March, 2022 - Genesee County

Page created by Juan Simpson
March, 2022 - Genesee County
March, 2022

               2 Bank Street, Batavia, NY 14020 585-343-1611
     Website:      Email:
                             FROM THE DESK OF DIANA FOX, DIRECTOR
Two years ago I was writing my March newsletter article and shared that March has never been my
favorite month. It seemed that in my own, personal life challenges, sadness, or otherwise, “less than
ideal circumstances” have been during the month of March. I then went on to challenge myself to
decide to choose to view March in a new light and see if I could have a better attitude towards March
and maybe work to like the month a little bit more. I wished us all a wonderful March! Well- that year in
March was the beginning of how our world here at OFA and in Genesee County changed and changed
big time due to COVID! So, here I am two years later and not sure that I have really met my
challenge with my feelings towards March, but that is what goals are for, right? Maybe now, more than
ever it would be helpful to revisit my appreciation that March brings the red winged black bird and the
beautiful song they make, the official start of spring in the calendar (the 20th), the extra minutes of
daylight (daylight savings time is on the 13th) the shenanigans of St. Patrick’s Day.

                                           By: Charles Swindoll

                    The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.
 Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than
 money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do.
             It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a
                                      company... a church... a home.
The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.
   We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We
 cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is
      our attitude... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.
March, 2022 - Genesee County
2                                                                                      Gene-Senior

        Normally this page would have Senior Center activities listed.
     Since at the time of submission for this issue, we are still on PAUSE,
                   we offer the following for your information:

             Office for the Aging                     Join AmeriCorps Seniors and volunteer
            Wednesday, March 2nd                         to drive older adults without other
                   2:30 pm                               transportation options to medical
     Genesee Senior Foundation, Inc.                       appointments or explore other
          No Meeting in March                           opportunities to make a difference!
                                                       Mileage reimbursement is provided.
                                                     If interested, please contact AmeriCorps
                                                             Seniors at 585-343-1611 or

               Feeling the Stress?
            Genesee County Mental Health
     Providing phone, video and in-person Sessions
               (accepts most insurances)
                Care & Crisis Helpline
                    585-283-5200                     NY CONNECTS IN GENESEE COUNTY
                  Text Line: 741741
         Mental Health Hotline (free service)
                  1-844-863-9314                                     1-800-342-9871
             Grief Groups go to             NY Connects is here to help you. Whether
                                                         you are an older adult, person with a
                                                      disability or caregiver, we have a fair and
                                                       easy way for you to get connected to the
                                                            long term care help you need.
                                                      We make the hard choices simpler for you.
                                                         Information is available in printed form
                                                                   (585) 343-1611 or
                                                     Reach us on the web at:
                                                              From the main menu select:
                                                                     NY Connects
                                                     This work funded through grants from NYS Office for
                                                          the Aging, NY Connects, Administration on
                                                     Community Living, and the generous support of the
                                                                 Genesee County Legislature.
March, 2022 - Genesee County
Gene-Senior                                                                                     3

