MAY 2022 A Publication of the Rock County ADRC - Aging Unit - Parishes Online

Page created by Eduardo Russell
MAY 2022 A Publication of the Rock County ADRC - Aging Unit - Parishes Online
MAY 2022

            A Publication of the Rock County ADRC - Aging Unit
                     May is a month with so much happening! We begin with May Day, which my research shows has
                  nothing to do with the cry of “mayday” that can be heard during times of distress. Do you recall
                  making May Baskets, or doing a dance around the May Pole? May 1 this year also brings Ramadan
                  to a close. Plants are notably pushing through the soil and surely most of us have seen the proverbial
                  first robin of spring by now. Cinco De Mayo is a celebration of a battle Mexico won over the French
(but shouldn’t be mistaken for Mexican Independence Day, which is celebrated in September). Mothers are celebrat-
ed. We may not all be mothers, but most of us had someone in our lives we looked to as a mother figure. Older
Americans are celebrated throughout the month of May, although we like to think we celebrate older Americans all
year. The Kentucky Derby will be run, then the Indy 500 and baseball is going in earnest. The local parks and sports
fields are filled with kids, young and old, dabbling or excelling in the sport of their choice. There is much to do, to
watch or to cheer. Take some time to get outside, look around for a
moment and just breathe.

  I joined the team here at the ADRC-Aging Unit in early February
and have so enjoyed getting to know more about the incredible group
of people that are here and the programs and services they provide.
Some may know me as the Dementia Care Specialist in Rock Coun-
ty. This month will bring a new person to that role. We look forward
to introducing them to you over the next few weeks. Here at the Ag-
ing Unit, Health Promotion is planning to add a Spanish version of
the class Living Well with Diabetes called Vivir Saludable con Dia-
betes, an exciting addition to an already great line up. This spring
will kick off the biggest Wednesday Walk season ever and the num-
ber of home delivered meals continues to grow each month. Watch
the June issue for information on the 2022 Farmers Market Voucher

  We also have nearly twice as many people being served in our
caregiver programs compared to this time last year. We are working
on adding to our fleet of transit buses, but are in the same holding
pattern as many others who are seeking new vehicles. I encourage                   WHAT’S INSIDE
anyone who wants to schedule a ride through Rock County Transit            PAGE 2……EBS SCHEDULE
to call sooner rather than later. Our Elder Benefit Specialist continues
to assist all those with questions regarding public benefits while         PAGE 2,5,11-13... TEAM UPDATES
maintaining a robust community outreach schedule. I have added the         PAGE 3……PREVENT FRAUD
story of the poppy to this article because I had oft wondered the con-     PAGE 2,4,14,15 ...ACTIVITIES
nection between the poppy and Remembrance Day/Memorial Day.
With humble gratitude, I remember and thank and those who gave             PAGE 6…..SUPPORT PROGRAMS
all, and the friends and family they left behind.                          PAGE 8,9...MAY MENU
                                                                           PAGE 10 ...FOOD SAFETY
  Feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have of me
or the Aging Unit. Alas I wonder, if April showers bring May flow- PAGE 12…WEDNESDAY WALKS
ers, what, please tell, do May flowers bring? (Answer on page 14)    PAGE 13…NUTRITION UPDATE
                                                                           PAGE 14…ANSWER PAGE/RECIPE
                     -Cori Marsh, ADRC-Aging Unit, Supervisor
MAY 2022 A Publication of the Rock County ADRC - Aging Unit - Parishes Online
ADRC                                                  ELDER BENEFIT
                  AGING UNIT                                                SPECIALIST
                      OUR STAFF                                             Elder Benefit Specialist Schedule:
                  ADRC-Aging Supervisor                                                 May 2022
                           Cori Marsh                                       Tue. 5/3: Creekside Place, Evansville, 11– 12:00
                             Lachel Fowler Mon. 5/9: Janesville Senior Ctr., 11:00-12:00
                                                               Elder Benefit    Tue. 5/10: Clinton Senior Center, 11-12:00
                   Elder Benefit Specialist                                   Thurs. 5/12: Grinnell Senior Ctr., Beloit, 12-4
                         Lachel Fowler
                         608-757-5414 |
                                                              Tue. 5/17: The Gathering Place, Milton, 11-12:00
                         Wed. 5/18: Edgerton Library, 10:30-11:30
               Caregiver Support Specialist
                                                              Wed. 5/18: Elm Drive Apts., Edgerton, 11:30-12:30
                      Teena Monk-Gerber                       Thurs. 5/19: Hedberg Library, Janesville, 11:30-1:00
                        608-758-8455                          Wed. 5/25: Riverview Heights Apartments, Janesville,
                        Clerk Typist III                      Thurs. 5/26: Grinnell Senior Center, Beloit, 8am-12pm
                           Joyce Jass                         *Please note, if the schedule should change, the location
           608-757-5472 |            will be notified prior to the date, whenever possible.
              Health Promotion Coordinator                        Residents of Rock County who are 60 and better can
                         Lisa Messer
           608-757-5309 |                   contact Benefit Specialist, Lachel Fowler,
                                                                        at (608) 757-5414 with any questions.
                      Mobility Manager
                        Jennifer McIlhone                                   Those under 60 can contact the
                          608-757-5408                                         ADRC at 608-741-3600.

