Merry Christmas - St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church -

Merry Christmas - St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church -
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church

                                                   Photo by
          Merry Christmas                       Fr. Larry Niese

         Holy Mary Mother of God
          Holy Day of Obligation

       Vigil - December 31 - 7:00 pm
        January 1, 2021 - 9:00 am
            11:00 am (bilingual)
     The Blessed Sacrament will be reposed on
      Wednesday, December 23rd at 5:00 pm
      until Tuesday, January 5th at 9:30 am.
Merry Christmas - St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church -
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  Dear Parishioners,
     This past year 2020 is a year that has brought many difficulties and
  hardships for all! Yet we look forward always with hope. This Christmas we
  are reminded of Luke 2:14. “Glory to God in the highest: and on earth peace
  to men of good will.”
  We give glory to God for everything! Once again, we remember and celebrate
  the incarnation, God becoming man in the person of Jesus. We give glory to
  God for everything because all we have and are is a gift from God. The only
  thing that we can truly claim as our own is our sin. That is the reason for the
  incarnation, so that we who are sinners, can have hope of eternal life that our
  Lord offer us in the life of grace.
     “Glory to God in the highest: and on earth peace to men of good will.”
  Peace comes to us on earth when we have good will. Those who have good
  will always seek the truth and we know that Jesus is the truth. If we are honest
  with ourselves, we do know the truth because Jesus said the truth is written on
  your heart! True peace is not the absence of conflict and war but knowing and
  loving the living God and the truth he sets before us. Are we men and women
  of good will?
     As you pastor I pray for you daily and try my best to guide you in the way of
  truth in Jesus Christ. I pray that this Christmas and New Year will bring you
  true peace to you and your families.
                       May God bless you all! Praise God!
  Fr. Larry Niese, Pastor

   God’s covenant gloriously shines forth in the birth of Jesus, son of David.
The Christmas season extends from Christmas day through The Baptism of Lord,
                           Sunday, January 10th.

 St. Michael the Archangel is open daily for public masses and private prayer
                 8:00 am - 6:00 pm in the Church and Chapel.
     The Sunday 7:30 am mass continues to be outside under the pavilion
              (weather permitting). Please bring a folding chair.
       All other masses (daily & Sunday) are celebrated in the Church.
Merry Christmas - St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church -
December 24 - 27th Christmas Cycle B

          490 Arnold Mill Road                                   Mass Intentions
          Woodstock, GA 30188
                                                 5:00 pm    Huminski Family (D) Family
        Fr. Larry Niese, Pastor                  7:30 am    Donna Mosca (D) Vilardi Family
                                                 9:00 am    James Marshal McCormick (D) Family
 Fr. Fausto Marquez, Parochial Vicar            11:00 am    Frank A. Ruggiero (D) Louise and Family
                                                12:45 pm    John McCormick (D) Family
                                                  2:30 pm   Silvia Betancur (D) Family
          Rev. Mr. Victor Taylor                  5:30 pm   Kathy Parodi (D) Charlie & Heidi Carignan
            Rev. Mr. Joe Pupo
                                                December 28   6:30 am Deacon Charlie & Heidi Carignan
          Rev. Mr. Jack Herndon                                                      People of the Parish
                 Deacons                                      9:00 am Mathea Family (D)
                                                December 29   9:00 am Laura Osbourne (D) John & Tish
                                                                                            Burns                        December 30   6:30 am Norm Wilkins (D)
           Administrative Office                              9:00 am Heidi S Mohr (D) K irk Family
               770-516-0009                     December 31 9:00 am Sick & Shut-ins of the Parish
            Religious Education                   Vigil Mass 7:00 pm People of the Parish
               770-516-9699                     January 1      9:00 am Vita D’Ambrosio (L) People of Parish
             Preschool Office                                 11:00 am People of the Parish
               678-213-1517                     January 2      9:00 am Vladimir Rus (D) Columbiettes
              Hispanic Office
               678-213-0685                                              Baptism
            FAX - 770-516-4664                  Parents must be registered and active parishioners of St.
                                                Michael’s (regularly attend mass, using envelopes, and
         Sunday Mass Schedule                   involved in ministries). Before scheduling a baptism, you
        5:00 pm - Saturday Vigil                must attend a baptism class at St. Michael’s. The baptism
  7:30 am - Outside under the pavilion          classes are held on the second Saturday of the month.
                                                Godparents must also be active, practicing Catholics.
           9:00 am, 11:00 am,                        Next Baptism class - January 9, 2021, 10:00 am
        12:45 pm, 2:30 (Spanish)
           5:30 pm - Life Teen
          Daily Mass Schedule
         Mon, Wed, Fri - 6:30 am
                                                 Baptisms are the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month at
          Mon - Sat - 9:00 am                                    11:30 am in the church
               Confessions                         You must attend a baptism class every three years.
          Wednesday - 5:00 pm                     Please call the parish office to register for a baptism.
            Saturday - 9:30 am                                         Confession
         Fr. Larry - Bride’s Room               The priests will hear your confession on Saturday morn-
          Fr. Fausto - Cry Room                 ings from 9:30 am to 10:30 am and Wednesdays 5 pm to
                                                6 pm. Confessions in Bride’s Room and Cry Room
Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament
      Adoration Days and Times!                 Couples are required to contact one of our priests at least
    Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday                6 months before they wish to marry to arrange for
9:30 am to 5:00 pm In the Day Chapel            instruction and spiritual preparation for the sacrament of
                                                marriage. A wedding date cannot be set until after the
        Substitute Guardians needed             initial interview with the priest. Contact parish office.
   To volunteer as a Guardian, please contact
          Carol Wolff - 678-827-5450

