Making It Simple: Sanctions Compliance - REFERENCE & MASTER DATA INSTRUMENT & LEGAL ENTITY DATA - Bloomberg LP


Making It Simple:
Sanctions Compliance.
MAKING IT SIMPLE: SANCTIONS              Economic sanctions are penalties imposed by a nation or group of
COMPLIANCE – INSTRUMENT                  nations onto another nation or group of nations, including restrictions
                                         on financial transactions and trade barriers, and are designed to
                                         deprive a target company of the use of its assets and to deny it
2 S
   anctions Are Everywhere              access to other financial systems, such as the benefits of trade,
2 Not All Sanctions Are Created Equal   transactions and services.
4 E
   xplicit versus Implicit Sanctions    The introduction of new sanctions in      PENALTIES FOR VIOLATING
                                         response to the 2014 crisis in Ukraine    SANCTION REGULATIONS
4 E
   ntity versus Instrument Level        has increased the complexity of           Fines for violating sanction
  Sanctions                              sanctions data for several reasons:       regulations can be substantial.
                                                                                   For example, criminal penalties
                                           arget entities are more active in
                                                                                   for willful violations in the U.S.
                                          the global economy and financial
                                                                                   can include economic fines and
                                          markets than previously sanctioned
                                                                                   imprisonment. Moreover, being
                                                                                   singled out by the financial authorities
                                           he U.S., the European Union and        can result in damage to a firm’s
                                          other governments have imposed           reputation, loss of revenue and
                                          overlapping but often different          destruction of shareholder value.
                                          sanctions. The list of sanctioned
                                          entities as well as the scope of         BLOOMBERG IS HERE TO HELP
                                          the sanctions can vary from one          Bloomberg has made significant
                                          jurisdiction to another.                 investments to deliver high-quality,
                                                                                   comprehensive sanction data that
                                         • Sanction programs are becoming         addresses the needs of the industry.
                                            more targeted. Certain jurisdictions   Bloomberg Sanction Data covers 10
                                            – such as the U.S., the EU, Canada,    different jurisdictions: U.S. Office
                                            Switzerland, Australia and Japan –     of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC),
                                            differentiate between comprehensive    EU, United Nations, Canada, U.K.,
                                            and sectoral sanctions.                Switzerland, Japan, Hong Kong,
                                           anctions programs capture both         Singapore and Australia. A team
                                          explicitly defined and implicitly        of subject-matter experts monitors
                                          related sanctioned companies. As a       the different sanction programs and
                                          result, understanding the ownership      provides timely updates. Bloomberg’s
                                          structure of these companies is          legal entity data flags entities that
                                          critical to ensuring full compliance.    have been sanctioned by any of the
                                                                                   previously mentioned jurisdictions
                                           here is limited guidance on the new    and indicates the type of sanction
                                          sanctions, requiring market players      that applies in each case. As a
                                          to individually determine the scope      response to specific sectoral sanction
                                          of sanction programs on specific         programs, which limit the ability of
                                          entities and instruments.                entities to access additional capital
                                         In addition to the increasing             in the financial markets, Bloomberg
                                         complexity in sanctions, regulatory       now offers a pre-trade compliance
                                         scrutiny with regards to compliance       solution comprised of instrument level
                                         has become more severe.                   sanction data.
Many financial companies are global         As an example, a Canadian broker-
in nature, and it is imperative for these   dealer based in Toronto, with operations   How can firms manage multiple
organizations to abide by sanction          in New York, London, Frankfurt and         sources and multiple pieces
rules in the jurisdictions where they do    Tokyo, will need to manage multiple        of legislation that can require
business. This is challenging because       pieces of legislation that require         legal and specialized knowledge
each jurisdiction has its own specific      specialized legal knowledge about          about sanctions and financial
laws and rules that determine which         sanctions and the impact on its            instruments?
entities or instruments are sanctioned.     business. This is because not only will
The process is complicated by the           they need to comply with Canadian          Bloomberg provides an industry-wide
fact that while lists of sanctioned         sanction regulation but also with the      solution by monitoring sanctions in
companies for the various jurisdictions     U.S. (OFAC), U.K., EU and Japanese         10 global jurisdictions. Whenever the
often overlap, they are not 100 percent     specific rules.                            U.S. (OFAC), EU, U.N., Canada, U.K.,
the same. Understanding and                                                            Switzerland, Japan, Australia, Hong
correctly interpreting legal texts, in                                                 Kong or Singapore issues changes or
jurisdictions where sanctions are                                                      publishes new legal articles that will
written only in the local language,                                                    impact sanction data, our sanction
adds another layer of complexity.                                                      experts will ensure, often by working
                                                                                       with local counselors, that the
                                                                                       legislation is interpreted correctly and
                                                                                       consequently updated in our database.

Traditionally, sanctions programs have      Distinguishing sectoral and
been comprehensive in nature. These         comprehensive sanctions is critical to     How can an organization know
sanctions generally prohibit all direct     understand the type of relationship a      with certainty which types of
or indirect imports/exports, trade          firm can have with a given entity.         sanctions apply to a potential
brokering, financing or facilitating                                                   counterparty or client?
                                            For instance, a U.S. financial company
against most goods, technology
                                            engaging in a swap deal with a new         Bloomberg has worked with
and services. Transactions require a
                                            Russian counterparty will need to          local counselors and its internal
specific license or exemption from the
                                            understand if sanctions apply to the       compliance department to
OFAC before they can take place.
                                            entity. If the counterparty appears on     understand the various directives
However, the new sanctions                  a sanction list, further research will     in the different sanction programs.
introduced in July 2014, known              be required to determine whether the       As a result, we are able to provide
as sectoral sanctions, apply only           sanction is comprehensive or sectoral.     details about the type of sanction
to specific activities with target          The Compliance team will reject the        that applies to each entity. In
companies, primarily, providing             deal if comprehensive sanctions apply      addition, for some jurisdictions,
medium- to long-term financing or           but may approve it if the Russian          we provide the lineage tracing the
engaging in business related to key         company is sectoral sanctioned.            type of sanction to the specific
sectors, such as energy and defense.                                                   applicable directive.

