Page created by Donna Carrillo
     A Guide to looking after you and your pharmacy team members

                  We are not all in the same boat,
                 but We are all in the same storm.

                 We have our own storms to sail let
                      us support each other.
                            #Be kind

In a world where we can be anything, BE KIND          Caroline Flack, 2020
                                      Page 3
                                      Mental health first aid
                                      Your support

                                      Page 4
                                      Your mental health
                                      Local mental health support
                                      CRISIS - contact details

                                      Page 5
                                      Self-care implementation
                                      CRISIS - how to support

                                      Page 6 & 7
                                      Making changes
                                      Connect 5

                                      Page 8
                                      Management support
                                      Useful Tools and links
                                      supporting others
This information should be readily
available to any Pharmacy team        Page 9-11
member. Please display on staff       Amy Oatway- Kellys Chemist.
                                      Community pharmacy mental health proposal
notice boards, colleague areas,
add to sign posting folders.          The information in this strategy is the intellectual property of Amy Oatway and
If possible, print and give to each   may be reproduced only with reference to its originator. Contact Tees LPC for
staff member for reference and        further information
ensure they are aware it is a tool
for them to use and management        Page12
                                      COVID 19 support
supports them to do so.               Resources & useful links

                                      Pages 13
                                      MECC – Making Every Contact Count
                                      Useful links
                                                                                          Hmmmm this may
                                      Page 14-15                                          be an interesting
                                      Signposting                                          read. Shall I pop
                                                                                            the kettle on?
                                      Page 16
                                              AND WELLBEING
                                              TEES LPC INTRODUCTION

MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID                       We have a passion for mental health and believe that many of us do not
 Mental health first aid training is the      recognize the impact that our own mental wellbeing can have on ourselves and
                                              our work. It is something that creeps up on us when we are often at our most
equivalent of a physical first aider within
                                              vulnerable, it takes time and we may slowly make changes to our personalities,
your business. Although it is not             actions and behaviors at such a slow rate that the signs to ourselves and to
compulsory to have as part of your            others are often missed….instead it becomes ‘who we are.’ There is still a stigma
team it is highly recommended to do so.       around looking after ourselves and not having time to practice self-care – and
A MHFA trained team member will be            let’s be honest those practicing self-care are often seen as ‘lucky to have the
able to support staff around mental           time’ to have break/time out/a walk etc. We believe that by making some minor
health and wellbeing issues. Although         changes now will have a greater impact over time. Self-care should be part of
they are not trained counsellors, they will   your routine of looking after yourself just like eating a balanced diet, doing some
be able to listen, Reassure and respond       exercise, and having good sleep hygiene.
even in times of crisis.
                                              We hope that the information included in this document is useful either for        yourself, a family member, or a work colleague. We are coming into a Position
ult/                                          where the pressure from the pandemic is easing none of us have had time to
                                              think, plan or prepare, we have simply gone into fight mode, we have been
Who is the mental health first aider in       running on adrenaline, working long hours, short staffed for a number of weeks.
your pharmacy?                                Now is the time to prepare for us to go into a period of recovery, we will all need
                                              it. We all have mental health to look after, find your way to protect yours and
(This is someone with a qualification not     restart your pharmacy journey as a mentally healthy pharmacy.
the ‘parent’ of the pharmacy or longest       For more detail around ‘what is mental health’ please see;
standing employee!)

This person should be well known to all       The latest blog from Public Health England has some brilliant information with
staff members and should be added to          national and local guidance can be found at;
the signposting folder. If you do not
have a first aider who is your mental         health-why-this-matters-now-more-than-ever/
health lead? Can they organize a
mental Health first aid trained member                       ACTION - Complete the following;
of staff?                                     What support does my company offer?

Tees LPC offer MHFA training:
                                                Contact name………………………………………………………………………….

PHARMACY MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AIDER                                                       .

                                                Phone number………………………………………………………………………….
                                            It is important to recognize that it is your responsibility to look after your own
                                            mental health just like your physical health. No one else can take responsibility for
                                            your health, it sounds harsh I know! However, it is the truth, think about this……
                                            Have you ever smoked? Why did you stop? If you haven’t smoked, why didn’t
                                            you start?
                                            Can we guess that is because it is ‘bad for you’? that it will impact negatively on
                                            your health? Reduce your life expectancy?

