MEDIEVAL STUDIES 2020 - Boydell & Brewer

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MEDIEVAL STUDIES 2020 - Boydell & Brewer
MEDIEVAL                                                      STUDIES


                    Stone Fidelity Together forever
          Magnificence Richard Barber on princely splendour
         The Black Death A complete history of its terrible toll
               Anglo-Saxon England An imagined ideal?
            Mappae Mundi England, Iceland, and the world
         New Paperbacks For reading lists and course adoption

MEDIEVAL STUDIES 2020 - Boydell & Brewer
Anglo-Norman Studies XLII CHURCH                  12    History of the County of York: East Riding            Scottish Episcopal Acta SHEAD                  10
Anglo-Saxonism and the Idea of Englishness in              CROUCH                                       12    Sir Thomas Gray: Scalacronica (1272-1363) KING
   Eighteenth-Century Britain FRAZIER WOOD 18           Household Roll of Eleanor de Montfort, Countess                                                       4
Art and Science of the Church Screen in Medieval            of Leicester and Pembroke, 1265 WILKINSON  7      Slow Scholarship KARKOV                        13
   Europe BUCKLOW / MARKS / WRAPSON                 4   Houses and Society in Norwich, 1350-1660              Soldiers’ Chronicle of the Hundred Years War
Arthurian Literature XXXV                                   KING                                         11      CURRY / AMBUHL                               9
   ARCHIBALD / JOHNSON                            18    Imagining Anglo-Saxon England KARKOV             3   St Stephen’s College, Westminster BIGGS        10
Authority, Gender and Space in the Anglo-Norman          Jean de Bueil: Le Jouvencel TAYLOR / TAYLOR  9       Stone Fidelity BARKER                          11
   World, 900-1200 WEIKERT                          5   John Gower in Manuscripts and Early Printed Books     Studies in Medievalism XXIX FUGELSO            18
Baldric of Bourgueil: “History of the Jerusalemites”        DRIVER / PEARSALL / YEAGER                   15   Studies in the Age of Gower CHEWNING           16
   EDGINGTON                                        8   Journal of Medieval Military History                  Virgin Mary’s Book at the Annunciation MILES  16
Bastard Feudalism, English Society and the Law              FRANCE / D E VRIES / ROGERS                  12
                                                                                                               Warfare in the Norman Mediterranean
   M C KELVIE                                       7   King John and Religion WEBSTER                   4      THEOTOKIS                                    6
Bible and Crusade Narrative in the Twelfth Century       Kings, Lords and Courts in Anglo-Norman England       Women Intellectuals and Leaders in the Middle Ages
   SMITH                                            8      KARN                                          6      KERBY-FULTON / BUGYIS / ENGEN               17
Cartulary and Charters of the Priory of Saints           Law, Liberty and the Constitution POTTER         4   Writing History in the Community of St Cuthbert,
   Peter and Paul, Ipswich ALLEN                  10    Magnificence and Princely Splendour in the               c.700-1130 ROZIER                           10
Catalogue of the Fifteenth-Century Printed Books            Middle Ages BARBER                            3   Writing Regional Identities in Medieval England
   in the Library of the University of Glasgow           Manuscript and Meaning of Malory’s Morte Darthur         DOLMANS                                     14
   BALDWIN                                        19       WHETTER                                       5
Charles d’Orléans’ English Aesthetic                     Mappae Mundi of Medieval Iceland
   ARN / PERRY                                    16       KEDWARDS                                     17
Chaucer’s Prayers MURTON                          14    Margery Kempe’s Spiritual Medicine KALAS  17          Early publication news
Chivalric Biography of Boucicaut, Jean II le Meingre     Martyrology of the Regensburg Schottenkloster          Our monthly New Title Information e-mail
   TAYLOR / TAYLOR                                  4      Ó RIAIN                                      10    lists all our new books up to six months ahead
Chivalry and Violence in Late Medieval Castile           Masculinities in Old Norse Literature                  of their publication, so if you would like to
   CLAUSSEN                                         9      EVANS / HANCOCK                              17    stay fully up-to-date please e-mail “NTI” to
Chronicle and Annals of Gilles le Muisit                 Mediaeval Epigraphy in the City and University
   BARBER / PREEST                                  7      of Oxford BERTRAM                            19
Complete History of the Black Death                                                                             Ebooks
                                                         Medical Texts in Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture
   BENEDICTOW                                       3      KESLING                                      13    We publish two types of ebook, those for
Conquests in Eleventh-Century England: 1016, 1066        Medieval Clothing and Textiles 16 WRIGHT         8    institutional and library use and those for
   ASHE / WARD                                      6                                                          personal e-readers (Kindle, iBooks, Kobo,
                                                         Medieval English Theatre 41 CARPENTER ET AL 5
Cornwall, Connectivity and Identity in the                                                                      Overdrive, to name but a few). Libraries and
                                                         Medieval Tournament as Spectacle
   Fourteenth Century DRAKE                         7                                                          institutions can order their editions through
                                                            MURRAY / WATTS                                7
Court of Richard II and Bohemian                                                                                all the major ebook aggregators, while e-reader
                                                         Medieval Welsh Genealogy GUY                     5
   Culture THOMAS                                 14
                                                         Medievalism in English Canadian Literature             editions are available for download from
Critical Companion to English Mappae Mundi
                                                            TOSWELL / CZARNOWUS                          18 and your favourite
   of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
   TERKLA / MILLEA                                  3   Mélusine Romance in Medieval Europe                    retailers. If you have any queries about ebooks
                                                            ZELDENRUST                                   14    please e-mail
Critical Companion to Old Norse Literary Genre
   BAMPI / LARRINGTON / RIKHARDSDOTTIR  17              Military Cultures and Martial Enterprises in the
                                                            Middle Ages HOSLER / ISAAC                    9    Press review copies
Debating with Demons HECKMAN                      13                                                           Please request your review copies from
                                                         Miraculous and the Writing of Crusade Narrative
Designing Norman Sicily                                                                                or boydell@
                                                            SPACEY                                        9
   WINKLER / FITZGERALD / SMALL                     6
                                                         Mobility and Identity in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales in North and South America
Discovering William of Malmesbury
                                                            WRIGHT                                       14    Inspection copies
   THOMSON / DOLMANS / WINKLER                      4
                                                         Monarchy, State and Political Culture in Late
Doctrina pueril: LLULL DAGENAIS                     4                                                          Inspection copies of our paperbacks are
                                                            Medieval England DODD / TAYLOR                8
Dynastic Drama of Beowulf LENEGHAN                13                                                           available for your consideration. Simply e-mail
                                                         Music, Liturgy, and Confraternity Devotions in
East Anglian Church Porches and their Medieval              Paris and Tournai LONG                       19 with details
   Context LUNNON                                 11                                                           of the book and the course you teach. We’ll
                                                         Neomedievalism, Popular Culture, and the
Edward I: New Interpretations KING / SPENCER  7            Academy FITZPATRICK                          18    arrange for your free inspection copy and ask
End-Times in Medieval German Literature                  New Medieval Literatures 20                            you to complete a short questionnaire once
   HINTZ / PINCIKOWSKI                            14       ROBERTSON ET AL                              18    you have had the chance to gauge the book’s
Eneados BAWCUTT                                   16    Norman Rule in Normandy, 911-1144 HAGGER  4           suitability. In North & South America, please
Eyewitness and Crusade Narrative BULL               4   Old English Lexicology and Lexicography                fill out the form on our website:
Fabric Accounts of St Stephen’s Chapel,                     HYER / MOMMA / ZACHER                        13
   Westminster, 1292-1396 AYERS                   11    Petitions from Lincolnshire, c.1200-c.1500             Open Access
Female Desire in Chaucer’s Legend of Good                   DODD / M C HARDY / LIDDY                     11
   Women and Middle English Romance                                                                             Boydell & Brewer is committed to best
                                                         Places of Contested Power LAVELLE                5
   ALLEN-GOSS                                     15                                                           serving the academic community and
                                                         Power-Brokers and the Yorkist State, 1461-1485         scholarly communication. We are pleased
Fifteenth Century XVII CLARK                      12       BRONDARBIT                                    8
Gaelic Influence in the Northumbrian Kingdom                                                                    to offer a competitive Open Access option.
                                                         Reading and Shaping Medieval Cartularies
   EDMONDS                                          5                                                          Proposals for both new monographs,
                                                            TUCKER                                       10
Greek and Latin Music Theory NOWACKI              19                                                           edited collections and chapters are eligible
                                                         Refashioning Medieval and Early Modern Dress
Growth of Royal Government under Henry III                  OWEN-CROCKER / HYER                           8    for our Open Access programme.
   CROOK / WILKINSON                                4                                                          Visit for details.
                                                         Reliquary Tabernacles in Fourteenth-Century Italy
Haskins Society Journal 30                                  WILLIAMSON                                   11
   GATHAGAN / NORTH / ROZIER                      12    Revisiting the Codex Buranus                          Cover credit: The Lowick monument, detail of joined
Herbert Grundmann (1902-1970) DEANE               10       FRANKLINOS / HOPE                            19   hands. Photography by and copyright Dr Jessica Barker,
Historians on John Gower RIGBY                    15    Robin Hood CROOK                                 6   from her book Stone Fidelity: Marriage and Emotion in
History of the County of Staffordshire                   Roman de Troie by Benoît de Sainte-Maure              Medieval Tomb Sculpture. See page 11 for details.
   TRINGHAM                                       12       BURGESS / KELLY                               5

