Module Catalogue Degree programme Bachelor of Science "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" - Hochschule der Deutschen Bundesbank

Page created by Suzanne Lane
Module Catalogue Degree programme Bachelor of Science "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" - Hochschule der Deutschen Bundesbank
Module Catalogue
Degree programme Bachelor of Science
„Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking“

Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020

(Last updated: 1 October 2020)

Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
                                           Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking"
                                                                                        degree programme
                                                                  Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020


1   Degree programme concept                                                                             4
1.1 Module overview for Deutsche Bundesbank students                                                     5
1.2 Module overview for Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)
    students                                                                                             6
2   Theoretical studies                                                                                  7
2.1 Foundation course                                                                                    8
2.2 Advanced study                                                                                     21
2.3 In-depth study 1                                                                                   33
2.4 In-depth study 2                                                                                   53
3   Practical studies                                                                                  60
3.1 Practical studies for Deutsche Bundesbank students                                                 60
3.2 Practical studies for BaFin students                                                               80
4   Bachelor’s Thesis                                                                                  92

Last updated: 1 October 2020
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
 Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
 Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020

1 Degree programme concept
The educational concept of the Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences (hereinafter
"University") has had the following hallmarks since it was founded in 1980.
 Orientation to the Bundesbank (focus on the Bundesbank's core business areas)
 Dual studies ( dovetailing of theoretical studies and practical experience)
 Dual qualification ( students obtain a university degree and simultaneously qualify for a career
    in the upper intermediate service at the Deutsche Bundesbank)
The Bachelor's degree programme essentially follows these guiding principles, but places even
greater emphasis on the role of the Deutsche Bundesbank in the Eurosystem and on teaching meth-
ods rather than just transferring knowledge. In addition, students are offered options for shaping
their course of study, meaning that although they gain an overview of all core business areas of a
central bank, they can additionally acquire an in-depth understanding of certain business areas and
the key methods in use there.
The degree programme culminates in a Bachelor of Science degree, as quantitative business
administration methods (in particular, in the fields of banking supervision, accounting, analysis of
financial statements and financial issues, controlling, corporate finance, financial mathematics, statis-
tics and IT) form a common thread throughout the programme, representing roughly half of the cur-
riculum. The bilingual title of the degree programme (“Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking”) re-
flects the fact that the curriculum is largely international in nature due to the Deutsche Bundesbank
being part of the ESCB and therefore selected classes and lectures are held in English.
Besides the quantitative and English-language content of the curriculum, the degree programme
comprises a host of modules which focus on the application and interpretation of laws and regula-
tions as well as internal rules and regulations at the respective authority. Given that the Bundesbank
has the status of a supreme federal authority with a wide range of responsibilities in the fields of cur-
rency and financial markets, this legal orientation is well justified. With the exception of a few mod-
ules, which deal exclusively with legal topics, the legal issues – in keeping with the interdisciplinary
approach of the degree programme – are taught together with issues relating to banking operations
and financial mathematics.
The dual concept of the Bachelor's programme ensures a high degree of practical relevance
through constant alternation between theoretical and practical modules, offering content which is
coordinated by the University. Students complete a total of seven different internships and are famil-
iar with the corporate culture in the business units of the Bundesbank/their recruiting authority (eg the
Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht or BaFin))
at the end of their studies. Both the Bachelor’s thesis with its strong practical focus and a final
five-month internship ensure a seamless transition into employment.
1.1   Module overview for Deutsche Bundesbank students
1.2 Module overview for Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) students
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
                                                 Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
                                                                                         Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020

2 Theoretical studies
As part of the theoretical studies, the first two six-month stages of study, ie foundation course and
advanced study, provide a broad base of theoretical knowledge and methodology. These two stages
of study do not offer any elective modules.
By contrast, in in-depth study 1, students can choose a specialisation. The University generally of-
fers the following specialisations.
           A “Supervisory and financial stability functions”
           B “Bank operational functions”
           Q “Interdisciplinary an IT functions”
Each specialisation is geared towards the skills and methods that are particularly relevant in specific
areas of a central bank or a banking supervisory authority. In accordance with the study regulations,
each recruiting authority may modify the curriculum and structure of degree programme specialisa-
tions in agreement with the University. Accordingly, the Bundesbank and BaFin students have the
following options for specialisation.

Overview 1: Modules1 for each specialisation and recruiting authority during the in-depth study
            Specialisation        Supervisory and
                                                                Interdisciplinary                 Bank operational
                                  financial stability
    Recruiting                                                  and IT functions                     functions
                                            In-depth study 1 modules
                                   V1, V2, V5 and           V1, V2, V4 and                         V1, V2, V3 and
                                        V3 or V6                 V5 or V6                             V4 or V6
                                   V1, V2, V5 and           V2, V4, V5 and
                                        V3 or V6                 V1 or V6
                                            In-depth study 2 modules
           Bundesbank             W1, W2, W3, W5                W2, W4, W5, W6                    W1, W3, W4 W6

             BaFin                W1, W2, W3, W5                W2, W4, W5, W6

Despite the options for specialisation, the overall course of study remains general in nature and co-
vers several core business areas. Hence the specialisations provide an indication of the graduates'
subsequent area of employment but do not prejudice it.

1   Key: Overview of in-depth study modules
    In-depth study 1                                    In-depth study 2
    V1: Bank and central bank management                W1: Case studies on monetary policy and financial stability
    V2: Analysis of financial statements                     (EN)
        and financial instruments                       W2: Case studies on financial supervision
    V3: Financial markets and international economics   W3: Case studies on payment and financial market
        (EN)                                                 infrastructure
    V4: Organisation, human resources management and    W4: Managing people and organisations in changing contexts
        contract management                             W5: Financial Econometrics
    V5: Banking, securities and insurance supervision   W6: Process and project management
    V6: Digital transformation and advanced analytics
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020

2.1 Foundation course
   1     2     3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28    29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36

             Foundation                          Advanced                                 In-depth                Practical      In-depth                        Practical
 P1                                P1                                     P2                                                                          BT
               course                              study                                   study 1                study 3         study 2                        study 4

