hypervi-                 tamper-proof history of collected measurements in a ded-
sor’s integrity measurements are stored inside the hard-            icated file called IMA log. The tamper-proof property is
ware TPM chip in dedicated memory regions called plat-              maintained because IMA extends to the PCR the measure-
form configuration registers (PCRs) [11]. PCRs are                  ments of every executable, configuration file, script, and

a) modifies network !          b) hijacks the vTPM!             c) proxy to a vTPM!
   packages routing              communication                    via a legitimate VM
                                                                                                    Although the TLS helps protect the communication’s
                                                                                                 integrity, lack of authentication between the vTPM and the
     T                           T                                T
                                                                                                 hypervisor still enables an adversary to fully control the
                                                                                                 communication by placing a proxy in front of the vTPM.
   TPM                         TPM                               TPM
   driver                      driver                            driver   A         proxy
                                                                                                 In more detail, an adversary can configure the hypervisor
       hypervisor                    hypervisor                       hypervisor                 in a way it communicates with vTPM via an intermedi-
  (virtual machine monitor)    (virtual machine monitor)         (virtual machine monitor)
                                        TPM reset,                                               ary software, which intercepts the communication (Fig-
     A                           A      replay of
                                                                                                 ure 1b). She can then drop arbitrary measurements or per-
    !                                   measurements
                                                                                                 form the TPM reset attack [53], thus compromising the
 vTPMvm1 vTPMvm2               vTPM                             vTPMvm1 vTPMvm2                  vTPM security guarantees.
            host OS                     host OS                           host OS

                                                     tenant!              malware or!               To mitigate the attack, the vTPM must ensure the re-
     - legitimate!
       VM            - compromised
                                   ! T -
                                         (verifier) A - misconfiguration
                                                                                                 mote peer’s integrity (is it the correct hypervisor?) and
Figure 1: An adversary with root access to the hypervisor can
violate the security guarantees promised by the vTPM [19] de-
                                                                                                 its locality (is the hypervisor running on the same plat-
sign.                                                                                            form?). Although the TEE local attestation gives infor-
                                                                                                 mation about software integrity and locality, we cannot
dynamic library before such file or program is read or ex-                                       use it here because the hypervisor cannot run inside the
ecuted. Consequently, an adversary who tampers with the                                          TEE. However, suppose we find a way to satisfy the lo-
IMA log cannot hide her malicious behavior because she                                           cality condition. In that case, we can leverage integrity
cannot modify the PCR value. She cannot overwrite the                                            measurements (IMA) to verify the hypervisor’s integrity
PCR and she cannot reset it to the initial value without                                         because among trusted software running on the platform
rebooting the platform.                                                                          there can be only one that connects to the vTPM—the hy-
Problems with virtualized TPMs. The TPM chip can-                                                pervisor. To satisfy the locality condition, we make the
not be effectively shared with many VMs due to a limited                                         following observation: Only software running on the same
amount of PCRs. The vTPM [19] design addresses this                                              platform has direct access to the same hardware TPM. We
problem by running multiple software-based TPMs ex-                                              propose to share a secret between the vTPM and the hy-
posed to VMs by the hypervisor. This design requires ver-                                        pervisor using the hardware TPM (§4.4). The vTPM then
ifying the hypervisor’s integrity before establishing trust                                      authenticates the hypervisor by verifying that the hypervi-
with a software-based TPM. We argue that verifying the                                           sor presents the secret in the pre-shared key TLS authen-
hypervisor’s integrity alone is not enough because an ad-                                        tication.
ministrator can break the software-based TPM security
guarantees by mounting a man-in-the-middle (MitM) at-                                               Finally, an adversary who compromises the guest OS
tack using the legitimate software, as we describe next.                                         can mount the cuckoo attack [69] to impersonate the le-
Consequently, the vTPM cannot be used directly to pro-                                           gitimate VM. In more detail, an adversary can modify the
vide runtime integrity of VMs.                                                                   TPM driver inside a guest OS to redirect the TPM commu-
   In the vTPM design, the hypervisor prepends a 4-byte                                          nication to a remote TPM (Figure 1c). A verifier running
vTPM identifier that allows routing the communication to                                         inside a compromised VM cannot recognize if he commu-
the correct vTPM instance. However, the link between                                             nicates with the vTPM attached to his VM or with a re-
the vTPM and the VM is unprotected [31], and it is routed                                        mote vTPM attached to another VM. The verifier is help-
through an untrusted network. Consequently, an adver-                                            less because he cannot establish a secure channel to the
sary can mount a masquerading attack to redirect the VM                                          vTPM that would guarantee communication with the lo-
communication to an arbitrary vTPM (Figure 1a) by re-                                            cal vTPM. To mitigate the attack, we propose leveraging
placing the vTPM identifier inside the network package.                                          the TEE attestation protocol to establish a secure commu-
To mitigate the attack, we propose to use the transport                                          nication channel between the verifier and the vTPM and to
layer security (TLS) protocol [9] to protect the commu-                                          use it to exchange a secret allowing the verifier to identify
nication’s integrity.                                                                            the vTPM instance uniquely (§4.5).

hybrid cloud node (host OS)                  C      trusted computing components                                   cloud node (host OS)                          WELES
                                                         integrity measurements                             TLS        deploys policy