                    Nutrition Supervisor
                         Linda Hardie
           608-757-5474 |
                Nutrition Program Assistant
                          Tatiana March
                          608-757-5428 |
                 Transportation Supervisor
                         Ryan Booth
           608-757-5413 |
                 Transportation Dispatcher
                          Brian Hoppe
                         608-757-5054 |
MAY 2022

                              Our Mission
              The mission of the ADRC-Agin g Unit shall
               be to advocate for the independence, self
                worth and dignity of residents of Rock
             County by assisting them to meet their varied
 2           health, nutrition, economic, and social needs.
MAY 2022 A Publication of the Rock County ADRC - Aging Unit - Parishes Online

FoodShare benefits continue to be a target for fraud, and can result in members losing benefits in their account.
If that happens, members can't buy food until benefits are reissued. Here are some ways you can help protect
your identity and FoodShare benefits:
    Monitor your benefits. Use the QUEST card website or call QUEST Card Service at 877-415-5164 to check
        the balance of your benefits regularly.
    Change your EBT card PIN by calling QUEST Card Service at 877-415-5164. Use a unique number that can-
        not be easily discovered. Don’t use easy-to-guess numbers such as 2345 or 0000.
    Consider adding a password to your EBT account. This password prevents someone from ordering a new card
        and using your benefits, cancelling your card, or changing your PIN. Contact your agency for assistance in
        setting up an EBT account password.
    If your card is stolen or lost, report it immediately to QUEST Card Service at 877-415-5164.
    If you believe your account has been accessed without your permission, call your agency to try and verify if any-

                                                                                                                                      MAY 2022
        one besides you has been using your account.
The misuse of public funds affects each person who lives in Wisconsin. All individuals are encouraged to report
suspected fraud, waste, and abuse to the Office of the Inspector General at 877 -865-3432 or online.
OIG's mission is to protect Wisconsin taxpayers by tracking and prevent fraud, waste, and abuse in the public
assistance programs administered by DHS.
For more information, visit: COVID-19: Information for FoodShare and Other Food Benefits | Wisconsin De-                               3
partment of Health Services.

                                     The only adult
                                       d ay s e r v i c e
                                      p ro g ra m f o r
  DAY SERVICES                          seniors in
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             262-473-2140 •                              • (608) 755-1871

                  For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •   Rock County Council on Aging_ Janesville, WI   A 4C 01-1597
MAY 2022 A Publication of the Rock County ADRC - Aging Unit - Parishes Online
Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less is a 15 week
                                         online weight management program which uses strategies
                                         proven to work for weight loss and maintenance. Each lesson
                                         informs, empowers and motivates participants to live mindful-
                                         ly as they make choices about eating and physical activity. Eat
                                         Smart, Move More, Weigh Less is delivered in an interactive
                                         real-time format with a live Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
                                         Participants must be dedicated to attend 12 of 15 sessions!
                                         Suggested donation is $25. (This class is a $235 value!) For
           more class schedule and information visit:
           This workshop is offered to Rock County residents, ages 60+ only. Contact Lisa Messer at
           608-757-5309 to determine eligibility and obtain the class code for online registration .

                                                Which Two are Alike?
                                                                             (Answer on page14)
                                                                                                  Things Some
                         Which Two Look Alike?
                                                        (answer on page14)                   Moms Might Say
                                                                                       1. Say you are sorry.
                                                                                       2. Don’t make me separate
                                                                                       3. Don’t make that face, it
                                                                                          will stick like that.
                                                                                       4. Don’t swallow the water-
                                                                                          melon seed or it will grow
                                                                                          out your ear.
                                                                                       5. Because I said so.
                                                                                       6. I will wash your mouth
                                                                                          out with soap.
MAY 2022

                                                                                       7. Wait till you have kids of
                                                                                          your own.
                                                                                       8. Money does not grow
                                                                                          from trees.

