Westminster Presbyterian Church A Telling Presence in the City Sunday, April 25, 2021, 10:30 am

Page created by Troy Townsend
Westminster Presbyterian Church A Telling Presence in the City Sunday, April 25, 2021, 10:30 am
Presbyterian Church
A Telling Presence in the City
Sunday, April 25, 2021, 10:30 am

                                                                          Contemplation, artist unknown, aquatint
                                                                          The Westminster Collection

            Together we are the Body of Christ. While apart, we covenant still to be the church.
            We are not alone. Thanks be to God!
            1200 Marquette Avenue | Minneapolis 55403
            westminstermpls.org | 612.332.3421
Preparing for the Word
Our service begins with the Prelude, inviting us to prepare for worship.
Frühlingslied                                                              Felix Mendelssohn, arr. Kenneth Vigne
Allegro from La Primavera                                                        Antonio Vivaldi, arr. Pierre Gouin
			                                                                                        Kenneth Vigne, organ
Our Life in Christ                                                               Rev. Dr. Timothy Hart-Andersen
   One: The Lord be with you. All: And also with you.
*Call to Worship (from Psalm 23, 1 John 3)
   One: Day by day, God leads us:
   All: to deep pools of peace, to green pastures of grace.
   One: Day by day, Jesus calls us:
   All: to pour out ourselves in service, to give ourselves fully with hope.
   One: Day by day, the Holy Spirit shows us:
   All: the community we could be, the people of God we are called to become.
   One: Let us worship God!
*Hymn No. 14 For the Beauty of the Earth
			                            Dr. Amanda Weber, Carolyn Cavadini, Alyssa Impullitti, Sam Baker, Samuel Green
Call to Confession and Prayer of Confession (Unison)
    Holy God, we have fallen short of the love and justice you call us to be in the world. Too often we choose our
    own comforts and our own worn ways, instead of following you into the hard places of possibility. We confess
    that sometimes the storms we endure are of our own making: a foolish word, a thoughtless comment, a
    misguided action, a hasty judgement. We are quick to move on, rather than witnessing to the love and mercy
    we have from you. We ask your forgiveness through Jesus Christ, that we might amend our ways and live fully
    as you have created us to be.
Silent Prayers of Confession Worshippers seek and reflect on God’s forgiveness in their own lives.
Assurance of God’s Forgiveness
  One: God’s steadfast love is from everlasting to everlasting and God’s grace for us is new each day. Hear and
  believe the good news:
  All: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Alleluia! Amen.

Listening for the Word
A Time with Children                                                                      Rev. Alexandra Mauney
Prayer for Illumination                                                                              Elaine Wilson
Readings from Holy Scripture
   Esther 4:1-17
   1 John 3:16-24
   One: This is the Word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God.
Sermon Called for Such a Time as This                                                 Rev. Dr. Meghan Gage-Finn
Responding to the Word
*Hymn No. 74 When God Restored Our Common Life

Ordination/Installation of Officers
   Questions to Officers
   Questions to the Congregation                 Walter Rockenstein
   Laying on of Hands and Prayer
Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer                                                     Rev. Alanna Simone Tyler
Today’s prayers will include the following sung refrain:

    Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in
    heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not
    into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Offertory Sentences
Having heard the Word, we are invited to respond in gratitude by giving. An offering may be made in the plates at
the doors as you leave the sanctuary at the end of the service, on the church’s website, or via the tithe.ly app.
Offertory Show Us How to Love                                                                  Mark A. Miller
   Hearts open, minds awake, change us now for heaven’s sake. Leave us not alone in hatred’s wake. Show us
   how to love.
   Hearts open, souls awake, rules we made we now must break. With our very own lives at stake we must learn
   to love.
   Eyes open, shocked awake, much to learn from our mistakes. Draw us closer in our heartache. Show us how
   to love.
Prayer of Dedication for the Offerings Received
*Hymn No. 746 Send Me, Jesus (Thuma mina)

*Charge and Benediction
*Passing of the Peace
Since the earliest days of the Christian Church, worshippers have greeted each other with a sign of peace. All are
invited to offer a verbal greeting, such as: “Peace be with you.”
     One: The peace of Christ be with you.
     All: And also with you.
Postlude Toccata on DIX                                                                               Kenneth Vigne

