MAKING FUTURE FOOD IN THAILAND - Farm and Food Innovations - Australia Thailand Business Council

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MAKING FUTURE FOOD IN THAILAND - Farm and Food Innovations - Australia Thailand Business Council
                        FOOD IN
                        Farm and Food
Vol. 31 l March 2021
MAKING FUTURE FOOD IN THAILAND - Farm and Food Innovations - Australia Thailand Business Council
                                                       January – December 2020
                                                                                                                              Total Foreign
                                                                      Total Investment
                                                                      1,717 Projects
                                                                                                                              907 Projects
                                                                      US$ 15,342.76 Million
                                                                                                                              US$ 7,371.24 Million

                                                        FOREIGN INVESTMENT BY TARGET SECTORS
                                                                       First S-Curve                                            New S-Curve

                                                                         Electronics                                              Biotechnology
                                                                         127 Projects l 1,356.41 M                                6 Projects l 683.26 M

                                                                         & Food Processing
                                                                                                                                  105 Projects   l   29.59 M
                                                                         53 Projects l 389.03 M

                                                                         Automotive                                               Aerospace
                                                                         87 Projects l 1,055.68 M                                 3 Projects l 7.94 M

                                                                         & Chemicals
                                                                                                                                  32 Project l 159.31 M
                                                                         61 Projects l 1,081.60 M

                                                                                                                                  & Robotics
                                                                         5 Projects l 151.34   M                                  8 Projects l 18.34 M


                                                                         Netherlands                  Republic of Korea
                                                                         72 Projects                          26 Projects Japan
                                                                         595.92 M                                85.33 M 211 Projects
                                                                                 Germany                                  2,421.75 M
                                                                                 21 Projects
                                                                                 98.53 M
                               United States                   Switzerland
                               39 Projects                                                     China
                               783 M                            19 Projects              164 Projects              Hong Kong
                                                                 145.66 M                 1,003.35 M               76 Projects
                                                                                                                   522.16 M
                                                                                           THAILAND                    56 Projects
                                                                                                                       371.65 M
                                                                                                                111 Projects
                                                                                                                521.84 M
                                                                                                   3 Projects
                                                                                                     81.05 M

Unit: US$ (US$ = 31.36 as of 31 March 2021)
Note: Investment projects with foreign equity participation from more than one country are reported in the figures for both countries. Statistics on net
applications are adjusted whenever applications are returned to applicants due to insufficient information. For more details, please visit
MAKING FUTURE FOOD IN THAILAND - Farm and Food Innovations - Australia Thailand Business Council
04                                                  10
Cover Story                                  Industry Focus
Making Future Food in Thailand               Exports Remain Resilient in the Midst of the Pandemic

                                     14                                                  15
Highlights                                   Executive Talk
Comprehensive Food-Tech Incubation Network   Food of Thailand for a Future World

                                     18                                                  21
Company Interview                            Thai Economy At A Glance
MAKING FUTURE FOOD IN THAILAND - Farm and Food Innovations - Australia Thailand Business Council

              MAKING FUTURE FOOD
              IN THAILAND
              Thailand’s farm and food industry has been constantly incorporating new innovations in an
              effort to meet the increasingly sophisticated demands of a global market that is becoming
              swamped with virtually endless options. Staying ahead of the game in this hugely competitive
              environment requires access to a wide diversity of raw materials on vast agricultural plantations
              and a well-developed supply chain. Leveraging advancements in digitalization and utilizing
              deep technology such as 3D printing, AI and big data, the Thai agri-food industry is also
              producing foods that align with mainstream intelligence technology as well as addressing
              environmental concerns.
              Indeed, the accelerating shift of         well in 2020, even when global         Thailand has successfully developed
              consumer demand for innovative            demand subsided in light of the        its food industry to become the
              foods such as alternative proteins,       pandemic. As consumers looked          world’s 11th largest food exporter
              medical food, functional food and         for quality food products with a       in 2019, placing it second only to
              3D food printing has created an           long shelf live during periods of      China in Asia.
              unprecedented change in the               restrictive outdoor activity, Thai           The Thai government is currently
              Thai food industry, with the recent       frozen and processed fruits and        implementing a medium-term plan
              emergence of aspiring startups.           vegetables, beans and soup             to develop the Thai food industry
              Attuned to global trends and              powders proved popular, placing        extensively with the goal of adding
              technology, these startups are            them among products that held          economic value to local food and
              playing a key role in cementing           up in the global market.               farm products for local economic
              top-of-mind awareness of Thailand’s                                              development as well as establishing
              food brands among consumers.              Food for                               Thailand among the world’s top
                    The Thai food development           Future Development                     ten largest food exporters. Thailand’s
              industry also places priority on          The global popularity of Thai          effort will also fulfill its role in
              progressing with a greater focus          tourism and culture alongside          helping address food insecurity
              on safety standards and transparency      the quality of its food and farm       in some countries as exposed by
              in each step of production. Notably,      products have contributed to           the COVID-19 pandemic.
              the Thai government recently launch       “made-in-Thailand” products                  Thailand’s vibrant food industry
              a blockchain system which serves          resonating uniqueness and quality      accounts for one-fourth of the
              a portal for consumers to trace           in the global market. With a skilled   country’s industrial gross domestic
              and track each process.                   workforce and an agricultural          product and uses more than four-
                    In the global market, Thai          sector derived from a culture deeply   fifth of the local raw materials for
              food entrepreneurs have showcased         rooted in agricultural wisdoms and     production. The people’s strength
              their strengths with exports performing   the well-established supply chain,     and the country’s endowment of
              04 Thailand Investment Review
MAKING FUTURE FOOD IN THAILAND - Farm and Food Innovations - Australia Thailand Business Council
vast agricultural plantations, the       by ideas on which-with the             in SPACE-F were sesame milk,

