Year 8 - St John Fisher Catholic High School

Page created by Connie Taylor
Year 8 - St John Fisher Catholic High School
Year 8
Year 8 - St John Fisher Catholic High School
Year 8
Year 8 - St John Fisher Catholic High School
Year 8
Year 8 - St John Fisher Catholic High School
Year 8
Year 8 - St John Fisher Catholic High School
Year 8
Year 8 - St John Fisher Catholic High School
Year 8
Year 8 - St John Fisher Catholic High School
Year 8
Year 8 - St John Fisher Catholic High School
Year 8
Year 8 - St John Fisher Catholic High School
Year 8
Year 8 - St John Fisher Catholic High School
Year 8
Year 8
Year 8
Year 8
Year 8
Year 8
Year 8
Year 8

 Year 8 2:1 Power of Words
 Key Vocabulary Key Writing skills
 Idiolect Proper and Common
 Sociolect Nouns
 Youth talk Coordinating and
 Accent Subordinating
 Dialect conjunctions
 Pronunciation Adjectives
 Received Adverbs
 Jargon Connectives
 Profession Determiners
 Occupation Prepositions
 Stereotypes Synonyms

 What you can do?

 - Learn the spellings using: Look Say Cover Write Say
 - Be observant and listen to how people talk
 - Research and practise the writing skills:

 Determiners – Prepositions Some symbols for
 quantifiers modify a transcript
 noun wp8mn/articles/zw38srd Length of any pauses:
 (1), (2)
 Any Tells you where or when something is in Interruption: //
 All relation to something else. Stressed words: bold
 Many New speaker = new line
 Above Against Along If a word is difficult to
 Most Across Among Around understand = inaudible
 One, two, three, four.. Give any non-verbal
 A few At Before Below acts = (laughing), (claps
 Some hands)
 From Into Near

 How to write a transcript

 With their
 consent, make It is set out
 You give the
 a recording of similar to a
 Give yourself name of the Make sure you
 the playscript but
 time to speaker then a write exactly
 conversation as without speech
 complete this : followed by what they say
 this will make marks or
 what they say
 transcribing punctuation
Year 8

 Year 8 2:2 Power of Poetry
 Key Vocabulary Key Writing skills

 Discrimination Connectives
 Prejudice Active and Passive Voice
 Slavery Sentences: Declarative,
 Unconscious bias Interrogative,
 Satire Imperative, Exclamatory
 Equality (DIIE), Simple,
 Racism Compound, Complex
 Refugee (SCC)
 Stereotype Tenses – past, present,

 What you can do?

 - Learn the spellings using: Look Say Cover Write Say
 - Keep up with the news – there is usually something happening linked to this topic
 - Research the poets and the poems
 - Research and practise the writing skills:

 Forms of Poetry Poems you will study Poetry terms
 Ballad Ballad of Birmingham by Randall
 Refugee Blues by Auden Rhyming Scheme
 Blank Verse
 Whatever you say, say nothing by Heaney Caesura
 Free Verse
 Iambic Pentameter
 Epic You will hearing from us shortly by Rhythm
 Sonnet Fanthorpe Stanza
 Telephone Conversation by Soyinka Alliteration

 Connective for comparison

 Whereas, Also, Similarly, Contrastingly, Both, Likewise, However, Additionally, Alternatively

 How to write a comparative essay
Year 8

VOCABULAIRE ANNÉE 8 T2A: Aider à la maison
 Les tâches ménagères Household chores
 à la maison at home
 je dois I have to
 je ne dois pas I don’t have to
 je vais I go / I’m going to
 je ne vais pas I don’t go / I’m not going to
 aider à la maison help at home
 faire la vaisselle wash the dishes
 ranger [ma] chambre tidy [my] room
 tondre la pelouse mow the lawn
 laver la voiture wash the car
 faire les courses do the shopping
 garder mon petit frère look after my little brother
 garder ma petite sœur look after my little sister
 faire du baby-sitting babysit
 sortir la poubelle take the bin out
 mettre la table lay the table
 débarrasser la table clear the table
 étendre le linge put the washing on the line
 faire le ménage do the cleaning/dusting
 passer l’aspirateur hoover

 Les verbes au présent Key verbs in the present tense
 j’aide I help
 je fais I do
 je range I tidy up
 je tonds I mow
 je lave I wash
 je garde I look after
 je sors I take out
 je mets I put / I lay
 je débarrasse I clear
 j’étends I put out
 je passe I spend

 Expressions de fréquence Frequency expressions
 tous les jours every day
 tous les soirs every night
 tous les matins every morning
Year 8

 deux fois par semaine twice (two times) per week
 Les opinions Opinions
 j’aime le faire I like to do it
 j’adore le faire I love to do it
 je n’aime pas le faire I don’t like to do it
 je déteste le faire I hate to do it
 parce que because
 c’est it is
 ce n’est pas it is not
 intéressant interesting
 barbant boring
 relaxant relaxing
 plaisant pleasant
 agréable enjoyable
 utile useful
 sympa nice
 fatigant tiring
 répétitif repetitive
 monotone monotonous
 dégoûtant disgusting
 amusant fun
 mais but
 ça aide ma mère it helps my mum
 ça aide mes parents it helps my parents
 ce n’est pas juste it’s not fair

