MAN B&W two-stroke engine operating on ammonia - LNG

Page created by Roger Santos
MAN B&W two-stroke engine operating on ammonia - LNG

                                             H2   NH3


                                 Air         N2

            CO2 CCS

                   H2   NH3


         Air       N2

two-stroke engine
operating on
MAN B&W two-stroke engine operating on ammonia - LNG
2   MAN Energy Solutions
    MAN B&W two-stroke engine operating on ammonia

   in the

1. Introduction   05
2. United effort towards a future decarbonising fuel   06
3. Reflections on ammonia as a future two-stroke marine fuel    07
4. In the process of developing the first two-stroke, dual-fuelled engine for ammonia   10
5. Summary and Outlook     14
6. Bibliography   15
7. Acronyms and abbreviations   16
4     MAN Energy Solutions
      MAN B&W two-stroke engine operating on ammonia

Ammonia as a marine fuel is put into perspective as
this paper presents our current knowledge about
ammonia as a potential long-term fuel for
two-stroke marine engines. We address the
challenges encountered by the maritime market,
which are best described as a paradigm shift to
ensure compliance with global decarbonisation

To develop an engine for a new fuel such as
ammonia calls for partnerships, cooperation and an
understanding of the market interests. MAN Energy
Solutions works diligently towards designing the
MAN B&W engine for operation on ammonia and
offering retrofit conversions of existing two-stroke
engines to ammonia.

Decarbonisation constitutes one of the largest
transitions encountered, and the short deadline to
succeed requires a united and committed approach
from the entire supply chain from well to wake.

1. Introduction

One of the future fuel candidates                      Another distinctive feature is the ability   ignition, combustion and emission as
receiving a growing global interest and                to operate on almost any fuel or fuel        well as fuel handling.
likely to play a significant role in the               quality with no or limited decrease in
decarbonisation is ammonia (NH3). Our                  efficiency and with the reliable             Therefore, research of ammonia as a
aim with this paper is to share our                    performance and operating                    fuel for two-stroke engines involves
current knowledge about ammonia as a                   characteristics as the conventional          extensive testing with a complete
potential long-term fuel for two-stroke                two-stroke engine even in adverse            engine monitoring setup to achieve
marine engines and to give a new                       weather conditions.                          fundamental information about, for
update on the development of an                                                                     example, the ignition properties of
ammonia-based propulsion.                              The fundamental reasons for the large        ammonia in a two-stroke engine, pilot
                                                       tolerance to poorly ignitable and            fuel requirements and emissions. These
Thanks to the carbon- and sulphur-free                 burning fuels are the low speed of the       research results will govern the final
molecular composition of NH3, burning                  engine, allowing time for the                design of the ammonia-burning engine
it in an engine creates near-zero CO2                  combustion to finish, and the large          and auxiliary systems.
and SOX emissions. From a                              dimensions, leading to large
well-to-wake perspective, ammonia                      volume-to-surface ratios, which is
becomes a carbon-neutral fuel when                     beneficial for a complete combustion
produced from renewable energy                         and low wall heat losses.
sources like electricity produced from
hydropower, wind or solar energy.                      The beneficial carbon-free nature of
Furthermore, emission of air pollutants                ammonia also implicates that ammonia
related to carbon (black carbon or soot,               combustion physics will not fully
unburned hydrocarbons (HC), methane                    resemble the combustion
slip and carbon monoxide (CO)) will be                 characteristics of previously known
virtually eliminated.                                  two-stroke fuels. To provide our
                                                       customers with an optimised and
One of the characteristics defining the                reliable engine of the well-known MAN
two-stroke engine portfolio of MAN                     ES standard, it is vital to research the
Energy Solutions (MAN ES) in Fig. 1 is                 entire propulsion solution and the
the fuel diversity.                                    two-stroke engine processes, that is,

                     LNG                                    Ethane              Methanol                 LPG             Ammonia

       ME-GI                    ME-GA                       ME-GIE               ME-LGIM              ME-LGIP               → 2024

Fig. 1 MAN B&W dual-fuel two-stroke engine portfolio
6          MAN Energy Solutions
           MAN B&W two-stroke engine operating on ammonia