                                                                                                                          COVER STORY
diversity of agricultural products,      right mentors and investment-          protein from duckweed, protein
a well-established agri-food industry,   a plausible business model can         from crickets, a biodegradable
and a geographic location at the         be built, Thailand has seen            fruit coating solution and a sensor
center of the ASEAN region have          the development of many new            system for food production quality
underscored Thailand’s strong            homegrown entrepreneurs rolling        control.
position in the global food supply       out food innovations that utilize            Reflecting their interest in
chain.                                   the latest food tech and Agri-tech     food tech startups, local multinational
     The Thai government has             in startups that cater to multiple     food companies have also teamed
identified “Future Food” as an           consumer demands.                      up with startup funds to invest in
industry that will become a key               “SPACE-F”2, Thailand’s first      food tech startups worldwide.
economic driving engine, as a            global food tech startup incubator
combination of a passionate new          and accelerator, is now running        BOI Promoting
generation of food producers,            Batch-II acceleration. Run by          Agri-Food Technology
digitalization and food technology       the National Innovation Agency,        The Thailand Board of Investment3
has elevated Thailand’s place to         Mahidol University and Thai            has introduced tax incentives
a global level in this exciting new      multinational food conglomerates,      throughout the supply chain of
industry.                                SPACE-F aims to serve as a             the agri-food businesses, with
     The government’s food               platform on which promising            a special focus on technology
development plan focuses on four         entrepreneurs can receive              in the form of R&D, productivity
areas: building new entrepreneurs,       mentorship and guidance from           enhancement, Agri-tech, high-
scaling innovations, utilizing online    corporations, venture capital firms,   technology quality testing, plant
marketing platforms and improving        corporate venture capital firms,       factories and sustainability
the ease of doing business.              and agencies that will empower         certification.
       Government agencies are           them to scale up their food tech
supporting Thai farmers by               startups to succeed on the global      The incentives offered include:
promoting their adoption of Agri-        scale.                                       8-year CIT exemption for
tech, such as automation &                    Since the start of the program    the manufacture of medical food
robotics, AI, IoT and plant factories,   in 2019, four food tech startups,      and food supplements
to increase their productivity and       out of a total of 34 participants,
overcome problems such as                have received funding to scale up
weather uncertainty and high             their business ventures. Among
operating costs.                         the local innovations showcased
     The Thai government’s policy
to streamline its digital databases
and the operations of all of its
agencies, as directed by an act
enacted in 2019, will further
enhance Thailand’s standing as
one of the most promising
locations for investment in the
food industry.
Mentoring Food Warriors
The Thai government envisages
Thailand becoming a key global
player in the “Future Food” market-
                                                                                                                                        Photo by nrd on Unsplash

a new genre of food that is both
functional and novel, often involving
R&D and technology-enabled
production processes and services.1
As the food industry can be driven

                                                                                Thailand Investment Review       05
MAKING FUTURE FOOD IN THAILAND - Farm and Food Innovations - Australia Thailand Business Council

                                     8-year CIT exemption for           5-year CIT exemption for
                              adoption of advanced technology     manufacture of oil or fat from plants
                              such as fruit ripeness sensor,      or animals (except soybean)
                              radio frequency pest control and          5-year CIT exemption for
                              nuclear magnetic resonance in       the manufacture of food, beverage
                              grading, packaging and storage      and seasoning ingredients, excluding
                              of plants, vegetables, fruits or    alcoholic beverages, caffeinated
                              flowers                             drinks, bakery products and
                                     8-year CIT exemption for     candies
                              the manufacture of biomolecule            5-year CIT exemption for
                              and bioactive substance using       the adoption of smart farming
                              microorganism, plant cells or       systems such as the use of
                              animal cells                        sensors, drones, or greenhouses
                                     8-year CIT exemption for           5-year CIT exemption for
                              seed industry and improvement       investment in plant factories
                              of plant, animal or microorganism         5-year CIT exemption for
                              breeding using biotechnology        the manufacture of animal feeds
                                                                  which comply with food safety
                                                                  standards such as ISO 22000

              06 Thailand Investment Review
MAKING FUTURE FOOD IN THAILAND - Farm and Food Innovations - Australia Thailand Business Council
Pandemic-Driven Changes in Food Consumption

                                                                                                                        COVER STORY
                                  01 Proactive Healthcare:
                                  Consumers look for foods that boost health and immunity.

                                            02 Switch to Online:
                                            Online channels have become more important for retailers and restaurants.

                                            03 Increase of Household Stock:
                                            Consumers increase household food stocks.

                                  04 More Prudent Spending:
                                  Consumers tend to focus on essential food items to prepare for future crises.

Opportunity for the Thai Food Industry

           01                          Bean Protein                      05
                                                                                               and Insect-Based
     Nutritional                         Powder,                       Protein                      Protein,
      Dietary                             Hemp,                     Alternatives
                                                                                                 Vegan Foods,
      Powder                          Banana Powder                                              Hemp Seeds,
                                                                                                  Soy Beans

          02                          Herbal Powders,
                                        Oil Extracts,
                                                                         06                    Foods for Health
     Functional                                                      Functional                   Purposes,
    Ingredients                         Cannabidiol                    Foods                    Herbal Foods

          03                           Premium Farm
                                         Products,                       07
                                                                                                 Chicken Meat,
                                                                                                Proceed Foods,
       Organic                                                                                     Seasoning
                                        “Free-From”                  Halal Food
        Food                               Foods                                                   Products,
                                                                                                  Fruit Snacks

          04                           Tuna, Shrimp,                     08                    Ready-to-Eat
 Ready-To-Eat/                       Poultry, Pineapple,             Authentic                  Thai Foods,
 Ready-To-Cook                          Rice, Fruits                                         Seasoning Powders
                                      and Vegetables                 Thai Foods                 and Sauces

