March 20th, 2022 - Calvary Presbyterian Church

Page created by Dana Myers
March 20th, 2022 - Calvary Presbyterian Church
March 20th, 2022
Call to worship
      Leader:      I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the
      People:      I was glad when the Lord said to me, ‘Wherever you are, I
                   will be with you.’
      Leader:      The people will come from North, South, East, and West to
                   gather as the body of Christ.
      People:      The people will gather as one through Holy Spirit who
                   binds us together.
      Leader:      United as one, we worship the One who transcends place
                   and time.
      People:      Let us worship God.
Opening Hymn “Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken”
 1 Glorious things of you are spoken,           3 Round each habitation hov'ring,
   Zion, city of our God;                         see the cloud and fire appear
   he whose word cannot be broken                 for a glory and a cov'ring,
   formed you for his own abode.                  showing that the Lord is near.
   On the Rock of Ages founded,                   Thus deriving from their banner
   what can shake your sure repose?               light by night and shade by day,
   With salvation's walls surrounded,             safe they feed upon the manna
   you may smile at all your foes.                which he gives them on their way.

 2 See, the streams of living waters,           4 Savior, since of Zion's city
   springing from eternal love,                   I thro' grace a member am,
   well supply your sons and daughters            let the world deride or pity,
   and all fear of want remove.                   I will glory in your name.
   Who can faint while such a river               Fading are the world's vain pleasures,
   ever will their thirst assuage?                all their boasted pomp and show;
   Grace which, like the Lord, the giver,         solid joys and lasting treasures
   never fails from age to age.                   none but Zion's children know.
Reading           “Thirsty”                           song lyrics by Chris Rice
    I’m so thirsty
    I can feel it
    Burning through the furthest corners of my soul
    Deep desire
    I can’t describe it
    Nameless urge that drives me somewhere
    Though I don’t know where to go

    Seems I’ve heard about a River
    From someone who’s been
    And they tell me once you reach it
    Oh, you’ll never thirst again
    So I have to find the River
    Somehow my life depends on the River
    Holy River

    Other waters
    I’ve been drinking
    But they always leave me empty like before
    All I’m asking
    Could I really be this thirsty
    If there weren’t something more?

    I’m so thirsty
    I’m so thirsty

    I’m on the shore now
    Of the wildest River
    And I kneel and beg for mercy from the sky
    No one answers
    I’ve gotta take my chances
    'Cause something deep inside me’s crying
    This is why you are alive

So I plunge into the River
     With all I am
     Praying this will be the River
     Where I’ll never thirst again
     I’m abandoned to the River
     And now my life depends on the River
     Holy River

     I’m so thirsty
     So thirsty
     I’m so thirsty
     I’m so thirsty
Litany of Confession and Assurance of Grace (Psalm 63)
     Leader:    O God, you are my God, I seek you, my soul thirsts for you;
                my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there
                is no water.
     People:    So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding
                your power and glory.
     Leader:    Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will
                praise you.
     People:    So I will bless you as long as I live; I will lift up my hands
                and call on your name.
     (A moment of silent confession.)
     Leader:    O God, you have been my help, and in the shadow of your
                wings I sing for joy. My soul clings to you; your right hand
                upholds me.
     People:    My soul is satisfied as with a rich feast, and my mouth
                praises you with joyful lips.
     Leader:    Friends, believe the Good News of the Gospel:
     People:    Through the love we know in Christ, we are forgiven.

Music Response        “Lord, Have Mercy Upon Us”
  Lord, have mercy upon us.
  Christ, have mercy upon us.
  Lord, have mercy upon us.
Passing of the Peace of Christ
      Leader:       May the peace of Christ be with you.
      People:       And also with you.