                                                Our sympathy is extended to the family of Patricia McCall,
                                                grandmother of Chris McCall. Please keep this family in
                                                your prayers.
Merry Christmas - St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church -
Coming Events at St. Michael’s

                      Knights of Columbus Dinner Auction ! Beginning January 10th.
                      Due to circumstances, we will be conducting the Dinner Auction
                  On January 10th AFTER the 5:30 pm mass, we will activate a webpage
                       that will be found on our Knights of Columbus council website:
On this webpage, all your favorite dinner auction dinners will be listed and a couple of new
ones too. Click on a dinner, go to that sign-up page and purchase the dinner! You can pur-
chase as many dinners as you would like. They will be compiled in a cart, then complete the
                        purchase of your cart when you are finished.
 The webpage will be open for 3 weeks until January 31, 2021. We hope that you will visit
 the webpage on January 10th and purchase the dinners you wish to attend as it will go a
                long way to help charitable organizations and our parish.

                        It’s cold outside! It’s time for the
                         Annual Coat and Blanket Drive!
               We are collecting new and gently used coats, socks, hats, gloves and
                blankets for men, women, and children from 1/2-1/24.
   All donations should be clean and free from rips, stains, or any damage. Please place your
                      donations into the crate in the Narthex. Thank you!
   In every way I have shown you that by hard work of that sort we must help the weak, and
     keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus who himself said, “It is more blessed to give
                                         than to receive.”
                                            Acts 20:35

            Baby Bottle Boomerang
For the Hope Center, Pregnancy Crisis Center in
        Beginning Sunday, January 24th
        Red Cross Blood Drive, Sunday, February 14th
              8 am - 1 pm in the Family Center
              Register online at Red
Merry Christmas - St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church -
Counselors Available at St. Michael the Archangel                                                         Columbiettes
                                                                                     The Columbiettes are a Catholic women’s organization
                 Bill Powers, MS, MBA, NCC, LPC                                        that is dedicated to assisting not only our Parish and
Bill Powers, a Catholic therapist from Holy Family Counseling Center,                 parishioners, but also supports the Knights of Colum-
will be at St. Michael’s on Tuesday and Wednesdays to provide mar-                   bus. We serve and provide food at special receptions,
riage, family and individual counseling services. For information and   we sew prayer blankets for the spiritual support of others and make
              appointments, please call 678-993-8494 or                   rosaries that are used by different ministries. We participate in
                            various service and charity projects that benefit the local communi-
                                                                                          ty, the homeless and our veterans.
           Ms. Dunia Lobo MA, LPC, RPT (bilingual)                                          For information, please contact
            Individual, Couple and Family Psychotherapy                                  Valerie Wheeler at 304-476-6479 or
          For information and appointments, 678-787-9543                              
 Ms. Lobo also offers Play Therapy. In Play Therapy, the most trou-              check our website:
 bling problems can be confronted and lasting resolutions can be dis-    St. Michael’s Bookstore is sponsored by the Columbiettes and
     covered, rehearsed, mastered and become lifelong strategies.        is open after the 11 am and 12:45 pm masses on the weekend.
          For information on play therapy:               Located in the hallway between the Church and Family Center

