May 2020: Market news and expert views

Page created by Darren Thornton
May 2020: Market news and expert views
“First signs of success in the fight
                        against coronavirus are creating scope
                        for the careful easing of lockdown
                        measures. This should provide a boost,
                        especially for the equity markets.”
                        Max Holzer, Head of Relative Return

May 2020:
Market news and expert views

                                       We work for your investment
May 2020: Market news and expert views

The markets at a glance

Summary                                                                                                  Economy, growth, inflation

We are seeing the first signs of success in the global fight against                                     The economic fallout of the pandemic is becoming increasingly
the spread of coronavirus. The number of new infections appears to                                       evident. Last week, China was the first large country affected by
be falling, particularly in developed countries in Europe and North                                      the outbreak to publish its gross domestic product (GDP) figures
America. If this trend is confirmed, there will be further leeway to                                     for the first quarter of 2020. Its GDP was even lower than antici-
reopen the economies of these countries, which are very important                                        pated, falling by a sobering 6.8 per cent compared with the
to the global economy. This improvement is needed in order to                                            prior-year period. There is cause for concern that growth in other
underpin a sustained economic recovery and to consolidate the                                            regions might also have slowed down more severely than originally
incipient upward trend in prices of risk assets. Although we take                                        estimated.
the latest figures as an encouraging sign that things are moving
in the right direction, we believe that the situation remains very                                       Our economists have therefore downgraded their forecasts.
precarious.                                                                                              There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, the lockdown took
                                                                                                         a greater toll on the economy in the first quarter than had been
Against this backdrop, we have confirmed our neutral risk                                                expected. Although strict containment measures in the US were
positioning (RoRo meter at level 3) but have made adjustments                                            only imposed in mid-March, both industrial output and retail sales
within and between individual asset classes. In the past, the                                            plunged last month. The decline in production levels was, in fact,
post-crisis recovery of the capital markets has usually followed                                         the steepest single-month fall since February 1946. Secondly, the
a particular pattern. The first to benefit are usually the less risky                                    gradual easing of restrictions is likely to take place later than
risk assets, such as corporate bonds issued by investment-grade                                          previously assumed.
borrowers, followed by equities and then, at a later stage, com-
modities. The latest analysis indicates that this blueprint will also                                    All in all, we expect US GDP to decline by 6.0 per cent in 2020. For
apply to the coronavirus crisis. We are therefore taking an even                                         the eurozone, our economists predict a fall in GDP of 6.5 per cent,
more favourable view of corporate bonds. Conversely, we are                                              while Germany’s GDP is expected to decrease by 5.4 per cent.
returning to a neutral view of government bonds of eurozone                                              These estimates are largely in tune with the general consensus.
periphery countries. Although these countries are benefiting from                                        But according to our calculations, the recovery will probably take
the steps taken by the European Central Bank (ECB), they are                                             longer than expected by the majority of analysts. This will also
affected by the pandemic – severely in some cases – and have                                             have an impact on inflation. As a result, our inflation predictions
few fiscal policy options.                                                                               for the next two years have been lowered as well.

On the equity side, we are now also favouring stocks from the
emerging markets. Both the regional composition (high proportion
of Asian securities) and the sectoral composition (significant
percentage of IT firms) played a key part in this decision, especially
as these markets have benefited little from the recovery so far.

US opts for direct government spending, Germany                                                          A sharper slowdown in the short term, but also a brighter
focuses on loan guarantees                                                                               outlook for 2021
Percentage of GDP                                                                                        Year-on-year change in real GDP (%)
20                                                                                                       12

16                                                                                                        8



12                                                                                                        4






 8                                                                                                        0

                                                                                                                 – 1.9

                                                                                                                         – 6.0

                                                                                                                                                           – 6.5
                                                                                                                                                   – 3.6





 0                                                                                                       –8
             US           Japan         Germany                 UK         France            Italy                2020                2021          2020           2021        2020            2021
                                                                                                                                 US                        Eurozone                    China
n Total    n Thereof loan guarantees           n Thereof government spending
n Other measures                                                                                         n Old forecast           n New forecast

Sources: Center for Strategic and International Studies, Union Investment, as at 21 April 2020.          Source: Union Investment, as at 21 April 2020.