           NUTRITION NOTES                       Those that ARE bad if you eat them often
                                                 include: canned foods with large amounts of
           LIMITING THE SALT                     sodium (rinse canned vegetables to remove
         Submitted by: Ellen Foster,
        Registered Dietitian Nutritionist        about half the sodium listed on the label per
                                                 serving); packaged high-calorie snack foods like
Salt in small quantities                         potato chips and pretzels; frozen breaded items
is necessary for life.                           like fish sticks or breaded chicken; most frozen
                                                 dinners (some like Healthy Choice and Marie
We would soon know                               Callendar’s have made an effort to lower the
of health problems if                            sodium in some of their dinners); packaged
we had NO salt in our                            cakes and cookies; boxed meal mixes like
diet. The sodium in salt                         Hamburger Helper; and of course processed
is an essential mineral,                         meats like lunchmeat, hot dogs, sausage,
necessary              for                       Spam. And 5% comes from condiments like
maintaining proper water and electrolyte         catsup, relish, mustard, salad dressings, etc.)
balance in our body so we need to
consume some sodium every day. However           The other 45% of the sodium we eat daily
there is enough naturally occurring sodium       comes from salt we add either in cooking or at
in vegetables that most people can get a         the table or both.
sufficient amount of sodium without adding       For suggestions of spices and herbs to use in
any extra salt to their food.                    place of salt, contact the Office for the Aging
                                                 (585-343-1611) and ask for the dietitian. Please
Would you like to guess how much of the          do not use salt substitutes or “lite” salt without
sodium we eat in a day comes naturally           your doctor’s permission because it contains
from our food? Actually it is 5%. That’s 5%      potassium.
of what we actually eat, not 5% of what we
need.                                                    OFFICE FOR THE AGING
Excess salt has become a concern because
                                                          DAY TRIPS FOR 2022
of the large amounts added to processed
foods. Some of this is basic food                We are currently planning a couple
preservation (just note the USE BY dates         OFA Day Trips for the summer
on some of the products you buy), and            months!
some is used to cover the taste of
ingredients that are not top quality.            We look forward to having you join us
Remember 5% of the sodium we eat comes           for a group outing to some fun local
naturally in food. Another 45% is added to       destinations. It will be wonderful get-
our diets by way of processed foods we eat.
What are processed foods? The definition is
                                                 ting out and getting together again.
any food that has been altered from its
natural state, either for safety reasons or
                                                 Look for more information in our next
for convenience. The methods used                newsletter.
include canning, freezing, refrigeration,
dehydration and aseptic processing. So,
using this definition, milk is a processed
food because it is pasteurized to kill harmful
bacteria. So are all frozen vegetables,
meats, and fruits. So is fortified orange
juice. Therefore not all processed foods are
March, 2022 - Genesee County
4                                                                             Gene-Senior

                                                    Genesee Senior Foundation, Inc.
    Website Address for the Genesee                          Donations
      County Office for the Aging
                                                          Mick & Kay Miggins
                                                       John & Kathleen Schaefer                                  James Henry, Jr.
                                                            Rita DiFrancisco
    YOUR SUPPORT IS APPRECIATED                             Diana B. Martino
                                                           Rose M. Wierzycki
Because needs are always greater than                  Bruno & Elizabeth DeFazio
the funds available to meet them, the                       Janet McHardy
Genesee County Office for the Aging                           Kevin Roger
(OFA) encourages monetary donations                          Norman Groth
to our not-for-profit Genesee Senior                        Marian Partridge
Foundation, Inc.

                                                          THANK YOU!!!
   (May we publish your name? Yes No)

     (Street Address)

     (City, State, Zip)

Gift amount: $ __________

In Memory of: ________________________________

In Honor of: __________________________________

Funds received will be used to support OFA
Programs such as: Project Lifesaver (tracking
system for individuals with dementia), Home
Delivered Meals, Recreation/Senior Trips,
Transportation and other services as needed.       “Do You Remember These?”
Please designate contribution use:
     Where most needed                             Co-hosts ~ Connie and Charley
     For this program:
                                                   Listen to our radio show! Tune in to
          __________________________________         WBTA at 1490 AM or 100.1 FM
                                                     Sundays 9:00 a.m. or 9:00 p.m.
All donations are greatly appreciated & are tax
deductible to the extent of the law.                       Or listen afterward online at:
Please make checks payable and send to:            We’d love your feedback about the show!
         Genesee Senior Foundation, Inc.                    Write
                 2 Bank Street
               Batavia, NY 14020
                                                  Lots of topics & music to take you back
                                                              to fun memories!
                          THANK YOU!
March, 2022 - Genesee County
Gene-Senior                                                                                             5

