Brochure 2019 - 2020 Information for parents and children - Ormiston Cliff Park Junior Academy

Page created by Nathan Fleming
Brochure 2019 - 2020 Information for parents and children - Ormiston Cliff Park Junior Academy
2019 – 2020
Information for parents and children
Brochure 2019 - 2020 Information for parents and children - Ormiston Cliff Park Junior Academy
Academy term dates
     Term                      Academy opens on			                                 Academy closes at end of
     Autumn                    Wednesday 4 September 2019			                       Wednesday 18 December 2019
     Spring                    Monday 6 January 2020			                            Wednesday 1 April 2020
     Summer                    Monday 20 April 2020			                             Tuesday 21 July 2020
     Half term                 Academy closes at end of			                         Academy re-opens on
     Autumn                    Friday 18 October 2019			                           Monday 28 October 2019
     Spring                    Friday 14 February 2020			                          Monday 24 February 2020
     Summer                    Friday 22 May 2020			                               Monday 1 June 2020

    Bank holidays
    May Day: Monday 4 May 2020.
    Please note: the academy will be closed for statutory staff development days during the academic year.
    The official academic term dates for 2019 – 2020 are available from the school office.

Brochure 2019 - 2020 Information for parents and children - Ormiston Cliff Park Junior Academy

Academy term dates .................................................................................................................................... 2
Welcome ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Our aims and sponsor .................................................................................................................................. 5
Key staff and admissions............................................................................................................................... 6
The school day............................................................................................................................................... 7
Absence and attendance............................................................................................................................... 7
Curriculum..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).......................................................................................... 9
Enrichment activities .................................................................................................................................... 9
Behaviour – school code ............................................................................................................................ 10
Your child’s progress.....................................................................................................................................10
Uniform/dress code..................................................................................................................................... 11
Breakfast and after-school clubs................................................................................................................. 12
Safeguarding and child protection .............................................................................................................. 13
Pupil voice................................................................................................................................................... 13
Educational visits and residential visits........................................................................................................13
Complaints procedure................................................................................................................................. 14
Illness and accidents ................................................................................................................................... 14
School performance.................................................................................................................................... 15

Brochure 2019 - 2020 Information for parents and children - Ormiston Cliff Park Junior Academy
    Thank you for taking the time to find out                        Being at the heart of our community enables children to
                                                                     develop their roles as responsible young people and citizens
    more about our school. At Ormiston Cliff                         of the future.
    Park Junior Academy, we value all children
                                                                     We value the important role that you will play in supporting
    as individuals and pride ourselves on being                      your child’s education and warmly welcome parents into the
    able to meet the needs of every pupil.                           school in a variety of ways.

    We work hard to ensure that all our children can achieve         We hope that our brochure will provide you with lots of useful
    their full potential. We work closely alongside our partner      information. If you would like to visit the Academy or find out
    Academies to provide a seamless learning journey from            more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
    children’s transition into year three through to successfully
    preparing them for High School and beyond.                       We look forward to welcoming you and your child.

    Ormiston Cliff Park Junior Academy is a happy and vibrant
    place where children are supported in their learning and
    challenged in their thinking in order to develop the skills to
                                                                     Mrs Louise Watkins, Head of School
    become successful life-long learners. Our dedicated staff
    team work had to ensure that children enjoy an enriching
    curriculum with a wealth of extra-curricular activities to
    develop knowledge and skills. We celebrate the children’s
    many successes and achievements in a range of ways.

