Mr Richard Micek - Cecil Jones Academy

Mr Richard Micek - Cecil Jones Academy

Mr Richard Micek
Mr Richard Micek - Cecil Jones Academy
Executive Headteacher’s
             I am delighted to welcome you to the The Cecil Jones
             Academy Prospectus.

             At Cecil Jones Academy we believe in developing our
             students so that they are able to achieve their potential
             both academically and as members of our community.

             We work on the traditional values of respect, discipline and
             tolerance to prepare our students for the challenges of
             examinations, social interactions and the world of work.

             We want all of our students to find their passion and
             have the tools to pursue their dreams. As part of the
             Loxford School Trust, we are able to work within a hub of
             schools, led by Loxford School, an Outstanding school,
             thus ensuring that our staff are able to deliver the highest
             educational standards. This enables us to stay ahead
             of an ever evolving education system and a constantly
             changing society.

             We have a strong pastoral system and curriculum to
             allow us to ensure that our students are happy, safe and
             challenged in all they do at school.

             We work closely with our parents and our community in

Welcome to
             order to achieve the best for all in our school.

             We believe that every student has the potential to achieve
             greatness and will work with every student to ensure that
             they get there.

             I hope to welcome you at one of our Open Events, where
             you will have the opportunity to see this is the right school
             for your son or daughter.

             I look forward to meeting you and your son and daughter.

             With best wishes,

             Richard Micek, Executive Headteacher

Mr Richard Micek - Cecil Jones Academy
Our Promise
                            To achieve this aim, we provide
                            an education that meets the needs
                                                                  •	Challenge, relevance and
                                                                     engagement – we want all our
                            of young people, delivered in an
                                                                     students to be fully involved in
                            educational environment that
                                                                     their learning
                            emphasises traditional standards
We are committed            of uniform, discipline, tolerance     •	Appropriate skills for living, for work
                            and respect.                             and for happiness
to seeking new              Everything we do at Cecil Jones       • The skills to make our students
                                                                     active citizens
challenges and              Academy is centred on ensuring that
                            each individual student is educated
                                                                  •	An environment in which children
                            and supported to succeed in the
opportunities to            world today – as an individual, as
                                                                     are enjoying their childhood

                            a member of a team and as a           •	Self-identity and a feeling of
help children fulfil        member of the local and global           self-worth

their potential, both
                            community.                            •	Opportunities and experiences
                            T he School is committed to the         that engage our students

academically and             success of each of our students.     •	Healthy habits that are embedded
                            We aim to deliver:                       for life.
socially, so that           • Exam success – we want our         Cecil Jones Academy will transform
                              students to get the best possible   the educational opportunities and
they leave us with            qualifications                      aspirations of its pupils.

the widest range
of choices in a
challenging society.

We are a global community
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Mr Richard Micek - Cecil Jones Academy
Our Aim
Our aim is that every student                To achieve this:                       •	Citizenship is not learnt in the
leaves the School at 16 with the                                                       classroom alone. We provide
opportunity to study the course              •	We have high expectations              opportunities for our students to
                                               of student behaviour and
of their choice and progress to                                                        engage with their own and the
                                               achievement and equally high
university and the tools to embrace                                                    wider community, to create plans
                                               expectations of the quality of our
all opportunities and to face any                                                      to tackle community problems
challenge that they encounter.                                                         and to work together to realise
To realise this we expect every student      •	We will create an inspirational       solutions. Giving young people
                                               environment, characterised by           meaningful experiences that
to make rapid progress and to reach
                                               calmness, order and respect so          have a positive impact on their
levels of attainment consistently
                                               that teachers can teach and             communities enables every
above national averages.
                                               students can reach their full           student at Cecil Jones Academy
We will nurture energetic and                  potential.                              to become an engaged citizen
engaged learners who work hard and                                                     and a positive role-model.
participate fully in the wider life of the   •	We aim to be a centre of
School and its community.
                                               excellence in everything we do.      •	This approach enables our
                                                                                       students to develop confidence
We believe in the immense potential          •	Success depends on the ability         and inter-personal skills without
                                               to work with others and to take
of each of our students and we are                                                     fear of failure, helping them
                                               responsibility for oneself. Our
committed to giving them every                                                         to achieve their ambitions and
                                               students learn the value of
possible opportunity to succeed.                                                       make a real contribution to
                                               citizenship and the ability to
                                               engage with the changing
                                               economic landscape with