Source: National Food Institute                                                   Thailand Investment Review      07
MAKING FUTURE FOOD IN THAILAND - Farm and Food Innovations - Australia Thailand Business Council
Thailand’s Roadmap for the Food Industry

              (Effective until 2027)


                            Achieve                                                          Be ranked
                            GDP of                                                        among the top ten
                      45.8 billion US$                                                      global food
                         (50% increase                                                       exporters
                      from 30 billion US$                                                     (up from
                            in 2020)                                                        13th in 2020)

                                                       Focus Areas

                                                     New Entrepreneurs,
                                                   Industrial-Scale Farming,
                                                       Foods Startups,
                                                   Organic Food Technology

                           Innovations                                                  Marketing
                            Future Food,                                                Platforms
                          Functional Food,                                           Big Data Management,
                        Novel Food, Packaging                                       Online Tools, Food Expos

                                                  Traceability, Food Safety Plus,
                                                     Reduced Environmental

              Source: The Ministry of Industry
              *1US$ = 31THB as of 31 March 2021

              08 Thailand Investment Review
MAKING FUTURE FOOD IN THAILAND - Farm and Food Innovations - Australia Thailand Business Council
BOI’s Incentives for the Agri-food Industry

                                                                                                        COVER STORY
1                                                     6
        Manufacture of Medical Food                       Manufacture of Food, Beverage and
        and Food Supplements                              Seasoning Ingredients
                                                          excluding alcoholic beverages,
                                                          caffeinated drinks, bakery
                                           8-year         products and candies
                                             CIT                                              CIT
                                          Exemption                                        Exemption

2                                                     7
        Adoption of Advanced Technology                   Adoption of Smart Farming Systems
         such as fruit ripeness sensor,                   such as the use of sensors,
         radio frequency pest control                     drones, or greenhouses
         and nuclear magnetic resonance
         in grading, packaging and
         storage of plants, vegetables,
         fruits or flowers
                                           8-year                                           5-year
                                             CIT                                              CIT
                                          Exemption                                        Exemption

3                                                     8
        Manufacture of Manufacture of                     Investment in Plant Factories
        Biomolecule And Bioactive Substance
        Using Microorganism,
        Plant Cells or Animal
        Cells                      -year   8                                                5-year
                                             CIT                                              CIT
                                          Exemption                                        Exemption

4                                                     9
        Seed Industry and Improvement of                  Manufacture of Animal Feeds Which
        Plant, Animal or Microorganism Breeding           Comply with Food Safety Standards
        Using Biotechnology                               such as Iso 22000

                                           8-year                                           5-year
                                             CIT                                              CIT
                                          Exemption                                        Exemption

        Manufacture of Oil or Fat
        From Plants or Animals
        (Except Soybean)


Source: Thailand Board of Investment                                  Thailand Investment Review   09
MAKING FUTURE FOOD IN THAILAND - Farm and Food Innovations - Australia Thailand Business Council

                 IN THE MIDST
                 OF THE PANDEMIC
                 Thailand’s food exporters have found opportunities in the midst of the current crisis brought
                 on by the COVID-19 pandemic. As consumers worldwide visit supermarkets and dine in
                 restaurants less often, they are buying more processed and canned foods to cook at home as
                 well as more ready-to-eat foods.

                                                                                                                              beverages by 2%; and pet foods
                                                                                                                              by 19%. Data from the Thai Food
                                                                                                                              Processors’ Association showed
                                                                                                                              that exports of ready-to-eat food
                                                                                                                              grew 6% by volume in 2020.
                                                                                                                              Asian markets, including China,
                                                                                                                              Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore,
                                                                                                                              Russia, and the CLMV group of
                                                                                                                              countries (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar
                                                                                                                              and Vietnam) were among the key
                                                                                                                              importers of Thai food products
                                                                                            Photo by Dose Juice on Unsplash

                                                                                                                              in 2020.
                                                                                                                                   Thailand’s food export
                                                                                                                              performance in 2020 has been
                                                                                                                              in line with the government’s
                                                                                                                              development plan for the industry,
                                                                                                                              which focuses on high valued
                                                                                                                              food products or the so-called
                                                                                                                              “Food for the Future” due to its
                 Thailand recorded a healthy            the exports of foods and products                                     potential for generating higher
                 growth in the export of processed      that are associated with the new                                      outputs and broader impacts on
                 foods such as fruits and vegetables    normal, such as smart electronics,                                    the country’s industrial supply
                 and canned seafood, which is in        furniture and decorative items as                                     chain.
                 part attributed to economic recovery   well as medical devices.                                                   The government’s development
                 in those buying countries. The               Official data from the Ministry of                              targets include establishing
                 trend has highlighted the strength     Commerce’s show that Thailand’s                                       Thailand among the global top ten
                 and diversity of Thailand’s food       total export volume contracted by                                     food exporters by 2027. Thailand
                 supply chain, which is serving the     6% in 2020, with the market share                                     was ranked in 13th place in 2020
                 country’s goal of producing foods      in global food export products                                        and 11th place in 2019, with the US,
                 to cater to the growing demand         standing at 2.3%. Against the                                         the Netherlands, Brazil, Germany
                 among global consumers for             backdrop of the pandemic, fresh,                                      and China ranked the top five
                 nutritious and functional foods        frozen and dried fruits grew by                                       largest food exporters.
                 that serve their specific needs.       14%; canned and processed fruits                                         Two-thirds of the outputs from
                                                        by 2%; soup powder by 30%;                                            Thailand’s US$ 100 billion food
                 Healthy Food Exports                   frozen poultry by 15%; processed                                      market are sold locally, while the
                 While the pandemic has adversely       fruits by 8%; seasoning sauces                                        country’s food exports are fairly
                 affected world trade, Thailand         by 8%; canned and processed                                           evenly divided between processed
                 has recorded healthy growth in         seafood by 5%; non-alcoholic                                          and raw foods.

