Midland Messenger
                                                                                        2021 WINTER EDITION
                               A SALUTE TO MIDLAND’S EDUCATORS
If there is one word to describe Midland’s        ment new technology to assist with instruc-       appreciate even more how hard he works
teachers, aides and therapists this past year     tion,” says Midland’s School Principal, Mrs.      each and every day of his life,” says Holden’s
it is resilient. In the face of unprecedented     Kristen Massimo.                                  father, Marc.
challenges during a global health crisis that
abruptly changed how we deliver services to       “Virtual lessons allow students to see each       “Even Holden’s brothers joined in on the
our students, our educators went above and        other and maintain a degree of routine and        fun! We are grateful for the support and
beyond to meet the moment.                        familiarity that is so important for our pop-     guidance we received from everyone on
                                                  ulation,” says Midland Teacher, Mrs. Linda        Holden’s “dream team,” during our virtual
In the world of special education, fostering      Hickey. “Virtual learning also gives the teach-   learning experience,” adds Holden’s family.
personal connections with students is key         ers a closer connection with students’ family
to helping students with intellectual and         and lives at home. Family support and in-         “Across the nation, parents of students with
developmental disabilities (I/DD) reach           volvement has been key to the program’s suc-      special needs were suddenly left without the
milestones. Without face-to-face interaction      cess and it’s been fun to meet the siblings and   supports upon which they relied,” adds Mrs.
during periods of all remote learning, Mid-       pets of my students,” she adds.                   Massimo. We hope that in our own small
land’s teachers put their creativity to work in                                                     way, we are able to alleviate some of the
an online teaching environment to keep stu-       Holden’s family could not agree more. “Work-      stress our parents were experiencing, while
dents engaged.                                    ing collaboratively with our son’s classroom      continuing to educate our students. The
                                                  teacher, 1:1 and therapists, we were coached      Midland staff should be commended for its
“I have never been more proud of Midland’s        by Midland’s experts, which allowed us to not     commitment to excellence that stood out as
teachers, aides and therapists than during this   only make sure that Holden did not regress        a bright light during a very dark time.”
pandemic. Overnight they learned to imple-        during remote learning, but also learned to
Midland Corp.
                                                                                                            Elects Johnson
  A Message from the                                                                                             To Board
   President & CEO                                                                                    The Midland Corporation, which
                                                                                                      provides oversight, strategic di-
                                                                                                      rection and policy to guide The
                                                                                                      Midland School and Midland
                                                                                                      Adult Services in North Branch,
                                                                                                      N.J., announced the appoint-
                                                                                                      ment of Ms. Jennifer Johnson of
                                                                           Mendham, N.J. to the Board of Trustees, effective November
I hope that this message finds you and your family in good health.         2020.
This past year has been marked with a certain sense of loss. Loss of       Ms. Johnson is the President of Top Safety Products (TSP), a
normalcy. Loss of some human connection. And worst of all, loss of         women owned small business based in Branchburg. TSP assem-
so many of our loved ones.                                                 bles and customizes first aid and safety products, such as first
                                                                           aid kits, PPE items, and a host of others.
Yet through the hardship, we have found new ways to support each
other, discovered (at home) hobbies, celebrated each individual’s          Ms. Johnson’s involvement began in 2018 with a partnership
ability to adapt and, take joy from the simplicity of the sight of side-   to launch Midland’s first Supported Employment Enclave pro-
walk chalk rainbows and other messages of hope sprinkled through-          gram which places individuals with intellectual and develop-
out our communities.                                                       mental disabilities (I/DD) at a work site of an employer where
                                                                           they work under the supervision of a Midland Job Coach. The
If 2020 has taught us one thing, it is to slow down and appreciate         program employs four individuals assembling first aid kits in
what we have. Health is the new wealth. Henry Ford once said,              the warehouse and earning minimum wage.
“Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.”                                              In 2019, Midland recognized Top Safety Products as its 2019
                                                                           Employer of the Year for their commitment to ensuring that the
Midland is incredibly grateful to every member of our community            individuals employed in the enclave are fully integrated with the
for coming together, keeping together and putting in the work. Our         Top Safety team and doing meaningful work.
collective efforts, our mission and purpose cannot be clearer: we are
                                                                           “Ms. Johnson has clearly been a champion of Supported Em-
here to provide a lifetime of caring. And we will be successful.
                                                                           ployment,” says Midland President & CEO, Mr. Shawn M.
                                                                           McInerney. “Her first-hand knowledge coupled with her gen-
Here at Midland we have experienced—firsthand—the kindness,
                                                                           uine enthusiasm to employ individuals with disabilities makes
generosity and support of so many. Whether you attended a virtual
                                                                           her the perfect ambassador to network with other area compa-
fundraising event, engaged with us on social media, jumped in to
                                                                           nies on the value and benefit of employing individuals with dis-
assist with virtual learning, or donated to The Midland Foundation,
it was these collective efforts that have helped get us through the
most difficult year in our organization’s 60 year journey.                 “Ms. Johnson understands the challenges of operating a busi-
                                                                           ness and the value of teamwork,” adds Mr. McInerney. “Her
To each and every member of the Midland staff: you maintained the          experience as a businesswoman will add a valuable dimension
Midland standard of quality in all programs. Thank you for keeping         to the Board of Trustees and we are thankful for her dedication
all of us safe, engaged, supported and connected to each other.            to the Midland mission.”

