Media Viability in East Africa: Tanzania - Media Futures East Africa

Page created by Phillip Hunt
March 2021

              Media Viability in
             East Africa: Tanzania

                                     Media Futures
                                     East Africa
                      Supported by

         © Aga Khan University, Graduate School of Media and Communications

                                      Prepared by:
  Joyce Bazira, Abdallah Katunzi, Rose Kimani, Hesbon Hansen Owilla and Njeri Wanjiru

                                       Edited by:
                            George Gathigi and Ann Hollifield

                          George Mutalemwa and Julia Wegner

                                    In the context of:
                              The Media Futures EA Project

                                Implemented through:
     Aga Khan University - Graduate School of Media & Communication (AKU GSMC)
                                      DW Akademie

                                     Supported by:
                          Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KFW)
      Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit & Entwicklung (BMZ)

                                Recommended citation:
Media Innovation Centre. (2021). Media Viability in Tanzania. Graduate School of Media and
               Communications, Aga Khan University and DW Akademie.

            *The order of researchers who prepared this report is alphabetical

                                                           Executive Summary
The media landscape in Tanzania is diverse and             NMOs’ access to technology, audience’s access to             on critical reporting by the media (Katunzi & Spurk,
vibrant. This diversity as of March, 2020 included         technology, digital expertise and citizens’ digital          2020).
183 radio stations, 43 TV stations, 229 newspapers         rights. Lastly, content indicators include: content
                                                                                                                        The legal regime has fairly restrictive laws including
and magazines in mainland Tanzania (Katunzi &              quality, journalism expertise and NMOs’ ownership,
                                                                                                                        fairly restrictive and punitive legislative frameworks
Spurk, 2020) and 22 blogs and online news sites.           business structures, competencies and business
                                                                                                                        on the cyber spaces and laws that cap foreign media
In recent times, internet penetration has grown to         expertise.
                                                                                                                        ownership at 49 percent. Further the laws limit
37.60 percent in the country (Internet World Stats,
                                                           Politics continues to play a major role in Tanzania’s        private and commercial investment in the media,
2020), further diversifying information sources in the
                                                           media dynamics. In the period of the fifth president         and restricts training directed to media by foreign
                                                           (2015-2021), the late John Pombe Magufuli, there             entities. The Access to Information Act, 2016 has
This national level media viability analysis of the        were increased incidences of the government                  very expansive provisions on access to government
Tanzanian media is guided by the DW Akademie               banning or suspending newspapers and radio                   and public information, but the implementation
Media Viability Indicators (MVIs) covering the             stations, as well as raiding or fining NMOs for              has been problematic. Together, these restrictions
broad topics of politics, economics, community,            publishing or broadcasting content deemed critical           constrain media plurality, diversity and growth.
technology, and content (Deselaers, James, Mikhael,        of the government (MCT, 2019a). Authorities have
                                                                                                                        NMOs in Tanzania are highly concentrated in urban
& Schneider, 2019). Politics deals with the rule of law,   also passed new legislations and enforced existing
                                                                                                                        areas partly due to the dearth of purchasing power
freedom of expression, access to information, legal        laws that repress independent reporting and
                                                                                                                        among the rural populations. The steep decline in
equality, and media within society. The economic           restrict the work of media, civil society and political
                                                                                                                        advertising income occasioned by competition
indicators analyse national economy, financial             opposition groups. As a result, freedom of expression
                                                                                                                        from social media platforms and digital advertising
stability of News Media Organisations (NMOs),              and of media in Tanzania declined sharply in the
                                                                                                                        channels, including tech giants like Google
financial independence of NMOs, competition,               same period. This has affected public discourse, as
                                                                                                                        and Facebook, has also affected the financial
and audience demand for quality journalism. The            members of the public no longer air their political
                                                                                                                        performance of most traditional media. The
community indicators include: citizen education,           views freely, avoid political discussions altogether,
                                                                                                                        situation has not only led to media houses scaling
social cohesion, trust and credibility, participation      and instead, prefer to discuss less controversial
                                                                                                                        down their operations but has also compromised
and audience data. The technological indicators            topics such as sports. The media too has not been
                                                                                                                        their independence and stability. As NMOs’ financial
are: production and distribution of resources,             spared as the state uses national security to rein in

OVERVIEW            METHODOLOGY                POLITICS             ECONOMICS              COMMUNITY                 TECHNOLOGY              CONTENT              CONCLUSION

position has weakened, the government has              digital sources, traditional media continue to              the reach of most NMOs. There are also factors such
increasingly used its own advertising buys to whip     be an important part of the citizens’ lives, and            as skills gaps, low internet penetration in rural areas,
the media into pushing government agenda, a            audience data indicate that Tanzanians consume              limited access to digital devices and low awareness
situation that has significantly compromised media     news content mostly from print media, radio and             regarding the benefits resulting from technology
independence. Generally, the media is struggling       television outlets (Katunzi & Spurk, 2020). Audiences,      use (Spurk & Katunzi, 2019).
for viability as the low audience demand for quality   especially those in rural areas, view the media as an
                                                                                                                   Finally, the socioeconomic and political conditions
media does not sufficiently sustain a competitive      entity tasked with promoting unity and cohesion.
                                                                                                                   and media capture in Tanzania influence media
media ecosystem. The struggle is further heightened    They credit the media with supporting government
                                                                                                                   content, journalistic quality and robust public
by the high investments in production of premium       policies, including facilitating literacy campaigns
                                                                                                                   engagement (Powell, 2017). The quality of content
content on the digital platforms and the dearth        and discussions on social issues such as health and
                                                                                                                   is further affected by the capacity of journalist,
of monetisation opportunities for such premium         elections. However, the level of trust in the media
                                                                                                                   media houses reliance on fewer sources and news
content.                                               is on a decline, with the public having notably less
                                                                                                                   media content characterised by fewer viewpoints
                                                       trust in social media sources than in traditional
The Tanzanian audience has a high literacy                                                                         (Katunzi & Spurk, 2020). Going forward, the financial
                                                       sources of news content.
level, and is fairly media literate, and majority of                                                               challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic
Tanzanians perceive the media as an important          An examination of the ways in which Tanzania’s              and the attendant impact on the quality of content
ally of the state in development matters. Although     media sector interacts with technology reveals that         will be major issues of concern as media houses
there is increasing consumption of content from        technological resources are inadequate and beyond           work around the new political dispensation in

OVERVIEW           METHODOLOGY              POLITICS           ECONOMICS               COMMUNITY                TECHNOLOGY               CONTENT               CONCLUSION

