Mrs. Canfield's People - Oxford Historical Society LH 97' - Oxford County Library

Page created by Stephanie Wood
Mrs. Canfield's People - Oxford Historical Society LH 97' - Oxford County Library
Mrs. Canfield’s People


            Oxford Historical Society
Mrs. Canfield's People - Oxford Historical Society LH 97' - Oxford County Library
M S . CAN FIELD 'S m     i l .

                       - E th e d . C an f.L e.L d

  ZocaZ HiA-ton.^
Mrs. Canfield's People - Oxford Historical Society LH 97' - Oxford County Library
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                                                            Tnadition. LA. nulen. and cuAiomA. handed down,
                                                                  fa in t one. ^enenatLon. to

                                                     AMBROSE, Edward. Manager of the Gore Bank ([buried at Old
The entries in this book are as Mrs. Canfield                  St. Paul’s) died in 1865.
entered them in her Journal. Slight changes have
been made where entries were confusing and to        ARMSTRONG, Thomas George. Major of 2nd Reg. of West
continue Mrs. Canfield’s alphabetical listings.                Oxford Militia and late Capt. of her Majesty’s
                                                               66 Reg’t., died at Orchard Leigh, March 31,
Squared brackets have been used to indicate                    1838 aged 28 yrs - buried April 3, 1838.
questionable information, to show alternate
spellings, to correct information, or to contain     AGRICULTURAL. Fair Grounds used first time Sept. 17,
comments to help the reader.                                   1887 in north end of town.

By the changes in the writings and the inks, it is   ARNOLD, Capt. lived at Beachville.
thought that the Journal was updated and added to
by Mrs. Canfield over a period of many years,        ADAMS, George. Born in Somersetshire, Eng. Left Eng.
unfortunately she does not indicate when she                   before 1 yr. old; lived 2 years in New York
started on the Journal, however, the latest date               State, came to Woodstock 1855, launched out as
referred to is 1942.                                           builder 1875.

Some of the comments are personal - some are         ANDERSON, Marsh. Paid by private subscription as night­
interesting historical facts......but, all of it               watchman for merchants. For many years had a
brings the history of Oxford County vividly alive              Newfoundland dog whose instinct and acute
and makes fascinating reading and is an extremely              alertness detected robbers - dog was poisoned.
valuable collection of research material.
                                                     ALLWAY [ALWAY], Robert. Member of 13th Parliament for
                                                               Oxford. Was in jail for high treason but was
                                                               released upon merely giving security for his
                                                               future good behaviour.
            Transcribed by Patricia Moody, 1986
                                                     AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 1836.      Admiral VanSittart Pres.,
                                                               L. Dudes Sec’y.