  Submitted by: Lucine Kauffman, Coordinator
                                                        Submitted by: Jamie Charters, coordinator for
Richmond Memorial’s Library                             Lifespan’s Financial Management Assistance
Visits    Program        delivers
library services to older                              Lifespan of Greater Rochester, a nonprofit
adults in Genesee County                               organization, provides Financial Management
who are unable to visit the                            Assistance in your home to Genesee County
library due to a long or short                         residents through the Muriel H. Marshall Fund
term illness, disability, or lack of transportation.   for the Aging. Our staff and trained volunteers
Winter is the perfect time to snuggle up with a        visit older adults in their home to assist with bill
book or watch a movie. It’s also the perfect           paying, budgeting, organizing, and other
time for “armchair travel” to far away, exotic         financial matters.
locations! We have lots of travel books and            This service is perfect for older adults who
DVDs to choose from. No packing, crowded               struggle with their finances. Recently, a client
airports, cancelled flights, automobile traffic, nor   said, “My volunteer is wonderful. I appreciate
high gas prices to contend with. Just sit back         everything you do for me. I would not be where
with your favorite warm beverage in the comfort        I am without you!”
of your own home.                                      There is no cost to this service, however
So, where do you want to go this winter? Let us        donations to Lifespan are gratefully accepted.
bring the world to you!                                Signs that an older adult could use our
If you are at least 60 years old and unable to         services may include:
visit the library, or if you know someone                 Overdue bill notices, late fees.
who needs our services, please contact ask                Mail piling up.
marshall at (585) 815-7979 or email                       Literature asking for money that
                                                                                        looks                                like it may be a scam.
                                                          Misplacing the checkbook.
  The Financial Assistance , The Handyman
                                                          Complaints about banks or vendors
 and Library Visits Programs are funded by a
                                                            making mistakes.
  grant from the Muriel H. Marshall Fund for
  the Aging in Genesee County; the fund is             If you see any of these signs with an older
 overseen by the Rochester Area Community              adult you know, mention this valuable service
                                                       or contact us at ask marshall (585) 815-7979
                                                       or email
           Mark Cuban CostPlus
                                                       If you’d like to volunteer in the program,
              Drug Company                             please contact Jamie Charters (585)259-
          Submitted by: Kimberly Perl,
            Specialist, Aging Service                  2781 or email
                                                       Training and ongoing support is provided.
  Yes, this is legitimate. No, this does NOT
  (and cannot) take the place of your Medi-            We are located at the Genesee County Office
  care Part D plan.                                    for the Aging, 2 Bank Street, Batavia.
                                                        “Lifespan provides information; guidance and
  There will be more information to come in
                                                       services that help older adults take on both the
  the next newsletter…stay tuned! Feel free
                                                       challenges and the opportunities of longer life.”
  to call us if you have any difficulties with
  your medication costs. 585-343-1611
March, 2022 - Genesee County
6                                                                                              Gene-Senior

    HOW TO KEEP YOUR BONES                           Below is a list of some foods that are high in
    STRONG TO REDUCE FALLS                           calcium and vitamin D.
       Submitted by: Kaitlin Pettine,                  Calcium                      Vitamin D
          Public Health Educator
                                                       Yogurt                       Trout, Salmon
Osteoporosis       is    a
                                                       Orange Juice                 Mushrooms
disease that causes
bones to become weak                                   Cheese                       Milk
and brittle to the point                               Sardines                     Sardines
that they break easily. It                             Milk                         Eggs
is often called the “silent
disease” because you                                   Salmon                       Tuna Fish
may not have any symptoms or notice any                Spinach                      Cheese
changes until a bone breaks. A simple fall can         Kale                         Fortified Cereal
cause your bones to break, which may mean a
trip to the hospital and maybe even surgery.           Broccoli                     Broccoli
This can result in being laid up for quite some
time while you are healing and recuperating.         If you are concerned that you may not be
Osteoporosis can occur at any age, but it is         receiving enough calcium or vitamin D in your
most common among older adults, especially           diet, talk to your primary care provider about
older women.                                         how to include these nutrients into your daily
                                                     routine so that you can achieve optimal bone
Bone is a living tissue and in order to keep         health. For more information and support,
bones strong, your body breaks down old bone         contact the Office by the Aging at 585-343-
and replaces it with new bone tissue. As you get     1611.
older, bone mass stops increasing and more                                                                References
bone may be broken down than is replaced.               National Institute of Health. (2021). Calcium. Retrieved from
What can you do to prevent your bones from
becoming weak? You can eat foods that are               National Institute on Aging. (2017). Osteoporosis. Retrieved
rich in calcium and vitamin D. Both of these
nutrients are essential for building and
maintaining healthy bones. You can also                               YOUNG AT ART
engage in regular weight-bearing exercise for at
least 150 minutes per week. Exercises could          Anyone can learn to paint! Art classes at the
include weight training, walking, hiking, jogging,   Office of the Aging (2 Bank Street) will starting
                                                     on Friday February 25th from 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM.
climbing stairs, tennis and dancing. If you have
been diagnosed with osteoporosis, avoid any          The class fee is $12 per class which covers all
physical activity that requires you to twist your    supplies -- paint and canvas boards. Painters are
spine or bend forward from the waist such as         welcome no matter what their level of experience
sit-ups, toe touches, or swinging a golf club.       is. We work primarily in acrylics on canvas board.
How much calcium and vitamin D should you            Please RSVP, if you are planning on joining us,
consume? According to the National Institutes        so we can plan accordingly. Each artist is
of Health (NIH), men between the ages of 51-70       promised individual
should consume 1,000 mg of calcium per day,          one-on-one help from
                                                     the instructor in a
and women between the ages of 51-70 should
                                                     supportive setting.
consume 1,200 mg of calcium per day. Adults          We look forward to
aged 71 and older should consume 1,200 mg of         enriching your
calcium per day. NIH also recommends that            creativity through the
adults between the ages of 51-70 should              visual arts!
consume 600 IU of vitamin D per day, and             Call 343-1611 to
adults ages 71 and older should consume 800          sign up.
IU of vitamin D per day.
March, 2022 - Genesee County
Gene-Senior                                                                                   7