    A!                                                                                                                 returns keypublicA
         virtual machine (VM)                                          trusted execution!                   TLS
                                                                            environment .        tenant A                                           signs with !     keyprivateA
    C                                                                                                       SSH authenticates VM!                   keyprivateA
    trusted computing components                           D   WELES           VM’s SSH!                              with keypublicA    VMA
                                                                              private key                                                         sends integrity!      policy !
                                                                                                                                                  measurements       enforcement
                                            B                                                                                           logical tenant separation
         1                  4                                            2
                                                                                                            TLS        deploys policy                                 policyB
         spawns           connects to the VM!                           deploys "                           TLS        returns keypublicB
         new VM          (identify with VM’s public key)               the policy
                                                                                                 tenant B                                           signs with !
                                                  SSH                                                             authenticates VM!                 keyprivateB      keyprivateB
                                                               TLS      returns the VM’s !                  SSH
                                                                                                                      with keypublicB    VMB
                                                                 TLS          public key                                                         sends integrity!       policy !
                                                                        3                                                                        measurements        enforcement
               cloud provider                         tenant
Figure 2: The high-level overview of W ELES. The VM’s SSH                                        Figure 3: Multiple tenants interacting with W ELES concur-
key is bound to the VM’s integrity state defined in the policy.                                  rently. W ELES generates a dedicated SSH key for each de-
4        W ELES design                                                                           ployed security policy and allows using it only if the VM’s in-
                                                                                                 tegrity conforms to the security policy.
Our objective is to provide an architecture that: 1. pro-                                        use the private key only if the platform matches the state
tects legacy applications running inside a VM from threats                                       defined inside the policy. Finally, the tenant establishes
defined in §2, 2. requires zero-code changes to legacy                                           trust with the VM during the SSH-handshake. He veri-
applications and the VM setup, 3. permits tenants to re-                                         fues that the VM can use the private key corresponding
motely attest to the platform runtime integrity without                                          to the previously obtained public key (Í). The tenant au-
possessing any vendor-specific hardware.                                                         thenticates himself in a standard way, using his own SSH
                                                                                                 private key. His SSH public key is embedeed inside the
                                                                                                 VM’s image or provisioned during the VM deployment.
4.1       High-level Overview
Figure 2 shows an overview of the cloud node running                                             4.2    Tenant Isolation and Security Policy
W ELES. It consists of the following four components:
(A) the VM, (B) the hypervisor managing the VM, pro-                                             Multiple applications with different security requirements
viding it with access to physical resources and isolating                                        might coexist on the same physical machine. W ELES al-
from other VMs, (C) trusted computing components en-                                             lows ensuring that applications run in isolation from each
abling hypervisor’s runtime integrity enforcement and at-                                        other and match their security requirements. Figure 3
testation, (D) W ELES, software executed inside TEE that                                         shows how W ELES assigns each VM a pair of a public
allows tenants to attest and enforce the VMs’ integrity.                                         and private key. The keys are bound with the application’s
   The configuration, the execution, and the operation of                                        policy and the VM’s integrity. Each tenant uses the public
the above components are subject to attestation. First, the                                      key to verify that he interacts with his VM controlled by
cloud operator bootstraps the cloud node and starts W E -                                        the integrity-enforced hypervisor.
LES . At the tenant’s request, the cloud provider spawns                                            Listing 1 shows an example of a security policy. The
a VM (Ê). Next, the tenant establishes trust with W E -                                          policy is a text file containing a whitelist of the hardware
LES (§4.5), which becomes the first trusted component                                            TPM manufacturer’s certificate chain (line 4), DRTM in-
on a remote platform. The tenant requests W ELES to                                              tegrity measurements of the host kernel (lines 6-9), in-
check if the hypervisor conforms to the policy (Ë), which                                        tegrity measurements of the guest kernel (line 16), and le-
contains tenant-specific trust constraints, such as integrity                                    gal runtime integrity measurements of the guest OS (lines
measurements (§4.2). W ELES uses IMA and TPM to ver-                                             18-20, 24). The certificate chain is used to establish
ify that the platform’s runtime integrity conforms to the                                        trust in the underlying hardware TPM. W ELES compares
policy and then generates a VM’s public/private key pair.                                        DRTM integrity measurements with PCR values certified
The public key is returned to the tenant (Ì). W ELES pro-                                        by the TPM to ensure the correct hypervisor with enabled
tects access to the private key, i.e., it permits the VM to                                      integrity-enforced mechanism was loaded. W ELES uses

