NAHMA Leadership Development Process - 1 Member Orientation - The First Step in Developing Future Leaders - National ...

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NAHMA Leadership Development Process - 1 Member Orientation - The First Step in Developing Future Leaders - National ...
NAHMA Leadership Development Process

1) Member Orientation – The First Step in Developing Future Leaders
A. New Member Orientation – NAHMA should require all new members to attend an
organizational orientation session held at a NAHMA meeting. The orientation would
provide an overview on how the association works – from structure to mission, with an
emphasis placed on getting involved at the committee level.

B. Committee Assignments – All members – new and existing – would be assigned to at
least two committees; however if a member is truly not interested in serving on a
committee then the assignments would be waived. A Board member should meet with
each new member and discuss the new member’s interests and potential committee
assignments. All members should be encouraged to get involved in the organization.
Special emphasis should be placed on new leadership within the committee structure,
which can best be achieved by moving new people into the vice chair and chair positions
within the organization.

2) The Path to Leadership Development in NAHMA
A. Committee Participation – Staff should review attendance at committee meetings to
ensure existing committee members are attending and actively participating. Membership
on a committee should be considered an honor and members should be recognized.
Committee members should sit at the table at committee meetings with placards
identifying themselves. Committee chairs should be encouraged to assign duties and tasks
to members of the committee.

B. Committee Leadership –

Prior to being considered for a Board nomination, a member should chair a NAHMA

Prior to chairing a committee, a member should serve as vice chair when possible. The
vice chair responsibilities should include submitting minutes to NAHMA staff within 30
days after meetings.

Chair orientation should be required of all chairs and vice chairs, including review of
how committees work and the process for moving recommendations and resolutions
through NAHMA, and review of Roberts Rules of Order.
Six Key Attributes of Board Members
1.    The ability to think strategically and analytically and to effectively
      communicate thoughts and the reasons for them.
2.    Possession of earned respect of other key stakeholder group members
3.    The ability to work well with others as a member of a collaborative group
      with group decision‐making authority and an understanding of the
      fiduciary duties of loyalty, care, and obedience.
4.    Demonstrated understanding of the differences between “oversight”
      and “supervision.”
5.    Earned reputation for emotional maturity, personal integrity, and
6.    A demonstrated familiarity with the body of knowledge related to both
      the process for which the group is responsible as well as the substantive
      content of the subject area within which decisions and choices will have
      to be made.

                                  CEO Symposium Slide 77
                       ©2017 Tecker International, LLC •
Nomination Process for
    NAHMA Board of Directors/Officers (Chart One)
                                            and the
                NAHMA Educational Foundation
                  Board of Directors (Chart Two)
I. Chart One: NAHMA Board of Directors/Officers
                                 Activity                                       Timeframe

1. The Nominating Committee:                                                 Existing committee
The Nominating Committee shall consist of the immediate Past President
as Chair, and at least four (4) Executive I, II and III members appointed
by the President. (Article IX, Section 3)

2. Developing the NAHMA Slate of Officers:                                   March meeting –
                                                                             determine slots open
As noted in Article VI, Section 2 of NAHMA’s Bylaws: “For the Office
of President, the Nominating Committee shall give preference to the          Mid June – send
President Elect…. For the office of President Elect, the Nominating          memo to Executive
Committee shall give preference to the Vice Presidents.”                     Council
Officers are elected to two-year terms. No person may hold two or more       Early August – close
offices at the same time.                                                    nominations process
                                                                             Late August – hold
                                                                             conference call by
                                                                             Nom. Comm. to
                                                                             finalize slate

3. Developing the NAHMA Slate of Directors:                                  March meeting –
                                                                             determine number of
NAHMA’s Bylaws outlines the number, tenure and qualifications for the
                                                                             slots to be open
Board of Directors at Article V, Section 2, and the process for electing
Directors at Article V, Section 3.                                           Mid June – send
                                                                             memo to Executive
It has been the current operating procedure that the Nominating
Committee sends a memo to NAHMA’s Executive Council members
inviting nominations for both Officers and Directors.                        Early August – close
                                                                             nominations process
In addition, the Nominating Committee should work within the
committee, and in accordance with NAHMA’s Leadership Development             Late August – hold
program, to identify additional nominees. The final slate of nominees        conference call by
should be agreed on by the Nominating Committee for announcement to          Nominating
the Executive Council by early to mid September (see item 4 below).          Committee to
                                                                             finalize slate
For the Affiliate seat on the NAHMA Board, the Nominating Committee
will use the same process to identify candidates (i.e., invite nominations
from the Executive Council, and consider candidates identified by the
Nominating Committee itself). The Nominating Committee may include
on the slate any number of Affiliate member candidates that it deems
qualified and appropriate for consideration; this portion of the slate will
be set off from the other nominees, and the members will be informed that
these nominated Affiliate members are vying for election to the one slot
provided for Affiliate members on the NAHMA Board.

4. Announcing the Slate to the Executive Council:                               Early September (at
                                                                                least 35 days prior to
The slate of Directors and Officers nominated by the Nominating
                                                                                Fall meeting in
Committee shall be submitted to members of NAHMA’s Executive
Council at least 35 days prior to the Fall meeting, at which the election of
the Board shall take place. (Article V, Section 3; Article VI, Section 2)

5. Taking Nominations from the Floor                                            Fall Meeting
In addition to the nominated slate of Officers and Directors, any
Executive I, II or III member of the Executive Council may nominate
another individual for the position of Director or Officer from the floor
during the Fall meeting at which elections are being held (as long as such
member meets the qualifying criteria for serving as a Director or Officer).
(Article V, Section 3; Article VI, Section 2)
Additional nominees for the Affiliate member Board position may be
made from the floor as well. Again, this portion of the slate is set off from
the rest, and the voting members are informed that these nominees are
vying for election to the one slot provided for Affiliate members on the
NAHMA Board.