                                                                                                                      Table of Contents

Executive Summary................................................................ iii                                                3.0 Community......................................................................16
List of Abbreviations..................................................................................................... vi        3.1 Citizen education .................................................................................................. 16
List of Figures............................................................................................................... vii   3.2 Social cohesion ..................................................................................................... 17
                                                                                                                                     3.3 Trust and credibility............................................................................................... 17
Overview: The Media Industry in Tanzania................................ 1                                                           3.4 Participation .......................................................................................................... 18
                                                                                                                                     3.5 Audience Data ....................................................................................................... 19
Methodology........................................................................... 2
                                                                                                                                     4.0 Technology.......................................................................20
1.0 Politics.............................................................................. 3                                         4.1 Production and distribution resources............................................................... 20
1.1 The state of rule of law in Tanzania....................................................................... 4                    4.2 News media organisations’ access to technologies.......................................... 21
1.2 Freedom of Expression ........................................................................................... 5              4.3 Audiences access to digital technology.............................................................. 21
1.3 Access to Information ............................................................................................. 7            4.4 Digital expertise..................................................................................................... 21
1.4 Legal Equality .......................................................................................................... 8      4.5 Citizens’ digital rights ........................................................................................... 22

2.0 Economics........................................................................11                                              5.0 Content............................................................................24
2.1 National Economy................................................................................................. 12             5.1 Content quality...................................................................................................... 24
2.2 Financial Stability of News Media Organisations............................................... 12                                5.2 Journalism Expertise ............................................................................................ 25
2.3 Financial Independence of News Media Organisations.................................... 13                                        5.3 News Media Ownership......................................................................................... 26
2.4 Competition ........................................................................................................... 14       5.4 News Media Organisations’ Business Structures and Competencies............. 27
2.5 Audience demand and quality of journalism .................................................... 14                                5.5 Business Expertise ................................................................................................ 28



OVERVIEW                        METHODOLOGY                               POLITICS                            ECONOMICS              COMMUNITY                           TECHNOLOGY                              CONTENT                           CONCLUSION

                                                          List of Abbreviations

       AMB Africa Media Barometer                                           RSF Reporters Sans Frontieres
     BRELA Business Registrations and Licensing Agency                      EAC East African Community
       CCM Chama cha Mapinduzi                                             SADC Southern African Development Community
 CHADEMA Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo                                TADIO Tanzania Development Information Organisation
        DIS Director of Information Services                            TAMWA Tanzania Media Women’s Association
    EPOCA Economic and Postal Communications Act                           TCRA Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority
       FES Friedrich Ebert Stiftung                                         TEF Tanzania Editors Forum
        ISD Information Services Department                              THRDC Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition
       JET Journalist`s’ Environmental Association                          TMF Tanzania Media Foundation
      LHRC Legal and Human Rights Centre                                   TPDF Tanzania People’s Defence Force
       MCL Mwananchi Communications Limited                                 TSN Tanzania Standard Newspaper
       MCT Media Council of Tanzania                                      UDSM University of Dar es Salaam
       MIL Media and Information Literacy                                 UNDP United Nations Development Programme
      MISA Media Institute of Southern Africa                           UNESCO United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation
      MNH Muhimbili National Hospital                                     UTPC Union of Tanzania Press Clubs
       MVI Media Viability Indicators                                       URT United Republic of Tanzania
      NMO News Media Organisations                                         WPFI World Press Freedom Index
      PFVR Press Freedom Violation Register


                                                                     List of Figures

                  Figure 1: Numbers of newspapers, radio and TV in Tanzania and Zanzibar....................................... 1

                  Figure 2: Overall World Justice Project (WJP, 2020)........................................................................ 3

                  Figure 3: National economy (World Bank, 2019)............................................................................11

                  Figure 4: Literacy Rate (UNESCO, 2020).......................................................................................16

                  Internet Penetration (World Internet Stats, 2020)..........................................................................20

                  Figure 6: Weighted Prices for internet bandwidth (Telegeography 2019b as cited in Trade and
                  Investment Global Practice, Africa Region, 2020)..........................................................................21

OVERVIEW   METHODOLOGY              POLITICS                 ECONOMICS                 COMMUNITY                 TECHNOLOGY                   CONTENT   CONCLUSION

Overview: The Media Industry in Tanzania
Tanzania is the union between Tanganyika (Tanzania     Zanzibar, there are 25 radio stations, 12 TV stations                           Zanzibar
Mainland) and Zanzibar, an island in the Indian        and two newspapers (Interview with TCRA officials).
Ocean Tanzanian archipelago. While Tanganyika got      Apart from the growth of traditional media, the
its independence in 1961, Zanzibar got hers in 1964.   country is also witnessing growth in internet                          Radio
On April 26, 1964, the two countries merged to form
the United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar,
which was later renamed the United Republic of
                                                       penetration which now stands at 37.60 percent
                                                       (World Internet Statistics, 2020). The current research
                                                       team established that as at March 2020 there were
Tanzania in October 1964.                              22 blogs and online news sites in Tanzania.
The history of media in Tanzania goes back to 1888     Digital technologies have expanded the range of
when Msimulizi (The Storyteller) newsletter was        sources of information available to Tanzanians,                         TV

established in Zanzibar (Sturmer, 1998). Today, the    with online multimedia content being the fastest
media landscape in Tanzania is diverse and vibrant     growing source of news. In addition to digital
with 183 radio stations and 43 TV stations (Katunzi    native news organisations, most newspapers, radio
& Spurk, 2020). The print sector is the most diverse   stations and TV channels are present online and
in East Africa; Katunzi and Spurk note that there      use social media to reach more people. M-Papers, a
are 229 newspapers and magazines in Tanzania           digital newsstand, allows members of the public to
Mainland, 78 percent being privately owned and the     subscribe to electronic versions of newspapers and                 Newspapers

rest owned by the government and its parastatals. In   magazines.