                                            Well guess what,
Mind is a national charity supporting
                                            The same can be said for mental health, yet it doesn’t seem to be on everyone’s
those with mental health issues. This
                                            priority list, I suspect this is because Mental health is not seen by those never
may be from someone diagnosed with
                                            affected or recognized that they have been. Once you have been given an
a specific condition, looking for a         inside view no matter how slight, you will understand the importance of looking
support with recovery or for simple         after yourself mentally. It is a doorway that once opened, you can easily find
guidance to self-care. Anyone can self-     yourself walking through without realizing entering a room of the unknown, filled
refer into a local MIND service. Each       with your own solitude. A doorway that you will always be aware is there and the
area offers different services.             only way to stay on this side is to ensure self-care and awareness of you own
http://www.middlesbroughandstockton         mental health and emotional wellbeing.
                                            There is a lot to be said about our emotional wellbeing and the link to
 Middlesbrough              01642 680706    lifestyles.(Hoeger W.W. Hoeger, S.A., Hoeger, C.I. and Fawson, A.L., 2018. ) Don’t
                                            we lead busy lives? Always on the go, always working later, harder, faster. I don’t
 Stockton                   01642 524714
                                            believe a lot of our lives are choices, it seems we have fallen into the way of the
 Redcar                     01642 838300
                                            world, fitting into expectations and following patterns of those around us without
                                            thought or question. It seems that over time we have become creatures of the
 Hartlepool                 01429 269303    never ending, a constant source of work, achievement, money, materialistic
                                            objects, a need to be better, constant communication virtually, handheld
                                            gadgets taped to our hands, an unconscious mind being given messages to look
                                            prettier, slimmer, more defined, more manly, stronger, handsome, rich……..

CRISIS                                      basically, have it all ‘just right’ to be ‘liked’.

                                            Have you thought about your lifestyle lately? How does it make you feel? Is it as
If someone is in CRISIS, it may mean        you would want it to be? Do you want to make some changes? Do you need to
that there is a risk of life.               make some changes?
                                            If So, What will that be? How will you do that? Hopefully this document will help
                                            you along with the following link
   You can ring 999 for help.
If you feel someone is at breaking          health
point and needs professional
support instantly, this is also a CRISIS.                                                                  WELLBEING

You can contact your one point of                                                                   ‘Wellbeing can be
access mental health crisis team                                  PHYSICAL
                                                                                                   understood as how people
directly 24 hours a day, seven days a                                                              feel and how they
week, using the telephone numbers                                                                  function on a personal and
below:                                                                                             a social level and how they
                                                                                                   evaluate their lives as a

 0300 0200317
                                                                                                   (New economics,2012)
                                                 EMOTIONAL                      SOCIAL

Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS
Foundation Trust.
                                               Listen, this doesn’t have to be a huge effort!
                                               When we think about selfcare we often think about luxurious spa days, golf trips
                                               with buddies or weekends away or other big, planned time consuming events
                                               that take a lot of organization and sometimes recovery from!

                                               No wonder we say ‘we don’t have time’

                                               Self-care is so much smaller, its little everyday tasks that we do just for us and that
                                               will be different for everyone.
                                               Make your bed on a morning - give yourself a sense of achievement,
                                               Have a break - just a ten minute cuppa, feels worthwhile.
                                               Switch off the gadgets- take a mental break from the strains of a screen,
                                               Detox from social media- get away from the likes and notifications of virtual life or
                                               someone needing/demanding your attention.
CRISIS                                         Because here’s the thing……….
Each person in CRISIS can look different
to the next, it is difficult to say how to                               You do have time
treat someone in crisis, it is possible that
they may not be aware themselves that          Because your time is yours,
they are in crisis. Key points to be aware
                                               You get to choose what you do with it.
of when supporting a person in crisis
                                               Yes sometimes we seem controlled by external components - Work, family life,
are;                                           Relationships, Financial burdens- Just life itself?
    •   Be calm.
    •   Listen, really listen to what their    But life is what we make it, we do have the control, we do have the power, we
        words mean.                            just need to reach inside and find what it is that we need ( Murphy, J., 2008)- now
    •   Focus on the individual, forget        that is the hard part because you will need a moment, some space or a little
        disruption going on around you.        quiet time to:
    •   Find a quiet area if possible.         Focus on you, only you,
    •   Reassure them, they are not            Recognize your self-worth
                                               Admit that you deserve the time, that You need time
                                               Realize that perhaps the life that you have built and the lifestyle you are leading
    •   Reassure them that you can             may have slipped into one that reduces the amount of time you give yourself,
        help them.                             without noticing how it treats you and what impact it has on you and your loved
    •   Contact your MHFA trained staff        ones.
        if you have one or use the                             Empower yourself to take control, trust in yourself.
        helplines above.          TIME It is the most precious gift you can give, there is no taking back, time spent
z/c/crisis-care                                on you will always be worthwhile. So, give a little Time to YOU!