                                                     ALL SAINTS CHAPEL. Opened Oct. 26, 1895. Sermon was
                                                               delivered by John Gemley of Simcoe.
Mrs. Canfield's People - Oxford Historical Society LH 97' - Oxford County Library
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ALEXANDER, Hon. George. (Canadian Senate). Postmaster,         BARWICK, Hugh L. Crawford. Postmaster, was appointed Oct.
          big celebration when elected Member - Wm. Bishop               6, 1840. Office was in a small house on east '
          roasted an ox.                                                 side of Huron Street until 1851.
          Went to live with his daughter Mrs. VanSittart
          in Barrie or Orillia.                                BARWICK, James. Late Major of Her Majesty’s 79th Reg. of
          Alexander was Oxford’s first representative in                 Cameron Highlanders, died Tuesday, .July 26, 1842
          Senate (was called by Sir John A. Macdonald),                  aged 65 yrs. (Mrs. Taylor has fire irons from
          Oct. 19, 1858, steer roasted whole on Fairgrounds              B. home - Taylors lived in home on 2nd concession)
          (bought from Rev. Sawtell) to celebrate victory •
          of Hon. Geo. Alexander on election to Senate, de­    BICKLE, Mary Rice. Widow of John Bickle, died in Feb. 1896.
          feated Jas. Cowan. Grounds lighted by many tar                 She was 80 yrs. old. Emigrated from Devonshire
          barrels, procession formed of 200 torches, marched             with husband and 4 children in 1852. Her husband
          through town.                                                  started a butcher shop on Victoria St. later
          Sept. 15, 1847 marriage of Geo. Alexander to Mary              moving to 508 Dundas St., where old lady died.
          Cecelia Light. Witnesses: Lt. S. Light, M.L.                   Mr. Bickle died 12 yrs. earlier in 1884.
          Light, H. de Blaquiere.
                                                               BROWN, H.P. Married by Rev. Elder Turner to Miss B. Mc­
ALEXANDER, Mary Cecelia Light. Wife of Geo. Alexander,
                                                                         Donald of Oxford.
          died Sept. 15, 1868.
          Children of Hon. Geo. and Mary Cecelia Light         BAIN WAGON COMPANY. Established 1884 in west end. In 1890
          and when christened:                                           moved to Brantford. In 1896 moved to Patterson
   -1851, March 1 - Denham M.                                            Works, Woodstock. Father in furniture business
   -1854, March 5 - Margaret Jane Adelaide                               making it by hand. Boy went west, started making
   -1856 - Elizabeth Maude Isabella                                      wagons by machinery in Brantford, had contract
   -1873 - Edward, aged 41                                               with Massey Harris, moved to Woodstock in
   -1864 - Mary Eleanor confirmed aged 15 years                          Patterson works, sold to Massey Harris. North­
   -1866 - Henry Cecil baptized                                          west trade good - made 50 to 60 wagons a day!
          “Nellie Alexander married Geo. Farmer, clerk
          in Bank of Montreal. Dennie, last heard of was       BALL, F.R.     Born Nov. 5, 1827 in township of Niagara.
          teaching deportment." (by H.J. Finkle)                            Ancestors came from Germany in (1826?).
                                                                            In Revolutionary War 1776 his grandfather and
                                                                            great-grandfather joined British service and
                                                                            held commissions in Butler’s Rangers. Served
                                                                            with British forces until end of war, then
                                                                            settled at Niagara on farm granted by government.
                                                                            F.R. admitted to Bar 1850 and began practice in
                                                                            Woodstock 1856.
                                                                            In 1863 appointed Clerk of Peace and County
                                                                            Crown Attorney. Contested South Riding of Oxford
                                                                            as Reform Candidate, lost by 1 vote. Appointed
                                                                            Crown Attorney 1876.
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             F ir s t w ife - M illic e n t C. Thompson, daughter        BURTCH, A rchibald. Governor's Road passed h is door so he
             o f Andrew Thompson o f Port Dover.                                    was crowded with t r a v e lle r s . In s e l f defence
             Second w ife - Agnes B axter, daughter o f Cap.                        had to e re c t tavern and charged whisky whole­
             Baxter o f Royal Canadian R i f l e s .                                s a le 15$ g a l.
    -E m ily, daughter o f F.R. d ied 1960.                                         "In 1812 Archibald Burtch, son o f Zachariah,
                                                                                    married Susan T eeple, daughter o f P eter T eep le.
 BUTLER, Ranz.    Died in London Asylum Dec. 1897.                                  [They had] 5 ch ild ren : Beluda married Rev. W.H.
                                                                                    Landon, she died in 1837.
BATES, Joseph D.      P rin c ip a l B a p tist C o llege in 1896.                  H enrietta married John Blow, died 1837 a ls o .
                                                                                    William Burtch.
BETTRIDGE, Rev. Wm. and h is w ife Mary H ounsfield.                                Reuben Burtch married w e ll.                  " .
                                                                                    Henry Teeple Burtch married Mary Galloway in 1843.
BETTRIDGE, J u lia married on June 22, 1853 to Wm.                                  On June 5, 1824, Mrs. A rchibald Burtch died.
          Lawrence Lawrason.                                                        On October 28, 1824, he married Jane Blow.
            In S t . P a u l’ s , London, O n t., a window to                       A rchibald Burtch was Deacon in B a p tist Church
            Lawrence Lawrason - "Born Aug. 10, 1803, died                           fo r over 41 y e a r s ." (from S a w tell)
            Aug. 14, 1882, ere cted by c h ild re n , grand­
            ch ild ren and great gran d ch ild ren ".                    BURTCH, Grandma. Died Feb. 1896, aged 9 1. Maiden name was
                                                                                   Jane Blow, b irth p la ce near L iverp oo l. Came to
BETTRIDGE, Caroline Dora.        Married Chas, de B la q u iere,                   Canada with mother and ste p fa th e r (named Howden).
          A p ril 10, 1865.                                                        S e ttle d in Gobles takin g up abode with Elder
                                                                                   Goble. Moved to Woodstock, s e t t le d on a farm
BEEMER, Mrs. Murder t r i a l 1913. [Mother o f 8 ch ild ren                       known as Joseph Peers farm to ea st o f the town.
         acq u itted o f murdering her uncle/husband]                              In 1824, she married Archibald Burtch, he died in
                                                                                   1866, she was h is second w ife .
BARNARD, Norman. S h o rt, sto u t Englishman who a rriv ed
           here in 20’ s , one o f f i r s t co n sta b le s. In 40’ s   BURTCH, Reuben Hamilton. Son o f A rchibald Burtch!s f i r s t
           liv e d a t c o m e r o f Dundas and Norwich Ave.                       w ife (a daughter o f Squire T eep le).
         . L ater kept tavern on Bay S t r e e t .                                 1 s t c h ild born in Woodstock.
                                                                                   In 1852, with Nelson Laycock, sta rte d a dry goods
BROUGHTON, - — . Lived near Eastwood, gen eral manager o f                         business in Elgin Block.
          Great Western.                                                           Captain in M ilit ia , veteran o f Fenian Raids,
                                                                                   always kept good h orses.
BOSTWICK, L t. C ol. Henry. Of Oxford M i l i t ia , commanded
          a t Nanticoke, died a t Woodhouse J u ly 27, 1816,             BICKLE, W illiam .   Died 1857 buried a t Old S t. Paul’ s.
          aged 34 y e a r s.
                                                                         BARROWCLOUGH, John.     Member o f B a p tist Church 1829.
BARR, David. Bora a t P a is le y , S co tlan d , 1821, died 1875.
          Mary Welch h is w ife , died 1889 aged 83 y r s .              BROWN, H.P.    On Sept. 8, 1852, B r o w 's Iron Foundry burned.
          Barr e sta b lish e d je w e lle r y business 1840, sold
          to Woodroofe 1864.                                              BARTLEY, John. Surveyor - rece iv e d commission from Earl of
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          First wife - Millicent C. Thompson, daughter      BURTCH, Archibald. Governor's Road passed his door so he
          of Andrew Thompson of Port Dover.                           was crowded with travellers. In self defence
          Second wife - Agnes Baxter, daughter of Cap.                had to erect tavern and charged whisky whole­
          Baxter of Royal Canadian Rifles.                            sale 15$ gal.
   -Emily, daughter of F.R. died 1960.                                "In 1812 Archibald Burtch, son of Zachariah,
                                                                      married Susan Teeple, daughter of Peter Teeple.
BUTLER, Ranz.   Died in London Asylum Dec. 1897.                      [They had] 5 children: Beluda married Rev. W.H.
                                                                      Landon, she died in 1837.
BATES, Joseph D.   Principal Baptist College in 1896.                 Henrietta married John Blow, died 1837 also.
                                                                      William Burtch.
BETTRIDGE, Rev. Wm. and his wife Mary Hounsfield.                     Reuben Burtch married well.             .
                                                                      Henry Teeple Burtch married Mary Galloway in 1843.
BETTRIDGE, Julia married on June 22, 1853 to Wm.                      On June 5, 1824, Mrs. Archibald Burtch died.
          Lawrence Lawrason.                                          On October 28, 1824, he married Jane Blow.
          In St. Paul’s, London, Ont., a window to                    Archibald Burtch was Deacon in Baptist Church
          Lawrence Lawrason - ’’Born Aug. 10, 1803, died              for over 41 years." (from Sawtell)
          Aug. 14, 1882, erected by children, grand­
          children and great grandchildren’’.               BURTCH, Grandma. Died Feb. 1896, aged 91. Maiden name was
                                                                      Jane Blow, birthplace near Liverpool. Came to
BETTRIDGE, Caroline Dora.   Married Chas, de Blaquiere,               Canada with mother and stepfather (named Howden).
          April 10, 1865.                                             Settled in Gobles taking up abode with Elder
                                                                      Goble. Moved to Woodstock, settled on a farm
BEEMER, Mrs. Murder trial 1913. [Mother of 8 children                 known as Joseph Peers farm to east of the town.
          acquitted of murdering her uncle/husband]                   In 1824, she married Archibald Burtch, he died in
                                                                      1866, she was his second wife.
BARNARD, Norman. Short, stout Englishman who arrived
          here in 20’s, one of first constables. In 40 *s   BURTCH, Reuben Hamilton. Son of Archibald Burtch!s first
          lived at corner of Dundas and Norwich Ave.                  wife (a daughter of Squire Teeple).
         .Later kept tavern on Bay Street.                            1st child born in Woodstock.
                                                                      In 1852, with Nelson Laycock, started a dry goods
BROUGHTON, -— . Lived near Eastwood, general manager of               business in Elgin Block.
          Great Western.                                              Captain in Militia, veteran of Fenian Raids,
                                                                      always kept good horses.
BOSTWICK, Lt. Col. Henry. Of Oxford Militia, commanded
                                                            BICKLE, William.     Died 1857 buried at Old'St. Paul’s.
          at Nanticoke, died at Woodhouse July 27, 1816,
          aged 34 years.
                                                            BARROWCLOUGH, John.    Member of Baptist Church 1829.
BARR, David. Born at Paisley, Scotland, 1821, died 1875.
          Mary Welch his wife, died 1889 aged 83 yrs.       BROWN, H.P.   On Sept. 8, 1852, Brown's Iron Foundry burned.
          Barr established jewellery business 1840, sold
          to Woodroofe 1864.                                BARTLEY, John.     Surveyor - received commission from Earl of
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3ARTLEY, Oneaipherus. Surveyed in Oxford County.
          Married by Rev. W. B e ttrid g e on J u ly 25, 1844,           BARTLEY, Oneaipherus. Surveyed in Oxford County.
          to Sarah C a r r o ll. W itnesses: D .S. McQueen,                        Married by Rev. W. B e ttrid g e on J u ly 25, 1844,
          Marian M erigold, James M erigold.                                       to Sarah C a r r o ll. W itnesses: D .S. McQueen,
                                                                                   Marian M erigold, James M erigold.
BEARD, Dr. —— . Lived in P a ttu llo house, v e ry kind but
          g r u ff . Died S ep t. 12 , 1886.                             BEARD, Dr. ——* L ived in P a ttu llo house, v e r y kind but
          C hildren: John Henry, James, Jane, C h arles, Mary                      g r u f f . Died S ep t. 1 2 , 1886.
                                                                                   C hildren: John Henry, James, Jane, C h a rles, Mary.
BEARD, C .L .   Died 1902.
                                                                         BEARD, C.L.     Died 1902.
BEARD, Henry.    R.C. died 1893.
                                                                         BEARD, Henry.     R.C. d ied 1893.
BEARD, Robert.    Died 1900. ’
                                                                         BEARD, R obert.    Died 1900. '
BIRCHALL MURDER. Is a ia h W right, a negro, who was doing 20
          days in Woodstock J a i l , dug B u rch all*s grave.           BIRCHALL MURDER. Is a ia h W right, a n egro, who was doing 20
                                                                                   days in Woodstock J a i l , dug BurchaH *s grave.
BENWELL, L ie u t. Col* F.W. Benwell, fa th e r o f F.C. Benwell
          (who was murdered by R. B ir c h a ll) , died a t              BENWELL, L ie u t. C o l. F.W. Benwell, fa th e r o f F .C . Benwell
          Bournemouth, Eng., Feb. 12 , 1896.                                       (who was murdered by R. B ir c h a ll) , died at
                                                                                   Bournemouth, Eng., Feb. 12 , 1896.
BULLER, Capt. (From S.R . 1897, w ritte n by "Tramp” to ld by
          Sam Foe, who liv e d near Drumbo and who helped to             BULLER, Capt. (From S.R. 1897, w ritte n by "Tramp” to ld by
          b u ild f i r s t saw m ill on R iver Thames above Beach-                Sam Foe, who liv e d near Drumbo and who helped to
          v ille .)                                                                b u ild f i r s t saw m ill on R iver Thames above Beach-
          "There were few fa m ilie s in East Zorra or Bland­                      v ille .)
          fo rd . Near Innsrkip were Joseph and Wm. Brown,                         "There were few fa m ilie s in East Zorra or Bland­
         Deacon R a v e ll, Capt. B u lle r and Capt. Lindsay.                     fo rd . Near Innerkip were Joseph and Wm. Brown,
          B u lle r liv e d across the r i v e r about two m iles                  Deacon R a v e ll, Capt. B u lle r and Capt. Lindsay.
         north o f p resen t v i l l a g e . Capt. R id d e ll liv e d             B u lle r liv e d across the r i v e r about two m iles
         south o f the r iv e r on what i s known as Green                         north o f p resen t v i l l a g e . Capt. R id d e ll liv e d
         Stock farm. Ju st south o f him on the opposite                           south o f the r iv e r on what i s known as Green
         bank Capt. Hunter liv e d and on next concession                          Stock farm. Just south o f him on the opposite
         south, Major Barwick. They were h a lf-p a y                              bank Capt. Hunter liv e d and on next concession
         o f f ic e r s who had served under W ellington in Spain,                  south, Major Barwick. They were h a lf-p a y
         P ortugal and a t W aterloo. T h eir s t i f f m ilita r y                o f f ic e r s who had served under W ellington in Spain,
         ways made them ra th e r unpopular but th ey were                          P ortugal and a t W aterloo. T heir s t i f f m ilita r y
         p e r fe c t types o f o ld country gentlemen.                             ways made them ra th er unpopular but they were
         Then the Chambers and Welfords moved in . Mr. Foe                          p e r fe c t types o f old country gentlemen.
         worked f o r Admiral V a n S itta rt fo r a time and                       Then the Chambers and Welfords moved in . Mr. Foe
                                                                                    worked fo r Admiral V a n S itta rt fo r a time and

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                                                                CARROLL, Andrew.. Of West Zorra, had an ancient cutter which
 BURTCH, Archibald. Governor's Road passed his door so he                 he purchased from Jordan Charles. It was made in
           was crowded with travellers. In self defence                   Beachville in 1849 for Charles and was used to •
           had to erect tavern and charged whisky whole­                  drive voters in election of 1851, in which Sir
           sale 15$ gal.                                                  Francis Hincks was the successful candidate.,
           "In 1812 Archibald Burtch, son of Zachariah,
           married Susan Teeple, daughter of Peter Teeple.      CANFIELD, Captain Samuel of New Hampshire. Fought in War of
           [They had] 5 children: Beluda married Rev. W.H.                Revolution. Samuel and his wife Lucy were first
           Landon, she died in 1837.                                      settlers in East Oxford coming with a party of
           Henrietta married John Blow, died 1837 also.                   settlers brought into the district by Col. Thomas
           William Burtch.
           Reuben Burtch married well.             .                      Samuel had 2 sons - Abraham and Samuel.
           Henry Teeple Burtch married Mary Galloway in 1843.
           On June 5, 1824, Mrs. Archibald Burtch died.         CANFIELD, Earl.      1817-1900, also Charlotte Dorman his wife
           On October 28, 1824, he married Jane Blow.
          Archibald Burtch was Deacon in Baptist Church
          for over 41 years." (from Sawtell)                    CANFIELD, Valentine. 1847-1890, also Abigail Scofield his
                                                                          wife 1848-1888.
BURTCH, Grandma. Died Feb. 1896, aged 91. Maiden name was
          Jane Blow, birthplace near Liverpool. Came to
                                                                 CANFIELD, James —
          Canada with mother and stepfather (named Howden).         -Kate, sister of James, was Mrs. Ramsay of St. Marys, had
          Settled in Gobles taking up abode with Elder
                                                                          . one son.
          Goble. Moved to Woodstock, settled on a farm
          known as Joseph Peers farm to east of the town.        CANFIELD, Joel. At Vandecar Dec. 5, 1888, Joel Canfield
          In 1824, she married Archibald Burtch, he died in                aged 83 years, buried at Oxford Centre. His
          1866, she was his second wife.                                   residence - Lot 6, Con. 4, East Oxford.
BURTCH, Reuben Hamilton. Son of Archibald Burtch!s first         CANFIELD, Henry. Bought Henry Nellenis[sic] grocery store
          wife (a daughter of Squire Teeple).                              in Jan. 1895. (S.R.)
          1st child born in Woodstock.
          In 1852, with Nelson Laycock, started a dry goods     . CANFIELD.    Trotter and Canfield opened for business,
          business in Elgin Block.
                                                                              Saturday, June 18, 1904.
          Captain in Militia, veteran of Fenian Raids,
          always kept good horses.                               COTTLE, Thos. J. M.R.C.S. London. Born in the Isle of Nevis
                                                                           West Indies, 1808. Died Jan. 4, 1871.
BICKLE, William.   Died 1857 buried at Old St. Paul’s.
                                                                 COWAN, Jeremiah --- . Settled in Blenheim 1818, as agent
BARROWCLOUGH, John.   Member of Baptist Church 1829.                       for the western lands of Hon. Peter McGill of
                                                                           Montreal. He was first assessor and clerk of
BROWN, H.P.   On Sept. 8, 1852, Brown’s Iron Foundry burned.               township (from History of Brant Co., by Revelle).