                                          Newspapers              Radio                   TV

                                            229                 183                     43

  Figure 1: Numbers of
  newspapers, radio and TV in
  Tanzania and Zanzibar

OVERVIEW           METHODOLOGY              POLITICS            ECONOMICS              COMMUNITY                 TECHNOLOGY           CONTENT     CONCLUSION

The goal of this report is to provide an overview        beginning in 2015. The indicators and sub indicators       researchers used document analysis, a qualitative
of the news media landscape and operating                are based on research on news media economics,             research procedure that systematically analyses
environment in Tanzania. Such an overview provides       management and sustainability, existing national           and examines text, reports and data in order to elicit
a foundation for understanding the institutional         assessment tools published by credible world               meaning, gain understanding and develop empirical
and structural context in which Tanzanian news           organisations and NGOs, and in consultation with           knowledge (Gross, 2018; Bowe, 2009). The MVIs
media organisations (NMOs) and professionals             journalism researchers and professionals around            provided a framework for the systematic analysis
work. The authors used DW Akademie’s Media               the world. The indicators were field tested in             of different documents and reports published by
Viability Indicators (MVIs) index as the framework for   February 2019 before being published.                      different reputable organisations to generate this
gathering relevant data for this report on national-                                                                report. In general, however, the report is not based
                                                         This report provides an overview of the media
level factors that affect news media performance in                                                                 on the structured interview-based methodology
                                                         landscape of Tanzania using the structure and
Tanzania (DW Akademie, 2019).                                                                                       recommended by DW Akademie for a full MVI
                                                         variables outlined in the MVIs and, where applicable,
                                                                                                                    assessment (DW Akademie, 2020).
DW Akademie developed the Media Viability                some of the specific measures where those measures
Indicators index over a period of four years,            in the MVIs use third-party assessments. The

OVERVIEW           METHODOLOGY                POLITICS           ECONOMICS              COMMUNITY                TECHNOLOGY              CONTENT              CONCLUSION

1.0 Politics
News Media Organisations (NMOs) operate within              to a constrained civic space. The Political Parties            government has often been adversarial. Since 2015,
political and regulatory frameworks that have               (Amendment) Act (2019) has further clawed back on              the Tanzanian government has banned or suspended
significant impacts on their organisational viability. If   the right to political freedom by giving the registrar of      newspapers and radio stations; raided them or
they are to perform their watchdog role of informing        political parties, a government appointee, immense             fined them for publishing or broadcasting content
the citizenry, NMOs are dependent on the existence          powers over political parties. This powers also                deemed critical of the government (MCT, 2019a).
and enforcement of laws at the national and local           include granting the ruling party, CCM, the powers             The government has also arbitrarily arrested and,
levels that protect free expression, and guarantee          to punish perceived dissident politicians and their            in some cases, levelled trumped up charges against
access to government information. The overall               political parties.                                             journalists, activists, and opposition politicians
rule of law, when respected and enforced, affords                                                                          perceived to be government critics. Authorities have
                                                            The constrained civic and political space has not
the public the freedom to not only freely express                                                                          also passed new legislation and enforced existing
                                                            stopped the media and politicians with divergent
themselves, but to also be informed by independent                                                                         laws that repress independent reporting and restrict
                                                            views from playing a major role in Tanzania’s
and free institutions.                                                                                                     the work of media, nongovernmental organisations
                                                            socioeconomic and political scene, and in recent
                                                                                                                           and political opposition groups.
Tanzania has a two-tier political and legal system,         years the relationship between the media and the
with a legislative framework that governs the                                                                           0.45
entire country and a second one that is specific                                                   Kenya
to Zanzibar and mainland Tanzania as separate
entities. According to the Legal and Human Rights
Centre (LHRC), Tanzania is a multi-party democracy                                                    78/128     120/128        69/128      101/128      119/128      89/128
and since the introduction of the system in 1992
(LHRC, 2018), the independence party, Chama                                                        Tanzania              0.47
Cha Mapinduzi (CCM, in English The Party of the
Revolution) has held power, enjoying majority status
in the National Assembly.
                                                               Constraints on Government Powers       72/128      81/128        105/128     105/128      78/128       94/128
The right to participate in the political sphere has
                                                               Absence of Corruption
been constrained in the past few years. In the 2018                                                                 0.40
Tanzania Human Rights Report, LHRC (2018) noted                Open Government                     Uganda
that there have been arbitrary restrictions on the             Fundamental Rights
rights to civic participation, including freedom of            Order and Security
expression, freedom of assembly and freedom                    Regulatory Enforcement                105/128     125/128        102/128     117/128      113/128     106/128
of association, which have, in turn, affected
participation in the political space and contributed          Figure 2: Overall World Justice Project (WJP, 2020)

OVERVIEW            METHODOLOGY                 POLITICS              ECONOMICS                   COMMUNITY             TECHNOLOGY             CONTENT              CONCLUSION

1.1 The state of rule of                                  Restrictive laws that continue to hinder effective           NMOs, private companies and individuals in Tanzania
                                                          realisation of freedom of expression include the             are regulated on the digital sphere and the law
law in Tanzania
                                                          Media Services Act of 2016, the Cybercrimes Act of           stipulates the extent of digital liability and rights. The
The rule of law in Tanzania for the past four years can   2015, and the Electronic and Postal Communications           Government, through TCRA passed The Electronic
be described as undefined and frustrating. According      (Online Content) Regulations of 2020. The existence          and Postal Communications (Online Content)
to the LHRC (2020) report, the situation of freedom of    and implementation of these laws continue to                 Regulations 2018, later amended to Electronic
expression continues to slightly deteriorate, owing       contribute to a shrinking civic space in Tanzania.           and Postal Communications (Online Content)
to the existence and implementation of restrictive        Arrests and/or detention of journalists reported in          Regulations, 2020 with the view to regulating online
laws; bans on, and suspension of media outlets; and       2019 include that of Erick Kabendera and Joseph              content. The regulation states that social media
arbitrary arrests and/or detention of journalists. The    Gandye. Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition            users are responsible and accountable for the
media in Tanzania have also witnessed an increase         (THRDC) documented one additional arbitrary                  information they publish on social media, while
in rhetorical attacks by the authorities, who have        arrest reported in the period between January and            bloggers and internet forums are also accountable
also increased their harassment of opposition             September 2019 in Legal and Human Right Centre               for the content on their websites. Content providers,
parties and human rights defenders. These factors         (LHRC, 2020).                                                by law, are now required to have mechanisms in
have negatively affected Tanzania’s performance                                                                        place to identify sources of their content and, when
                                                          Cases of malicious arrests and, in some cases,
in Reporters Without Borders (RSF) World Press                                                                         needed, to cooperate with the authorities to identify
                                                          disappearance of journalists have increased in
Freedom Index 2019; the country dropped 6 places                                                                       users’ identities.
                                                          Tanzania, and it is commonplace for elite government
to position 124 in 2020 in the world rankings with a
                                                          officials to storm media houses and intimidate
score of 40.25 percent (RSF, 2020).
                                                          journalists. Amnesty International notes that the
The World Justice Project (WJP, 2020) gives Tanzania      August 2019 arrest of journalist Erick Kabendera was
a Rule of Law Index rank of 0.47 on its scale of 0 to     a travesty of justice, as the charges that were levelled                                   Cases of malicious
1, where 1 indicates the strongest adherence to the       against him were politically motivated to stop him                                         arrests and, in some
rule of law. Tanzania ranks 93 globally out of 128        from exposing the political divisions within the ruling                                    cases, disappearance
countries. The WJP index shows Tanzania ranking           party (Amnesty International Report, 2019). Joseph                                         of journalists
72/128 globally on Constraints on Government              Gandye was also arrested in August 2019, ostensibly                                        have increased in
Power; 81/128 on Absence of Corruption; 105/128 on        to stop him from exposing police brutality, while                                          Tanzania, and it is
Open Government; 105/128 on Fundamental Rights;           investigative journalist, Azory Gwanda, who went                                           commonplace for
78/128 on Order and Security; 94/128 on Regulatory        missing in 2017, is yet to be found. The Government                                        elite government
Enforcement; 76/128 on Civil Justice; and 81/128 on       of Tanzania seems to be unbothered about the                                               officials to storm
Criminal Justice (WJP, 2020).                             whereabouts of Gwanda, who was exposing gang                                               media houses and
                                                          killings (Ng’wanakilala, 2019).                                                            intimidate journalists.