                 10 Thailand Investment Review
Based on the forecast for           groups for the blockchain project.                               among consumers who are

                                                                                                                                                   INDUSTRY FOCUS
world economic growth of 5.5%,           Furthermore, the Thai government’s                               increasingly focusing on health
Thailand’s Ministry of Commerce          ongoing process of streamlining                                  impacts and solutions to climate
projects an increase in Thai food        the digital databases of government                              change. Plant-based meat also
exports of 7%, with the export of        agencies will better facilitate                                  offers a more affordable protein
frozen seafood expected to grow          Thailand’s food and farm product                                 alternative.
by 2% in 2021.                           development.                                                          This global shift, which is
                                              Placing top priority on gaining                             highlighted by the entry of plant-
Transparency Reassured                   the trust of global consumers                                    based meat in major global food
     The Thai government has             in exported Thai food products,                                  chains, points to a favorable
applied blockchain technology            the Thai government has also                                     future for Thailand as not only a
that enables the traceability of         introduced the “Thailand Delivers                                major producer of agricultural
locally produced food products.          with Safety” campaign to step                                    products such as beans, fruits,
By scanning QR codes and                 up monitoring of the measures                                    vegetables, herbs, cassava, corn
trace manufacturing lots in the          implemented by local food producers                              and rice but also a promising
government’s database through            and logistics service providers to                               producer of future food.
the website,           prevent against COVID-19 virus                                        Tapping into this new trend,
buyers of Thai food products             contamination of frozen foods                                    food startups and corporations in
can trace the origin and track           and other food products.                                         Thailand have rolled out plant-
the journey of the products from              With Thai foods having become                               based meat produced from various
harvesting and manufacturing             well-recognized globally for their                               materials such as mushroom,
to processing and along the              high safety and quality standards                                jackfruit, rice, coconut and beetroot,
transportation process as well as        through compliance with GMP,                                     as well as beans, to serve both
viewing any organic certificates         HACPP and GAP, the country’s                                     local and global markets.
that have been issued. This initiative   food producers are joining a                                          A study by the National Science
will further enhance the credibility     “quality plus” campaign which is                                 Technology and Innovation Policy
and transparency of Thai food            intended to encourage all food                                   Office (STI) showed that the food
products among consumers in              producers to improve their quality                               industry is among the second
terms of safety, environmental           assurance standards.                                             largest industrial sectors investing
and other social issues.                                                                                  in R&D, after the auto industry.
      Through cooperation with           Future in Hand                                                   The R&D activities in the food
agencies at the provincial level         The global mainstreaming of                                      industry cover a wide range
and its overseas representative          plant-based meat is happening                                    of areas including automated
office, the Thai government expects      not only within the vegan and                                    production processes, packaging
to sign in at least 150 agricultural     vegetarian communities, but also                                 development, consumer behavior
                                                                                                          and new product development,
                                                                                                          with a value of US$ 530 million
                                                                                                          in 2018, Many enterprises are
                                                                                                          now establishing R&D centers,
                                                                                                          either on their own premises or in
                                                                                                          science parks.
                                                                                                               According to Food Innopolis,
                                                                                                          approximately 25% of Thai food
                                                                                                          researchers have expertise in
                                                                                                          grains, cereals and legumes, followed
                                                                                                          by 17% in functional food; 13% in
                                                                                                          vegetables and mushrooms; 12%
                                                                                                          each in seafood and meat; 8%
                                                                                                          each in dairy, herbs, spices and
                                                                                                          essential oils; and the remainder in
                                                                                                          juice, sugar and tapioca starch.
                                                                          Photo by LikeMeat on Unsplash

                                                                                                           Thailand Investment Review       11
Thailand’s Food Export Forecast

                 (2020/2021f)                                                                     Units: million US$

                                        Rice                                                      4,000 (+5.7%)

                                    Poultry                                                       3,500 (2.0%)

                                     Sugar                                                        2,700 (51.3%)

                           Canned Tuna                                                            2,500 (3.6%)

                          Cassava Flour                                                           2,100 (7.4%)

                                    Shrimp                                                        1,400 (-2.2%)

                 Seasoning Ingredients                                                            890 (+4.1%)

                     Ready-To-Eat Food                                                            645 (+4.6%)

                                   Coconut                                                        630 (+2.3%)

                               Pineapple                                                          530 (+8.0%)

                 Source: The Thai Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade of Thailand

                 Local Sales of Ready-To-Eat Foods
                 Value: (million US$)



                            2016               2017           2018             2019      2020

                 12 Thailand Investment Review
Product Share                         Export of Ready-to-Eat Foods

                                                                                                                    INDUSTRY FOCUS
Shelf Stable Ready Meals   0.8%       Value: (million US$)
          Dried Ready

     Frozen             Ready Meals                                      (+6.3%)

   44.1% 48%
   Ready Meals

                                              2016            2017         2018          2019         2020

Product Share                         Top 5 Markets for Thai RTE Foods

                 Thai         45%
                 Chinese      29%        US
                 Italian      11%        EU-27
                 Japanese     6%
                 Others       9%         Hong Kong

of Local
Ready-To-Eat                          Top 5 Exporters of RTE Foods
Food Sales                                                                                China
                                                                                                        South Korea


     764 Million US$

Growth: 10%                           Source: National Food Institute

                                                                                  Thailand Investment Review   13
Valley, an R&D complex located

                                                                                          in the Eastern Economic Corridor.
                                                                                          Focusing on application of digital
                                                                                          technology in the farm and
                                                                                          food innovation and production
                                                                                          processes, the Food Innopolis aims
                                                                                          to drive Thailand as a regional
                                                                                          center of future food industry
                                                                                          and advanced agriculture and
                                                                                               The Future Food Lab zone
                                                                                          offers a similar one-stop service