runtime integrity measurements to verify that only ex-
                                                                           Listing 1: Example of the W ELES’s security policy
pected files and software have been loaded to the guest
                                                                    1   host:
OS memory. A dedicated certificate (line 24) makes the              2      tpm: |-
integrity-enforcement practical because it permits more             3         -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
                                                                    4          # Manufacturer CA certificate
files to be loaded to the memory without redeploying the            5         -----END CERTIFICATE-----
                                                                    6      drtm: # measurements provided by the DRTM
policy. Specifically, it is enough to sign software allowed         7         - {id: 17, sha256: f9ad0...cb}
to execute with the corresponding private key to let the            8         - {id: 18, sha256: c2c1a...c1}
                                                                    9         - {id: 19, sha256: a18e7...00}
software pass through the integrity-enforcement mecha-             10      certificate: |-
                                                                   11            -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
nism. Additional certificates (lines 12, 27) allow for OS          12             # software update certificate
updates [68].                                                      13            -----END CERTIFICATE-----
                                                                   14   guest:
                                                                   15      enforcement: true
                                                                   16      pcrs: # boot measurements (e.g., secure boot)
4.3   Platform Bootstrap                                           17         - {id: 0, sha256: a1a1f...dd}
                                                                   18      measurements: # legal integrity measurement
The cloud provider is responsible for the proper machine           19          - "e0a11...2a"    # SHA digest over a startup
initialization. She must turn on support for hardware tech-        20         - "" # SHA digest over a    library
nologies (i.e., TPM, DRTM, TEE), launch the hypervisor,            21      certificate:
                                                                   22         - |-
and start W ELES. Tenants detect if the platform was cor-          23            -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
                                                                   24             # certificate of the signer, e.g., OS updates
rectly initialized when they establish trust in the platform       25             -----END CERTIFICATE-----
(§4.5).                                                            26             -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
                                                                   27             # software update certificate
   First, W ELES establishes a connection with the hard-           28             -----END CERTIFICATE-----
ware TPM using the TPM attestation; it reads the TPM
                                                              The communication between the hypervisor and the
certificate and generates an attestation key following the
                                                           emulated TPM is susceptible to MitM attacks. Unlike
activation of credential procedure ([16] p. 109-111). W E -
                                                           W ELES, the hypervisor does not execute inside the TEE,
LES ensures it communicates with the local TPM using
                                                           preventing W ELES from using the TEE attestation to ver-
[84], but other approaches might be used as well [33, 69].
                                                           ify the hypervisor identity. However, W ELES confirms
Eventually, W ELES reads the TPM quote, which certifies
                                                           the hypervisor identity by requesting it to present a se-
the DRTM launch and the measurements of the hypervi-
                                                           cret when establishing a connection. W ELES generates a
sor’s integrity.
                                                           secret inside the TEE and seals it to the hardware TPM
                                                           via an encrypted channel ([10] §19.6.7). Only software
4.4 VM Launch                                              running on the same OS as W ELES can unseal the secret.
                                                           Thus, it is enough to check if only trusted software ex-
The cloud provider requests the hypervisor to spawn a new
                                                           ecutes on the platform to verify that it is the legitimate
VM. The hypervisor allocates the required resources and
                                                           hypervisor who presents the secret.
starts the VM providing it with TPM access. At the end
of the process, the cloud provider shares the connection      Figure 4 shows the procedure of attaching an emulated
details with the tenant, allowing the tenant to connect to TPM to a VM. Before the hypervisor spawns a VM, it
the VM.                                                    commands W ELES to emulate a new software-based TPM
   W ELES emulates multiple TPMs inside the TEE be- (Ê). W ELES creates a new emulated TPM, generates a
cause many VMs cannot share a single hardware TPM secret, and seals the secret with the hardware TPM (Ë).
[19]. When requested by the hypervisor, W ELES spawns W ELES returns the TCP port and the sealed secret to the
a new TPM instance accessible on a unique TCP port. The hypervisor. The hypervisor unseals the secret from the
hypervisor connects to the emulated TPM and exposes it hardware TPM (Ì) and establishes a TLS connection to
to the VM as a standard character device. We further use the emulated TPM authenticating itself with the secret
the term emulated TPM to describe a TEE-based TPM (Í). At this point, the hypervisor spawns a VM. The
running inside the hypervisor and distinguish it from the VM boots up, the firmware and IMA send integrity mea-
software-based TPM proposed by the vTPM design.            surements to the emulated TPM (Î). To protect against

hypervisor                                trusted execution environment                    trusted execution environment             cloud node (host OS)
                                                                 WELES                                                      6    challenge
                                                                                  generates ! 3       WELES
                             1 register VM                                        a key pair                                    signs with the
                                                                                                                                private key                 VM
                                                   emulated TPM                   verifies !           VM’s SSH
                                                                                              2       private key
                                                                                  the policy                                8    signature
                                                                                                                                                          SSH server
                                                              2 secret
                                                                                                          4     VM’s SSH!               challenge! 5
                               hardware        seal secret
      3      unseal secret       TPM
                                                                                                                public key              (SSH handshake)