                                   The Word
Prayer for Illumination
Scriptures: Luke 13:1-9; Isaiah 55:1-9
Luke 13:1-9
At that very time there were some present who told Jesus about the Galileans
whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. He asked them, ‘Do you
think that because these Galileans suffered in this way they were worse sinners
than all other Galileans? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all perish
as they did. Or those eighteen who were killed when the tower of Siloam fell on
them—do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others living in
Jerusalem? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all perish just as they
Then Jesus told this parable: ‘A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he
came looking for fruit on it and found none. So he said to the gardener, “See here!
For three years I have come looking for fruit on this fig tree, and still I find none.
Cut it down! Why should it be wasting the soil?” He replied, “Sir, let it alone for
one more year, until I dig round it and put manure on it. If it bears fruit next year,
well and good; but if not, you can cut it down.” ’

Isaiah 55:1-9
An Invitation to Abundant Life
Ho, everyone who thirsts,
  come to the waters;
and you that have no money,
  come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
  without money and without price.
Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread,
  and your labour for that which does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to me, and eat what is good,
  and delight yourselves in rich food.
Incline your ear, and come to me;
  listen, so that you may live.
I will make with you an everlasting covenant,
  my steadfast, sure love for David.
See, I made him a witness to the peoples,
  a leader and commander for the peoples.
See, you shall call nations that you do not know,
  and nations that do not know you shall run to you,
because of the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel,
  who has glorified you.

Seek the Lord while he may be found,
  call upon him while he is near;
let the wicked forsake their way,
  and the unrighteous their thoughts;
let them return to the Lord, that he may have mercy on them,
  and to our God, who will abundantly pardon.
For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
  nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
  so are my ways higher than your ways
  and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Leader:       Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church!
      People:       Thanks be to God.
Sermon              “Thirsty Souls”
Hymn                “Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts!”
 1 O Jesus, joy of loving hearts,             4 Our restless spirits yearn for thee,
   thou fount of life, thou light of men,       where'er our changeful lot is cast,
   from fullest bliss that earth imparts        glad that thy gracious smile we see,
   we turn unfilled to thee again.              blest that our faith can hold thee
 2 Thy truth unchanged has ever stood,
   thou savest those that on thee call;          5 O Jesus, ever with us stay,
   to them that seek thee, thou art good,          make all our moments calm and
   to them that find thee, all in all.              bright;
                                                   chase the dark night of sin away,
                                                   shed o'er the world thy holy light.
 3 We taste thee, O thou living bread,
   and long to feast upon thee still;
   we drink of thee, the fountainhead,
   and thirst our souls from thee to fill.
                 Time for Response to the Sermon
Time for Response to the Sermon
Joys and Concerns
      Leader:       Lord in your mercy,
      People:       Hear our prayers
Prayers of the People
The Lord’s Prayer
    Our Father, who art in heaven,           And forgive us our debts,
    hallowed be thy Name,                    as we forgive our debtors
    thy kingdom come,                        And lead us not into temptation,
    thy will be done,                        but deliver us from evil.
    on earth as it is in heaven.             For thine is the kingdom,
    Give us this day our daily               and the power, and the glory, for ever.
    bread.                                   Amen.
Call for Offering: Offerings can be mailed to the office, or if you wish to donate
online, you can go to our website’s giving page. We are most grateful for your
faithful giving through this time of pandemic and are appreciative of your
continued support of this ministry.
Sending Song #538 “Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing” v.1
 1 Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing;
   Fill our hearts with joy and peace;
   Let us each, Thy love possessing,
   Triumph in redeeming grace.
   O refresh us,
   O refresh us,
   Traveling through this wilderness.


 We welcome all who worship with us this day. May you experience God’s presence and find
       inspiration for your journey of faith. This morning the leaders in worship are:
        Rev. Ann Rosewall, Transitional Pastor; Dean Stalnaker, Music Director;
                                 Diane Ritzdorf, Liturgist;
                       Ruth M. Huff and Larry Knott, Zoom Hosts.

About the cover art: We Will Find Wellsprings for Our Deepest Thirst © Jan Richardson

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