To our students, adults, and families across all Midland programs,         “I am honored and excited to join the Midland Board and thank
you have shown incredible resilience in the face of changing rou-          Midland for this opportunity, says Ms. Johnson. “I believe in
tines and we applaud you for your commitment to ‘make it work’.            Midland’s mission and look forward to lending my support.
                                                                           Midland’s ability to educate and offer continuing support for
To all of you reading this message, thank you for caring about Mid-        individuals is amazing. My team and I are so grateful to work
land’s community. This pandemic has certainly changed how we               with our Midland Crew through the Enclave program and iden-
deliver services, but thanks to each of you, it has not changed the        tifying other employers that may benefit from this partnership,”
Midland mission to offer choice and to promote independence for            she adds.
each person we serve.
                                                                           Ms. Johnson is a graduate of Fairleigh Dickinson University.
As we look forward with cautious optimism to year 2021, we can             Her non-profit experience includes membership in the “Friends
say with certainty that there is nothing the Midland community can-        of Florham”—a nonprofit with the mission to maintain and pre-
not overcome as long as we do it together.                                 serve the historic Twombly Estate at Fairleigh Dickinson Uni-
                                                                           versity. She is also an active member of the Minutemen Sports
					                                     With sincere gratitude,          Club and Booster Club at West Morris Mendham High School,
                                                                           where her daughter attends. Most importantly, Ms. Johnson’s

                                         Shawn M. McInerney                husband Chris, son Hunter and daughter Payton keep her busy
                                                                           and smiling.
Sip & Support Midland                                            20 Years of
          with PNC                                                   Croquet for a Cause
This event was held in lieu of our annual film event, on Dec. 5th.   Croquet was once the game of stringent rules
Attendees showed support for Midland by raising a glass for this     and crisp white attire. Today, the game is mak-
virtual wine and cider tasting fundraising event. Old York Cellars   ing a backyard comeback, but the Keatings were
   led guests in the virtual wine tasting live from the vineyard     decades ahead of its revival.
 followed by a hard cider tasting by Burnt Mills Cider Company.      Twenty years ago, Doug Keating found an old
 Thank you to all the patrons, supporters, partners and sponsors     croquet set at his brother-in-law’s house and de-
               who made the event such a success!                    cided to take it home. Then he had an idea. What
                                                                     if he invited family and friends over for an end-
                      Title Sponsor                                  of-summer barbeque and charged them to play
                                                                                                                         In loving memory of Midland
                                                                     to donate to a worthy charity?                         student, Eugene Keating

                                                                     This was the start of what became a tradition of the Keating family of Plainfield,
                                                                     NJ hosting the annual Keating Croquet Tournament. For the first few years, the
                                                                     proceeds benefited several other nonprofits before switching over to Midland in
                Champagne Sponsor                                    2005.