Brochure 2019 - 2020 Information for parents and children - Ormiston Cliff Park Junior Academy
Our aims
‘At Ormiston Cliff Park Junior Academy, we                      Each academy is led and run by the principal and senior
                                                                leaders, and strong and aspirational leadership is central
give our best to achieve our best.’                             to academy success. Achievement is always locally led
                                                                but regionally and nationally governed, encouraged and
                                                                supported. Individual academy leaders and local governing
Our aims                                                        bodies are trusted to make decisions based on their expertise
• F or children to be confident and independent learners
                                                                and knowledge of their school, with the support and guidance
   and thinkers.
                                                                from the OAT expert central team, and the wider family of
• To promote curiosity and inspire a love of learning.
                                                                OAT schools.
• To provide an exciting, enriching and relevant curriculum
   for all.
                                                                The very first Ormiston school was sponsored by Ormiston
• For each child to achieve their full potential.
                                                                Trust, a national charity formed in 1969. Ormiston Trust was
• To ensure effective collaboration between school and the
                                                                founded with a view to improving the life chances of young
   wider community.
                                                                people. This philanthropic principle informs all of our work
                                                                and has been the foundation for the ongoing success achieved
Our sponsor                                                     across our academy network. Ormiston Trust continue to
Our academy is a member of Ormiston Academies Trust (OAT)       invest grant-funding in our schools in many areas.
- one of the largest not-for-profit multi-academy trusts in
England. Multi-academy trusts are charities that run schools    You can find out more about Ormiston Academies Trust at
and give local children a great education.            

The Trust educates 29,000 pupils across six English regions,    You can also follow OAT via social media:
in 30 secondary schools, 7 primary school and 1 special         • Twitter @OrmistonAcads
school, and is one of the longest established trusts that has   • Facebook /OrmistonAcademiesTrust
sponsoring academies since 2009.

“Our mission is to become the Trust that
makes the biggest difference, both inside
and outside the classroom.”
OAT is defined by three core purposes, which are to TEACH,
DEVELOP and CHANGE so that it can create schools where no
one is disadvantaged. To achieve these purposes, the Trust
needs to be well designed and run, so it can SUPPORT the
work and get the best from our people, resources, estates
and technology.

Brochure 2019 - 2020 Information for parents and children - Ormiston Cliff Park Junior Academy
Key staff                                                           Should more places be required than the academy can offer
                                                                        there are clear procedures to following to select children for
                                                                        the places available.

    Senior staff                                                        Children transferring to junior school from another school or
    •   Kate Rutherford, Executive Principal                            academy will be placed in the class appropriate to their age.
    •   Louise Watkins, Head of School                                  Staff will monitor them closely to ensure a smooth transition
    •   Ellen Watson, SEND Co-ordinator (SENDCo)                        as possible. The academy required up-to-date contact details
    •   Jackie Huggins, Teaching, Learning and Assessment Lead          in the event of a problem. Please let us know if your details
                                                                        change so that we can update our records.
    Teaching staff
    •   Gemma Hurren                                                    The Admissions Department at Norfolk County Council is
    •   Ripley Jones                                                    responsible for managing transfers to junior school. Parents
    •   Simon Smith                                                     will receive a booklet A Parents’ Guide to Admissions to
    •   Glen Joyce                                                      Schools in Norfolk, which contains an Application Form for
    •   Sarah-Jayne Tempest                                             parents to register their choice of school.
    •   Claire Ashman
    •   Ellie Price                                                     Parents will be informed which school has been allocated in
    •   Louise Staff                                                    April. When the school receives the list of children who will be
    •   Tom Edwards                                                     starting with us in September, we will notify parents by letter
    •   Stuart Arlow                                                    as to the arrangements for admitting their child.
    •   Liz Stolpman
    •   Kim Tanner                                                      You will be invited to a meeting with the staff concerned,
    •   Eleaenor Cunningham                                             the governors and the Head of School. The general aims,
    •   Mike Walsh                                                      and organisation of the school are outlined and there will
                                                                        be an opportunity to ask questions, visit the classrooms,
    Attendance and Safeguarding Manager: Claire Wright                  meet the staff and arrange times for the children to visit
    Administrative Manager: Debbie Tooke                                their new school.


    Admissions                                                                     schools/school-admissions
                                                                        Tel:       0344 800 8020
    Children can join Ormiston Cliff Park Junior Academy from age
    7 (and will be 7+ on 1 September), in accordance with Norfolk
    Admissions Policy and Norfolk County Council Admissions
    Department. The transfer to a junior school admission round
    is for children in their last year at an infant school (currently
    in Year 2). At OCPJA, there are three Year 3 classes starting in
    September 2019; there will be up to 30 children in each class.

