MORE SUPPORT IN MOMENTS THAT MATTER - NAB's Framework for Customers Experiencing Vulnerability

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MORE SUPPORT IN MOMENTS THAT MATTER - NAB's Framework for Customers Experiencing Vulnerability

NAB’s Framework for Customers
Experiencing Vulnerability
MORE SUPPORT IN MOMENTS THAT MATTER - NAB's Framework for Customers Experiencing Vulnerability
CONTENTS                                                                                                                SPONSOR’S MESSAGE

Sponsor’s message�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2          The past 18 months have shown us that anyone can experience
                                                                                                                        vulnerability, at any time.
What is vulnerability?���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3

                                                                                                                        Any one of us could become             Our culture is built on the principles
How NAB has supported customers experiencing vulnerability�������������������4                                         vulnerable, at any time.               of ‘excellence for customers’, ‘being
                                                                                                                                                               respectful’, ‘growing together’
                                                                                                                        Our 2020 bushfire season showed
                                                                                                                                                               and ‘owning it’. Part of that means
                                                                                                                        us that lives can change overnight.
                                                                                                                                                               we’re working to be an even more
                                                                                                                        Australian homes and businesses
Our Framework������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5         were destroyed, and even in the
                                                                                                                                                               inclusive and supportive bank.
                                                                                                                                                               Since July 2019 we’ve created
                                                                                                                        cities we breathed smoke each
                                                                                                                                                               new customer support lines and
                                                                                                                        morning. Whether it hit us hard
                                                                                                                                                               increased the accessibility of our
FOCUS AREA                                                                                                              personally, or through our friends
                                                                                                                                                               products and services. It’s all about
                                                                                                                        and family, our country was
Identifying vulnerability earlier and taking action�����������������������������������������6                          changed. The global pandemic
                                                                                                                                                               helping our customers through
                                                                                                                                                               tough times.
                                                                                                                        soon brought fresh challenges.
                                                                                                                        Businesses, schools and gatherings     There are all sorts of ways you can
FOCUS AREA                                                                                                              came to an abrupt halt. We’ve all      be vulnerable. We are supporting
                                                                                                                        been trying to work out how to         customers by offering sensitive
Reducing financial abuse���������������������������������������������������������������������������������7             cope, stay safe and adjust.            guidance and practical steps
                                                                                                                                                               forward when it’s needed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        “We’re working
                                                                                                                        These events have hurt Australians
                                                                                                                        personally and financially. Anita is   Our renewed Framework is built             to be an even
                                                                                                                        a customer of ours and her story       around three key areas. Firstly,
Responding to pandemics and natural disasters �������������������������������������������8                             sticks with me. She was hit by         identifying customer vulnerability         more inclusive
                                                                                                                        bushfires, then floods, on top of      earlier and acting to address it.
                                                                                                                        temporarily losing her job due         Secondly, addressing financial             and supportive
                                                                                                                        to COVID-19. My colleague              abuse in all its forms. Thirdly,
Contact us���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9   Monique showed great                   preparing for the impact of natural        bank.”
                                                                                                                        compassion while supporting            disasters and pandemics. To fulfil
                                                                                                                        Anita and helped get her to a          our strategy, we will act in ways
                                                                                                                        better place. On page 5 you can        that serve customers well and help
                                                                                                                        read their story, which brings how     communities prosper.
                                                                                                                        we work at our best to life. The
                                                                                                                                                               Rachel Slade
                                                                                                                        past 18 months have brought our
                                                                                                                                                               Group Executive, Personal Banking
                                                                                                                        strategy to serve customers well
                                                                                                                        and help communities prosper
                                                                                                                        into sharp focus.