            4    establish TLS connection, auth with secret                                                                        SSH client
                                                                                            deploys policy 1                                          signature"
 VM                                                                                                                 HTTPs       tenant                (SSH handshake)
            5   integrity measurement                           Figure 5: The high-level view of the attestation protocol. W E -
                                    increase MC                 LES generates a SSH public/private key pair inside the TEE.
                       monotonic                     store "
                      counter (MC)               6   MC         The tenant receives the public key as a result of the policy de-
                                                                ployment. To mitigate the MitM attacks, the tenant challenges
Figure 4: Attachment of an emulated TPM to a VM. W ELES
                                                                the VM to prove it has access to the private key. W ELES signs
emulates TPMs inside the TEE. Each emulated TPM is accessi-
                                                                the challenge on behalf of the VM if and only if the platform
ble via a TLS connection. To prevent the MitM attack, W ELES
                                                                integrity conforms with the policy.
authenticates the connecting hypervisor by sharing with him a
secret via a hardware TPM. To mitigate the rollback attack, the LES’s integrity and the underlying hardware genuineness.
emulated TPM increments the monotonic counter value on each The tenant establishes trust with W ELES during the TLS-
non-idempotent command.                                         handshake, verifying that the presented certificate was is-
the rollback attack, each integrity measurement causes the                       sued to W ELES by the CA.
emulated TPM to increment the hardware-based mono-                                  Although the tenant remotely ensures that W ELES is
tonic counter (MC) and store the current MC value inside                         trusted, he has no guarantees that he connects to his VM
the emulated TPM memory (Ï). To prevent the attach-                              controlled by W ELES because the adversary can spoof the
ment of multiple VMs to the same emulated TPM, W E -                             network [91] to redirect the tenant’s connection to an ar-
LES permits a single client connection and does not per-                         bitrary VM. To mitigate the threat, W ELES generates a
mit reconnections. An attack in which an adversary redi-                         secret and shares it with the tenant and the VM. When the
rects the hypervisor to a fake emulated TPM exporting a                          tenant establishes a connection, he uses the secret to au-
false secret is detected when establishing trust with the                        thenticate the VM. Only the VM which integrity conforms
VM (§4.5).                                                                       to the policy has access to this secret.
                                                                                    Figure 5 shows a high-level view of the protocol. First,
4.5       Establish Trust                                                        the tenant establishes a TLS connection with W ELES to
                                                                                 deploy the policy (Ê). W ELES verifies the platform in-
The tenant establishes trust with the VM in three steps.                         tegrity against the policy (Ë), and once succeeded, it gen-
First, he verifies that W ELES executes inside the TEE                           erates the SSH key pair (Ì). The public key is returned
and runs on genuine hardware (a CPU providing the TEE                            to the tenant (Í) while the private key remains inside the
functionality). He then extends trust to the hypervisor and                      TEE. W ELES enforces that only a guest OS which runtime
VM by leveraging W ELES to verify and enforce the host                           integrity conforms to the policy can use the private key for
and guest OSes’ runtime integrity. Finally, he connects to                       signing. Second, the tenant initializes an SSH connection
the VM, ensuring it is the VM provisioned and controlled                         to the VM, expecting the VM to prove the possession of
by W ELES.                                                                       the SSH private key. The SSH client requests the SSH
  Since the W ELES design does not restrict tenants to                           server running inside the VM to sign a challenge (Î). The
possess any vendor-specific hardware and the existing                            SSH server delegates the signing operation to W ELES (Ï).
TEE attestation protocols are not standardized, we pro-                          W ELES signs the challenge using the private key (Ð) if
pose to add an extra level of indirection. Following the                         and only if the hypervisor’s and VM’s integrity match the
existing solutions [39], we rely on a trusted certificate                        policy. The SSH private key never leaves W ELES; only
authority (CA) that performs the TEE-specific attestation                        a signature is returned to the SSH server (Ñ). The SSH
before signing an X.509 certificate confirming the W E -                         client verifies the signature using the SSH public key ob-

tained by the tenant from W ELES (Ò). The SSH server                                                               Intel SGX enclaves

also authenticates the tenant, who proves his identity us-                                                              WELES: !
                                                                                                                monotonic counter service
ing his own private SSH key. The SSH server is config-
ured to trust his SSH public key. The tenant established                                                               WELES: !

                                                                            SSH" Linux

                                                                    VM        VM                                     emulated TPM
trust in the remote platform as soon as the SSH handshake                      VM IMA

succeeds.                                                                                                               WELES:
                                                                                                                    monitoring service
                                                                   Alpine Linux
                                                                         kernel-based virtual            integrity measurement           TPM
4.6   Policy Enforcement                                                   machine (KVM)                architecture (Linux IMA)         driver
                                                                   Linux kernel
W ELES policy enforcement mechanism guarantees that                        Intel trusted !              Intel software guard        TPM 2.0
the VM runtime integrity conforms to the policy. At                 execution technology (TXT)            extensions (SGX)
the host OS, W ELES relies on the IMA integrity-
enforcement [43] to prevent the host kernel from loading          Figure 6: The overview of the W ELES prototype implementa-
to the memory files that are not digitally signed. Specif-
ically, each file in the filesystem has a digital signature       memory corruption mitigation techniques. Those tech-
stored inside its extended attribute. IMA verifies the sig-       niques help mitigate the consequences of, for example,
nature issued by the cloud provider before the kernel loads       buffer overflow attacks that might lead to privilege escala-
the file to the memory. The certificate required for signa-       tion or arbitrary code execution. To restrict the host from
ture verification is loaded from initramfs (measured by the       accessing guest memory and state, we follow existing
DRTM) to the kernel’s keyring. At the guest OS, IMA in-           security-oriented commercial solutions [28] that disable
side the guest kernel requires the W ELES approval to load        certain hypervisor features, such as hypervisor-initiated
a file to the memory. The emulated TPM, controlled by             memory dump, huge memory pages on the host, memory
W ELES, returns a failure when IMA tries to extend it with        swapping, memory ballooning through a virtio-balloon
measurement not conforming to the policy. The failure             device, and crash dumps. For production implementa-
instructs IMA not to load the file.                               tions, we propose to rely on microkernels like formally
                                                                  proved seL4 [56].
                                                                     We rely on SGX as the TEE technology. The SGX re-
5     Implementation                                              mote attestation [48] allows us to verify if the application
                                                                  executes inside an enclave on a genuine Intel CPU. Other
5.1   Technology Stack
                                                                  TEEs might be supported (§7). We implemented W ELES
We decided to base the prototype implementation on the            in Rust [63], which preserves memory-safety and type-
Linux kernel because it is an open-source project support-        safety. To run W ELES inside an SGX enclave, we use
ing a wide range of hardware and software technologies.           the SCONE framework [15] and its Rust cross-compiler.
It is commonly used in the cloud and, as such, can demon-         We also exploit the Intel trusted execution technology
strate the practicality of the proposed design. QEMU [17]         (TXT) [38] as a DRTM technology because it is widely
and kernel-based virtual machine (KVM) [55] permit to             available on Intel CPUs. We use the open-source soft-
use it as a hypervisor. We rely on Linux IMA [78] as an           ware tboot [12] as a pre-kernel bootloader that establishes
integrity enforcement and auditing mechanism built-in the         the DRTM with TXT to provide the measured boot of the
Linux kernel.                                                     Linux kernel.
    We chose Alpine Linux because it is designed for se-
curity and simplicity in contrast to other Linux distribu-        5.2     Prototype Architecture
tions. It consists of a minimum amount of software re-
quired to provide a fully-functional OS that permits keep-        The W ELES prototype architecture consists of three com-
ing a trusted computing base (TCB) low. All userspace             ponents executing in SGX enclaves: the monitoring ser-
binaries are compiled as position-independent executables         vice, the emulated TPM, and the monotonic counter ser-
with stack-smashing protection and relocation read-only           vice.