6. Holding the Election                                                         Fall Meeting
The Board of Directors and Officers of NAHMA shall be elected annually
by the Executive I, II and III members at the Fall meeting. (Article V,
Section 3, and Article VI, Section 2)

7. Filling Vacancies:                                                           As needed
The Board of Directors may elect an interim Director to fill any vacancy
on the Board. A formal election should be held at the next regular meeting
of the Executive Council. (Article V, Section 12)
Date of chart: April 2017

2. Chart Two: NAHMA Educational Foundation Board of
                                 Activity                                           Timeframe

1. Developing the NAHMA Educational Foundation (NAHMA EF)                       March meeting –
Slate of Directors:                                                             determine number of
                                                                                slots to be open
Under the NAHMA Educational Foundation Bylaws, members of its
Board of Directors shall be appointed for terms of three (3) years by the       Mid June – send
NAHMA Board of Directors. One-third of the NAHMA EF Directors                   memo to Executive
shall be appointed by the NAHMA Board annually for terms commencing        Council
at the Foundation's Annual Meeting. EF Directors shall serve until such
                                                                           Early August – close
time as their successors are appointed. No EF Director shall serve more
                                                                           nominations process
than three consecutive terms (not including any time served to fill a
vacated EF Director's term). (EF Article IV, Section 2)                    Late August – hold
                                                                           conference call by
The NAHMA Nominating Committee will solicit nominations to the
NAHMA EF Board at the same time it is soliciting nominations to the
                                                                           Committee to
NAHMA Board of Directors.
                                                                           finalize slate

2. Announcing the Slate to the NAHMA Board of Directors:                   Early September
The slate of nominated NAHMA EF Directors shall be submitted to
members of the NAHMA Board of Directors by early September.

3. Making the NAHMA EF Board Appointments                                  Early October
The NAHMA Board of Directors shall appoint the new NAHMA EF
Board members by early October, by conference call or email
discussion/ballot, so that the newly constituted NAHMA EF Board can be
notified in early October, and ready to commence its term and service at
its Fall (Annual) meeting, pursuant to the NAHMA EF Bylaws. (EF
Article IV, Section 2)

4. Officers of the NAHMA EF                                                Fall Meeting
The NAHMA EF Board of Directors shall appoint its own officers,
pursuant to its Bylaws. (EF Article V, Sections 1 and 2)

7. Filling Vacancies:                                                      As needed
The NAHMA Board of Directors may appoint an interim NAHMA EF
Director to fill any vacancy on the EF Board for the remainder of the
unexpired term. (EF Article IV, Section 5)
Date of chart: April 2017
NAHMA Executive Members at Dec. 31, 2021

Amy               Albery           Wallick Communities                 Chief Executive Officer                            New Albany        OH
Michael           Alexander        AHMA East Texas                     Executive Director                                 Houston           TX
John              Autry            Monarch Properties Inc.             President                                          Gunter            TX
Jeff              Baker            Conifer Realty, LLC                 Senior Vice President Property Management          Rochester         NY
Sue               Baker            Cambridge Management Inc.           President                                          Tacoma            WA
Sylvia            Blanco           Housing Authority of the City of Au Chief Operating Officer                            Austin            TX
Steve             Bodkin           National Church Residences          Senior Vice President & Chief Operating Officer; H Columbus          OH
Jasmine           Borrego          TELACU Residential Management I President                                              Los Angeles       CA
Sonya             Brown            National Church Residences          Vice President of Property Management              Columbus          OH
Domenic           Butler           WinnCompanies                       Division Vice President                             Roxbury          MA
Connie            Buza             WinnCompanies                       Senior Property Manager                            Somerset          PA
Phil              Carroll          Community Housing Services Inc. President                                              Salt Lake City    UT
Jazmin            Ceballos         AHMA‐PSW                            Executive Director                                 Los Angeles       CA
Sandra            Cipollone        Michaels Management                 Senior Vice President                              Camden            NJ
Alicia Stoermer   Clark            Seldin Company                      President/CEO                                      Omaha             NE
Hugh A.           Cobb             Asset Living                        Principal                                          Dallas            TX
Sean              Denihan          Homewood Real Estate Partners                                                          New York          NY
Terry             Doherty Rice     Mid‐Atlantic AHMA                   Executive Director                                 Richmond          VA
Doreen            Donovan          Peabody Properties Inc.             VP Administration and Compliance                   Braintree         MA
Kristi            Downing          Monroe Group Ltd.                   Director of Compliance                             Denver            CO
Chuck             Durnin           Michaels Management                 Senior Vice President                              Camden            NJ
Julie K.          Edmonds          Cornerstone Corporation             Vice President                                     N. Providence     RI
Joe               Engle            AAMCI                               President                                          Knoxville         TN
Nancy             Evans            CSI Support & Development           Chief Executive Officer                            Warren            MI
Melissa           Fish‐Crane       Peabody Properties Inc.             Principal & COO                                    Braintree         MA
Alice             Fletcher         Park Properties Management Com Senior Vice President                                   Charlottesville   VA
Wayne             Fox              Realty Management Associates Inc President                                             Chantilly         VA
Christina         Garcia Sanchez   National Church Residences          Vice President Business and Leadership Developm San Antonio          TX
Michael           Gerber           Housing Authority of the City of Au President & CEO                                    Austin            TX
Jonathan          Gershen, Esq.    Moderate Income Management CoPresident & CEO                                           Princeton         NJ
Noel              Gill             Northwest Real Estate Capital Corp.Executive Vice President                            Boise             ID
Perry             Glenn            Retirement Housing Foundation Vice President of Affordable Housing                     Long Beach        CA
Timothy           Goodman          Seldin Company                      Director of HUD Programs                           Omaha             NE
Bobby             Griffith         JL Gray Company                     CFO and Director of Acquisitions                   Albuquerque       NM
Michelle          Hawley           Bellwether Housing                  Director of Property Management                    Seattle           WA
Jennifer          Hayward          Pennrose Management Company Vice President                                             Philadelphia      PA
NAHMA Executive Members at Dec. 31, 2021