MAY 2022 A Publication of the Rock County ADRC - Aging Unit - Parishes Online
Updates From The Staff
             HEALTH PROMOTION                                                 ROCK COUNTY TRANSIT
              Spring has sprung! Have you ever                             As of this printing, the Federal Mask Man-
              felt like your eating habits could use                       date has been struck down and masks are no
              some improvement or that you’d like                          longer required. Mask wearing is optional for
                                                                           Rock Co. Transit passengers and is no longer
  Lisa Messer to get more active but need some mo-                            required of our drivers. This could
    Health    tivation after these long Wisconsin             Ryan Booth
                                                                              change. Please follow what is requested
  Promotion                                                   Transportation
              winter months? We can help you                                  by your driver, who will be updated on
partner with the Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh                                  information as it becomes available. You
Less program! This is a virtual class! For more                               may also check on any potential changes
information and to register locally, contact Lisa            to the mask requirements by visiting the Rock County
                                                             ADRC Facebook page or
Messer, Health Promotion Coordinator: 608-757-
5309/ or see page 4                resource-center-adrc/rock-county-adrc-transit
for more information!                                        for updated information.

                                                                                                                                       MAY 2022
                                                             During the month of March, Rock County Transit aver-
                                                             aged 77 rides per day. Although expanding the bus fleet
                                                             is a priority, Transit is experiencing the same struggles
                                                             that many others are facing in procuring vehicles. Rock
                                                             County Transit must prioritize trips for paratransit, dialy-
                                                             sis, and medical appointments; because of this, it may be
                                                             necessary to deny other requested trips.                                  5
         Swifthaven residents start with the essentials of home:
                    Privacy, Freedom, and Comfort.

     ASSISTED                         LIVING

              1 Bedrooms | 2 Bedrooms | 1 Bedrooms with Den
  124 Henry Street - Edgerton, WI • • 608-884-2828
                  For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •    Rock County Council on Aging_ Janesville, WI   B 4C 01-1597
MAY 2022 A Publication of the Rock County ADRC - Aging Unit - Parishes Online
Care and Support
                                                In Person:
                             Second/Fourth Tuesday of Each Month at 1:00 PM
                                        Sun Valley Presbyterian Church
                                   1650 Sun Valley Drive, Beloit, WI 53511
                                           Call Cori 608-757-5416
                                  Third Tuesday of Each Month at 5:30 PM
                             Oak Park Place, 700 Myrtle Way, Janesville, WI 53545
                                          Call Teena 608-758-5455
                                   Masks and health screening questions may be required by host facilities

                                             Virtual via Zoom
                   Monday Mornings Caregiver Coffee Hour 10:00 AM; call Rob at 920-386-4308
                  1st Wednesday Caregiver Support Group at 9:30 AM; call Teena at 608-758-8455
                         Friday Mornings Caregiver Support Group at 9:00 AM; call 608-741-3615
                        2nd Tuesday Evening Caregiver Support Group 6 PM; call Cori 608-757-5416

               Janesville/Beloit Area                                       Rock County Memory Cafés
             Parkinson’s Support Group
            You are not alone. For those who are living with                     Janesville Memory Café
           Parkinson’s, along with their family and friends, this                       Asbury Methodist Church
            group meets the first Wednesday of every month.                          1810 Kellogg Avenue, Janesville
                                                                                       (4th Wednesday of Each Month)
                       Wednesday, April 6                                                      April 27, 2022
                          2:00 p.m.                                                              10:00 AM

                           Oak Park Place                                         Virtual Programming via Zoom
                      700 Myrtle Way, Janesville

            After the full group gathering, the group will
                                                                                        Wacky Wednesday
                                                                                  2nd and 3rd Wednesday of Each Month
           split into two discussion groups: caregivers and                                    10:00 AM
                        those with Parkinson’s.
                                                                          Join us for socialization and brain boosting. Call Cori
MAY 2022

                     Check out our Facebook page                                   for the Zoom Link at 608-757-5416.
                 “Parkinson’s Support of Rock County”