         YOU BE CONCERNED?                                HANDYMAN SERVICES
     Submitted by: Lisa Franclemont, Program           Submitted by: Maureen Estabrooks,
    Coordinator of the Cancer Services Program            Specialist, Aging Services
If you are 45 or older the answer is yes!        Spring is almost here!! It
    94% of new                                  may be time to take care of
     colon cancer                                those projects that you’ve put
     cases happen                                off all winter. If you are in
     in adults age                               need small repairs to your
     45 and older                                home, inside or out, but are
    Everyone 45-                                unable to do them on your
     75 years old                                own, let the Handyman help.
     should be screened. Those at high
                                                 The Handyman Program, offered through the
     risk for colon cancer may need to start
                                                 Pathstone Corporation and funded by the
     screening earlier.
                                                 Muriel H. Marshall Fund, can help with projects
    Colon cancer is the second leading          such as fixing porch steps, porch lamps or
     cause of cancer death in the New            putting up a new mailbox. Inside tasks could
     York, but it doesn’t have to be.            be installing a carbon monoxide alarm, a
    COLON         CANCER        CAN     BE      smoke detector or changing its battery. Maybe
     PREVENTED! Screening tests can              you’re in need of a grab bar or have a leaky
     find growths so they can be removed         faucet.
     before they turn into cancer.
    Colon cancer may not cause                  Please contact ask marshall at the Genesee
     symptoms in early stages. Screening         County Office for the Aging at 585-815-7979
     can find colon cancer early before          or for more
     symptoms start and when it’s easier to      information.
    There are different ways to screen for                  FREE CARBON
     colon cancer. One way is a simple                     MONOXIDE ALARMS
     stool-based test done in the privacy of
     your own home.                              Genesee County Emergency Management
                                                 Services has provided the Genesee County
Talk to your doctor about the                    Office for the Aging with battery operated
screening test that is best for you!!            carbon monoxide alarms. These are free of
                                                 charge to Genesee County residents age
If you or a loved one is without health          60+. If you are interested in a free carbon
insurance you may qualify for FREE               monoxide alarm, please contact the
screenings through the Cancer Services           Genesee County Office for the Aging at
Program. Call 585-344-5494 today for             585-343-1611.
more information.                                If you need assistance with installation,
                                                 please let us know!
March, 2022 - Genesee County
8                                                                                         Gene-Senior

                           GENESEE CAREGIVER
     ARE YOU CARING FOR A LOVED                                   CAREGIVERS
    ONE WITH MEMORY IMPAIRMENT?                            WE NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU!!!
          Submitted by: Dan Paradise,                            Submitted by: Dan Paradise,
           Specialist, Aging Services                             Specialist, Aging Services