Brochure 2019 - 2020 Information for parents and children - Ormiston Cliff Park Junior Academy
The school day                                                     Lateness
                                                                   Gates will be open from 8.40am, when at least two members
                                                                   of staff will be on duty. Prompt arrival at school is important.
 8.50am - 9.00am              Registration                         Any child arriving after this time will be marked as having an
                                                                   unauthorised absence. The afternoon registration will follow
 9.00am - 10.45am             Teaching time
                                                                   after lunchtime break.
 10.45am - 11.00am            Break
 11.00am - 12.20pm            Teaching time                        Leave of absence during term time
 12.20pm - 1.30pm             Lunchtime break                      Under government legislations, we are unable to grant a leave
 1.30pm - 3.25pm              Teaching time                        of holiday absence in term time. We hope all absences are
                                                                   kept to an absolute minimum as it disrupts a child’s learning.
                                                                   However, we will consider authorising a leave of absence in
Gates will be open from 8.40am, when at least two members          exceptional circumstances that requires time off from the
of staff will be on duty. Prompt arrival at school is important.   academy. Only the academy can authorise the absences.

                                                                   Parents are asked to complete a Leave of Absence form at

Absence and                                                        least a month before the requested absence period. This form
                                                                   can be found on our website.

Attendance is an important part of giving your child the
best start in life. When your child attends regularly they
take an important step towards reaching their full potential
and are given the greatest opportunity to learn new things
and develop their skills. School attendance is subject to
various education laws and the academy attendance policy is
written to reflect these laws and guidance produced by the
Department for Education (DfE). Each year the academy will
examine attendance figures and set attendance targets. These
will reflect both national and Norfolk attendance targets.

Absence reporting
Schools are required to keep records of attendance, and to
distinguish between authorised and unauthorised absence.
Absence may be authorised for a number of reasons, the most
common being sickness, medical or dental.

It is important that absence is explained to the school and
this may be done in person or by telephone by 9.30am. If the
academy is not given a reason for the absence the academy
will make contact with parents of any absentees, firstly by
telephone and followed up by a text message if no contact
is made. After two days of absence without contact, a home
visit is conducted by the academy. Only the principal, or
senior staff can authorise absence. Report all absences
to 01493 663 612.

Brochure 2019 - 2020 Information for parents and children - Ormiston Cliff Park Junior Academy
    English and maths are taught daily with other curriculum                             Foundation Subjects
    areas being taught through a creative curriculum, where a
    topic based approach to learning is used. This involves using a                  •    Art
    stimulus as a starting point to enhance teaching and learning.                   •    Design & Technology
    This is proven to be highly successful and an enjoyable                          •    Education
    experience for children and teachers alike.                                      •    Geography
                                                                                     •    History
    In Years 3 and 4 the children will experience a wide range of                    •    Music
    topic, and may include Doctor Doctor (Study of Medicine over                     •   Modern Foreign Languages
    time), Revolting Romans, Victorian inventors and inventions,                     •   Personal, Social, Health and
    and Rain Forests. Some of the topics covered in Year’s 5 and                          Citizenship
    6 include World War 1, A Victorian Christmas, Great Britons,
    The City That Fell into The Sea, Invaders and Raiders, Water
    (The Broads) and Ancient Greece. Within these topics, visits
    and visitors are planned to enhance the children’s learning
    and have recently included experiences such as: author visits,
    drama workshops, beach and museum visits.

    We are an ‘Empiribox Science School’ which means that our                 Ofsted 2015: “The school has developed
    children experience a really exciting science curriculum and              an appropriate curriculum which is broad
    have access to a fantastic range of resources and equipment               and balanced.”
    in order to experience science in a fun and practical way. A
    copy of the School Curriculum Wheels will be on our website
    at the beginning of each new topic, giving details of the topic
    and related activities, as well as core curriculum coverage for   Religious Education - Religious Education is provided for all
    that period.                                                      children as part of the curriculum and follows the Norfolk
                                                                      Agreed Syllabus. Assembly is an important part of the school
                                                                      day, when we meet together as a community. It is a time
                                                                      when we explore values and attitudes towards each other
                                                                      and the world around us. Assemblies are of a broadly
                                                                      Christian nature as well as celebrating the multicultural
                                                                      society in which we all live. We are proud of our links with
                      Core Curriculum                                 the Cliff Park Community Church, who support us through
                                                                      ‘Open the Book’ assemblies.
                • English
                • Mathematics
                                                                      Parents have the right to withdraw their children from
                • Information Communication
                                                                      religious education and collective worship. Please let the
                   Technology (ICT)
                                                                      school know if you wish your child to be excused.
                • Physical Education (PE)
                • Science
                                                                      Our curriculum includes all appropriate subjects of the
                • Religious Education (RE)
                                                                      national curriculum. We except to cater for the whole range
                                                                      of abilities, from those with exceptional ability to those who
                                                                      required and need extra special help. We will provide a broad
                                                                      and balanced curriculum.