Sonja              Horn             Marcrum Management Company        Director of Compliance                             Birmingham         AL
Scott              Hunley           Showe Management Corp.            Vice President                                     Columbus           OH
Layne              Hurst            Wallick Communities               Regional Vice President                            Cincinnati         OH
Jason              Icenbice         Marion County Housing Authority                                                      Salem              OR
Barbara (Babbie)   Jaco             CAHEC Management Inc.               Vice President of Property Management            Columbia           SC
Michael            Johnson          Alco Management Inc.                Executive Vice President                         Memphis            TN
David              Joyner                                               Vice President, Asset Management                 Boston             MA
Bill               Kargman          First Realty Management Corp.       President                                        Boston             MA
Kathryn            Kargman Holden   First Realty Management Corp.       Vice President                                   Boston             MA
Joy                Keels            Methodist Retirement CommunitieVice President of MRC Affordable Housing              The Woodlands      TX
Jamie              Kerr             AMCS                                President                                        North Charleston   SC
Chad               Ketler           CPO Management Sevices LLC          President                                        Columbus           OH
Alicia             Khasky           Mercy Housing                       National Director of Regulatory Compliance       Denver             CO
Jeffrey            Kohler           Mercy Housing                       Vice President of Operations                     Denver             CO
Kevin              Krier            Hillcrest Management LLC            Managing Agent                                   Bridgewater        NJ
John               Kuppens          WinnCompanies                       Executive Vice President                         Boston             MA
Cindy              Lamb             CSI Support & Development           Chief Financial Officer                          Warren             MI
Stephen            Lavery           Kittle Property Group               Senior Vice President of Property Management Indianapolis           IN
Trish              Leonard          Housing Management Resources InSenior Vice President Operations                      North Quincy       MA
Peter              Lewis            The Schochet Companies              Executive Vice President of Property Management Braintree           MA
Michael            Liebe            Mercy Housing Management Grou Regional Vice President                                Sacramento         CA
Bert               Loe              Standard Enterprises Inc.           Executive Vice President                         Monroe             LA
Leah               Lyerly           Westminster Company                 Executive Vice President                         Greensboro         NC
Jack               MacGillivray     Monarch Properties Inc.             Vice President                                   Albuquerque        NM
Lynn               Malboeuf         Winn Companies                      Regional Compliance Specialist                   Boston             MA
Jim                McGrath          PRD Management Inc.                 Chairman of the Board                            Collingswood       NJ
Karin              McGrath Dunn     PRD Management Inc.                 President                                        Collingswood       NJ
Nancy              McIlhaney        Housing Authority of the City of Au Director of Compliance                           Austin             TX
Kevin              McKee            Rose Community Management, LLCPresident                                              Independence       OH
Michael            Milko            WinnCompanies                       Divisional VP                                    Ashland            MA
Mark               Morgan           The Michaels Organization           Chief Operating Officer                          Camden             NJ
Theresa            Morris           The Schochet Companies              Vice President, Client Engagement and Administra Braintree          MA
Anita              Moseman          Monfric Inc.                        President                                        Grand Junction     CO
Fern               Mullen           Corcoran Management Company Program Compliance Manager                               Braintree          MA
David              Nargang          McCormack Baron Mgmt, Inc           President                                        St Louis           MO
Jim                Nasso            Wesley Living                       President & CEO                                  Cordova            TN
NAHMA Executive Members at Dec. 31, 2021