MEDIEVAL STUDIES 2020 - Boydell & Brewer

The Complete History of the Black Death                                            Magnificence and Princely
OLE J. BENEDICTOW                                                                  Splendour in the Middle Ages
                                  Benedictow’s magisterial study draws on          RIC HARD BARBE R
                                  records from across Europe to throw light on                                      This highly-illustrated volume by bestselling
                                  the nature of the disease, its origin, spread,                                    author, Richard Barber, shows how medieval
                                  mortality, and its impact on history.                                             princes proclaimed their special status
                              Building upon his acclaimed study of 2004, Ole                                        through displays of magnificence.
                              Benedictow here draws upon new scholarship                                          How do you recognise a medieval king when
                              and research to present a comprehensive,                                            you see one? For those who followed the Roman
                              definitive account of the Black Death and its                                       emperors, the special status of royalty was
                              impact on European history. The medical and                                         asserted by their display of kingly grandeur, or
                              epidemiological characteristics of the disease,                                     ‘magnificence’. This was applied to everything:
                              its geographical origin, its spread across Asia                                     his person, his courtiers, the artists, the
                              Minor, the Middle East, North Africa, Europe                                        garments he wore, the musicians and architects
                              and Russia, and the mortality in the countries                                      he employed. Above all, it was on show in his
and regions for which there are satisfactory studies, are clearly presented        public appearances, his feasts and ceremonies. The ‘magnificent’ collections
and thoroughly discussed. The pattern, pace and seasonality of the spread          of jewels, manuscripts and holy relics were displayed to a handful of favoured
of the disease reflects current medical work and standard studies on the           visitors. Those visitors also had to be entertained, and royal feasts developed
epidemiology of bubonic plague.                                                    into an amazing form of performance art.
Benedictow’s findings make it clear that the true mortality rate was far higher    All this is explored in this wide-ranging survey, covering the whole of
than had been previously thought. In the light of those findings, the discussion   western Europe, but centring on France, the wealthiest of the kingdoms,
of the Black Death as a turning point in history takes on a new significance.      members of whose extended royal family were at different times kings of
OLE J. BENEDICTOW is Professor of History at the University of Oslo.               Poland, Hungary, Naples, Jerusalem, England, and, most spectacularly, dukes
£125/$175(s) September 2020                                                        of Burgundy.
978 1 78327 516 8                                                                  RICHARD BARBER is the author of numerous books on medieval history and
3 colour illus.; 1,200pp, 24 x 17, HB
                                                                                   Arthurian legend. He was visiting Professor at the University of York until
                                                                                   2016 and was awarded an honorary doctorate there in 2015. His major works
                                                                                   include The Knight and Chivalry (winner of the Somerset Maugham Award in
A Critical Companion to English Mappae                                             1971), Edward Prince of Wales and Aquitaine, and The Holy Grail: the history
                                                                                   of a legend.
Mundi of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
                                                                                   £30/$39.95 April 2020
Edited by DAN TERKL A & N IC K M IL L EA                                           978 1 78327 471 0
                                  The first full collection on the seven most      104 colour & 8 b/w illus.; 382pp, 29.7 x 21, HB
                                  significant English mappae mundi from the
                                  twelfth and thirteenth centuries.                See also: Designing Norman Sicily (p. 6)
                              Mappae mundi (maps of the world) offer huge
                              insights into how medieval scholars conceived        Imagining Anglo-Saxon England
                              the world and their place within it. They are        Utopia, Heterotopia, Dystopia
                              a fusion of “real” geographical locations with
                              fantastical, geographic, historical, legendary and   C AT H E RI NE E . KARKOV
                              theological material. Their production reached its                                    A fresh approach to the construction of
                              height in England in the twelfth and thirteenth                                       “Anglo-Saxon England” and its depiction in
                              centuries, with such well-known examples as                                           art and writing.
                              the Hereford map, the maps of Matthew Paris,                                       This book suggests that what came to be called
                              and the Vercelli map. This volume provides a                                       “Anglo-Saxon England” has always been an
comprehensive Companion to the seven most significant English mappae                                             imaginary place, an empty space into which
mundi and begins with a survey of the maps’ materials, types, shapes, sources,                                   ideas of what England was, or should have been,
contents, conventions, idiosyncrasies, commissioners and users, moving                                           or should be, have been inserted from the arrival
on to locate the maps’ creation and use in the realms of medieval rhetoric,                                      of peoples from the Continent in the fifth and
Victorine memory theory and clerical pedagogy. It also establishes the shared                                    sixth centuries to the arrival of the self-named
history of map and book making, and demonstrates how pre-and post-                                               “alt-right” in the twenty-first. It argues that the
Conquest monastic libraries in Britain fostered and fed their complementary                                      political and ideological violence that was a part
relationship. A chapter is then devoted to each individual map.                    of the origins of England and the English has never been fully acknowledged;
DAN TERKLA is Emeritus Professor of English at Illinois Wesleyan University;       instead, the island was reimagined as a chosen land home to a chosen people,
NICK MILLEA is Map Librarian, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford.              the gens Anglorum. Unacknowledged violence, however, continued to haunt
CONTRIBUTORS: Nathalie Bouloux, Michelle Brown, Daniel Connolly, Helen             English history and culture. Through her examination here of the writings
Davies, Gregory Heyworth, Alfred Hiatt, Marcia Kupfer, Nick Millea, Asa            of Bede and King Alfred, the Franks Casket and the illuminated Wonders of
Simon Mittman, Dan Terkla, Chet Van Duzer                                          the East, and the texts collected together to form the Beowulf manuscript,
£50/$90(s) November 2019                                                           the author shows how this continues to haunt “Anglo-Saxon Studies” as a
978 1 78327 422 2, ebook 978 1 78744 454 6                                         discipline and Anglo-Saxonism as an ideology.
10 colour & 28 b/w illus.; 347pp, 24 x 17, HB                                      CATHERINE E. KARKOV is Professor of Art History, University of Leeds.
Boydell Studies in Medieval Art and Architecture
                                                                                   £60/$99(s) March 2020
                                                                                   978 1 78327 519 9
See also: The Mappae Mundi of Medieval Iceland (p. 17)                             5 colour & 6 b/w illus.; 282pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB
                                                                                   Boydell Studies in Medieval Art and Architecture

                                                                                   See also: Anglo-Saxonism and the Idea of
                                                                                   Englishness in Eighteenth-Century Britain (p. 18)                                                                                                                                           3
MEDIEVAL STUDIES 2020 - Boydell & Brewer
pa p e r b ac ks

