Motor Vehicle Procedure - Version 1.0 Date: 27/05/2021 - PCYC NSW

Page created by Jay Lyons
Motor Vehicle Procedure
Version 1.0
Date: 27/05/2021
Motor Vehicle Procedure

                                Document Information and Approval
     Document Number                        PRO-007
     Document Name                          Motor Vehicle Procedure
     Document Owner                         Fleet Manager
     Business Unit                          Strategic Development, Facilities & Assets
     Primary Author                         Kurt Gagan
          in conjunction with               Rebecca Loughton
     Latest Version/Date                    1.0 - 27/05/2021

     Approved By                            CEO (Dominic Teakle)
     Approval Date                          May 2021
     Effective Date                         May 2021
     Review Date                            May 2023

     Signature of Approver

Document Number       PRO-007   Document Owner     Fleet Manager
                                                   Strategic Development, Facilities &   Page 2 of 7
Version                 1.0     Business Unit
Motor Vehicle Procedure

          The purpose of this procedure is to outline the key operational requirements and to provide guidance
          to vehicle users on these requirements whilst using a PCYC Vehicle.

          This policy applies to all employees and users i.e., spouses and partners (where applicable)
          authorised to use a PCYC vehicle.

          This procedure should be kept in the glove box of each vehicle for future reference.

                      •         Fleet Manager – 0417 064 819
                      •         Fleetcare – 134 333

                Fleetcare and/or the Fleet Manager advises when registration of vehicles is required. The
                local manager is responsible for completing any vehicle registration checks to allow Fleetcare
                to complete the registration process.

                      •         The local manager will rectify any urgent issues noted on the vehicle registration
                                check reports.
                      •         The Fleet Manager and Fleetcare will support the local manager to arrange
                                repairs for any major works required.

                Servicing of Vehicles
                      •         Vehicles must be services in accordance with the manufacturer’s service and
                                warranty book.
                      •         The service and warranty book is stamped and dated after every service.
                      •         Windscreen wipers and air filters are checked and replaced if necessary.
                      •         All servicing and repairs are to be conducted by a Fleetcare service provider.
                      •         All service instructions provided by Fleetcare must be adhered to.

                Petrol Cards
                      •         Petrol cards provided are to be used to purchase the cheapest available fuel on
                                the day. This is usually 94 octane unless specifically requested in the owner’s
                                manual for a higher octane.
                      •         The petrol card can only be used with the vehicle specified to purchase fuel and
                                oil only.
                      •         If a petrol card is lost, misplaced, damaged, or stolen, the Fleet Manager should
                                be contacted to arrange a replacement card. The Fleet Manager will require
                                details on the Make, Model, Registration Number, colour, and type of fuel (petrol
                                or diesel) the vehicle requires before a replacement card can be arranged.

Document Number        PRO-007      Document Owner      Fleet Manager
                                                        Strategic Development, Facilities &               Page 3 of 7
Version                   1.0       Business Unit
Motor Vehicle Procedure

                  •         After refuelling the vehicle, present your card to the service station operator who
                            will ask you to:
                            o        Provide an odometer reading
                            o       Use a PIN
                  •         Ensure that the fuel docket matches the fuel pump reading for the litres and dollar
                            amount charged.
                  •         It is essential to provide the correct odometer reading each time as accurate fuel
                            management and FBT reporting is based on these details.

                  •         ETAGS are approved by the senior manager
                  •         Requests for ETAGS are made through the Fleet Manager
                  •         ETAGS are attached to the windscreen on the nominated vehicle and not
                  •         If the ETAG is not functioning, then notify the Fleet Manager for a replacement

                  •         In some cases, a spare key may be kept wit the Fleet Manager for emergency
                            use only.

                  •         The tyre pressure and condition should be checked monthly at a minimum.
                  •         Tyres shall be rotated for better wear and balance every six months
                  •         Generally, replacement tyres are to be of the same size and construction as
                            originally provided.

            First Aid Kits
                  •         All PCYC vehicles must have a first aid kit supplied by an approved first aid
                  •         Re-supplies of any items are accessed through local suppliers.

            Stolen Vehicles
                  •         Stolen PCYC vehicles must be reported immediately to the police and an event
                            number obtained.
                  •         The next level manager and Fleet manager must be informed immediately and
                            provided with the police event number.