2. United effort towards a future decarbonising fuel

At MAN ES, we are committed to                and engine components. In addition,          Furthermore, besides working closely
continuously optimise the                     MAN ES will provide the engine test          together with our licensee Mitsui
environmental impact of our engines.          bed and conduct the engine trial run.        Engineering & Shipbuilding in a
To develop an engine for new fuels                                                         partnership agreement we also work
such as ammonia calls for partnerships        As a step on the transition path towards     together with different universities.
and an understanding of the market            decarbonisation, Maersk, MAN Energy
interests. An analysis of the actual          Solutions and five partners have joined
potential is also essential before            forces in launching the Maersk
starting the development of the               Mc-Kinney Moller Center for Zero
ammonia engine. In this case, the fuel        Carbon Shipping in Copenhagen [2].
can enter the market as an intermediate       Brian Østergaard Sørensen, Vice
fuel until green ammonia is available         President and Head of R&D Two-Stroke
and the logistics are in place.               Business at MAN Energy Solutions, has
                                              framed the nature and successful
Another uncertain and most essential          progress of the present task:
parameter in the decision of the future
fuel is the prices of the future fuels. On    “Decarbonisation will be one of the
the one hand, if green ammonia was            largest transitions that we will see
available today, it would be several          within the maritime industry for years
times more expensive than                     and requires a holistic approach looking
very-low-sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO) and         at the complete supply chain from well
LNG. On the other hand, we                    to wake. No technology or company
acknowledge that the marine market            can do this alone, which is why we
widely understands that if CO2 and            need to join forces across the supply
greenhouse gas (GHG) footprints are to        chain to meet this challenge. We at
be reduced for the foreseeable future,        MAN Energy Solutions have
some kind of international regulation of      decarbonisation as part of our
the CO2 and GHG emissions needs to            corporate strategy, and developing
come into force.                              sustainable technologies and solutions
                                              is at the core of what we do. While
We have entered into commitments              two-stroke engine technology will likely
with other players to investigate the         remain the prime mover for deep-sea
opportunity for ammonia as the coming         shipping, cleaner fuels will play a larger
future fuel and hydrogen carrier.             role in the future. MAN Energy Solutions
                                              recognises that there are several
In this connection, we are happy to           pathways to achieving a carbon-neutral
announce that the Innovation Fund             economy and that we need to work
Denmark has decided to support the            together, which is why we are happy to
development within the framework of           have joined the Center.”
the project AEngine, the project’s aim
being the design and demonstration of         The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Center
an ammonia-based propulsion system.           for Zero Carbon Shipping will be an
MAN ES is the AEngine project                 independent research centre, bringing
coordinator and a part of the                 together stakeholders from the shipping
cross-functional project team together        sector, industry, academia and
with Eltronic FuelTech (fuel supply           authorities. A highly specialised,
systems), the Technical University of         cross-disciplinary team will collaborate
Denmark and the classification society        globally to create overviews of
DNV GL [1].                                   decarbonisation pathways, accelerate
                                              the development of selected
MAN ES will integrate existing technolo-      decarbonising fuels and powering
gy in the ammonia-based propulsion            technologies, and support the
system while designing the ammonia            establishment of regulatory, financial
fuel injection, combustion components,        and commercial means to enable the
exhaust gas after-treatment technology        transformation.

3. Reflections on ammonia as a future two-stroke marine fuel

Physical/chemical properties of                                hydrocarbons or from electrolysis of                        temperature (20°C). To keep it in the
ammonia govern many of the design                              water, as outlined in more detail below.                    liquid phase if the ambient temperature
aspects of an ammonia-fuelled                                                                                              increases, it is common to design
propulsion system and auxiliary                                For comparison, Table 1 shows the                           non-refrigerated ammonia tanks for
systems, including storage.                                    physical properties of ammonia, other                       approximately 18 bar.
                                                               alternative fuels, and MGO.
Vessel owners have to consider
ammonia storage and availability,                              Currently, parameters for fuel supply                       3.2 Transition towards a green
vessel trade pattern and related                               and injection pressures for NH3 are 80                      ammonia production
emission regulations combined with an                          bar and 600–700 bar, respectively.
increased focus on the environmental                           However, these parameters make up                           Although it is in the nature of things that
impact of the vessels.                                         the topics of further research and                          combustion of ammonia emits no CO2,
                                                               optimisation in the engine test scheme.                     as it contains no carbon atoms,
                                                                                                                           large-scale industrial productions of
3.1 Physical properties                                        A comparison of the properties related                      ammonia is based mainly on a fossil
                                                               to storage in Table 1 shows that                            fuel feedstock for grey and blue
Generally, ammonia is produced via the                         hydrogen (H2) liquefies when cooled to                      ammonia production. This conventional
Haber-Bosch synthesis process from                             temperatures below -253°C, and LNG                          ammonia production produces CO2 as
hydrogen and nitrogen. While the                               at -162°C. By contrast, ammonia                             a by-product. Blue ammonia
nitrogen comes from air separation, a                          liquefies already at -33°C.                                 production involves capture of the
number of production routes can be                                                                                         generated CO2, which is liquefied and
used to produce hydrogen, most                                 Liquid ammonia can be stored at a                           stored using the carbon capture and
prominently from steam reforming of                            pressure above 8.6 bar at ambient                           storage (CCS) principles.