                Philip & Melissa Sheehy                              The family’s connection with Midland dates back to the 1970s when Eugene
                                                                     and Rita Keating, then of Dunellen, NJ, enrolled their son, and Doug’s brother,
                                                                     Eugene, at Midland. The yearly Midland Family Picnics and Spaghetti Dinners
                    Merlot Sponsor                                   were some of the fondest memories the family had of Midland before their son’s
                                                                     tragic passing subsequent to graduation.

                                                                     “The family events were so wonderful they made me want to go to The Midland
                                                                     School,” recalls his mother, Mrs. Rita Keating, who says the yearly Croquet
                                                                     Tournament keeps her son’s memory alive and brings everyone together for a
                                                                     cause close to their hearts. It was in Eugene’s memory that the Croquet Tour-
                                                                     nament raised on average $3,000 each year to support Midland’s programs and
                     Pinot Sponsor                                   services, totaling more than $50,000 since its inception.

                                                                     In 2020, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Keating family managed
                                                                     to pull off the outdoor event and raised a record-breaking $7,000 for Midland
                                                                     despite the smaller crowd and thanks to a large online fundraising push through
                 Zinfandel Sponsors                                  “This is an event that people come to as strangers and leave as friends,” says
                                                                     event founder and host, Mr. Doug Keating who says his wife Judith, their chil-
                       Dawn & Gary Berstein                          dren, Douglas, Shaun, Gaby, and Jack, his mother, Rita along with other family
                                                                     and friends go “all out” for this event that starts with lunch and concludes in
                                                                     the wee hours of the morning. “People come from all over the country and they
                                                                     never want to miss it,” adds Doug. “Obviously we had a smaller crowd this year,
                                                                     but the biggest impact yet!”

                   The Morris Family                                 Beyond helping to continue Midland programs and honor Midland graduate,
                                                                     Eugene Keating, the Keating Croquet Tournament serves as a way to mark the
                                                                     time and the milestones of all who attend. Couples who met through the event,
                                                                     now have young adult children who are not in strollers or on the water slide, but
                                                                     on the field with a mallet. “There’s a new generation of players now,” says Doug.

                                                                                                                The family hopes to continue this tra-
                                                                                                                dition for many years to come. “It’s
                                                                                                                overwhelming that so many people
                                                                                                                come back year after year,” says
                                                                                                                Mrs. Keating. “It makes me feel that
                                                                                                                my son Eugene is remembered and

                                                                                                                “Nothing can stop us,” says Doug.
                                                                                                                “Not pouring rain, and not even a pan-
                                                                      From left to right: Brian Ludwig, Doug    demic.”
                                                                     Keating, Tom Stremme, Ron Citrenbaum,
                                                                               Armen Varjabedian.                                                  3
The Midland Messenger
            P.O. Box 5026                                                              Nonprofit Org.
            North Branch, NJ 08876                                                      US Postage

                                                                                      New Brunswick, NJ
                                                                                       Permit No. 972

Save The Date
Golf Outing
October 18TH 2021 at
Hamilton Farm
Golf Club

                                       Fun at the Boardwalk
                                     6TH Annual MOVE FOR MIDLAND
                                          Sponsored by PVH Corp.
           Saturday, May 22, 2021 from 3:00pm-5:30pm
                     Rain Date: Sunday, May 23, 2021 from 2:00pm-4:30pm

                                             Being held in
                                   The Midland School PARKING LOT
                              94 Readington Road - North Branch, NJ 08876

        “Fun at the Midland Boardwalk” Theme with FREE Games + Prizes! All
           activities will adhere to safety and social distancing protocols.
                 Attendees are strongly encouraged to wear a mask.

                                       For More Information Visit:
Midland Thanks the following contributors for their generosity.
Donations Represent Gifts Received Between September 2, 2020 to January 25, 2021.