 Je dois aider à la maison tous les I have to help at home every day.
 jours. Tous les soirs, je sors la Every night, I take the bin out. I
 poubelle. Je pense que c’est think that it is disgusting.
 En revanche, je ne dois pas mettre la However, I don’t have to lay the table
 table et je trouve que c’est génial. and I find that it is great.
 La semaine prochaine, je vais laver la Next week, I’m going to wash the car
 voiture de mon père et aussi je vais of my dad and also, I’m going to tidy
 ranger ma chambre. Ça va être my bedroom. It’s going to be boring,
 barbant mais ça aide mes parents. but it helps my parents.
 Cependant, je ne vais pas passer However, I’m not going to hoover
 l’aspirateur parce que selon moi, c’est because according to me, it’s tiring
 fatigant et répétitif. and repetitive.
Year 8

VOCABULAIRE ANNÉE 8 T2B: Mes dernières vacances

 AVOIR To have
 j’ai I have
 tu as you have
 il a he has
 elle a she has
 nous avons we have (formal)
 vous avez you have
 ils ont they (boys) have
 elles ont they (girls) have

 Quelques verbes au passé composé Some useful verbs in the perfect
 j’ai acheté I bought
 j’ai passé I spent
 j’ai visité I visited
 j’ai joué I played
 j’ai mangé I ate
 j’ai voyagé I travelled
 j’ai admiré I admired
 j’ai regardé I watched
 j’ai rencontré I met
 j’ai vu I saw
 j’ai pris I took
 j’ai fait I did
 j’ai bu I drank

 Être To be
 Je suis I am
 Tu es You are (referring to 1 person)
 Il est He is
 Elle est She is
 Nous sommes We are
 Vous êtes You are (referring to a group of people)
 Ils sont They (boys) are
 Elles sont They (girls) are

 Quelques verbes au passé composé Some useful verbs in the perfect
 je suis allé(e) I went
 je suis parti(e) I left
 je suis arrivé(e) I arrived
 je suis rentré(e) I went back / I returned
 je suis resté(e) I stayed
Year 8

 Opinions Opinions
 c’était / ce n’était pas [+adj] it was / it was not [+adj]
 j’ai trouvé ça [+adj] I found it / that [+adj]
 très very
 assez quite
 un peu a little bit
 trop too
 carrément completely
 vachement really
 vraiment truly
 génial great
 intéressant interesting
 amusant / rigolo / marrant funny
 sympa nice
 chouette fab
 horrible horrible
 débile stupid
 barbant / rasoir / ennuyeux boring
 bizarre weird
 nul rubbish
 un désastre a disaster

 Mots de liaison Sequencers
 tout d’abord first of all
 ensuite then
 puis then
 après ça after that
 enfin finally

 Expressions temporelles Time phrases
 le matin in the morning
 l’après-midi in the afternoon
 le soir in the evening
 samedi après-midi on Saturday afternoon
 dimanche matin on Sunday morning
 hier yesterday
 avant-hier the day before yesterday
 samedi dernier last Saturday
 dimanche dernier last Sunday
 le weekend dernier last weekend
 le mois dernier last month
 l’année dernière last year
Year 8 Topic: Bearings and Scale Diagrams

Topic/Skill Definition/Tips Example
1. Scale The ratio of the length in a model to the
 length of the real thing.

2. Scale (Map) The ratio of a distance on the map to the
 actual distance in real life.

3. Bearings 1. Measure from North (draw a North line)
 2. Measure clockwise
 3. Your answer must have 3 digits (eg.

 Look out for where the bearing is measured
4. Compass You can use an acronym such as ‘Never
Directions Eat Shredded Wheat’ to remember the
 order of the compass directions in a
 clockwise direction.

 Bearings: = 045°, = 270° .
Year 8 Topic: Properties of Polygons

Topic/Skill Definition/Tips Example
1. Square  Four equal sides
  Four right angles
  Opposite sides parallel
  Diagonals bisect each other at right
  Four lines of symmetry
  Rotational symmetry of order four
2. Rectangle • Two pairs of equal sides
 • Four right angles
 • Opposite sides parallel
 • Diagonals bisect each other, not at right
 • Two lines of symmetry
 • Rotational symmetry of order two
3. Rhombus • Four equal sides
 • Diagonally opposite angles are equal
 • Opposite sides parallel
 • Diagonals bisect each other at right
 • Two lines of symmetry
 • Rotational symmetry of order two
4. • Two pairs of equal sides
Parallelogram • Diagonally opposite angles are equal
 • Opposite sides parallel
 • Diagonals bisect each other, not at right
 • No lines of symmetry
 • Rotational symmetry of order two
5. Kite • Two pairs of adjacent sides of equal
 • One pair of diagonally opposite angles
 are equal (where different length sides
 • Diagonals intersect at right angles, but
 do not bisect
 • One line of symmetry
 • No rotational symmetry
6. Trapezium  One pair of parallel sides
  No lines of symmetry
  No rotational symmetry

 Special Case: Isosceles Trapeziums have
 one line of symmetry.
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