J. Kenneth   Pagano            Essex Management Company LLC President & CEO                                          Newark          NJ
Ninette      Patrick           Habitat America LLC                 Vice President Learning and Development/Senior RAnnapolis         MD
Katrina      Pavetto           WinnCompanies                       Senior Director of Compliance                     Boston          MA
Darlene      Perrone           Beacon Communities LLC              President                                         Boston          MA
Betty        Perry             Conifer Realty LLC                  Regional Vice President                           Copiague        NY
Gil          Piette            Prospera Housing Community Serv Executive Director and CEO                            San Antonio     TX
Ernie        Pilpil            Alpha Property Management           Executive Director                                Burbank         CA
Debbie       Piltch            Maloney Properties Inc.             Vice President, Compliance                        Cambridge       MA
Tamme        Polson            Peabody Properties Inc.             Vice President, Compliance                        Braintree       MA
Michelle     Prunier           Maloney Properties Inc.             Assistant Director of Compliance                  Wellesley       MA
Todd         Puhl              National Church Residences          Regional Vice President                           Columbus        OH
Reese        Quick             Southern Development ManagemePresident                                                West Columbia   SC
Richard      Rhodes            Ambling Management Co.              Director of HUD Compliance                        Greenville      SC
Gianna       Richards          Solari Enterprises Inc.             President                                         Orange          CA
Sabrina      Ridings           National Church Residences          Regional Vice President                           Columbus        OH
Julie        Rodriguez         Sage Apartment Communities Inc. President                                             Irvine          CA
Jennifer     Rogers            The Housing Company                 Asset Operations Manager                          Boise           ID
Michael      Roth              Housing Authority of the City of Au Director of Housing                               Austin          TX
Anne         Sackrison         CSI Support & Development           Chief Operating Officer                           Warren          MI
Anthony      Sandoval          WSH Management Inc.                 President & CEO                                   Irvine          CA
Kimberlee    Schreiber         Michaels Management                 President                                         Camden          NJ
Laura L.     Selby             Hispanic Housing Development Co Executive Vice President and COO                      Chicago         IL
Melanie      Shapiro           Ohio Capital Corporation for Housi Director of Compliance and Training                Columbus        OH
Michael      Simmons           CRM Residential                     Senior Advisor & Chief Business Development Offi Pleasantville    NJ
Jack         Sipes             Dominium Inc.                       Partner and Senior Vice President Property Manag Plymouth         MN
Larry        Sisson            TESCO Properties Inc.               President                                         Germantown      TN
Diane        Smith             CSI Support & Development           National Finance & Development Manager            Warren          MI
Johrita      Solari            Solari Enterprises Inc.             Board Chair‐ Chief Visionary Officer              Orange          CA
Keith        Spalsbury         National Church Residences          Vice President, Procurement, Capital Planning, HU Columbus        OH
Heather      Staggs Wezensky   Seldin Company                      Senior Vice President                             Omaha           NE
Nicole       Storms            Monroe Group Ltd.                   Senior Manager, Human Resources                   Denver          CO
Panuly       Vangay            Mercy Housing                       National Director, Business Revenue Support       Denver          CO
Angie        Waller            Cambridge Management Inc.           Vice President of Property Management             Tacoma          WA
Alan         Weckerly          Millennia Housing Management Lt Executive Vice President                              Cleveland       OH
Chris        Williamson        The Sellers Group                   President                                         Draper          UT
Sondra       Wimbs             Alco Management Inc.                Vice President, Property Management               Memphis         TN
NAHMA Executive Members at Dec. 31, 2021

Eileen     Wirth       MEND Inc.                     President & CEO                  Moorestown      NJ
William    Wollinger   WinnCompanies                 Chief Operating Officer          Boston          MA
Jennifer   Wood        The John Stewart Company      Vice President                   San Francisco   CA
Russell    Wylie       Park Bixby Tower Inc.         President/CEO                    Stockton        CA
Skandar    Zaouali     PRD Management Inc.           Chief Financial Officer          Collingswood    NJ
NAHMA Affiliate Members at Dec. 31, 2021

Margaret     Allen         AGM Financial Services Inc.               President/CEO                       Baltimore        MD
Joseph       Anderson      The Buchner Company                       Vice President ‐ Client Advisor     Meridian         ID
Jon          Boba          Pearl Meyer                               Managing Director                   Chicago          IL
Jamie        Borodin       National Tenant Network                   VP of Operations                    Turnersville     NJ
Andrew       Boyle         New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority Director, Asset Management            Bedford          NH
Nathan       Burnett       Watchtower Security Inc.                  Principal                           Maryland Heigh MO
Christine    Carter        Carter & Company CPA LLC                  Owner                               Destin           FL
Caroline     Caselli       Haven Connect                                                                 Denver           CO
Carl         Coan III      Coan & Lyons                              Partner                             Washington       DC
Mike         Coco          Choice Property Resources Inc.            President                           Traverse City OH
Robert       Conroy        MaineHousing                              Director of Asset Management        Augusta          ME
Stephen A.   Crane         Our Neighbors Inc.                        Executive Director                  Gastonia         NC
Michael      Cummings      Southwest Housing Compliance Corporation Vice President                       Austin           TX
Megan        Davidson      Alliant Insurance Services Inc.           Vice President                      Kirkland         WA
Amber        Day           TrashPro                                  Division Vice President             Camden           NJ
Leo          Delgado       Converged Services Inc.                   President                           Fort Lauderdale FL
Jenny        DeSilva       Blueprint Housing Solutions LLC           Director                            Austin           TX
Naren        Dhamodharan   Hampden Park Capital & Consulting         President                           Longmeadow MA
Jeff         Eynon         CRG Residential                           National Sales Director             Carmel           IN
Rue          Fox           ResMan                                    Senior Sales Engineer‐Affordable HouPlano            TX
Janel        Ganim         ResMan                                    Senior Vice President, Product      Plano            TX
Dori         Garmeiser     Hessel Aluise & O'Leary PC                Principal                           Washington       DC
Matt         Garrow        National Center for Housing Management    VP of Operations                    Jacksonville Bea FL
Katie        Goar          Quadel Consulting & Training LLC          President                           INDIANAPOLIS IN
Samir        Goel          Esusu Finanical, Inc                      Co‐CEO                              New York         NY
Travis       Harrington    CohnReznick LLP                           Director                            Bethesda         MD
Stephen      Harville      McGriff Insurance Services Inc.                                               Kingsport        TN
Jenny        Hidalgo       Buyers Access                             Sales Executive                     Denver           CO
Maxx         Hofmann       Conner Strong & Buckelew                  Producer                            Camden           NJ
Nancy        Hogan         Property Management Operations Consulting President                           Medford          MA
Fred         Hutchins      EPS Inc.                                  President                           South BurlingtonVT
Trent        Iliff         USI Insurance Services                    Vice President                      Oak Brook        IL
Nick         Keiser        Moen Inc.                                 Senior Strategic Account Manager‐MNorth Olmsted OH
Jennifer     Kelly         MRI Software                              Senior Marketing Manager            Solon            OH
Nate         Kepner        Mohawk Industries                         Director, National Accounts         Calhoun          OH
NAHMA Affiliate Members at Dec. 31, 2021

