COMMON CORE MATH 6 SYLLABUS - 2020-2021 Ms. Schonian - Room 302 - Marston Middle

Page created by Mark May

                              Ms. Schonian – Room 302


In CC MATH 6, instructional time will focus on four critical areas
   1. Connecting ratio, rate, and percentage to whole- number multiplication and division
      and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems;
   2. Completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number
      to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers;
   3. Writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations;
   4. Developing understanding of statistical thinking (National Governors Association
      Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers 2010m). Students
      also work toward fluency with multi-digit division and multi-digit decimal operations.

  1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
  2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
  3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
  4. Model with mathematics.
  5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
  6. Attend to precision.
  7. Look for and make use of structure.
  8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

  Website: - Students sign in with "Clever" - Use student ID# and
     district assigned password
   ● Students access to online textbook
   ● Vocabulary
   ● Textbook assignments - Student’s solutions are submitted on for
     instant feedback

Textbook Video Tutorials website:
   1. Choose Common Core Middle School 2017
   2. Select your textbook (MATH 6 Green, ACC6-Adv. 1)
   3. Scroll to the bottom of page, enter Chapter # and Lesson # you would like to watch.

Grades will be posted on POWER SCHOOL PARENT PORTAL
Parents will need to request the student's access ID and password. Please visit, and click on “Request Student
Access ID.”
Classroom Expectations:
    ● Be on time and ready to learn
    ● Pay attention and give your best effort.
    ● Zero talking when the teacher or selected student is talking (during lesson or class
    ● Respect your classmates, the teacher, and yourself.

Grading Policy (Projected Points per Unit/Chapter)
Chapter Tests……………………………………….... = 50 points
Quizzes…………………........................................... = 10 to 20 points
Chapter Notes/Participation………………………..... = 25 points

Homework and Classwork per week…. …………. = 15 to 25 points
(5 points per assignment submitted on

GRADE SCALE: 90% and above = A 80% - 89% = B; 70% - 79% = C
                         60% - 69 % = D Below 60% = F

Retaking Exams: Students may make corrections to chapter tests if they scored below
75%. The make-up test score will earn no more than a satisfactory grade (75%).

    ●   Retake score 90% or higher… student receives 75% in grade book.
    ●   Retake score 80% to 89%… student receives 70% in grade book.
    ●   Retake score 70% to 79%… student receives 65% in grade book.
    ●   Retake score below 70% will result in the average of retake and original score

Homework is a nightly expectation (Monday-Thursday). Understanding and completing
homework problems is important. It is also an opportunity for students to practice and
review skills learned in class. Parent support and participation is appreciated. Students
struggling with homework should schedule a time to meet with the teacher or visit during
posted office hours. Odd numbered textbook homework solutions are listed in the back of
the textbook. Students need to be checking their homework solutions and communicating
with the teacher if they would like extra help with completing homework correctly.
**Students will be submitting most of their homework solutions through
(textbook site).

Homework grades: Textbook homework assignments will be based on percentage correct
when submitted on
**Students will have instant feedback if the entered solution is correct. Students will have 1 or 2 opportunities
to revisie solutions to online homework assignments before they submit for grade.

                                                                            50 - 64.9 %:     3pts
        Above 80%- 5pts (full credit)               65 - 79.9%: 4pts
Late Homework Policy: Late/missed homework assignments will only be accepted if the
student has communicated with the teacher regarding intentions to complete missing
**Once class has taken chapter/unit test, missed homework assignments within that
chapter/unit cannot be made-up.

Absence: It is the student's responsibility to go to the website, classmate or see the
teacher regarding missed work.


   ★ Continue to the next pages for Units of Study
MATH 6: Units of Study                                                2020 - 2021
Quarter 1 & 2
 DOMAIN/CONCEPTS                                                             TEXTBOOK            Common
                                                                             REFERENCE              Core
                                                                             (Big Ideas Math)

 GEOMETRY                                                                    CH 4 & CH 8        6.G.1, 6.G.2,
 Unit 1: Area & Surface Area                                                                    6.G.4
 In this unit, students learn to find areas of polygons by decomposing,
 rearranging, and composing shapes. They learn to understand and use
 the terms “base” and “height,” and find areas of parallelograms and
 triangles. Students approximate areas of non-polygonal regions by
 polygonal regions.