BARTLEY, John. Surveyor - received commission from Earl of
- in _
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 COLE, William Willoughby, Earl of Enniskillen (1807-1886).
           (Sir Galbraith, a General in Pensions Sector),        COLE, e.S.J»- (from ,S.R., 1898). Elected Mayor by .acclamation.
           Coles are a Devonshire and Cornwall family,                       Had been nominated for council 7 times, elected
           settled in Ireland,                                               by acclamation 4 times. Spent first 13 years in
                                                                             Durham Co., moved to East Missouri 1862, moved to
 COLE, Samuel Ashton.    Born in Bradnary[sic] Parish, Devon­                Stratford 1878. A stock buyer. Entered council
             shire, Eng. July 27, 1824.                                      first in 1889, was chairman of building committee
             Came to Canada in 1845 when 21 years of age.                    of House of Refuge.    Feb. 1st presented address
             Married in 1847 to Mary McLarty.                                of welcome to Gen. Booth at meeting in Opera House.
             Lived in Durham Co. in the villages of Solina and
             Hampton 19 years.                                   COLE, Thos. and      Fanny Cole celebratated their golden
             Moved on farm in East Missouri Oxford Co. in Nov­             wedding Oct. 11, 1904.
             ember 1863. Died April 16, 1905 aged 81 years, 8       - Thos. born Sept. 28, 1831.
            mths. and 20 days (stroke), buried at Lakeside          - Fanny, born Jan. 5, 1836*
            April 18, 1905 (Sunday afternoon) funeral service       -     Jane, wife of John Cole died in Hampton, Oct. 9, 1903.
            by Rev. Hibbert.                                        - John, died in Toronto, Jan. 5, 1904 (both buried in
    -Mary McLarty, his wife, born Sept. 28, 1827, died Nov.                Bowmanville)
            30, 1911, aged 84 years, 2 mths, 2 days.   (23rd        - Marion(Mrs. Hill), sister of Mrs. John Cole and Mrs. S.A.
            Psalm "What a friend we have in Jesus", "My                    Cole, died April 15, 1903, buried in Seaforth.
            heavenly house is bright and fair",)                    - Mrs. Jas. McLean, only daughter of John and Jane Cole,
    -Children of S.A. and Mary Cole:                                       died Jan. 8, 1908 at Bowmanville - left 1 son and
    -Isabella Grace, born Jan 13, 1848 (Mrs. Wm. Whetstone),               2 daughters
            her husband died Nov. 6, 1915.                          - J.M., gave up teaching 1910, began duties as Public
    -Samuel John, born Sept. 19, 1849, died March 25, 1904.                School Inspector for North Oxford Feb. 1, 1910.
           Mrs. S. Cole died May 3, 1905.
   -Mary Jane, born Dec. 10, 1851 (Mrs. W.P. Johnson)             COLE, Daniel Matthew. Certificate of Baptism - born Oct. 25
           married June 23, 1909.                                           1855, baptized April 16, 1857 by Henry Elliot,
   -Maria Elizabeth, born Sept. 23, 1853 (Mrs. Alfred Allen)                Bible Christian Minister.  (Certificate printed by
           died March 20, 1910'at Detroit, Mich.                            E. Thorne, Orono. In possession of Clarence Cole,
   -Daniel Matthew, born Oct. 25, 1855, married Emma Tay                    Lakeside, Ontario.)
           June 30, 1909, died Aug. 29, 1920.
   -Margaret Ashton, born Dec. 10, 1857, died May 5, 1862.        CRAWFORD, John M.    Gentleman aged 70 years, died March 15,
   -James McLarty, born May 31, 1861, married Katharine                     1875.           .   / .
           Arkell Aug. 14, 1907, died March 15, 1929.
   -William Thomas, born Dec. 11, 1864, married May Eliza­        COOK, Dr. Ephraim, Norwich.         Succeeded Sir Francis Hincks
           beth MeneCsic], Dec. 16, 1896, died May 8, 1948,                  in South Riding Oxford.
           she died June 21, 1926.
                                                                  COOK, Tommie. Brought before Magistrate Squire Wilson and
COLE, Samuel John.  1849-1904.                                              sent down for trial, hanged at Jail.
   -Elizabeth Jane White, wife of S.J. Cole 1857-1905
                                                                  CURRIE, Mrs. Resigned as Janitress of Beale Street School
                                                                            Aug. 13, 1897, after 30 years service.
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                                                                CLARKSON, John. Came from England to Canada 1832, f o r 9
 COAD, James.   Son of Dr. Coad                                           years liv e d in neighbourhood o f “ L i t t l e York” .
                                                                          Married Ann C arr, e ld e s t daughter o f l a t e Thoras
 COAD, Susan Jane Moysey. Wife of Dr. James Foote Coad,                   Carr, n a tiv e o f Y o rk sh ire. She was bom on e s ta te
    -died July 27, 1904, aged 92 years.                                   o f S ir Talon Sykes, came to Canada 1331, to West
            Dr. Coad' told of his acquaintance with Empress               Oxford 1839,
            Eugenie of France wife of Napoleon I I I . During             S e ttle d on Lot 3, Con. 1 , West Oxford, 1841. Had
           her e x ile , she, along with the Prince Imperial              7 sons and 1 daughter? W illiam , Arthur, A lb e r t,
           sought refuge in south of England. Dr. Coad                    Thomas, Henry, George, John and L iz z ie - L iz z ie
           vaccinated her.                                                married S. Dodge, sen o f J as. Dodge, March 3 1 , 1836<
           When Coads came from south of England, f i r s t
           settled in Cincinnati for 1 year. Two of their       CARR, Thomas. Drank a lo t - sen t him up to North Bay d i s t r i c t
           9 children died of smallpox. Wm. died in Ameri­                   buried a t Coimnanda. Son M ilton C arr, was Member
           can C iv il War after the Battle of Bull Run in                   o f Parliam ent up th e r e .
          which he participated; during retreat of Northern        -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carr S r . , buried a t B e a c h v ille
           Army, Coad was exhausted, drank putrid waters           -C arr grandfather c lo c k went to Henry Clarkson
           from ditch and died of fever.                           -Thomas Carr fa th e r o f Mrs. F .B . S c o fie ld
                                                                   -James Carr b u il t house in fro n t o f o r ig in a l
CHARLES, Jordan. Born May 8, 1818, died Sept. 9, 1886.             -A lfr e d Carr has 8-day c lo c k , old books and J a s. C a r r 's
          In S.R. of April 1, 1881, Mrs. Charled home on                     desk
          Bexley Street was advertised for sale as she want­       -James Carr S c o fie ld named a f t e r James Carr
          ed to return to the South.                               -E rn e st James C an field named a f t e r J .C . S c o fie ld
          Charles Jordan, hotel keeper in Beachville, a            -James L e fle r named a f t e r E .J . C an field
          great p o liticia n andas his reward - custom house      -David James Stevenson named a f t e r E .J . C an field
          o ffice in Woodstock, (bricks in house brought
          over from England as ballast in ships).               CARLYLE, W.A. Made p ro fesso r o f Mining and M etallurgy at
          [see JORDAN, Charles]                                           M cGill. Now, Government o f B r itis h Columbia,
                                                                          o ffered term p o sitio n o f P ro v in cia l Superintend­
CURTIS, D. United Empire Loyalist who, after war, came to                 ent o f Mines and S ta te G e o lo g ist.
          Oxford County, also fought for Britain in War of
          1812.                                                  CARLYLE, Mrs. Wm. Died F rid ay, December 20, 1912 (Emily
          His son, David, appointed Collector of Customs-                  Youmans). Born a t P icton 1834. Her fam ily United
          Brantford, 1853, (following Valentine Hall who                   Empire L o y a lis t s , attended variou s in s t it u t io n s of
          held the position 1 year), Curtis resigned 1876.                 learn in g in Canada and United S ta te s .
          He was prominent in military a ffa irs.   Mrs.                   Became lady p r in c ip a l o f a c o lle g e in North
          Judge Hardy his daughter. (Revelle's History of                  C arolin a, a p o sitio n she held u n til outbreak o f
          Brantford)                                                       C iv il War. While atten d in g a co-ed u catio n al
                                                                           in s tit u t io n a t Fort Edward, N .Y ., she met her
CARR family came from Yorkshire, England and fir s t settled               husband who was a ls o a stu den t. Well equipped
          near Toronto, Came to Oxford 1838.                                in t e l l e c t u a l l y , a woman o f broad and thorough
                                                                           c u ltu re .
CLARKSON family also came from Yorkshire. Clarkson and Carr
          married 1841 by Canon Bettridge.
- 14 ~                                                      COVENTRY, W.
- 17 -
                                  16 -
                                                                                                      He had a k in d h e a r t and s t e r l i n g p r i n c i p l e .
                                                                                                      L i b e r a l and generous in h i s g iv in g .
DANCER, M rs. F o rm erly M artha B a rto n .
                                                                                                      Chairm an o f th e sch o o l bo ard f o r many y e a rs
          A tte n d ed B e t tr id g e f i r s t s e r v ic e 1834. G overness                        1 s t T r e a s u re r o f Knox C hurch, a ls o P r e c e n to r .
          t o B e t tr id g e c h i l d r e n . T aught p r i v a t e s c h o o l,
                                                                                                      Mr. D ouglas d ie d Dec. 12, 1896.
          l i v e d t h e r e 1876, on C a n te rb u ry S t r e e t n e x t to
          o u r b a rn .
                                                                                        DOUGLAS, M alcolm. Born Dec. 2 0 , 1859. H is f a t h e r Jo h n
          M arried Jam es Snarey o f Y o rk s h ire , E n g ., a
                                                                                                  D ouglas J r . , came h e re in 1837. M. learned ,
          b r i c k l a y e r , on Aug. 9 , 1836. Jam es d ie d May
          2 3 , 1858 aged 66 y e a r s .                                                          tr a d e o f s a d d le r and fo llo w e d i t f o r 9 y r s .
                                                                                                  P a s t P r e s , o f Reform A s s o c ia tio n o f N o rth O xford.
                                                                                                  I n 1885 was f i r s t e l e c t e d to town c o u n c il .
DOUGLAS, Jo h n . Born i n G a l a s h i e l s , n e a r D u m fries, S c o t­
           la n d , O c t. 3 1 , 1813, th e y o u n g e st o f 6 c h i l d r e n .
                                                                                        DEVERALL. L iv ed fo rm e rly on C hapel and P e e l S t s . S e x to n
           H is f a t h e r d ie d when he was a y e a r o ld . Appren­
                                                                                                  o f B a p t is t C hapel. S exton o f Old S t . P a u l 's .
           t i c e d h im s e lf , f i r s t t o p r i n t e r i n D um fries, th e n             Was o ld s o l d i e r . L ived on c o rn e r o f T eep le and
           t o l e a t h e r firm in G a la s h ie ls w here he le a r n e d
           th e s a d d le t r a d e .                                                            D undas, w e st c o rn e r. (M rs. Chimmer, h i s daugh­
           When 20 y e a r s o ld came to Canada; w ent f i r s t to                              te r)
           M o n treal and a f t e r a s t a y o f s e v e r a l months w ent
                                                                                        DE BLAQUIERE, H enry. M arried M arg aret L u c r e tia L ig h t
           t o Dundas. S tayed th e r e 2 y e a r s .
                                                                                                         O ct. 17, 1848. Lived in c o tta g e e r e c te d in 1838
           On Nov, 3 0, 1837, John D ou g las, by tr a d e a s a d d le r
                                                                                                         by Thomas Spencer S h o r t. L ived a t E a s td e n e .
          and h a rn e s s m aker, f i r s t s e t f o o t i n W oodstock.
                                                                                                         Henry p la n te d t r e e s a t E astd en e b ro u g h t from h i s
          Through th e in flu e n c e o f E l i j a h N e l l i s he was
          p e rsu a d e d to come.                                                                       farm a t H ickson. F a th e r o f Lord de B la q u ie r e .
                                                                                           - C h a r le s , m a rrie d C a ro lin e Dora B e ttr id g e A p ril 10,
          The Old S ta g e r o u te was th e o n ly means o f t r a v e l .
                                                                                                         1865, (C h a rle s 46 y r s , Dora 2 5 ). P o s t M a ste r,
          On a r r i v a l he p u t up a t L e w is' H o te l in E a st End.
                                                                                                         liv e d a t o ld H u n tin g fo rd P la c e , Dundas e a s t .
          T hat same n i g h t John Lewis was b o rn ( f i r s t h u s ­
                                                                                           -H on. P e te r B oyle, a p p o in te d Crown Warden o f D i s t r i c t ,
          band o f M rs. Dr. F i e l d ) , t h i s was th e f i r s t b i r t h
          a tte n d e d by D r. T urquand.                                                               an a b le and p o p u la r man.
                                                                                           -A g n es, w ife o f C h arles d ie d March 3 , 1 8 6 4 .[ 1 s t w if e ]
          D ouglas r e n t e d a sm a ll s t o r e i n E a s t End (now
                                                                                           - C h a r le s , so n o f C h a rle s and Agnes d ie d 1860, aged 2 y rs
          o c cu p ie d by Mrs. Brown), p a r t o f i t was used by
          D r. J . S . S t r a t f o r d . D ouglas s ta y e d th e r e 2 y r s .                   ... .5 m ths.
                                                                                           -C h a s, b o m Nov. 7, 1819, d ie d J u ly 14, 1869. E ld e r son
          th e n moved i n to s t o r e ( a f te r w a r d s J e n k in s ) . I t
         was a fram e s t o r e and t h i s was bu rned down and                                         o f C has, and Agnes.
         r e b u i l t 1856.                                                               - I s a b e l E l i s e , d a u g h te r o f Hon. P e te r Boyle de B la q u ie re
                                                                                                         m a rrie d in 1870 to Gen. S i r W illiam P o lle x f e n
          I n 1840 he m a rrie d C a th a rin e M urray, d a u g h te r o f
                                                                                                         R a d c lif f e K.C.B. (b o rn 1823, k n ig h te d 1886, d ie d
         D onald M urray. (She was a s i s t e r o f W.C. Mc­
                                                                                                         1 8 9 7 ). They re s id e d a t M ortim er, M ortim er,
         Leod's f i r s t w ife ) H is w ife d ie d i n 1847 and in
         1856 he m a rrie d M arion M cTaggart o f C lin to n . In                                       B e rk s h ire , E ngland.
         e a r l y y e a r s a s s o c ia te d w ith M i l i t i a . In 1837 he             -E m ily L a u ra , d a u g h te r o f Hon. P .B . de B. b a p tis e d by
         s h o u ld e re d h i s m usket, c lo s e d th e shop door and                                  B e ttr id g e A pr. 29, 1838
                                                                                            -L o u is a Agnesi aged 16, co nfirm ed i n 1866.
         p ro c e ed e d w ith l o c a l company in s e a rc h o f r e b e l s .
         D ouglas was a man o f g r e a t f o r c e o f c h a r a c t e r .                 -Hon. ( B i l l i e ) de B la q u ie re , Lord de B la q u ie re m a rrie d
19 -
                                                                           DEEDES, Edmund. Lived on B ea ch v ille Road l a t e l y . S h e r iff
               Mrs. Desbarats o f M ontreal. ( T i t l e d e fu n c t).               o f Simcoe C o ., died 1892, aged 82 y e a r s.
    -P e ter de B laq u iere (son o f Chas, de B laq u iere) and Paul         -Anne Bruce, youngest daughter o f Major G.R. Keely o f
               B ettrid g e disapp eared.                                             the Hon. F .R .C .S ., was w ife o f E. Deedes .
    -P e te r la w fu l h e ir - so t i t l e went to B i l l i e .
    -L ouisa m arried John Matheson, v e ry b e a u t if u l. Had          DEEDES, Robert. Was 8th son o f Wm. Deedes , aged 46 y e a r s ,
               a f f a i r w ith Paul B e ttr id g e . Boarded with Mrs.             died 1856.
               Jordan C h a rle s a f t e r m arriage.
    -P ic tu r e s o f ’’The P o p la rs" and Henry de B laquiere in       DEEDES, C olon el. Received grant o f 200 acres from Crown
               John Ross Robertson c o lle c t io n .                                  in 1837 and ere cted a fin e o ld house o f sundried
    -Lord and Lady de B laquiere l e f t f o r England in 1890 to                      b r ic k s , (n ext owner John H. Brown, the f l a x man;
               take up re sid e n c e in one o f the mansions which he                 3rd, S.H. James; 4 th , E.B. V arey).
               had f a l l e n h e ir t o .                                            C ol. Deedes su c ce ssfu l e x h ib ito r o f f r u i t and
                                                                                       v e g e ta b le s (see Old S t . P a u l's p a p er).
DIBBLE, Dr. D.M. P h y sicia n and surgeon, over R. McDonald,                          Died 1892, aged 82 y e a r s . He was son o f Wm.
          3 doors e a s t o f Post O ffic e (S.R . S ep t. 29, 1863)                   Deedes o f Sandling Park, Kent, Eng.
          buried in P re sb y te ria n Cemetry.
                                                                           DUNN.   On boundary lin e o f E. and W. M issou ri, Lot 22, is
DIBBLE, W.E. & Co. D ru g g ists. 2 doors e a s t o f J o s .                         a b e a u tifu l homestead (now occupied-1896-by Wm.
          R obinson's g ro cery, c e n tr a l Woodstock.                              T allon ) who w ith other members o f h is fam ily
                                                                                      hewed th a t home out o f the f o r e s t . John T allon
DIBBLE, E lk o n n y [sic ]. U ncalled f o r l e t t e r 1864.                        was born in County Meath, Ire la n d , h is w ife was
   -L o u is, Asa C h e ster, Lydia Harry on Baptist Roll 1822.                       B ridget Sheridan. In Sept. 1843 they s a ile d fo r
                                                                                      Canada, the journey tak in g 8 weeks. They had
DORMAN, Harry. At h is Inn a t C athcart on Jan. 21, 1850,                            been preceeded by th e ir ch ild ren in 1841 - one
         was held f i r s t meeting o f Burford Township                              o f whom i s Mrs. Dunn - to north o f town. They
         C oun cil.                                                                   lo cated on a C lergy Reserve farm near I n g e r s o ll.
                                                                                      Rev. Mr. Rothwell was near th e re .
DELATRE.  "Sacred to the memory o f P h illip Chesneau                                The Dunns were married in 1848, liv e d f i r s t on
          D e la tre , l a t e L t. C o l. in the B r it is h Army:                   V a n s itta r t ( in Hugh Gunn’ s house) u n til 1871
          born Feb. 2 7, 1777 died S ep t. 29, 1818 and h is                          when he moved north o f Woodstock. For th is park
          w ife born Dec. 5, 1775, died Dec. 1 7 , 18 15 ."                           lo t o f 5 a cres he gave 100. lb s f lo u r , 1 sugar
   -Wm. Edward D ela tre born Feb. 20, ----- , died May 22,                           k e t t l e , plough and 25$ in money.
   -Emma Mary, w ife o f Robert S . D ela tre died 1856.                   DONALDSON, Wm. Came from Cumberland, England with parents
                                                                                     in 1840. His fa th e r kept Cumberland Inn a t
DUNCOMBE, Dr. Chas, o f Burford, Member o f Reform P a rty.                          S tr a th a lla n . W illiam was a su c c e ssfu l farmer
          A man o f a b i l i t y , convincing speaker, member                       and won gold medal f o r b est farm in th is d i s t r i c t
          f o r Oxford a t 13th P arliam en t, ex p elle d and                       (400 a c r e s ) , noted breeder o f pure bred sto ck .
          R.H. Hunter e le c te d to f i l l h is p la c e .
                                                                            DREW, Capt. Andrew.      Died Dec. 19, 1878 (then Admiral Drew)
DUNCAN, Dr. George o f Embro, d ied 1896 aged 76 y e a rs,
          p r a c tis e d in Embro f o r 40 y e a rs.
- 20 -                                                                  - 21 -