                                                              Energy            Energy             Fuel tank size           Supply                  Emission reduction
Energy storage type/chemical structure                   content, LHV           density          relative to MGO          pressure            compared to HFO Tier II [%]
                                                                [MJ/kg]          [MJ/L]                                      [bar]     SOX              NOX     CO2   PM
Ammonia (NH 3)                                                       18.6 12.7(-33°C)                  2.8 (-33°C)*1                              Compliant
(liquid, -33°C)                                                           10.6 (45°C )                  3.4 (45°C)*1           80       100   with regulation   ~90   ~90
Methanol (CH 3 OH)
(65°C)                                                               19.9           14.9                            2.4        10    90–97            30–50      11    90
LPG (liquid, -42°C)                                                  46.0           26.7                        1.3 *2         50    90–100           10–15 13–18      90
LNG (liquid, -162°C)                                                 50.0           21.2                        1.7 *2        300    90–99            20–30      24    90
LEG (liquid, -89°C)                                                  47.5           25.8                        1.4 *2        380    90–97            30–50      15    90
MGO                                                                  42.7           35.7                            1.0       7–8
Hydrogen (H 2) (liquid, -253°C)                                      120              8.5                           4.2
   The relative fuel tank size for ammonia has been provided for both cooled (-33°C) and pressurised tanks (45°C)
   Assuming fully refrigerated media

Table 1: Alternative fuel comparison
8            MAN Energy Solutions
             MAN B&W two-stroke engine operating on ammonia

However, ammonia has the potential to              However, when it comes to the                – It is less expensive and less complex
become the sustainable future fuel                 ammonia synthesis, the Haber-Bosch              to transport and store than hydrogen
choice, when it is produced using                  process is still the industrially applied       and other fuels in need of cryogenic
hydrogen obtained by using renewal                 method.                                         temperatures
energy sources, see Fig. 2.
                                                                                                – T
                                                                                                   he low risk of ignition in ambient
Ammonia (or anhydrous ammonia) is a                3.3 Challenges and advantages of an            atmosphere makes the storage of
globally traded commodity. The annual              ammonia fuel                                   large quantities of ammonia safer
global ammonia production is                                                                      than hydrogen in terms of fire safety
approximately 180 million tonnes, of               There are challenges but also
which approximately 80% becomes                    advantages associated with storage,          The lower heating value of approxi-
feedstock for fertiliser production [3].           transport and combustion of ammonia          mately 18.6 MJ/kg for ammonia is com-
Therefore, transport and storage of                governed by the physical and chemical        parable to methanol. The energy densi-
ammonia from production facilities to              properties [3], see also Table 1:            ty per unit volume of ammonia (12.7
end users have been going on for                                                                MJ/L) and the other alternative fuels, is
years.                                                H3 is carbon- and sulphur-free and
                                                   – N                                          lower than that of MGO (35 MJ/L). To
                                                     gives a clean combustion with              carry the same energy content of am-
3.2.1 Electrolysis of water                          near-zero generation of CO2 or SOX         monia relative to MGO will require an
To produce sustainable green ammonia                                                            approximately 2.8 times larger volume
using hydrogen obtained by electrolysis            – T
                                                      he volumetric energy density of NH3      if the ammonia tank is cooled.
of water (2H2O → 2H2 + O2), the                      is higher than for H2
electricity must be produced using only                                                         Although ammonia has the potential to
renewable energy sources.                          – NH3 can be cracked to N2 and H2           become the future fuel, it is a toxic
                                                                                                substance that, regulation-wise, has
3.2.2 Nitrogen separation from air                 – NH3 is non-explosive unlike H2            not yet been released for use as a
Separation of nitrogen from air for                                                             marine fuel.
ammonia production takes place via                 – T
                                                      he widespread use of ammonia in
various technologies depending on the                industrial processes and as an
required purity and amount of                        agricultural fertiliser means that it is   3.4 Trends in marine fuels
ammonia. In large-scale productions of               already a commercially attractive
nitrogen, air is liquefied and separated             product                                    As phrased by Kjeld Aabo, Director of
into its constituents.                                                                          New Technologies, Sales and