                                                                                          center to the facilities at Thailand
                                                                                          Science Park which provides
                                                                                          assistance to businesses in R&D
             FOOD-TECH                                                                    and scaling innovations, such as
                                                                                          lab access to facilities and experts
             INCUBATION                                                                   to help with developing prototypes,
                                                                                          finding raw materials, marketing,
                                                                                          and applying for regulatory
             NETWORK                                                                      approval.
                                                                                               The EECi compound also
                                                                                          offers an IoT test bed service for
                                                                                          areas including precision farming,
             As part of the Thai government’s consistent support for R&D                  smart harvest and packaging,
             and scaling innovation in food technology, the country houses                robotics for fruit harvesting and
             integrated R&D centers linking the public sector’s high-quality              packaging, automated pilot plants,
                                                                                          smart logistics, smart warehousing
             facilities with universities and private sector labs.                        and retail distribution, and software
                                                                                          system integration. The facility
             Central to the network is Food        food standardization and testing.      is also a research area for big
             Innopolis, an integrated food         These facilities include Food and      data, AI and machine learning
             innovation complex located at the     Feed Innovation Center, Bioresource    applications to support database
             Thailand Science Park, Pathum Thani   Center, Central Lab, Sensory           development and traceability for
             Province. Under the supervision of    Evaluation Center and the              the farm and food industry.
             the National Science and Technology   Synchrotron Light Research                  To strengthen the country’s
             Development Agency (NSTDA),           Institute which offers molecule-       food tech ecology, the facility also
             the complex offers comprehensive      based research analysis, which         helps develop similar operational
             services to R&D and business          are also located at Thailand           concepts in seven well-regarded
             development, ranging from rental      Science Park.                          provincial universities, which have
             space for laboratory facilities,            To date, more than 40 local      a history of producing skilled
             sourcing personnel and technical      food conglomerates, multinational      human resources in the field of
             assistance in R&D and business        companies and SMEs have                agricultural technology. These
             development as well as applying       established R&D activities in the      universities include Kasetsart
             for approvals from Food and Drug      innovative food cluster for products   University, Chulalongkorn University,
             Administration to entrepreneurs.      such as seafood, poultry, dairy,       Mahidol University, King Mongkut’s
                   Food Innopolis also offer       nutritional and functional foods,      University of Technology Thonburi,
             networking and knowledge              as well as in the areas of food        Chiang Mai University, Kon Kaen
             sharing services to members and       safety, automation and robotics.       University and Prince of Songkla
             easy access to the public sector’s          Food Innopolis has opened        University.
             facilities in food technology and     a facility at EECi in Wangchan

             14 Thailand Investment Review

                                                                                                         EXECUTIVE TALK
                                             The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a heavy toll on
                                             most economies worldwide. Thailand is no exception.
                                             However, Thai food exports have become a bright
                                             spot, bucking the trend of the country’s overall sliding
                                             exports, with the demand for processed and canned
                                             foods having held up in these uncertain times.
                               This trend reflects the surge in global demand toward home
                               cooking and ready-to-eat foods in the wake of restrictive
                               measures to contain the pandemic. The resilient export of food
                               and farm products also highlights Thailand’s commitment
                               to R&D and advancements in the application of technology
                               to meet the growing demand of consumers for nutritious
                               and quality food products that serve the specific needs of
                               each individual, while also meeting the expectations of the
                               younger generation for reduced environmental footprints
                               from the manufacturing sector.
                                    In line with the “Thailand 4.0” strategic economic
                               development plan, which is aimed at extensively developing
                               the use of technology within Thai industries, the Thai government
                               has designated the agri-food industry as a priority area. The
                               plan aims to strengthen the food technology ecosystem
                               to enhance the economic value and global positioning of
                               Thailand’s farm and food industries.
                                                                  The Tha ila n d B o a r d of
                                                            In v e st me n t ( B O I) , t h e key
                                                            government agency entrusted
                                                            with promoting investment in
                                                            the country’s strategic direction,
                                                            is offering incentives in the form of
                                                            exemptions on corporate income
                                                            tax (CIT) and import duty on
The pandemic has pushed consumers                           raw materials to both Thai and
                                                            foreign investors, with a focus
worldwide to become more health                             on enhancing R&D in food
conscious and focus on the nutritional                      technology. The incentives cover a
benefits of foods. This global trend,                       comprehensive range of activities,
                                                            especially those related to
which we are also seeing in Thailand,                       investment in R&D or those
creates tremendous new opportunities                        adopting biotechnology, digital
for food innovations, food safety and                       services, and robotics and
                                                            automation which can further
organic foods.                                              increase the competitiveness of
                                                            the industry.
                                                  Sonklin Ploymee
                                    BOI’s Deputy Secretary-General     Thailand Investment Review   15
The BOI offers 8-year CIT
exemption on the manufacture of
functional and medical foods and
food supplements, with additional
CIT exemptions for companies
that invest in upgrading their
production through Agri tech,
food tech, digital technology,
automation and robotics and
plant factories to improve the
efficiency of both production and
quality testing activities.
      Responding to the following
questions, Ms. Sonklin Ploymee,
the BOI’s Deputy Secretary
General, explained the direction
taken by Thai policymakers in
promoting investment in the           Under the Thai government’s           ASEAN countries. Even so, there
agri-food industry and possible       development plan for the agri-        is still a need to focus on R&D in
additional incentives.                food industry, which is effective     order to increase the value added
                                      until 2028, the country has set       to the processed food industry.
How significant is                    the agri-food industry the target           Thailand is also among the top
the agri-food industry’s              of generating 7% of GDP, with         ten most competitive countries
contribution to                       efforts focusing on R&D and           in the food processing industry.
the Thai economy?                     productivity improvement.             According to Oxford Economics,
The food industry has long driven                                           Thailand’s food processing industry
Thailand’s economic development       What are Thailand’s                   was ranked 9th worldwide in 2016,
through the value it adds to the      best competitive                      with the Thai government aiming
agricultural sector and industrial    advantages in agri-food               to reach 3rd place by 2026. The
supply chain, covering 128,000        technology?                           Thai government’s commitment to
mainly micro enterprises, employing   Thailand has a year-round             promote biotechnology and R&D
more than one million people –        agricultural season and vibrant       is seen as a key factor in increasing
representing about 3% of the          agri-food industry, producing         confidence in the country’s food
country’s workforce – and             the largest exports of cassava,       processing industry.
generating approximately 6% of        canned tuna, canned pineapple,              Thailand’s food processing
the country’s gross domestic          rice and sugar as well as a variety   industry will also benefit from
product.                              of other food products to the         large investment in transportation,
     As one of the targeted           world.                                utilities and modern special
beneficiaries of the “Thailand             The country’s food processing    economic zone infrastructure, which
4.0” policy, the food industry will   industry currently uses as much       will make it the best-connected
receive further incentives and        as 80% of local raw materials         country in the ASEAN region.
support from the government aimed     in its products. This enables         Thailand also enjoys a strategic
at enhancing its competitiveness      entrepre n e urs t o o pe ra t e      location at the heart of the
by building on its strengths and      with low costs, enhancing the         ASEAN market, whose combined
potential. The Thai government        competitiveness of the food           population of 650 million is
has long promoted Thailand as         processing industry in the global     roughly half of China’s, making
the “Kitchen of the World” in         market.                               it a significant consumer market.
recognition of the country’s               Thailand’s long history in the   Moreover, the China-Thailand Free
strengths in the food industry,       agri-food industry has enabled        Trade Agreement and Thailand’s
particularly the abundance of raw     the country to develop its            membership in the ASEAN Free
materials, large pool of skilled      productivity. Indeed, Thailand has    Trade Area have bolstered the
labor and well-established and        the most competitive ecosystem        country’s trade and economic
competitive supply chain.             for food technology among the         growth.
16 Thailand Investment Review
have promoted a wide range of