                                            Mr. Richard Schwarz and Ms. Joanne Collins
                                                        Mrs. Rosemary DePasque
     Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Brail                      Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Demetrick
     Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bernstein                        Mr. Tom Eastman
     Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Barth                            Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Figueira
     Ms. Deborah Campano                                Mr. Steve Gershon
     Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Keating                       Ms. Tanya Gozin
     Mr. and Mrs. Frank Karlinski                       Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry
     Ms. Margaret Lachance                              Mr. Matthew Huang
     Mr. and Mrs. Shawn McInerney                       Mr. Dale Jayne
     Mr. Andy Nowack                                    Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keeler
     Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rehus                          Mr. and Mrs. David Lanka
     Mr. and Mrs. Frank Settipani                       Mr. and Mrs. Rexford Lyon
     Mr. and Mrs. Mario Sartori                         Ms. Joanne Monaco
     Dr. and Mrs. John Tegeler                          Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mecca
     Mr. and Mrs. H. Valentine                          Mr. Dennis Murphy
     Ms. Elizabeth Williams                             Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Minervini
     Dr. Jerome Zeldis & Ms. Sharon Stamm-Zeldis        Mr. and Mrs. Edward Orr
                                                       Mr. and Mrs. Peter Poillon

                                                        Mr. and Mrs. Artless Poole
                                                        Mr. and Mrs. Arlyn Rus
                                                        Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reynolds
     Mr. Ahmed Abdelfatah                               Ms. Natalie Swiatek
     Mr. and Mrs. Robert Avery
     The Hon. Christopher Bateman
     Ms. Kathryn Davis                                  
     Mrs. Molly Ellsworth
                                                        Ms. MaryBeth Adams
     Mrs. Trish Ellsworth                               Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Akinsooto
     Mrs. Rilda Hone                                    Mrs. Lynn Aloff
     Mr. and Mrs. John Hyde                             Mr. and Mrs. Louis Amorosa
     Mr. Russel Hamilton                                Ms. Toni Andors
     Mrs. Dorothea Hoffman                              Mrs. Kristin Antico
     Mr. and Mrs. William Liberatore                    Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bryan
     Mr. and Mrs. Matthew LoPiccolo                     Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bertram
     Mr. Mark Leimberger                                Ms. Lieselotte Bacho
     Mr. and Mrs. Greg Mortman                          Mr. and Mrs. John Barbieri
     Mr. & Mrs. Richard Owens                           Ms. Fern Batchelor
     Mr. and Ms. Victor Pascoe                          Ms. Patricia Blevin
                                                        Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bohen
     Mrs. Ann Torpey
                                                        Mrs. Betty Bomberger
     Mr. and Mrs. Rajeev Verma                          Mr. Edward Brady
                                                        Mr. Stephen Bruce
                                             Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bresnick
                                                        Mrs. Margaret Breunig
     Mr. and Mrs. Richard Acito                         Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burstein
     Mr. and Mrs. Peter Adamson                         Mr. and Mrs. John Bufe
                                                        Mr. and Mrs. Danny Byne
     Mr. Gabriel Albanito
                                                        Ms. Camela Cruz
     Mr. and Mrs. Gary Borman                           Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Calabrese
     Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Capawana
Midland Thanks the following contributors for their generosity.
Donations Represent Gifts Received Between September 2, 2020 to January 25, 2021.