The Alzheimer’s Association – WNY Chapter              Every year, 4.1 million New Yorkers assume
and seven WNY Offices for the Aging, including         the role of caregiver at some point, providing
                                                       more than 2.6 billion hours of direct,
Genesee County are part of the Alzheimer ’s
                                                       hands-on care to loved ones.
Disease Caregiver Support Initiative (ADCSI).
This program is funded through the New York            Our staff currently provides information and
State Department of Health and designed to             care consultations. There are support groups
support caregivers and people with dementia in         available, caregiver training as well as respite
the community.                                         if appropriate. What do you need to care for
                                                       your loved ones? Please let us know your
    The core services of this program include:         ideas for trainings and other services for
              Care Consultations                       caregivers. Please contact the Office for the
                  Education                            Aging         at        585-343-1611          or
               Support Groups                
               Safety Services
               Respite Services                                     GOT GROCERIES?
      To learn more about this program, call                     Submitted by: Amy Swanson,
     Genesee County OFA at 585-343-1611.                          Specialist, Aging Services

                                                                 way to get those needed groceries!
                                                                This program is designed specifically for
                                                                individuals who meet following criteria:
                                                          60 years of age and older
3rd Thursdays at 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm                        With the ability to pay for own groceries
    Caregiver Moments: An Open Forum Focus                Unable to do own shopping
    on Caregiving                                         Unable to order via internet
    Opportunity for caregivers of individuals who
    may be forgetful and/or have confusion with or     If you need assistance with grocery shopping,
    without a dementia diagnosis, to connect.. For     Please call NY Connects/OFA at 585-343-1611
    information, call NY Connects/Office for the       for information.
    Aging at 585-343-1611.
3rd Thursdays at 1:45 pm - 2:30 pm                     Thank you to the Muriel H.
    Caregiver Moments: An Open Forum Focus             Marshall Fund for the
    on Grief following Caregiving                      Aging at Rochester Area
    Opportunity for caregivers of individuals who      Community Foundation for
    may be forgetful and/or have confusion with or     providing the seed money
    without a dementia diagnosis, to connect. For      to   launch    this  new
    information, call NY Connects/Office for the       program!
    Aging at 585-343-1611.
                                                       NOTE: Program is not able
  For a complete list of available Support Groups:     to use SNAP benefits at this
        Support Groups Updated 5 26 2017.docx
March, 2022 - Genesee County
Gene-Senior                                                                                         9

                      I’M COVERED BY MEDICARE.
                      Submitted by: Kimberly Perl, Specialist, Aging Services

US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is providing up to 50 million free, at-home
tests to community health centers and Medicare-certified health clinics for distribution at no cost to
patients and community members.          HHS also has established more than 10,000 free
community-based pharmacy testing sites around the country. To respond to the Omicron surge,
HHS and FEMA are creating surge testing sites in states across the nation. The Biden-Harris
Administration is purchasing 500 million at-home, over-the-counter tests to be distributed for free
to Americans who want them, with the initial delivery starting in January 2022.

To order your free test online: - Free at-home COVID-19 tests . For those without
computer access, you may call: 1-800-232-0233 or TTY 1-888-720-7489

For people covered by original fee-for-service Medicare, Medicare pays for COVID-19 diagnostic
tests performed by a laboratory, such as PCR and antigen tests, with no beneficiary cost sharing
when the test is ordered by a physician, non-physician practitioner, pharmacist, or other author-
ized health care professional. People with Medicare can access one lab performed test without
cost sharing per patient per year without an order. At this time original Medicare cannot pay for at-
home tests through this program. Medicare Advantage plans may offer coverage and payment for
at-home over-the-counter COVID-19 tests, so consumers covered by Medicare Advantage should
check with their plan.*

           3-D-5-5    For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •                   14-0475
March, 2022 - Genesee County
We deliver library services
                                                                                                                             to older adults in Genesee
                                                                                                                             County who are unable to
                                                                                                                                  visit the library.