            A RT & A RC HI T E C T U R E                  Eyewitness and Crusade Narrative                            Norman Rule in
                                                          Perception and Narration                                    Normandy, 911-1144
The Art and Science of                                    in Accounts of the Second,                                  M ARK HAGGE R
the Church Screen in                                      Third and Fourth Crusades                                                        A magisterial survey of
Medieval Europe                                           M A RC US BU L L                                                                 Normandy from its origins in
Making, Meaning, Preserving                                                    The idea of what an “eyewitness”                            the tenth century to its conquest
Edited by SPI KE BUCKLOW,                                                      account is here scrutinised                                 some two hundred years later.
RICHARD MARKS & LUC Y W R A P S ON                                             through examination of key                               Establishes a new benchmark
                    Fresh examinations of one of                               Crusading texts.                                         for studies of medieval princely
                    the most important church                                  An undoubted academic tour de                            government and power [and
                    furnishings of the middle ages.                            force. SPECU LUM                                         adds] much greater depth to the
                                                                                                                      history of ducal Normandy. F R ENCH H ISTORY
                    [A]n invaluable resource                                   £25/$34.95 June 2020
                    providing a comprehensive                                  978 1 78327 537 3                      Makes a significant and welcome contribution to
                                                                               406pp, 23.4 x 15.5, PB                 our understanding of the development of ducal rule
                    survey of these indispensable                              Crusading in Context
                    components of the medieval                                                                        and is likely to become an authoritative statement
                    church interior. SPE CULUM                                                                        on the topic. PAR ERGON
                                                                                                                      £25/$34.95 June 2020
Copiously illustrated and beautifully produced.
                                                          The Growth of Royal                                         978 1 78327 538 0
                                                                                                                      8 b/w illus.; 824pp, 23.4 x 15.6, PB
£25/$34.95 April 2020                                     Government under Henry III
978 1 78327 535 9                                         Edited by DAVI D C RO OK
62 colour & 77 b/w illus.; 360pp, 24 x 17, PB
                                                          & LOUISE J. W I L K I NS ON
Boydell Studies in Medieval Art and Architecture                                                                      Sir Thomas Gray:
                                                                               A survey of the complexity and
                                                                               sophistication of English royal
                                                                                                                      Scalacronica (1272-1363)
                                                                               government in the thirteenth           Edited and Translated by AN DY K I NG
                      HISTORY                                                  century, a period of radical change.                        Text and facing translation of
                                                                               A valuable resource for both                                one of the most important
The Chivalric Biography of                                                     students and established scholars                           chronicles of medieval England.
Boucicaut, Jean II le Meingre                                                  of the reign of Henry I I I .                               Handsomely produced, this
Translated by CR AIG TAY LOR                                                   SEH EP U NKT E                                              edition will serve medieval
& JA NE H.M. TAYLOR                                       £25/$34.95 February 2020                                                         historians far better than
                                                          978 1 78327 462 8                                                                previous editions.
                    The first English translation of
                                                          304pp, 23.4 x 15.6, PB
                    the chivalric biography of one of                                                                                      M EDI UM AEVUM
                    France’s leading figures of the                                                                   [The editor] has done historians a good turn in
                    middle ages.                                                                                      re-editing this unusually interesting chronicle,
                    Will be of great interest to anyone   King John and Religion                                      annotating it and providing text and translation on
                    who wishes to study or teach          PAUL W E B ST E R                                           facing pages. ENGLI SH H I STOR ICAL R EV IEW
                    medieval chivalry, tournaments or                                                                 £17.99/$29.99 September 2019
                                                                               A study of the personal religion       978 0 85444 079 5
                    the crusades. FRENCH HISTORY                               of King John, presenting a more        352pp, 21.6 x 13.8, PB
An important addition to the growing range of later                            complex picture of his actions         Publications of the Surtees Society
medieval chivalric texts available to Anglophone                               and attitude.                          Surtees Society
students and scholars ideal teaching
                                                                               An excellent book [that] makes
resource. FR ANC IA                                                                                                              LI T E R AT U R E & T H E ATRE
                                                                               an important contribution to a
£19.99/$25.95 March 2020                                                       dynamic field of research and
978 1 78327 464 2
248pp, 23.4 x 15.6, PB                                                         is both scholarly and accessible.      Doctrina pueril
                                                          NOT TINGHA M M EDI EVAL ST U DI ES                          A Primer for the Medieval World
                                                          £19.99/$24.95(s) October 2020
                                                                                                                      R AMON L LU L L
                                                          978 1 78327 547 2
                                                                                                                      Translated by JOH N DAGE NAI S
Discovering William                                       269pp, 23.4 x 15.6, PB
                                                          Studies in the History of Medieval Religion
of Malmesbury                                                                                                                              An unforgettable introduction
                                                                                                                                           to the medieval world and its
Edited by RODNEY M. T HOMS ON ,                                                                                                            culture for the modern reader.
& E M I LY A. WI NKLE R                                   Law, Liberty and the Constitution                                                Published in association with
                                                                                                                                           Editorial Barcino.
                    A fresh look at William of            A Brief History of the Common Law
                                                                                                                                           £19.99/$25.95(s) October 2019
                    Malmesbury which not only             HA R RY P OT T E R                                                               978 1 85566 309 1
                    demonstrates his real greatness                            An acclaimed re-telling of the
                                                                                                                                           288pp, 23.4 x 15.6, PB
                    as a historian and his European                                                                                        Textos
                                                                               development of the common              Barcino-Tamesis
                    vision, but also the breadth of                            law, the spinal cord of the
                    his learning across a number of                            English body politic.
                    other disciplines.
                                                                               A superbly written account of the
                  A rewarding book for scholars of                             common law. LAW SOCIETY GAZETTE
twelfth-century England. PARE RGON
                                                                                £17.99/$24.95 March 2020
£19.99/$24.95 June 2020                                                         978 1 78327 503 8
978 1 78327 536 6                                         18 b/w illus.; 362pp, 23.4 x 15.6, PB
244pp, 23.4 x 15.6, PB

MEDIEVAL STUDIES 2020 - Boydell & Brewer

           LITERATU RE & T HE AT R E                                               H I S TO RY                    Places of Contested Power
                                                                                                                  Conflict and Rebellion in
The Manuscript and Meaning                                  Gaelic Influence in the                               England and France, 830-1150
of Malory’s Morte Darthur                                   Northumbrian Kingdom                                  RYAN L AVE L L E
Rubrication, Commemoration,                                 The Golden Age and the Viking Age                                         The first full examination of
Memorialization                                             F IONA EDMON D S                                                          why and how certain
K. S. W HET T ER                                                                 The first full-scale,                                locations were chosen for
                      An examination of the                                      interdisciplinary treatment of                       opposition to power, and the
                      rubricated letters in the Morte                            the wide-ranging connections                         meaning they conveyed.
                      makes a convincing case for the                            between the Gaelic world and                        In this volume the hitherto
                      design being by Malory himself.                            the Northumbrian kingdom.                           neglected role of place and
                     [An] original, profoundly                                Northumbria was the most                               landscape in acts of opposition
                     researched, at times combative                           northerly Anglo-Saxon               and rebellion is explored for its meaning and
                     monograph.. Graduate students                            kingdom, with an impressive         significance to the protagonists. It includes a
                     and seasoned Malorians                 landscape featuring two sweeping coastlines,          consideration of a range of factors relevant to the
alike will find this book indispensable. MODE RN            which opened the area to a variety of cultural        choice of location for such events, and examines
L A NG UAG E REVIEW                                         connections. This book explores influences            the declarations and motivations of political
                                                            that emanated from the Gaelic-speaking world,         actors, from disaffected princes to independently
A highly stimulating and interesting read [and] an                                                                minded nobles, as well as those who responded
                                                            including Ireland, the Isle of Man, Argyll and the
important contribution to Arthurian and Malorian                                                                  to rebellion, to show how places and landscapes
                                                            kingdom of Alba (the nascent Scottish kingdom),
studies. ARC HIV FD SNSL                                                                                          became used in political disputes. These include
                                                            during Northumbria’s “Golden Age”, the political
Ambitious, genial, knowledgeable, closely argued,           and scholarly high-point of the seventh and early     both “public” and “private”, religious, urban and
and attractively illustrated. ME DIUM AEV UM                eighth centuries.                                     rural space, in England and northern France,
£19.99/$24.95(s) April 2020                                 Dr FIONA EDMONDS is Reader in History and             from the late Carolingian period through to the
978 1 84384 563 8                                                                                                 aftermath of the Norman Conquest.
16 colour illus.; 276pp, 23.4 x 15.6, PB
                                                            Director of the Regional Heritage Centre at
Arthurian Studies                                           Lancaster University.                                 RYAN LAVELLE is Professor of Early Medieval