 Module name (including module components)                                           ECTS              Contact                   Workload                  Examination
                                                                                                        hours                    (number of                Preparation
                                                                                                     (number of                    hours)                  time
                                                                                                      45-minute                                            (percentage
                                                                                                    teaching ses-                                          of English)
 G1: Methodological foundations                                                          8               152                           240                 Written exam
     (Mandatory module)                                                                                                                                    180 minutes
     G1-1: Academic research, study methods and                                          2                   42                            60
     G1-2: Information technology: an introduction                                       3                   54                            90
     G1-3: Financial mathematics and statistics:                                         3                   56                            90
            an introduction
 G2: Introduction to business administration                                             8                   148                       240                 Written exam
     (Mandatory module)                                                                                                                                    180 minutes
     G2-1: Management of operational resources                                           4                   72                        120
     G2-2: Bookkeeping, cost accounting and                                              4                   76                        120
            financial statements
 G3: Introduction to the banking industry                                                8                   142                       240                 Written exam
     (Mandatory module)                                                                                                                                    180 minutes
     G3-1: Structure of the banking system and                                           4                   72                        120                 (50)
            fundamentals of the banking industry
     G3-2: Introduction to Central Banking (EN)                                          4                   70                        120
 G4: Introduction to the legal system: Basic Law,                                        5                   90                        150                 Written exam
     Civil Code and Commercial Code                                                                                                                        120 minutes
     (Mandatory module)
 G5: Principles of economics (EN)                                                        5                   88                        150                 Written exam
     (Mandatory module)                                                                                                                                    120 minutes
 Total                                                                                   34                  620                      1020                 5 module
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
                                              Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
                                                                                      Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020
Module                      Methodological foundations
Degree programme            Bachelor of Science, "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Code                        G1
Academic level of the       Foundation course
Type                        Mandatory module; quantitative content around 67%, English-language content
                            around 11%, legal content 0%
ECTS credits                8 ECTS
Academic workload           240 hours, of which 114 contact hours (152x45-minute teaching sessions) and 126
                            hours of independent study
Examination date            At the end of the study stage
Mode of examination         Written exam, covering tasks from module components G1-1, G1-2 and G1-3,
Preparation time            180 minutes
(percentage of English)     (0)
Prerequisites               ---
(Potentially) followed by   A1 Quantitative methods
                            A2 Business administration: deepening of knowledge
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020
Module component               Academic research, study methods and communication
of G1
Degree programme               Bachelor of Science, "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Code                           G1-1
Academic level of the          Foundation course
Type                           Module component; quantitative content 10%, English-language content 0%, legal
                               content 0%
ECTS credits                   2 ECTS
Academic workload              60 hours, of which 31.5 contact hours (42x45-minute teaching sessions) and 28.5
                               hours of independent study
Teaching methods               Lectures, exercises, group work, situational tasks, role plays with critical reflection
                               and feedback, video training
Lecturer responsible for       Professor Matthias Goeken
the module
Academic objectives            Students will learn to master the academic methods of planning and gaining an
                               overview of, selecting and analysing material and to put them into practice by com-
                               piling an academic paper. Students will also be able to use Microsoft Office applica-
                               tions essential to the preparation of academic papers and presentations. This in-
                               cludes using Microsoft Word to write, edit and publish academic texts and using
                               PowerPoint in presentations.
                               Moreover, students will learn and put into practice efficient working and study meth-
                               ods, allowing them to organise their studies independently and to master course
                               Mastery of key competencies such as presentation techniques, teamwork and com-
                               munication skills are vital to operational practice. Students will refine these skills and
                               gradually expand them.
Preliminary reading            V Römermann et al, Schlüsselqualifikationen für Studium, Examen und Beruf, latest
                               C Stickel-Wolf, J Wolf, Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Lerntechniken, latest editi-
                               M R Theisen, Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Technik - Methodik - Form, Munich, la-
                               test edition.
                               Balzert et al, Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Wissenschaft, Quellen, Artefakte, Orga-
                               nisation, Präsentation; W3L Herdecke, latest edition.
                               Microsoft Office Word 2007 manual, latest edition.
                               Supplementary reading:
                               S M Litzcke et al, Studieren lernen, latest edition (available online).
G1-1a                          Academic research and study methods
Syllabus                        The academic work process
                                    (planning, preparatory work, overview, selection and analysis of material, writing
                                    manuscripts, presenting results, holding presentations)
                                Work and learning techniques
                                Examinations in theoretical and practical studies (written exam, presentation,
                                    seminar paper, report, internship report, completion of another practical task typ-
                                    ically performed in the Upper Intermediate Service, paper, oral exam)
G1-1b                          Communication
Syllabus                        Key competencies (presentation techniques, rhetoric, teamwork and communi-
                                    cation skills)
G1-1c                          Preparing academic texts and presentations
Syllabus                        Word (in particular, formatting and document templates, field functions, foot-
                                    notes, layouts, table of contents)
                                PowerPoint (in particular, preparing presentations, slide masters, custom anima-
                                    tion, embedding graphics) and alternatives
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
                                              Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
                                                                                      Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020
Module component           Information technology: an introduction
of G1