                                               As L’Oréal says ‘you’re worth it’
                                               As Tesco says ‘Every little helps’
                                               As Nike says ‘just do it’
                                                               Take notice the signs are all around you!

                                                  Self-care is giving the world the best of you,
                                                  instead of what’s left of you
                                                  Katie Reed
                                            It isn’t easy making changes, we are creatures of habit and follow patterns of
                                            those around us as well as continuing habits that we know, often taught to us
                                            by family members or our close communities that we live in. Finding the way to
                                            a better mental health will require you to take a moment and to take notice of
                                            who you are, how you feel and how you act. You will need to see the
                                            importance of pressing the pause button momentarily to enable you to see
                                            your own bigger picture and how your thoughts, feelings and actions interlink,
                                            using the 5 ways to wellbeing will support you. (Seetharamdoo, R.S., 2018)
                                            We can access information online to support ourselves,
                                            or use a training program such as ‘Connect 5’ recommended by Public Health
These simple 5 steps will make the most     England and delivered by Tees LPC
impact on our lives, these are the ‘small
things’ that protect us and offer a long
term benefit to our mental and              Connect 5 will not just impact on our own wellbeing but any lives that you
emotional wellbeing,                        touch, friends, colleagues, family, most important to myself is teaching my
                                            children and other young people in my life the lessons that seem to have been
VIDEO TO WATCH WITH MORE INFO:              lost over the generations as time has passed so quickly and as technology has
                                            increased our workloads have increased yet our time for ourselves and to see
                                            the beauty in the world around us seems to have decreased.

                                            1. Connect
                                            There is strong evidence that indicates that feeling close to, and
                                            valued by, other people is a fundamental human need and one that
                                            contributes to functioning well in the world. It’s clear that social
                                            relationships are critical for promoting wellbeing and for acting as a
                                            buffer against mental ill health for people of all ages.
                                            With this in mind, try to do something different today and make a
                                             • Talk to someone instead of sending an email.
                                             • Speak to someone new.
                                             • Ask how someone’s weekend was and really listen when they tell
                                            2. Be active
                                            Regular physical activity is associated with lower rates of depression
                                            and anxiety across all age groups. Exercise is essential for slowing age-
                                            related cognitive decline and for promoting well-being. But it doesn’t
                                            need to be particularly intense for you to feel good - slower-paced
                                            activities, such as walking, can have the benefit of encouraging social
                                            interactions as well providing some level of exercise.
                                            Today, why not get physical? Here are a few ideas:
                                             • Take the stairs not the lift.
                                             • Go for a walk at lunchtime.
                                             • Do some ‘easy exercise’, like stretching, before you leave for work
                                                in the morning.
                                             • Walk to work or to perform duties such as shopping.

                                              Talk to yourself like you would someone you love
                                              Brene brown
3. Take notice
Reminding yourself to ‘take notice’ can strengthen and broaden
awareness. Studies have shown that being aware of what is taking
place in the present directly enhances your well-being and savoring
‘the moment’ can help to reaffirm your life priorities. Heightened
awareness also enhances your self-understanding and allows you to
make positive choices based on your own values and motivations.
Take some time to enjoy the moment and the environment around
you. Here are a few ideas:
 • Have a ‘clear the clutter’ day.
 • Take a different route on your journey to or from work.
 • Visit a new place for lunch.

 4. Learn
Continued learning through life enhances self-esteem and encourages
social interaction and a more active life. Anecdotal evidence suggests
that the opportunity to engage in work or educational activities
particularly helps to lift older people out of depression.
The practice of setting goals, which is related to adult learning in
particular, has been strongly associated with higher levels of wellbeing.
Why not learn something new today? Here are a few more ideas:
• Find out something about your colleagues.
• Sign up for a class.
• Read the news or a book.

