MATCHAN MENU December, 2020 - Matchan Nutrition Center

Page created by Joshua Young
MATCHAN MENU December, 2020 - Matchan Nutrition Center
                                            December, 2020
                                                 Volume 12, Issue 4
                               Co-Editors: Frank Schmid & Betty Esnault

            The Christmas Feelings                                    Ladies of Charity Support
Normally at this time of the year, everyone would be       The Annual Ladies of Charity Turkey Drive was
looking forward to Christmas celebrations, family          extremely successful this year. We received 181
                         gatherings, festive meals,        turkeys. Gary Kozlowski delivered 130 frozen
                         holiday decorations and           turkeys to the kitchen the week
                         Christmas High Mass with          before the drive. They were
                         lots of music for some or         given away to those that we
                         maybe      the   Children’s       serve. Gary, his son, Jeff, and
                         Pageant followed by Mass.         his granddaughter, Syndey,
                           But this year is different.     brought 12 more on the
                          So was the summer and the        Monday of the drive. All but
                          fall and it won’t change for     34 of the 181 turkeys were
                          quite a while. We are in         frozen. The cooked turkeys
this for the duration but no one can say how long the      were         de-boned        on
duration will be. We should wash our hands, put on         Tuesday. Approximately 200
our masks and try to get as comfortable knowing that                                       sack        lunches
someday it will end and we can be socially active                                          containing two hot
again.                                                                                     turkey sandwiches
                                                                                           were made on
It is also a special time of the year our thoughts turn                                    Tuesday. The rest
to giving thanks during the past year. That may be                                         of the cooked de-
hard for someone who may have lost someone                                                 boned turkeys were
                      during the year. Think of that
                      person as a Saint who you can                              frozen for use later. The
                      pray to for help instead of                                frozen turkeys were shared
                      praying for. Or maybe you lost a                           with two other St. Vincent de
                      job and are having a difficult                             Paul Conferences.
time supporting your family. Hopefully your family                                 We received $5100 in the
is still together and cares for you and one another.       collection. This is an all-time high. People were
Maybe you and your loved ones are still safe from          extremely generous. 108 people participated in the
the virus. That’s something for which to be thankful.      drive. The cash donations will help with operating
If you have to, look hard and pray hard to find            costs, as well as food when needed.
something to be thankful for. For when you find it,        Matchan is very grateful for the Ladies of Charity
it will bring you great comfort. May we all                and Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Parish for their
remember something for which to be thankful, the           continuing support. It has been at least 27 years
true meaning of Christmas and have a Blessed New           since Barbara King started this collection. Kelly
Year in spite of current conditions.                       Monahan suggested the Easter Ham Collection in
MATCHAN MENU December, 2020 - Matchan Nutrition Center
2011 and Bridget Bealin and her group made nearly        we feel it is important to report to you, each year,
1000 masks for Matchan so far this year. Matchan is      through this Newsletter and on our website,
thankful for its partnership with the LOCs in the past   (
and looks forward to a healthy relationship in the       Covid19 affected almost everything we do at
future.                                                  Matchan. We never stopped serving. We never
I want to thank Mary Ottney of the LOC for her           closed. But on March 12th, nine months ago, we
efforts as Chairperson and for coordinating the drive    switched from serving hot meals inside to handing
and helping to collect the turkeys. As usual, she did    out sack lunches outside. Volunteers would work
a great job.                                             outside, sometimes in the hot sun, sometimes in the
                                                         rain and later in the year, they would work in the
      Take-A-Sack and Bring-It–Back                      cold. On November 17th, the operation was moved
This is a program at Our Lady of the Lakes (OLOL)        inside.
Catholic Church in Waterford run by Artha                Matchan is both a soup kitchen and a pantry.
Horowitz, Head of Christian Service. For a three         The pantry saw major changes also, even more so
week period, bags are handed out at the church along                              than the kitchen. Times
with a shopping list. People return the bags with                                 are tough.    People are
their food donations per the list. This year she                                  looking for more than just
collected 450 bags. With the help of her daughter,                                a sandwich. We set up an
Grace, the Knights of Columbus and the 8:15 Mass                                  outdoor market place. The
attendees, the bags are removed from the church and                               food seemed to disappear.
placed in the community room until they are              Our main source of
distributed.                                             milk,    eggs,    meat
This effort is duplicated twice a year. They also        products, fruits and
have a Turkey drive for Thanksgiving. This year,         vegetables is Gleaners.
they donated 150 bags and approximately 30 turkeys       Normally the van
to Matchan. Our Lady of the Lakes’ support is not        would pick up 500 to
new. Their St Vincent de Paul Society donates            600 pounds of food
SVDP vouchers for the SVDP Thrift Shop which are         each week. Now we
given to our neighbors when they need clothing.          pick up well over 3000 pounds.
Matchan thanks Artha and the people of OLOL for          Because of a generous donor named Gary in Royal
their generous contributions of food, vouchers and                               Oak, 130 turkeys were
their personal time.                                                             given        away        for
                                                                                 Thanksgiving. It was a
            2020 Year End Report                                                 real surprise for the people
Our mission at the Matchan Nutrition Center is to                                shopping to find that they
                            serve     hot,     well                              could pick up a frozen
                            balanced meals to our                                turkey on the table.
                            neighbors in need and        Volunteers are the backbone of our operation. We
                            to provide other life        had 76 regular volunteers before the pandemic.