Degree programme           Bachelor of Science, "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Code                       G1-2
Academic level of the      Foundation course
Type                       Module component; quantitative content 80%, English-language content 10%, legal
                           content 0%
ECTS credits               3 ECTS
Academic workload          90 hours, of which 40.5 contact hours (54x45-minute teaching sessions) and 49.5
                           hours of independent study
Teaching methods           Lectures (sometimes using PCs), study group exercises, independent study
Lecturer responsible for   Lothar Thiel
the module
Academic objectives        Upon completion of this module, students will understand
                            the basic terminology used in information technology
                            how computer systems (hardware components) are structured and how operat-
                                ing systems are structured and used (system-related software)
                            the types and possible uses of operational application systems (application soft-
                            the basic concepts of databases
                            the fundamental rules of information security
                           Furthermore, students will be familiar with the key Microsoft Office applications used
                           by the Deutsche Bundesbank. This includes
                            an introduction to spreadsheets and databases
                            the functioning and use of the internet
                            the basic functions of standard business administration software (SAP)
Preliminary reading        H Herold et al, Grundlagen der Informatik, latest edition.
                           Amberg et al, Wertschöpfungsorientierte Wirtschaftsinformatik, Berlin, Heidelberg
                           (latest edition).
                           Supplementary reading:
                           H-P Gumm et al, Einführung in die Informatik, latest edition.
                           K C Laudon et al, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Einführung, latest edition.
                           A S Tanenbaum, Computernetzwerke, latest edition.
                           Microsoft Office Excel 2007 manual, latest edition.
                           Microsoft Office Access 2007 manual, latest edition.
G1-2a                      Introduction to information technology
Syllabus                    Basic terminology used in business informatics and data processing
                            Data, information, knowledge, presentation of information and figures
                            Structure and components of a computer system
                            Operating system (layers, memory and file management)
                            Software development
                            Business application systems: operational application systems (ERP), analytical
                                application systems (business intelligence) and cross-sectional systems (CSCW,
                                groupware and social software)
                            Data security (protection objectives, processes)
G1-2b                      MS Office exercises
Syllabus                    Excel (creating table formats, calculations using functions and formulae, data
                                analysis methods, creating diagrams, data set management)
                            Basic concepts of databases; information and knowledge management
                            Access (creating tables and forms, connections and requests, searching for and
                                filtering data)
G1-2c                      SAP – introductory exercises
Syllabus                    Introduction to standard business administration software
                            Basic concepts and features of modern ERP systems
                            Practical exercises using an SAP training system
                            Overview of how SAP is used at the Bundesbank
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020
Module component              Financial mathematics and statistics: an introduction
of G1
Degree programme              Bachelor of Science, "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Code                          G1-3
Academic level of the         Foundation course
Type                          Module component; quantitative content 100%, English-language content 20%, legal
                              content 0%
ECTS credits                  3 ECTS
Academic workload             90 hours, of which 42 contact hours (56x45-minute teaching sessions) and 48 hours
                              of independent study
Teaching methods              Lectures, exercises, independent study
Lecturer responsible for      Professor Annabelle Kehl-Beckmann
the module
Academic objectives           Students will master the fundamentals of financial mathematics and its application in
                              banking operations. They will understand the financial mathematics content of cen-
                              tral-bank-specific measures and of the monetary policy procedures of the ESCB, and
                              will be able to use the methods acquired to complete typical tasks relating to these
                              procedures. Moreover, students will understand the objectives of and typical prob-
                              lems relating to statistics, will gain an overview of fundamental data collection and
                              processing methods and will recognise the importance of statistics for central banks.
                              Students will also master the methods of presenting descriptive statistics, calculating
                              and interpreting characteristic key figures of unidimensional distributions, the funda-
                              mentals of probability theory and combinatorics and the use of fundamental theoreti-
                              cal distributions.
Preliminary reading           Fahrmeir, Künstler, Pigeot, Tutz: Statistik: Der Weg zur Datenanalyse, Springer,
                              Berlin Heidelberg New York , latest edition.
                              J Tietze: Einführung in die Finanzmathematik, latest edition.
                              G Bamberg et al, Statistik, latest edition.
                              Supplementary reading:
                              T Heidorn: Finanzmathematik in der Bankpraxis, latest edition.
                              K Bosch: Elementare Einführung in die angewandte Statistik, latest edition.
                              G Bourier: Beschreibende Statistik, latest edition.
G1-3a                         Financial mathematics I
Syllabus                       General mathematical foundations
                               Calculating interest and compound interest using banking-related examples
                               Calculating pensions and annuities using banking-related examples
                               Intra-year interest rate and yield calculations
                               Present value concept
G1-3b                         Statistics I
Syllabus                       Tasks and objectives of statistics, statistical agencies
                               Basic concepts of statistics
                               Types and forms of data collection; processing data material
                               Location parameters and dispersion measures of distributions
                               Combinatorics
                               Introduction to probability theory
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
                                             Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
                                                                                     Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020
Module                    Introduction to business administration
Degree programme          Bachelor of Science, "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Code                      G2
Academic level of the     Foundation course
Type                      Mandatory module; quantitative content around 50%, English-language content
                          around 10%, legal content around 16%
ECTS credits              8 ECTS
Academic workload         240 hours, of which 111 contact hours (148x45-minute teaching sessions) and 129
                          hours of independent study
Examination date          At the end of the study stage
Mode of examination       Written exam, covering tasks from module components G2-1 and G2-2
Preparation time          180 minutes
(percentage of English)   (0)
Prerequisites             ---
(Potentially) followed    A2 Business administration: deepening of knowledge
by                        V4 Organisation, human resources management and contract management
                          W4 Managing people and organisations in changing contexts
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020
Module component               Management of operational resources
of G2
Degree programme               Bachelor of Science, "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Code                           G2-1
Academic level of the          Foundation course
Type                           Module component; quantitative content 50%, English-language content 20%, legal
                               content 10%
ECTS credits                   4 ECTS
Academic workload              120 hours, of which 54 contact hours (72x45-minute teaching sessions) and 66
                               hours of independent study
Teaching methods               Lectures, exercises, independent study