May 2020: Market news and expert views

The markets at a glance

Monetary policy: central banks are buying bonds                                     Fixed income: continued preference for corporate bonds

Following the decisions made in March, the world’s major central                    Following the sharp rise in yields across all fixed-income segments
banks have now begun to prop up the markets by buying bonds.                        in mid-March, the situation has eased again somewhat in recent
In consequence, their balance sheets have expanded significantly.                   weeks, partly thanks to the measures taken by the central banks.
The US Federal Reserve (Fed), for example, increased its balance                    Yields on safe-haven paper are falling again, as are the spreads on
sheet by 50 per cent within one month. This is already more than                    corporate bonds. The severe recessions triggered by the coronavirus
it bought over many months during the financial crisis. Shortly                     pandemic in Italy and Spain will lead to an even more significant
before Easter, the Fed expanded its programmes to include high-                     increase in government debt than had been anticipated just a few
yield bonds and loans to small and medium-sized enterprises.                        weeks ago. This will weigh heavily on bonds from the eurozone
                                                                                    periphery. Europe has not come up with a response to this problem
After adopting extensive measures in March, the ECB did not                         so far and has not presented a united front, thereby adding to the
introduce further steps. It too has significantly extended its                      uncertainty.
purchase programme, heading off a further rise in risk premiums
for the time being. In the corporate bond segment, the down-                        The group of the 20 largest industrialised countries and emerging
ward trend in spreads is continuing. However, the debate around                     markets (G20) has adopted a debt moratorium on bilateral loans
the funding of state aid in the eurozone periphery countries                        to countries that receive state development aid. The group is
and the refusal of some northern European countries to consider                     calling for similar measures in relation to government bonds of
a mutualisation of debt at EU level (‘coronavirus bonds’) has led                   the world’s poorest countries. Spreads on emerging market sover-
to a renewed increase in risk premiums for periphery bonds in                       eign debt denominated in hard currency have risen overall as the
recent weeks. All in all, the central banks have taken swift and                    entire market is being pulled down as a result of the payment
far-reaching action in response to the market turmoil and have                      problems being experienced in the very weak countries. For certain
reduced the level of stress in the financial system. Combined with                  economies, debt relief could generate opportunities. Careful
the sizeable fiscal emergency programmes implemented by a host                      security selection will be paramount in this regard. However, most
of governments, this action offers significant support for the                      of the affected countries do not qualify as viable investment
financial sector and the real economy, but all of this will still not               options for us.
be enough to bring about a lasting turnaround in this crisis.
                                                                                    • Decision: We take an even more favourable view of corporate
                                                                                        bonds from issuers with good credit ratings but a neutral view
                                                                                        of government bonds from the eurozone periphery.
                                                                                    •   Positioning: Overall, we remain slightly cautious about
                                                                                        fixed-income investments in the portfolio. In our opinion,
                                                                                        government bonds from eurozone core countries have limited
                                                                                        appeal and covered bonds are very unattractive. We are taking
                                                                                        a position on the sidelines in respect of government bonds from
                                                                                        the eurozone periphery, high-yield corporate bonds and EM
                                                                                        government bonds. Corporate bonds are our clear favourite.