OVERVIEW            METHODOLOGY                POLITICS            ECONOMICS               COMMUNITY                 TECHNOLOGY              CONTENT                 CONCLUSION

1.2 Freedom of Expression                                  on Political or Other Sensitive Topics without Fear        and -- whereas in the past, people discussed politics
                                                           of Surveillance or Retribution, Tanzania scores 1/4        openly next to newsstands or around bus stops
Various human rights and media landscape
                                                           (Freedom House, 2020). The government is neither           -- the subjects of discussion have in the last few
reports indicate that the situation of freedom
                                                           open nor transparent and scores 1 out of 4 on the          years changed from politics to football or religion.
of expression and of the media in Tanzania has
                                                           question How the Government Operates with                  The report further indicates that even social
continued to deteriorate. RSF (2020), for instance,
                                                           Openness and Transparency.                                 media conversations have become well-guarded,
notes that Tanzania under the late President John
                                                                                                                      especially with new laws that hold the moderators
Pombe Magufuli has had a precipitous decline in            According to Freedom House (2020), government
                                                                                                                      of discussion forums responsible for member-
protections for freedom of expression since 2015.          surveillance through neighbourhood-level CCM
                                                                                                                      generated content. In the run up to the 2020
RSF’s (2020) World Press Freedom Index (WPFI) ranks        cell structures, enactment of draconian laws and
                                                                                                                      general elections, internet services in Tanzania were
Tanzania 124 out of 180 countries, a drop in ranking       electronic surveillance have curtailed civil liberties
                                                                                                                      disrupted with a partial to total shutdown of popular
by six places, and a score of 40.25 percent, which is      and political rights. All these factors have instilled
                                                                                                                      social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp
an increase in score of +3.97 compared to 2019. A          a sense of fear among the citizenry, who are
                                                                                                                      and YouTube (Ssessanga, 2020). Critics blamed the
score of zero is the best and 100 the worst, and an        apprehensive of expressing their personal views on
                                                                                                                      shutdown and its attendant high economic cost
increase in score in the WPFI index means the level        political matters and sensitive issues.
                                                                                                                      implications on the late President John Pombe
of freedom available to journalists in a country has       Besides the media and journalists, Africa Media            Magufuli’s disdain for the internet which he claimed
fallen and this has been the case in Tanzania since        Barometer (AMB, 2019) reports that members of the          was not conducive for his government’s delivery of
2015.                                                      public are unable to freely express their opinions         development to Tanzanians. A government official
WJP (2020) scores Tanzania at a 0.43 out of 1 for                                                                     who remained anonymous is cited by Ssessanga
Protections for Freedom of Expression, 0.46 for Right                                                                 as saying the shutdown of the internet during
to Information and 0.47 for Rule of Law Index (where                                                                  the elections was sanctioned by the government
0 indicates the lowest amount of freedom, and 1 the                                                                   (Ssessanga, 2020), ostensibly to muzzle freedom of
highest).                                                                                                             expression by individuals on popular social media
Freedom House ranks Tanzania’s status as Partly
Free with a score of 40/100, which is a reduction from
45/100 in 2019 (Freedom House, 2020). Tanzania also
ranks low at 17/40 on Political Rights and 23/60 on
Civil Liberties. Tanzania ranks lowest in East Africa on                    According to Freedom House (2020), government surveillance through
the Presence of Free and Independent Media, with a                          neighbourhood-level CCM cell structures, enactment of draconian laws and
score of 1 out of 4, while on the question of whether                       electronic surveillance have curtailed civil liberties and political rights. All these
Individuals are Free to Express their Personal Views                        factors have instilled a sense of fear among the citizenry, who are apprehensive of
                                                                            expressing their personal views on political matters and sensitive issues.

OVERVIEW            METHODOLOGY                POLITICS            ECONOMICS               COMMUNITY                TECHNOLOGY            CONTENT               CONCLUSION

                                                     increasingly difficult to get sources willing to express       legislative terms used in the regulations, continued
                                                     their views, a situation that has led to reduction of          with the imposition of licensing for any right to
                                                     viewpoints, especially on politics. According to the           publish online without justification. For news and
                                                     report, even ministers and senior public officials,            current affairs content, the regulation imposes
                                                     because of the restrictive political environment, are          both application and licensing fees that add up to
                                                     increasingly reluctant to speak to the press (Katunzi          approximately US$480 for a period of three years.
                                                     & Spurk, 2020).                                                The regulation further requires fairly high annual fees
                                                                                                                    payment and renewal of the license after three years
                                                     Unsurprisingly and as a consequence of the dearth
                                                                                                                    (see the breakdown under legal equality), limiting
                                                     of freedom of expression, critical features, analyses,
                                                                                                                    publication of content on the digital platform for
                                                     commentary and opinions have all but disappeared
                                                                                                                    many, especially young people. Non-compliance is
                                                     from newspapers; and in the increasingly shrinking
                                                                                                                    a criminal offence.
                                                     political space, journalists have turned their
                                                     attention to subjects considered less sensitive.               The Cybercrimes Act (2015) continues to impede
                                                     Investigative journalism has also suffered, with fewer         free expression and privacy rights. A number of
                                                     projects examined every year and both investigative            individuals have been charged under this Act and
Enacted legislations have continued to hinder        reporting and media coverage generally limited to              most notable in the recent past is the December,
the freedom of expression. These include the         urban centres (AMB, 2019).                                     2016 arrest of co-founders, Maxence Melo and Micke
Online Content Regulations, 2020 under the                                                                          William of the popular whistleblowing and online
                                                     Enacted legislations have continued to hinder the
Electronic and Postal Communications Act                                                                            discussion website JamiiForums who were charged
                                                     freedom of expression. These include the Online
(2020) that provides discretionary powers to                                                                        under the Cybercrimes Act for failure to comply with
                                                     Content Regulations, 2020 under the Electronic and
license internet-based content found on blogs,                                                                      a police order to disclose the identity of platform
                                                     Postal Communications Act (2020) that provides
online television and digital radio with fairly                                                                     users.
                                                     discretionary powers to license internet-based
punitive penalties like imprisonment for up to
                                                     content found on blogs, online television and digital          The LHRC (2020) report shows that in January 2019,
ten years and content removal.
                                                     radio with fairly punitive penalties like imprisonment         the regulatory authority, TCRA fined five television
Katunzi and Spurk (2020) found that there was        for up to ten years and content removal. The Online            stations a total of TSh. 60 million ($27,000) for
a marked decline in political reporting in the       Content Regulations, 2020 also imposes further                 broadcasting a press conference by the LHRC in
Tanzanian media as sources including government      restrictions that Article 19 (2021) notes fails to protect     which the organisation accused the government
ministers are apprehensive of appearing on record.   and promote freedom of expression. An analysis of              security forces of abuses during the November 2017
The report further notes that most news reports      the 2020 regulation by Article 19 indicates that it            by-elections. The regulator argued that the content
are single sourced stories because it has become     has expanded the categories of prohibited content,             was ‘seditious’ and contrary to the broadcasting
                                                     broadened filtering requirements, failed to define             regulation.