     Mrs. Barbara McCarter                          Ms. Barbara Lane
     Mr. Gregory Azarian and Ms. Virginia Carlson   Mr. Lazor and Mrs. Peter Lazor
     Ms. Ann Chapman                                Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lee
     Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chimento                    Mr. and Mrs. Michael Levine
     Mrs. Essie Wilson-Christmas                    Mrs. Diane Krawiec-Litwinko
     Mr. Ronald Citrenbaum                          Mr. and Mrs. David Lidstone
     Mr. and Mrs. John Coates
                                                    Mr. and Mrs. James Lisiecki
     Ms. Teresa Cuddeback
     Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Van Dien                   Mr. and Mrs. David Livingston
     Mr. Jason Dameo                                Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lohner
     Ms. Marita Dowell                              Mr. Paul Loeffler
     Mr. and Mrs. James Dring                       Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LoPiccolo
     Mr. and Mrs. John Dwyer                        Mr. Lorimor and Mrs. Daniel Lorimor
     Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edwards                     Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lundgren
     Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Ehrhardt                     Mr. and Mrs. Richard Melcher
     Ms. Laura Faherty                              Mr. and Mrs. Dawson McKeown
     Mr. Timothy Farrell                            Mr. and Mrs. Antonio DiMaggio
     Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell Ferges                   Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mancusi
     Ms. Donna Ferrara                              Ms. Victoria Melcher
     Mr. John Ferretti
                                                    Ms. Kim Melchione
     Ms. Gail De Freitas
     Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fox                      Mrs. Betsy Menkes
     Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Fulop                      Mr. Steven Nelson
     Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gendler                     Mr. John DeNizio
     Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gigantino                    Mr. and Mrs. Peter Niederauer
     Mrs. Frances Gladish                           Dr. John North
     Mrs. Maisha Desai-Green                        Mr. Edwin Olen
     Mr. Ronald Guido                               Mr. and Mrs. David Owens
     Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Gunzelman                   Ms. Suzanne Ozazewski
     Mr. and Mrs. Victor Haddad                     Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Purcell
     Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hellwig                    Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Paster
     Mr. Todd Hendrickson                           Mr. Mark Paccione
     Mr. Shawn Hickson
                                                    Mrs. Suzanne Paulino
     Mr. Hinckley and Ms. David Hinckley
                                                    Mr. Robert Pharo
     Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hora
                                                    Mr. and Mrs. Jim Piazza
     Ms. Dolly Von Hollen
                                                    Ms. Susan Pierce
     Ms. Krasimira Hristov
                                                    Ms. Tina Potts
     Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jennings
                                                    Ms. Susan Rees
     Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jamieson
                                                    Ms. Nicole Rose
     Ms. Linda Jerrow
                                                    Ms. Karen Reed
     Mr. and Mr. Charles Jeunelot
                                                    Ms. Marie Rita
     Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Johnmann
                                                    Mr. Shruti Ramesh
     Mr. Bart Johnson
                                                    Mrs. Joann Rella
     Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kodack
                                                    Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Richardson
     Ms. Amy Kane
                                                    Mr. and Mrs. James Rick
     Mr. Russell Kerby
                                                    Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Russo
     Mr. Joseph Klein
                                                    Mr. Donald Ruggieri
     Mrs. Mary Krill                                Ms. Gail Russell
     Ms. Jen Kunich                                 Mr. Joshua Suri
     Mr. and Mrs. Pete and Wendy Lega               Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Simmonds
Midland Thanks the following contributors for their generosity.
Donations Represent Gifts Received Between September 2, 2020 to January 25, 2021.

      Mr. Wayne Ebenfeld and Ms. Leslie Sanchez   
      Ms. Mary Kate Sarles
      Mr. Michael Scelsa                           
      Mr. and Mrs. Ragini Shah
      Hanan Shaban                                AmazonSmile
      Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shafer                   Anonymous
      Mrs. Nelly Shoham                           Brown Brothers Harriman
      Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sigg                     Donna Jana Enterprizes LLC
      Ms. Marci Silbert                           Eagle Fence & Supply, Inc.
      Ms. Marilyn Speidell                        Focus for Health Foundation, Inc.
      Mr. and Mrs. Paul Spitaleri                 Fox Hollow Properties, LLC
      Mr. and Mrs. Daryle Stockwell
                                                  Fred Fatzler Foundation
      Mr. Robert Steinbergher
      Mr. and Mrs. Tim Strasser                   George A. Ohl Jr. Trust
      Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Sweetman                 Inc Smith, Inc.-d/b/a/Storms Automotive
      Mr. Hector Toro                             IVY Educational Services
      Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tepper                    Johnson & Johnson Family of Co's.
      Mr. Dean Tomaro                             Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts
      Ms. Carolyn Treffinger                      Maffey's Security Group
      Ms. Margaret Trimboli                       Merck Employee Giving Campaign
      Mr. and Mrs. Jay Tucker                     Merck Foundation
      Ms. Kristin Vega                            Network for Good
      Ms. Katherine Valasek                       Old York Cellars
      Mr. and Mrs. Pio Valdez                     Paul J. Larkin Associates, Inc.
      Mr. and Mrs. James Vanderpoel
                                                  PSE&G Foundation
      Mr. Armen Varjabedian
      Ms. Karen Varsalone                         PSE&G Power of Giving Campaign
      Mr. Manuel Vidal                            Quest Consultants LLC
      Ms. Maria Volpe                             REDCOM Engineering & Construction LLC
      Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weissberg              Resound Marketing
      Mrs. Peggy Walsh                            Revive Boutique LLC
      Mr. and Mrs. Brooke Waldt                   Tex's Liquor Store, Inc.
      Mr. and Mrs. Terry White                    The Arnold A Schwartz Foundation
      Ms. Margaret Wnorowski                      The Benevity Community Impact Fund
      Ms. Jessica Yang                            The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Co.
      Mr. Herbert Young                           The Hart-Sheehy Fund
      Ms. Stephanie Yowell                        The Richland Knowles Agency
                                                  The Tarpey Group LLC
                                                  The Tyler Foundation at PNC Charitable Trusts
                                                  Union Catholic Regional High School
                                                  Union Foundation
                                                  Van Doren Oil Company
                                                  Verizon Foundation
                                                  Vollers Family Foundation
                                                  YourCause Corporate Employee Giving Campaign
                                                  Zeldis Family Charitable Trust
                                                  ZEUS Scientific, Inc.
Midland Thanks the following contributors for their generosity.
Donations Represent Gifts Received Between September 2, 2020 to January 25, 2021.