The monitoring service is the component that leverages            The emulated TPM establishes trust with the MCS via
Linux IMA and the hardware TPM to collect integrity               the TLS-based SGX attestation (§5.4) and maintains the
measurements of the host OS. There is only one monitor-           TLS connection open until the emulated TPM is shut-
ing service running per host OS. It is available on a well-       down. We implemented the emulated TPM to increase
known port on which it exposes a TLS-protected REST               the MC before executing any non-idempotent TPM com-
API used by tenants to deploy the policy. We based this           mand, e.g., extending PCRs, generating keys, writing to
part of the implementation on [84] that provides a mech-          non-volatile memory. The MC value and the TLS cre-
anism to detect the TPM locality. The monitoring ser-             dentials are persisted in the emulated TPM state, which
vice spawns emulated TPMs and intermediates in the se-            is protected by the SGX during runtime and at rest via
cret exchange between QEMU and the emulated TPM.                  sealing. When the emulated TPM starts, it reads the MC
Specifically, it generates and seals to the hardware TPM          value from the MCS and then checks the emulated TPM
the secret required to authenticate the QEMU process, and         state freshness by verifying that its MC value equals the
passes this secret to an emulated TPM.                            value read from the MCS.
   The emulated TPM is a software-based TPM emulator
based on the libtpms library [18]. It exposes a TLS-based         5.4   TLS-based SGX Attestation
API allowing QEMU to connect. The connection is au-
thenticated using the secret generated inside an SGX en-          We use the SCONE key management system (CAS) [5]
clave and known only to processes that gained access to           to perform remote attestation of W ELES components, ver-
the hardware TPM. We extracted the emulated TPM into              ify SGX quotes using Intel attestation service (IAS) [14],
a separate component because of the libtpms implementa-           generate TLS credentials, and distribute the credentials
tion, which requires running each emulator in a separate          and the CAS CA certificate to each component during
process.                                                          initialization. W ELES components are configured to es-
   The monotonic counter service (MCS) provides access            tablish mutual authentication over TLS, where both peers
to a hardware monotonic counter (MC). Emulated TPMs               present a certificate, signed by the same CAS CA, con-
use it to protect against rollback attacks. We designed the       taining an enclave integrity measurement. Tenants do not
MCS as a separate module because we anticipate that due           perform the SGX remote attestation to verify the monitor-
to hardware MC limitations (i.e., high latency, the lim-          ing service identity and integrity. Instead, they verify the
ited number of memory overwrites [82]), a distributed ver-        certificate exposed by a remote peer during the policy de-
sion, e.g., ROTE [62], might be required. Notably, the            ployment when establishing a TLS connection to the mon-
MCS might also be deployed locally using SGX MC [22]              itoring service. The production implementation might use
accessible on the same platform where the monitoring ser-         Intel SGX-RA [57] to achieve similar functionality with-
vice and emulated TPM run.                                        out relying on an external key management system.

5.3   Monotonic Counter Service                                   5.5   VM Integrity Enforcement
We implemented a monotonic counter service (MCS) as               The current Linux IMA implementation extends the in-
a service executed inside the SGX enclave. It leverages           tegrity digest of the IMA log entry to all active TPM PCR
TPM 2.0 high-endurance indices [10] to provide the MC             banks. For example, when there are two active PCR banks
functionality. The MCS relies on the TPM attestation              (e.g., SHA-1 and SHA-256), both are extended with the
to establish trust with the TPM chip offering hardware            same value. We did a minor modification of the Linux
MC, and on the encrypted and authenticated communi-               kernel. It permitted us to share with the emulated TPM
cation channel ([10] §19.6.7) to protect the integrity and        not only the integrity digest but also the file’s measure-
confidentiality of the communication with the TPM chip            ment and the file’s signature. We modified the content of
from the enclave. The MCS exposes a REST API over a               the PCR_Extend command sent by the Linux IMA in a
TLS (§5.4), allowing other enclaves to increment and read         way it uses the SHA-1 bank to transfer the integrity di-
hardware monotonic counters remotely.                             gest, the SHA-256 bank to transfer the file’s measurement