    Ofsted 2015: “Imaginative activities are
    often provided.”

Brochure 2019 - 2020 Information for parents and children - Ormiston Cliff Park Junior Academy
Special Educational                                                 Enrichment activities
Needs and Disability                                                We believe in enriching the lives of our pupils with a range of

                                                                    clubs run by both the school and outside agencies. They are
                                                                    available to children as they move through the school, and
                                                                    information is sent to parents throughout the year.

Approximately one in five children will have special                All the children enjoy games and activities in school at
educational needs at some time during their school career.          lunchtime and after-school, using a variety of equipment.
This means that they may have difficulty with:

•   Reading, writing, mathematics.                                  Clubs can include
•   Understanding information and expressing themselves.            •   Drama
•   Sensory perception or physical mobility.                        •   Choir
•   Managing their emotions or issues with their mental health.     •   Tennis
                                                                    •   Gardening
At Ormiston Cliff Park Junior Academy we place great                •   Football
importance on identifying SEND early, so that we can help
children as quickly as possible. We recognise children learn in     House system
different ways and can have different kinds or levels of SEND.      On entering the school each child is allocated one of four
We provide a range of interventions according to the needs          house teams, which they will belong to during their time at
highlighted.                                                        Ormiston Cliff Park Junior Academy.

We will assess your child to identify their strengths, needs        •   Cavell - Red
and the extra help they require through the Assess, Plan, Do,       •   Nelson - Green
Review model. Children who have particular needs, or have           •   Manby - Blue
specific learning difficulties, will have work carefully planned    •   Sewell - Yellow
for them to best meet these needs.
                                                                    Time spirit is encouraged and there are many opportunities
Children with an identified special need may need the further       throughout the year for competitive house events.
support of a pupil profile. This will enable teachers to plan and
assess the child’s progress, providing additional support as
appropriate. Parents and children will be part of this process
through an in-school review (ISR).

The school works closely with different specialist services
including educational welfare, learning support, speech
and language therapy, school health, and educational

SENDCo lead contact: Ellen Watson

Brochure 2019 - 2020 Information for parents and children - Ormiston Cliff Park Junior Academy
Behaviour –                                                       Your child’s progress
                                                                       We are committed to giving your child the best opportunities

     school code                                                       that we can. We do this most effectively when working with
                                                                       you. Key Stage 2 Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) are taken
                                                                       in Year 6. Parents are given full information about the SATs as
                                                                       the children progress through the school. A full school report
     We have developed a positive behaviour policy and has
                                                                       will be sent home at the end of each academic year. There are
     been created to ensure a happy, secure, safe and disciplined
                                                                       three opportunities to discuss your child’s progress at school
     but caring atmosphere within Ormiston Cliff Park
                                                                       during the year:
     Junior Academy.

     It is only through a consistent implementation of our             Autumn term
     guidelines, continuous praise and leading by example that         In the autumn term the first parents’ evening gives you an
     children learn to take responsibility for their own behaviour,    opportunity to meet your child’s class teacher and discuss the
     and endeavour to correct inappropriate behaviour.                 year ahead.