       Alexi Morris                             Jon Acito
         Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Proulx               Mrs. Mary Zeigler
         Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Paul
       A Mr. and Mrs. James Schworn             Kathy and Mark Andia
         Mr. Lee Iskowitz                        Ms. Margaret A. Hinchcliffe
         Ms. Cindy Mastice
                                                Kevin Finnegan
       Allison Gates                             Ms. Maureen Korianski
         Ms. Catherine R. Smith
                                                Maddie LoPiccolo
       Amanda Pharo                              Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Malyszka
        Mr. Robert Pharo                         Mr. Felipe Jaramillo
                                                 Ms. Corinne Dreon
       Barbara Toland
        Ms. Ann Nestvogel                       Meghan Murphy
                                                 Mrs. Barbara Murphy
       Brian Stenzi
         Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stenzi              Myrna Sunshine's Retirement
                                                 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Giorello
       Caleb Lee
        Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lee                Nancy Vollers
                                                 Vollers Family Foundation
       Christian Bellavia
        Ms. Patricia Villani                    Our Midland Family
                                                 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Tiesi
       Daniel Grossmann
        Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grossmann           Peter Mancusi
                                                  Ms. Dora Mead
       Daniel Jordan
       A Mr. and Mrs. Tim Jordan                Readington Road Group Home Staff
                                                 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Acito
       Danielle Mastroianni
        Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mastroianni        Ryan Lanka
                                                 Mrs. Elizabeth Lanka
       Dawn Schworn
        Mr. and Mrs. James Schworn              Salvatore De Marco
                                                  Ms. Carmela De Marco
       Dedicated Midland Staff                    Ms. Elizabeth Wisnefski
        Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DeRosa
        Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bellavia              Samantha Dawn Brail
                                                  Mr. and Mrs. Paul Henigin
       Joey Capawana
         Mr. Mark S. Hudec                      Susan Huck
         Ms. Deborah Ritter                       Ms. Jane Jermyn
         Ms. Joanne Monaco
         Ms. Maria Napoli                       Wesley Fleming
         Ms. Tina Kuijpers                       Ms. Lynn Fleming

       Joey Kuzinski                            Windy Willow Group Home
         Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kuzinski            Mrs. Dorothea DiNorcia

       John DiNorcia                            Jessie Kohn
         Ms. Elizabeth Marsigliano                 Mr. Stuart Kohn
Midland Thanks the following contributors for their generosity.
Donations Represent Gifts Received Between September 2, 2020 to January 25, 2021.

       Abe Powelson Sr.                          Deceased Midland Staff
        Mrs. Trudy Powelson                       Ms. Helen Fiedler