 in h is 87th y ear.                                            EDEN, George.    Appointed Town Clerk 1880.      T reasurer 1893.
 15 y ears old when he en tered th e Royal Navy,
 saw a c tiv e se rv ic e a t sieg e o f Copeiihagan: on        EAGAN, James. Died 1851 aged 59 y e a rs. Had been sapper
 n o rth shore of Spain. Promoted to L ie u t, on                         and m iner, got discharge in 1834 a t Quebec.
 co ast o f A frica in 1814. In 1824 rewarded fo r                        E arly s e t t l e r in Woodstock. 4 in fam ily:
 h is services w ith rank o f Commander.                                  M argaret; John, one o f f i r s t members o f f i r e
 U n til 1839 (August) he held c h ie f command on Lake                   b rigade; Maurice; James, a Mayor o f London and
 E rie - ready to r e s i s t any a tta c k s th a t might be             government in sp ecto r of weights and measures.
 attem pted by re b e ls . Drew’s l a s t appointment
a f lo a t was to th e command o f th e "Wasp" in th e          EDDINGTON, J.D . Died in Woodstock 1890.        Connected w ith
West In d ies s ta tio n . Here he discovered and                         Gore Bank.
a c c u ra te ly surveyed a dangerous shoal known on
Adm iralty C harts as Drew’s Rock.                              ELVES, R. (Bob). Gentleman of means. He loved a good
On June 16, 1843 he a tta in e d h is p o rt rank and                     horse and could rid e i t w ith grace. Imported a
fo r many years was in charge of the s to re s a t                        b e a u tifu l grey race mare c a lle d V ic to ria .
Cape of Good Hope. In January 1863 he a tta in e d                        Bought"Dunelg’’ from J.G . V a n S itta rt. Splendid
rank o f Rear Admiral, Vice Admiral in May 1869                           c r ic k e te r . (Wait Maddock d u e l). Richard James
and Admiral in 1875.                                                      Cary Elves of Bisby, County o f Lincoln.
- 22 -