 RATIOS & PROPORTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS                                         CH 5 (5.1, 5.2,    6.RP.1, 6.RP.2,
 Unit 2: Intro to Ratios                                                     5.3,5.4)           6.RP.3a
 In this unit, students learn to understand and use the terms “ratio,”
 “rate,” “equivalent ratios,” “per,” “at this rate,” “constant speed,” and
 “constant rate,” and to recognize when two ratios are or are not
 equivalent. They represent ratios as expressions, and represent
 equivalent ratios with double number line diagrams, tape diagrams,
 and tables.

 Unit 3: Unit Rates and Percentages                                          CH 5 (5.2,         6.RP.2,
 In this unit, students learn to understand and use the terms “unit rate,”   5.3,5.4, 5.5,      6.RP.3a-d
 “speed,” “pace,” “percent,” and “percentage,” and recognize that
                                                                             5.6, 5.7)
 equivalent ratios have equal unit rates. They represent percentages
 with tables, tape diagrams, and double number line diagrams, and as
 expressions. They use these terms and representations in reasoning
 about situations involving unit price, constant speed, and measurement

 THE NUMBER SYSTEM                                                           CH 2 (2.1, 2.2,    6.NS.1
 Unit 4: Dividing Fractions                                                  2.3)
 In this unit, students examine how the relative sizes of numerator and
 denominator affect the size of their quotient when numerator or
 denominator (or both) is a fraction. They acquire the understanding
 that dividing by a/b has the same outcome as multiplying by b, then by
 1/a. They compute quotients of fractions.
Quarter 3 & 4
  DOMAIN/CONCEPTS                                                    TEXTBOOK               Common
                                                                     REFERENCE                 Core
                                                                     (Big Ideas Math)

The Number System                                                  CH 2 (2.4, 2.5, 2.6)    6.NS.3
Unit 5: Arithmetic in Base Ten
In this unit, students compute sums, differences, products, and
quotients of multi-digit whole numbers and decimals, using
efficient algorithms. They use calculations with whole numbers
and decimals to solve problems set in real-world contexts.

  EXPRESSIONS & EQUATIONS                                          CH 3                    6.EE.1
  Unit 6: Expressions & Equations                                                          6.EE.2
  In this unit, students learn to understand and use the terms                             6.EE.3
  “variable,” “coefficient,” “solution,” “equivalent
  expressions,” “exponent,” “independent variable,” and
  “dependent variable.” They begin to write coefficients next to                           6.EE.6
  variables without a multiplication symbol.

  Unit 7: Rational Numbers                                         CH 6 & CH 7            6.EE.5
  In this unit, students interpret signed numbers in contexts                              6.EE.7
  (e.g., temperature above or below zero, elevation above or                               6.EE.8
  below sea level). They understand and use the terms “positive
  number,” “negative number,” “rational number,” “opposite,”
  “sign,” “absolute value,” “a solution to an inequality,” “less
  than,” “greater than,” and the corresponding symbols. They
  plot points with signed rational number coordinates on the
  number line and recognize and use the connection between
  relative position of two points on the number line and
  inequalities involving the coordinates of the points.

  STATISTICS & PROBABILITY                                         CH 9 & CH 10           6.SP.1,
  Unit 8: Intro to Statistics                                                             6.SP.2
  In this unit, students learn about populations and study                                6.SP.4
  variables associated with a population. They describe
  distributions (shown on graphical displays) using terms
  such as “symmetrical,” "peaks," “gaps,” and “clusters.”
  They work with measures of center—understanding and
  using the terms “mean,” “average,” and “median.”

*** The order of the units and/or specified standards may change due to unforeseen
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