Fig. 2: Illustration of green ammonia production

Promotion, Two-stroke Marine at MAN            are aware that the transition requires      the next few years, a regulation of both
Energy Solutions: “No one can afford to        new fuels instead of the fuels we know      existing and new vessels might be
go green alone“.                               today. The shipowners face a complex        expected. Not to the same extent, but
                                               puzzle in the light of carbon-free or       in a way that allows the environment
Introduction of regulation initiatives will    carbon-neutral fuel prices several times    the impeding benefit from the CO2
be one of the cornerstones of the              higher than the fuel oil prices today,      emission reduction, and at the same
transition. To incentivise the industry to     and the fact that fuel often makes up       time, avoids distorting the industry.
invest in equipment for future fuels,          the largest operational cost for vessels.
regulation initiatives governed by                                                         When looking at the market, we have
subsidies, CO2 or GHG taxes have to            3.4.2 Regulation initiatives                picked up a distinct preference for
be introduced.                                 For future CO2-emission-free fuels to       ammonia compared to hydrogen. The
                                               become attractive, the fuel prices,         explosion risk is one argument, but the
The general public opinion is that the         when considering all costs/incentives,      discussion more often concerns the
global warming challenge needs to be           must be comparable with traditional         actual handling of hydrogen and the
addressed and that the maritime                fuel prices. If achieved by a CO2 /GHG      cost of handling ashore and onboard.
industry must contribute to the CO2            regulation as mentioned, the period for     Another important aspect is the high
emission reduction. Today, the maritime        engine conversion to a future fuel can      energy consumption required to liquefy
industry accounts for 3-4% of the              be short, once the regulation becomes       hydrogen at -253°C, a more efficient
global human-caused CO2 emission.              effective, and the implications to          approach is to use the hydrogen gas in
The existing fleet consumes close to           shipowners and yards must not be            the production of ammonia, which
300 million tonnes of fuel oil annually.       underestimated.                             liquefies at -33°C. Handling of
However, it also plays a fundamental                                                       hydrogen is complicated and expensive
role in the global economy, transporting       The question remains whether a part of      compared to the ammonia solution.
more than 80% of the world’s total             the existing fleet will be CO2 /GHG         Engineering a practical solution for
trade volume [3].                              regulated even stricter than required by    handling hydrogen that can be adapted
                                               the energy-efficiency design index          to a typical two-stroke engine room is
3.4.1 Prediction of the future fuel            (EEDI) or the energy-efficiency             not without its hurdles. Still, many
It is difficult, if not impossible, to         operational indicator (EEOI), or if         projects are ongoing and continuously
predict which fuels will carry off the title   regulations will apply only to new          increasing in number. The projects
as future fuels. Since the future cost of      vessels from a certain date [4]. Based      concern the development of production
different fuels is hard to predict, the        on the assumption that CO2 /GHG             facilities, logistics, propulsion plant
shipowners want to be prepared. They           regulations will become effective within    engines, and fuel supply systems (FSS)
                                                                                           to handle ammonia.

                                                                                           The early, considerable, and increasing
                                                                                           interest in using ammonia as a fuel
                                                                                           made it part of the zero-emission
                                                                                           strategy of MAN ES to investigate and
                                                                                           provide technology that utilises
                                                                                           ammonia as fuel.