Lecturer responsible for       Professor Nicole Jung
the module
Academic objectives            Students will be able to describe problems relating to operational resource man-
                               agement using the appropriate terminology and solve such problems. They will gain
                               an overview of operational functions, their interconnections and the underlying is-
                               sues regarding decision-making and be able to apply business administration meth-
                               ods to them.
Preliminary reading            G Wöhe, U Döring: Einführung in die allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre,
                               Munich: Vahlen, latest edition.
                               D Vahs, J Schäfer-Kunz: Einführung in die Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Stuttgart: Schäf-
                               fer-Poeschel, latest edition.
                               C Homburg, H Krohmer: Grundlagen des Marketingmanagements, Wiesbaden:
                               Gabler, latest edition.
                               Supplementary reading:
                               G Bamberg, A G Coenenberg: Betriebswirtschaftliche Entscheidungslehre, Munich:
                               Vahlen, latest edition.
                               H Jung: Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Munich: Oldenbourg, latest edition.
                               M Schweitzer: Einleitung: Grundfragen, in: F X Bea, Allgemeine Betriebswirtschafts-
                               lehre, Volume 1, Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius, latest edition.
G2-1a                          Introduction to business administration
Syllabus                        Introduction to general business administration
                                Operational target systems and strategies
                                Fundamentals of decision-making theory and operations research
                                Constitutive operational decisions
G2-1b                          Business administration in key operational functions
Syllabus                        Decision-making in procurement
                                Decision-making in production
                                Decision-making in marketing
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
                                                Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
                                                                                        Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020
Module component           Bookkeeping, cost accounting and
of G2                      financial statements
Degree programme           Bachelor of Science, "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Code                       G2-2
Academic level of the      Foundation course
Type                       Module component; quantitative content 50%, English-language content 0%, legal
                           content 20%
ECTS credits               4 ECTS
Academic workload          120 hours, of which 57 contact hours (76x45-minute teaching sessions) and 63
                           hours of independent study
Teaching methods           Lectures, exercises, independent study
Lecturer responsible for   Professor Anke Lenk
the module
Academic objectives        This module covers accounting tasks in general and bookkeeping tasks in particular.
                           Students will learn double-entry bookkeeping as well as how to make entries in stock
                           accounts and profit and loss accounts. They will practise and gain a greater under-
                           standing of double-entry bookkeeping on the basis of selected transactions by indus-
                           trial enterprises and credit institutions. The lectures will provide an initial insight into
                           the accounting, and in particular the financial statements, of industrial enterprises,
                           credit institutions and the Deutsche Bundesbank. Students will learn about the com-
                           monly used cost accounting systems and will practise and apply their knowledge in a
                           wide range of practical exercises and examples.
Preliminary reading        Coenenberg et al: Jahresabschluss und Jahresabschlussanalyse, latest edition.
                           Deutsche Bundesbank: Grundsätze zur Rechnungslegung der Deutschen Bundes-
                           bank, latest edition.
                           D Schuster: Rechnungswesen und Controlling der Kreditinstitute, latest edition.
                           J Weber, B Weißenberger: Einführung in das Rechnungswesen, latest edition.
                           G Wöhe et al: Einführung in die Allgemeine BWL, latest edition.
                           J Wüstemann: Buchführung case by case, latest edition.
G2-2a                      Introduction to double-entry bookkeeping and financial statements
Syllabus                    Introduction to the (legal) basis of bookkeeping and financial statements
                            Inventories and stocktaking
                            Generally accepted accounting principles
                            Fundamentals and techniques of double-entry bookkeeping
                            Booking selected transactions
G2-2b                      Accounting structure at credit institutions and the Deutsche Bundesbank
Syllabus                    Legal basis; organisation and entry processes
                            Entries for credit institutions' lending and deposit business
                            Insight into the preparation of credit institutions' financial statements
                            Accounting structure at the Deutsche Bundesbank
G2-2c                      Introduction to cost and performance accounting
Syllabus                    Fundamentals of cost accounting
                            Cost-type, cost-centre, cost-unit accounting as full-cost accounting
                            Revenue and expenditure accounting
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020
Module                        Introduction to the banking industry
Degree programme              Bachelor of Science, "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Code                          G3
Academic level of the         Foundation course
Type                          Mandatory module; quantitative content around 18%, English-language content
                              around 53%, legal content around 20%
ECTS credits                  8 ECTS
Academic workload             240 hours, of which 106.5 contact hours (142x45-minute teaching sessions) and
                              133.5 hours of independent study
Examination date              At the end of the study stage
Mode of examination           Written exam; covering tasks from module components G3-1 and G3-2
Preparation time              180 minutes
(percentage of English)       (50)
Prerequisites                 ---
(Potentially) followed by     A3 Payment transactions
                              A4 Credit and banking supervision
                              A5 Monetary economics (EN)
                              V4 Organisation, human resources management and contract management
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
                                              Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
                                                                                      Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020
Module component           Structure of the banking system and fundamentals of the banking in-
of G3                      dustry
Degree programme           Bachelor of Science, "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Code                       G3-1
Academic level of the      Foundation course
Type                       Module component; quantitative content 15%, English-language content 10%, legal
                           content 10%
ECTS credits               4 ECTS
Academic workload          120 hours, of which 54 contact hours (72x45-minute teaching sessions) and 66
                           hours of independent study
Teaching methods           Lectures, independent study
Lecturer responsible for   Professor Andreas Igl
the module
Academic objectives        Students will understand the fundamentals of credit institutions' lending and deposit
                           business, the settlement of their transactions and those of their customers, as well
                           as the most important underlying legal relationships and framework between cus-
                           tomers, credit institutions and banking supervisors. In this context, students will
                           learn about account management, deposit business and payment transactions, fund
                           and asset investments, lending and cross-border transactions. Moreover, they will
                           gain an overview of the structure and functioning of the banking sector and of de-
                           posit guarantee schemes in Germany.
Preliminary reading        Hartmann-Wendels, T., u.a.: Bankbetriebslehre, latest edition.
                           Supplementary reading:
                           Büschgen, H.E., u.a.: Bankbetriebslehre, latest edition.
                           Cecchetti, S.G./ Schoenholtz, K.L.: Money, Banking and Financial Markets, latest
                           Ettmann, B./Wolff, K./Wurm, G: Kompaktwissen Bankbetriebslehre, latest edition.
                           Grill, H./Perczynski, H.: Wirtschaftslehre des Kreditwesens, latest edition.