We nurture learners
                                               discipline and discernment.
                                               They work together, compete
                                               together and play together;
                                               learning to solve problems,
                                               share ideas and take risks.

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Mr Richard Micek - Cecil Jones Academy
The Curriculum
                 Our students experience rich and      The School offers the National
                 varied lessons supported by the       Curriculum including:
                 latest teaching techniques and
                 equipment. Each subject has a         English                          Physical Education
                 highly qualified specialist team of
                 teachers, teaching in rooms which     Mathematics                      Art
                 have been equipped for their
                 subject.                              Science                          Computer Science
                                                                                        Design Technology
                                                                                        Modern Foreign
                                                       Music                            Languages

Rich and
                                                                                        Religious Education
                                                       Business Studies                 and Philosophy

varied lessons
      6                                                                  7
Mr Richard Micek - Cecil Jones Academy

There are a wide variety of clubs
Gifted and Talented
The School is committed to providing
                                         Religious Education
                                         and Philosophy
                                                                                    For students aged 14 – 16 the School
                                                                                    offers a full range of GCSE courses,
                                                                                                                             Regular homework is vital in securing
                                                                                                                                                                       Students are expected to be at
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Students are encouraged to sit down
a high quality, challenging and          Encourages students to have                as well as carefully selected BTEC       the very best results for our students.   school on time every day. Absence      and eat a hot meal at lunchtime with
relevant education for each one of       confidence in their own beliefs and        courses to suit every taste and          It consolidates work done in lessons      and lateness compromise academic       sandwiches, hot and cold snacks
our students. This extends to our most   culture, as well as respecting the         aptitude.                                and encourages the development            performance and achievement in         available at break-time.
able and talented students who are       values and beliefs of others. Through      Our students start some of their GCSE    of self-discipline and independent        examinations. We expect students
                                                                                                                                                                                                              The school has introduced a cashless
stretched and developed as part          RE students learn how to think through     courses in Year 9, allowing for a more   study. The amount of homework             to be absent only if it is a medical
                                                                                                                                                                                                              system with the facility to top up on
of our extensive gifted and talented     moral issues and learn empathy             flexible approach to Key Stage 4.        increases as students progress            necessity. Holidays during term-time
                                                                                                                                                                                                              line or through the machines located
programme.                               for others. Parents have the right to      Students can take their exams when       through the school.                       are not permitted.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              around the school.
                                         withdraw their children from RE Lessons.   they are considered to be ready          All students have a diary in which to     Home school agreement
                                                                                                                                                                                                              There are a wide variety of clubs
                                                                                    and able to.                             record their homework. If there are       We ask students, parents and
                                                                                                                                                                                                              which students can participate in
                                                                                                                             any concerns about either the quality     teachers to sign a home-school
                                                                                                                                                                                                              at lunchtime, and many also make
                                                                                                                             or quantity of homework set, parents      agreement, demonstrating our
                                                                                                                                                                                                              use of the school Library to carry out
                                                                                                                             are encouraged to contact the form        shared commitment to putting in
                                                                                                                                                                                                              research or spend time reading.
                                                                                                                             tutor or subject teacher.                 the effort to ensure that each child