                                                                                           3.4.3 Ammonia fuel mixture
                                                                                           Today, many of the vessels delivered
                                                                                           are ready for later dual-fuel adaption,
                                                                                           as the engine builders are ready or
                                                                                           working on being ready to retrofit their
                                    NH3                                                    engine design accordingly. Although
                                                                                           the anticipation is that fossil fuels will
                                                                                           remain in the maritime industry for
                                                                                           many years to come, especially during
                                                                                           the transient period from 2020 through
                                                                                           2050, the possibility exists to run on
                                                                                           grey or blue ammonia or any mixture of
                                                                                           either of these and green ammonia.
                                                                                           This possibility will lower the risk
                                                                                           related to investing in a ship operating
                                                                                           on ammonia, since conventional
                                                                                           ammonia is a commercial commodity
                                                                                           traded in large quantities.
10                  MAN Energy Solutions
                    MAN B&W two-stroke engine operating on ammonia

4. In the process of developing the first two-stroke,
   dual-fuelled engine for ammonia

As Fig. 3 shows, one of the                                               We started a pre-study of the fuel                                           in general. We will finalise the
characteristics describing the                                            supply and injection concept and                                             development process of the ammonia
two-stroke engine portfolio of MAN ES                                     conducted several hazard identification,                                     engine in 2021 and the commercial
is the fuel diversity. The development of                                 and hazard and operability studies                                           design verification is scheduled for
the MAN B&W two-stroke engine has                                         (hazid/hazop) together with                                                  2023. When the engine design is
since the beginning been adapted to                                       classification societies, shipowners,                                        released, the first engine can be
combust diverse fuel types.                                               yards and system suppliers.                                                  prepared for test bed. The ammonia
                                                                                                                                                       development project reaches a major
In 2019, the journey towards a                                            Presently, we are working on verifying                                       milestone when the first ammonia
two-stroke engine operating on                                            the development concept of the                                               engine is installed in a vessel during the
ammonia began, as illustrated in Fig. 4.                                  injection system and the engine design                                       first six months of 2024.

  Engine delivery                                             Engine delivery       ME-GI retrofit       First sea trial          First sea trial         First order of MAN   4 x MAN B&W ME              Hapaq Lloyd
for TOTE Maritime                                            for TEEKAY LNG          for Nakilat         on methanol                 ethane              B&W6G60ME-LGIP        LGIP retrofit orders     9S90ME-C ME-GI
                                                                                                                                                         engines by Exmar         for BW LPG,            retrofit, dry dock
                                                                                                                                                                                dry dock 2020                  2020

     2011                 2012                2013                   2014                2015               2016                  2017                    2018                 2019                   2020

  ME-GI test at         Demonstration        Demonstration            Development            Ethane            ME-GI/E PVU            LPG testrig at          LPG tightness         LGIP cylinder
 Research Centre         test at HHI          test at MES              of ME-LGI           development           at RRC                  RCC                   and function        installed on the     ME-GA multi-fuel
Copenhagen (RCC)                                                                                                                                               test at RCC        research engine             &
                                                                                                                                                                                        at RCC          ammonia engine

Fig. 3: Fuel diversity and engine types

            2019                              2020                                  2021                                   2022                               2023                                    2024

 Pre-study                             Project kick-off                   1st engine test                 Emission                                  Full scale engine                  1st engine
                                                                                                             specification                             test                               delivery to yard
 ✓ N
    H 3 combustibility                 ✓ 4
                                           T50ME-X test                       st engine
                                                                            – 1
   investigation.                         engine received as                  confirmation at                – S
                                                                                                                pecification of                       – F
                                                                                                                                                          ull scale engine                  mmonia engine
                                                                                                                                                                                          – A
                                          platform for the                    Research Centre                  emission                                  test at RCC                        in engine
                                          Ammonia engine                      Copenhagen                       after-treatment                           completed.                         programme.
                                          development.                        (RCC).                           done.
                                                                                                                                                                                             st ammonia
                                                                                                                                                                                          – 1
                                        ✓ H
                                           AZID workshop                      ngine basic
                                                                            – E                                                                                                             burning engine to
                                          on engine                           concept defined                                                                                               be installed at
                                          concept.                            based on engine                                                                                               yard.