Syllabus                      Functions of banks in an economy
                              Selected legal framework of the banking industry
                              Business models, strategy / targets, banking policy, accreditation
                              Market overview: Germany / EU / world
                              Account management and Balance sheet and Profit & Loss
                              Introduction into banking supervision and supervisory structure
                              Governance in Institutes und Institute groups
                              Lending business: lending and loan types
                              Deposit taking business
                              Brokerage + Foreign business
                              Clients + Marketing
                              Special topics (FinTech, Brexit, Climate risks)

Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020
Module component               Introduction to Central Banking (EN)
of G3
Degree programme               Bachelor of Science, "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Code                           G3-2
Academic level of the          Foundation course
Type                           Module component; quantitative content 20%, English-language content 95%, legal
                               content 30%
ECTS credits                   4 ECTS
Academic workload              120 hours, of which 52.5 contact hours (70x45-minute teaching sessions) and 67.5
                               hours of independent study
Teaching methods               Lectures, seminars, independent study
Lecturer responsible for       Uwe Schollmeyer
the module
Academic objectives            The students will learn about the organisation, structure and objectives of the Eu-
                               rosystem and the ECB. They will acquire detailed knowledge of monetary policy
                               instruments, in particular regarding the function and effects of these instruments,
                               counterparties and collateral. Furthermore, they will be able to present the Deutsche
                               Bundesbank's view on the use of individual instruments and to defend against criti-
                               cism. The main language of instruction and examination of this course is English.
Preliminary reading            ECB: The implementation of monetary policy in the euro area: General documenta-
                               tion on Eurosystem monetary policy instruments and procedures, latest edition.
                               Supplementary reading:
                               ECB: The monetary policy of the ECB, latest edition.
                               H K Scheller: The European Central Bank – history, role and functions, latest edi-
G3-2a                          Central banks: structure, organisation, functions and institutional framework
Syllabus                        EMU, the ECB and the euro
                                Central banking in EMU: legal, institutional and organisational aspects
                                The Treaty of Maastricht (convergence criteria, excessive deficit procedures)
G3-2b                          The role of the national central banks in the Eurosystem
Syllabus                        The role of the national central banks in the Eurosystem and the European
                                    Systemic Risk Board (ESRB)
                                Deutsche Bundesbank: history, role and functions
G3-2c                          The monetary policy instruments of the Eurosystem
Syllabus                        The monetary policy framework
                                Open market operations, standing facilities, procedures and tenders
                                Eligible counterparties, eligible assets and minimum reserves
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
                                                Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
                                                                                        Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020
Module                      Introduction to the legal system: Basic Law, Civil Code and Commer-
                            cial Code
Degree programme            Bachelor of Science, "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Code                        G4
Academic level of the       Foundation course
Type                        Mandatory module; quantitative content 0%, English-language content 0%, legal
                            content 100%
ECTS credits                5 ECTS
Academic workload           150 hours, of which 67.5 contact hours (90x45-minute teaching sessions) and 82.5
                            hours of independent study
Examination date            At the end of the study stage
Mode of examination         Written exam;
Preparation time            120 minutes
(percentage of English)     (0)
Teaching methods            Lectures, group work, exercises, independent study
Lecturer responsible for    Hans Friedrich Paul
the module
Prerequisites               ---
(Potentially) followed by   A3 Payment transactions
                            A4 Credit and banking supervision
                            V4 Organisation, human resources management and contract management
Academic objectives         Students will understand the fundamentals of our legal system. They will have
                            knowledge of legal sources and be able to develop criteria to determine whether
                            these pertain to public or civil law. They will be able to describe the protective effects
                            of the Basic Law, the national objectives and government bodies anchored therein,
                            as well as their mandate and functioning; they will also be able to distinguish be-
                            tween a state and other types of society. Moreover, they will understand the oppor-
                            tunities for citizens to play a role in various regional or local authorities. In addition,
                            students will understand the fundamentals of the Civil Code, the Commercial Code
                            and company law. They will have the ability to analyse problems relating in particular
                            to contract law and company law, to develop solutions to case studies and present
                            these. They will know how to defend their solutions against criticism using legal ar-
                            guments and be able to develop alternative solutions. Students will be capable of
                            using the available textbooks to acquire knowledge independently.
Preliminary reading         W Kallwass and P Abels: Privatrecht, Munich, latest edition.
                            A Katz: Staatsrecht: Grundkurs im öffentlichen Recht (Jurathek Studium), latest edi-
G4a                         Fundamentals of political science and German constitutional law
Syllabus                     Legal sources
                             Concept, features and types of state
                             Fundamental rights and organisation of the state pursuant to the Basic Law
G4b                         Fundamentals of civil law
Syllabus                     Introduction to the German legal system
                             Introduction to civil law (contract law, legal obligations and property law)
G4c                         Fundamentals of commercial and company law
Syllabus                     Introduction to commercial law (commercial undertakings and intermediaries)
                             Introduction to company law (definition of company, partnership, corporation and
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020
Module                         Principles of economics (EN)
Degree programme               Bachelor of Science, "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Code                           G5
Academic level of the          Foundation course
Type                           Mandatory module; quantitative content 50%, English-language content 50%, legal
                               content 0%
ECTS credits                   5 ECTS
Academic workload              150 hours, of which 66 contact hours (88x45-minute teaching sessions) and 84
                               hours of independent study
Examination date               At the end of the study stage
Mode of examination            Written exam;
Preparation time               120 minutes
(percentage of English)        (50)
Teaching methods               Lectures, exercises, independent study
Lecturer responsible for       Professor Matthias Goeken
the module
Prerequisites                  ---
(Potentially) followed by      A5 Monetary economics (EN)
Academic objectives            Students will understand the principles and methodologies of economics and will be
                               able to explain and assess the benefits and limitations of models used for economic
                               analysis. They will understand the basic principles of economic activity, the differ-
                               ences between micro and macroeconomic analysis and will acquire the tools neces-
                               sary to analyse and interpret economic trends, including problems related to mone-
                               tary economics. The main language of instruction and examination of this course is
Preliminary reading            N G Mankiw, M P Taylor: Economics, latest edition.
                               N G Mankiw: Macroeconomics, latest edition.
G5a                            Basic concepts (EN)
Syllabus                        Basic principles
                                Markets and governments
G5b                            Microeconomics (EN)
Syllabus                        Theory of consumer choice
                                Company behaviour and industrial organisation
                                Markets for the factors of production
                                Economics of labour markets
                                Income inequality
G5c                            Macroeconomics (EN)
Syllabus                        Aggregate supply and demand
                                Measuring economic activity
                                Business fluctuations
                                Economic growth
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                                                                    Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
                                                                                                            Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020