OVERVIEW          METHODOLOGY             POLITICS            ECONOMICS                COMMUNITY                  TECHNOLOGY             CONTENT               CONCLUSION

The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA, 2019)     the freedom of expression as per various reports           1.3 Access to Information
report indicates that between September 2017 and        include: The Media Services Act, 2016; Access to
                                                                                                                   While efforts have been made to promote access
June 2019, Tanzanian media and human rights             Information Act, 2016 and the Statistics Act, 2015 as
                                                                                                                   to information, the full realisation of this right
organisations reported more than 40 cases of            amended in 2019. THRDC (2018) has also recorded
                                                                                                                   continues to be a significant challenge. After years
intimidation, harassment, suspensions, closure and      various incidences of limiting the civic space through
                                                                                                                   of media and human rights advocacy, Tanzania
fines of media, arrest and detention, abductions        imposition of hefty fines to five media outlets (ITV,
                                                                                                                   finally passed an Access to Information Act in 2016.
and disappearance of journalists in the country.        Channel Ten, EATV, Star TV and Azam 2), attack of
                                                                                                                   Despite many progressive clauses contained in the
MISA’s findings suggest that most of the identified     journalists, and arbitrary arrest of more than 20
                                                                                                                   Act, accessing information has not been any easier
violations were committed by government                 HRDs from January to November 2017.
                                                                                                                   (AMB, 2019).
authorities, particularly the Police, the Ministry of
                                                        In a nutshell, the freedom of the media in Tanzania
Information, Arts and Sports officials, and unknown                                                                The enactment of the Act was intended to
                                                        has been on a decline in the last six years. This
persons. Between 2017 and 2018, over 35 journalists                                                                operationalise Article 18 of the Constitution of the
                                                        decline has been occasioned by enactment of
were harassed, abducted, threatened, warned,                                                                       United Republic of Tanzania (1977), but this has not
                                                        several legislations used to charge journalists, a
arrested and temporarily detained by the police.                                                                   been the case. The Act provides that government
                                                        situation that has essentially led to self-censorship
                                                                                                                   officials and private actors must be available to
Additionally, the findings indicate that in the         and dearth of critical reporting by journalists who
                                                                                                                   provide information to NMOs on a fair and equitable
years 2017 to 2018, over 34 people were arrested,       find it hard to get sources on record. Moreover, the
                                                                                                                   basis, but there have been some limitations with
temporarily detained before appearing in courts         political environment has also made it difficult for
                                                                                                                   the application and jurisdiction of the law (THRDC,
of law, and charged under the Cybercrimes Act           top government officials and the citizenry at large
                                                                                                                   2018). This law mainly applies to Tanzania Mainland
(2015) for running unregistered and unauthorized        to express themselves freely and this has further
                                                                                                                   and not Zanzibar, even though the constitution
online media platforms. Other laws that infringe on     constricted the public sphere.
                                                                                                                   refers to the United Republic of Tanzania (URT).
                                                                                                                   The Act also spells out a long list of exempted
                                                                                                                   information. Some of these exemptions are not
                                                                                                                   justifiable as they are against Article 18 of the URT
                                                                                                                   Constitution. For instance, Article 6(2g) exempts the
                                          For instance, Article 6(2g) exempts the government from                  government from giving access to information if the
                                          giving access to information if the disclosure of such                   disclosure of such information is likely to hinder or
                                          information is likely to hinder or cause substantial harm                cause substantial harm to the government. However,
                                          to the government. However, the definition of “Substantial               the definition of “Substantial harm” remains in the
                                          harm” remains in the hands of the government and thus                    hands of the government and thus can be used at
                                          can be used at will.                                                     will. Similarly, Article 6(3d) of the Act has no proper

OVERVIEW           METHODOLOGY               POLITICS           ECONOMICS               COMMUNITY                TECHNOLOGY             CONTENT               CONCLUSION

guidance to what “foreign relations or foreign          1.4 Legal Equality                                       Services Regulations 2017, only Tanzanian citizens
activities” mean and thus provides loopholes that                                                                are allowed to have a 100 percent shareholding
                                                        The enactment of media regulatory laws like the
make it possible for the government to hinder access                                                             stake. The maximum cap for foreigners is 49 percent,
                                                        Media Services Act, 2016, and the subsequent
to information. The excessive vagueness of section                                                               and the rest must be owned by Tanzanian nationals
                                                        Media Services Regulations, 2017, has made
6(3)(f) also makes it difficult to access information                                                            (RSF, 2018).
                                                        the business environment for the private sector
in certain situations such as projects related to the
                                                        difficult. All newspapers were required to register      In addition, for foreign donors to support media
military and businesses whose major shareholder is
                                                        afresh. Similarly, in preparation for presidential       organisations with civic education programmes,
Tanzania People’s Defence Force (TPDF).
                                                        elections in 2020, media houses broadcasting             public awareness on elections, and capacity
The Access to Information Act and its resultant         foreign content were required to re-register and         building of journalists, the Registrar of Political
regulations make it obligatory for governmental         gain additional permission (DW, 2020). In general,       Parties must provide approval as per the Political
meetings, hearings, and press conferences to be         media houses that have foreign investors like            Parties Amendment Act (2019). Section 5(A)(1) of
accessible, but some government institutions are        Mwananchi Communications Limited (MCL), owned            this Act spells out that the registrar may disapprove
still denying the media access, using the vagueness     by the Nation Media Group (NMG) whose principal          of any donor support. The same provision of
of different sections and exemptions in the act to      shareholder is his highness the Aga Khan, find           the Political Parties (amendment) Act 2019 also
justify their exclusion. This dearth of access and      themselves in difficult positions. Under the Media       applies to journalists involved in any activities that
transparency in government dealings explains why                                                                 incorporate political parties, their programmes and
WJP (2020) scores Tanzania poorly on Publicised                                                                  getting funds from abroad.
Laws and Government Data (0.24/1) and the Right to
                                                                                                                 The Twaweza (2017a) report has raised exceptions
Information (0.46/1).
                                                                                                                 with these restrictions noting that even though the
                                                                                                                 law seeks to protect Tanzanian media and democracy
                                                                                                                 from undue outside interference, the Declaration of
                                                                                                                 Principles on Freedom of Expression in Africa makes
                                                                                                                 it clear that limitations of this kind should not be
                                                                                                                 so stringent as to inhibit the development of the
                                                                                                                 media. Twaweza (2017a) argues, and rightly so, that
   Under the Media Services Regulations 2017,                                                                    foreign funding brings investment, expertise and
        only Tanzanian citizens are allowed to                                                                   other benefits, and has suggested an assessment
    have a 100 percent shareholding stake. The                                                                   of investment levels in the media industry to avoid
    maximum cap for foreigners is 49 percent,                                                                    foreign domination, while balancing the need to
     and the rest must be owned by Tanzanian                                                                     attract funding and expertise from abroad to the
                         nationals (RSF, 2018).                                                                  media industry.

