Mobility Payments Asia Pacific - The Transition to Customer-Focused Mobility in a Post-Pandemic World -

Page created by Marcus Carpenter
Mobility Payments Asia Pacific - The Transition to Customer-Focused Mobility in a Post-Pandemic World -
Asia Pacific
The Transition to Customer-Focused Mobility
in a Post-Pandemic World

 14/16/21/23 September 2021 - Virtual Global Summit & Expo (Info Brochure)
Mobility Payments Asia Pacific - The Transition to Customer-Focused Mobility in a Post-Pandemic World -
- Putting Customers First
                        - Decoupling Payments & Mobility
                        - Account-based Ticketing (ABT)
                        - Smartphones and Mobility
                        - Maximising Payments Choice

                        - MaaS without Platforms
                        - Open Mobility Protocols and APIs
                        - Embedding Mobility Everywhere
                        - Business Models for MaaS
                        - Paying at Gates/Validators

The Leading Industry
                        - Post-Pandemic Mobility Payments
Event for Mobility      - Eliminating Fare Media
                        - Connecting Public & Private Mobility
Payments Stakeholders
                        - Demand-Responsive Transport
in Asia Pacific         - Touchless Travel Solutions
Mobility Payments Asia Pacific - The Transition to Customer-Focused Mobility in a Post-Pandemic World -
The Transition to Mobility
The migration from transportation to mobility is more than new jargon and represents a shift in thinking
about how transportation systems could be developed and managed, how they might be combined for
end-to-end journeys, how operators can deliver their services to customers, and how customers can
discover, choose and pay for mobility services.

Customers First                                        Meet Mobility Payments Experts
Mobility is a customer-focused approach to crea�ng     Meet transport authori�es, transit operators, mobility providers,
convenient, flexible and user-friendly transporta�on    on-demand transport companies and �cke�ng schemes building
products and services that meet the needs of today's   the new mobility paradigm and innova�ng new approaches for
travellers. This new series of industry conferences    delivering mobility services to customers. Mobility Payments Asia
will explore why mobility is the new mantra, the       Pacific and Mobility Payments South Asia, held since 2006 in the
impact on public transport systems, how                world’s fastest-growing payments markets, offer unparalleled
user-friendly mobility payments are developing in      opportuni�es to connect with key decision-makers and
Asia, and how this will change the way we plan and     understand their requirements for designing, planning and
pay for journeys.                                      implemen�ng mobility payments services.
Mobility Payments Asia Pacific - The Transition to Customer-Focused Mobility in a Post-Pandemic World -
Decouple Mobility Payments Now!
Account-based �cke�ng (ABT) began the decoupling of payments from transit �cke�ng. But in many ABT implementa�ons
payments are s�ll �ghtly coupled to a single funding source - EMV contactless bank cards. Transport operators, banks and
payment schemes should not be dicta�ng how customers pay for their journeys. Customers should decide how they want
to pay - with funds from a transit card, credit card, bank account, mobile wallet, PayPal, Wechat, Paytm, ... If innova�ve
mobility services are to evolve and flourish then they will need decoupled (or loosely coupled) payments. This is one of the
factors holding back the delivery of MaaS solu�ons.

Mobility without Platforms
Pla�orm-based approaches to integra�ng services usually involve exclusivity, control and governance mechanisms that are
less than beneficial to both par�cipants and customers. The future is open and decentralised digital infrastructures that
integrate the mobility consumer and mobility provider sides of online services so that no one pla�orm controls the
channels between the two sides. Imagine MaaS without proprietary pla�orms, or booking a Grab without using the Grab
app, or booking a ride using the DiDi app and having it fulfilled by a driver working for Meituan, or using a social media app
to plan a journey, buy a �cket or order a cab.