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MORE SUPPORT IN MOMENTS THAT MATTER - NAB's Framework for Customers Experiencing Vulnerability
Our specialist                        The NAB Assist Customer Support

WHAT IS VULNERABILITY?                                                                                                            support team
                                                                                                                                  Since 2019, the NAB Assist
                                                                                                                                  Customer Support Hub has
                                                                                                                                                                        Hub has supported customers
                                                                                                                                                                        experiencing challenges with:*

                                                                                                                                  supported more than 8,500
                                                                                                                                  customers experiencing
                                                                                                                                  vulnerability. The Customer
                                                                                                                                  Support Hub brings tailored
                                                                                                                                  responses to help customers
                                                                                                                                  who are in difficult circumstances,
We’ve refined our definition to be clear and simple:                                                                              handling their needs with extra
                                                                                                                                  care. With specialist training and
                                                                                                                                  coaching, our people can assist

Vulnerability is where personal circumstances                                                                                     with longer-term banking support
                                                                                                                                  if needed and refer customers to         Financial Difficulty        27%
expose a person to increased susceptibility to                                                                                    community support partners for
                                                                                                                                  assistance when appropriate.
                                                                                                                                                                           Family and Domestic Violence 26%

damage, harm or loss when interacting with NAB.
                                                                                                                                                                           Scams                       12%
                                                                                                                                                                           Financial Abuse              6%
                                                                                                                                                                           Problem Gambling             3%
                                                                                                                                                                           Other Causes                26%

                                                                                                                                                                        *Between 17/6/19 and 31/3/21

Vulnerability is an experience that can affect anyone,                    We continue to give our teams the training and tools
at any time. When we talk about customers                                 they need to give customers the right support at the
experiencing vulnerability in the banking sector,                         right time. We strive to design and build products
we’re referring to the personal circumstances that                        and services that are inclusive and responsive to our
make it difficult to manage finances and credit or                        customers’ needs, whether it’s online, over the phone
do their everyday banking. This can make someone                          or face to face. We encourage customer feedback in
susceptible to damage, harm or loss. We know that                         every interaction – this helps us to improve how we
our customers could be dealing with a serious illness,                    do things and make customers' banking experiences
loss of a job or income, addiction, mental or physical                    as simple as possible.
illness, or family and domestic violence. They may
be impacted by a natural disaster and have lost their
car, home or business. They may place their trust in
another person to help them with their finances and
be financially abused. They may also have low levels of
                                                                             MEET MAGRET
comprehension, difficulty remembering things and low                         Magret works in our Customer
levels of digital literacy. There are many variables that                    Support Hub.
our customers may be experiencing at any one time.1
                                                                             “In my role I often talk with customers
This is why customers experiencing vulnerability need                        experiencing family and domestic violence.
us to recognise it and respond as soon as we can.                            You can hear the stresses and the pain in their
The more skilled and capable we are at recognising                           voice and you listen to the background noise.
the types of vulnerabilities that impact our customers,                      Over time, you learn to pick up on those cues.
the better positioned we are to provide extra care and                       Helping customers is a very rewarding part of my
take early action.                                                           job. Just making sure that in some way you are
Taking extra care of customers with excellent service                        changing someone’s life, bringing them the right
is made possible by our people acting with respect,                          solutions to their problems and empowering
empathy and compassion.                                                      them to move forward. It’s such an important
                                                                             and humbling opportunity to be able to help.”
                                                                             Magret, Adviser, NAB Assist Customer Support Hub
1. Our understanding of the vulnerability experience is informed by the
Vulnerability Ignition Handbook as supplied by Capital One.

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MORE SUPPORT IN MOMENTS THAT MATTER - NAB's Framework for Customers Experiencing Vulnerability
In 2019 and 2020, many people were affected by natural disasters and COVID-19,
with other challenges adding to life’s pressures.