     Behaviour is discussed and agreed with all the children both      Spring term
     in assembly and by developing class agreements. We start          In the spring term a formal parents’ evening is held to discuss
     with the question “what makes school a safe and happy place       your child’s academic targets and progress.
     to be?” as it is vital to create a positive sense of community
     where we all share responsibility for ourselves and each
     other. A copy of our full behaviour policy can be found on our
                                                                       Summer term
                                                                       In the summer term a full written report detailing your child’s
                                                                       achievements will be sent home, with the opportunity to
                                                                       discuss this with the teacher if you feel this is necessary.
     What we value in our school
     •   Friendliness
     •   Courtesy
                                                                       Parental support and home learning
                                                                       Parental support is discussed at open evenings and more
     •   Honesty
                                                                       informally with the class teacher as the need arises. We
     •   Hard work
                                                                       encourage you to welcome to discuss any concerns with
     •   Reliability
                                                                       school staff. Teachers are available for a short time on the
     •   Self-discipline
                                                                       playground at the end of the day, or if you feel you would
     •   Mutual respect
                                                                       meet for a lengthier discussion, please contact the school
     •   Independence in learning
                                                                       office to arrange this.

     What we will not tolerate in our school                           Parents are positively encouraged to be involved in their
     •   Bullying                                                      children’s school time education and home learning, and
     •   Dishonesty                                                    suggestions will be made on how to support this work at
     •   Irresponsibility                                              home, as this is integral to a child’s wellbeing and successful
     •   Vandalism                                                     achievement in their education.
     •   Rudeness
     •   Cheating                                                      Parents are expected to support their child’s learning through
                                                                       regular reading at home. All children are set homework tasks,
                                                                       which help to support and enhance learning in the classroom.
                                                                       Class teachers will inform parents of homework arrangements
     Our library                                                       at the start of the year. We use the Accelerated Reader
     The library is open throughout the school day for children        Programme to support children’s reading development across
     to visit. In addition, parents are welcome to come after school   the school. Parents are given a password to enable them to
     on Wednesdays and Thursdays as the Library remains open           monitor their child’s progress from home.
     until 4pm.
                                                                       We also value the contributions parents can make in school
                                                                       and we will be very pleased to make use of your skills, interest
                                                                       and time if you would like to be actively involved in classroom
                                                                       activities. There will be lots of opportunities to take part in a
                                                                       wide range of curriculum and celebration events.

Uniform/dress code                                                 Additional dress code
                                                                   It is not appropriate for children to wear make-up or
We pride ourselves on the high standards of children’s dress
                                                                   nail varnish in the academy. Jewellery of any sort can be
and believe it is important that children learn appropriateness
                                                                   dangerous in the playground and during PE/swimming
of dress for different situations.
                                                                   lessons, and must not be worn in the academy.

Boys and girls                                                     Children with pierced earlobes may wear only one pair of stud
Winter:                                                            earrings or other jewellery (for example for religious reasons)
• Royal blue sweater or cardigan, with school logo and            at the academy, and even these along with watches must be
   house colour.                                                   removed during PE/swimming lessons. Requests for other
• White shirt or blouse.                                           jewellery must be made in writing and full responsibility for
• Grey or black knee length skirt or trousers.                     any injury or loss must be accepted. All items will be kept in a
• White or black ankle or knee length socks.                       safe place during the lessons.
• Grey or black tights.
• Flat black shoes (not trainers or boots).                        The academy does not allow ‘extreme’ haircuts or styles.
• School tie (worn at a sensible length with the top shirt        Unnatural hair colours and patterns cut into the hair are
   button done up and shirts tucked in).                           unacceptable. No haircut shorter than what is considered
• Waterproof coat.                                                 a ‘No. 2’. For safety reasons, we request that all long hair is
• Wellington boots (if necessary.)                                 always tied back.

Summer                                                             Lost property can be found near the school office, please ask
• Blue or white checked dresses.                                   at the office for details
• Black or grey shorts.
• Black or grey trousers.
• White short sleeved shirt or polo shirt.
• Sunhats are recommended when the weather is hot
   and sunny.
• White or black socks.

Plimsolls (or bare feet) for indoor PE and games and trainers
for outdoor PE and games. Boys and girls should wear plain
shorts (preferably black or navy) and a plain T-shirt. T-shirts
for your child’s house colour are available from Harrisons on
Southtown Road. Track suits may be worn for some games
lessons but not PE.

All items of clothing and footwear should be clearly labelled in
order to help us to return lost items. Sweatshirts and T-shirts
with the school motif, and other school clothing can be
bought directly from Harrisons on Southtown Road.

The ‘Friends of Cliff Park Schools’ also provide a book bag for
all new children as they enter school.