The World’s Fastest-Growing Markets
Asia is the largest and fastest-growing market for mobility services with significant plans and funding for transport
infrastructure and ini�a�ves for Smart Ci�es. In October 2020 the IMF forecast¹ that, a�er a contrac�on in 2020, Asia Pacific
regional economic ac�vity was expected to grow by 6.9% in 2021. In March 2021, the World Bank forecast² overall regional
growth (including China) of 7.4% in 2021 while the main economies of Southeast Asia -- Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the
Philippines and Thailand -- are collec�vely expected to see 4.8% growth in 2021 and 5.1% in 2022. Of the world’s 20 largest
ci�es³, 13 are in Asia, 3 are in Africa, 3 are in La�n America and 1 is in North America.
1 - h�ps://�ons/REO/APAC/Issues/2020/10/21/regional-economic-outlook-apd
2 - h�ps://
3 - h�ps://�es-in-the-world/
Mobility Payments Asia Pacific - The Transition to Customer-Focused Mobility in a Post-Pandemic World -
Mobility Payments Developments in Asia    How Mobility Payments are Changing        Integrating Mobility and Lifestyle
Updates on new mobility payments          Why are transport operators shi�ing       Payments
developments in Asia, interoperable       to store data about the right to travel   Many successful urban public
transport �cke�ng and fare payment        in back-end servers instead of in fare    transport �cke�ng schemes in Asia
ini�a�ves to support sustainable          media carried by the customer? How        integrated mobility and lifestyle
urban development in Asia,                do open-loop and closed-loop              payments to offer a wider range of
integra�ng mobility payments with         mobility payments fit together in a        services to customers, targe�ng both
social and lifestyle services in smart    �cke�ng scheme? How are journey           farebox and non-farebox revenue.
ci�es, industry innova�ons in             planners, on-demand transport and         How are these schemes developing
automated fare collec�on systems          MaaS likely to change how we pay for      their mobility and lifestyle payments
and revenue management.                   mobility services?                        services to customers under

          Business and Technology Issues to be explored (1/2)

The Shift to Server-Centric Mobility      Eliminating Fare Media                    Journey Payments by Smart Phone
Payments                                  ABT, mobile and the cloud are             In some Asian markets, customers
Server-centric account-based �cke�ng      enabling mobility providers to accept     may be more likely to pay for their
(ABT) systems decouple the customer       third-party payment products such as      journeys using a smartphone instead
ID, fare calcula�on and payments.         physical or digital contactless EMV       of a plas�c card. Smartphone
They enable acceptance of customer        cards and QR code-based mobile            payments op�ons include Pays
tokens not issued by, and travel          wallets. They also enable operators to    wallets, super-app wallets,
funding sources not managed by,           offer digital closed-loop transport        operator-issued payments apps, or
transport operators; as well as simpler   cards on mobile. Who benefits most         any of these integrated into journey
fare adjustments, fare capping, and       from this trend towards Bring Your        planners. Which is likely to become
easier evolu�on to mobile payments.       Own Card/Device?                          most popular with customers, and
Mobility Payments Asia Pacific - The Transition to Customer-Focused Mobility in a Post-Pandemic World -
Business and Technology Issues to be explored (2/2)
QR Codes for Mobility Payments             The Cloud and Mobility Payments           Integrating Public and Private Mobility
There are a growing number of              The synergy of ABT, smartphones and       Mul�-modal �cke�ng schemes enabled
applica�ons for QR code-based              mobile apps is simplifying payments       seamless journeys only across public
smartphone payments for mobility           and driving growth in cloud-based         transport systems. For private shared
services, par�cularly with the new         mobility services. The cloud offers        mobility and micro-mobility services to
private mobility and micro-mobility        cost-effec�ve and rapid development        offer customers first/last mile transport
services. But despite their adop�on by     of new approaches to mobility             op�ons, payments for seamless
transport authori�es in China, are they    payments, such as virtual transport       journeys will need to cover
fit for purpose in large-scale public       �ckets on mobile devices, and             door-to-door connected mobility. What
transport systems with high passenger      pay-per-use �cke�ng services for          APIs, protocols and solu�ons will enable
throughput?                                smaller PTOs.                             them to connect?

Demand Responsive Transport                Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS)              Mobility Search and Discovery
DRT solu�ons must integrate rou�ng,        How do we ensure that MaaS journeys       Open mobility protocols and APIs could
i�nerary op�misa�on, passenger pooling     are user-centric instead of serving the   define common languages and interfaces
with booking and payment via mul�ple       commercial interests of compe�ng          that would allow customers to discover
channels, typically to complement major    mobility providers? Should MaaS be        mobility services such as searching for a
public transport modes. The best           driven by government, by PTAs/PTOs or     cab, booking a train �cket, planning a
examples of DRT almost compete with        by other organisa�ons such as journey     journey, and paying the fare. Is this
ride-hailing services but some have been   planner providers? Does PAYG make more    possible, through a single decentralised
less than successful - what are the key    sense than a subscrip�on? Do any MaaS     interface to a “digital public good” of
lessons that have been learned?            implementa�ons suggest best prac�ces?     mobility services (cf. Internet websites)?