OVERVIEW           METHODOLOGY               POLITICS           ECONOMICS             COMMUNITY               TECHNOLOGY              CONTENT              CONCLUSION

The Electronic and Postal Communications (Online         the media by starving media houses critical of                                 Renewal fee
Content) Regulations, 2020, provides for mandatory       the government of advertising revenue, while                                   Tshs 1,000,000
registration and licensing, including registration       channelling the same to media houses that are
of bloggers, which is not in line with international     supportive of the government agenda. It is therefore
standards on freedom of expression. The regulations      safe to argue that the government in Tanzania has,
also require payment of registration fees, license       through legislation and control of the government
fees and annual fees. Regarding online content           advertising, established an environment in which
services, the Second Schedule of the Regulations         the media in Tanzania rarely run with views that are
sets the application fee at Tshs. 100,000 (43.24 USD);   in competition with the government position.
initial license fee at Tshs. 1,000,000 (431.96 USD);
                                                         It is therefore safe to conclude that the media in                             Annual license fee
annual license fee at 1,000,000 (431.96 USD); and                                                                                       Tshs 1,000,000
                                                         Tanzania has been targeted with fairly restrictive
renewal fee at Tshs. 1,000,000 (431.96 USD). With the
                                                         legislative frameworks that are different from the
above requirement, stakeholders like LHRC (2018),
                                                         other sectors of the economy. Some of the legal
Twaweza (2017a), THRDC (2018), MISA (2019) and
                                                         demands that seem stringent for media business
MCT (2017) have argued that the fees are exorbitant
                                                         include restrictions on foreign investments and the
for most Tanzanians and deprive potential new
                                                         recently enacted laws like Electronic and Postal
bloggers of the right to exercise their freedom of
                                                         Communications (Online Content) Regulations
expression on the internet, thereby limiting the flow
                                                         (2020), Media Services Regulations (2017) and
of ideas and information.
                                                         Political Parties Amendment Act (2019) which when                              Initial license fee
Operation of newspapers to a large extent depends        looked at collectively make very exorbitant financial                          Tshs 1,000,000
on advertising, but the Media Services Regulation,       demands for media business and at the same time
2017, has introduced a new restriction on obtaining      restrict financial investments and capacity building
advertisements from government agencies. The             activities by non-Tanzanians.
regulations further stipulate that the director of
the Information Services Department (ISD) will be
the government advertising agent. This requires
                                                         Stakeholders have argued that the fees are
government ministries, departments, agencies,                                                                                           Application fee
                                                         exorbitant for most Tanzanians and deprive
Local Government Authorities as well as projects                                                                                        Tshs 100,000
                                                         potential new bloggers of the right to exercise
with over 50 percent Government funding to channel
                                                         their freedom of expression on the internet,
their advertisements through the Director of ISD.
                                                         thereby limiting the flow of ideas and
To this end, the government ends up controlling

OVERVIEW           METHODOLOGY                POLITICS           ECONOMICS              COMMUNITY                TECHNOLOGY   CONTENT              CONCLUSION

1.5 Media within Society                                Currently, there are a number of professional
                                                        associations such as the LHRC, MCT, THRDC, MISA
The surveillance function of the media and the
                                                        - Tanzania and Twaweza that are advocating for
watchdog role in Tanzania’s socio-political and
                                                        the rights and safety of journalists. There are also
economic environment has created hostility between
                                                        groups of individual lawyers working with these
the media and government officials. Twaweza
                                                        organisations to file cases challenging various
(2017b) reports that across East Africa, between
                                                        laws and regulations that infringe on the rights of
2014 and 2017, citizens have generally supported
                                                        journalists or their organisations. A typical example
media freedom more than they have supported
                                                        is the case that was filed before the African Court on
government control of the media. However,
                                                        Human and People’s Rights to challenge a number
compared to Kenya and Uganda, Tanzanians seem
                                                        of provisions of the Media Services Act, 2016. The
to support government control of the media with a
                                                        East African Court of Justice, a regional court, ruled
majority (58%) of the citizens in the Twaweza survey
                                                        in March 2019 that the Media Services Act, 2016 was
agreeing that the government should have the
                                                        against protocols of the East African Community
right to stop the media from publishing things the
                                                        (EAC) treaty (LHRC, 2019).
government considers harmful to society. Moreover,
Tanzanians were found more likely to agree that too     These findings indicate that the media in Tanzania
much negative reporting can harm the country as         seem to face challenges, exacerbated to some
32% of Tanzanian citizens in the survey supported       extent by a society that seems to be supportive of
this view compared to 28% in Kenya and 24% in           the government’s clamp down on the media. The
Uganda.                                                 society does seem to support efforts to cut down on
                                                                                                                    Twaweza (2017b) reports that across East
                                                        negative reporting and are to some extent complicit
While incidences are known to exist, there is very                                                                  Africa, between 2014 and 2017, citizens
                                                        to the intimidations, violence and threats meted
limited reporting on organisations or individuals                                                                   have generally supported media freedom
                                                        on journalists. The efforts by different civil society
who threaten or injure journalists. An MCT (2019a)                                                                  more than they have supported government
                                                        and media development organisations appear to
investigation mentioned lack of trust in the law                                                                    control of the media. However, compared
                                                        be pushing for the rights of journalists in a society
enforcement agencies, delays in completion of                                                                       to Kenya and Uganda, Tanzanians seem to
                                                        where the civil space has been limited by the
investigation of existing cases and the feeling among                                                               support government control of the media
                                                        restrictive political environment.
journalists that the authorities either abet or are                                                                 with a majority (58%) of the citizens in the
complicit in the cover up of the violations. One or                                                                 Twaweza survey agreeing that the government
two cases have been reported where police officers                                                                  should have the right to stop the media from
faced criminal charges for attacking journalists and                                                                publishing things the government considers
killing journalists.                                                                                                harmful to society.