digest, and the SHA-512 bank to transfer the file’s signa-   tualization (SR-IOV) [23] technologies are turned on in
ture. In the emulated TPM, we intercept the PCR_extend       the UEFI/BIOS configuration. The hyper-threading is
command to extract the file’s measurement and the file’s     switched off. The enclave page cache (EPC) is configured
digest. We use obtained information to enforce the pol-      to reserve 128 MiB of random-access memory (RAM).
icy; if the file is not permitted to be executed, the emu-      On host and guest OSes, we run Alpine 3.10 with Linux
lated TPM process closes the TLS connection causing the      kernel 4.19. We modified the guest OS kernel according
QEMU process to shut down the VM.                            to the description in §5.5. We adjusted quick emulator
                                                             (QEMU) 3.1.0 to support TLS-based communication with
5.6   SSH Integration                                        the emulated TPM as described in §4.4. CPUs are on the
                                                             microcode patch level (0x5e).
To enable a secure connection to the VM, we relied on the
OpenSSH server. It supports the PKCS#11 [66] standard,       6.1   Micro-benchmarks
which defines how to communicate with cryptographic
devices, like TPM, to perform cryptographic operations       Are TPM monotonic counters practical to handle
using the key without retrieving it from the TPM.            the rollback protection mechanism? Strackx and
   We configured an OpenSSH server running inside the        Piessens [82] reported that the TPM 1.2 memory gets cor-
guest OS to use an SSH key stored inside the emulated        rupted after a maximum of 1.450M writes and has a lim-
TPM running on the host OS. The VM’s SSH private key         ited increment rate (one increment per 5 sec). We run an
is generated and stored inside the SGX enclave, and it       experiment to confirm or undermine the hypothesis that
never leaves it. The SSH server, via PCRS#11, uses it        those limitations apply to the TPM 2.0 chip. We were
for the TLS connection only when W ELES authorizes ac-       continuously incrementing the monotonic counter in the
cess to it. The tenant uses his own SSH private key, which   dTPM and the iTPM chips. The dTPM chip reached 85M
is not managed by W ELES.                                    increments, and it did not throttle its speed. The iTPM
                                                             chip slowed down after 7.3M increments limiting the in-
                                                             crement latency to 5 sec. We did not observe any problem
6     Evaluation                                             with the TPM memory.
We present the evaluation of W ELES in three parts. In the   What is the cost of the rollback protection mechanism?
first part, we measure the performance of internal W ELES    Each non-idempotent TPM operation causes the emulated
components and related technologies. In the second part,     TPM to communicate with the MCS and might directly
we check if W ELES is practical to protect popular appli-    influence the W ELES performance. We measured the la-
cations, i.e., nginx, memcached. Finally, we estimate the    tency of the TPM-based MCS read and increment opera-
TCB of the prototype used to run the experiments men-        tions. In this experiment, the MCS and the test client ex-
tioned above.                                                ecute inside an SGX enclave. Before the experiment, the
                                                             test client running on the same machine establishes a TLS
Testbed. Experiments execute on a rack-based cluster
                                                             connection with the MCS. The connection is maintained
of Dell PowerEdge R330 servers equipped with an Intel
                                                             during the entire experiment to keep the communication
Xeon E3-1270 v5 CPU, 64 GiB of RAM, Infineon 9665
                                                             overhead minimal. The evaluation consists of sending 5k
TPM 2.0 discrete TPM chips (dTPMs). Experiments that
                                                             requests and measuring the mean latency of the MCS re-
use an integrated TPM (iTPM) run on Intel NUC7i7BNH
machine, which has the Intel platform trusted technol-
ogy (PTT) [25] running on Intel ME pow- Table 1: The latency of main operations in the TPM-based
ered by Intel Core i7-7567U CPU and 8 GiB of RAM. MCS. σ states for standard deviation.
All machines have a 10 Gb Ethernet network interface
                                                                           Read                   Increase
card (NIC) connected to a 20 Gb/s switched network. The
SGX, TXT, TPM 2.0, Intel virtualization technology for discrete TPM        42 ms (σ = 2 ms) 40 ms (σ = 2 ms)
directed I/O (VT-d) [24], and single root input/output vir- integrated TPM 25 ms (σ = 2 ms) 32 ms (σ = 1 ms)

200                      (6236 ms)      swTPM
 Latency (ms)

                150                                    WELES                           Host OS, no IMA Host OS, with IMA Guest OS, with IMA
                                                     WELES MC
                100                                      dTPM                                1st file open                                      134ms

                                                                          Latency ms
                                                          iTPM                         75
                 0                                                                     25   baseline:
                      Create   Create      Quote     PCR     PCR                            < 40µs
                               Primary               Read   Extend                     0

Figure 7: TPM operations latency depending on the TPM:                                       2nd+ file open