Enabling Embedded Mobility                 Post-Pandemic Mobility Payments           Future Technology Roadmap
Could open specifica�ons that enable        The world has changed. We will be         A global pandemic has accelerated
mobility APIs and protocols through a      dealing with the a�er-effects of the       interest in touchless travel. Bluetooth
decentralised interface, allow mobility    COVID-19 pandemic for years. These        BIBO �cke�ng pilots have not resulted in
service providers to distribute their      might include fewer journeys, modal       widespread adop�on. Smartphone
services through any third-party           shi�/reduced modal share, less traffic      ultra-wideband (UWB) provides more
consumer interface or app, without         conges�on due to work-from-home, new      accurate spa�al and direc�onal data and
having to establish a formal rela�onship   health and safety requirements, a need    a poten�al business case for mobility
or contract with the third-party, or       for “touchless” travel, limits on         payments services. Facial recogni�on is
become part of a third-party pla�orm?      passenger numbers, downward pressure      also being trialled in transit systems.
Would "Embedded Mobility" in everyday      on journey pricing and farebox revenue,   What are some of the new technologies
apps be more widely adopted than           and a slowdown on public transport        on the mobility payments roadmap?
proprietary MaaS pla�orms?                 infrastructure development.
Mobility Payments Asia Pacific - The Transition to Customer-Focused Mobility in a Post-Pandemic World -
About the Event

What this is
The Mobility Payments Asia Pacific Virtual Summit & Expo is an immersive online experience designed to allow mobility
payments stakeholders to meet, inform and connect when physical interna�onal industry events are not possible.

Much more than a webinar, it combines business presenta�ons and discussions; technology seminars and industry mee�ngs;
expo showcases and demonstra�ons of products and services; together with a variety of channels for delegates to network,
connect and interact one-on-one.

The objec�ves of the event are to:

   1. Provide a pla�orm where experts from Asia and around the
   world can discuss important business issues related to the
   development of mobility payments;
   2. Inform end-user organisa�ons about latest innova�ons and
   solu�ons that can a�ract and delight their customers and grow
   their mobility payments businesses;
   3. Explore the evolu�on of the mobility payments business, the
   growing influence of mobile and digital, the challenges of
   developing MaaS, and the impact of COVID-19;
   4. Enable end-users, their partners and suppliers to engage,
   have conversa�ons and exchange contacts, when physical
   face-to-face mee�ngs are not possible.

Since the first contactless smartcard-based transport �cke�ng
scheme was launched in Seoul in 1996, Asia has led the world in the
development of innova�ons in automated fare collec�on.

For transit authorities, operators, ticketing schemes and mobility
services providers, the event offers a unique perspec�ve on the
mobility payments business in Asia Pacific.
Mobility Payments Asia Pacific - The Transition to Customer-Focused Mobility in a Post-Pandemic World -
Target Audience
Delegates par�cipa�ng in the Mobility Payments Asia Pacific Virtual Summit & Expo are from the following stakeholder

   · Transit authori�es, transport operators, �cke�ng schemes, ride hailing companies, mobility providers, banks, fintechs,
   payment schemes.
   · Mobility systems integrators; �cke�ng and fare collec�on solu�ons providers; MaaS so�ware companies; payment
   services providers; gate, validator and �cke�ng equipment manufacturers; device, card, chip and component
   manufacturers; more...