 FAUQUIER, Frederick Dawson. Born at Malta, June 1817.
           elected 1st Bishop of Algoma 1873, died 1881.                 the Necropolis in Toronto.
                                                                  -1st wife, Jane, daughter of James Thomson of La Praire
           Rector of Huntingford, began Ministry Nov. 2,
                                                                         Quebec, she and 2 children died 1847
           1845j refeigned Oct, 26, 1872 (afterwards Bishop
                                                                  -2nd wife, Rebecca S. Kendall of Boston, Mass., married
           of Algoma).
    -Andrew, lived in J.R. Shaw house on Riddell Street                   in 1848.

    -Philip, widower                                            FURY, Michael.   Used to travel to Goderich for fish.

    -Ned, wealthy contractor in Hudson                          FRANCIS, A.W. Born in Chester, Eng. July 14, 1835.
    -Fanny Grace, wife of Frederick D. Fauquier died 1882                 Entered broker’s office in Liverpool, an able
           aged 34 (?).                                                   book-keeper and accountant.
    -Isabelle Mary died 1866 aged 47 years.                               Came to Canada 1858. Was in Division Court
                                                                          Office. County Clerk’s office. Also, with T.J.
 FAUQUIER, Capt. ’’The funeral of the late Capt. Fauquier,                Clark in oil refining business. Purchased "Times"
           Royal Navy Reserve of Victoria, B.C., took                     newspaper, an old established Conservative paper
           place at Vancouver on the 14th. Deceased was a                 in 1876, was editor for 13 years. Went to front
           native of Woodstock, Ont., his father being                    with Oxford Rifles in Fenian Raids. Was in Town
           Rector there at the time and subsequently Bishop               Council-Mayor twice.    Killed in St. George
           of Algoma.                                                     accident 1889.
           At the age of 12, Capt. Fauquier went to England
           and went through his course of training on the       FINKLE, Henry. Died March 17, 1853 aged 45 years. Henry
           "Conway" for entrance to Royal Navy. He, how­                  appointed Lieutenant of 2nd Regt. Oxford Militia
                                                                          Jan. 19, 1838; Captain of 2nd Batt, in 1851.
           ever, entered Mercantile Marine and was in
           command of some of the finest vessels in the                   Reeve of Woodstock 1852.
           Australian trade. At the time of his death he
           had the rank of Lieutenant in Royal Navy Reserve.'   FINKLE, Henry John. Son of Henry and Jemima Finkle,
                                                                          christened Apr. 6, 1845. Born Jan. 17, 1845.
FARMER, — . Built Craigowan on 12th line (Dunlop)                  -Mrs. H.J. Finkle died Mar. 18, 1914.
   -Mrs. Farmer -                                                  -Children of Henry and Jemima Finkles
   -Arthur Augustus Farmer                                         -Mary Elizabeth 1837-1863
                                                                   -Margaret 1848-1867
FRIZELLE, Joseph. Of Old Ross Co., Wexford, Ireland,               -Alex, (son of John and Martha Finkle) christened 1841.
          died July 21, 1847 aged 37 years.
   -Samuel S., son of Francis Frizelle died Aug. 25, 1887        FINKLE, Helen Jane. Married by Bettridge to Richard
          aged 76 years.                                                   Dennison, Oct. 12, 1864.

FYFE, R.A.     Born Oct. 20, 1816 at St. Philipe, Que. near      FINKLE, H.J. and Emma Jane Noad married by Rev. Wm.
             Montreal. Of Scottish extraction (lived where                 Bettridge Oct. 17, 1872.
             old Karn House was on Wilson). Principal of
             College 1860-1878, succeeded by Jas. E. Wells.      FINKLE, Judge Alexander. Born 1843. Passed examination of
             Died Sept. 4, 1878 aged 62 years, buried in                   Law Society at 17 yrs of age, entered office of
                                                                           D.G. Millar, called to Bar 1864. Admitted to Bar
- 24 -
                                                                               - 25 -

          in Winnipeg 1883, practised law there a     GRAHAM, Catharine Fortesque married Wm. Murray April 6,
          short time then returned to Ontario and               1840
          appointed Judge at Woodstock, on death         -Letitia Phelps, married Thomas John Cottle, May 18,
          of Judge D.S. McQueen.                                1847
                                                         -Octavia, married Richard Lacy Sept. 27, 1853
FAYRER, Richard. Son of Rev. Joseph Fayrer, Vicar
                                                         -Philip, Commander of Royal Navy, died June 25, 1849
          of St. Teath and Prebendary of Endullion
                                                                aged 57
          in Cornwall, Eng.
                                                         -Fortesque had a beautiful bass voice
          Tablet erected by engineering co. of
                                                         -Mary, wife of Philip Graham, buried Jan, 5, 1866
          Woodstock and Lake Erie Railway and
                                                                aged 74 years
          Harbour Co., 1854.
                                                         -Caroline Fanny King, 7th surviving daughter of the
FRASER, Capt. Wm. Celebrated 75th birthday in April             Late Captain Philip Graham R.N. of Woodstock
                                                                married George Robert Clayton of Higher
          1890. Born near Dornoch in 1815. Came
                                                                Broughlon, Manchester, youngest son of the late
          to Canada 67 years ago (1830).
                                                                Wm. Clayton of Langcliffe Place, on Thursday,
FRANCIS, Mrs. A.W. Died in Dec. 1896. Was born in               4th April, 1864 at St. James Church, New Brigh­
                                                                ton, near Liverpool, by the Rev. Wm. Clayton,
          Calcutta, India 64 years ago, daughter of
                                                                Rector of Bentham, Yorkshire (brother of the
          Capt. Shepherd or Truro, England, who was
          in East Indian service. In 1856 married
          A.W. Francis at Liverpool. Came to Canada
                                                      GREIG, John died June 24, 1883 aged 75 years
          1858 - a long journey, 11 weeks.‘
                                                         -Mary, infant, died Aug. 22, 1841
                                                         -Harriet Menzies, daughter of John and Mary Greig,
                                                                distiller, christened April 7, 1844

                                                      GREY,   Wm.     On Tuesday, March 29, 1881 married MTs.
                                                                    Freeman, formerly of Woodstock at Kincardine

                                                      GREY,- Thos. Died Jan. 23, 1855 in 63rd year, his wife,
                                                                Jane, March 19, 1859 in 60th year.

                                                      GREIG, Harriet and D.J. McKinnon married by Rev. Wm.
                                                                Bettridge, May 14, 1872. Witnesses! Lizzie
                                                                Greig and Cecelia Strachan

                                                      GREY, William. Born Oct. 18, 1812, died Mar. 23,.1904.
                                                         -Sussanah Grey died March 21, 1880.
                                                         -Lucinda died Dec. 25, 1890
                                                         -Amanda Jane, July 9, 1890 (Blessed are the dead which
                                                                die in the Lord)
                                                         -John George (only child of Wm. and Sussanah, died Dec.
                                                                1st, 1859 (doctor).
- 26 -
                                                                                     27 -
GUPPY, --   Died June 3, 1887.
                                                                       & Bain, George H. Elliott and Thomas Cheer,
GORDON, Adam.   Died .1887.                                            Wally Jones, John Lockhart, James White, Henry
                                                                       Bishop builder. R.R. Hunter, John Greig and
GOURLAY, Robert Fleming. Came to Canada at 55 years of                 Robert Lynn the first trustees.
          age. He was born in Fifeshire, Scotland. He
           styled himself “The Banished Briton” .             GRANT, John M. Born in Elgin, Scotland. Came to Canada
          His wife had 400 odd acres in Dereham Township                when 5 years old, where father engaged in tanning
          Oxford Co., and he bought himself as much and                 business and retail boot and shoe business;
          decided to come to Province to see what could be              Invented a system of oak tanning which greatly
          done with land. Arrived June 1817. Was ill for                reduced the time it takes to tan leather.
          several months after he arrived and for seditious             This system he first introduced to the American
          libel was arrested by Government and committed                Oak Tanners of the United States; was quoted at
          to jail in Niagara. It was 8 months before his                that time in the trade journal "Hide and Leather"
          trial came up at the Assizes.                                 as being the leading tanning expert of America
          Gourlay was first to agitate abuses under                     and was invited to Germany to introduce the
          tyrannical rule of Family Compact, (see docu­
                                                                        system there.
          ments)                                                        Member of town council. Mayor in 1882 and 1883.
                                                                        Staunch Liberal. Due to his enterprise, Cottle
GARVIN, John. (B.A. in 1887). Born near Lyden, Went--                   Swamp was developed into residential section and
          worth, March 19, 1859. Educated at Barrie and                 Grant Street named in his honour.
          Welland. Prinipal of Woodstock Public School,
          married Lizzie Appelbe.                             GWILLIM, Colonel Thos. Admiral Graves was the Godfather
                                                                        of Simcoe and his wife was the widow of Gwillim.
GIBSON, Anna Grace. Daughter of James and Margaret Gibson
          Lieut. Royal Navy, christened Aug. 26, 1836
   -Helen Mary, daughter of James and Margaret Gibson,
          christened June 4, 1838
   -James, Lieut. Royal Navy, April 11, 1839 aged 43.

GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Cost $2000 of which $780 was granted by
          government, balance paid by subscription, school
          erected in 1848,

GOODWIN, Christopher. 1st school teacher. Goodwin school­
          house built by subscription 1839. Subscribers of
         ^1.5s. and upwards were: R.R. Hunter, R. Riddell
         Henry Bishop, Levi H. Perry, Thomas Love, John
         Greig, Henry VanSittart Sr., Mrs. East, James
         Gibson, Col. Light, John Harrison, Elijah Nelles
         John Hatch, Joseph Peers, William Danby, Hendry
- 28 -                                                               - 29 -

 HUNTINGFORD CHURCH, (see Scrapbook "Church")                                      Oneida, across Lake to Oswego R iver then in to
    -Church began in 1839 completed 1844                                           Lake Ontario and across to B urlin gton Bay and
    - 1 s t R ector - Rev. Ed. Huntingford, remained here 1%                       landed s a fe ly near where S ir A lla n McNab’ s
               y e a r s , return ed to England, l a t e r became Curate           c a s t le stands.
               o f W inchester Cathedral                                           Goods then drawn by oxen and roughly made sled s
   - 1 s t s e r v ic e - Whit Sunday 1844                                         to Blenheim. The m ill was erected and in work­
   -Church consecrated by Bishop Strachan . Sept. 22, 1854                         ing order in 1795. Before i t was run a t a l l , the
   -F re d e ric k Dawson Fauquier began m in istry Nov. 2, 1845                   dam broke and was not r e b u ilt u n t il 1797. A
              resign ed O ct. 26, 1872                                             g r i s t m ill was a lso e re c te d . I t was burned down
              T ab let in Church (see Cemetry Book)»                               in 1806 and never r e b u ilt .
              "Rev. F.D. Fauquier f o r 28 years r e c to r o f t h is             The "o ld Hornor homestead" was b u i l t o f boards
              P a rish , 8 years Lord Bishop o f Algoma, died 1881                  sawed a t t h is m ill.
              aged 64 years                                                         Simcoe was r e c a lle d and the new Governor did not
              Rev. Thos. Huntingford died 1855 V ica r o f Kenis-                   reco g n ize the Hornor’ s claim and he was cheated
              fo rd , G lo u c e ste rsh ire , England."                            ( c h is s e le d ) out o f h is township because i t had
                                                                                    become sa le a b le through h is work and expense.
HORNOR, Thomas.        F ir s t white s e t t l e r in the County o f               In 1798, Mar. 22, he was Captain o f N orfolk
           Oxford and fo r many years i t ’ s r e p r e s e n ta tiv e .            M i l i t i a . On June 16, 1806, he was appointed
          Was born March 17 , 1767 a t Borden Town, New                             Deputy L ieu ten a n t.o f Oxford County, y e t in the
          J e rse y , then a Colony o f Great B r ita in .                          beginning o f Nov. o f 1812, he was rep o rted as a
          Was m arried in 1801 by C o l. J a s. I n g e r s o ll, J .P .            person not to be tru sted and H. Bostwick was
          Died in B urford, Aug. 4, 1834 o f c h o le ra .                           appointed L ie u t. Colonel Oxford M i l i t i a .
          His u n cle , Thomas Watson, had during R e v o lu tio n -,                S everal attempts had been u n su c c e ssfu lly made to
          a ry War rendered Col. Simcoe some e s s e n t ia l                        get the Grand River Indians to jo in the expedi­
          s e r v ic e a f t e r he had been taken p riso n er by                    tio n then being formed-by General Brock to
          Americans. This s e r v ic e was not fo rg o tte n and                     a tta c k D e tr o it. Mr. Hornor, with h is knowledge
         when he was appointed the f i r s t Governor o f                            and in flu en ce among the In d ian s, c o lle c t e d 75
         Upper Canada, wrote to Mr. Watson to com% him­                              w arriors and marched to scene o f a c tio n . He was
          s e l f and to bring frie n d s and r e la tio n s and                     a t the fr o n t ie r fo r 2 or 3 weeks and had sta rte d
         promised them a whole township.                                             fo r hciue when he was summoned back by Gen.
         Mr. Watson r e ly in g on the Governor’ s prom ise,                         P roctor and he and h is men returned to fr o n t ie r .
         sent h is son Thomas, and h is nephew Thos. Horner                          Next w in ter he shouldered h is musket and entered
         in 1793. The land was surveyed and the s i t e fo r                         ranks as a P riv a te .
         a m ill s e le c te d (one o f the con d ition s th a t                      ( F i r s t Member fo r Oxford County 1820 and
         e n t it le d them to a township).                                           continued with exception o f 2 years u n t il 1834.-
         Horner went back to U .S.A , and in Albany, N .Y .,                          when he d ied .
         purchased m a terials and engaged mechanics to
         e r e c t th e f i r s t m ill erected in Oxford County.          HORNOR, Mrs. Thome o f Parit., grand-daughter o f Thos.
         Goods were packed in 2 sm all roughly made boats                           Hornor, daughter o f Thos® J . Hornor, a ls o , a
         and launched on the Hudson R iv er, proceeded to                            grand-daughter of Capt. Turner o f Governor's
         Newark, and up the r i v e r 100 m ile s. Boats and                         Road. A n iece o f M anilla Turner, who married
         goods were c a rrie d across Norval Creek to Lake                           David Marks’, ( B a p tis t).
- 31
                             - 30
                                                              HOLCROFT, Lieutenant Thos.   Commissioned Nov. 6, 1838.
HAY, James. On May 17, 1844 announces that he has
                                                              HUSTON, William Henry. Born at Whitby June 17, 1859,
          commenced cabinet making in the shop lately
                                                                        graduated from Collegiate there, 1876. Went
          occupied by Messrs. Greig and Green, nearly
                                                                        to Toronto University, won Gilchrist schol­
          opposite "Woodstock Hotel”, where he intends
                                                                        arship. Taught 4 years at Whitby Collegiate
          to keep an assortment of furniture on hand
                                                                        then was appointed Head House Master at
          and fancy common chairs.
                                                                        Pickering College for 1 year, then became
                                                                        Principal. On Dec. 25, 1882 married Miss
HAY, John.     Died January 9, 1905, born January 26,
                                                                        Carrie Taylor of Fonthill. In 1886 became
             1832 in County of Antrim, Ireland. Came to
                                                                        Head Master of English at Toronto Colleg­
             Canada with family 1835 - stayed in Toronto
                                                                        iate. In 1889 became Principal of Wood-
             for short time. Entered boot and shoe
                                                                        stock Baptist College. Was brought up
             business in 1855 in store where Karn’s Drug
                                                                        Episcopalian, died 1892 and buried in
             Store is, remained in business there until
                                                                        Baptist Cemetery. Widow remarried to Dr.
             1873. His wife was Agnes Parker, sister of
                                                                        Chas. Karn.
             T.H. Parker, 1855.
                                                              HUNTER, David Hamilton. Born July 4, 1845 near
HOLLAND, Major Samuel.     Surveyor General of Canada 1792.
                                                                        Brampton, educated at Public School No. 6
                                                                        South Dumfries (where family moved in 1857);
HINCKS, Sir Francis. When County divided, he was el­
                                                                        then at Paris and Galt Grammar Schools, mat­
          ected for South Riding. Afterwards appointed
                                                                        riculated with honours into Toronto Univers-,
          Governor of Windward Islands.
                                                                        ity 1862, attended 1 year then taught school
          Canada's first great national financier, was
                                                                        in South Dumfries 1 year. Next was Princi­
          Inspector General and declared all the rebels
                                                                        pal of St. George Public School for 4 years.
          were justified in taking up arms. Rebellion
                                                                        Went back to University and received his B.A.
          Losses Bill for $100,000 made good to the
                                                                        in 1871. Taught 1 year at Rockwood Academy.
          rebels all losses, or alleged losses, they
                                                                        In 1872 went to Waterdown for 12 years and
          had sustained in the Rebellion. The Loyal­
                                                                        in 1884 came to Woodstock as Principal of
          ists naturally resented this, feeling that
                                                                        High School, following Geo. Strachan - 6
          after they had risked their lives to
                                                                        teachers on staff than. Married Eunice
          preserve Canada for England, they should not
                                                                        Kitchen of Brantford, 4 childrens James,
          be taxed to reward the rebels. Lord Elgin,
                                                                        William, Eva and Spencer.
          Governor General, gave assent to the Bill and
          trouble was brewing. In fact it was felt
                                                              HILL, Nathaniel. Died Nov. 5, 1847 aged 85 ysars,
          Canada was ready to revolt.
                                                                        buried in Methodist Cemetery). With
                                                                        Francis Babbitt, John Barrowclough-, Henry Lam
HOLCROtl, Major W. 1812—14 participated at Queenston
                                                                         -port and — Dibble, cleared that portion
          Heights and Fort George.
                                                                        of Woodstock which is in Blandford. On
                                                                        May 27, 1836, Nathaniel Hill, Innkeeper,
HOLCROFT, Colonel Wm. of 5th Regiment, Oxford. Fought
                                                                        purchased No. 1, VahSittart Ave. and No. 1,
          in the Rebellion of 1837 (East Missouri,
                                                                        Light Street7 Elgin Hotel, West Woodstock,
          west and north Oxford). Commissioned Feb. 8
          1838.                                                         good apcomodation, rupericr stabling, attent­
                                                                        ive hostelers.
- 32 -                                                   - 33 -