                                                                               mmonia supply &
                                                                            – A
                                                                              Auxiliary systems

Fig. 4: Two-stroke ammonia engine development schedule

4.1 Engine foundation                                tage of the ammonia-fuelled low-speed               In principle, the main differences
                                                     two-stroke engine is that it will not               between the fuel characteristics
When designing an engine governed                    fundamentally change merchant                       governing the ME-LGIP and the
by altered combustion physics due to                 shipbuilding or operation, and thus a               ammonia engine designs are related to
the chemical composition of a new                    simple and well-engineered solution is              heating values, the foul odour, and the
fuel, it requires thorough research of               in place to cater for the requirements              corrosive nature of ammonia:
the influence on all conceivable engine              of this novel fuel.
design parameters to provide an                                                                          – lower calorific values (LCV) of the
efficient and safe engine and fuel                   The findings will also govern the FSS                  fuels:
supply system to the customers.                      configuration. Although the first tests             	 ⎼ 46.4 MJ/kg for propane (LPG)
                                                     of the engine will be concluded in                  	 ⎼ 18.6 MJ/kg for ammonia
Currently, MAN ES carries out research               2021, and the FSS design must be
in the Research Centre Copenhagen                    adapted to the outcome, we assume                   – a
                                                                                                            mmonia is corrosive to copper,
(RCC) and in different partnerships to               that the configuration for ammonia will               copper alloys, alloys with a nickel
assess combustion and heat release                   inherit main features from the                        concentration larger than 6%, and
characteristics of ammonia. The                      well-known LGP supply system for                      plastic
findings of the research will guide the              liquid injection.
development of the specific fuel                                                                         The ideal solution is to reuse part of the
injection properties and clarify the                 The ultimate design of the FSS requires             dual-fuel LPG injection system on the
nature of two-stroke emissions, when                 final confirmation, but we have started             ammonia engine and part of the LPG
operating on ammonia.                                the development to have a supply                    fuel supply system from tank to engine
                                                     system ready for the engine. The fuel               [5]. Again, an affirmative engine test in
Ammonia is a toxic substance, and                    supply system for the ME-LGIP engine                2021 is required, but in the following,
proper safety measures must be in                    being the starting point.                           the design has been based on the fuel
place to safeguard the ship’s crew and                                                                   supply system for the ME-LGIP engine.
the surrounding environment. In                      As for the engine, development of an
addition to catering for these                       FSS calls for a safe and reliable design
requirements, MAN ES brings                          based on the outcome of hazid and                   4.2 Fuel supply system
technology to the market that is                     hazop investigations. Currently, we                 considerations
engineered to adapt to the skills and                have performed three hazid
work routines of the engineering crew                investigations observed by                          Fig. 5 and the following sections
and the resources onboard. This is                   representatives from the classification             highlight the main principles of the fuel
achieved without fundamentally                       societies, shipowners, yards and                    supply system for the ammonia engine
changing the ship operation. An advan-               suppliers of components for the FSS.                and dual-fuel operation.

                                                          Amminia catch   N2 vent
                                                                                                            Vent air outlet
                  Recirculation                                                                                               Dry air inlet
                  system                                                            Knock-out
                                         Knock-out                                   (engine)
                      LT                    drum                                                                    HC        FS
                                          (system)                         FVT
                                                                                                                              area ▸

                                         HP       Heater/
                                                  cooler                                                                      Gas
  From NH3                              pump                                                                                  safe
  supply system                                                                                                               area ▸

                                                                                                                                        MAN B&W
                                                Cooling                                          supply

Fig. 5 Principles of the ammonia supply system showing main components
12         MAN Energy Solutions
           MAN B&W two-stroke engine operating on ammonia