                                                                          Latency µs
the swTPM, the emulated TPM without rollback protection                                40
(W ELES TPM), the emulated TPM with rollback protection                                20
(W ELES TPM with MC), the discrete TPM chip (dTPM), and
the integrated TPM (iTPM).                                                             0
                                                                                                        100   1k      10k     100k   1M   10M
                                                                                                                File size [bytes]
   Table 1 shows that the MCS using iTPM performs from
1.25× to 1.68× faster than its version using dTPM. The       Figure 8: File opening times with and without Linux IMA.
read operation on the iTPM is faster than the increment
                                                           impacts the opening time of files depending on their size.
operation (25 ms versus 32 ms, respectively). Differently,
                                                           Figure 8 shows that the IMA inside the guest OS incurs
on dTPM both operations take a similar amount of time
                                                           higher overhead than the IMA inside the host OS. It is pri-
(about 40 ms).
                                                           marily caused by i) the higher latency of the TPM extend
What is the cost of running the TPM emulator in- command (∼ 43 ms) that is dominated by a slow network-
side TEE and with the rollback protection mecha- based monotonic counter, ii) the IMA mechanism itself
nism? Is it slower than a hardware TPM used by that has to calculate the cryptographic hash over the entire
the host OS? As a reference point to evaluate the em- file even if only a small part of the file is actually read,
ulated TPM’s performance, we measured the latency of and iii) the less efficient data storage used by the VM (vir-
various TPM commands executed in different implemen- tualized storage, QCOW format). In both systems, the
tations of TPMs. The TPM quotes were generated with IMA takes less than 70 ms when loading files smaller than
the elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) us- 1 MB (99% of files in the deployed prototype are smaller
ing the P-256 curve and SHA-256 bit key. PCRs were than 1 MB). Importantly, IMA measures the file only once
extended using the SHA-256 algorithm. Figure 7 shows unless it changes. Figure 8 shows that the next file reads
that except for the PCR extend operation, the SGX-based take less than 40 µs regardless of the file size.
TPM with rollback protection is from 1.2× to 69× faster
than hardware TPMs and up to 6× slower than the un-
                                                                      6.2               Macro-benchmarks
protected software-based swTPM. Except for the create
primary command, which derives a new key from the                     We run macro-benchmarks to measure performance
TPM seed, we did not observe performance degradation                  degradation when protecting popular applications, i.e.,
when running the TPM emulator inside an enclave. How-                 the nginx web-server [4] and the memcached cache sys-
ever, when running with the rollback protection, the TPM              tem [2], with W ELES. We compare the performance of
slows down the processing of non-idempotent commands                  four variants for each application running on the host op-
(e.g., PCR_Extend) due to the additional time required to             erating system (OS) (native), inside a SCONE-protected
increase the MC.                                                      Docker container on the host OS (SCONE), inside a guest
                                                                      OS (VM), inside a W ELES-protected guest OS with roll-
How much IMA impacts file opening times? Before
                                                                      back protection turned on (W ELES). Notably, W ELES
the kernel executes the software, it verifies if executable,
                                                                      operates under a weaker threat model than SCONE. We
related configuration files, and required dynamic libraries
                                                                      compare them to show the tradeoff between the security
can be loaded to the memory. The IMA calculates a cryp-
                                                                      and performance.
tographic hash over each file (its entire content) and sends
the hash to the TPM. We measure how much this process How much does W ELES influence the throughput of

before the throughput started to degrade (latency
2 VMs             3 VMs             4 VMs
                                                            and QEMU with support for gnutls, TPM and KVM.
Latency [ms]

               4                  4                  4
               3                  3                  3         To estimate the TCB of nginx and memcached executed
               2                  2                  2      with W ELES, we added their source code sizes (including
               1                  1                  1
               0                  0                  0      musl libc) to the source code size of the software stack
            200 150           250 150    200     250 150    200
                                                        250 required to run it (92.49 MB). Table 3 shows that the eval-
    Throughput (k.req/s)                   native        WELES
                                                            uated setup increases the TCB 13× and 32× for nginx and
                 Figure 11: W ELES scalability              memcached, respectively. When compared to SCONE,
                                                            W ELES prototype increases the TCB from 8× to 12×.
                                                            SCONE offers not only stronger security guarantees (con-
Table 3: The TCB (source code size in MB) of nginx and mem-
cached when running in SCONE and W ELES. All variants in- fidentiality of the tenant’s code and data) but also requires
clude the musl libc library.                                to trust a lower amount of software code. However, this
                                                            comes at the cost of performance degradation (§6.2) and
              +musl libc      +SCONE           +W ELES      the necessity of reimplementing or at least recompiling a
  Nginx            7.3       12.3 (1.6×) 97.69 (13.4×)      legacy application to link with the SCONE runtime.
  Memcached 2.9               7.9 (2.7×) 93.29 (32.2×)

tions of MCS, such as ROTE [62], offer much faster MC 7 Discussion
increments (1–2 ms) than the presented TPM-based pro-
totype. We estimated that using W ELES with a fast MC 7.1 Alternative TEEs
would slow down VM boot time only by 1.13×.
                                                        The W ELES design (§4) requires a TEE that offers a re-
Does W ELES incur performance degradation when mote attestation protocol and provides confidentiality and
multiple VMs are spawned? We run memcached con- integrity guarantees of W ELES components executing in
currently in several VMs with and without W ELES to ex- the host OS. Therefore, the SGX used to build the W E -
amine W ELES scalability. We then calculate the perfor- LES prototype (§5) might be replaced with other TEEs. In
mance degradation between the variant with and without particular, W ELES implementation might leverage Sanc-
W ELES. We do not compare the performance degradation tum [30], Keystone [60], Flicker [65], or L4Re [73] as
between different number of VMs, because it depends on an SGX replacement. W ELES might also leverage ARM
the limited amount of shared network bandwidth. Each TrustZone [?] by running W ELES components in the se-
VM run with one physical core and 1 GB of RAM. Fig- cure world and exploiting the TPM attestation to prove its
ure 11 shows that when multiple VMs are concurrently integrity.
running on the host OS, W ELES achieves 0.96×–0.97×
of the native throughput.
                                                                   7.2   Hardware-enforced VM Isolation
6.3              Trusted Computing Base                            Hardware CPU extensions, such as AMD secure en-
                                                                   crypted virtualization (SEV) [45], Intel multi-key total
As part of this evaluation, we estimate the TCB of soft-
                                                                   memory encryption (MKTME) [26], Intel trust domain
ware components by measuring the source code size (us-
                                                                   extensions (TDX) [27], are largely complementary to the
ing source lines of code (SLOC) as a metric) used to build
                                                                   W ELES design. They might enrich W ELES design by
the software stack.
                                                                   providing the confidentiality of the code and data against
How much does the W ELES increase the TCB? We                      rogue operators with physical access to the machine, com-
estimate the software stack TCB by calculating size of             promised hypervisor, or malicious co-tenants. They also
the source code metrics using CLOC [32], [1], and           consider untrusted hypervisor excluding it from the W E -
Linux stat utility. For the Linux kernel and QEMU, we              LES TCB. On the other hand, W ELES complements these
calculated code that is compiled with our custom configu-          technologies by offering means to verify and enforce the
ration, i.e., Linux kernel with support for IMA and KVM,           runtime integrity of guest OSes. Functionality easily