Breakfast and                                                     Is your child eligible for Free School Meals
                                                                       For free school meals visit

     after-school club                                                 school-meals to review the list of benefits and to see if your
                                                                       child is eligible.

     Breakfast club places are offered to pupils in all year groups.   Children who are paid these benefits directly, instead of
     The sessions are from 8.00 - 8.55am each morning. Places          through a parent or guardian, are also entitled to free
     are limited so please book your child’s sessions each term.       school meals. Your child may also be entitled free school
     The cost of each session is £2.50.                                meals if you are in receipt of any of these benefits and your
                                                                       child is both:
     The children are able to select from a healthy breakfast
     menu and enjoy a range of activities in the Da Vinci Room.        • Younger than the compulsory age for starting school
     If a child does not attend a pre-booked session, the full         • In full-time education
     fee of £2.50 will be charged, in order to cover costs.
                                                                       If your child is eligible for Free School Meals, they’ll remain
                                                                       eligible until they finish the phase of schooling (primary or
     After-school club                                                 secondary) that they are in on 31 March 2022.
     The after-school club is run at Ormiston Cliff Park Junior
     Academy and is open to the Ormiston Cliff Park Infant
     Academy pupils too. Call 01493 663612 for further

     Lunchtime arrangements
     Children can either bring a packed lunch or buy a meal
     from the cafeteria. They come into the hall in Year groups
     and packed and school meals are eaten at the same time.
     Packed meals should be brought to school in a packed lunch
     box clearly marked with the child’s name.

     A termly ‘seasons’ menu will be sent out to allow you
     and your child to choose which days to stay for lunch.
     The cost of a lunch is currently £2.20 and is paid online
     via Parentmail. Arrangements are made for children with
     special dietary needs. Please let the school office know if
     you require further information.

     Water is always provided with meals and at water
     fountains and coolers when the children are thirsty. It is
     recommended that children bring a water bottle to school
     with them. All children eat together in the hall. The ‘dinner
     ladies’ (midday supervisors) are on duty in the playground
     after lunch.

Safeguarding and                                                     Educational and
child protection                                                     residential visits
We provide a caring, supportive, safe and secure                     We recognise the valuable contribution that a wide range of
environment for all children, where they will be listened to.        activities including clubs, trips and residential experiences,
It is important that we as an academy do everything we can           can make towards pupils’ personal and social education.
to protect our children, and all staff members have received
training on Child Protection. If at any time we have concerns        We aim to promote and provide such activities, both as part
about a child, staff members have a duty to refer the matter         of a broad curriculum and as additional optional activities.
to a designated safeguarding lead (DSL) for Child Protection.        Learning outside the classroom forms a necessary part of
In accordance with the Children’s Act, the welfare of a child is     the academy curriculum (e.g. visits to places of historical or
always paramount.                                                    geographical interest).

We require all adults seeking employment at the academy              Most of these activities are organised predominantly within
to have a DBS check. In addition, other adults who work              school time, in order to broaden and enrich the curriculum;
with our children, such as supply teachers, voluntary staff          as such no charge is made. The academy always subsidises
and any sports coaches are required to hold a current DBS.           trips, however, parents are sometime asked to make a
Parents are always welcome at school, but for the children’s         voluntary contribution towards the cost of a specific trip and
safety and security, visitors are asked to report to the school      travel. When such voluntary contributions are sought the
office on arrival. The school offers disabled access and has a       governors wish to make it clear that:
secured inner door into the school building.
                                                                     • There is no obligation to make a contribution.
All visitors are requested to report to the school office for        • Pupils will not be treated differently according to whether
permission to enter the school and to sign in the visitor’s             or not their parents have made a voluntary contribution.
book. All visitors are issued with a pass to show that they          • The school does rely on parents’ willingness to provide
have been welcomed to school. This includes important                   financial support towards the substantial cost of outings
health and safety and safeguarding information. The school              and may have to cancel an outing should insufficient funds
gate is locked during the school day. The school car park               be received.
is strictly for staff use. For safety reasons, gates are locked      • If a child is absent on the day of the trip, any
between 8.30-9.00am and 3.00-3.45pm.                                    contribution will be refunded, and the shortfall met
                                                                        out of the School Fund.
A copy of our safeguarding policy can be found on our
website at                                          For further details see our charging and remissions policy on
                                                                     our website

Pupil voice                                                          Other - cookery
                                                                     Children are encouraged to take home finished cookery
                                                                     products and a small voluntary contribution is sometimes
We are committed to ensuring that our pupils are actively            requested to cover the cost of extra materials and
involved in the development of their school. We use many             ingredients. There is no obligation either to take home the
different ways to find out what the children think about a           finished product or to make a financial contribution. Again,
broad range of issues within school.                                 no child will be excluded from these activities.