                                                                    Richmond Memorial Library
                                                                    343-9550 option 6 •
                                                                    A Muriel H. Marshall funded program administered through the Rochester Area Community Foundation

                                                                     DERRICK MONUMENT
      Contact Jules Rosenman                                                         Co., Inc
        to place an ad today!                                          CEMETERY MEMORIALS                                            Established 1915
       or (800) 477-4574 x6421                                      Visit our shop & showroom
                                                                           37 Myrtle St., LeRoy
                                                                              David Carlsen
                                                                        Days 768-8470

        Richard Wendt | 343-2400
                      Fax: 343-2401

         One State Street, Batavia
      Subsidized Senior Housing Complex
   Serving Genesee County Since 1981
    We are accepting applications and some apartment types
                          are available now.
               Call or visit our website for more info.
      Come to the Best Senior Housing in Genesee County!
Conveniently located in Downtown Batavia. Rent based on Income.
Serving low income seniors 62+ or Disabled (w/ Impaired Mobility)
             Call or email:

     Managed by VJ Gautieri Constructors, Inc.

              3-D-5-5         For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •                                                                14-0475
    6619 N. Lake Rd.
    Bergen, NY 14416
        585-494-2168                    Medical & Surgical Eye Care

  Apartments for Seniors 62 yrs or
over, or Disabled regardless of age.         Eric C. Wu, M.D.
 One-bedroom includes appliances,            229 Summit • Suite 9
 off-street parking, laundry on-site.             Batavia, NY
           TDD Relay 711                Office Hrs. : Mon-Fri 8am-4pm

                                        Maintenance Free Living
7070 Telephone Rd, Pavilion, NY 14525     Call Megan today:
       (585) 252-3900                        585-813-5611

     We Have a Beautiful Apartment Just for You!
                    HAVENWOOD APARTMENTS
         240 Richmond Ave., Batavia | (585) 344-1260
             145 Park Rd.., Batavia | (585) 343-2804
                  For Seniors 62+ and Disabled
             Pay only 30% of adjusted income as rent
           GVRPC Inc (585) 658-4870 / TTY 800-662-1220

                                                  J. Leonard
                                        Funeral Home, LLC
                                         2 Bogue Avenue, Batavia, NY
                                             Ronald Konieczny II
                                             Director & Proprietor

                    3-D-5-5         For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •   14-0475
This Newsletter is funded through grants from the New York State Office for the Aging, Administration on Community Living, and the
generous support of the Genesee County Legislature. SUGGESTED CONTRIBUTION - $5.00

GENESEE COUNTY OFFICE FOR THE AGING                                                                                      PRE-SORT STAND-
Batavia - Genesee Senior Center                                                                                                 ARD
                                                                                                                           U.S. POSTAGE
2 Bank St.                                                                                                                       PAID
Batavia, New York 14020                                                                                                     Batavia, N.Y. 14020
                                                                                                                           PERMIT NO. 194

                                                                                                         OR CURRENT RESIDENT

                                                                                              WHERE YOUR QUALITY OF
                                                                                              LIFE MEANS EVERYTHING.

       • Long Term Care Planning
     • Crisis Event Asset Protection
      • Wills & Powers of Attorney
            • Estates & Trusts
                • Real Estate
113 W. Center Street,    6409 Dysinger Road,
 Medina, New York        Lockport, New York                                                CENTER FOR NURSING AND REHABILITATION
       14103                   14094
(585) 798-2250          (716) 638-7026                                                          278 Bank Street, Batavia NY 14020                                                                            Phone (585) 344-0584

                                                                                                                  C.B. Beach &
                                                                                                                 Son Mortuary, Inc.
                                                                                                                       P.O. Box 338
If you are a senior in Genesee County and are lonely because of social distancing during                              4-6 Main Street
COVID 19, please call us to learn how our TELEPHONE VISITATION PROGRAM
 can benefit you. Sign up to receive a regualr phone call at least once weekly, from one
                                                                                                                     Corfu, N.Y. 14036
                of our dedicated volunteers, assigned specifically to you!                                        Phone 585-599-4520
      Our goal is to reduce the increased loneliness caused by this pandemic                                       CHARLES A. HERMAN, 1932-2020
  and for the conversations to become a bright spot in your week. 585-481-5224                                    JULIE A. HERMAN, Funeral Director

                       3-D-5-5             For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •                                        14-0475
You can also read