                                                                                                                                                                 EXECUTIVE TALK
                                                                                                                         measures to help entrepreneurs
                                                                                                                         enhance their efficiency in the
                                                                                                                         food supply chain, from upstream
                                                                                                                         to downstream, and our efforts
                                                                                                                         extend beyond manufacturing to
                                                                                                                         the service sector in the agri-food
                                                                                                                              R&D is a target activity of
                                                                                                                         our promotional incentives. The
                                                                                                                         BOI’s additional incentives will also
                                                                                                                         be offered to entrepreneurs who
                                                                                                                         invest in productivity, even if
                                                                                                                         they do not increase production
                                                                                                                         capacity. The BOI is also considering
                                                                                                                         new incentives to further strengthen
                                                                                                                         Thailand’s food positioning in the
Photo by Shalitha Dissanayaka on Unsplash

                                                                                  become more health conscious           world market.
                                                                                  and focus on the nutritional
                                                                                  benefits of foods. This global         How do you foresee
                                                                                  trend, which we are also seeing        Thailand’s development
                                                                                  in Thailand, creates tremendous        of the food industry
                                                                                  new opportunities for food             in the world market?
                                                                                  innovations, food safety and           There is huge potential in the
                                                                                  organic foods.                         Thai food industry, primarily given
                                                                                       In this regard, innovations and   the abundance of raw materials,
                                                                                  technology are the areas where         pool of skilled labor, steadfast
                                                In terms of human resources,      we are taking serious actions to       institutional support, and advanced
                                            Thailand has a highly skilled         move the development forward.          infrastructure.
                                            workforce, with solid institutional        As a large and growing                  Government agencies, not
                                            support and efficient recruiters to   percentage of the world population     only the BOI, have promoted
                                            meet the workforce demands of         consumes Halal food, for which         productivity, quality, technology
                                            investors.                            the “Made-in-Thailand” brand           and R&D in the food industry.
                                                                                  is well-regarded, the country is       As I mentioned before, the
                                            What could emerge                     well-positioned to harness the         food industry is at the top of the
                                            as Thailand’s most                    opportunity deriving from this         agenda of the Thai government’s
                                            recommended products                  consumer group.                        efforts, given its importance to
                                            in the global market?                      Overall, Thailand has a           our population.
                                            If we consider the present behavior   diversified food industry with high          The Thai government has
                                            of consumers worldwide during         capability to harness the potential    ensured strong institutional support
                                            the pandemic, there will be plenty    of medical and functional foods        is in place to promote capacity
                                            of opportunities for Thailand’s       and serve the increasing demand        building in important areas such
                                            food processing industry. People      from the aging society.                as the international standard for
                                            are forced to stay at home and                                               foods, innovations, marketing and
                                            cook at home, as they cannot          What roles have                        support for small and medium-
                                            go to supermarkets as often as        the government and BOI                 sized enterprises. With this
                                            before. As a result, ready-to-eat     played in enhancing                    direction, I am confident that
                                            food has high potential. Thailand     technology in                          Thailand is well-positioned to be
                                            can further apply technology          the agri-food industry?                the largest investment hub in Asia
                                            and automation to roll out more       The Thai government and the            for the food industry and to have
                                            innovations and raise productivity.   BOI have steadfastly supported         a larger share of the world food
                                            Moreover, the pandemic has            technological capacity-building        market.
                                            pushed consumers worldwide to         in the future food industry. We
                                                                                                                          Thailand Investment Review      17
INTERVIEW WITH                                                              “ At least for us, Thailand