                     For more information contact
                            Pat Burhans
   6                         608-436-9277
MAY 2022 A Publication of the Rock County ADRC - Aging Unit - Parishes Online
The idea for honoring fallen heroes on a specific day began after the Civil War. Memo-
rial Day was originally called Decoration Day when people decorated the graves of soldiers
with flowers. In the spring of 1866, Henry Welles, a druggist in Waterloo, NY, spoke with
General John B. Murray, Seneca County Clerk, about organizing a day to honor soldiers
killed in the Civil War. On May 5, 1866, people joined in a procession to three cemeteries in
Waterloo. These ceremonies also took place on May 5, 1867. On May 5, 1868, General John
A. Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of Un-
ion veterans, sent an order to all the local posts of the Grand Army to decorate the graves of
soldiers on May 30. This also took place at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. Over
the years, Memorial Day was celebrated on May 30 and became a time to include all fallen
members of U.S. armed forces. In 1971, the date of Memorial Day changed to the last Mon-

                                                                                                                                                      MAY 2022
day in May when the Congress passed the National Holiday Act of 1971 (ensuring three-day
weekends for federal holidays), and it was signed by President Richard Nixon.
     While today, many people celebrate Memorial Day as a day to honor all those who have
     died, it is good to specifically honor those in the military who have died. We are forever
       grateful for their sacrifice and should honor them accordingly. -Creative Forecasting
                                                                                                       Penny Hansen
                      HASKINS                                                                          REALTOR

                      SHORT &
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                      BRINDLEY LLC                                                                     Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES)

             5113 Monona Drive, Monona, WI 53716                                             
       Areas of Law Practice
          Estate Planning
             Elder Law                    Attorneys
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        Medicaid/ Medicare              Julie A. Short
           Guardianship              Anne M. H. Brindley
      Special Needs/Disability         Anna M. Dontje
          WisPACT Trust                  Amy Devine
              Probate                Amanda Pirt Meyer
            Real Estate
            Family Law

            50+ years combined experience!

                  For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •   Rock County Council on Aging_ Janesville, WI                    C 4C 01-1597
MAY 2022 A Publication of the Rock County ADRC - Aging Unit - Parishes Online
                 Monday                           Tuesday                           Wednesday
                                      2                                    3                               4

               Broccoli Quiche              Chicken Breast Parmesan                   Sloppy Joe
                   Carrots                        Red Potatoes                     Whole Wheat Bun
                 Asparagus                       Brussel Sprouts                          Corn
               Cottage Cheese                 Whole Wheat Bread                  Zucchini Tomato Bake
           Cinnamon Raisin Bread               Mandarin Oranges                       Fruit Whip
                   Banana                          Apple Cake

                                      9                                   10                              11

           Stuffed Pepper Casserole            Chicken Pasta Salad                Baked Parmesan Cod
                    Carrots                       Potato Salad                     Au Gratin Potatoes
                 Green Beans                     Cottage Cheese                         Broccoli
              Light Vanilla Yogurt                Tomato Juice                    Whole Wheat Bread
                 Strawberries                        Peaches                       Mandarin Oranges
                                                   Lemon Bar                          Sugar Cookie

                                      16                                  17                              18
           Chicken Fajita Casserole           Baked Salmon w/ Dill                 BBQ Pulled Pork
                    Carrots                   California Blend Veg.                Whole Wheat Bun
                 Green Beans                   Au Gratin Potatoes                    Baked Beans
                 Strawberries                 Whole Wheat Bread                      Broccoli Salad
                Vanilla Yogurt                       Peaches                   Warm Cinnamon Applesauce
                                              Fudgy Fiber Brownie

                                      23                                  24                              25

               Chicken Salad                   Roast Beef w/ Gravy               Lemon Pepper Chicken
             Baby Spinach Salad                 Mashed Potatoes                      Red Cabbage
                  Dressing                           Broccoli                       Sweet Potatoes
               Potato Salad                    Whole Wheat Bread                  Whole Wheat Bread
             Whole Wheat Bread                  Fresh Apple Slices                     Peaches
             Mandarin Oranges                     Peanut Butter                      Pumpkin Bar

                                      30                                  31
MAY 2022

                                           Chicken & Broccoli Casserole
                          Memorial                   Carrots
                            Day                    Cauliflower
                                                   Cheese Stick
                          NO Meals              Mandarin Oranges