4.2.1 Principles of dual-fuel                 necessary to ensure that ammonia fuel       comparable to a conventional
operation                                     is delivered to the engine at the           low-speed diesel engine. However, the
During dual-fuel operation, the               required temperature, pressure and          pathway of NOX production during
ammonia fuel supply to the engine             quality. In most cases, the FSS has a       combustion is quite different from the
comes from the storage tanks via the          high-pressure pump, a heater, filters,      conventional engine, and hence also
fuel supply system. To maintain the           valves and control systems to maintain      the sensitivity to changes in engine
required fuel conditions at the engine, a     the ammonia fuel pressure and               performance.
small portion of the ammonia fuel             temperature at varying engine
continuously recirculates to the FSS via      consumptions.                               Obviously, ammonia will only be an
the recirculation system.                                                                 environmentally viable fuel if the
                                              4.2.4 Fuel valve train                      emissions known from a conventional
When the engine is not in dual-fuel           The fuel valve train (FVT) is the           engine are not merely replaced with
mode, the double block-and-bleed              interface between the engine and the        other types of harmful emissions.
arrangements of the FVT depressurise          auxiliary systems. The purpose of the       Naturally, it is an important part of the
and completely isolate the ammonia            FVT is to ensure a safe isolation of the    MAN ES development effort to ensure
fuel systems inside the engine room           engine during shutdown and                  that only very low levels of any
from the ammonia fuel supply and              maintenance, and to provide a               problematic emissions escape from the
return systems. Before every start, the       nitrogen-purging functionality. This        ammonia engine, and that the new fuel
systems are pressurised with nitrogen         functionality ensures a safe                will not create a new problem for the
to verify the tightness of the system.        environment on the engine after             shipping industry to consider.
When dual-fuel operation stops, the                                                       4.3.1 Selective catalytic reduction
nitrogen pressure pushes back the             4.2.5 Nitrogen system                       technology
ammonia fuel from the engine to the           Nitrogen must be available for purging      To reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides
recirculation system. When the purging        the engine after dual-fuel operation, for   (that is, NO and NO2, commonly
sequence is complete, the FVT will            gas freeing prior to maintenance and        referred to as NOX) and to fulfil the
once again ensure the isolation of            for tightness testing after maintenance.    regionally different emission
engine room systems from the supply           The capacity of the nitrogen system         regulations, MAN ES engines have
and return systems.                           must be large enough to deliver a           been equipped with, for example,
                                              certain flow at a pressure higher than      advanced SCR (selective catalytic
Throughout the entire operation, the          the service tank pressure.                  reduction) technology. The SCR system
double-walled ventilation system from                                                     using ammonia was introduced in the
existing MAN ES dual-fuel engines             4.2.6 Double-walled ventilation             1990s in four bulk carriers. Pending the
detects any ammonia fuel leakage and          system                                      outcome of the first engine test results,
directs it away from the engine room to       To maintain a safe engine room, it is       an increase in SCR volume and
a separate ammonia trapping system.           vital to detect any leakages from the       ammonia consumption may be
                                              ammonia fuel system and direct these        necessary to achieve compliance in
4.2.2 Recirculation system                    to a safe location. This has led to the     Tier III mode.
The recirculated ammonia fuel will heat       double-walled design of ammonia fuel
up in the engine during operation. To         systems and piping inside the engine        The SCR technology is an
avoid two-phase conditions, a certain         room. A constant flow of ventilation air    after-treatment process, where NOX
amount of the ammonia fuel is                 is kept in the outer pipe in accordance     formed during the combustion is
recirculated to a dedicated recirculation     with IMO requirements. The system is        removed from the exhaust gas in a
line. The same recirculation line             already part of other MAN B&W               catalytic reduction.
recovers the ammonia fuel from the            dual-fuel engine designs.
engine whenever dual-fuel operation is                                                    Normally, the ammonia (reducing agent)
stopped.                                      4.2.7 Ammonia capture system                required is added by injecting a urea
                                              The ammonia systems must be                 solution (CH4N2O + H2O) into the
The recirculated fuel may contain             designed with an ammonia capture            exhaust gas, however, ammonia can be
traces of sealing oil from the injection      system to prevent release of ammonia        injected as the catalytic agent instead
valves. The recirculation line eliminates     to the surroundings.                        of urea. One of the benefits of this is
the risk of contaminating fuel storage                                                    that an ammonia-fuelled vessel already
tanks with oil. The recirculation line also                                               carries ammonia. The consumption of
separates and bleeds off nitrogen from        4.3 Emission reduction technologies         ammonia for the SCR system will be
the recovered ammonia fuel.                                                               very small compared to the ammonia
                                              It is expected, that the raw engine NOX     fuel consumption.
4.2.3 Fuel supply system                      emission level of a two-stroke engine
The FSS contains the equipment                running on ammonia will be at a level

Fig. 6 outlines the principle of selective                                NO
                                                       Exhaust gas
catalytic reduction of the NOX content                                   NO2
in the exhaust gas.