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Mr Richard Micek - Cecil Jones Academy
Information                                                                                                                  Sixth Form
Expectations for parents                  Special Educational Needs                 English as an additional                 We offer a wide range of academic
Relationships between parents/carers      We provide an inclusive curriculum to     language                                 and vocational courses. These
and the school are as important as        ensure the best possible progress for     EAL students benefit from our extra      include A Level and Level 3 BTEC
those between students or between         all our students whatever their needs     support which we maintain until they     qualifications.
students and staff. It is important       or abilities.                             reach expected year levels in English.   Our sixth form is successful and vibrant,
for every student to feel that their                                                                                         a place where students routinely
                                          The School follows the national           Through careful assessment, one-
parents/carers are committed to their                                                                                        achieve excellent grades and progress
                                          guidelines in identifying, assessing      to-one teaching and strong support
school.                                                                                                                      onto both higher education and
                                          and supporting students with              mechanisms in the classroom, our
We can only become an outstanding         special education needs. Individual       EAL students have full access to the     successful careers.
school if we have outstanding             Education Plans, regularly modified       school’s learning opportunities. We      The range of courses on offer has been
relationships with our students’          to meet students’ differing needs,        are fortunate to be able to draw on      carefully selected in order to meet the
families. So we want to get parents/      ensure effective provision.               the expertise of the other schools       needs of a wide range of students and
carers into the academy and make                                                    within the Trust to support this work.   the needs of our community.
                                          Support is given either in small groups
you feel part of the team. We believe
                                          or through withdrawal classes and                                                  Our sixth form provision is designed to
that every child can succeed,
                                          is delivered by a team of skilled                                                  open doors to our students, offering
regardless of their starting point and
                                          teachers, learning support assistants                                              them the best opportunities to access
that we never reach the finishing line.
                                          and specialist behaviour support                                                   higher education.
Every child, no excuses                   workers.
                                                                                                                             All students should have the opportunity
                                                                                                                             to gain entrance into university, if it is
                                                                                                                             their wish.

                                                                                                                             We try to make that
                                                                                                                             We try to make that dream happen.

                                                                                                                             dream happen                                 11
Mr Richard Micek - Cecil Jones Academy
Facilities                                           Loxford School Trust

Our traditional buildings offer high-quality         I have been the Chief Executive Officer of the Loxford
facilities for both vocational and academic          School Trust since June 2013 and the continuing
learning.                                            Headteacher of Loxford School since January 2008.

Our extensive sporting facilities include a          Our partnership consists of seven schools in East London.
Sports Hall, dance studio and fitness suite          Loxford School is an All-Through School. Abbs Cross
ensuring students experience a wide variety          Academy & Arts College, Cecil Jones Academy, Gaynes
of sport throughout their time here.                 School, Tabor Academy, and The Warren School are
                                                     Secondary Schools, and Aldborough is a Primary School.
All classrooms have interactive screens to
enable a wide variety of resources to be used        In the Trust we believe that students come first and that
within the classroom environment.                    every child can find a route to happiness, prosperity and
                                                     success. The Trust was created to enable staff to work more
                                                     closely together to deliver the best education possible for
                                                     the students who attend our academies.

We offer high quality facilities
                                                     We are proud of the improvements we have seen in exam
                                                     results and every School that has been inspected by
                                                     OFSTED since they joined the Trust is now either good or
                                                     outstanding. More of our students than ever before now
                                                     have qualifications that stand out in comparison with other
                                                     young people in the city.

                                                     Our vision is simple: we believe that by working together
                                                     rather than in isolation we can accelerate our Academies
                                                     to be outstanding schools. In doing so, together we create
                                                     more opportunities for the lifelong success for our students
                                                     as they become young adults.

                                                     Mrs Anita Johnson, Chief Executive Officer


Mr Richard Micek - Cecil Jones Academy

Mrs Anita Johnson


Mr Richard Micek


Mrs Lauren Hedges

Cecil Jones Academy
Eastern Avenue
Southend on Sea


01702 440000


Mr Richard Micek - Cecil Jones Academy
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