The volume of securities on the Fed’s balance sheet is                              Increase in credit spreads halted
growing rapidly                                                                     Swap spreads (basis points)
Volume (US$ billion)
                                                                                    800                             350                                                 800
6,000                                                                               700                             250                                                 700
                                                                                                                    150                                                 500
5,000                                                                               600
                                                                                                                     50                                                 400
                                                                                    500                                   9 March    23 March      6 April   20 April
3,000                                                                               300
1,000                                                                                   0
                                                                                        2018                                        2019                                      2020
     2002      2004     2006      2008    2010   2012   2014   2016   2018   2020   n Investment-grade       n Subordinated         n High-yield

Source: Bloomberg, as at 21 April 2020.                                             Sources: Bloomberg, Refinitiv, Union Investment, as at 21 April 2020.

May 2020: Market news and expert views

 The markets at a glance

 Equities: slight preference for EM equities                                                                                                Commodities: slight overall reduction in risk

 The equity markets have picked up on signals in recent macro-                                                                              Recent events have triggered a price collapse of historic propor-
 economic data and have embarked on a rally. The decline in the                                                                             tions in the oil market. The price of WTI oil even dropped deep
 numbers of new infections has raised hopes of a further easing                                                                             into negative territory for a short period. In the coming weeks,
 of lockdown measures. Nevertheless, many companies have been                                                                               the oil market will probably remain volatile. The cuts in output
 hit hard by the lockdown and profit expectations are falling on                                                                            by the OPEC+ countries have done nothing to calm the nerves of
 an unprecedented scale. Both profit forecasts and price trends                                                                             investors as they barely scratch the surface compared with the
 are showing a high level of dispersion between sectors. The energy                                                                         massive drop in demand. Many producers have no other option
 sector and equities from the travel industry remain under pressure.                                                                        but to fill up their storage facilities. But remaining capacity is
 Healthcare sector stocks, on the other hand, are among the main                                                                            dwindling. We expect that storage facilities will be full within the
 beneficiaries of this crisis. Equities from companies with particular                                                                      next few weeks. But limited storage capacity means that the huge
 business models (delivery services, video conference technology,                                                                           market surplus will not last for long. The market will find its
 online retail, etc.) are also highly sought-after at present. Amazon                                                                       equilibrium in the coming weeks, either through further produc-
 shares, for example, recently climbed to an all-time high.                                                                                 tion cuts or due to stronger demand, or a combination of both.
                                                                                                                                            Oil prices will remain extremely volatile in the coming weeks. More
 We anticipate that the equity markets will remain supported in the                                                                         than ever, they will depend on what type of oil can be delivered
 short term as a result of the lifting of restrictions. This raises the                                                                     and to where. We believe that US oil prices remain at particular risk
 appeal of equity investments in our opinion. In addition to equities                                                                       in the short term, because the market-driven nature of the US
 from industrialised countries, we now also favour stocks from the                                                                          oil industry means that the pressure to adjust is mainly applied
 emerging markets. China, Taiwan and South Korea, all of which are                                                                          through the pricing mechanism. The Brent market appears to be
 some way ahead in overcoming the crisis, are strongly represented                                                                          better supported, as it has a broader (physical) base and the cuts
 in the MSCI Emerging Markets index. In addition, the IT sector                                                                             made by OPEC+ have a more direct impact. In the second half of
 – another notable winner from the crisis – also features heavily                                                                           the year, there is even the prospect of a shortfall.
 in the index.
                                                                                                                                            Industrial metals are continuing to benefit from the restart of
 • Decision: We now also favour equities from the emerging                                                                                  economic activity in China. Gold is supported by falling real
       markets.                                                                                                                             interest rates, but its price has already risen sharply.
 • Positioning: Equities thus remain attractive. This applies to
       stocks from industrialised countries and from emerging                                                                               • Decision: Precious and industrial metals are losing their
       markets.                                                                                                                                appeal, as are energy commodities.
                                                                                                                                            • Positioning: We are cautious about commodities overall.