 5. Give
Participation in social and community life has attracted a lot of
attention in the field of wellbeing research. Individuals who report a
greater interest in helping others are more likely to rate themselves as
Research into actions for promoting happiness has shown that
committing an act of kindness once a week over a six-week period is
associated with an increase in wellbeing.
Each aspect of our being is like a cog in a greater machine. Each cog
has a part to play in its own right but within the greater piece is an
integral part of functioning. Everything about us needs to connect in
this way. (Synder 2001)

                                                    It is really difficult knowing how to react to a member of staff when dealing with
                                                    mental health, the issues raised will be different for everyone and we cannot treat
                                                    everyone in the same way as that may not suit…what we can do is ensure we
                                                    gave the same space, same time, and same respect to ensure the outcome is a
                                                    member of staff who feels listened to and supported without judgement
                                                    regardless of their situation. As described in the Mental Health Foundation help

                                                    ‘Anyone can develop mental ill health at almost any time in their life, just
                                                    as they can a physical illness. Mental ill health is no respecter of age,
                                                    background or circumstances. It can be triggered by a range of things –
                                                    including ostensibly happy events like getting married, having a baby,
                                                    getting a new job or a being promoted. Other things may cause mental
                                                    ill health are trauma, neglect or abuse in childhood, Body chemistry and
                                                    substance misuse.
There are many different types of mental health
conditions. Please use the following link to find   Mental ill health affects different people in different ways, including the length
out an overview of each and how you can             of time they experience it for. In general, we categorize mental ill health as
support anyone with the way they may be             temporary, fluctuating or ongoing.’
feeling or acting.                -   Temporary – the person experiences the condition for a short time and
                                                        recovers after treatment.
                                                    -   Fluctuating – sometimes the person experiences the condition, and sometimes
Wellness Actions Plans (WAPs) are an                    they don't.
easy, practical way of helping you
to support your own mental health at                -   Ongoing – the person experiences the mental health condition all the time but
work, and if you are a manager, helping                 controls it through one or a combination of the following: Medication, Talking
                                                        therapies, Self-help, Practical support.
you to support the mental health of your
team members.                                       Common types of support are as follows.           -   Medication – prescribed by a GP or psychiatrist, this may, for example, alleviate
health-at-work/taking-care-of-your-                     depression or anxiety by calming people down or combating sleeplessness or
staff/employer-resources/wellness-action-               thought disturbance.
                                                    -   Talking therapies – such as IAPT
Managers guide;                                         (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies), counseling, cognitive                          behavioral therapy (CBT) or psychotherapy. A GP, the mental health service or
a/4660/mental-health-at-work-1_tcm18-                   Employee Assistance Scheme may all afford access to these.
                                                    -   Self-help – including learning mindfulness techniques and improving wellbeing through
How to support staff;                                   diet and exercise.
urce4.pdf                                           Additional practical support – such as helping the individual to resolve financial issues,
                                                    advising them on lifestyle choices (including diet and exercise) or pointing them
FAQs from Line Managers;                            in the direction of relationship advice or counseling. It may be that you need to           think about conditions that a person may not normally suffer with eg OCD,
                                                    Anxiety or Agoraphobia.
                                                    There are a range of resources that you can download and print or use to support your staff
                                                    and colleagues during COVID 19
How to have a mentally healthy workplace
df.pdf                                                   Remember, it is not your responsibility to ‘fix’ anyone. You are not
                                                          the expert in mental health. You are responsible to provide an
                                                          approachable environment where staff feel safe to speak, you
                                                                    must be aware of your signposting details.
nforma to the LP

                       Devise a mental health strategy that can be rolled into local communities

                   Devise a mental health strategy that can be implemented into Pharmacy Workforces

  The information in this strategy is the intellectual property of Amy Oatway and may be reproduced only with
           reference to its originator. Contact Tees LPC for further information

This proposal was made just before Covid-19 pandemic took hold, and I believe now more than ever we need to be prepared to
support our teams and community with what may come through the rest of 2020. We also we need to take care of ourselves too
– please remember that self-care is not selfish.
What is Mental Health?