                            changing     assistance      Today Matchan operates with about 25 volunteers.
that leads to self-sufficiency locally in Oakland        There are some who are willing to come but the
County. Our ability to carry out this mission            present group consider themselves safe and are
depends greatly on the support of our donors and         reluctant to invite new people. However, 36% say
volunteers. The reason                                   they could not come back at this time.
that Matchan has been
successful is that                                       The total number of volunteer hours was 19,023 last
people believe in what                                   year. This year, only 16,200 hours. In-kind
we do and the way it                                     services totaled $34,000. This is down 46% from
is done. This is why                                     last year. For the first 28 weeks, our guests could get
                                                         legal advice at no charge every Tuesday from
                                                         Christian Legal Aid Program lawyers. Almost
MATCHAN MENU December, 2020 - Matchan Nutrition Center
every day, one of 15 government and/or social            Ham Drive for us each year. Government funds
agencies set up a table in the diner to give help        came from EFSP (Emergency Food and Shelter
and/or advice to our guests. For example, flu and        Program) and Oakland County Covid funds
Hepatitis A shots are administered free of charge by     through United Way. All the money t is used to
Oakland County Primary Health Care. These are            support our mission.
important services that are provided at Matchan at no    Where does the money go? Operational costs were
charge but during the last 24 weeks these services       $88,445 this year. The
were not available.                                      average cost per meal
The Kitchen: 20,616 people were served this year.        was $4.29. The food
                    Before the pandemic, we served       cost for sack lunches is
                    hot sit-down meals.        After     a lot more than for hot
                    March 12 , we served sack            meals as discussed in
                    lunches.      Attendance    rose     our June Newsletter.
                    steadily to 277 until the end of     The food cost jumped
                    April and then settled down.         from $0.60 to $3.
                    Even so, the number of people        People responded very generously after reading the
served during the pandemic increased by 13%.             June Newsletter and we thank you again for your
                                                         donations back then. We also have to thank Meijer
The Pantry: During the pandemic there was a
                                                         for their Simply Give program.
notable increase in the need
for food to be taken home                                Meijer Simply-Give program matches donations
for use during the week. As                              made to Matchan at its 12 Mile and Telegraph store.
mention above, we increased                              This year we spent $25,089 in Meijer food cards. If
our intake and distribution of                           you do use the Meijer Program, please send us an e-
fresh food. During 2018-19,                              mail at , so we know who
the panty distributed 130,000 pounds of food. In         you are and we can add you to our donor list.
2019-20, 326,248 pounds were given away. Funds           We had bad luck with our freezers this year. We
required to operate the pantry are primarily the cost
                                                         lost three of our six freezers. Bill the freezer-man
of the van to pick up the food which was                 has been repairing our cooler and freezers free of
approximately $753 this year. They share the             charge for many years. He suggested that we should
kitchen facility and purchase very little food.          stop buying home type equipment and go
In-kind goods totaling over $928,000 were picked         commercial. Before we replace them, we are
                         up from Gleaners, Costco,       looking at changing to a walk-in freezer. Any advice
                         Panera, Whole Foods,            would be helpful.
                         Ellen’s Cafe and Gordon         Other Activities: Often we have a clothing table
                         Foods. This is 60% more         where clients can get gloves, hats, coats and various
                         than was picked up last year.   other clothing. St. Vincent de Paul Detroit provides
                         Excess     donations    were    us with $4,000 in vouchers for clothing at the
distributed to other organizations.                      SVdP Thrift Stores that we have available for our
Where does the money                                     guests. Some SVdP Conferences earn vouchers at
come from to support                                     the stores and donate them to Matchan.
the Matchan operation?                                   Hygiene kits are still assembled and made available
We had about 215                                         to our guests.    Sleeping bags that are made by
donors last year. This                                   Helping Hands in Troy are given to those in need.
Chart summarizes from                                    The Oakland County Sheriff’s Department donates
where the funds come.                                    approximately 150 coats each year.           Matchan
19 SVdP Conferences                                      purchases emergency clothing such as boots or
are on our donor list.                                   work shoes that are not available at the SVdP stores.
Vincentians are individuals who belong to SVdP           We serve as a USDA Food Distribution Center
Conferences.    The Ladies of Charity (LOC)              four times a year but this year it was reduced to two
conduct a Thanksgiving Turkey Drive and an Easter        because of Covid19.
MATCHAN MENU December, 2020 - Matchan Nutrition Center
The Matchan Nutrition Center
                          We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable
                          organization sponsored by Oakland County
                          District of the Society of St Vincent de Paul. Take
                          a look at the Matchan website at
                 It is a
   Lord,                  story book about the Matchan Nutrition Center.
   make us mindful of     Find out how you can help with your time and
   the needs of others.   talents.
                          If you are able and we have convinced you that
                          what we do is worthy of your support, you can
                          help financially by making a donation on line or
                          mail it to: Matchan Nutrition Center, PO Box
NEEDED                    430954, Pontiac, Michigan 48343.
                          Send comments to:
MATCHAN MENU December, 2020 - Matchan Nutrition Center MATCHAN MENU December, 2020 - Matchan Nutrition Center MATCHAN MENU December, 2020 - Matchan Nutrition Center MATCHAN MENU December, 2020 - Matchan Nutrition Center MATCHAN MENU December, 2020 - Matchan Nutrition Center MATCHAN MENU December, 2020 - Matchan Nutrition Center
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