  HATCH, Jno . Native of Cheshire, England, emigrated      HOLTBY, Visherman. Died 1896 - came to Canada with
                                                                     his father Rev. Matthias Holtby and family
             to Oxford Nov. 30, 1820. Died Nov. 30,
            1853 aged 66 years. Methodist Cemetery.                  1830, settled in Muddy York. Lived in
            Woodside Farm. Sally, wife of Jno . Hatch                Oxford County 35 years, coming in 1861.
            died 1879 aged 92 years. Childred of .Jnos
     “Alexander, died 1841                                 HENDRY, Thos. "The Hendry's left Scotland in 1830
     -James, son of Squire Hatch, married —— Weeks,                  and settled in Woodstock. George Hendry
                                                                     married Catharine McKay the same year (1830)
            lived on Primrose Hill. (John Peers)
     -John, son of Squire, married Elizabeth Laycock.                she being only 18 yrs. of age (her father
                                                                     was a teacher in Dornoch, Sutherlandshire,
 HATCH, Joseph. Married Harriet (died 1900) Sudworth                 Scotland, his name was Angus McKay). In
           May 20, 1850.                                              1837 George Hendry was a rebel under Wm.
                                                                      Lyon McKenzie. He was quite a speaker and
 HATCH, Jas.   Married to Ann S. Lakeman Dec. 3, 1852.                previous to the Rebellion was a stump
                                                                      speaker for W.L. McKenzie. He was hidden
 HATCH, Mary. Wife of Edmund Shepherd (1800-61) born                  by friends in Oxford Co. after the Rebell­
           1816, died 1883. Mary Hatch was a sister of                ion, but was afterwards pardoned. Do not
           Wm., Jas., John and Hy Peers.                              know what part he took in Rebellion other
                                                                      than he was a speaker for W.L. McKenzie."
 HATCH, Miss Isabelle. On Sept. 30, 1886 was given a                   (given to Mr. L.P. Clement by descendant
           farewell at a joint meeting of church and                  of Hendry's.)
           college. She left for India to work among           -Geo. Hendry was buried Oct. 6, 1847 (aged 44
           the Telequ's.                                              yrs.) by Rev. Bettridge. Geo. Hendry was
                                                                      on executive of first library 1835.
 HATCH, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph were both ill at the same
            time and Rev. T.G. Wallace called on them       HALL, Valentine.    5th County Clerk.
           he decided to administer(?) communion.
           Not knowing where to find any bread in the       HUNTER, R.H. The 13th Parliament was from March 4,
           house he went across the road to William                   1837 to Feb'y. 10, 1840. Oxford was re­
           Canfields to ask for some. Miss Carrie who                 presented by Robert Allway and Charles
                                                                      Duncombe, the latter was expelled from the
           was very, very deaf answered the door and the
           clergyman asked for a slice of bread. She                  House and in 1838, R.H. Hunter was elected
           left him standing at the door and returned                  in his place. (Dr. A. McKay)
           with two generous slices of well buttered                   Died on eve of marriage to Miss Holcroft
          bread! The reverend gentleman thanked her                    (only daughter of Col. Wm. Holcroft).
                                                                       Bullen and Hunter lived in Blandford, 2
          most graciously but as she was so deaf he
          did not explain that it was not hunger that                  miles north of Innerkip. They had stiff
          prompted him to beg for bread.                               military ways and were rather unpopular.
                                                                       They were perfect types of old country
HATCH, Charles.’ A portrait painter. A portrait of J.                  gentlemen, (see Graham's diary).
          McLaurier hangs in College Chapel, a port­
          rait of Mrs. McLaurier sent to India.              HUNTER, Rollo.    Went to Perth, Scotland, afterwards
                                                                       Gemrmany.    (Zella Watson)
.   1
                                                                                                                                                      ■                           I
                                                        34 —                                                                            ” 35 -                                    1
                                                  '            . “ SASSI
                                                                                                     i IZZARD, H enry. S chool T e a c h e r, d ie d Novi 1896 a t
 >%                                                                               in P o st                      T roy, N .Y ., from c a n c e r in e y e , 76 y e a rs
 IJ V   °« «Y» t i S19j r yy ei oa er s tn ; H.oodstoek       Is? ?               8M                             o ld . Was b o rn in S u sse x , E ngland. Took
»J d                                an d      fr(Jm y     '              ” “ ««1 » « .
                                                                        1 8 9 5 X n P °s t a l
                                                                                                                 up fa rm in g in v i c i n i t y o f S t r a t f o r d when
                                  o f W innipeg 9                                                                he came t o Canada - th e n he and h i s b r o th e r
HORNBY, F r e d e r ic k .                                                                                       James moved to O xford C ounty. James was an
                                     D ie d                                                                      a u c t i o n e e r . In 1851 Henry Iz z a r d a p p o in te d
HUGGINS, Edward. R etiro rf                                                                                      te a c h e r i n o ld West End S c h o o l, re s ig n e d in
     i S - Embro 1831?      8 e n tle m                        an   ,   liv e d
                                                                                                                 1860 and f o r 7 y e a rs ta u g h t i n v i c i n i t y o f
                                                                                                                 S t r a t f o r d . In 1867 re -e n g a g e d by Woodstock
          ■•'.■■■■■.   . \8 d l   . u>o a   : ■•:...,                                                            School Board and f i l l e d h i s o ld p o s i t i o n
                                                                                                                 u n t i l Nov. 1887. Went to l i v e w ith d a u g h t­
                                                                                                                 e r i n T ro y . School Board v o te d him an
                                                                                                                 a n n u ity o f $200. Iz z a r d e n jo y ed r e s p e c t o f
                                                                                                                 p u p i l s , mean a c t by p u p il was s e v e r e ly
                                                                                                                 p u n is h e d . Iz z a rd b u i l t Chas. W hitehead
                                                                                                                 home on V a n S i t t a r t .
                            ■ 2^81 b s c j
                                                                                                      IDALE, Wm.      Died 1855.

                                                                                                      IMPERIAL BANK. E s ta b lis h e d in Woodstock 1886, a t
                                                                                                                c o s t o f $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 .

                                                                                                      INGERSOLL, S q u ire Jam es. 3 rd R e g i s t r a r . 1834-
                                                                                                                moved to Woodstock 1847. C ol. J a s . In g e r­
                                                                                                                s o l l d ie d 1888.
                                                                                                                A b s tra c t o f p a r t o f Lot 20, B .F. C oncess­
                                                                                                                io n o f West Oxford and p a r t o f V illa g e Lot
                                                                                                                No. 8 , N. King S t r e e t and E. M ill S t r e e t
                                                                                                                I n g e r s o l l . M ortgage 200 a c re s S e p t. 12,
                                                                                                                1804 by Benjam in G i l b e r t - c o n s id e r a tio n
                                                                                                                o f d e l i v e r y o f 100 b a r r e l s o f salm on, as
                                                                                                                t h e r e i n m entioned and payment o f £ 8 8 . 5 / -
                                                                                                                w ith l e g a l i n t , came i n to p o s s e s s io n o f
                                                                                                                Thos. I n g e r s o l l , Feb. 1820. 50 a c r e s o f
                                                                                                                N orth E a s t c o rn e r o f Lot 20 where v i l l a g e
                                                                                                                o f I n g e r s o l l i s s i t u a t e d was to be s o ld
                                                                                                                by e x e c u to rs to b e s t ad v an tag e - p ro c e ed s
                                                                                                                d iv id e d betw een c h i l d r e n on becom ing of
                                                                                                                age o r m a rria g e o f d a u g h te r.

                                                                                                      INGERSOLL, T hos. M arried 3 tim e s :
                                                                                                         - 1 s t w ife was E liz a b e th Davey, 4 c h ild r e n -
37 -

                                                       JONES, Augustus. The Deputy Provincial Surveyor
          Laura, Elizabeth F., Myra and Abigal
   -2nd wife was Mrs. Mercy Smith, no children                    (remembered by his survey of Yonge ; St.
                                                                ■ and many of the early townships) married
   -3rd wife Sarah Whiting, 7 children: Charles,
          Charlotte, Alphonia, Thos., Samuel, James,              an Indian bride at the Grand River.
                                                                  Peter, their son, (Sacred Waving Feather)
                                                                  the famous Indian Missionary, tells that
INGERSOLL, Chas. Had 3 sons: Thos. Merritt, James                 owing to his father’s frequent absence,
          Hamilton, Charles Henry.                                the household reverted to Indian life and
                                                                  habits and that he, himself, wandered for
                                                                  14 years with the Indians in the Grand
                                                                  River woods, blackening his face with
                                                                  charcoal to celebrate the Mune Doos
                                                                  (goblins) and behaving like a pagan.

                                                       JORDAN, Charles.   Died 1886. Margaret, his wife,
                                                                 1876.    [see CHARLES, Jordan]

                                                       JUXON, Alicia. Died Dec. 1, 1883 aged 87 years at
                                                                 the residence of John Maynard.

                                                       JAMESON, Mrs, Anna(Murphy). Wrote "Winter Studies
                                                                 and Summer Rambles" 1837. Her husband was
                                                                 Robert Sympson Jameson. She was a friend
                                                                 of Goethe’s daughter.

                                                       JAIL.   Contract Sept. 20, 1853. Messrs. Clarke
                                                                  and Murray of Hamilton were architects.
                                                                  Contract awarded to John Addison of
                                                                  Hamilton, carpenter, and Robert Roy and
                                                                  William G. Kerr of Hamilton, merchants.
                                                                  Contract for carpenter and joiners work,
                                                                  painters, glaziers and iron monger was
                                                                  forgl1,255. To be roofed-in and windows
                                                                  glazed on or before Sept. 1, 1854.
                                                                  Whole work to be completed by Nov, 1, 1854
                                                                  if not completed < 10. a week to be for­
                                                                  feited until completion.
                                                                   D. Matheson was Warden of County.

- 38 -                                                           - 39 -
KEAST.    From H istory o f Brant by R e v e lle .                      KING, J a s.       Of East Zorra, in 1845 was a gardener
            "Dr. Keast was head o f h e a lth department                               fo r Henry deB laqu iere, came from
            in B ran tfo rd , died o f ch o lera 1849."                                G lastonbury. His second w ife was a
                                                                                       s i s t e r o f Malcolm McKenzie.
KEAST.    T a b let e re c te d a t S t . P au l’ s by K atharine
             F o rrest K east to memory o f her o n ly sons.            KNOX CHURCH. Perry S t . , worshipped .in fo r the l a s t
             "John Baker K east, mate o f H.M.S. Tyne,                            time       S ep t. 5, 18 9 7 't e x t - Exodus 3 3 .15 .
             who was drowned by u p se ttin g o f a boat a t                      In 1896, Knox Church purchased Gracey
             C onstan tin ople on 17 th o f Dec. 1840 aged                        property f o r s i t e o f new church. Contract
             23. A lso , F red erick W illiam Keast M.D.                          fo r new Knox given to McIntosh and G r if­
             who departed t h is l i f e a f t e r a few hours                    f i t h , co n tra ct p r ic e $28,250.
             i l l n e s s a t B ran tfo rd , O n t., 18th o f Sep t.
             1849 aged 31 y e a r s ."