Taken from the World Health Organisation - “Good mental health is related to mental and psychological well-being. “.
Good mental health is important to myself as someone who has suffered poor mental health on and off over the
                                                          What is Mental Health?
course of the past 15 years, but I want to take this into the wider community of Stockton-on-tees and Middlesbrough as
well      from
     as into   the World
             Pharmacy   – IHealth Organisation
                            have worked           - “Goodfor
                                           in pharmacy       mental  health
                                                               the last      is related
                                                                        4 years          to mental
                                                                                 and believe,         and psychological
                                                                                               especially    with potentialwell-being.
                                                                                                                            increased “.
  Good on    the industry,
          mental  health isthat mentaltohealth
                            important      myselfofasstaff should who
                                                       someone    be taken   care of poor
                                                                        has suffered  – if we roll it out
                                                                                            mental        fromon
                                                                                                      health   the staff
                                                                                                                 and  offroom
                                                                                                                          over the
impact   and  care for our patients will increase.
  course of the past 15 years. I want to take this into the wider community of Stockton-on-tees and Middlesbrough as
  well as into Pharmacy – I have worked in pharmacy for the
                                             Community      last 4health
                                                         mental    years and believe, especially with potential
   increased pressure on the industry, that mental health of staff should be taken care of – if we roll it out from the staff
Our focus on community mental health is at the forefront of our strategy – we as pharmacy teams deal with a variety
   room the impact and care for our patients will increase.
of patients on a daily basis. The ideas I have for our community are as follows -
                                                            Community mental health
1. Promoting Physical Health – There is a clear connection between people having good physical health and having
better   mental
   Our focus    onhealth. We will
                   community       focus health
                                 mental    on encouragement         of looking
                                                   is at the forefront   of our into  attainable
                                                                                strategy   – we asphysical goals
                                                                                                    pharmacy      for patients
                                                                                                               teams            so a
                                                                                                                        deal with  that
they  can improve
   of patients   on a their
                       dailyown   mental
                             basis.        health
                                    The ideas       (this for
                                                I have     connects   with the are
                                                              our community     5 ways   to mental
                                                                                     as follows - well-being – be active) - our team
will also partake in more physical activity where possible to be able to also experience the benefits.
   1. Promoting Physical Health – There is a clear connection between people having good physical health, and having
2. Look
   betterafter  the health.
            mental  Carers –We Those
                                  will who
                                              on temporarily
                                                  encouragement takingofcare   of someone
                                                                          looking            or whophysical
                                                                                   into attainable   are a long  term
                                                                                                             goals   forlooking
                                                                                                                                   so that
someone      – get through   to them    that their mental     health is also important   and  they  do need  to look
   they can improve their own mental health (this connects with the 5 ways to mental well-being – be active) - our teamafter themselves
too – signpost to carer's support. This could be beneficial especially in those caring for dementia sufferers or those with
   will also partake in more physical activity where possible to be able to also experience the benefits.
   2. Look after the Carers – Those who are temporarily taking care of someone or who are a long term looking after
3. Encourage Self-care and the 5 ways to mental well-being– it’s not all candle lit baths and yoga (I do not
   someone – get through to them that their mental health is also important and they do need to look after themselves
recommend these at the same time mind), but it’s finding something that balances the individuals 5 steps – The 5 Ways
to too  – signpost
    Well-being   areto– carer's
                        Connect,support.  This could
                                    Be Active,  Keepbe      beneficial
                                                        Learning,   Give,especially
                                                                            and Take in Notice.
                                                                                        those caring  formake
                                                                                                - aim to dementia     sufferers
                                                                                                               patients   moreoraware
                                                                                                                                  those of
     5 steps and caring for oneself as a priority.
   3. Encourage
4. Working       Self care
           with local       and-the
                       services       5 ways
                                   such      to mental well-being–
                                        as Middlesbrough               it’s not
                                                              and Stockton      all candle
                                                                             Mind            lit baths
                                                                                    and Stockton       and yoga
                                                                                                     council      (I do nota
                                                                                                             to become
pharmacy   recognized
   recommend    these atfor
                                 care and
                                      time ability
                                           mind),to improve
                                                   but          mental
                                                       it’s finding     health for
                                                                    something       allbalances
                                                                                 that   – not necessarily  a mental
                                                                                                   the individuals    health
                                                                                                                   5 steps    hub5but
                                                                                                                           – The
a pharmacy
   Ways to Well-being are – Connect, Be Active, Keep Learning, Give, and Take Notice. - aim to make patients more of
             of excellence     for care to mental  health   of patients. Also work   with  local  GP surgeries so they  are  aware
the output we offer.
   aware of the 5 steps and caring for oneself as a priority.
Also, focusingwith
  4. Working   on promoting    access
                   local services      to as
                                  - such  materials for national
                                             Middlesbrough   andcampaigns  andand
                                                                 Stockton Mind charities suchcouncil
                                                                                  Stockton    as EverytoMind Matters
                                                                                                         become  a and
One You, Mind, Samaritans, MHFA.
  pharmacy recognised for its care and ability to improve mental health for all – not necessarily a mental health hub but
  a pharmacy of excellence for care to mental health of
                                          Workplace     patients.
                                                      mental      Also work with local GP surgeries so they are aware of
   the output we offer.
We also want to recognise the staff who will be caring for our patients, and that as a team, from the pharmacy
manager to the counter staff, we will all be aware and practice the following -
   Also, focusing on promoting access to materials for national campaigns and charities such as Every Mind Matters and
1. Recognise   the stresses
   One You, Mind,           that come
                     Samaritans,  MHFAwith pharmacy life – especially as funding is decreased and workloads increased.
2. Have a going home check-list for staffMentally
                                                – to check in with
                                                        Healthy     their mental health, so they can leave their work day at the
door and be able to unwind and relax.
    We also want to recognise the staff who will be caring for our patients, and that as a team, from the pharmacy
3. Support for mental health issues = support for physical issues – Managers (and in the long run, companies) treat
    manager to the counter staff, we will all be aware and practice the following -
mental health issues with the same care and attention would a physical issue.
    1. Recognise the stresses that come with pharmacy life – especially as funding is decreased and workloads increased.
4. Mental health first aiders in all pharmacies – MHFA England is encouraging every workplace to have a mental health
        Have–aI believe this would
                going home         definitely
                              check-list       be –beneficial
                                         for staff  to check to  all pharmacies.
                                                              in with their mental health, so they can leave their work day at the
   door and be able to unwind and relax.
5. Implement the 5 steps of well-being into the working day – so that staff have the ability to function this into the
working  day and
   3. Support      can take
              for mental    better
                         health     care
                                issues    of themselves.
                                       = support for physical issues – Managers (and in the long run, companies) treat
   mental health
6. Regular         issues –with
             fund-raising    Ourthe same care
                                  pharmacy  will and attention in
                                                 be partaking   would a physical
                                                                  a mental healthissue.
                                                                                   walk in May for Dementia Awareness, and
there  is the possibility of our Pharmacist partaking  in a marathon  to raise money
   4. Mental health first aiders in all pharmacies – MHFA England is encouraging every for a mental health
                                                                                             workplace     charity.
                                                                                                       to have   a mental
Patient and staff Mental health first aid kits
Just as most places have first aid kits – I would like to implement a small mental health 'first aid kit' that is available and
cost effective. Based on the Public Health England Connect 5 program and MHFA training I have devised items that
could possibly be included in the kit -