                                                                                 INSTRUMENT & LEGAL ENTITY DATA               2
By combining detailed legal entity sanctions information with a legal entity’s corporate structure, the securities
they have issued and a sophisticated rules engine, Bloomberg is able to provide a complete sanctions solution
for the industry.

                                                  RUSSIAN FEDERATION

   NPO URALVAGONZAVOD AO                             VTB BANK PJSC                                   DENIZBANK A.S.
                                                    Explicitly Sanctioned

     OFAC FULL SANCTIONED                    OFAC SECTORAL SANCTIONED                          NOT OFAC SANCTIONED
            SDN List                                 Directive 1

            All securities will                                                                        No OFAC sanctioned
            be sanctioned                                                                              securities

            VTB-LEASING OJSC                     VTB BANK BELARUS CJSC                       VTB BANK OJSC
            Implicitly Sanctioned                   Implicitly Sanctioned                   Implicitly Sanctioned

                                                    No Outstanding Issues
          VTB-LEASING FINANCE                                                                             Fixed Income
            Implicitly Sanctioned                                                         Equities

                           Fixed Income                                                              ENGINE

                      ENGINE                                                           ISSUE                  OFAC
                                                                       TICKER          DATE          MATURITY SANCTIONED?
                                                                       EJ884551 Corp   10/29/2013 10/31/2016             N
                ISSUE                   OFAC                           EJ301885 Corp     8/6/2012   Perpetual            N
EH549957 Corp    6/16/2009       6/7/2016    N
EH864455 Corp    6/16/2009       6/7/2015    N
EI075820 Corp    12/9/2009     11/30/2016    N
EI349860 Corp    8/10/2010       8/1/2017    N
EI351069 Corp    8/11/2010       8/2/2017    N
EK750289 Corp    12/4/2014     11/25/2021    Y
EK750469 Corp   12/30/2014     12/21/2021    Y
EK748599 Corp    8/15/2014       8/5/2022    Y
EK748737 Corp   12/30/2014     12/20/2022    Y
EK750812 Corp   12/30/2014     12/20/2022    Y

                                                                                INSTRUMENT & LEGAL ENTITY DATA               3
Only a small fraction of all sanctioned     As an example, a German large
companies are listed by official            bank servicing thousands of                How can a firm determine all
sources. These programs state that          counterparties in Europe will need to      related companies that should
majority-owned subsidiaries are also        ensure that none of these companies        be considered sanctioned and
in scope for these directives. It is        is added to a European sanction list.      perform the analysis necessary
essential for global market players to      Furthermore, the Compliance team           to determine if a security is or not
have in-depth understanding of an           will also need to ensure that their        impacted by sanctions?
entity’s corporate hierarchy to ensure      counterparties are not controlled by
that the both explicitly and implicitly     a company that is sanctioned by the        Bloomberg flags both explicitly and
sanctioned entities are captured in a       EU, since this might require them to       implicitly sanctioned entities by going
firm’s compliance program. Mapping          terminate the relationship.                well beyond simply mapping sanction
the companies on an official sanction                                                  lists to entity records. We leverage
list to an entity database is part of the                                              our extensive corporate hierarchy
process, but it is not enough.                                                         database to show a complete picture
                                                                                       of sanctioned companies, specific to
                                                                                       each jurisdiction. As a result of this
                                                                                       approach, firms can be confident
                                                                                       that they have the most up-to-date
                                                                                       sanctioned entities, even as corporate
                                                                                       structures continue to evolve.

The introduction of sectoral sanctions      For example, as part of the pre-trade
in 2014 was designed to restrict a          compliance process, Compliance             Satisfying the pre-trade
company’s access to new capital in          officers need to evaluate trades that      compliance requirement.
the financial markets. Compliance           pose a risk to the institution. Trading
managers now need to understand             a bond of a sectoral sanctioned            To satisfy the pre-trade compliance
both the type of sanction program           company represents a certain               requirement with respect to sanctioned
levied against the company and              challenge, since that instrument may       securities, Bloomberg combines its
the potential instruments that are          or may not be eligible for trading         issue-to-issuer linkages, legal entity
restricted from trading or investment.      depending on when it was issued            sanction data and its market standard
                                            and when it matures.                       instrument reference data to derive
While none of the governments that                                                     a comprehensive list of sanctioned
issue sanctions has published a list of                                                instruments. Our sophisticated
sanctioned securities, it remains the                                                  rule engine is able to specify which
responsibility of each market player                                                   instruments are in scope with specific
to be compliant by interpreting the                                                    directives and scalable to both current
directives to understand whether a                                                     and upcoming listings.
security is sanctioned.

                                                                                  INSTRUMENT & LEGAL ENTITY DATA             4
Bloomberg for Enterprise is ready to help your firm acquire highly accurate legal entity data suitable for use in a wide
variety of risk and compliance workflows. Contact one of our data professionals at or visit now.

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