 Equity markets recovering after coronavirus shock                                                                                          Unprecedented movement in US oil prices
 Performance of selected equity markets (%)                                                                                                 Price of a barrel of WTI oil (US$)
 30                                                                                                                                           80







  0                                                                                                                                           40
                                                                                                       – 14.9

– 10                                                                                                                                          20
                                                                                                                            – 27.8

– 20
                                                                                 – 30.7
                                                           – 33.9

                                     – 38.3
               – 38.8

– 30
– 40                                                                                                                                        –20
         Germany               Eurozone                    US                Japan                 China              Emerging
                                                                                                                                                Jan           Mar           May        Sep   Nov     Jan   Mar
 n 1 January until ‘February high’                   n Correction                n ‘March low’ until 21 April                                  2019           2019          2019      2019   2019   2020   2020

 Source: Refinitiv, as at 21 April 2020.                                                                                                    Source: Bloomberg, as at 22 April 2020.

May 2020: Market news and expert views

The markets at a glance

Currencies: US dollar loses its tailwind                                  The office market in Germany

The currency markets have also started to experience a reduced            Over the past twelve months, Germany’s top-five real estate
level of volatility in recent weeks. Governments’ extensive pack-         hotspots – Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Munich
ages of measures aimed at stabilising the economy are squeezing           – continued to see strong demand for office space. Although there
national budgets everywhere. The US dollar has lost the tailwind of       was a small year-on-year decrease in lettings, this was mainly due
relatively high interest rates following the Fed’s rate cuts. The euro,   to the very short supply of available properties. The average vacancy
on the other hand, is being weighed down by the political debate          rate for these five German cities was just 3.7 per cent at the end
surrounding the issue of ‘coronavirus bonds’. Countries on the            of the first quarter of 2020, the lowest level since the end of
eurozone periphery are pushing hard for this solution so that they        2001. Berlin registered the lowest vacancy rate at 1.9 per cent.
do not have to raise their already high debt levels, but northern         The strong demand and lack of supply pushed up office rents by
European countries (including Germany and the Netherlands) are            an average of 4.4 per cent year on year across the top-five German
sceptical about the concept of jointly issued debt – just as they         office markets. At 8.8 per cent, Berlin recorded the highest rise
were during the euro crisis. The countries of the eurozone are            in rents.
therefore unlikely to reach agreement quickly.
                                                                          At the end of the first quarter of 2020, the global spread of corona-
The general downward trend for EM currencies was brought to               virus caused significant disruption to economic activity. It is not
a halt. However, the currencies of commodity-producing countries          yet possible to predict the full human and economic cost and
and those with deteriorating creditworthiness continued to come           consequences. Experience shows that there tends to be a time lag
under pressure. South Africa’s credit rating downgrade, for example,      before property markets react to this type of shock. It is therefore
caused the value of the rand to fall. By contrast, other emerging         still too early to make reliable forecasts for the investment and
market currencies rallied quickly, particularly in Asia. Countries        rental markets.
there are further ahead in terms of tackling the pandemic and are
relaxing the measures that they had introduced to contain the virus.      The office market usually reacts to economic turmoil. In this
                                                                          segment too, the anticipated recession will result in defaults on
• Positioning: Neutral and unchanged.                                     rental payments or even the loss of some tenants. Demand for
                                                                          office space will weaken on the whole, as lease decisions will be
                                                                          postponed due to the uncertainty about economic prospects and
                                                                          expansion plans could be put on hold temporarily. However, the
                                                                          effect of this will be mitigated by the currently high occupancy
                                                                          rates and a modest level of new construction.

South Africa’s rand depreciates                                           The office segment is also benefiting as a result of many employees
South African rand to the euro over the past twelve months                being able to continue to do their jobs by working from home.
                                                                          Most offices remain open and can be accessed. For safety rea-
                                                                          sons, however, they are often only used by employees who need
20                                                                        to be there to carry out important technical or organisational
19                                                                        tasks. The greater use of digital infrastructure at present may
                                                                          accelerate the digitalisation trend, thereby providing a particular
                                                                          boost for companies in the IT sector.