OVERVIEW           METHODOLOGY               POLITICS           ECONOMICS               COMMUNITY                TECHNOLOGY          CONTENT           CONCLUSION

2.0 Economics
The economic health of the nation is a critical factor      Tanzania is a member of both the East African               The relatively high cost of newspapers and data, limits
in news media viability. The strength of the local          Community (EAC) and the Southern African                    access to newspapers and online content for poor
economy and the distribution of wealth across the           Development Community (SADC). It has an economy             rural and marginalised communities (AMB, 2019).
population affects the citizens’ ability to buy news        that encourages private enterprise combined with            The migration to terrestrial digital broadcasting has
media products and the devices through which                economic planning and regulation by the central             also added an extra burden as many households
news content is distributed. A thriving consumer            government.                                                 have been forced to invest in set-top-boxes. In
economy is necessary for a thriving advertising                                                                         terms of advertising expenditure, Tanzanian media
                                                            The media landscape in Tanzania continues to
market, which makes access to news affordable                                                                           operate in a very competitive environment where
                                                            be diverse and highly competitive, offering the
for consumers at all socioeconomic levels. News                                                                         the pool of advertising revenue is not sufficient to
                                                            population a wide range of sources of news and
media organisations (NMOs) need diverse, stable,                                                                        support a diverse media industry. According to the
                                                            entertainment (AMB, 2019). Most media companies
and sustainable revenue streams as a protection                                                                         African Media Barometer (AMB, 2019) community
                                                            are concentrated in urban areas, especially Dar es
from forces that seek to influence editorial                                                                            radio stations are funded by advertising from
                                                            Salaam, even though the majority of the population
decisions and to provide the resources needed to                                                                        municipalities and businesses, as well as UNESCO
                                                            (70%) lives in rural areas. Higher amounts of
produce high-quality journalism. There must be                                                                          and other donors. Organisations such as UNESCO
                                                            disposable income among the people in urban
enough competition among news organisations to                                                                          have also partnered with journalism schools to build
                                                            areas and the likelihood to spend on media products
encourage journalistic excellence, but not so much                                                                      the capacity of community radio journalists through
                                                            compared to the rural populations, may be one
that audiences for individual media houses become                                                                       e-learning programs and mentorships (AMB, 2019).
                                                            factor influencing this.
too small to be financially sustainable.


                                                           1,816.50          1,750

                                                                                                                                               1,122.10           1,080
                                                                                                    794,341             780

           GDP             GDP per                95,503                                   35,165                                        63.177

           GDP per         GNI per
           capita, PPP     capita                              Kenya                                   Tanzania                                     Uganda

   Figure 3: National economy (World Bank, 2019)

OVERVIEW                 METHODOLOGY          POLITICS                ECONOMICS           COMMUNITY                   TECHNOLOGY             CONTENT                CONCLUSION

2.1 National Economy                                    2.2 Financial Stability of                                 have also avoided news outlets that are critical of the
                                                                                                                   government. This practice has not only constricted
The World Bank classifies Tanzania as a lower           News Media Organisations
                                                                                                                   the market, but also led to inequalities in the
middle-income country (World Bank, 2019), a             Reports from AMB (2015) and MCT (2019b) show a             distribution of advertising revenue throughout the
higher ranking from the low-income country in 2018      decline in advertisement revenue, a situation that         industry (AMB, 2019), a situation that has negatively
(Battaile, 2020). The GDP is estimated at $63.177       has seen national news media struggle to sustain           affected financial stability of independent media.
billion and the GDP per capita 1,122.1. The country’s   operations due to reductions in advertising revenues.
GNI per capita is $1,080 while the GDP Per capita,                                                                 The State of the Media Report 2017 (MCT, 2017) further
                                                        The changing media environment has caused stiff
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) is $ 2,770.70 as per                                                                 established that a changing media environment and
                                                        competition from entrants who have leveraged on
the World Bank report for 2019 data (World Bank,                                                                   the fast-growing online communication are also
                                                        the digital platform, while the current economic
2020).                                                                                                             responsible for the dramatic decline in newspapers’
                                                        situation in the county has seen most media
                                                                                                                   advertising. The shift in newspaper readership from
Despite a sustained average economic growth rate        organisations struggle to survive. Furthermore, the
                                                                                                                   hard copy publications to online articles continues
of 6-7 percent every year, the economic situation       same reports indicate that many media houses have
                                                                                                                   to affect advertising trends as major advertisers
in Tanzania does not support a strong advertising       been forced to lay off employees, while others are
                                                                                                                   are attracted to social media platforms such as
market (MCT, 2017). Moreover, the advertising           struggling with payment of salaries.
                                                                                                                   Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Blogs, which
budget spend and allocations by corporates,             The advertising market has shrunk over the                 guarantee wider exposure at low cost.
governments, non-governmental organisations and         years, leaving only a handful of major advertisers;
individuals have significantly reduced. The situation                                                              There is a glimmer of hope as some media
                                                        notably the telecommunications, brewery and
is said to have worsened with the coming to power                                                                  organisations have developed various revenue
                                                        banking companies. Worse still for some private
of the fifth government towards the end of 2015, and                                                               generating initiatives. The Nation Media Group’s
                                                        media organisations, the government controls a
its determination to cut down what it considered                                                                   Mwananchi Communications Limited (MCL), for
                                                        significant share of advertisement spending, which
unnecessary expenditure by public institutions. The                                                                example, has a thought-leadership forum known as
                                                        is channelled selectively to state-owned and pro-
current economic situation in the county is thus                                                                   Jukwaa la Fikra that serves as an additional revenue
                                                        government private press. A number of private
tenuous for media organisations’ as they strive to                                                                 stream. Mwananchi has partnered with Radio One
                                                        advertisers, for fear of the government reprisals,
diversify revenue sources.

     The advertising market has shrunk over the years, leaving only a handful of
       major advertisers; notably the telecommunications, brewery and banking
   companies. Worse still for some private media organisations, the government
     controls a significant share of advertisement spending, which is channelled
                     selectively to state-owned and progovernment private press.