Networking, Meetings and Conversations
Delegates can use either the mobile app or the web app to connect with speakers, sponsors and other delegates at different
levels such as making individual connec�ons through exchanging contacts; engaging in group mee�ngs through chat, voice
or video calls; or contribu�ng to conversa�ons visible to all delegates through the community board. Every delegate will be
able to see and contact every other delegate in the mobile and web apps. The web app provides a bigger screen while the
mobile app has the same features in a portable form factor, freeing delegates from their desk.
Mobility Payments Asia Pacific - The Transition to Customer-Focused Mobility in a Post-Pandemic World -
How It Works

Engagement Channels
The Mobility Payments Asia Pacific Summit & Expo is organised over 4 half days on 14/16/21/23 September 2021. The event
is spread over a two-week period to allow par�cipants to manage other commitments while par�cipa�ng in and enjoying the
event. Each session will begin mid-a�ernoon in Asia Pacific, early a�ernoon in South Asia, early morning in Europe.

The virtual event will have 4 channels through which delegates can par�cipate in business and technology discussions and
interact with other delegates:

   Business Stream                                              Technology Stream
   Consis�ng of live-streamed conference sessions and           Live-streamed sessions covering technology subjects,
   discussions focusing on business issues for mobility         standards development, industry ini�a�ves, introduc�ons
   payments. Industry experts will make presenta�ons            to new solu�ons and product demonstra�ons. This
   and join discussions exploring how the mobility              stream is a pla�orm to introduce solu�ons, demonstrate
   payments business is evolving, best prac�ces,                products, deliver standards updates, and educa�onal
   business models, impact of COVID-19, and more…               trainings, within the framework of the Mobility Payments
                                                                Asia Pacific Virtual Summit.

   Expo Zone - Virtual Showcases                                Speed Networking
   Delegates can visit the virtual showcase in the web          Each event day includes 1 speed networking session of 30
   app and mobile app, discover the latest mobility             minutes. Delegates a�ending this session will be
   payments technologies, view corporate videos and             randomly sorted into breakout rooms of 4 people for an
   demonstra�ons, chat or video-chat with solu�ons              informal 15 minute chat. This is a great opportunity to
   providers and download their brochures. The Expo             network in an informal way with other mobile payments
   showcase zone will open one week before the event            experts. At the end of the 15 minutes, all delegates will
   and remain open for 6 months a�er the event.                 be randomly shuffled and sent to a new breakout room
                                                                with different people. Delegates will be provided with a
                                                                list of all other delegates they met after the session
Summit Agenda for Global Time Zones
The Mobility Payments Asia Pacific Summit & Expo schedule is designed to enable delegates from global �me zones to be
able to par�cipate in the live-streamed sessions.

The event runs on Tuesday and Thursday over a two-week period, 4 hours on each day, to allow par�cipants to manage
other commitments while enjoying the event. Each session will begin mid-a�ernoon in Asia Pacific, early a�ernoon in South
Asia, early morning in Europe.

A�er each live-streamed session has ended, the session entry in the agenda will be replaced by a recording of the session.
Delegates that were unable to join when the session was live will be able to watch (and re-watch) recordings of past
sessions at any time.

  Business Stream - Program                                             Technology Stream - Program
  The schedule below includes only a block outline of the               A program of technology stream sessions on each
  business stream sessions on each day. Delegates that wish             day will consist of presenta�ons introducing latest
  to par�cipate in the business stream program should                   solu�ons, demonstra�ons of new innova�ons,
  refer to the separate program below with details of                   updates from standards bodies and relevant
  session content and discussion topics.                                industry organisa�ons.

   (CET)         (IST)        (SGT)       (BIZ1:Sep 14)      (BIZ2:Sep 16)      (BIZ3:Sep 21)      (BIZ4:Sep 23)       (Tech 1-4)

                                                                                                                    Technology Sessions
08:30-10:00   12:00-13:30   14:30-16:00     Session 1          Session 3         Session 5          Session 7       & Live Demos

10:00-11:00   13:30-14:30   16:00-17:00   Speed Networking   Speed Networking   Speed Networking   Speed Networking Speed Networking
                                          & Expo Visits      & Expo Visits      & Expo Visits      & Expo Visits    & Expo Visits

11:00-12:30   14:30-16:00   17:00-18:30     Session 2          Session 4         Session 6           Session 8      Technology Sessions
                                                                                                                    & Live Demos
Delegate Recruitment
The Mobility Payments Asia Pacific Summit & Expo will be marketed to APSCA’s interna�onal mobility industry database:

   · Weekly: Dedicated content - newsle�ers (10,000+ contacts)
   · Daily: Banners - Smart Card Business Intelligence newsle�ers (7,600+ contacts)
   · Weekly: Social media (Twi�er, LinkedIn) updates (4,000+ followers)
   · Bi-weekly: Dedicated campaign to issuers, PSPs, schemes

Track Record
Since 2006, APSCA’s mobility payments forums have become the largest mee�ngs of senior execu�ves from transit
authori�es, transport operators, �cke�ng & fare payment schemes and mobility services providers managing automated
fare collec�on schemes in Asia.