In the catalytic reaction, NH3 and NOX
                                                  This SCR process
are converted to diatomic nitrogen (N2)           requires ammonia
and water (H2O):                                  in order to work            SCR

4NO + 4NH3 + O2 → 4N2 + 6H2O
6NO2 + 8NH3 → 7N2 + 12H2O

By ensuring a complete combustion,                                                               N2
the emission of unburned NH3                                                                     H2O
(ammonia slip) and the formation of
nitrous oxide (N2O) will be minimised.       Fig. 6: The selective catalytic reduction process
14         MAN Energy Solutions
           MAN B&W two-stroke engine operating on ammonia

5. Summary and Outlook

Decarbonisation is a central and highly       future market demands for CO2-neutral
integrated part of developing                 propulsion including retrofits.
sustainable technologies and solutions
at MAN ES. However, as                        The future installation of an
decarbonisation remains a global              ammonia-combusting engine can be
endeavour and one of the largest              adapted to the customer, for example
transitions within the maritime world, it     as a dual-fuel, modular retrofit solution
will require a united maritime industry       for existing electronically controlled
to question and evaluate the entire           engines, as an ammonia-ready engine,
supply chain.                                 or from newbuilding.

The Innovation Fund Denmark supports          The engine design and FSS
the AEngine project with the aim to           configuration for ammonia will be
design and demonstrate an                     based on the testing in 2021.
ammonia-based propulsion system.
MAN ES is the AEngine project                 MAN Energy Solutions works diligently
coordinator and part of the                   towards offering retrofit conversions of
cross-functional project team together        existing two-stroke engines to
with Eltronic FuelTech (fuel supply           ammonia, preferably accommodating
systems), Technical University of             the vessels’ five-year docking
Denmark and the classification society        schedules after Q1 2025.

As an important step towards a
carbon-neutral economy, MAN ES has
joined forces with important players on
the market in the launch of the Maersk
Mc-Kinney Moller Center for Zero
Carbon Shipping in Copenhagen. The
combined global and cross-disciplinary
effort will take us one step closer to the
research required to highlight
decarbonisation pathways. - Research,
which can guide and accelerate the
development of carefully selected
decarbonising fuels. Furthermore, the
global teamwork will support the
establishment of vital regulatory,
financial and commercial means to
enable the transformation.

The future will see cleaner fuels, and
the two-stroke engine technology will
likely remain the prime propulsion
motor for deep-sea shipping. Our
engine portfolio shows that the MAN
B&W two-stroke engines combust
various fuel types. MAN B&W ME-C
engines are based on future-proof
technology that already can be
retrofitted to run on LNG, LPG, ethane
and methanol as fuel. The development
of an engine type for ammonia
supplements our extensive dual-fuel
portfolio with an engine that will meet

6. Bibliography



     GAMESA: Ammonfuel – an
     industrial view of ammonia as a
     marine fuel, August 2020

[4]	Efficiency of Ships, IMO, www.imo.
     sures.aspx, 2004

[5]	MAN B&W ME-LGIP dual-fuel
     engines, 5510-0210-00, MAN
     Energy Solutions, 2018
16       MAN Energy Solutions
         MAN B&W two-stroke engine operating on ammonia

7. Acronyms and abbreviations

CCS     Carbon capture and storage
EEDI    Energy efficiency design index
EEOI    Energy-efficiency operational indicator
EGR     Exhaust gas recirculation
FSS     Fuel supply system
FVT     Fuel valve train
GHG     Greenhouse gas
GI      Gas injection
GWP     Global warming potential
HC      Hydrocarbon
IMO     International Maritime Organization
LCV     Lower calorific values
LGI     Liquid gas injection
LGIM    Liquid gas injection methanol
LGIP    Liquid gas injection propane
LNG     Liquefied natural gas
LPG     Liquefied petroleum gas
MGO     Marine gas oil
NG      Natural gas
RCC     Research Centre Copenhagen
SCR     Selective catalytic reduction
VLSFO   Very-low-sulphur fuel oil
MAN Energy Solutions
2450 Copenhagen SV, Denmark
P +45 33 85 11 00
F +45 33 85 10 30

                              All data provided in this document is non-binding.
                              This data serves informational purposes only and
                              is not guaranteed in any way. Depending on the
                              subsequent specific individual projects, the
                              relevant data may be subject to changes and will
                              be assessed and determined individually for each
                              project. This will depend on the particular
                              characteristics of each individual project,
                              especially specific site and operational conditions.

                              Copyright © MAN Energy Solutions. 5510-0241-01
                              Nov 2020 Printed in Denmark
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