Some of the ways that we’ve helped are:

LOANS AND RELIEF                                                                                                                                         INCLUSIVE SERVICES
                                                     $3,000,000                 $2,500,000,000

                      Pausing 130,000              Giving $3 million in           Providing $2.5           Launching a new        Partnering with                             Helping customers      Releasing an         Implementing
                      loans for customers          emergency grants               billion in lending       $1.2 million           Good Shepherd to                            take greater control   ‘Easy Guide’         a telephone
                      hit by COVID-19.             to bring immediate             to businesses every      Community Grants       provide over 600                            of their finances as   for everyday         interpreter service
                      With 98% of these            help to customers              month since 2020         scheme to support      Household Relief                            the first Australian   transaction          for customers with
                      now back on track,           impacted by the                (as at 19 May 2021).     natural disaster       Loans of up to                              bank to offer a        accounts using       limited English
                      as a country we are          2020 bushfires.                                         preparation, relief    $3,000, valued at                           block on gambling      simple, accessible   that has supported
                      making a strong                                                                      and recovery (as at    over $1.2 million,                          transactions via the   language and         more than 5,600
                      recovery (as at                                                                      13 May 2021).          as part of the                              mobile app. Since      pictures for         calls from May 2020
                      19 May 2021).                                                                                               No Interest Loan                            its launch customers   more inclusive       to February 2021.
                                                                                                                                  Scheme (NILS). These                        have applied it to     communication.
                                                                                                                                  were targeted to                            32,000 credit cards
                                                                                                                                  those affected by                           and 65,000 debit
                                                                                                                                  COVID-19 and on a                           cards with 95%
                                                                                                                                  low income.                                 keeping it on (as at
                                                                                                                                                                              20 May 2021).

 SUPPORT HUBS                                                                                                                          TEAMS AND TRAINING
                              21,408 calls                               327 calls                         4,287 calls

                              Building the NAB                       Launching the                       Establishing an                                           Embedding our                     Providing banker     Growing our
                              Assist Customer                        Colleague Financial                 Indigenous Customer                                       consideration of customer         support and          front-line teams
                              Support Hub. Since                     Support Hub                         Service Line to                                           vulnerability in our              training so our      by 1,000 extra
                              it began in 2019,                      to help those                       improve customer                                          product governance,               colleagues can       roles so that
                              more than 8,500                        experiencing                        support to Aboriginal                                     including the annual              better assist        customers affected
                              customers have                         financial difficulty.               and Torres Strait                                         review and Customer               customers            by COVID-19 could
                              been supported                         Since May 2020, it                  Islander communities.                                     Outcomes Framework.               experiencing         reach us and get
                              and 21,408 calls                       has taken 327 calls                 Since it began in                                         Our design principles are         vulnerability.       the help they
                              have come through                      (as at 31 March                     2019, 4,287 calls have                                    inclusive of customers                                 needed (as at
                              (as at 31 March                        2021).                              been received (as at                                      experiencing vulnerability                             29 May 2020).
                              2021).                                                                     31 March 2021).                                           and check points have
                                                                                                                                                                   been added to our Change
                                                                                                                                                                   Management system.
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MORE SUPPORT IN MOMENTS THAT MATTER - NAB's Framework for Customers Experiencing Vulnerability
OUR FRAMEWORK                                                                                                             OVER THE NEXT THREE YEARS WE WILL FOCUS ON:

The 2021 – 2023 Framework for Customers                                                                                                                                      FOCUS AREAS
Experiencing Vulnerability sets out NAB’s three key
focus areas and is underpinned by foundational                      TAKING TIME TO LISTEN
pillars. The Framework builds on our work to make
                                                                    When bushfires swept through our
banking more inclusive for our customers and to
                                                                    regional towns, recently separated mother of four
support customers experiencing vulnerability with
                                                                    Anita* and her family were impacted significantly
better outcomes.
                                                                    by the devastation this had on their home and
                                                                                                                                                                                  LEADS TO                Identifying
The Framework is our strategy to meet our commitment                lives. The floods and COVID-19 pandemic that                                                             Better outcomes
to customers under the Banking Code of Practice to                  followed further affected the family’s situation.                                to pandemics                                        vulnerability
                                                                                                                                                      and natural             for customers               earlier and
be inclusive and accessible and take extra care with                Like many in her community, Anita was facing                                                              experiencing
customers experiencing vulnerability.                               a compounding series of life events that were                                      disasters                                         taking action
                                                                    damaging her health and wellbeing, ability to
The events of 2020 have demonstrated how important
                                                                    work, pay bills and care for her family. During her
flexibility is to respond to emerging issues. The
                                                                    first conversation with Monique at NAB, Anita
Framework enables us to adapt as our customers’ needs
                                                                    seemed to carry a sense of hopelessness – she
change, while delivering on the commitments we have
                                                                    had lost her job, was behind on her home loan
set for ourselves.                                                                                                                                                               Reducing
                                                                    repayments and afraid she was also going to lose
We will continue to learn, adapt and make changes to                her home. Understanding Anita’s circumstances,                                                            financial abuse
better service customers. While we’ve already made                  Monique took the extra care and time to listen to
some strong progress, we know that we can always                    her to fully understand her situation and provide
learn and do more.                                                  the help she needed. Monique nominated herself
                                                                    as Anita’s portfolio manager so that she would
                                                                    not have to deal with different bankers, and
                                                                    helped her to develop a plan to get her back on
                                                                    track financially and keep her home.
                                                                    *Name has been changed
                                                                                                                          FOUNDATIONAL PILLARS
                                                                    Monique, Team Leader, Customer Support Lending
                                                                                                                             Executive                      Data management,            I nclusive product              Culture shift,
                                                                                                                             governance                     retention and                design, service                 capability and
                                                                                                                                                            privacy                      and change                      training

                                                                                                                          Executive governance                                         Inclusive product design, service and change
                                                                                                                          The Executive Customer Committee monitors and reviews        We consider the needs of customers experiencing
                                                                                                                          endeavours to drive a more intense focus on customer         vulnerability to prevent problems arising and test
                                                                                                                          outcomes, with specific focus on vulnerable customers        whether the changes we want to make will work
                                                                                                                          and customers in hardship. This includes monitoring          for them.
                                                                                                                          progress against the Framework’s focus areas.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Culture shift, capability and training
                                                                                                                          Data management, retention and privacy                       Evolving the capability of our colleagues so they can
                                                                                                                          Ethically using information relating to vulnerability        bring sensitivity, respect and compassion when serving
                                                                                                                          helps us to make better decisions. We do this while          our customers.
                                                                                                                          respecting our customers’ privacy.

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MORE SUPPORT IN MOMENTS THAT MATTER - NAB's Framework for Customers Experiencing Vulnerability

IDENTIFYING VULNERABILITY                                                                                                  “He sounded
EARLIER AND TAKING ACTION                                                                                                   a bit down and
                                                                                                                            like things were
                                                                                                                            hard with his
In our experience, people don’t always identify with being                                                                  credit card.”
in vulnerable circumstances.                                                                                                Liz, Customer Adviser

It takes a lot for a person to share their story and ask         We encourage customers to talk to us if they are doing
their bank for help. We know it can be difficult, but we         it tough and worried about their finances.
want our customers to know that we’re here for them.

Our aims:

Identify earlier: Continue                  Let customers know: Update                  Enhance support: We will
building the capability of our              information for customers on                strengthen our financial support
front-line colleagues to recognise          support available and review our            measures and assistance with
circumstances where customers               communications so we make it                banking services for customers
are experiencing vulnerability.             easier for customers to know help           experiencing vulnerability.
We will achieve this with targeted          is available.
training and resources and clear
processes for taking action,
including referring customers
to specialist teams such as the
Customer Support Hub and
Indigenous Customer Service Line.