These senior execu�ves, from public and private sector mobility end-users from over 15 Asian countries and territories,
a�end APSCA industry events to meet their peers, learn about updates from other Asian mobility payments schemes and
hear case studies and best prac�ces.

The previous 12 physical events were held in Singapore, Taipei, Bangkok, Seoul, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Sydney,
India, Singapore, Vietnam and the Philippines, supported by local government transport authori�es, transport �cke�ng
companies and transport operators.
Sept. 14
                        Session 1
                        Mobility Payments in Asia
                           · New developments and customer-focused ini�a�ves in public and private mobility services in Asia. [45min]
                           · Discussion + Q&A: Exploring key trends changing mobility payments in Asia including ABT, mobile, cloud, new mobility
                      i n    providers, journey planners, MaaS, …
                       i n · Go Virtual Speed Networking!
                  30m · Checkout the Virtual Expo!

                        Session 2
                        Mobility, Lifestyle, Social
                         · Integra�ng mobility with lifestyle and social services, combining mobility into consumer applica�ons. [45min]
                         · Discussion + Q&A: The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on mobility so far, customer percep�on, ridership, modal
                  45m      share/shi�, costs, revenues, mi�ga�on strategies.
                         · Checkout the Virtual Expo!

                         Sept. 16
                        Session 3
                        Boarding Mobility Services
                         · Paying at gates/validators, paying for on-demand transport, QR codes, PAYG vs �ckets [45min]
                         · Discussion + Q&A: How customers want to make mobility payments, the trend towards elimina�ng fare media and
                      in Bring Your Own Card/Device.
                      in · Go Virtual Speed Networking!
                         · Checkout the Virtual Expo!

                        Session 4
                        Future Technologies Roadmap
                         · Tomorrow’s �cke�ng innova�ons, post-pandemic mobility payments and touchless travel. [45min]
                         · Discussion + Q&A: Status of BIBO �cke�ng, smartphone ultra-wideband (UWB), facial recogni�on and
                  45m      technologies that may impact mobility payments.
                         · Checkout the Virtual Expo!
Sept. 21
                         Session 5
                         ABT and Cloud-based Mobility Payments
                           · The shi� to account-based �cke�ng, server-centric mobility payments, impact in Asia so far. [45min]
                           · Discussion + Q&A: How decoupling customer IDs, fare calcula�ons and payments, (closed-loop and open-loop)
                      i n    benefits innova�ve mobility services.
                       i n · Go Virtual Speed Networking!
                           · Checkout the Virtual Expo!

                         Session 6
                         Decoupling Mobility and Payments
                         · Innova�ve mobility services that evolve and flourish require more loosely coupled payments. [45min]
                         · Discussion + Q&A: Customers (rather than operators, banks,schemes) should decide how they want to pay - ·
                  45m      transit card, credit card, bank account, mobile wallet etc.
                         · Checkout the Virtual Expo!

                        Sept. 23
                         Session 7
                         MaaS for Asia
                         · Current state-of-the-art, governance and business models, payments, lessons learned. [45min]
                         · Discussion + Q&A: Open APIs and protocols for connec�ng mobility providers, simple service discovery and
                      in distribu�on, avoiding restric�ve pla�orm-based approaches.
                      in · Go Virtual Speed Networking!
                         · Checkout the Virtual Expo!

                         Session 8
                         New Mobility Services
                         · DRT and on-demand transport, ride-hailing, ride-sharing, micro-mobility, pandemic impact. [45min]
                         · Discussion + Q&A: customer-friendly solu�ons to plan, book and pay for journeys (with/without
                  45m      smartphones) on mobility services without fixed routes/schedules.
                         · Checkout the Virtual Expo!
T: APSCA_Updates
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