2.2 Advanced study
  1     2     3   4   5   6   7    8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21    22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30    31   32   33   34   35   36

            Foundation                          Advanced                                 In-depth                 Practical      In-depth                        Practical
 P1                               P1                                     P2                                                                          BT
              course                              study                                   study 1                 study 3         study 2                        study 4

Module name (including module components)                                     ECTS              Contact                     Workload                 Examination
                                                                                                 hours                      (number of               Preparation time
                                                                                               (45-minute                     hours)                 (percentage of
                                                                                             teaching ses-                                           English)
A1: Quantitative methods                                                           6              112                            180                 Written exam
    (Mandatory module)                                                                                                                               180 minutes
    A1-1: Information technology: management                                       3                   56                         90
          and processes
    A1-2: Financial mathematics and statistics:                                    3                   56                         90
          deepening of knowledge
A2: Business administration: deepening of                                          7                   130                       210                 Written exam
    knowledge                                                                                                                                        180 minutes
    (Mandatory module)                                                                                                                               (50)
    A2-1: Single-entity and consolidated financial                                 4                   72                        120
          statements, IFRS
    A2-2: Theory of corporate finance (EN)                                         3                    58                        90
A3: Payment transactions                                                           6                   108                       180                 Written exam
    (Mandatory module)                                                                                                                               180 minutes

A4: Credit and banking supervision                                                 9                   170                       270                 Written exam
    (Mandatory module)                                                                                                                               180 minutes
    A4-1: Lending business and loan collateral                                     4                   74                        120
    A4-2: Fundamentals of banking and financial                                    5                   96                        150
          services supervision
A5: Monetary economics (EN)                                                        5                   90                        150                 Written exam
    (Mandatory module)                                                                                                                               120 minutes
Total                                                                              33                  610                       990                 5 module ex-
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020