8                                                    Pudding
MAY 2022 A Publication of the Rock County ADRC - Aging Unit - Parishes Online
MAY 2022                                                                  While Dining Centers are closed
                                                                                 due to COVID:
      Thursday                               Friday                       Please arrive for curbside
                                                                          pick-up meals at 11 am.
                            5                                         6
    Herbed Pork Loin                      Hamburger                       Rock County Nutrition
      Sweet Potato                     Whole Wheat Bun
                                                                          Program Dining Centers
    Creamed Spinach                   Baked Bean Medley
   Whole Wheat Bread                       Coleslaw
        Peaches                        Warm Mixed Fruit                               Beloit
        Pudding                          Light Yogurt                      Grinnell Hall Senior Center
                                                                               631 Bluff Street, Beloit
                                                                             Serving Monday – Friday
                           12                                    13               Dining Center Manager
                                                                                        Cindy Ross
      BBQ Rib Patty                      Roast Turkey
    Whole Wheat Bun             Mediterranean Blend Vegetables
   Baked Bean Medley                  Mashed Potatoes                                Clinton
    Stewed Tomatoes                  Whole Wheat Bread                       Clinton Senior Center
                                                                            508 Front Street, Clinton
   Fruited Applesauce                     Melon Mix
                                                                             Serving Monday - Friday
                                      Chocolate Mousse
                                                                                 Dining Center Manager
                                                                                      Chris Tracy
                           19                                    20

      Burgundy Tips                  Spaghetti w/ Meatballs                       Evansville
       Egg Noodles                     Italian Vegetables                       Creekside Place
    Stewed Tomatoes                    Romaine Salad w/                     102 Maple Street, Evansville
          Peas                               Dressing                       Serving Tuesday & Thursday
          Pears                         Warm Fruit Salad                         Dining Center Manager
  Cake w/ Berry Frosting                                                             Amy Martinson

                           26                                    27
                                                                          Riverview Heights Apartments
       Brat Patty                   Baked Parmesan Cod                       930 N. Washington Street
      Baked Beans                         Rice Pilaf                                Janesville
        Carrots                      Italian Vegetables                         Serving Monday - Friday
    Whole Wheat Bun               Romaine Salad w/ Dressing                     Dining Center Manager
       Pineapple                          Rye Bread                                 Celane Poteat
         Jell-O                      Warm Spiced Pears
                                                                              The Gathering Place
                                                                             715 Campus Street, Milton
                                                                                                            MAY 2022

                                 Eligibility: Anyone 60 or older &          Serving Monday – Friday
  Call 608-757-5474              spouse, regardless of income.
  for Reservations,              Dining centers: Reservations                      Dining Center
                                 required no later than noon of the                  Managers
   Cancellations, &              prior business day. Suggested
 Home Delivered Meal             donation: $4.00/meal.                                Patricia
    Information                  Home delivered: Must also be
                                 homebound. Suggested donation:
                                                                                   Susan Grund              9
MAY 2022 A Publication of the Rock County ADRC - Aging Unit - Parishes Online
Food Safety
           TherMOMeter Knows Best
                            Cook Ground meat to 160°
                            Cook Poultry to 165°
                            Cook Hot dogs, lunch meat, and leftovers to 165°
                            Cook Fish to 145°
                            Cook egg dishes and casseroles to 160°

                            The 2 Hour Rule
                        Eat any delivered or purchased foods within 2 hours
                        Never leave food at room temperature (
Family Caregiver Happenings
        Calling all Rock County caregivers and those who support the m:
           Caregivers are important people! Rock County identifies this and has
           opportunities to recognize their importance.
                    Please join us on Monday, May 9, 2022, at 3pm as the Rock
  Teena Monk-Gerber County Caregiver Coalition meets to discuss ways to assist care-
   Family Caregiver givers care for themselves, discover unmet caregiver needs, help
      Specialist    plan a caregiver conference, and use the coalition as a way to
                    meet others with a common cause. The meeting will be held in-
person at the Dr. Daniel Hale Williams Resource Center (DWRC) of Rock Coun-
ty. We’ll plan to meet the second Monday every other month going forward.
Please call Teena Monk-Gerber, Family Caregiver Support Specialist, at 608-758

                                                                                                                                                MAY 2022
-8455 if you’re interested in joining the Caregiver Coalition or if
you need support with caregiving issues. Take care of YOU!


                                            Kristen Fye                     CISR

                                                     884-0363                      Contact Alex Nicholas

                                                              to place an ad today!