* tissues

* jellybean’s / marshmallows (practice mindfulness)

* a notebook and pen

* crisis plan sheet – for patients to take away.

* a pom-pom to take (Sensory - works mostly with restlessness)

* signposting to services – crisis teams, local therapy services etc.

Two separate kits would exist – one that we could use for patients and one that staff could have access to for their
own personal use. With the customer kit, a mental health first aider or staff who are comfortable and confident in
helping someone in possible need of mental health first aid could assists – this includes if the patient needs help to call
a service or someone who can take them to safety. Also look to local creatives who might wish to donate their
products for customer packs.

Based on MHFA training I have come up with some ideas that could be included in a Crisis plan sheet – this could be
made into a table/easy fold leaflet-

* A list of the signs that indicate that I am no longer able to make decisions for myself, or that I am no longer able to
be responsible for myself or to make appropriate decisions, When I clearly have some of the above signs, make a list
of people to make decisions for me, see that I get appropriate treatment and to give me care and support.

* List of people I do not want involved in any way in my care or treatment. List names and (optionally) why you do not
want them involved.

* Preferred medications and why, Acceptable medications and why, Unacceptable medications and why,
Acceptable treatments and why, Unacceptable treatments and why.

* Home/Community Care/Respite Options Preferred treatment facilities and why, Unacceptable treatment facilities
and why.

* What I want from my supporters when I am feeling bad, What I don’t want from my supporters when I am feeling this
bad, What I want my supporters to do if I’m a danger to myself or others.

* Things I need others to do for me and who I want to do it, How I want disagreements between my supporters settled,
Things I can do for myself, Indicators that supporters no longer need to use this plan.


            “Run to the rescue with love, and peace will follow” From Joaquin Phoenix’s Oscar speech 2020

As a pharmacy, we would like to become a centre for Mental health awareness as well as a support network and
signposting focused place that people can come to if they need to seek advice. We have been inspired as well from
the above quote that care in self well-being, will lead to healthy mental well-being.

                   Thank you, take care and keep well.