Module                         Quantitative methods
Degree programme               Bachelor of Science, "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Code                           A1
Academic level of the          Advanced study
Type                           Mandatory module; quantitative content around 83%, English-language content
                               around 25%, legal content 0%
ECTS credits                   6 ECTS
Academic workload              180 hours, of which 84 contact hours (112x45-minute teaching sessions) and 96
                               hours of independent study
Examination date               At the end of the study stage
Mode of examination            Written exam; covering tasks from module components A1-1 and A1-2
Preparation time               180 minutes
(percentage of English)        (0)
Prerequisites                  G1 Methodological foundations
(Potentially) followed by      V2 Analysis of financial statements and financial instruments
                               V3 Financial markets and international economics (EN)
                               V5 Banking, securities and insurance supervision
                               W5 Financial Econometrics
                               W6 Process and project management
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
                                              Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
                                                                                      Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020
Module component           Information technology: management and processes
of A1
Degree programme           Bachelor of Science, "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Code                       A1-1
Academic level of the      Advanced study
Type                       Module component; quantitative content 60%, English-language content 30%, legal
                           content 0%
ECTS credits               3 ECTS
Academic workload          90 hours, of which 42 contact hours (56x45-minute teaching sessions) and 48 hours
                           of independent study
Teaching methods           Lectures (sometimes using PCs), exercises, independent study
Lecturer responsible for   Professor Giselher Pankratz
the module
Academic objectives        Students will become proficient in using standard workstation software applications.
                           This includes
                            basic functions of workflow management using Lotus Notes, and
                            the use of VBA in Excel to solve practical quantitative problems.
                           After completing the module, students will understand the theoretical foundations of
                           IT management and have basic knowledge of system analysis as well as of process
                           and project management. Beyond this, students will be familiar with basic IT security
                           management issues.
Preliminary reading        K C Laudon et al: Wirtschaftsinformatik, latest edition.
                           Supplementary reading:
                           H Krcmar: Einführung in das Informationsmanagement, latest edition.
                           I Sommerville: Software Engineering, latest edition.
                           M Kofler et al: Excel 2007 programmieren, latest edition.
A1-1a                      Business administration application systems
Syllabus                    Introduction to programming
                            Practical programming examples using VBA
                            Business administration applications using VBA
                            Introduction to workflow management using Lotus Notes
A1-1b                      Introduction to IT and project management
Syllabus                    Introduction to project management (including terminology and definitions relat-
                                ing to project organisation, project definition, phases and life cycle)
                            Introduction to IT management (objectives, tasks, instruments)
                            Theoretical foundations of process and system analysis (including application
                            Introduction to IT security management
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020
Module component               Financial mathematics and statistics: deepening of knowledge
of A1
Degree programme               Bachelor of Science, "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Code                           A1-2
Academic level of the          Advanced study
Type                           Module component; quantitative content 100%, English-language content 20%, legal
                               content 0%
ECTS credits                   3 ECTS
Academic workload              90 hours, of which 42 contact hours (56x45-minute teaching sessions) and 48 hours
                               of independent study
Teaching methods               Lectures, independent study, group work
Lecturer responsible for       Professor Annabelle Kehl-Beckmann
the module
Academic objectives            Students will acquire an in-depth understanding of the content, structure and func-
                               tioning of securities, financial instruments and foreign exchange in terms of financial
                               mathematics. They will be capable of performing independent, methodologically
                               sound analyses and valuations of such instruments and will be able to take on an
                               active role in projects relating to portfolio management, capital markets and corpo-
                               rate finance. Students will grasp the issues of relevance to central banks with regard
                               to measures of concentrations, analysis of time series and multi-dimensional distri-
                               butions, as well as the processes for calculating indices. They will master regression
                               and seasonal adjustment techniques as well as fundamental statistical estimation
                               and test methods.
Preliminary reading            L Fahrmeir, R Künstler, I Pigeot, G Tutz: Statistik: Der Weg zur Datenanalyse,
                               Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, latest edition.
                               J C Hull: Optionen, Futures u. andere Derivate, latest edition.
                               K Bosch: Elementare Einführung in die angewandte Statistik, latest edition.
                               Supplementary reading:
                               T Heidorn: Finanzmathematik in der Bankpraxis, latest edition.
                               A Klenke: Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, latest edition.
                               G Bamberg et al: Statistik, latest edition.
                               J Franke et al: Statistics of Financial Markets, latest edition.
A1-2a                          Financial mathematics II
Syllabus                        Value at risk and risk measures
                                Calculating effective interest rates for cash securities, fixed-income securities
                                    and other structured products
                                Introduction to equity analysis
                                Introduction to option pricing theory
                                Analysis and valuation of selected financial derivatives
A1-2b                          Statistics II
Syllabus                        Measures of concentration
                                Simple and composite indices
                                Ratios for multi-dimensional distributions
                                Correlation and statistical independence
                                Regression equations
                                Simple forecasting methods
                                Seasonal adjustment methods
                                Statistical test and estimation methods
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
                                              Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
                                                                                      Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020
Module                      Business administration: deepening of knowledge
Degree programme            Bachelor of Science, "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Code                        A2
Academic level of the       Advanced study
Type                        Mandatory module; quantitative content around 75%, English-language content
                            around 50%, legal content 25%
ECTS credits                7 ECTS
Academic workload           210 hours, of which 97.5 contact hours (130x45-minute teaching sessions) and
                            112.5 hours of independent study
Examination date            At the end of the study stage
Mode of examination         Written exam; covering tasks from module components A2-1 and A2-2
Preparation time            180 minutes
(percentage of English)     (50)
Prerequisites               G1 Methodological foundations
                            G2 Introduction to business administration
(Potentially) followed by   V1 Bank and central bank management
                            V2 Analysis of financial statements and financial instruments
                            V5 Banking, securities and insurance supervision
                            W2 Case studies on financial supervision
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020
Module component              Single-entity and consolidated financial statements, IFRS
of A2
Degree programme              Bachelor of Science, "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Code                          A2-1
Academic level of the         Advanced study
Type                          Module component; quantitative content 60%, English-language content 10%, legal
                              content 60%
ECTS credits                  4 ECTS
Academic workload             120 hours, of which 54 contact hours (72x45-minute teaching sessions) and 66
                              hours of independent study
Teaching methods              Lectures, independent study
Lecturer responsible for      Professor Anke Lenk
the module
Academic objectives           Students will gain an overview of the accounting requirements for credit institutions
                              and other business enterprises in accordance with the German Commercial Code
                              and IAS/IFRS, both for single-entity and consolidated financial statements. They will
                              master the key balance sheet recognition, valuation and disclosure requirements
                              under the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch or HGB) and IAS/IFRS,
                              the differences between them, and how to apply them. They will understand how
                              reporting an item in the balance sheet impacts on other parts of the financial state-
                              ment and will be able to understand and apply the consolidation measures used in
                              group accounting.
Preliminary reading           H Bieg: Bankbilanzierung nach HGB und IFRS, latest edition.
                              A G Coenenberg: Jahresabschluss und Jahresabschlussanalyse, latest edition.
                              K Küting, C Weber: Der Konzernabschluss, latest edition.
                              B Pellens et al: Internationale Rechnungslegung, latest edition.
                              P Scharpf, M Schaber: Handbuch Bankbilanz, latest edition.
                              A Wagenhofer: Internationale Rechnungslegungsstandards – IAS/IFRS, latest editi-
A2-1a                         Commercial and tax-law-based financial statements
Syllabus                       Objectives and purposes of financial statements
                               The relationship between commercial and tax balance sheets
                               Principles of proper accounting
                               Balance sheet disclosure, recognition and valuation requirements (mandatory,
                                  prohibited and optional items) and how they are reflected in the profit and loss
                                  account and notes
A2-1b                         Financial statements according to IFRS and group accounting
Syllabus                       Objectives and purposes of financial statements according to IFRS
                               Recognition and valuation requirements for selected balance sheet items in
                                  IFRS financial statements
                               Disclosure requirements according to IFRS
                               Introduction to consolidated financial statements
                               Basis, definition and methods of consolidation pursuant to the German Com-
                                  mercial Code and IAS/IFRS
A2-1c                         Financial statements of credit institutions
Syllabus                           Recognition and valuation requirements pursuant to the German Commer-
                                       cial Code (including the Regulation on the Accounting of Credit Institutions
                                       (Verordnung über die Rechnungslegung der Kreditinstitute) for selected
                                       items in credit institutions’ financial statements
                               Recognition and valuation requirements pursuant to IFRS for selected items in
                                  credit institutions’ financial statements
                               Disclosure requirements pursuant to the German Commercial Code and IFRS
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
                                              Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
                                                                                      Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020
Module component           Corporate finance (EN)
of A2
Degree programme           Bachelor of Science, "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Code                       A2-2
Academic level of the      Advanced study
Type                       Module component; quantitative content 90%, English-language content 100%,
                           legal content 0%
ECTS credits               3 ECTS
Academic workload          90 hours, of which 43.5 contact hours (58x45-minute teaching sessions) and 46.5
                           hours of independent study
Teaching methods           Lectures, independent study, analysing case studies in groups
Lecturer responsible for   Professor Beate Jüttner-Nauroth
the module
Academic objectives        Students will gain an overview of a wide range of issues of potential relevance to the
                           financing and investment policies of businesses. They will understand the various
                           financing alternatives and be able to critically assess them. They will be able to as-
                           sess the application conditions and limitations of the models covered (including port-
                           folio efficiency, capital asset pricing and optimal leverage ratio), in order to correctly
                           interpret model results. Students will also be capable of applying their theoretical
                           knowledge of the methods and specialist subject matter to practice-related tasks.
                           The main language of instruction and examination of this course is English.
Preliminary reading        S Benninga: Financial Modeling, latest edition.
                           R A Brealey et al: Principles of Corporate Finance, latest edition.
                           Supplementary reading:
                           P O Christensen et al: Economics of Accounting, Volume I: Information in Markets,
                           latest edition.
                           S Trautmann: Investitionen, latest edition.