Ryan        Kim          ProLink Solutions                          Director of Product Marketing        Englewood      CO
Jordan      King         Entrata                                    Senior Product Manager               Plano          TX
Betsy       Krieger      Ohio Housing Finance Agency                Compliance Training & Technical Ass Columbus        OH
Mark        Kudlowitz    Local Initiatives Support Corporation      Policy Director                      Washington     DC
Stefanie    Lee          CAHEC Foundation                           Community Relations Specialist       Raleigh        NC
Wendi       Leibowitz    SimpliSafe, Inc                            Senior Business Development          Collingswood   NJ
Connie      Loyola       Los Angeles LOMOD                          Director                             Los Angeles    CA
Charyl      Luth         Affordable Housing Association of Indiana  Executive Director                   Decatur        IN
Krista      Mason        National Church Residences                 Director of Affordable Housing CompColumbus         OH
Lisa        McCarroll    Navigate Affordable Housing Partners       CEO                                  Birmingham     AL
Carlita     Mendez       CMS                                        CMS Director                         Bremerton      WA
Ken         Merrifield   HAI Group                                  Director of Account Management Cheshire             CT
Bruce       Mitchell     PODS Enterprises LLC                       Director                             Clearwater     FL
Brent       Monachino    Sherwin‐Williams                           National Accounts Strategic MarketinCleveland       OH
Scott       Nelson       RealPage Inc.                              Senior Vice President, Affordable Ho Richardson     TX
Tracy       Newman       PMCS Inc.                                  President                            Syracuse       NY
Sheila      O'Leary      Hessel Aluise & O'Leary PC                                                      Washington     DC
Christopher Ostovitz     Housing Commission of Anne Arundel County Director, Information Technology Glem Burnie         MD
Gemi        Ozdemir      Dauby O'Connor & Zaleski LLC               CEO                                  Carmel         IN
Kiya        Patrick      Greater Dayton Premier Management          Vice President                       Dayton         OH
Linda       Pellegrino   Rockport Mortgage Corporation              Senior Vice President                Gloucester     MA
Scott       Ployer       National Property Management Strategies GroPresident & CEO                      Holbrook       MA
Scott       Precourt     US Housing Consultants                     Founding Partner                     Concord        NH
Greg        Proctor      Lumina Partners LLC                        Founder/CEO                          Charlotte      NC
Jeffrey     Promnitz     Zeffert & Associates Inc.                  CEO                                  St. Louis      MO
Julie       Reynolds     Navigate Affordable Housing Partners       Chief Operating Officer              Birmingham     AL
Scott       Scharlach    Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority Chief Operating Officer                 Columbus       OH
Blake       Schrader     Dauby O'Connor & Zaleski LLC               Director of Business Development Carmel             IN
Seth        Strongin     Acorn Business Consulting LLC              CPA                                  Atlanta        GA
Larry       Sylvain      Granite Telecommunications                 National Director‐Real Estate Div    West Palm      FL
Valerie     Todaro       National Housing Compliance                CEO                                  Tucker         GA
Lisa        Tunick       Reno & Cavanaugh PLLC                      Member                               Washington     DC
Karen       Ventrice     CMS                                        Affordable Housing Trainer           Bremerton      WA
Gwen        Volk         Gwen Volk INFOCUS Inc.                     President                            Marshall       TX
Christopher Voss         Yardi Systems                              Vice President, Affordable and PHA Minneapolis      MN
NAHMA Affiliate Members at Dec. 31, 2021

Robin     Williams   Auto‐Out Cooktop Fire Protection          Vice President            Fort Worth    TX
John      Yang Inc.               President                 San Gabriel   CA
Melissa   Zilke      Sage Computing Inc.                                                 Reston        VA
NAHMA Committees and Committee Leadership
                       (For Committee Term 2021-2022)

Affiliates Committee: The NAHMA Affiliates Committee is comprised of NAHMA
members that provide services to affordable property management professionals. It is the
mission of this group to support NAHMA while providing its affiliate members a forum
to discuss and implement activities that benefit all of NAHMA’s members.
2021-2022 Chair: Mike Coco, Choice Property Resources Inc.
2021-2022 Vice Chair: Amber Day, TrashPro

Affordable 100 Task Force: This task force of the Affiliates Committee conducts an
industrywide survey of all affordable multifamily housing management companies to
ascertain unit count as the basis of the annual NAHMA Affordable 100 list. Survey is
conducted December-March, and final data is provided to NAHMA staff in early April.
2021-2022 Chair: Amber Day, TrashPro
2021-2022 Vice Chair: Nathan Burnett, Watchtower Security, Inc.