KELLY, Is a a c . Received gran t o f land Lot 10 , Con.
            14 Zorra and so ld i t to R.H. S a w te ll 1845.
            I t was a gran t f o r s e r v ic e s a t Beaver Dam.

KINTREA, James.       P a in te r .

KNIGHT, R.W. Came to Woodstock 1868. Born a t
          Harrow, n ear London, England. Crossed
          A t la n t ic when 1 year o ld . His fa th e r was
          a merchant in Markham. Bought Bendyshe
          e s t a t e , th e re he farmed f o r 3 y e a r s , then
          en tered r e a l e s ta te bu sin ess and in suran ce.
          He was one o f the v ictim s o f the S t . George
          a c c id e n t, g r e a t temperance man. Mayor in

KERR, —      Died Aug. 13 , 1893. Born in P a is le y ,
             Sco tlan d . Came to Canada in 1853.
             M arried a s i s t e r o f John W hite. Was a book
             -keep er in John White Co.

KARN, D.W.       F actory b u i l t in 1869 made reed organ s.
             In 1879 f a c t o r y destroyed by f i r e , again
             v i s i t e d by f i r e 1886. At one time c a p a c ity
             o f fa c t o r y 150 organs, 25 pianos a week,
             employed 250 men, wages paid 8000 to 9000
             a month. K am ’ s fa c to r y burned Feb’ y . 2,
             1887. .
- 41 -
                                   - 40 -

                                                                               LIGHT, A lexander W halley.             A son o f Wm. S t r a t t o n
LAYCOCK, G eorge. P u b lis h e d 5 th n ew sp ap er, th e                       '               Dundas L i g h t, d esc e n d an t o f fa m ily o f
               f i r s t number is s u e d F r id a y , Nov. 1 4 , 1 8 5 1 .                     L yte o f L y te ’ s C a r ie , S o m e rs e ts h ire ,
   - J a n e , w ife o f l a t e Geo. Laycock and d a u g h te r o f                             A ppointed C o l. o f 2nd Reg’t . O xford M i l i t i a
               J o s . P e e r s , d ie d Nov. 1 4 , 18 85 aged 56                                1838 ( J a n . 1 9 t h ) . L ate S t . and C o l. o f
               y e a r s , a t h e r l a t e r e s id e n c e Norwich Road                        2 5 th Reg’ t . B r i t i s h Army, b u rie d May 2 1 ,
               j u s t o u ts id e c o r p o r a tio n .                                          18 56 aged 77 y e a r s , d ie d May 1 1 th .
                                                                                     - J a n e , w ife o f C o l. A.W. L ig h t, d ie d a t S t .
LE PENOTIERE, W illia m . Lawyer. F i r s t c o u n ty c l e r k                                 Andrews, New B runsw ick, S e p t. 1 , 1 8 5 3 .
          D i s t r i c t o f B rock. Came t o W oodstock 18 35                      -M ary C e c e lia , m a rrie d Geo. A lex an d er, S e p t. 1 5 ,
          s e n t h e re a s governm ent o f f i c i a l . H is                                   1847.
          w if e , Ja n e C o lebro ok , d a u g h te r o f Wm. Aked                 -M arg are t L u c r e t i a , m a rrie d Henry de B la q u ie re
          E s q ., o f S . S h e e rn e ss , K ent. They had 11                                   O c t. 1 7 , 1 8 4 8 .
          c h ild r e n : 7 s o n s , 4 d a u g h te r s .
          Wm. was son o f C ap t. Jo h n R ic h a rd Le                        LIGHT, C o l. W.S. (W illia m S m art) B rig . M ajor, d ie d
          P e n o tie r e R .N ., C ornw all; th e fa m ily l e f t                        18 64 aged — y e a r s .
          F ran ce w ith Huguenots - s e t t l e d in E n g lan d .
          Jo h n R ic h a rd Le P. was commander o f v e s s e l               LIGHT, Thos. T y le r .         Died O ct. 4 , 1834 in h i s 5 th
          u n d er Lord N elso n and was b e a r e r o f d i s ­                         y e a r.
          p a tc h e s t o E n g lis h A dm iraly an no u n cin g
          v i c t o r y o f T r a f a lg a r and d e a th o f N e lso n .      LIGHT.       Survey c o n s is te d o f th e Gore p o r ti o n o f town­
          For t h i s he was made p o s t c a p ta in and                                     s h ip o f W. Oxford and p a r t o f g r a n t made
          g iv e n sword w o rth 100 g u in e a s .                                           by Crown to C ol. A.W. L ig h t, March 2 6 , 1 8 3 4 .
                                                                                              T h is g ra n t co v ered 900 a c r e s , e x te n d in g
LAPPIN.     Had h o te l on 1 2 th l i n e .                                                  a lo n g bank o f Thames to Dundas S t r e e t , 200
                                                                                              a c r e s o f i t i s in c lu d e d in W oodstock.
LANAWAY, Jam es. " E n g lis h t o th e b o n e ", e a r l y s e t t l e r
          i n B rig h to n . 3 c h ild re n : J o s e p h , G eorge and        LIGHT,       (fro m Tim es, June 2 7 , 1 8 9 0 ).
          M rs. Lyons.                                                                         "The d e a th o c c u rre d Wednesday m orning a t S t .
          Died 18 90 aged 87 y e a rs ( r e s i d e n t o f Wood-                              C a th a rin e s H o s p ita l o f R.N. L ig h t, Woodstock
          s to c k 50 y e a r s ) . P ic tu r e s q u e lo g c a b in in                       He went to C l i f t o n S p rin g s , N .Y ., a s h o r t
          which he fo rm e rly liv e d s t i l l i n e x is t e n c e                          tim e ago to undergo tre a tm e n t f o r a co m p li­
          a t head o f L ig h t S t r e e t . He was a n a t i v e                             c a t i o n o f k id n ey and o th e r d i s e a s e s .
          o f E ngland, n ig h t coachman f o r E a rl o f                                     He was th e y o u n g est son o f th e l a t e C o l.
          Egrem ont, who s e n t and s e t t l e d a number o f                                L ig h t o f "L yte’s C a fie " a s h o r t d is ta n c e o u t
          h i s s e r v a n ts i n W estern O n ta rio .                                       o f tow n. H is f a t h e r , a man o f much a b i l i t y ,
                                                                                               came h e re i n e a r l y 1 8 3 0 ’ s , a c q u ire d c o n s id ­
LAWSON, W illia m . L a te o f C airn m u ir, S c o tla n d and                                e r a b le p ro p e r ty s i t u a t e d betw een h e re and
          C a im m u ir, Z o rra d ie d th e r e Ju n e 1 1 , 18 47                            B e a c h v ille - p a r t o f i t was a g ra n t f o r
          aged 35 y e a r s .                                                                  m i l i t a r y s e r v ic e s - th e r e s t p u rc h a se d .
                                                                                               He was th e p r o j e c t o r o f l i n e betw een h e re
LANDON, Rev, W.H.          3 rd County C le rk .
- 43 -
                         - 42 -

                                                                 Engineers of London; entered partnership
           and Lake Erie. At his own expense he                  with Mr. afterwards Sir, James Bruntees,
           secured a charter which was afterwards made           the celebrated Scotch Engineer who built
           use of by Mr. Zimmerman.                              the celebrated cantilever bridge over the
           This son (R.N.) studied at Toronto Univer­
                                                                 Firth of Forth.(sic)     Mr. Light was
           sity, taking honors in law. He practised              employed by New Brunswick government in
           here for a while then went to Nova Scotia             building the European and South American
          where he married Miss Robinson, a daughter             Railway from Shediac to St. John; by
          of Judge Robinson of St. John, N.B., who               Quebec government in completing North Sea
           survives him.                                         Railway now part of C.P.R. His last
          Rev. Mr. Light is still in England.                    engineering work was the Lake St. John’s
          Alex Light, another brother is a prov­                 Railway of which he was consulting engin­
          incial engineer in Quebec.                             eer for many years. Mr. Light was highly
          W.S. another brother, was a former Warden               esteemed in England and was selected by
          of the County and took a great interest in              the late Duke of Newcastle as Civil Eng­
          politics. Was first Brigade Major of                    ineer in charge of transportation of troops
          district.                                               to BIC at time of ’’Trent" affair in 1861.
          Another brother was an officer in Indian                He was chosen by Mr. De Bougheroelle then
          Service and lost on a voyage from India                 Premier of Quebec in 1875 to take charge
          to England.                                             of railways in the Province and has res­
          Two sisters, Mrs. Geo. Alexander and Mrs.               ided in Quebec ever, since. He was an
          Henry de Blaquiere."                                    ardent sportsman and was as great and
                                                                  adept with the gun as with rod and line;
LIGHT, Alex. L. Died at his residence near Quebec                 a man of charming personality, prime
           on Sunday July 11, at 1 p.m. He was buried              social favourite, widely travelled, well-
           in Quebec Cemetery, Tuesday, 13th at 3 p.m.            read, highly cultured, conversation always
           (from S.R. July 24, 1897)                              enjoyable. Mrs. Light, his wife, sole
           "The death of A.L. Light, Esq. M.I.L.E. at
          Quebec removes a gentleman from this comm­
          unity for whom we all retain warm affection.   LINDSAY, John. Of Wawchopdale [sic]. An early
          Mrs. Henry de Blaquiere only surviving                   settler, lived on 2nd Con. East Oxford,
          member of Light family. Light was engineer
                                                                   west of Norwich Road.
          of first Woodstock and Port Dover railway
          of whom his father was president and prom­     LAKEMAN, James. One of first butchers, a peddling
          oter. His father, an old army officer, had               butcher, he called on customers twice a
          the distinguished honour of commanding the               week, had a pair of small grey horses.
          King’s Own Borderers, one of the finest                  Mrs. Lakeman, short, stout, Englishwoman,
          regiments in the British service at Quatre               father not tall, but all family were. (Mrs.
          Bras, forming part of Picton’s celebrated                Johns Wilks, Mrs. Jno. McKay, Mrs. Robert
          brigade.                                                 McWhinnie, James - the family).
          Light studied as Civil Engineer, after­
         wards became member of Institute of Civil
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