                                                                                                  has an abundance of
                                                                                                  great talents who are
                    Saumil Shah,                                                                  skilled microbiologists
                                                                                                  and professionals
                    founder and CEO                                                               in the agroindustry.
                                                                                                  The country has
                    of EnerGaia                                                                   an important agroindustry
                                                                                                  and very good reputation
                                                                                                  for the foods it produces.
                                                                                                  When we create new
                                                                                                  and nutritious products
                                                                                                  here and export to
                                                                                                  countries in Western Europe
                                                                                                  and the United States,
                                                                                                  people’s perceptions of
                                                                                                  these products are
                                                                                                  relatively more positive
                                                                                                  in terms of quality than
                                                                                                  for similar products from
                                                                                                  other countries.”
                                                                                                                              Saumil Shah
                                                                                                                Founder and CEO of EnerGaia

                                                                                                 and sustainable food options among
                                                                                                 consumers worldwide. Having
                                                                                                 been working for General Electric
                                                                                                 on energy projects in Thailand,
                                                                                                 US-born former engineer Saumil
                                                                                                 Shah founded EnerGaia in 2009
                                                                                                 out of his desire to offset the
                                                                                                 impacts of carbon emissions by
                                                                                                 the energy industry. In a diverse
                                                                                                 kind of algae which grows faster
                                                                                                 than trees and thus absorbs CO2
                                                                                                 more efficiently, he found his
                                                                                                 solution in spirulina.
                                                                                                      Aside from the sale of fresh
                                                                                                 and processed spirulina worldwide,
                    The Simple Protein of the Future                                             EnerGaia also offers its unique
                                                                                                 proprietary bioreactor technology
                    On the rooftop of a spacious 3-story shophouse close to downtown             as well as engineering and scientific
                    Bangkok lie rows of airlift plastic-wrapped wire mesh columns filled with    consultation for spirulina farms.
                    green water. Resembling something out of a seafood farm, they are in         Mr. Shah discussed EnerGaia’s
                    fact EnerGaia’s proprietary technology used for harvesting spirulina,        business expansion plan in Thailand
                    single-celled algae that have gradually evolved from being known for         along with the competitive
                    many years only as food supplements into part of mainstream plant-           advantages it offers investment
                    based diets in response to the growing demand for more eco-friendly          in the food sector.

                    18   Thailand Investment Review
almost two kilograms of protein
                                                                                per year. This is a good amount
                                                                                because a normal person would
                                                                                need to consume 50 to 100 grams
                                                                                of protein per day. Our system can
                                                                                connect 40 tanks under a central
                                                                                control system. On average,
                                                                                each tank can produce 15 to 20
                                                                                kilograms of fresh spirulina per
                                                                                year, depending on the weather.
                                                                                Spirulina takes 7 to 10 days for
                                                                                each harvest.
                                                                                What are the competitive
                                                                                advantages of your
                                                                                investment in Thailand?
                                                                                I founded this business from the
What are EnerGaia’s                     What makes your                         motivation of using microbiology to
technological                           spirulina products and                  reduce carbon dioxide emissions
innovations and                         farming solutions                       from power plants, industrial plants
products?                               unique?                                 and other sources by turning algae
We offer unique bioreactor technology   Our technology produces a very          into something productive so that
and solutions for farming spirulina,    clean, neutral-tasting and high-        people can have a very good
a highly nutritious single-celled       quality spirulina that will also have   environmental footprint from food.
algae that can grow floating in         a very long shelf life. Normally,       Because microalgae like spirulina
the water, with high quality and a      fresh spirulina that grows upon         grow very well in tropical conditions
neutral taste. People around the        ponds will have a short shelf life      where the temperature is around
world typically grow spirulina in       of less than one week. With our         30-32 degree Celsius, countries
open and shallow ponds. However,        technology, including what we           with tropical environment like
there’s a problem with that design      have done on the processing             Thailand are the places where
as many things can fall inside          side, our fresh spirulina can have      spirulina can grow very well.
and contaminate it. We have             a shelf life of three to four weeks          At least for us, Thailand has
adapted a technology from the           if stored in a refrigerator. Also, it   an abundance of great talents
oyster industry in Australia and        doesn’t have a bad taste or smell.      who are skilled microbiologists and
other countries and modified it         The technology allows us to use         professionals in the agroindustry.
to grow spirulina. We use plastic       spirulina either in fresh form or       The country has an important
bags inside of wire mesh cages          processed form as we can also           agroindustry and a very good
and turn them into containers for       dry it into powder for people to        reputation for the foods it produces.
growing spirulina outdoors in the       add to or mix into their foods.         When we create new and nutritious
sunlight. With our spirulina smart      Because of this neutral taste, we       products here and export to
farming software, we can monitor        can process spirulina into finished     countries in Western Europe and
the parameters of the growth            mainstream food products like           the United States, people’s
rate and recommend farming              energy bars, pasta or noodles           perceptions of these products are
methods and ingredients. Our            for consumers to receive the            relatively more positive in terms
technology is actually a smart          nutritional value from spirulina. It    of quality than similar products
farming solution for spirulina.         can be blended into mainstream          from other countries.
With automation for the outdoor         food products to give them a
system and the software system,         greener color without changing          What is your vision for
anybody can produce a very high-        the original taste.                     your operations in
quality product. We are offering              Spirulina farming also doesn’t    Thailand?
this technology in Thailand and         require a lot of space. Each            I want to offer a comprehensive
finding partners to work with us.       farming tank occupies just one          solution for spirulina production
We also have overseas operations        square meter and can generate           in Thailand and elsewhere, to
to find customers.
                                                                                 Thailand Investment Review      19