available for bare-metal machines (via a hardware TPM)         8    Related work
but not for virtual machines.
                                                               VM attestation is a long-standing research objective. The
                                                               existing approaches vary from VMs monitoring systems
7.3   Trusted Computing Base                                   focusing on system behavior verification [42, 76, 70], in-
                                                               trusion detection systems [49, 77], or verifying the in-
The prototype builds on top of software commonly used
                                                               tegrity of the executing software [35, 20]. W ELES fo-
in the cloud, which has a large TCB because it supports
                                                               cuses on the VM runtime integrity attestation. Following
different processor architectures and hardware. W ELES
                                                               Terra [35] architecture, W ELES leverages VMs to provide
might be combined with other TEE and hardware exten-
                                                               isolated execution environments constrained with differ-
sions, resulting in a lower TCB and stronger security guar-
                                                               ent security requirements defined in a policy. Like Scal-
antees. Specifically, W ELES could be implemented on
                                                               able Attestation [20], W ELES uses software-based TPM to
top of a microkernel architecture, such as formally ver-
                                                               collect VM integrity measurements. W ELES extends the
ified seL4 [56, 71], that provides stronger isolation be-
                                                               software-based TPM functionality by enforcing the policy
tween processes and a much lower code base (less than
                                                               and binding the attestation result with the VM connection,
10k SLOC [56]), when compared to the Linux kernel.
                                                               as proposed by IVP [80]. Unlike the idea of linking the
Comparing to the prototype, QEMU might be replaced
                                                               remote attestation quote to the TLS certificate [37], W E -
with Firecracker [13], a virtual machine monitor writ-
                                                               LES relies on the TEE to restrict access to the private key
ten in a type-safe programming language that consists of
                                                               based on the attestation result. Following TrustVisor [64],
46k SLOC (0.16× of QEMU source code size) and is used
                                                               W ELES exposes trusted computing methods to legacy ap-
in production by Amazon AWS cloud. The TCB of the
                                                               plications by providing them with dedicated TPM func-
prototype implementation might be reduced by removing
                                                               tionalities emulated inside the hypervisor. Unlike oth-
superfluous code and dependencies. For example, most of
                                                               ers, W ELES addresses the TPM cuckoo attack at the VM
the TPM emulator functionalities could be removed fol-
                                                               level by combining integrity enforcement with key man-
lowing the approach of µTPM [64]. W ELES API could
                                                               agement and with the TEE-based remote attestation. Al-
be built on top of the socket layer, allowing removal of
                                                               ternative approaches to TPM virtualization exist [83, 36].
HTTP dependencies that constitute 41% of the prototype
                                                               However, the cuckoo attack remains the main problem.
implementation code.
                                                               W ELES enhances the vTPM design [19] mostly because
                                                               of the simplicity; no need for hardware [83] or the TPM
7.4   Integrity Measurements Management                        specification [36] changes.
                                                                  Hardware solutions, such as SEV [45], IBM PEF [44],
The policy composed of digests is sensitive to software        TDX [27], emerged to isolate VMs from the untrusted hy-
updates because newer software versions result in differ-      pervisor and the cloud administrator. However, they lack
ent measurement digests. Consequently, any software up-        the VM runtime integrity attestation, a key feature pro-
date of an integrity-enforced system would require a pol-      vided by W ELES. W ELES is complementary to them.
icy update, which is impractical. Instead, W ELES sup-         Combining these technologies allows for better isolation
ports dedicated update mirrors serving updates containing      of VM from the hypervisor and the administrator and for
digitally signed integrity measurements [68, 21]. Other        runtime integrity guarantees during the VM’s runtime.
measurements defined in the policy can be obtained from
the national software reference library [3] or directly from
the IMA-log read from a machine executed in a trusted          9    Conclusion
environment, e.g., development environment running on
tenant premises. The amount of runtime IMA measure-            This paper presented W ELES, the virtual machine (VM)
ments can be further reduced by taking into account pro-       attestation protocol allowing for verification that security-
cesses interaction to exclude some mutable files from the      sensitive applications execute in the VM composed and
measurement [47, 79].                                          controlled by expected software in expected configura-

tion. W ELES provides transparent support for legacy ap-
plications, requires no changes in the VM configuration,        40280-google-fired-employees-for-breaching-user-pr
and permits tenants to remotely attest to the platform          html, accessed on March 2020.
runtime integrity without possessing any vendor-specific
hardware by binding the VM state to the SSH connec- [9] The Transport Layer Security Protocol Version
tion. W ELES complements hardware-based trusted execu-          1.2.,
tion environment (TEE), such as AMD SEV, IBM PEF, In-           accessed on March 2020.
tel TDX, by providing runtime integrity attestation of the [10] TPM Library Part 1:         Architecture, Fam-
guest OS. Finally, W ELES incurs low performance over-          ily "2.0",      Level 00,     Revision 01.38.
head (≤ 6%) but has much larger trusted computing base
(TCB) compared to pure TEE approaches, such as Intel            resources/tpm_library_specification,
software guard extensions (SGX).                                accessed on March 2020.

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