            Broken-down Vehicles
            PCYC vehicles that are broken down, stuck, or bogged are covered by Fleetcare Road-side
            Assist. When calling Fleetcare Road-side Assist, they will need:

                  •         The vehicle registration number
                  •         The location of the vehicle
                  •         An explanation of the problems you are experiencing
                  •         A contact phone number

Document Number    PRO-007      Document Owner      Fleet Manager
                                                    Strategic Development, Facilities &                Page 4 of 7
Version               1.0       Business Unit
Motor Vehicle Procedure

                  •         Repairs to windscreens need to be booked through Fleetcare within 24 hours of
                            the damage.
                  •         The Fleet Manager can be contacted for other support if required
                  •         The Fleet Manager should be contacted for approval and procedures when
                            additional windscreens are required for the same vehicle

            Vehicles involved in an Accident
            If the vehicle is involved in an accident, and you can, please complete the following steps:

                  •         Make the scene safe
                  •         Do not exit the vehicle if on a busy road
                  •         Ensure that any injured person is attended to and that medical attention, if
                            necessary, is arranged
                  •         Exchange details with other drivers and witnesses in a safe place. Custodians of
                            PCYC vehicles are not authorised to admit liability or responsibility for the
                            accident or enter any discussions or negotiations to commit the company to any
                            course of action

                            Please note the following details:

                  •         Make, Model, Registration numbers and colours of all vehicles involved in the
                  •         All driver’s names and addresses
                  •         All driver’s license details
                  •         Contact phone numbers (home and work)
                  •         Other vehicle owner details (if different to the driver’s)
                  •         Insurance company names and policy numbers
                  •         Names and addresses of injured persons and witnesses
                  •         If police attend, name of the officers attending and the Police Station they are

            Call the local police and advise them of the accident only:

                  •         If anyone was injured
                  •         If any of the driver’s are suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol

            The vehicle will not be roadworthy if there is:

                  •         Lights broken
                  •         Significant body damage
                  •         Leaking fluids
                  •         Engine problems
                  •         Wheel damage

            If the vehicle is un-roadworthy, a tow truck will need to be arranged. Please coordinate all
            towing through Fleetcare.

Document Number    PRO-007      Document Owner      Fleet Manager
                                                    Strategic Development, Facilities &                Page 5 of 7
Version               1.0       Business Unit
Motor Vehicle Procedure

            After the Accident
            Lodge an incident form through the appropriate incident reporting system within 24 hours of
            the accident occurring.

            The Fleet Manager may require other documentation like an insurance claim forms to be

            If an insurance claim is submitted, then the insurance company will arrange for the vehicle to
            be inspected before they approve the repairs. If an insurance claim is not going to be
            submitted, the Fleet Manager must approve the quote before proceeding with the repairs.

            Drivers are not authorised to arrange repairs to the vehicle without prior consent of the Fleet

            All claims and enquiries from a third party are to be referred to the Fleet Manager.

            The Manager can make other arrangements such as a loan car whilst the vehicle is being
            repaired via Fleetcare.

            Insurance and Excess
            All PCYC vehicles are insured with Vero Insurance.

            Personal belongings carried in the vehicles are not covered through vehicle insurance. It is
            the individual employees’ responsibility to ensure their belongings are adequately insured.

            If the authorised or approved driver is NOT AT FAULT, then PCYC will pay the insurance
            excess and all reasonable costs to return the vehicle to roadworthy condition.

            If the authorised or approved driver is AT FAULT, then PCYC will pay the insurance excess
            and all reasonable costs to return the vehicle to roadworthy condition except under the
            following circumstances:

                  •         Damage was caused whilst the authorised or approved was acting outside the
                            course of their employment (e.g., taking the vehicle without permission, after
                            working hours, to carry our non-work-related journey)
                  •         The authorised or approved driver caused the accident because of an act that
                            amounts to serious and wilful misconduct.
                  •         The authorised or approved driver is over the legal alcohol consumption limit, is
                            under the influence of any illegal substances or is driving recklessly.

            The driver at fault will be determined by the Police if they attend otherwise, it will be at the
            determination of Vero Insurance.

            All non-authorised drivers are responsible for liability, including excess and all costs due to
            the accident.

Document Number   PRO-007       Document Owner      Fleet Manager
                                                    Strategic Development, Facilities &              Page 6 of 7
Version               1.0       Business Unit
Motor Vehicle Procedure

            Penalty Notices
            The driver of the vehicle is responsible for any fines incurred whilst in control of a PCYC

            The employee and their Manager will be contacted by the Fleet Manager to obtain details of
            the driver of the vehicle. The fine will be reissued in the driver’s name and sent directly to their
            home address.

            All fines are to be paid by the due date on the fine notice. Any late fees will be paid by the
            driver. Unpaid fines may result in cancellation of a driver’s license or cancellation of
            registration of the vehicle.

Document Number    PRO-007    Document Owner       Fleet Manager
                                                   Strategic Development, Facilities &                  Page 7 of 7
Version              1.0      Business Unit
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