   In early 2021, Customer Adviser Liz spoke with                a small personal loan as well as credit card debt.
   one of our customers who had been stranded in                 She referred him to the NAB Assist Customer
   a remote area due to COVID-19. This meant she                 Support Hub and My Coach phone counselling. After
   was already alert to the likelihood that he was in            calling the next day to check how he had gone, Liz
   need of extra care, taking the initiative to act. “He         found “he was very appreciative of me checking in.”
   mentioned he was struggling. He sounded a bit
                                                                 These are the types of everyday examples that show
   down and like things were hard with his credit card
                                                                 how our customers rely on us to help them through.
   and was struggling to pay it down.” After talking
                                                                 We know that we must continue to build our
   together, Liz learned that he was dealing with
                                                                 capability to identify when customers need our help
   depression and was trying to manage paying down
                                                                 most, so we can act when we need to.

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MORE SUPPORT IN MOMENTS THAT MATTER - NAB's Framework for Customers Experiencing Vulnerability

                                                                                                                             REDUCING FINANCIAL ABUSE

                                                                                                                             Financial abuse is when one person exerts power
                                                                                                                             and control over another person’s finances.

                                                                                                                             Sadly, financial abuse happens between family             already be experiencing vulnerability and could be
                                                                                                                             members, friends, carers and third parties. This can      dependent on others. We will continue to focus on
                                                                                                                             be a hidden problem, which makes it harder to detect.     preventing abuse by educating our teams on its signs
                                                                                                                             Financial abuse comes in different forms across many      and taking action as soon as possible. We will empower
                                                                                                                             groups and can be perpetrated in many ways. Some          our colleagues to speak up when they see that
                                                                                                                             people are more likely to suffer because they may         something isn’t right and act on their suspicions.

                                                                                                                             Our aims:

                                                                                                                             Improving how          Recognising the        Reviewing policy       Preventing abusive     Providing
                                                                                                                             we detect abuse –      symptoms –             and processes –        transaction            specialised
                                                                                                                             refine our systems     train colleagues       identify customer      descriptions –         support –
                                                                                                                             to detect financial    to recognise the       interaction            to prevent             helping customers
                                                                                                                             abuse and train        signs of potential     opportunities for      customers sending      being abused
                                           STAYING ALERT                                                                     our colleagues
                                                                                                                             to recognise its
                                                                                                                                                    abuse by looking
                                                                                                                                                    for red flags and
                                                                                                                                                                           detecting abuse
                                                                                                                                                                           (i.e. co-borrower
                                                                                                                                                                                                  abusive transaction
                                                                                                                                                                                                  descriptions via
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         through the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Customer Support
                                           When Robbie,* one of our older             Brent noted: “Unfortunately ...        aspects with a         noticing signals       process) and           payments made          Hub.
                                           customers, visited her local NAB           this happens to a lot of our           focus on domestic      of coercion using      minimise risk          through our digital
                                           branch to order a new card,                regular customers.” Brent and          and family violence,   resources like         through digital        channels. We will
                                           banker Brent noticed some                  his team noticed the red flags of      third party support    internal financial     sales and servicing    block abusive
                                           irregularities with her balance            financial abuse and sensitively        (POA) and elder        crime guides.          processes.             transactions
                                           and transactions. He knew                  asked customer Robbie further          abuse.                                                               from being sent
                                           Robbie didn’t own a phone, TV              details. This is only one of the                                                                            and engage with
                                           or PlayStation, and yet there              many examples of financial                                                                                  customers sending
                                           were payments for iTunes and               abuse that our customers can                                                                                them.
                                           a PlayStation network. “It very            experience. Stories like this show
                                           much didn’t seem right to me.” He          why we continue to prioritise          We commit to evolving our banking processes so that we can recognise when customers might be experiencing
                                           acted on his concerns and, after           financial abuse as a focus area for    financial abuse. We’re also checking that NAB’s processes, services and products aren’t being used for
                                           investigating, found that Robbie’s         protecting customers who may be        abusive reasons.
                                           granddaughter had been using her           experiencing vulnerability. If Brent
                                           card to purchase items without             hadn’t taken action and investigate,
                                           permission, and that she had               Robbie may still be experiencing
                                           spent around $800. The branch              financial abuse.  
                                           explained to Robbie what had               *Name has been changed  
                                           happened so that she could protect
                                           herself from this happening
                                           again, and recouped her funds.