Syllabus                      Financial planning
                              Debt and equity financing, mezzanine capital
                              Making investment decisions using the net present value rule
                              Valuing bonds and stocks
                              Portfolio diversification
                              CAPM, efficient market
                              Payout policy and capital structure
                              Cost of (equity) capital
                              Mergers, corporate control and governance
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020
Module                         Payment transactions
Degree programme               Bachelor of Science, "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Code                           A3
Academic level of the          Advanced study
Type                           Mandatory module; quantitative content around 10%, English-language content
                               around 5%, legal content around 45%
ECTS credits                   6 ECTS
Academic workload              180 hours, of which 81 contact hours (108x45-minute teaching sessions) and 99
                               hours of independent study
Examination date               At the end of the study stage
Mode of examination            Written exam
Preparation time               180 minutes
(percentage of English)        (0)
Teaching methods               Lectures, independent study
Lecturer responsible for       Uwe Schollmeyer
the module
Prerequisites                  G3 Introduction to the banking industry
                               G4 Introduction to the legal system: Basic Law, Civil Code and Commercial Code
(Potentially) followed by      V1 Bank and central bank management
                               V3 Financial markets and international economics (EN)
                               W3 Case studies on payment transactions
Academic objectives            Students will gain an understanding of account management at the Deutsche Bun-
                               desbank and have an overview of the structure of a bank account, the key account
                               types, the legal problems of terminating an account and those relating to banking
                               secrecy and the disclosure of bank account information. They will understand the
                               structure of payment systems (gross and net settlement, large-value and retail pay-
                               ment systems), securities settlement infrastructures (central counterparties, central
                               custodians, trade reporting offices) and the most important cashless payment in-
                               struments (credit transfer, direct debit, payment cards).
Preliminary reading            Berndsen, R.J.: Financial Market Infrastructures an Payments, e-book, 2018
                               European Central Bank: The Payment System, Frankfurt am Main, 2010.
                               W Grill, H Perczynski, H Grill: Wirtschaftslehre des Kreditwesens, latest edition.
                               Verbeck, D.: Einführung in die Bargeldökonomie der Bundesrepublik Deutschland,
                               Stuttgart, 2017
A3a                            Cash and cashless payment instruments
Syllabus                        Definition of cash and cashless payments
                                Legal basis of cash and cashless transactions
A3b                            Account and portfolio management and prevention and control of money laundering
                               and terrorism financing
Syllabus                        Bank account, bank secrecy and bank inquiry
                                Account and portfolio management at Deutsche Bundesbank
                                Money Laundering Act (Geldwäschegesetz) including covenants
A3c                            Infrastructure of Financial Markets
Syllabus                        Liquidity and risks in inter-bank payment transactions
                                European and international settlement of payment and security settlement sys-
                                    tems, innovations in the sector of financial infrastructures
                                Management of monetary policy securities in the Eurosystem
                                Supervision of financial market infrastructure and payment systems
A3d                            Cash logistics
Syllabus                        Concepts of logistics,
                                Cash cycle,
                                Managing branch cash offices
                                Cash planning and supply
A3e                            Cash and cashless payment organization of central banks
Syllabus                        Corporate strategy and role of central banks in payment transactions
                                Types of money supply, monitoring of cash recycling
                                Emergency planning, business continuity
                                Branches and gold deposits of selected central banks
Deutsche Bundesbank University of Applied Sciences
                                              Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
                                                                                      Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020

Module                      Credit and banking supervision
Degree programme            Bachelor of Science, "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Code                        A4
Academic level of the       Advanced study
Type                        Mandatory module; quantitative content around 35%, English-language content
                            around 10%, legal content around 72%
ECTS credits                9 ECTS
Academic workload           270 hours, of which 127.5 contact hours (170x45-minute teaching sessions) and
                            142.5 hours of independent study
Examination date            At the end of the study stage
Mode of examination         Written exam; covering tasks from module components A4-1 and A4-2
Preparation time            180 minutes
(percentage of English)     (0)
Prerequisites               G3 Introduction to the banking industry
                            G4 Introduction to the legal system: Basic Law, Civil Code and Commercial Code
(Potentially) followed by   V1 Bank and central bank management
                            V2 Analysis of financial statements and financial instruments
                            V3-2 International economics and international governance (EN)
                            V4 Organisation, human resources management and contract management
                            V5 Banking, securities and insurance supervision
                            W2 Case studies on financial supervision
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Module catalogue for the "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Valid from starting date: 1 October 2020
Module component               Lending business and loan collateral
of A4
Degree programme               Bachelor of Science, "Zentralbankwesen / Central Banking" degree programme
Code                           A4-1
Academic level of the          Advanced study
Type                           Module component; quantitative content 15%, English-language content10%, legal
                               content 50%
ECTS credits                   4 ECTS
Academic workload              120 hours, of which 55.5 contact hours (74x45-minute teaching sessions) and 64.5
                               hours of independent study
Teaching methods               Lectures, independent study
Lecturer responsible for       Professor Andreas Igl
the module
Academic objectives            Students will gain an understanding of the structure and possible uses of traditional
                               financial products (including types of loan, placement of securities) in banks' lending
                               business. They will have knowledge of the major credit substitutes (including loans
                               on credit, leasing, factoring, forfaiting, ABS) and hybrid financial instruments (includ-
                               ing subordinated loans, participation certificates) and their possible uses at non-
                               bank institutions. Students will acquire an overview of the key legal issues relating to
                               lending business. They will be able to assess the nature and structure of loan collat-
                               eral (personal guarantees and physical collateral) as well as their advantages and
Preliminary reading            M Schulte et al: Die Praxis des Kreditgeschäfts, latest edition.
                               C P Claussen: Bank- und Börsenrecht, latest edition.
                               Supplementary reading: R A Brealey et al: Principles of Corporate Finance, latest
                               C Henking, C Bluhm, L Fahrmeier: Kreditrisikomessung – Statistische Grundlagen,
                               Methoden und Modellierung, latest edition.
                               B Rudolph, B Hofmann, A Schaber, K Schäfer: Kreditrisikotransfer – Moderne In-
                               strumente und Methoden, latest edition.

A4-1a                          Traditional lending business
Syllabus                        Definition of credit, credit risks, Banking Act provisions on lending business
                                Borrowing potential and creditworthiness
                                Long, medium and short-term money lending operations, loans on credit opera-
                                Credit monitoring, auditing and organisation pursuant to MaRisk
                                Loan collateral from a banking operations perspective
A4-1b                          Credit substitutes and hybrid financing instruments
Syllabus                        Overview of types of financing instruments
                                Leasing, factoring, forfaiting
                                Asset-backed securities (true sale and synthetic securitisation)
                                Corporate finance (including placement facilities)
                                Mezzanine financing instruments
                                Special forms of corporate financing
                                Introduction to credit risk measurement
A4-1c                          Loan agreements and loan collateral
Syllabus                       Legal issues relating to the lending business
                                Concluding credit agreements
                                Duty of credit institutions to advise and provide information
                                Interest claim and other key contractual elements, notice of withdrawal of credit
                                Consumer loans and other key types of loan
                               Legal aspects of loan collateral
                                Types and legal differences
                                Surety and guarantee, joint liability and letter of comfort
                                Liens, collateral transfer, security assignment
                                Mortgages on property, in particular land charges serving as collateral
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