                                                        Amy Oatway
                                         Our current working day is like nothing we have ever seen. Not only to we need
                                         to cope with changes at work we have our own personal thoughts and feelings
                                         to deal with and for many of us the worry of our family needs too. The strain at
                                         home being equal to the pressures at work creating an environment with no
                                         time off, time out, release etc.
                                         We don’t know how COVID 19 will impact on us or those around us, but we can
                                         prepare for any eventuality by using the resources below. However you are
                                         feeling in these uncertain times is okay. There is no right way. (Salovey, P. and
                                         Mayer, J.D., 2004) We have been thrown into a huge national crisis with
                                         pharmacy part of the backbone keeping people alive. There has been no
                                         choice but to carry on providing our service with changes to safety and daily
                                         protocols, risking our own health by being a key worker. We have been running
                                         on adrenaline entering fight mode as soon as the pandemic hit, working long
                                         hours on skeleton staff. What longer term effect will that have? How long can
A guide to everything you need to know
                                         we carry on working in this manner? Is now the time to put some simple self-
during the pandemic.
                                         care practice into your pharmacy environment as we ease into the new
                                         normal? Tees LPC offer support with pharmacy reset information along with
                                         planning tools and useful mental health support

                                         Coping with worry and anxiety

                                         Free resources

                                         Supporting children and young people

                                         Support for pharmacist and families


                                         Pharmacist and teams can use the following.
            The ACTNow
        campaign aims to
       raise the importance              Free apps are available until December 2020 – you may need an NHS email to
            of wellbeing.                access the following
           Allow time for      
              wellbeing                  for-all-nhs-staff
         Consider needs of               Resources to use alongside campaigns
             Take action                 8f51-a875-4d87-8ae4-245707878a5c

                                         Access to self-help across Tees


                                         NATIONAL SUPPORT- covid19
                                         Support with Mental Health for NHS workers this includes pharmacy frontline staff simply fill
                                         out the registration form or contact the hotline 07:00 to 23:00
                                         daily 0300 131 7000 or use the text service; text FRONTLINE to 85258

                                          Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only
                                          remembers to turn on the light
                                          Albus Dumbledore


               North Tees

              South Tees
                                         MECC – making every contact count is not about adding another job to your
                                         already busy working day, people becoming specialists or experts in certain
                                         lifestyle areas or telling somebody how to live their lives.

                  SLEEP                  You can learn more about the MECC training program by attending a Tees LPC
                                         training session
                                         Many of us have adapted our work ethos to include Making Every Contact
                                         count into our daily conversations when interacting with our patients but what     about ourselves and our colleagues? Is there an opportunity to give a health
support/types-of-mental-health-          message to a work mate during breaks or with general conversations
problems/sleep-problems/sleep-           happening in your pharmacy that may be brought about with the impact that
problems/                                COVID19 may have had on us?    Difficulty sleeping, drinking alcohol more regular, smoking more than usual or
matters/sleep/                           choosing to eat more comfort foods are all possible links to poor mental health
                                         be aware of this and choose how make every contact count and make a
                                         difference to someone that you work with.

                                         The MECC website is the easiest and most up to date tool to use for all your
                                         signposting needs – simply pick your area, choose your topic and all your local
                                         services will be available!
and-mood/about-food-and-mood/             Making every contact count enables organisations and
                                          individuals to develop and to be able to use a different
vid-19-corona-virus-advice-for-the-       approach to working with people to address health and
general-public.html                       wellbeing. Telling people what to do is not the most
                                          effective way to help them to change. Making every
support/tips-for-everyday-living/food-    contact count is about altering how we interact to talk
and-mood/about-food-and-mood/             to people about their wellbeing.

                                                                      ALCOHOL/DRUG USE




                                         R&C and Hartlepool;

                                         North tees-

                                         Middlesbrough -

                                                                    OCD ACTION
Whether you're concerned about yourself or a loved one, these
helplines and support groups can offer expert advice.               Support for people with OCD. Includes information on
(                      treatment and online resources.
depression/mental-health-helplines/)                                Phone: 0845 390 6232 (Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 5pm). Calls
                                                                    cost 5p per minute plus your phone provider's Access Charge
                                                                    OCD UK
Charity providing support if you have been diagnosed with an
anxiety condition.                                                  A charity run by people with OCD, for people with OCD.
Phone: 03444 775 774 (Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 5.30pm)           Includes facts, news and treatments.
Website:                                       Phone: 0333 212 7890 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)
                                                                    Website: Website:
A charity helping people living with manic depression or bipolar
disorder.                                                           Young suicide prevention society.
Website:                                       Phone: HOPELINEUK 0800 068 4141 (Monday to Friday, 10am to
                                                                    10pm, and 2pm to 10pm on weekends and bank holidays)
CALM is the Campaign Against Living Miserably, for men aged         RETHINK MENTAL ILLNESS
15 to 35.
Phone: 0800 58 58 58 (daily, 5pm to midnight)                       Support and advice for people living with mental illness.
Website:                                        Phone: 0300 5000 927 (Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4pm)
24/7 stress support for men by text, chat and email.
Website:                                 Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress
                                                                    or despair.
                                                                    Phone: 116 123 (free 24-hour helpline)
Provides information and support for anyone with mental health
problems or learning disabilities.                                  SANE
                                                                    Emotional support, information and guidance for people
                                                                    affected by mental illness, their families and carers.
                                                                    SANEline: 0300 304 7000 (daily, 4.30pm to 10.30pm)
Promotes the views and needs of people with mental health           Textcare: comfort and care via text message, sent when the
problems.                                                           person needs it most:
Phone: 0300 123 3393 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm)                 Peer support forum:
Website:                                            Website:

NO PANIC                                                            CRIME VICTIMS
Voluntary charity offering support for sufferers of panic attacks
and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Offers a course to         RAPE CRISIS
help overcome your phobia or OCD.                                   To find your local services phone: 0808 802 9999 (daily, 12pm to
Phone: 0844 967 4848 (daily, 10am to 10pm). Calls cost 5p per       2.30pm and 7pm to 9.30pm)
minute plus your phone provider's Access Charge                     Website:
Victim Support

Phone: 0808 168 9111 (24-hour helpline)                           RELATIONSHIPS
                                                                  RELATE- : WWW.RELATE.ORG.UK
Abuse (child, sexual, domestic violence)
Children's charity dedicated to ending child abuse and child
Phone: 0800 1111 for Childline for children (24-hour helpline)    Information on child and adolescent mental health. Services for
0808 800 5000 for adults concerned about a child (24-hour         parents and professionals.
helpline)                                                         Phone: Parents' helpline 0808 802 5544 (Monday to Friday,
Website:                                         9.30am to 4pm)


MENCAP                                                            ADDICTION (DRUGS, ALCOHOL, GAMBLING)

Charity working with people with a learning disability, their
                                                                  ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS
families and carers.
Phone: 0808 808 1111 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)               Phone: 0800 917 7650 (24-hour helpline)
Website:                                        Website:

PARENTING                                                         NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE
                                                                  PHONE: 0808 8020 133 (DAILY, 8AM TO MIDNIGHT)
FAMILY LIVES                                                      WEBSITE: WWW.BEGAMBLEAWARE.ORG

Advice on all aspects of parenting, including dealing with
bullying.                                                         Narcotics Anonymous
Phone: 0808 800 2222 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 9pm and            Phone: 0300 999 1212 (daily, 10am to midnight)
Saturday to Sunday, 10am to 3pm)                                  Website:
Free NHS-accredited Baby Buddy app offering evidence-based        ALZHEIMER'S SOCIETY
information and self-care tools to help parents during
pregnancy and early stages of parenting.                          Provides information on dementia, including factsheets and
App users also have access to a confidential, text-based Crisis   helplines.
Messenger which provides 24/7 support for new and expectant       Phone: 0300 222 1122 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm and
parents who are feeling extremely anxious or overwhelmed.         10am to 4pm on weekends)

                                                                  WEBSITE: WWW.ALZHEIMERS.ORG.UK
Pre and post-natal depression support
Helpline open from 9am-8pm every day – 0843 2898 401
email support available –
                                                                  CRUSE BEREAVEMENT CARE
Advice on dealing with domestic violence.
Phone: 0808 2000 247 (24-hour helpline)                           Phone: 0808 808 1677 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)
Website:                                        Website:

EATING DISORDERS                                                  Child Bereavement UK

                                                                  Tel: 0800 02 888 40
Phone: 0808 801 0677 (adults) or 0808 801 0711 (for under-18s)
Website:                                          Sands- stillbirth and neonatal death society
                                                                  Helpline 0808 164 3332

                                                                  Miscarriage association
                                                                  01924 200799 Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm

             1.   New economics (2012) Measuring wellbeing; A guide for practioners, London;New economics foundation
             2.   Snyder, C.R. and Lopez, S.J. eds., 2001. Handbook of positive psychology. Oxford university press.
             3.   Seetharamdoo, R.S., 2018. 5 1⁄ 2 Ways to Well-Being: A Comprehensive Lifestyle Medicine Prescription to
                  Optimise Your Psychological Health, Prevent Disease and Live with Vitality and Joy. Balboa Press.
             4.   Salovey, P. and Mayer, J.D., 2004. Emotional intelligence. Dude publishing.
             5.   Hoeger, W.W., Hoeger, S.A., Hoeger, C.I. and Fawson, A.L., 2018. Lifetime physical fitness and wellness.
                  Cengage Learning.
             6.   Murphy, J., 2008. The power of your subconscious mind. Penguin.
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