                                                                                                       use in products they’re already
                                                                                                       accustomed to, such as natural
                                                                                                       energy bars, noodles and western
                                                                                                       pasta, without changing the original
                    grow it from a small niche industry       What kind of perception
                    today to become a big industry            do consumers have of                     How have the government
                    producing millions of tons of             your products?                           agencies and the BOI
                    spirulina per year, and I want            The generation X and generation          supported your venture
                    Thailand to be one of the main            Y around the world are interested        in Thailand?
                    places it’s produced.                     in sustainable food, healthy food        With the BOI’s investment benefits,
                          Thailand is also the headquarters   and plant-based food. This trend         they have made it easier for
                    for us, where we oversee technology,      is rising to a larger percentage of      foreigners to obtain work permits
                    produce foods and try to find             the population and even though           for foreign experts who are
                    production partners. We work              we started this business some            skilled in different areas such as
                    with many factories here to create        years ago, before this trend started,    engineering, science, and R&D.
                    finished products for export to the       now it still seems good timing           The Thai government is also
                    West and for local consumption.           for us. Given that spirulina is a        trying to promote smart farming
                          Our vision is to continue to        microalga, or a form of plant-based      technology which will benefit the
                    expand by working with different          protein, that is rich in protein, with   Thai economy. I think there are
                    partners to grow more spirulina           actually 65% protein in powder           still a lot of opportunities for the
                    and then use it to make finished          form, and also a good source of          Thai government and the BOI to
                    food products, some of which can          vitamins and minerals such as iron,      make it easier for foreign experts
                    be sold locally, but more, around         it resonates well with consumers.        to start businesses in Thailand.
                    70%, will be exported. We also            However, they don’t know how             I believe they are working in
                    plan to increase our exports to           to use it, either in fresh form or       that direction but there are still
                    Asian markets.                            powder. That’s why we’re trying          opportunities to make more
                                                              to make it very easy for them to         progress.

                    14   Thailand Investment Review
Key Economic Figures
                                                       Unemployment                              Investment Growth                             Market Profile
              GDP (2020*)                                Dec 2020*                                                                             (2019)
              US$ 506.4 Billion                                                             2020                           2021*f
                                                                                            -4.8%                              5.7%                  Population
              GDP per Capita (2020*)
              US$ 7,328.2 / Year                                1.5%

GDP Growth                                          Headline Inflation                   Export Value of Goods Growth
                                                     Average 2020*                                                                                 Minimum Wage
  2020                                   2021*f                                             2020                           2021*f                  THB 313 - 336
  -6.1%                             2.5-3.5%                   -0.85%                       -6.6%                              5.8%               US$ Approximate
                                                                                                                                                   US$ 9.98-10.71
Note: *Estimated value l Source: NESDC            Source: National Statistical Office,   Note: *Estimated value                                Source: Ministry of Labour
(Data as of March 2021)                           Ministry of Commerce                   Source: NESDC

                                                   Top 10 Export Markets (January-December 2020 )
                                                   Rank                                                          Value                                      Share
                                                                                                              (US$ million)
                                                   United State                                                    34,343.71                                14.83%
                                                   China                                                           29,754.18                                12.85%
                                                   Japan                                                           22,876.34                                 9.88%
Export Figures                                     Hong Kong                                                       11,292.25                                 4.88%
                                                   Vietnam                                                         11,163.82                                 4.82%
Export value (USD million)                         Australia                                                        9,828.83                                 4.25%
Jan - Dec 2019 : 246,268.8                         Singapore                                                        9,508.92                                 4.10%
Jan - Dec 2020 : 231,468.4                         Malaysia                                                         8,734.50                                 3.77%
Jan - Feb 2021 : 39,925.6                          Indonesia                                                        7,650.26                                 3.30%
                                                   Switzerland                                                      7,525.32                                 3.25%

International                                      Top 10 Exports
                                                             Goods / Products                                     (US$ million)                             Share
Global Competitiveness
2018 : 38th 2019 : 40th                                    1. Vehicles and Parts                                   21,266.84                                9.19%
Source: World Economic Forum                               2. Computers and Parts                                  18,668.85                                8.07%
                                                           3. Jewelry                                              18,207.33                                7.87%
World Digital Competitiveness                              4. Rubber Products                                      12,113.82                                5.23%
2019 : 40th 2020 : 39th                                    5. Plastic Pellets                                       7,971.54                                3.44%
Source: IMD                                                6. Integrated Circuits                                   7,155.14                                3.09%
                                                           7. Chemical Products                                     6,735.69                                2.91 %
Ease of Doing Business                                     8. Machinery and Parts                                   6,528.00                                2.82%
2019 : 27th 2020 : 21st                                    9. Refined Fuel                                          5,354.92                                2.31%
Source: World Bank                                         10. Air Conditioners and Parts                           5,251.81                                2.27%
                                                   Source: Ministry of Commerce

Exchange Rates                                                                                                                        Tax Rate
(As of 31 March 2021)                                                                                                                 Corporate Income Tax: 0 - 20%
                                                                                                                                      Personal Income Tax: 5 - 35%
                                                                                                                                      VAT: 7%
        THB 31.36               THB 43.49              THB 37.08                    THB 28.69                THB 4.84                 Witholding Tax: 1 - 15%
                                                                                    (100 Yen)
                                                                                                                                      Source: the Revenue Department
Source: Bank of Thailand                                                                                                              (As of March 2021)

                                                                                                                      Thailand Investment Review                15
The Office of the Board of Investment (BOI) is the principle goverment agency
that operates under the Prime Minister’s Office for the purpose of encouraging
investment in Thailand. We at the BOI serve as the professional contact points
for investors, providing them with useful investment information and services.
We offer business support and investment incentive to foreign investors in
Thailand, including tax and non-tax incentives. A few non-tax incentives include
granting land ownership to foreigners and facilitating visas and work permits.
Besides serving the needs of overseas investors, we also offer consultation
services to Thai investors who are interested in investment opportunities abroad.


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                                                                                        Thailand Board of Investment,                           Thailand Board of Investment,
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                                            Thailand Board of Investment,                                                                       E-mail:
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                                            Thailand Board of Investment,               Thailand Board of Investment,                           Jakarta Office
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