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                    For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •             Rock County Council on Aging_ Janesville, WI   D 4C 01-1597
Wednesday Walks
                                                      Mobility Management
                     Mobility Management has been actively working with the Rock County Transporta-
                     tion Coordinating Committee (TCC) and UW River Falls Survey Research Center, to
                     provide a Medical Transportation survey to Rock County Residents.
                     The goal of the survey was to get a clear representation of the availability of medical
            Mobility transportation in Rock County. The survey closed in April, and the draft report of the
            Manager survey findings will be provided to Mobility Management and the TCC about the end
                     of June.
           The attempted response rate is approximately 20%, which is strong in survey terms. Thus far
           the response rate from Rock County Residents has indicated accurate estimates to create a
           clear representation of medical transportation in Rock County. Thank you to everyone who
           completed the survey!
MAY 2022

Nutrition Update
                                             Farmers’ Market Vouchers are coming!
             What are Senior Farmers’ Market Vouchers?
             Eligible seniors receive vouchers worth $25 per household to purchase locally-
Hardie       grown produce at approved farmers’ markets.
Supervisor   Distributions will take place starting mid-June. Don’t worry about missing the
             strawberries; they are running late this year because of the cold spring.
Vouchers will be distributed at seven different locations around Rock
County; the distribution schedule will be published in the next issue.

                                                                                                                                         MAY 2022
• Rock County residents age 60+ (Native Americans age 55+)
• Monthly household income which does not exceed $2,096 for one
  person or $2,823 for two people. Each eligible household may re-
  ceive vouchers only once in 2022.

    “Committed to assisting you
    with your Real Estate needs”

  Phone/Text: 608-774-3835

  1521 Randolph Rd., Suite A
     Janesville, WI 53545

                       For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •   Rock County Council on Aging_ Janesville, WI   E 4C 01-1597
Answer from Page 4
                                                                                           Answers from Page 15

                                                                                      TV Moms (solution)
                                                                                      1. Edith Bunker (F - All in the
                                                                                      Family) 2. Sophia Petrillo (B -
                                                                                      The Golden Girls) 3. Maggie
                                                                                      Seaver (O - Growing Pains) 4.
                                                                 Answer from page 7   Florida Evans (K - Good Times)5.
                                                                                      Marion Cunningham (A - Happy
                                                                                      Days) 6. Morticia (G - The Ad-
                                                                                      dams Family) 7. Laura Petrie (M
                                                                                      - Dick Van Dyke Show) 8. Lucy
                                                                                      Ricardo (N - I Love Lucy) 9. June
                                                                                      Cleaver (J - Leave it to Beaver)
                                                                                      10. Thelma Harper (E - Mama’s
                                                                                      Family) 11. Angela Bower (L -
                                                                                      Who’s The Boss?) 12. Clair Hux-
                                                                                      table (D - Cosby Show) 13.
                                                                                      Marge (I - The Simpsons) 14.
                                                                                      Peggy Bundy (P - Married With
                                                                                      Children) 15. Carol (C - The
                                                                                      Brady Bunch) 16. Louise (H -
                                                                                      The Jeffersons)

                                                                                       Answer from Front
                                                                                       Page Supervisor’s
                                                                                       Question: Pilgrims

           Sweet Sour Cream Lemon Bread                   Directions
                                                          1. Preheat oven to 325˚F. Line a standard -size loaf pan
           A diabetic-frie ndly re cipe
                                                              with parchment paper.
           Ingredients:                                   2. Combine flour, baking powder, and baking soda in a
                                                              medium bowl. Set aside.
           • 1 1/2 cups flour
                                                          3. Place butter and Splenda in the bowl of a stand mixer.
           • 1/4 teaspoon baking                              Mix on medium speed for 3–4 minutes.
           powder                                         4. Combine lemon zest, lemon juice, sour cream, and
           • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
                                                              vanilla in a small bowl. Whisk in eggs.
                                                          5. Add half of the flour mixture to the butter mixture.
           • 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, room temperature       Stir to combine. Stir in lemon mixture. Stir in remaining
           • 1/2 cup granular Splenda                         flour mixture.
                                                          6. Transfer to the prepared loaf pan.
           • 1 tablespoon lemon zest
MAY 2022

                                                          7. Bake 60–65 minutes. Allow to cool before serving.
           • 1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice*               *To extract more juice from the lemon, microwave for 10
                                                          seconds before juicing.
           • 6 tablespoons sour cream
                                                          Makes 10 servings
           • 1 teaspoon vanilla
14 • 2 eggs
MAY 2022

For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •   Rock County Council on Aging_ Janesville, WI   F 4C 01-1597
         PO Box 1649, Suite 520
       Janesville, WI 53547-1649
         PHONE: 608-757-5472

As of January 1, 2022, The Council on Aging integrated
with the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC), and
is now known as the ADRC-Aging Unit. Information re-
garding Senior Transportation, Nutrition, Elder Benefits,
Mobility Management, Family Caregiver Support and
Health Promotion is now available at :
You can also read