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MORE SUPPORT IN MOMENTS THAT MATTER - NAB's Framework for Customers Experiencing Vulnerability

RESPONDING TO PANDEMICS                                                                                                     NAB TAKES ACTION
                                                                                                                            When floods hit New South Wales and Queensland in

AND NATURAL DISASTERS                                                                                                       March 2021, NAB quickly announced a Disaster Relief
                                                                                                                            Fund of up to $3 million. This included immediate relief
                                                                                                                            grants of $2,000 for personal, business and agriculture
                                                                                                                            customers who suffered damages. Our teams acted
                                                                                                                            with care, providing pauses on repayments and
                                                                                                                            deferrals to help our customers in every way that we
                                                                                                                            could, because we know that support is so much more
We recognise the need for rapid local support in communities                                                                than money. NAB Home Loan Specialist Rhe worked
impacted in the days and weeks after a disaster. We also recognise                                                          closely with our NAB Assist team to help get financial
                                                                                                                            relief to our customers when they needed it most. Rhe
the need for support for long-term recovery and to build resilience                                                         praised the team. “They have taken the time to listen to
                                                                                                                            the customers and their horrific stories, empathise with
against future disasters.                                                                                                   them and show them kindness in their time of need.”
                                                                                                                            Relief loans are just one way we can help customers.
                                                                                                                            Our other support options include providing a
We understand that when natural disasters and                Throughout 2019 and 2020, a large number of                    temporary reduced payment rrangement, a temporary
pandemics hit, our customers need us more than               customers experienced the impacts of natural                   payment break, fee waivers and more.
ever. This can mean taking immediate action,                 disasters and COVID-19. Many of them were
providing relief and resolution, or putting proactive        also faced with additional challenges that made
measures in place to prepare for the worst. We do            these times even tougher.
this by being there for customers on the ground and                                                                         Rhe, NAB Home Loan Specialist
providing fast financial relief, which may include
grants or repayment arrangements as needed.

Our aims:

Immediate relief – help          Respond quickly – train          Preventative – support         Support customers’
business customers and           teams to respond quickly         higher risk customers to       transition from
mortgage holders with            to large-scale events            increase their resilience.     immediate support –
a range of financial             and upskill our front-                                          we’re working with
support measures.                line bankers to support                                         customers to take
                                 customers on the                                                the right steps to
                                 ground.                                                         avoid future financial
                                                                                                 difficulty and hardship.

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   If you are experiencing an unplanned life event or               Discussing unplanned life events or vulnerability
   vulnerability that impacts your ability to complete              can be confronting, uncomfortable and upsetting.
   your banking, or you need an interpreter, contact                All these responses are understandable. If you would
   our NAB Assist Customer Support Hub on                           like to speak to someone, you can access support
   1300 308 175.                                                    by contacting:
   Our NAB Indigenous Customer Service Line is                      Lifeline – 13 11 14 or
   available at 1800 966 100 to support Aboriginal
                                                                    Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 or
   and Torres Strait Islander customers or those living
   in remote locations. If you prefer to speak in an                1800 RESPECT (family violence counselling) –
   Indigenous language, we have an interpreter service              1800 737 732 or
   that may speak your preferred language. Ask us
                                                                    National Debt Helpline – 1800 007 007 or
   about this service during your call.
   More information can be found on NAB's
   customer support:

We value feedback from our customers, colleagues
and the community. You can get in touch in many
ways. To find out more, visit:
For general enquiries, call: 13 22 65 or chat online
to a virtual assistant
Alterative format of this document is available by

© 2021 National Australia Bank Limited ABN 12 004 044 937 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686.                       9
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