                                                            £60/$99(s) December 2019
                                                                                                                  History in the Department of History at the
                                                            978 1 78327 336 2, ebook 978 1 78744 586 4            University of Winchester.
                                                            21 b/w illus.; 322pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB                 £60/$99(s) July 2020
         PAPERBACK ORIGINAL                                 Studies in Celtic History                             978 1 78327 373 7, ebook 978 1 78744 801 8
                                                                                                                  10 b/w illus.; 336pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB
Medieval English Theatre 41
Edited by SAR AH C ARPEN TER ,
ELISABETH DUT TON,                                          Medieval Welsh Genealogy
GORD ON KI PLI NG & M EG T W YC RO S S                      An Introduction and Textual Study                     Authority, Gender and
                      Essays on the performance of          BEN G UY
                                                                                                                  Space in the Anglo-Norman
                      drama from the middle ages,                                The first in-depth
                                                                                                                  World, 900-1200
                      ranging from the well-known                                investigation of the             KAT H E RI NE W E I K E RT
                      cycles of York to matter from Iran.                        genealogies of medieval                              A ground-breaking
                      £35/$60.00(s) May 2020                                     Wales, bringing out their full                       interdisciplinary approach to
                      978 1 84384 560 7
                      32 b/w illus.; 212pp, 23 x 16.5, PB
                                                                                 significance.                                        the medieval manor pre- and
                      Medieval English Theatre                                  Genealogy was a central element                       post-Conquest.
                                                                                of life in medieval Wales:                            The ways in which medieval
                                                                                the force that held society                           manors shaped – and were
                                                            together and the framework for all political                              shaped by – their occupants to
The Roman de Troie by                                       action. For these reasons, genealogical writing                           express social authority have not
Benoît de Sainte-Maure                                      in medieval Wales, as elsewhere in Europe,            yet been fully explored.This book provides a fuller
A Translation                                               became a fundamental tool for representing and        account of how concepts of space and domestic
                                                            manipulating perceptions of the socio-political       place were understood, represented, and used by
Translated by GLYN S. BURG ES S                             order across historical and literary time. From       their occupants in England and Normandy from
& D OUGL AS KELLY                                           its beginnings within an early medieval Insular       c. 900 to c. 1200, and how this illuminates aspects
                      The first English translation of an   genre of genealogical writing, Welsh genealogy        of gender and authority in the period. Blending
                      important twelfth-century             developed across the Middle Ages as a unique          approaches from archaeology and history, it
                      romance, giving an account of the     and pervasive phenomenon. This book provides          uses evidence from Anglo-Saxon wills, standing
                      Trojan war and its consequences.      the first integrated study of and comprehensive       and excavated manorial sites in England and
                      Winner of the 2018 CHOICE             introduction to genealogy in medieval Wales,          Normandy, and a variety of written texts from
                      Outstanding Academic Title            setting it in the context of genealogical writing     vitae to history to poetry, in order to delve into,
                      Award                                 from Ireland, England and beyond and tracing its      deconstruct and reconstruct gendered notions of
                                                            evolution from the eighth to the sixteenth century.   authority in the period.
                    Will serve as the standard
                                                            Dr BEN GUY is a Junior Research Fellow at             KATHERINE WEIKERT is Senior Lecturer in Early
English-language version of the medieval French text
                                                            Robinson College, Cambridge.                          Medieval History at the University of Winchester.
for the foreseeable future. THE MEDIEVAL REVIEW
                                                            £90/$160(s) April 2020                                £75/$120(s) May 2020
Essential. C HOIC E                                         978 1 78327 513 7                                     978 1 78327 512 0, ebook 978 1 78744 576 5
£19.99/$25.95 February 2020                                 483pp, 24 x 17, HB                                    2 colour & 1 b/w illus.; 222pp, 24 x 17, HB
978 1 84384 543 0                                           Studies in Celtic History                             Gender in the Middle Ages
488pp, 23.4 x 15.6, PB
Gallica                                                                                                                                              5
MEDIEVAL STUDIES 2020 - Boydell & Brewer

Conquests in Eleventh-                                   Warfare in the Norman
Century England: 1016, 1066                              Mediterranean
Edited by L AUR A ASHE                                   Edited by GE ORGIO S T H E OTOK I S
& E M I LY JOAN WARD                                                          Analyses of different aspects
                     The cataclysmic conquests of                             of the history of warfare in
                     the eleventh century are here                            the Mediterranean in the
                     set together for the first time.                         eleventh and twelfth centuries
                   Eleventh-century England                                  The kingdom of Sicily plays
                   suffered two devastating                                  a huge part in the history of
                   conquests, each bringing the                              the Norman people; their
                   rule of a foreign king and the                            conquest brought in a new era
                   imposition of a new regime.                               of invasion, interaction and
Yet only the second event, the Norman Conquest           integration in the Mediterranean. However, much
of 1066, has been credited with the impact and           previous scholarship has tended to concentrate on
influence of a permanent transformation. The             their activities in England and the Holy Land. This
essays in this volume offer multidisciplinary            volume redresses the balance by focusing on the
perspectives on a century of conquest: in politics,      Hautevilles, their successors and their followers.
law, governance, and religion; in art, literature,       It considers the operational, tactical, technical
economics, and culture; and in the lives and             and logistical aspects of the conduct of war in the
experiences of peoples in a changing, febrile, and       South looking also at its impact on Italian and
hybrid society.                                          Sicilian multi-cultural society. Topics include the
LAURA ASHE is Professor of English Literature            narratives of the Norman expansion, exchanges
and Fellow and Tutor in English, Worcester               and diffusion between the “military cultures” of
College, Oxford; EMILY JOAN WARD is Moses and            the Normans and the peoples they encountered in
Mary Finley Research Fellow, Darwin College,             the South, and their varied policies of conquest,       Designing Norman Sicily
Cambridge.                                               consolidation and expansion in the different            Material Culture and Society
CONTRIBUTORS: Timothy Bolton, Stephanie                  operational theatres of land and sea.
                                                                                                                 Edited by E M I LY A. W I N K L E R ,
Mooers Christelow, Julia Crick, Sarah Foot, John         Dr GEORGIOS THEOTOKIS is Lecturer at Ibn
                                                                                                                 L IAM FI T Z GE R AL D
Gillingham, Charles Insley, Catherine Karkov,            Haldun University, Istanbul.
                                                                                                                 & ANDREW SM AL L
Lois Lane, Benjamin Savill, Peter Sigurdson              CONTRIBUTORS: Matthew Bennett, Daniel P.
Lunga, Niels Lund, Rory Naismith, Bruce O’Brien,         Franke, Michael S. Fulton, Serban V. Marin, David       Essays showing how the stuff of Norman
Rebecca Thomas, Elizabeth M. Tyler, Elisabeth            Nicolle, Francesca Petrizzo, Luigi Russo, Charles       Sicily, its mosaics, frescoes, art and
van Houts, Emily Joan Ward                               D. Stanton, Georgios Theotokis, James Titterton         architecture, was used to construct its history.
£70/$99(s) June 2020                                     £65/$99(s) June 2020                                    Material culture played a crucial role in
978 1 78327 416 1, ebook 978 1 78744 836 0               978 1 78327 521 2, ebook 978 1 78744 855 1              developing the cultural narrative of Norman
1 colour & 12 b/w illus.; 432pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB         240pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB                                  Sicily. These essays consider how images, designs,
                                                         Warfare in History                                      artefacts, structures and objects were used to
                                                                                                                 help create the story of the medieval kingdom,
                                                                                                                 and what they reveal about the complex political
Kings, Lords and Courts in
Anglo-Norman England                                     Robin Hood                                              and social dynamics that underpinned the
                                                                                                                 so-called “multicultural” state. Arguing that a
NICHOL AS KARN                                           Legend and Reality                                      visual language developed in medieval Sicily and
                     The first study of the origins of   DAV ID C RO OK                                          southern Italy in this period, the contributions
                     the lordship courts that            Detailed research into documentary sources              journey through both familiar and unexplored
                     dominated the lives of the          offers an exciting new identification of the            aspects of Siculo-Norman art.
                     peasantry of medieval England.      “real” Robin Hood.                                      EMILY A. WINKLER is a Fellow of St Edmund
                                                                                                                 Hall and member of the History Faculty at the
                   About the year 1000, hundreds         For over a century and a half, scholars have
                                                                                                                 University Oxford; LIAM FITZGERALD is a PhD
                   and shires were the dominant          debated whether or not the legend of Robin
                                                                                                                 student at King’s College London; ANDREW
                   and probably the only local           Hood was based on an actual outlaw and, if so,
                                                                                                                 SMALL is a DPhil student at Exeter College,
                   assemblies for doing legal and        when and where he lived. This new survey offers
                                                                                                                 University of Oxford.
other business in England. Later, lords established      a radical and exciting new theory, based on the
                                                         author’s detailed research into the early records       CONTRIBUTORS: Martin Carver, Emma Edwards,
separate courts which gave them greater
autonomy: these can be seen clearly by the early         of the English royal administration and common          Liam Fitzgerald, Katherine Jacka, Alessandra
twelfth century, and were the basis from which           law, putting forward evidence that points to the        Molinari, Lisa Reilly, Fabio Scirea, Margherita
the later manorial courts, courts leet and honour        possible origins of the legend in the activities of a   Tabanelli, William Tronzo, Sarah Whitten, Emily
courts originated. This book shows, for the first        notorious Yorkshire criminal, tracked down and          A. Winkler
time, how they came into being.                          beheaded in 1225.                                       £60/$99(s) March 2020
                                                                                                                 978 1 78327 489 5
NICHOLAS KARN is Associate Professor of History          DAVID CROOK, now retired, spent his working
                                                                                                                 60 colour & 9 b/w illus.; 256pp, 24 x 17, HB
in the University of Southampton.                        life in The National Archives, where he became          Boydell Studies in Medieval Art and Architecture
£60/$99(s) January 2020                                  immersed in the extensive surviving early
978 1 78327 486 4                                        records of the English royal administration and
271pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB                                   common law.
                                                         £50/$90(s) October 2020
                                                         978 1 78327 543 4
                                                         20 colour illus.; 200pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB

MEDIEVAL STUDIES 2020 - Boydell & Brewer

Edward I: New Interpretations                           The Medieval Tournament                                Bastard Feudalism, English
Edited by ANDY KI NG                                    as Spectacle                                           Society and the Law
& A NDREW M. SPENC ER                                   Edited by AL AN V. M U RR AY                           The Statutes of Livery, 1390-1520
                     Exciting fresh perspectives on     & KA R EN WAT T S                                      GOR D ON M C K E LVI E
                     Edward I as man, king and          Fresh insights into the development of the
                     administrator.                                                                                               A fresh look at the idea of
                                                        tournament as an opportunity for social                                   bastard feudalism, deploying
                    The reign of Edward I was           display.                                                                  little-used records to provide
                    one of the most important of        The period from the thirteenth to the sixteenth                           new insights.
                    medieval England, but the king’s    century witnessed a rapid development of the                              Regulation of the distribution
                    activities and achievements         tournament. Alongside the original tourney – a                            of liveries and the practice of
                    have not always received the full   mass battle fought between opposing armies                                retaining, which underpinned
attention they deserve. The essays collected here       of knights with minimal and rudimentary                                   the so-called system of
offer fresh insights into Edward’s own personality      regulation – new forms of chivalric military           bastard feudalism in late medieval England, are
as well as developments in law, governance, war         contests emerged, in which entertainment               the subject of this book. Rather than relying
and culture. Edward the man emerges in chapters         featured alongside the necessity of practice           primarily on the records of noble estates, as much
on his early life, his piety and his family, while      for war. This volume brings together the latest        previous scholarship has done, it draws on the
the administrator king is discussed in evaluations      research on the late medieval tournament,              records of the court of King’s Bench, covering all
of his two great ministers, his handling of the         demonstrating how such events, particularly at         336 known cases of illegal livery and retaining
crucial issue of law and order and the way              the courts of France, Burgundy, England and            over 130 years. The author examines the political
he managed the realm from abroad through                the German principalities, were increasingly           events and legal processes surrounding illegal
his correspondence. Edward’s nobles, both in            integrated in wider festivities, ceremonies            livery, by exploring the nature of the legislation
England and Scotland, naturally appear as vital to      and diplomatic negotiations. Published in              and its enforcement, particularly the relationship
understanding the reign, while his rule is set in a     association with the Royal Armouries, it will          between law-making in parliament and law-
British and European context.                           appeal to all those interested in chivalric culture    enforcement in the localities.
ANDREW M. SPENCER is Senior Tutor at Gonville           and medieval warfare.
                                                                                                               Dr GORDON MCKELVIE is a lecturer in History at
& Caius College, Cambridge; ANDY KING is                CONTRIBUTORS: Natalie Anderson, Cathy Blunk,
                                                                                                               the University of Winchester.
a Lecturer in Medieval History, University of           Rosalind Brown-Grant, Ralph Moffat, Alan
Southampton.                                                                                                   £60/$99(s) February 2020
                                                        V. Murray, James Titterton, Iason-Eleftherios
                                                                                                               978 1 78327 477 2, ebook 978 1 78744 665 6
CONTRIBUTORS: Rod Billaud, Michael Brown,               Tzouriades, Marina V. Viallon, Karen Watts             261pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB
Caroline Burt, Charles Farris, Richard Huscroft,        £60/$99(s) August 2020
Andy King, Lars Kjaer, Kathleen Neal, Louise J.         978 1 78327 542 7
Wilkinson                                               20 colour & 10 b/w illus.; 256pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB
£60/$99(s) February 2020
                                                        Royal Armouries Research Series                        Cornwall, Connectivity
978 1 90315 372 7, ebook 978 1 78744 614 4                                                                     and Identity in the
203pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB
                                                                                                               Fourteenth Century
             YORK MEDIE VA L P RE SS                    Chronicle and Annals                                   S . J. DR AK E
                                                        of Gilles le Muisit                                                       The links between Cornwall,
The Household Roll of Eleanor                           Edited by RIC HARD BARBE R ,                                              a county frequently
de Montfort, Countess of                                Translated by DAVI D PRE E ST                                             considered remote and
Leicester and Pembroke, 1265                            The first English translation of an important                             separate in the Middle Ages,
British Library, Additional MS 8877                     chronicle for the early years of the Hundred                              and the wider realm of
                                                        Years’ War.                                                               England are newly discussed.
Edited and Translated
LOU I SE J. WI LKI NSON                                 A careful and reliable author, Gilles li Muisit,                          Drawing on a wide range of
                                                        abbot of Tournai in north-east France, presents                           published and archival material,
Edition with English translation of a                                                                          this book seeks to show how Cornwall remained
                                                        a largely realistic counterweight to the narratives
document shedding huge light on one of the                                                                     strikingly distinctive while still forming part
                                                        of chivalrous exploits in Jean le Bel and Froissart.
most important figures of her time.                                                                            of the kingdom. It argues that myths, saints,
                                                        They, like him, cover the period from 1330 to
The household roll of Eleanor, countess of              1351. Li Muisit’s caution about the battle of          government, and lordship all endowed the name
Leicester and Pembroke, offers a fascinating            Crecy – that no-one knows what is happening            and notion of Cornwall with authority in the
insight into one of the most important domestic         in a battle – is a remarkably modern view.             minds of its inhabitants, forging these people into
establishments in England during the Second             And his voice speaks not for the nobility, for         a commonalty. At the same time, the earldom-
Barons’ War of 1263-7. As the wife of Simon de          whom war represented glory and profit, but for         duchy and the Crown together helped to link the
Montfort, earl of Leicester, the leading figure         the defenceless and weak who were the main             county into the politics of England at large.
within the baronial regime, and the sister and          sufferers.                                             S.J. DRAKE is a Research Associate at the Institute
aunt of King Henry III and the Lord Edward,                                                                    of Historical Research. He was born and brought
                                                        £60/$99(s) September 2020
respectively, Countess Eleanor occupied a               978 1 78327 360 7                                      up in Cornwall.
position at the heart of English political affairs up   4 colour illus.; 224pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB                £60/$99(s) December 2019
to, and after, her husband’s death at the Battle of                                                            978 1 78327 469 7, ebook 978 1 78744 698 4
Evesham on 4 August 1265.                                                                                      2 b/w illus.; 512pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB
LOUISE J. WILKINSON is professor of medieval
history at Canterbury Christ Church University.
£60/$99(s) May 2020
978 0 90113 477 6
320pp, 24 x 14.6, HB
Publications of the Pipe Roll Society New Series
Pipe Roll Society                                                                                                                                        7
MEDIEVAL STUDIES 2020 - Boydell & Brewer