All children are part of a ‘circle group’, which involves children
from each year group, including any siblings that they may
have in school. These groups meet regularly to discuss key
aspects of school improvement. In addition, each class
elects a pupil to form our School Council. The School Council
meets regularly in order to plan and organise a wide range of
events, including fund raising for their chosen charity as well
as supporting a number of community projects.

Complaints                                                      Illness and accidents
     procedure                                                       If you child is taken ill during the day, you or a nominated
                                                                     person will be contacted. All injuries are treated with care and
     If you are unhappy with any aspect of your child’s education    entered in our accident book. Parents will receive notification
     at our academy, we will be pleased to discuss your concerns.    that first aid has been administered. We will contact parents if
     In the first instance, you should make an appointment with      we feel that this is appropriate.
     your child’s teacher. In the unlikely event of a matter being
     unresolved, you should inform the Head of School via the        Please ensure that we have the correct contact details of you
     school office who will direct you to the formal complaints’     or a close relative.
     procedure (also available on our school website).
                                                                     The academy should be notified immediately of any change to
                                                                     contact details.

                                                                     Administering medicines
                                                                     If at all possible, medication should be given at home, but
                                                                     where medication (oral or creams) needs to be given during
                                                                     the school day, it must be prescribed by the GP with a printed
                                                                     label stating your child’s name and dosage required. A medical
                                                                     disclaimer form must be completed with a member of staff
                                                                     and parent/carer 24 hours prior to medication being given to
                                                                     your child.

                                                                     • Medicines are kept in a secure cupboard or refrigerated
                                                                          where necessary. Access to the refrigeration unit is limited
                                                                          to staff members only.
                                                                     • If the prescribed dosage for antibiotics is three times a day,
                                                                          please ask your doctor if it is possible to have the second
                                                                          dose when the child gets home from school
                                                                     • If you wish to give your child a dose of medicine at
                                                                          lunchtime, you are welcome to come to school yourself.
                                                                     • If your child requires an inhaler to be kept at school an
                                                                          asthma record sheet must be completed by the parent.
                                                                          These are available from the school office.
                                                                     • The school is unable to administer eye or ear drops. Parents
                                                                          are welcome to come into school if the child requires either
                                                                          of these to be administered in the school day.
                                                                     • A record of medicine administered by school staff is kept in
                                                                          the office.

School performance
The tables below show the percentage of children who have achieved Level 2 or above in
the end of Key Stage 2 Assessment Tests (SATs) in Year 6. The figures in brackets are for
Level 5 achievement, which was the measure up to 2017. Parents are given full information
about the SATs as the children progress through school.

Year              2013             2014             2015             2016             2017      2018
School %          78 (36)          84 (43)          88 (44)          52%              62%       63%
National %        86 (45)          89 (50)          89 (48)          66%              71%       75%

Year              2013             2014             2015             2016             2017      2018
School %          70 (29)          79 (32)          85 (35)          86%              63%       66%
National %        83 (30)          85 (33)          87 (36)          74%              76%       78%

Year              2013             2014             2015             2016             2017      2018
School %          71 (22)          78 (34)          88 (35)          47%              68%       62%
National %        85 (41)          86 (42)          87 (42)          70%              75%       76%

School Year                        2013/14          2014/15          2015/16          2016/17   2017/18
Overall Attendance (%)             96.02            96.12            95.80            95.05     95.1

Ormiston Cliff Park Junior Academy
       Orde Avenue, Gorleston-On-Sea,
     Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR31 6SZ
                       Tel: 01493 663612

              Twitter: @OCPJ_Academy
            Facebook: /OCPIAandOCPJA

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