AHMA Liaison Committee: The AHMA Liaison Committee convenes AHMA leaders
and members so they may exchange information on AHMA- and NAHMA-related
activities and develop strategies to implement these activities. The AHMA Liaison
Committee serves as an opportunity to coordinate the activities, communications policies
and procedures between the AHMAs and NAHMA. This committee is automatically
chaired by NAHMA’s President-Elect, and the most senior NAHMA Vice President
serves as Vice Chair.
2021-2022 Chair: Larry Sisson, Tesco Properties Inc.
2021-2022 Vice Chair: Peter Lewis, The Schochet Companies

Budget & Finance Committee: The Budget and Finance Committee is responsible for
development of the budget with the NAHMA Executive Director for presentation to the
Board of Directors and the Executive Council, and other duties as outlined in the Bylaws.
This committee is automatically chaired by NAHMA’s Treasurer.
2021-2022 Chair: Christina Garcia Sanchez, National Church Residences
2021-2022 Vice Chair: Nancy Evans, CSI Support & Development Services

Certification Review Board: The Certification Review Board is responsible for
establishing guidelines for NAHMA designation programs, oversight and approval of all
applications for the National Affordable Housing Professional (NAHP ®) and NAHP-
Executive certification as well as maintenance certifications, ongoing communication
with designation candidates and recipients of NAHMA designations, and communicating
the importance of professional ethics.
2021-2022 Chair: Cindy Lamb, CSI Support & Development Services
2021-2022 Vice Chair: Eileen Wirth, MEND
Education & Training Committee: This committee provides guidance and
recommendations for the courses that support NAHMA’s designation programs. The
committee is responsible for ensuring that NAHMA course offerings are current in
content and reflect appropriate business practices and regulatory guidelines. The
committee also establishes training protocols to certify NAHMA trainers in order to meet
the highest standards possible, and maintain the integrity of both course delivery and the
designation exams. The committee provides oversight of NAHMA course offerings at the
AHMA level to ensure compliance with established training protocols.
2021-2022 Chair: Heather Wezensky, Seldin Company
2021-2022 Vice Chair: Anne Sackrison, CSI Support & Development Services

Fair Housing Committee: The Fair Housing Committee is responsible for monitoring
those issues relating to fair housing and housing for persons with special needs and
assessing the impact that these issues have on affordable housing management.
2021-2022 Chair: Alan Weckerly, Millennia Housing Management Ltd.
2021-2022 Vice Chair: Jonathan Gershen, Moderate Income Management Co.

Federal Affairs Committee (committee of the whole): The Federal Affairs Committee
is responsible for developing and recommending to the Board of Directors and the
Executive Council, NAHMA's position on federal legislation affecting affordable
housing. Once policy positions are approved by the Board and Executive Council, the
committee supports activities of NAHMA staff in dealing with Congress, its committees
and its members. This committee must be chaired by an Executive level member per
NAHMA’s Bylaws.
2021-2022 Chair: Jack Sipes, Dominium Inc.
2021-2022 Vice Chair: Amy Albery, Wallick Communities

Grassroots Advocacy Task Force: This task force of the Federal Affairs Committee
works with NAHMA staff to advance the association's position on federal legislation
affecting affordable housing through grassroots initiatives.
2021-2022 Chair: Nancy Evans, CSI Support & Development Services
2021-2022 Vice Chair: Kurt Aldinger, City of Flagstaff Housing Authority

Membership and Marketing Committee: The Membership and Marketing Committee
is responsible for recommending policies and procedures related to the membership of
NAHMA, as well as for implementation, oversight and review of the association’s overall
marketing initiatives.
2021-2022 Chair: Sonya Brown, National Church Residences
2021-2022 Vice Chair: Lisa Tunick, Tunick Law, LLC

Nominating Committee: The purpose of this committee is to make nominations for
election to Officer and Board of Directors positions. The Nominating Committee must be
chaired by NAHMA’s immediate Past President per NAHMA’s Bylaws.
2021-2022 Chair: Tim Zaleski, NAHMA Past President
2021-2022 Vice Chair: Michael Simmons, Community Realty Management Inc.

10/23/2020                                  2
Regulatory Affairs Committee (committee of the whole): The Regulatory Affairs
Committee is responsible for developing and recommending to the Board of Directors
and the Executive Council, NAHMA's position on regulatory issues and related matters.
Once policy positions are approved by the Board and Executive Council, the Regulatory
Affairs Committee supports activities of NAHMA staff in dealing with representatives of
the various federal regulatory bodies. This committee must be chaired by an Executive
level member per NAHMA’s Bylaws.
2021-2022 Chair: Chuck Durnin, Michaels Management
2021-2022 Vice Chair: Noel Gill, Northwest Real Estate Capital Corp.