                    N EW SER I E S!                                     H I S TO RY O F DR E SS                                         CR U S ADE S
          POLITICAL CULTURE                               Refashioning Medieval                                     Baldric of Bourgueil: “History
                                                          and Early Modern Dress                                    of the Jerusalemites”
Monarchy, State and                                       A Tribute to Robin Netherton                              A Translation of the
Political Culture in Late                                 Edited by GAL E R . OW E N - C RO C K E R                 Historia Ierosolimitana
Medieval England                                          & M A R EN C L E GG H Y E R                               Translated by SU S AN B. E D GI NG TON ,
Essays in Honour of                                                           Essays on costume, fabric and         Introduction by ST EVE N J. BI DDLE C OMBE
W. Mark Ormrod                                                                clothing.                                                The first translation of Baldric’s
Edited by GWI LYM D ODD                                                       All those who work with                                  Historia Ierosolimitana.
& CR AIG TAYLOR                                                               historical dress and textiles must                        The Historia Ierosolimitana is
New approaches to the political culture of the                                in some way re-fashion them.                              a prose narrative of the events
fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.                                           This fundamental concept is                               of the First Crusade written at
                                                                              developed and addressed by the                            the abbey of Bourgueil in the
These essays celebrate the distinguished career                               articles collected here, ranging                          Loire Valley around 1105. Its
of Professor W. Ormrod, reflecting the vibrancy           over issues of gender, status and power. Topics                               author, the abbot Baldric, used
and range of his scholarship on the structures,           include: the repurposing and transformation               the anonymous Gesta Francorum for much of the
personalities and culture of ruling late medieval         of material items for purposes of religion,               factual material presented, but provided literary
England. Encompassing political, administrative,          memorialisation, restoration and display; attempts        enhancements and amplifications of the historical
Church and social history, the volume focusses on         to regulate dress, both ecclesiastical and secular, the   narrative and the characters found therein. This
three main themes: monarchy, state and political          reasons for it and the refashioning which was both        volume provides the first modern-language
culture. Particular topics addressed include              a result and a reaction. Taken together, they honour      translation of the Historia, with a full introduction
Edward III’s reactions to the deaths of his kinfolk       the costume historian and editor Robin Netherton.         setting out its historical, social, political and
and close associates; political defamation in the         See its page at for details of   manuscript contexts, and notes.
fourteenth century; the function and jurisdiction         the editors and the full list of contributors
                                                                                                                    SUSAN B. EDGINGTON is a Teaching and Research
of the Court of Chivalry; the working practices           £75/$135(s) November 2019
                                                                                                                    Fellow at Queen Mary University of London;
of the privy seal clerk, Thomas Hoccleve; and the         978 1 78327 474 1, ebook 978 1 78744 616 8
                                                          30 colour &17 b/w illus.; 311pp, 24 x 17, HB              STEVEN J. BIDDLECOMBE edited the Latin text
political culture of regulation and code-breaking,
                                                          Medieval and Renaissance Clothing and Textiles            of Baldric’s Historia (2014) and is currently an
via discussion of the household ordinances of
                                                                                                                    independent scholar.
Cecily, duchess of York.
See its page at for details of                                                             £60/$99(s) January 2020
                                                                                                                    978 1 78327 480 2, ebook 978 1 78744 453 9
the editors and the full list of contributors
£60/$99(s) October 2020
                                                          Medieval Clothing                                         224pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB
978 1 90315 395 6                                         and Textiles 16                                           Crusading in Context
12 b/w illus.; 240pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB                     Edited by MON IC A L . W RIGH T
Political Culture in the Middle Ages
                                                          with ROBIN N ET H E RTON
                                                          & G A L E R . OW E N - C RO C K E R                       The Bible and Crusade Narrative
                                                                              The best new research on              in the Twelfth Century
Power-Brokers and the                                                         medieval clothing and textiles.       KAT H E RI NE AL L E N SM I T H
Yorkist State, 1461-1485                                                     Following the Journal’s tradition                         A new investigation into the
A LEX ANDER R . BRONDA R BIT                                                 of drawing on a range of                                  twelfth-century accounts of
An examination of the role played by key                                     disciplines, these essays extend                          the First Crusade, showing
figures around the monarchy in the Wars of                                   chronologically from the tenth                            their complex relationship
the Roses.                                                                   through the sixteenth century                             with the Bible.
                                                                             and cover a wide geography.
The reigns of Edward IV and Richard III have                                 They include an examination of                             The Bible exerted an enormous
long engendered fascination and debate, not least         the lexical items for banners in Beowulf, evidence                            influence on the crusading
concerning the extent of the authority and power of       of the use of curved template for the composition                             movement: it provided medieval
key individuals surrounding the court at the time.        in the Bayeux Tapestry, a discussion of medieval          Christians with language to describe holy war,
This book examines the most influential men and           cultivation of hemp for use in textiles in Sweden,        spiritual models for crusaders, and justifications
women at the centre of their regimes: the political       and a reading of Lady Mede’s costume in Piers             for conquests in the East. This book offers a
power-brokers. They served the king in matters            Plowman.                                                  reappraisal of the early twelfth-century narratives
of diplomacy, warfare, court ceremony, local                                                                        of the First Crusade as works of biblical exegesis
                                                          CONTRIBUTORS: Melanie Schuessler Bond, John
government, and the maintenance of order amid                                                                       rather than simply historical texts. It restores
                                                          Bloch Friedman, M. Wendy Hennequin, Cynthia
the ongoing crisis of kingship sparked by the Wars                                                                  these works and their authors to the context
                                                          Jackson, Mark D. Johnston, Maggie Kneen, Gale
of the Roses. It allows a more detailed image of the                                                                of the monastic and cathedral schools where
                                                          R. Owen-Crocker, Git Skoglund, John Slefinger
influence the power-brokers wielded and their place                                                                 the curricula centred on biblical study, and
in the Yorkist state, and analyses the manifestation      £40/$70(s) April 2020                                     demonstrates how the crusade’s narrators applied
                                                          978 1 78327 515 1, ebook 978 1 78744 691 5
of their power and the manner in which they               16 colour &74 b/w illus.; 256pp, 23.5 x 15.6, HB          familiar methods of scriptural commentary to
exercised their influence publicly and privately;         Medieval Clothing and Textiles                            the crusade, treating it as a text which could,
and establishes their importance in the foundation,                                                                 like the Bible, be understood through historical,
maintenance, and downfall of the Yorkist dynasty.                                                                   allegorical, and mystical lenses.
ALEXANDER BRONDARBIT is an Academic                                                                                 KATHERINE ALLEN SMITH is professor of history
Planning Analyst at the University of California,                                                                   at the University of Puget Sound.
Santa Cruz.                                                                                                         £60/$99(s) June 2020
£60/$99(s) August 2020                                                                                              978 1 78327 523 6, ebook 978 1 78744 850 6
978 1 78327 534 2                                                                                                   3 b/w illus.; 240pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB
8 b/w illus.; 224pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB                                                                                Crusading in Context