                       Grief Counseling                                                              Knights of Columbus
 Please call Charmiel Teresi, parishioner, to set up an appointment -                  A big THANK YOU, from the Knights of Columbus for
                           678-880-1905                                              your generosity in giving towards our Cherokee Christmas
                                                                                     project! There is much need in our community, especially
                                                                                       this year, and the money collected will ensure that many
                          Stewardship                                     families will be able to have a joyous Christmas. Thanks to Ralph
                                                                            Broughton for his steadfast commitment in chairing this event.
 St. Michael’s takes up a collection for Debt Relief the first             Who are the Knights of Columbus - we are Catholic men who lead,
  Sunday of each month (an envelope is provided in your                  serve, protect and defend. We share a desire to be better husbands, fa-
       offertory packet or available to set up online).                 thers, sons, neighbors and to put charity and community first. We sup-
Your donations are 100% assessment free which means all                 port our church and our clergy. Through our charitable events and pro-
                                                                          grams, we give aid to widows, orphans, the sick and the poor and the
the funds collected stay at the parish and are applied to our           disabled. Through our programs and resources, we provide opportuni-
                        building loan.                                                    ties to live and spread the Catholic faith.
     To set up payments online, please go to our website:                Interested in joining the Knights of Columbus or new to the parish and and go to online giving                                                     have questions.
      As of October 31st the loan balance is $2,318,601                                   Please call Jon Marcum: 770-853-0124
   The December Offertories will be reported in January.
In these difficult times, we appreciate your continued financial                                        St. Vincent dePaul
                                                                                The SVDP Thrift Store Needs Your Help!
              support of St. Michael the Archangel.                              Store Hours: 10 - 3, Monday - Saturday
                                                                                   Pick Your Day - Set Your Own Hours
                   St. Michael’s Food Pantry                                     Great Co-Workers, Masks Worn in Store
                                                                               Great Way to Start the New Year.
                           “Every day in America, 8 mil-
                                                                        We hope that all of our St. Michael’s Family has
                           lion people do not have                       a beautiful and very Merry Christmas and a
                           enough to eat. During the                                     Blessed 2021!
                           pandemic, that number has
                                                                                        SVDP Help Line - 770-591-4643
                           been estimated by Feeding
                           America to be as high as 50
                                                                                      St. Michael’s House - 770-367-0168
million people. Throughout 2020, your generous mone-                                  SVDP Thrift Store - 770-919-1458
tary and food donations have kept our pantry shelves                                    Summer Street, Kennesaw, GA
full. St. Michael’s food pantry is providing 7,700 lbs. of                             SVDP Job Board - 770-592-0183
food every week to families in need. We will distribute                 *****************************************************
over 400,000 lbs. of food this year, a 25% increase from                                 PRESCHOOL NEWS
last year. This has only been possible due to your gen-                     THANK YOU to everyone who donated to the
erosity, thank you for your support of St. Michael’s                       Preschool on Giving Tuesday. We thank you for
Food Pantry. We could not serve those in need without                       your generosity! Thank you for thinking of our
your support. The food pantry is currently in need of                     Parish Preschool on Giving Tuesday! You can still
                                                                          donate by cash or check. Contribute by 12/31/20 for tax benefit!
Spaghetti Sauces, Canned Vegetables/Beans, Jelly and
Soups.”                                                                   Registration for the 2020/2021 is ongoing. We offer a Catholic-
                                                                        based curriculum to start your child’s education off right! We only
                                                                             have a few spots left, so give us a call if you are interested!
             St. Michael’s Respect Life Ministry                             Please call the Preschool - office at 678-213-1517 or e-mail
                                                                       for more information or
Our in person monthly meetings are on the 4th Monday of each                                        schedule a tour.
month at 7:00 pm in the Bride’s Room, located off the lobby of the             Registration for the 2021/2022 school year will begin on
Family Center). For information on the Respect Life Ministry:              February 5, 2021. Please note that we accept students in the
           Christy Wynn:                       following order: presently enrolled in our preschool, family mem-
                                                                         ber enrolled in our preschool, Catholic families and then members
                                                                                                   of our community.
Merry Christmas - St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church -
Merry Christmas!
   We would like to wish everyone a blessed and
   joyous Christmas filled with the love of our
               Lord Jesus Christ!

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace
in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the
      power of the Holy Spirit. ~Romas 15:13

 Questions?? Call Tricia St. Peter - 770-516-9699, 251
All Life Nights begin after 5:30 pm Life Teen Mass
                 January 2021
     1/10 - L/N - Social (Coffee House)
  1/17 - L/N - Service Night: Coat Drive
    1/24 - L/N - Spiritual Not Religious
          1/31 - L/N - Service - Man Made

            Please keep our Youth Minister
     Chris Berens in your prayers as she continues
             her battle with health issues.

 EDGE invites all students in middle school to join this
  ministry. EDGE meets twice a month on Sundays
                 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm.
 BLUE EDGE registration packets are located in front
  of Religious Education and online on St. Michael’s
                  January 2020
     1/10 - EDGE Night: Humble Beginnings
  1/24 - EDGE Night: The Weight of the World
   Please note that EDGE has moved to Sunday
 evenings in the Parish Hall and will start after the
              5:30 pm Life Teen mass.
         Questions?? Call Emma Coulter
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