Resolutions and Bylaws Committee: (This committee does not meet in person; rather, it
conducts its business via email and conference call.) If changes are recommended to be
made to NAHMA’s Bylaws, the NAHMA Board of Directors refers the changes to this
committee for consideration as a first step in the review and approval process. This
committee must be chaired by an Executive level member per NAHMA’s Bylaws.
2021-2022 Chair: Phil Carroll, Community Housing Services

Rural Housing Committee: Working with NAHMA staff, the Rural Housing Committee
serves as NAHMA’s liaison to the Rural Housing Service of the Department of
Agriculture, and advises the Board and Executive Council on matters of particular
interest to the management and provision of affordable housing in rural areas.
2021-2022 Chair: Bert Loe, Standard Enterprises Inc.
2021-2022 Vice Chair: Babbie Jaco, CAHEC Management

Senior Housing Committee: Working with NAHMA staff, the Senior Housing
Committee advises the Board and Executive Council on matters of particular interest to
the management and provision of senior housing, as well as how federal, state or local
mandates impact housing for seniors.
2021-2022 Chair: Darlene Perrone, Beacon Communities LLC
2021-2022 Vice Chair: Alicia Khasky, Mercy Housing

Tax Credit Committee: The Tax Credit Committee supports NAHMA staff activities
with the Internal Revenue Service and other organizations which implement and/oversee
the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program. The committee advises the Board and
Executive Council on how federal, state or local mandates impact the management of
housing credit properties.
2021-2022 Chair: Jamie Kerr, AMCS
2021-2022 Vice Chair: Jennifer Wood, The John Stewart Company

TRACS and Contract Administration Committee: The work of this committee has
been incorporated into the activities of NAHMA’s Regulatory Affairs Committee
beginning in 2021.

10/23/2020                                 3
NAHMA Officers and Board of Directors                                               (Alphabetical by First Name)

                                                                    (Since 1996)
Name               1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Bill Kargman
Charlie Wilkins
Dan Murray                                                                              x   x
Gianna Solari                                                                                            x    x
Harold Platter
Jack Murray                        x    x
Jim McGrath                                                      x    x
John Autry               x    x
Johrita Solari      x
Ken Pagano                                                                                                         x    x
Michelle Norris                                                            x     x
Michael Johnson                                                                                                              x    x
Michael Simmons                                                                                                                                   x     x
Phil Caroll                                  x    x
Scott Reithel                                                                                   x   x
Tim Zaleski                                                                                                                            x    x
Wayne Fox                                              x    x

President Elect
Larry Sisson                                                                                                                           x    x     x     x

Vice Presidents
Carole Glodney                x              x    x
Dwayne Shaw                        x    x
George Caruso       x    x
Gianna Solari                                                              x     x      x   x
Jack Murray         x    x
Jim McGrath                                  x    x
John Autry          x
Karen Newsome                                                                                   x   x    x    x
Karen Steinbaum          x
Ken Pagano                                                                              x   x   x   x
Larry Sisson                                                                                                                 x    x    x    x
Michael Johnson                                                                                          x    x
Michael Simmons                                                                                                    x    x    x    x
Michelle Norris                                        x    x
Mike Goodwin                                                     x    x
Peter Lewis                                                                                                                            x    x     x     x
Phil Carrol                   x
Randy Lenhoff                                          x    x    x    x
Sandra Cipollone                                                                                                                                  x     x
Scott Reithel                                                              x     x
Tim Zaleski                                                                                                        x    x
Wayne Fox                          x    x

                                                                               Page 1
NAHMA Officers and Board of Directors                                    (Alphabetical by First Name)

                                                            (Since 1996)
Carole Glodney                                                               x   x   x   x
Dwayne Shaw                 x
Gwen Volk           x
James McGrath                   x   x
Karen Newsome                                                                                        x   x
Ken Pagano                                                      x     x
Mike Goodwin                            x   x   x   x
Nancy Evans                                                                                                  x   x   x   x     x     x
Phil Carroll            x
Scott Reithel                                           x   x
Tim Zaleski                                                                                  x   x

Dan Murray                                      x   x   x   x
Don Beebout         x
Christina Sanchez                                                                                                              x     x
Karen Newsome                                                                x   x
Larry Barrett           x
Michael Johnson                                                                      x   x
Michelle Norris                         x   x
Peter Lewis                                                                                                  x   x
Sandra Cipollone                                                                                                     x   x
Steve Henderson                                                                              x   x   x   x
William Wollinger           x   x   x                           x     x

                                                                    Page 2
NAHMA Officers and Board of Directors                                                 (Alphabetical by First Name)

                                                                      (Since 1996)
Name                    1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Directors (does NOT include officer terms; officer terms are not counted toward six consecutive year limit per Bylaws)
Alicia Clark                                                                                                                                          x    x    x
Amy Albery                                                                                                                                                 x    x    x
Angie Waller                                                                                                             x x x x x x        x    x    x    x    x    x
Betty Jo Bailey                              x      x     x           x     x     x    x     x
Bill Kargman**
Bobby Griffith                  x      x     x
Brian Sellers                                       x     x     x
C. Terry Ross                   x      x     x            x     x
Carole Glodney           x      x            x      x                 x     x     x    x     x     x
Charlie Wilkins**
Chris White                                                                                        x       x     x         x x x x x   x    x
Christina Sanchez                                                                                                          x x x x x   x    x    x
Cindy Lamb                                                                                                                             x    x    x    x    x    x
Daniel Murray**                                                 x                                                      x x
David Houze              x      x      x     x      x     x     x     x
Don Beebout                                                                 x     x    x
Dwayne Shaw
G. Barron Rush                  x
Gemi Ozdemir (affil)                                                                               x       x     x     x x x
George Caruso                                                                                x     x       x     x     x x
Gianna Solari**                                                                   x    x                                       x x
Gwen Volk                                                                                    x     x       x     x     x x
Harold Platter**
Harris Davis             x                                                  x     x    x
Jack Murray**
Jack Oliver                            x     x      x                 x
Jack Sipes                                                                                                                                       x    x    x
Janel Ganim (affiliate)                                                                                                                          x    x    x
Jasmine Borrego                                                                                                                    x   x    x    x    x    x    x    x
Jeff Baker                                                                                                                         x   x    x
Jimmy Kerr                                                                             x     x     x
Jim McGrath                            x                                                     x     x                       x x x x x   x    x    x    x
Jim Nasso                                                                                                                                   x    x    x
John Autry**
John Grady                                                                                                 x     x     x
John Kuppens                                                                                                                                     x    x    x
Johrita Solari**                                    x     x     x                                  x       x     x     x x
Karen Newsome                                                                                      x
Karen Steinbaum          x             x     x      x     x     x     x     x     x          x     x       x     x     x x
Kay McIlmoil                                        x     x     x
Ken Pagano**                                                                      x    x                                           x   x
Kimberlee Schreiber                                                                                                                                   x    x    x
Larry Barrett            x             x     x      x     x                 x     x    x
Larry Sisson                                                                                                               x x x x
Lenore Varney            x
Lisa Tunick (affil)                                                                                                          x x x x   x    x
Mark Morgan                                                                                                                x x x x x   x    x    x
Melanie Kibble                                                                                                             x x x x x
Melissa Fish Crane                                                                                                                          x    x    x    x    x    x