MEDIEVAL STUDIES 2020 - Boydell & Brewer

                                                                       M I L I TARY H I S TO RY                    Jean de Bueil: Le Jouvencel
                                                                                                                   Translated by C R AIG TAY LOR
                                                         The Soldiers’ Chronicle of                                & JANE H . M . TAY LOR
                                                         the Hundred Years War                                                        The first full English
                                                         College of Arms Manuscript M9                                                translation of a major text.
                                                         Edited by ANN E C U RRY                                                       Le Jouvencel is one of the most
                                                         & R EM Y AM BU H L                                                            important and revealing sources
                                                         A previously unpublished English chronicle                                    for the study of medieval
                                                         of the Hundred Years War covering the                                         warfare and chivalry. It tells the
                                                         period 1415 to 1429, written for the English                                  story of a poor young soldier
                                                         commander Sir John Fastolf.                                                   whose skill at arms enables
                                                                                                                   him to rise through the ranks and eventually
                                                         This previously unpublished chronicle from the            marry a foreign princess. Jean de Bueil (1406-
                                                         mid-fifteenth century covers the English wars in          1477), the “plague of the English”, wrote the
                                                         France from 1415 to 1429. It is highly unusual in         book around 1466, following his retirement from
                                                         that it was written by two soldiers, Peter Basset         military service, drawing heavily upon his own
                                                         and Christopher Hanson. The content is unusual,           experiences as one of the most prominent French
                                                         as it includes many lists of individuals serving          soldiers of the fifteenth century. As a result, this
                                                         in the war, and records their presence at battles,        remarkable chivalric narrative offers a window
                                                         naming more than 700 in all. Over half these              into the martial culture of French soldiers during
                                                         individuals are French or Scottish, so it would           the final stages of the Hundred Years War. This
                                                         seem that the authors had a particularly detailed         first English translation is presented with an
                                                         knowledge of French military participation. The           introduction to the text and to Jean de Bueil, and
                                                         narrative is important for the English campaigns          explanatory notes.
                    CRU SA D E S                         in Maine in the 1420s in which Fastolf was heavily
                                                                                                                   Dr CRAIG TAYLOR is Reader in Medieval History
                                                         involved and which otherwise receive little
                                                                                                                   at the University of York; JANE H.M. TAYLOR
The Miraculous and the                                   attention in chronicles written on either side of
                                                                                                                   is Emeritus Professor of French at Durham
Writing of Crusade Narrative                             the Channel.
                                                         £60/$99(s) June 2020
BETH C. SPAC EY                                                                                                    £60/$99(s) July 2020
                                                         978 1 78327 514 4
The first comprehensive study of miracles in             224pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB                                    978 1 78327 540 3, ebook 978 1 78744 834 6
                                                                                                                   448pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB
Crusade narrative, showing how and why
they were deployed by their authors.
The medieval Latin Christian narratives of the           Military Cultures and Martial                             Chivalry and Violence in
crusades are replete with references to miracles,
visions and signs; but these references have never
                                                         Enterprises in the Middle Ages                            Late Medieval Castile
been studied together, a gap which this book aims        Essays in Honour of                                       S AM U E L A. C L AU S SE N
to fill, offering an analysis of the role of miracles,   Richard P. Abels
marvels, visions, dreams, signs and augury in                                                                      The first full investigation in English into
                                                         Edited by JOH N D. HO SL E R                              the role played by chivalric ideology in late
narratives of the crusades of 1096 to1204 and            & STEV EN I S AAC
produced between c.1099 and c.1250. It argues that                                                                 medieval Castile.
the miraculous and its related themes represented
                                                         Essays on aspects of medieval military history,           The Kingdom of Castile in the late Middle Ages
a powerful tool for the authors of crusade narrative
                                                         encompassing the most recent critical approaches.         suffered from regular civil strife, warfare, dynastic
because of its ability to convey divine agency and       These essays honour the career and achievements           contests, and violence. The chaos that marked
will, ideas which were central to the belief held        of Richard Abels, the distinguished historian of          this period was not mere chance, but the result
among Latin Christian contemporaries that crusade        medieval military history; in particular, they aim        of key historical developments which have not
was divinely inspired and spiritually salvific.          to reflect how the “cultural turn” in the field has       been fully examined in Anglophone scholarship,
BETH C. SPACEY is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow         led to exciting new developments in scholarship.          This book explores the roots of the disorder that
at the University of Queensland.                         Ranging from the late eighth century to the               plagued Castile in the fourteenth and fifteenth
                                                         fifteenth, from northern England to the Levant,           centuries, identifying the ideology of chivalry and
£60/$99(s) March 2020
978 1 78327 518 2, ebook 978 1 78744 871 1               the chapters analyze how medieval kings and               its knightly practitioners as the chief instigators
214pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB                                   commanders practiced a genuine military science,          of the violence that destabilized the kingdom. The
Crusading in Context                                     how the meanings of victory and defeat were               author argues that chivalry was far from being a
                                                         constructed by chroniclers and whole societies,           code of good behaviour, scrupulously observed,
                                                         how wars were remembered and propagandized,               but rather encouraged knights to avenge
                                                         and how religion and war mixed.                           themselves violently upon their neighbours,
              CRUSADING IN                               See its page at for details of   pursue a zealous holy war against Islam, and tear
             CONTEXT SERIES                              the editors and the full list of contributors             at the social fabric of Castilian society.
 The crusading movement was a defining feature           £60/$99(s) June 2020                                      SAMUEL A. CLAUSSEN is Assistant Professor of
                                                         978 1 78327 533 5, ebook 978 1 78744 852 0
 of the history of Europe, the Mediterranean             5 b/w illus.; 272pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB                      History at California Lutheran University.
 and the Near East during the central and later                                                                    £60/$99(s) November 2020
 Middle Ages. Ideas and practices associated                                                                       978 1 78327 546 5, ebook 978 1 78744 846 9
 with it touched the lives of people within and                                                                    208pp, 21.6 x 13.8, HB
 beyond Christendom and the Islamicate world,                                                                      Warfare in History
 regardless whether they were ever directly
 engaged in, witnesses to, or victims of acts of
 crusading violence themselves.

 Visit for details.                                                                                                                                               9
MEDIEVAL STUDIES 2020 - Boydell & Brewer

           HISTORY OF R E L I G I O N                   Herbert Grundmann                                       The Martyrology of the
                                                        (1902-1970)                                             Regensburg Schottenkloster
Reading and Shaping                                     Essays on Heresy,                                       Edited by PÁDR AIG Ó RIAI N
Medieval Cartularies                                    Inquisition, and Literacy                               Edition, with introduction and notes, of
Multi-Scribe Manuscripts and their                      Edited by JE NN I FE R KOL PAC OFF DE ANE               important Irish liturgical texts found in Bavaria.
Patterns of Growth. A Study of the                                          The first English translation       The earliest Irish martyrology was compiled in
Earliest Cartularies of Glasgow                                             of seminal essays on heresy         prose and verse at Tallaght, near Dublin, about
Cathedral and Lindores Abbey                                                and other aspects of medieval       the year 830. Little has hitherto been known of its
JOA NNA TUC KER                                                             religious history.                  circulation before the period 1150-60, when the
                                                                                                                surviving copy of the prose version was made.
                   The physical nature of the                              In the field of medieval religious
                   medieval cartulary examined                             history, few scholars have           Emeritus Professor PÁDRAIG Ó RIAIN is a member
                   alongside its textual contents.                         matched the originality of the       of the Placenames Commission of Ireland and one
                                                                           German academic Herbert              of the editors of the Locus project.
                     Medieval cartularies are
                                                        Grundmann (1902-1970) who published a series            £60/$99(s) December 2019
                     one of the most significant
                                                        of brilliant books and articles that fundamentally      978 1 90749 736 0
                     sources for a historian of the                                                             263pp, 21.6 x 13.8, HB
                     Middle Ages. Once viewed           reshaped how historians of culture and religion
                                                        conceptualized the medieval past. Yet although                H EN RY B R A D S H AW S O C I ETY
                     as simply repositories of
charters, cartularies are now regarded as carefully     later generations of scholars have since
curated collections of texts whose contents and         approached their research from vantage points           The Cartulary and Charters
arrangement reflect the immediate concerns              shaped by his arguments, few of his writings have       of the Priory of Saints
                                                        been previously accessible to an Anglophone
and archival environment of the communities
                                                        audience. This volume presents translations of six
                                                                                                                Peter and Paul, Ipswich
that created them. One feature of the cartulary
in particular that has not been studied so fully        of Grundmann’s most significant essays on the           Part II: The Charters
is its materiality: the fact that it is a manuscript.   intertwined themes of medieval heresy, literacy,        Edited by DAVI D AL L E N
Consequently, it has not been recognised that           and inquisition. Together, they offer new access to
                                                                                                                                     Edition of documents from
many cartularies are multi-scribe manuscripts           Grundmann’s scholarship, one which will catalyze
                                                                                                                                     an important East Anglian
which “grew” for many decades after their initial       new perspectives on the medieval religious past
                                                                                                                                     ecclesiastical institution.
creation, both physically and textually.                and enable a fresh consideration of his intellectual
                                                        legacy in the twenty-first century.                                          The charters presented here,
JOANNA TUCKER gained her PhD from the
                                                        JENNIFER KOLPACOFF DEANE is Professor of
                                                                                                                                     with full explanatory notes,
University of Glasgow.
                                                        History at the University of Minnesota, Morris.                              complement the contents of
£75/$130(s) February 2020                                                                                                            the priory’s cartulary published
978 1 78327 478 9, ebook 978 1 78744 666 3              £60/$99(s) September 2019
                                                        978 1 90315 393 2, ebook 978 1 78744 700 4
                                                                                                                                     in 2018. They illuminate the
22 colour illus.; 332pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB
Studies in Celtic History                               276pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB                                  religious life of the priory, its community, spiritual
                                                        Heresy and Inquisition in the Middle Ages               rewards for its benefactors, steps taken to safeguard
                                                                    YO R K M ED IEVA L P R ES S                 its assets, and the circumspection sometimes shown
                                                                                                                by the convent in its dealings with the powerful.
Writing History in                                                                                              DAVID ALLEN was archivist in the Suffolk Record
the Community of St                                     St Stephen’s College,                                   Office for over thirty years.
Cuthbert, c.700-1130                                    Westminster                                             £60/$99(s) March 2020
From Bede to Symeon of Durham                           A Royal Chapel and English                              978 1 78327 494 9
                                                        Kingship, 1348-1548                                     4 b/w illus.; 211pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB
                                                                                                                Suffolk Charters
                                                        EL IZ A BET H BIGGS
An examination of the texts produced by the
community of St Cuthbert.                                                   The first full-length account
                                                                            of St Stephen’s Chapel,
This book offers a narrative of historiographical                           bringing out its full               Scottish Episcopal Acta
production within St Cuthbert’s community                                   importance and influence            Volume II: The Early Thirteenth
from the time of its foundation on the island of                            throughout the Middle Ages.         Century, c.1200-c.1240
Lindisfarne, through subsequent translations
to Chester-le-Street and Durham, down to                                   In St Stephen’s College, the         Edited by NORM AN F. SH E AD
the vibrant intellectual revival of the Anglo-                             royally-favoured religious           The first modern edition of the Acta of
Norman period. Focusing on several watershed                               institution at the heart of          medieval Scottish bishops.
moments in the story of this community, it              the busy administrative world of the Palace
                                                        of Westminster, church and state met and                This volume brings together for the first time
identifies political, religious, intellectual and                                                               the 244 surviving documents issued by, or in
cultural triggers for historical writing, and argues    collaborated for two centuries; it was part of
                                                        the shift at Westminster from the king’s most           the name of, all the Scottish bishops of the early
that knowledge of past events gave successive                                                                   thirteenth century, building on the previously-
guardians of Cuthbert’s cult their single most          important home into the centre of political life
                                                        in the sixteenth century. This book recreates the       published twelfth-century Acta. Every Latin text is
valuable tool in the continuous effort to define                                                                printed in full, preceded by an English summary
who they were, where they had come from, and            entire world of a lost institution, bringing its
                                                        growth and development vividly to life.                 and followed by an explanation of the date
what they hoped to continue to be.                                                                              ascribed to the document and, where appropriate,
CHARLES C. ROZIER is Lecturer in Medieval
                                                        Dr ELIZABETH BIGGS has taught at York and the
                                                                                                                textual notes and comments.
European History at Durham University.                  University of the West of England.
                                                                                                                NORMAN F. SHEAD is an Honorary Research
                                                        £60/$99(s) March 2020
£60/$99(s) June 2020                                                                                            Fellow at the University of Glasgow.
                                                        978 1 78327 495 6, ebook 978 1 78744 872 8
978 1 90315 394 9, ebook 978 1 78744 867 4
                                                        6 b/w illus.; 262pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB                    £40/$70(s) February 2020
7 b/w illus.; 240pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB
                                                        Studies in the History of Medieval Religion             978 0 90624 544 6
Writing History in the Middle Ages
                                                                                                                573pp, 21.6 x 13.8, HB
            YORK MEDIE VA L P RE SS                                                                             Scottish History Society 6th Series
                                                                                                                     S C OT T IS H H IS TO RY S O C IETY