                                        Officers being ordained and installed today
Elders                                      Jim Tucker                           Suzanne Kelley
Kyle Digman                                 Nancy Ulvestad**                     Matt Kelly*
Barbara Guth                                                                     Jack McIntyre
Karen Kraemer                               Deacons                              Pat Stankovitch
Megan MacFarlane                            Rob Carlson*                         Sarah Swindle
Joseph Mukete**                             Donald Crowe                         Kay Thomas
Leigh Niebuhr*                              Ann Flanagan*                        Hayden Tourtelotte
Shae Ramberg                                Beth Goers*                          Brian Utley
Mark Schulze*                               Heather Heefner
Emily Timm*                                 Victor Heinze
* Indicates second term
** Will be ordained and installed at a later date
For the Beauty of the Earth Text and music are under public domain.
When God Restored Our Common Life Text: Ruth Duck © 1992 GIA Publications, Inc.; Music: U.S.A. folk melody, Lewis’s Beauties of Harmony;
harm. Erik Routley © 1976 Hinshaw Music, Inc. Printed with permission under One License #A-704045. All rights reserved.
Kum ba yah, an African-American Spiritual, is under public domain.
Show Us How to Love, Text: Lindy Thompson; Music: Mark A. Miller, © 2019 Choristers Guild. Text printed with permission under One License
#A-704045. All rights reserved.
Send Me, Jesus (Thuma mina) Text: South African; English trans. Freedom Is Coming; Music: South African; arr. Freedom Is Coming © 1984
Walton Music Corp. Printed with permission under One License #A-704045. All rights reserved.

 Coffee Hour Zoom link

 Coffee Hour Phone link
 888-788-0099 -or- 877-853-5247 (US Toll-free)
 Meeting ID: 993 9940 6329 Passcode: 832728

 April 25: Coffee Hour: Welcome our new officers and hear about what they’re learning and where they feel called.

                   Who needs a will? Every adult who owns anything and cares what happens to it. Also, anyone who
                   may want to leave a bequest to Westminster and a legacy of gratitude that will endure for genera-
    tions. To learn more visit westminstermpls.org/legacy-giving.

                           In Eternal Rest                                     Daily Phone Devotions
                    Brian Carey, April 14, 2021                                612.332.7087
               Walter (Fritz) Mondale, April 19, 2021
                                                                               April 25............................... John 10:11-18
                                                                               26...................................1 Samuel 16:1-13
                                                                               27.................................Revelation 7:13-17
                                                                               28................................................. Psalm 95
                                                                               29........................................... Acts 8:26-40
                                                                               30......................................Psalm 22:25-31
                                                                               May 1.................................. 1 John 4:7-21
                                                                               2 ..............................................John 15:1-8

               Join us for worship and adult education via livestream | westminstermpls.online.church
                                        -or- facebook.com/westminstermpls
                                   Sundays 9:15 am Learning Hour (livestream only)
                  10:30 am Worship (livestream and in-person attendance of 100 - pre-register online)
                                        5 pm Gathered at Five (livestream only)
                                  Wednesdays 6 pm Silence & Song (livestream only)
This Week at Westminster
Sunday, April 25, 2021
8 am | Family Matters

9 am | Family Education Hour

9:15 am | Adult Education: Dismantling Privilege in Art and Entrepreneurship |

9:15 am | Social Justice Forum | Livestream

10:30 am | Worship: Rev. Dr. Meghan Gage-Finn, preaching | Livestream and

After the 10:30 am Worship | Coffee Hour

2 pm | Organs of the Twin Cities: Catherine Rodland, Artist-in-Residence at St. Olaf
College |Livestream

4 pm | Youth Group

5 pm | Gathered at Five: Rev. Dr. Meghan Gage-Finn, preaching | Livestream

Monday, April 26, 2021
7 pm | The Bible Then and Now

Tuesday, April 27, 2021
4 pm | Youth Group Coffee Shop

Wednesday, April 28, 2021
9 am | Women’s Bible Study

Noon | Centering Prayer

1:30 pm | Moms Group
5:45 pm | FYC Wednesday Night Programming

6 pm | Silence & Song Worship | Livestream

7 pm | WestConnect

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Friday, April 30, 2021
7 pm | Sr. High Spring Retreat

Saturday, May 1, 2021
9 am | Early Childhood Family Fellowship

2 pm | Sr. High Spring Retreat

Sunday, May 2, 2021
8 am | Family Matters

9 am | Family Education Hour

9:15 am | Adult Education| Livestream

9:15 am | Social Justice Forum| Livestream

10:30 am | Worship: Rev. Dr. Tim Hart-Andersen, preaching | Livestream and

After the 10:30 am Worship | Coffee Hour

11:30 am | New Member Class

4 pm | Youth Group

5 pm | Gathered at Five: Rev. Dr. Tim Hart-Andersen, preaching | Livestream
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