  Apr             Jun           Aug        Oct   Dec     Feb        Apr
 2019            2019           2019      2019   2019   2020       2020

Source: Bloomberg, as at 22 April 2020.

May 2020: Market news and expert views

Our assessment at a glance

Our current risk assessment                                                            RoRo meter

• Signs of initial progress in the fight against coronavirus are                                                                        3
      emerging.                                                                                                             2                          4
•     Confirmation of the trend will provide scope for easing
      lockdown measures. This will be essential for any economic
                                                                                                                      1                                       5
•     However, the immediate impact of the recently extended                                                              Risk                         Risk
      containment measures in Europe and the US will be a sharp                                                           Off                          On
                                                                                                                                 R o Ro            r
      drop in GDP of at least 6 per cent.                                                                                                 - Mete
•     The major central banks’ extensive purchase programmes are
      proving to be supportive.                                                        Source: Union Investment, as at 21 April 2020. Last changed (from 4 to 3) on 27 January 2020.

•     Our general risk assessment (RoRo meter) remains at level 3                      Note: The investment strategy is established by first closely analysing the market environ-
      (neutral).                                                                       ment. The result is reflected in a risk rating. For this, the Union Investment Committee (UIC)
                                                                                       expresses a risk-on/risk-off decision at one of five levels (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5). It is to be inter-
                                                                                       preted as follows: a ‘5’ indicates a strong appetite for risk while a ‘1’ indicates a general
                                                                                       withdrawal from risk assets.

Our view of the asset classes                                                          Appeal of different asset classes

• Fixed income: Corporate bonds continue to be well supported                           Fixed income

      by the central banks’ purchase programmes. Given the debate                          Eurozone core government bonds

      about higher government debt in Italy and about ‘coronavirus                         Covered bonds
      bonds’, we are now slightly more cautious about paper from                           Eurozone periphery government bonds
      eurozone periphery countries.                                                        Investment-grade euro corporate bonds
•     Equities: The stock markets should benefit as lockdown
                                                                                           High-yield euro corporate bonds
      measures are eased. Asia has made the most progress in this
                                                                                           Emerging market government bonds
      regard, which is why shares from emerging markets are
      becoming increasingly attractive.
•     Currencies: The coronavirus pandemic is also having an                               Industrialised countries

      impact on individual currency pairs. Interdependencies between                       Emerging markets
      currencies can be highly complex, so we would advise against                      Commodities
      taking a specific position.                                                       Currencies
•     Commodities: The oil market is still recording significant                           US dollar
      excess supply despite the cuts to production. Prices will con-
                                                                                           Pound sterling
      tinue to come under downward pressure in the short term.
                                                                                           Japanese yen
      Industrial metals should benefit from the restart of economic
      activity in Asia.                                                                    Emerging market currencies

•     The situation in the money markets remains unchanged.                             Absolute return

      Interest rates remain in negative territory, which means that                     Cash
      holding cash is not a good idea.                                                 Source: Union Investment, as at 21 April 2020.
•     Absolute return strategies are rated neutrally in a multi-
                                                                                       Note: The table above shows a relative view of a multi-asset portfolio (exclud-
      asset context.                                                                   ing real estate). If an asset class is more strongly favoured, a lower level of invest-
•     Due to the coronavirus crisis, it is currently impossible to offer               ment in another asset class is required in return. The latter would then be classified as
      a detailed outlook by region for real estate.                                    less favoured – or vice versa. Real estate is excluded from this analysis.

                                                                                        Real estate
The             signs indicate the change compared with the UIC’s previous decision.
Not favoured                               Strongly favoured
                                                                                           Europe (ex Germany)


                                                                                       Source: Union Investment, as at 21 April 2020.

                                                                                       Note: The table above provides a relative view of the office real-estate markets
                                                                                       in light of current market prospects. Due to a lack of more frequently available data,
                                                                                       it is only updated every six months.

May 2020: Market news and expert views


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