                                                                                 Page 3
NAHMA Officers and Board of Directors                                                            (Alphabetical by First Name)

                                                                                       (Since 1996)
Michelle Norris**                                                                                                 x      x
Michael Johnson*                                                                                                  x      x                                              x   x           x     x    x
Michael Simmons                                                                                                                       x      x      x
Mike Goodwin                x      x     x             x
Nancy Evans                                                                                                                                  x      x   x   x
Nancy Hogan                                                                                    x     x      x     x      x      x
Noel Gill                                                                                                                                                       x   x   x   x     x     x     x
Pam Monroe                                                                                                                                                  x   x   x   x
Patty Ownby                 x      x     x      x                          x     x      x
Peggy Franklin                           x      x      x
Peter Lewis                                                                                                                                             x   x
Phil Carroll*               x                                                                                                                       x   x   x   x   x   x   x     x     x
Randy Lenhoff                      x     x      x            x      x                                x      x     x      x      x     x
Raquel Guglielmetti                                                                                               x      x      x     x
Rich Skoczylas                                                                                                                               x      x   x   x   x   x
Ron Burson                                                                                           x      x     x             x     x      x      x   x   x
Ronald Weaver                                   x      x     x
Sandra Cipollone                                                                                                                                                x   x
Scott Reithel**                                                     x      x     x                                                           x      x
Sonya Brown                                                                                                                                                                 x     x     x
Steve Henderson                                                            x                         x      x     x      x      x     x                             x
Tim Zaleski***                                                                                                                  x     x      x                                    x     x
Tony Tanksley                                                       x      x     x      x      x     x
Travis Henderson                                             x      x      x     x      x      x     x
Valerie Calloway                                                           x     x
Wayne Fox**                 x      x     x                                                                  x     x      x      x     x      x
William Wollinger           x      x                         x      x      x     x      x      x                         x      x     x      x      x   x

* Past President with vote; **Past President without vote; ***Immediate Past President - Board term coincides with current president's term; has vote

                                                                                                         Page 4
2022 NAHMA Officers* and Board of Directors

                             Michael Simmons

                               President Elect
                                Larry Sisson

                            Vice President (2)
                               Peter Lewis
                             Sandra Cipollone

                                Nancy Evans

                             Christina Sanchez

                               Past President
                                Tim Zaleski
*Officers’ terms are for two years; current officer terms expire October 31, 2022

                Amy Albery                Term ends 2024
                Jasmine Borrego             Term ends 2024
                Sonya Brown                 Term ends 2022
                Alicia Clark                Term ends 2023
                Melissa Fish Crane          Term ends 2024
                Janel Ganim                 Term ends 2022 (affiliate member seat)
                Noel Gill                   Term ends 2023
                John Kuppens                Term ends 2022
                Cindy Lamb                  Term ends 2023
                Kimberlee Schreiber         Term ends 2023
                Jack Sipes                  Term ends 2022
                Angie Waller                Term ends 2024

           Past Presidents – Voting Members of Board

                Phil Carroll                Term ends 2022
                Michael Johnson             Term ends 2024
Past Presidents – Non-Voting Members of Board

                 Bill Kargman
                Harold Platter
                Charlie Wilkins
                Johrita Solari
                  John Autry
                 Jack Murray
                 Wayne Fox
                 Jim McGrath
                Michelle Norris
                 Dan Murray
                 Scott Reithel
                Gianna Solari
                 Ken Pagano
NAHMA Educational Foundation
                      2022 Board of Directors*

        Alicia Clark, Chair              Term ends 2023
        Anthony Sandoval, Vice Chair     Term ends 2022

        Justin Ackerman                  Term ends 2023
        Kasey Archey                     Term ends 2023
        Megan Davidson                   Term ends 2023
        Amber Day                        Term ends 2024
        Alice Fletcher                   Term ends 2023
        Rue Fox                          Term ends 2024
        Nancy Hogan                      Term ends 2024
        Stefanie Lee                     Term ends 2024
        Lisa McCarroll                   Term ends 2022
        Carlita Mendez                   Term ends 2024
        Greg Proctor                     Term ends 2022
        Diane Smith                      Term ends 2024
        Lisa Tunick                      Term ends 2022
        Christopher Voss                 Term ends 2023
        Larry Sisson (NAHMA Board Rep)   Term ends 2022

*At Nov. 1, 2021
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