Man attacks Uber driver, steals her car, cops say. The Uber app helped officers find him

Page created by Arthur Jenkins
Man attacks Uber driver, steals her car, cops say. The Uber app helped officers find him
8NE     .........................................................................................................NEIGHBORS                                  SUNDAY AUGUST 22 2021


Man attacks Uber driver, steals her car, cops
say. The Uber app helped officers find him
                                                           Sinai, so the friend added                                        called police.
BY CARLI TEPROFF                                           a destination to his trip,                                           Valladares’ cell phone                                   according to Milo’s arrest                                        remained in the car, so
                                                           affidavit.                                                        police were able to track
   A Miami man is facing                                      The driver, Liudmila                                           it through the friend’s
a carjacking charge after                                  Valladares, then headed                                           Uber app.
police say he attacked an                                  to the hospital, where                                               The SUV was later
Uber driver and stole her                                  Milo got in the back seat                                         found abandoned by
SUV after she picked                                       with his friend, police                                           Miami police in the 1300
him up Monday afternoon                                    said. Within seconds, he                                          block of South Dixie
from Mount Sinai                                           began punching, accord-                                           Highway.
Medical Center in Miami                                    ing to the report.                                                   Milo was found nearby
Beach.                                                        “The victim stated that                                        early Tuesday morning.
   He also faces a charge                                  she attempted to block                                               Police said around the
of leaving the scene of a                                  the hits and yell for help,                                       time this happened, there
crash involving a death,                                   but was unable to because                                         was a fatal motorcycle
according to jail records.                                 of the number of punch-                                           crash on an I-95 ramp.
   Edward Milo, 19, was                                    es,” an officer wrote.                                               Valladares, who suf-
being held Tuesday in                                      “The victim stated that                                           fered non-life-threatening
Miami-Dade’s Turner                                        the defendant removed                                             injuries, was checked by
Guilford Knight Correc-                                    her seat belt and pushed                                          the hospital and released.
tional Center with no                                      her out of the car while it                                          Police say video from
bond.                                                      was still in motion.                                              the hospital showed both
   It all started around                                      Milo started to drive                                          the carjacking and Milo
4:30 p.m. Monday when                                      away, and that’s when the                                         exiting the hospital.
Milo called his friend,                                    friend climbed to the
who happened to be in an                                   front and managed to                                              Carli Teproff:
Uber.                                                      jump out, police said.                                            305-376-3587, @cteproff
   Milo asked the friend to                                   Meanwhile, a security
pick him up from Mount                                     guard at the hospital


A back-to-school backpack search leads
lucky dad to $1 million in the Florida lottery
                                                                                                                             some credit to a back-to-
BY HOWARD COHEN                                                                                                              school journey that put the                                                                                                       winning ticket in his hand.
                                                                                                                             “I just happened to be on a
   One lucky Florida father                                                                                                  different side of town from
just received a near mil-                                                                                                    where I normally buy Lot-
lion-dollar windfall.                                                                                                        tery tickets, all because I
   According to the Florida                                                                                                  was looking for a specific
Lottery, 47-year-old Cleve-                                                                           Florida Lottery        backpack for my daughter
land Pope, of Hernando                                     A Florida Lottery’s Billion                                       to start school with,”
County’s Brooksville,                                      Dollar Gold Rush                                                  he told the Florida Lottery.
claimed a $1 million prize                                 Scratch-Off game ticket.                                             Pope bought his winning
from the Billion Dollar                                                                                                      ticket from Beverage 50 in
Gold Rush Supreme                                                                                                            Brooksville. He’ll receive
Scratch-Off game at Florida                                Tallahassee on Aug. 12.                                           his winnings as a lump sum
Lottery Headquarters in                                      The happy dad gives                                             of $880,000.
16NE      .........................................................................................................NEIGHBORS                                           SUNDAY AUGUST 15 2021

                                                                                                                          FOTOS BY CARL JUSTE

       Professional chef Chad Cherry wipes his brow while
       demonstrating to children how to prepare the "Asian Chicken
       Cucumber Boat" dish as part of his lunch prep during the Miami
       Children's Museum's Back to School Bash on Aug. 8. Cherry is
       founder of Chef Kulture, a resource hub designed to support and
       promote culinary professionals across the country.

Members of the Peppers family — Tam, 3, left, daughter, Thuy, mother,
Daimion, father, and eldest daughter, Mai-ly Peppers, 6 — sample the
dish prepared by Chef Cherry and young attendees at the Back to
School Bash.
18NE   .........................................................................................................NEIGHBORS   SUNDAY AUGUST 15 2021
SUNDAY AUGUST 15 2021   NEIGHBORS...................................................................................................   17NE
6NE     .........................................................................................................NEIGHBORS                                   SUNDAY AUGUST 8 2021


New scholarship, mentoring
program at MDC this fall

  Top-ranked local high
school students will soon
have the opportunity to
earn an associate degree
for free starting through
Miami Dade College’s
Presidential Scholars Pro-
gram, a scholarship pro-
gram launching this fall.
  To qualify for the pro-
gram, students must have
a cumulative weighted
GPA of 3.5 or above and
attend a high school in
Miami-Dade County. The
scholarship will cover all
tuition and fees and pro-
vide a stipend for students                                Luke Fourie, a 2021 graduate of the School for Advanced
who qualify.                                               Studies, was awarded a $20,000 Next Era Energy
  In addition, scholars will                               Scholarship for Black Students in Science, Engineering,
have access to assigned                                    Communication, Mathematics, and Enrichment. Florida
advisers who will support                                  Power and Light sponsored the scholarship; Luke was
them career tracks, stu-                                   one of three winners. He will attend the University of
dent life, community                                       Florida. From left to right, Luke’s father Eldred, sister Elle,
                                                           Luke, Luke’s mother Tamu, and Whitney Walker with FPL.

                                                           support mechanisms and                                            Christian School. She was
                                                           concierge service makes                                           head of the English de-
                                                           all the difference,” said                                         partment and lead the
                                                           Madeline Pumariega,                                               Advanced Placement
                                                           president of Miami Dade                                           program in English Litera-
                                                           College. “We are extreme-                                         ture and Composition.
                                                           ly pleased to provide these                                       Before joining Westmin-
                                                           new opportunities.”                                               ster, she served as an
                                                              For more information or                                        instructor and department
                                                           to apply, visit                                                   head for the Spanish de-
                                                                                                 partment at Lake Travis
                                                           dential-scholars.                                                 High School in Austin,
Angela Castano                                             WESTMINSTER                                                          “I’m thrilled to step into
                                                           CHRISTIAN SCHOOL                                                  this new role,” said Casta-
involvement and financial                                    Westminster Christian                                           no. “The opportunity to
coaching. They will also                                   School recently appointed                                         lead in this capacity, to
meet with the college                                      Angela Castano as direc-                                          introduce prospective
president, distinguished                                   tor of admission and en-                                          families to the advantages
alumni and top industry                                    rollment management.                                              of a Westminster educa-
leaders.                                                   She replaced Lisa North,                                          tion, and to welcome new
  “Helping students reach                                  who recently retired.                                             students to the West-
completion is more impor-                                    For nearly a decade,                                            minster family is an excit-
tant than ever, and doing                                  Castano has served the
so with comprehensive                                      students at Westminster                                            SEE SCHOOL SCENE, 12NE
12NE   .........................................................................................................NEIGHBORS   SUNDAY AUGUST 1 2021
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