            A RT & A RC HI T E C T U R E                Stone Fidelity                                       East Anglian Church Porches
                                                        Marriage and Emotion in                              and their Medieval Context
Reliquary Tabernacles in                                Medieval Tomb Sculpture                              H E L E N E . LU NNON
Fourteenth-Century Italy                                JES SIC A BARK E R                                                        A major interdisciplinary
Image, Relic and Material Culture                                           Pioneering investigation of                           study.
BETH WI LLIAMSON                                                            the popular “double tomb”                            The church porches of medieval
                    Ground-breaking study of the                            effigies in the Middle Ages.                         England are among the most
                    unique tabernacles which for                            This is the first book to                            beautiful and glorious aspects
                    the first time combined relics                          address the phenomenon of                            of ecclesiastical architecture; but
                    and images.                                             the medieval “double tomb”,                          in comparison with its stained
                                                                            drawing the rich history of      glass, for example, they have been relatively little
                    Images and relics were
                                                                            tomb sculpture into dialogue     studied. This book, the first detailed study of them
                    central tools in the process
                                                        with discourses of power, marriage, gender and       for over a century, gives new insights into this
                    of devotional practice in
                                                        emotion, and placing them in the context of          often over-looked element. Focussing on the rich
                    medieval Europe. The reliquary
                                                        ecclesiastical material culture of the time more     corpus of late-medieval East Anglian porches, it
tabernacles that emerged in the 1340s, in the
                                                        broadly. It offers new interpretations of some       begins with two chapters placing them in a broad
area of Central Italy surrounding the city of
                                                        of the most famous medieval monuments,               cultural outline; it then moves on to consider their
Siena, combined images and relics, presented
                                                        such as those found in Westminster Abbey             commissioning and design, their architecture and
visibly together, within painted and decorated
                                                        and Canterbury Cathedral, as well as drawing         ornamentation, their use and their meaning. This
wooden frames. In these tabernacles the various
                                                        attention to a host of lesser-known memorials        book will appeal to all those interested in church
media and materials worked together to create
                                                        from throughout Europe. In turn, these               fabric and function.
a powerful and captivating ensemble, usable in
several contexts, both in procession and static, as     monuments provide a vantage point from which         Dr HELEN LUNNON, an Honorary Researcher in
the centre of focussed, prayerful attention. This       to reconsider the culture of medieval marriage.      the School of Art, Media and American Studies at
first full-length study of these enigmatic artefacts    Dr JESSICA BARKER is a Lecturer in Medieval Art      the University of East Anglia, is Head of Learning
focuses on their materiality, investigating the         at the Courtauld Institute of Art, London.           at Norwich Castle Museum and Art Gallery.
connotations and effects.                                        Published with the generous financial       £60/$99(s) June 2020
                                                                 assistance of the Henry Moore Foundation.   978 1 78327 526 7, ebook 978 1 78744 851 3
BETH WILLIAMSON is Professor of Medieval
                                                                                                             73 b/w illus.; 304pp, 24 x 17, HB
Culture at the University of Bristol.                   £50/$90(s) April 2020
                                                        978 1 78327 271 6, ebook 978 1 78744 692 2
£75/$99(s) April 2020                                   33 colour & 63 b/w illus.; 342pp, 24 x 17, HB
978 1 78327 476 5                                       Boydell Studies in Medieval Art and Architecture
12 colour & 64 b/w illus.; 254pp, 24 x 17, HB
Boydell Studies in Medieval Art and Architecture                                                                              LO C AL H I S TO RY

                                                                                                             Petitions from Lincolnshire,
                                                        Houses and Society in                                c.1200-c.1500
The Fabric Accounts                                     Norwich, 1350-1660                                   Edited by GW I LYM D ODD
of St Stephen’s Chapel,                                 Urban Buildings in the                               & AL I S ON K . MC HARDY
Westminster, 1292-1396                                  Age of Transition                                    with L I S A L I DDY
Edited by T I M AYERS, Transcriptions by                C H R IS K I NG                                                           Stories of injustice, feuding,
MAU REEN JURKOWSK I                                     The first full archaeological study of the urban                          chicanery and natural
                    The first publication, with         environment of Norwich when its power was                                 disasters told through the
                    English translation, of the         at its height.                                                            words of Lincolnshire people.
                    accounts of the building of St      Norwich was second only to London in size and                           When the normal channels
                    Stephen’s Chapel.                   economic significance from the late Middle Ages                         for righting wrongs or asking
                   Begun by Edward I in 1292 and        through to the mid-seventeenth century. This                            favours were unavailable, the
                   completed by Edward III, the         book brings together the rich archaeological                            people of medieval England
                   rebuilding and decoration of         evidence for urban households and domestic life      petitioned their kings – in parliament, council,
                   St Stephen’s Chapel took three       in Norwich, using surviving buildings, excavated     or chancery. Lincolnshire’s inhabitants took
reigns and over 60 years. Produced by the royal         sites, and material culture. It offers a broad       full advantage of these opportunities, and their
Exchequer and now in The National Archives,             overview of the changing forms, construction         stories are told now through their petitions drawn
the fabric accounts for this important complex of       and spatial organisation of urban houses during      from The National Archives, edited here. The
buildings are exceptionally rich, but have not been     the period, ranging across the social spectrum       introduction sets the documents within England’s
fully published, until now. Sixty rolls are presented   from the large courtyard mansions occupied           administrative, legal, political, economic and
here with full introduction, notes, the original text   by members of the mercantile and civic elite, to     social framework, and is followed by the texts of
and a facing English translation.                       the homes of the urban “middling sort” and the       almost 200 petitions, accompanied by extensive
                                                        small two- and three-roomed cottages of the city’s   notes.
TIM AYERS is Professor of the History of Art at the
University of York.                                     weavers and artisans.                                GWILYM DODD is Associate Professor of History
                                                        CHRIS KING is Assistant Professor of Archaeology     at the University of Nottingham; ALISON K.
£150/$220(s) April 2020
978 1 78327 444 4, ebook 978 1 78744 615 1              at the University of Nottingham.                     MCHARDY was formerly Reader in Medieval
7 b/w illus.; 1464pp, 29.7 x 21, HB                                                                          English History at the University of Nottingham.
                                                        £40/$70(s) September 2020
                                                        978 1 78327 554 0                                    £40/$70(s) April 2020
                                                        12 colour & 103 b/w illus.; 256pp, 24 x 17, HB       978 1 91065 306 7
                                                                                                             446pp, 23.4 x 15.6, HB
                                                                                                             Publications of the Lincoln Record Society
                                                                                                                 LIN C O LN R EC O R D S O C IETY                                                                                                                                        11
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