       Alfred Minervini, Jr.                     Donna Stockhoff
         Mr. William Gregorka                    A Ms. Christine Zehrfuhs
         Ms. Pamela Dobenski
                                                 Douglas J. Savage
       Beverly Kelly                              Mr. and Mrs. Russell Finnegan
        Midland School Sunshine Comm.
        Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Zvolanek            Edward Scagliotta
        Mr. and Mrs. Doug Larson                   Ms. Janice Scagliotta
        Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Midgley
                                                 Eufrasia Conca
        Mr. and Mrs. John Kuhn
                                                   Ms. Karen Brencovich
        Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barkan
                                                   Mr. Bruce Gillman
        Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Fitz
                                                   Mr. Gregory Miceli
        Mr. and Mrs. Michael Walters
                                                   Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Goldenber
        Mr. Christopher Bove
                                                   Mr. and Mrs. Tom Laurenzi
        Mr. Frank Schilling
                                                   Mr. Frank Conca
        Mr. James Mazalewski
                                                   Mr. John Peppard
        Mrs. Anne Parsons
                                                   Mr. Richard Gould
        Mrs. Cathy Munro
                                                   Mrs. Lisa Zittis
        Mrs. Christine Mette
                                                   Mrs. Alicia Dimonte
        Mrs. Robin Smither
                                                   Mrs. Angela Vegliante
        Ms. Irene Howard
                                                   Mrs. Cheryl Miller
        Ms. Isabella Francis
                                                   Mrs. Wilma Tripodi
        Ms. Jean McCarty
                                                   Ms. Angela Hauser
        Ms. Karen Storm
                                                   Ms. Ann Nagy
        Ms. Lynn Szczeck
                                                   Ms. Louise Carter
                                                   Ms. Maria Lo Scerbo
       Brian Baum
                                                   Ms. Maria Peppard
         Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lieberson
                                                   Ms. Sandra Marzano
                                                   Ms. Schorling Dawn
       Camille Provenza
        Mr. Gerard Maresca
                                                 Geraldine (Jerri) Fernandez
        Ms. Veronica Maresca
                                                   Mr. Anthony Fernandez
                                                   Ms. Antoinette Anglisano
       Carla Cefalu
        Mr. Robert Cefalu
                                                 Herbert Vollers
                                                  Vollers Family Foundation
       Collette Yacka
        Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lipper
                                                 James Henry
        Mr. Douglas Yacka
                                                   Mr. Matthew Huang
       Daniel Smith
                                                 Janina Lobaza
        Mr. and Mrs. Harry Giorello
                                                    Special Services Sunshine Club
        Mr. and Mrs. John Kuhn
                                                    Mr. and Mrs. Danny Byne
       Danny Otten
        Mr. and Mrs. Richard Otten
Midland Thanks the following contributors for their generosity.
Donations Represent Gifts Received Between September 2, 2020 to January 25, 2021.

         Jennifer Hardy                                Louise M. Scagliotta/Edward Scagliotta
            Mr. Andrew Ippolito                          Ms. Janice Scagliotta
            Mr. Howard Mangel
            Mr. Scott Iosue                            Marilyn Colburn
                                                        Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Bush
         Joan Amelia Ferruggiaro
            Mr. James Ferruggiaro                      Michael J. Ryan, Jr.
                                                         Ms. Dorothy Ryan
         Joan Vergura
            Mr. Michael Vergura                        Raymond Levandowski
                                                         Mr. Matthew Zeberlein
         Joanna Paster                                   Mr. Ronald Weening
            Mr. Robert Seavy                             Mrs. Donna Snyder
                                                         Mrs. Linda Kreuzwieser
         Jorvin Velasco                                  Mrs. Virginia Vogt
            Mr. and Mrs. John Kuhn                       Mr. Scott Vergura
            Ms. Deanna Anderson                          Mr. Michael Vergura
            The Anderson Family
                                                       Sonja Olson
         Joseph Anthony Cinotti                          Ms. Megan Thomas
         A Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cinotti
         A The Joseph and D'Maris Dempsey              Stephen Previte
         AACharitable Gift Fund                           Mr. and Mrs. Keith Criss
          Joseph Paulino                               Thomas Morgani
            Ms. Suzanne Aversano                         Mrs. Madelyn Morgani

         Lawrence and Ruth Gladstone
           Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gladstone

        Blue Ladies of The Midland Crop for the Kids   Mr. Johann Apkarian
        The Midland School Alumni Association          Mr. Robert Cefalu
        The Midland School Student Council             Cox Printers
        The Midland School Sunshine Committee          Ms. Kelly Hrank
                                                       Ms. Karen Hrank
                                                       Ms. Ileana LaFever
                                                       PVH Corp.

         * Indicates Midland Champions
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