OVERVIEW           METHODOLOGY               POLITICS           ECONOMICS              COMMUNITY                TECHNOLOGY              CONTENT               CONCLUSION

and ITV to run the forum. The government-owned           2.3 Financial Independence of                             Moreover, the government’s position as the
newspaper, the Daily News, on the other hand,                                                                      main advertiser makes the media vulnerable to
                                                         News Media Organisations
organises regional business forums to attract                                                                      unwarranted editorial influence from state and
sponsors as an additional revenue stream. However,       The media in Tanzania, though diverse, vibrant and        government officials. MCT (2019b) further notes
a lot needs to be done to guarantee financial            plural; face a number of emergent challenges that         that more support, especially on innovation and the
stability and sustainability. Key among the strategies   compromise the financial independence of NMOs.            capacity to innovate around business models and
is NMOs’ need to invest in reliable ways to collect      The major challenges include a dearth of investment       revenue generation, seems like the best pathway
audience data which would inform strategies that         capital and declining advertising revenues, which         to make media outlets independent and financially
will widen their revenue sources and enable them to      coupled with high taxation and an unfriendly legal        sustainable.
better meet the needs of their readers.                  framework not only make the media vulnerable
                                                                                                                   The legal framework does not provide for an
                                                         to undue influence, but also threaten the media’s
                                                                                                                   enabling environment for foreign organisations to
                                                         survival (Gicheru, 2014). NMOs that are struggling
                                                                                                                   support NMOs towards financial independence.
                                                         for capital injection and revenues are forced to
                                                                                                                   Different pieces of legislation, such as the Political
                                                         run with the government position, sometimes at
                                                                                                                   Parties Amendment Act (2019), make it fairly difficult
                                                         the expense of public interest. This is because the
                                                                                                                   for foreign organisations to support the media,
                                                         government uses advertising as a bait to rally the
                                                                                                                   either financially or through content subsidies
                                                         media to run with the government agenda. The AMB
                                                                                                                   and capacity building. Nevertheless, the media
                                                         (2019) and the State of the Media Report (Spurk &
                                                                                                                   continues to receive support from organisations
                                                         Katunzi, 2019) established that the government uses
                                                                                                                   such as Internews, TMF, Journalists Environmental
                                                         adverts as a whip against critical media outlets and
                                                                                                                   Association of Tanzania (JET), Tanzania Media
                                                         that the director of ISD dictates which media houses
                                                                                                                   Women’s Association (TAMWA), United Nations
                                                         get advertisements, consequently, interfering with
                                                                                                                   Education Scientific and Cultural Organisation
                                                         editorial content and decisions. Tanzania Media
                                                                                                                   (UNESCO), MISA-Tanzania, Union of Tanzania Press
                                                         Foundation (TMF, 2015) further noted that media
                                                                                                                   Clubs (UTPC), Tanzania Editors Forum (TEF) and
                                                         outlets that depend on advertisers and sponsors
                                                                                                                   Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES).
News media organisations that are struggling             and secure advertising easily from the government
for capital injection and revenues are forced to         and other big businesses, tend to compromise              The NMOs have opportunities to work towards
run with the government position, sometimes              their editorial autonomy, as they adopt editorial         financial independence and TMF (2015), for instance,
at the expense of public interest. This is               approaches that do not cover these advertisers and        notes that NMOs need to address the dearth of
because the government uses advertising                  sponsors critically.                                      marketing and advertising strategies as this is the
as a bait to rally the media to run with the                                                                       most significant challenge media houses face in
government agenda.                                                                                                 approaching and convincing advertisers.

OVERVIEW           METHODOLOGY                POLITICS           ECONOMICS              COMMUNITY               TECHNOLOGY              CONTENT              CONCLUSION

2.4 Competition                                          newspapers and magazines are news producing                  2.5 Audience demand and
                                                         publications. In Zanzibar, there are 25 radio stations,
The changing media environment has caused stiff                                                                       quality of journalism
                                                         12 TV stations and two newspapers (Interview with
competition from entrants who have leveraged                                                                          Literature on the extent to which audiences value
                                                         TCRA officials).
on the digital platform. In addition, private media                                                                   quality journalism content to be willing to pay
organisations with limited capital are unable to                                                                      for it is scarce. But since a majority of the media
compete with state subsidized competitors in                                                                          audience is rural and have limited disposable
Tanzania. They are also unable to overcome the                                                                        income, subscription as a revenue source is yet to
challenges resulting from business regulations                                                                        gain traction in Tanzania. Most traditional media
such as taxes on media-related equipment and the                                                                      outlets have established online versions and are
lack of an enabling legal environment (Gicheru,                                                                       increasingly packaging their news content to target
2014). The 2019 AMB report on Tanzania indicates                                                                      different audiences, sponsors and advertisers.
that existing legal and regulatory frameworks work                                                                    They have also initiated collaborations with mobile
against the emergence of economically sustainable,                                                                    phone companies to facilitate subscriptions to news
competitive and independent media, and this                                                                           content (MCT, 2017; MCT, 2019b; Spurk & Katunzi,
hinders citizens from benefiting from the country’s                                                                   2019). Despite all these efforts to reach a wider
diverse media landscape. Furthermore, the high                                                                        audience through the digital platform, the online
and prohibitive license fees for all media put them                                                                   audience is accustomed to free content and the
on shaky ground in a media environment that has                                                                       media is struggling with monetisation of content
been disrupted by technology and hard hit by the                                                                      on digital platforms. In addition, these efforts to
COVID-19 pandemic.                                                                                                    leverage on the growing online platforms depend
As of March 2020, there were 183 radio stations, 37                                                                   on the internet and access remains relatively low at
Free to Air TV stations, two Satellite TV stations and                                                                37.6 percent (Internet World Stats, 2020).
four Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) and Digital                                                                 The majority of citizens consume mostly news
to Home (DTH) TV stations (Katunzi & Spurk, 2020).                                                                    from legacy media platforms, which they perceive
The print sector in Tanzania is the most diverse in      The 2019 AMB report on Tanzania indicates                    to be impartial in coverage of issues and reflective
East Africa and Katunzi and Spurk note that there        that existing legal and regulatory frameworks                of multiple perspectives. Therefore, even though
are 229 newspapers and magazines in Tanzania             work against the emergence of economically                   there is increased consumption from multiple
Mainland, 78 percent being privately owned and the       sustainable, competitive and independent                     sources and perspectives including social media
rest owned by the government and its parastatals.        media, and this hinders citizens from                        that is predominantly used by citizen journalists,
A media mapping by a consortium of researchers           benefiting from the country’s diverse media                  most consumers still find legacy platforms more
in this study, however, found that not all these         landscape.

OVERVIEW           METHODOLOGY                POLITICS            ECONOMICS              COMMUNITY                 TECHNOLOGY             CONTENT              CONCLUSION
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