NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Grace Presbyterian Church

Page created by Julio Fletcher
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Grace Presbyterian Church
    July 27 - Aug.2, 2019 // H.S. SENIOR/COLLEGE MISSION TRIP


We will be partnering again with
Praying Pelicans, a short-term
international missions
organization that has paired us
with a local pastor, church, and
non-profit ministries to enable
us to serve the island

                                                THE DETAILS
On this year’s mission trip we        A nonrefundable deposit of $400 is due at registration.
will discover that there is so
                                             Registration closes February 15, 2019
much more than beautiful
                                          (All payments are considered a contribution to the church
beaches and breath-taking
                                                     and therefore are non-refundable.)
scenery in the Bahamas. We will
again be partnering with                 All forms MUST be turned in by May 1, 2019.
Shantel and Prayer Warriors             Final payment MUST be made by July 15, 2019.
Fellowship, a local church where
we will put on a VBS. We will        Please complete the following forms and register online:
also take on construction
projects and serve in local                    2019 Grace Medical Release Form
schools and non-profits.                 (Only one needed for both this trip and the H.S. Mission Trip)

COST                                              2019 Grace Mission Contract

$1,600.00 — includes flights,          International Travel Signature and Notary Form
transportation, housing, meals,                     (if student is under 18 at time of trip)
t-shirt, and mission expenses.
                                              Praying Pelican Online Registration
                                                            (See page 5 of packet)

                                   2 Color Copies of Student’s Passport Information Page
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Grace Presbyterian Church
Last year we partnered with Praying Pelican Missions and went to the Bahamas for the first time and had an incredible
experience. In addition to serving the local community and church through a VBS and various work projects we had
the opportunity to connect with people and forge deep and genuine relationships. This was something quite special
for all of us. Our experience was one shaped by the local people and church who welcomed us, shared their stories,
and invited us to worship God alongside them while serving the greater island. We left not only satisfied with a job
well done, but with many new friendships with our Bahamian brothers and sisters in the faith. We can’t wait to see
them again and see what God has in store for us this summer!

Population:       391,232                          Language: English                              Region: Caribbean

Government: Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy (Part of the BritishCommonwealth)

Average Annual Income:          $21,000.00                      Currency/Exchange Rate: Bahamian Dollar / 1 to 1

Predominate Religion:       Christian, Rastafarianism            Industry: Tourism, International Banking
                                                                           & Financial Services
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Grace Presbyterian Church

Grace Student Ministries has been blessed with an abundance of leaders who have a desire to walk alongside
students and point them to their Savior and Creator. Because safety, health, spiritual growth, and the well-being of
our students is extremely important to us, we require 1 leader for every 5 students who attend this trip. Each of our
leaders are required to go through numerous background checks, successfully complete an ECO training program,
and much more. We are extremely thankful for the dedication and hard work that our leaders give to the ministry and
our students!


Matt Davis                                                              Reed Brentlinger
713-267-8704                                                            713-471-8049                                               


All expenses are provided for in the trip cost. However, students are asked to bring extra money for any snacks and
souvenirs that they might want to purchase.


• We understand that some students will need to have their cell phone for safety reasons. We will allow the use of
  cell phones, but cannot guarantee service or WIFI. Also be aware ALL phones will need to be put away during
  worship, devotional time, night games, and group activities. As a leadership team, we believe that the constant
  access and usage of cell phones has the tendency to harm the building of relationships within the team as the
  phone can become the focus of the trip. Please help us enforce this policy!

In case of an emergency, the closest hospital is less than 10 miles away from where we will be lodging, working, and
doing ministry. It is: Doctors Hospital, #1 Collins Ave, Nassau, The Bahamas.
 The phone number is: +1 242-302-4600

Additionally the U.S. Embassy is located at Queen St., Nassau, The Bahamas and is also less than 10 miles away
from where we will be lodging, working, and doing ministry. The phone number is: +1 242—322-1181
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Grace Presbyterian Church

 CLOTHES:                                                                         PERSONAL ITEMS:
 Work Clothes X 7                                                                 Personal Medications

    -athletic shorts/jean shorts                                                  Pepto-Bismol/Immodium
     (no short shorts, Nike shorts, leggings)                                     Bug Spray
   - t-shirts (no sleeveless/tanks)
                                                                                  Hand Sanitizer
 Church Clothes X 3                                                               Sunscreen
  Girls: -skirt (below knees)
         -blouse or plain colored shirt                                           Aloe Vera Gel
          (covers shoulders, no writing)
         -casual dress                                                            Bath Towel
          (below knees/covers shoulders)                                          Beach Towel
   Guys: -khakis or black pants                                                   Washcloth
         -polo or button-down
         -loafers or nice sandals                                                 Wet wipes
 Lightweight Sleepwear                                                            Chapstick (with SPF)
 Hoodie/Light Sweatshirt                                                          Toothbrush
 Swimsuit (modest one-piece/no speedo)                                            Toothpaste
 Socks                                                                            Brush
 Athletic Shoes                                                                   Soap
 Sandals                                                                           Shampoo/Conditioner

 INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTS:                                                         MUST HAVES:
 Passport                                                                         Bible/Journal/Pen
 2 Color Copies of Passport                                                       Water bottle w/ large opening
                                                                                  Backpack or Small Duffel
                                                                                  Hat/Baseball Cap
                                                                                  Inexpensive Watch
                                                                                  Zip-lock bags (multi-size)
                                                                                  Work Gloves

• Radios, laptops, iPads, Gameboys, TVs, etc…

• Anything that is not replaceable or has significant value, like expensive jewelry or laptops.

• A lot of money
• Drugs, alcohol, guns, weapons of any kind, etc… If students are caught with any of these in their possession,
  items will be confiscated and students will be sent home immediately and at their own expense.

Praying Pelican Missions is a short-term international missions organization serving the needs of indigenous local
churches, pastors, and communities around the world. They set up and lead mission trips for churches, small groups,
families, and individuals from North America, continually expanding and strengthening a network of pastors and
communities both abroad and in the United States. Each year as lives are touched and hearts are transformed, there is
an increasing number of pastors, churches, and communities inviting mission teams to serve alongside them through
Praying Pelican Missions. They are an amazing organization that is on the front lines God's movement in the world,
from Chicago to Costa Rica to South Africa and everywhere in between.

Through Praying Pelican Missions, more than 40,000 short-term missionaries have served in over 1,000 different
communities throughout our locations. Teams partner with them from all over the United States and Canada, making
them the largest provider of short-term mission opportunities.

When asked by Praying Pelican Missions if we would consider partnering with them to serve the people of the
Bahamas we answered with an enthusiastic yes. We are looking forward to working together on this trip to share the
love of Jesus with our Caribbean brothers and sisters!

Check out their website at:


To Register:

1. Go online to the Grace Student Senior Missions Page.
   Complete online registration and payment.

2. Fill out and turn in to Matt Davis: 2019/2020 Grace Medical Release Form
                                       2019 Grace Missions Covenant
                                       International Travel Signature & Notary Form (if under 18)
                                       2 Color Copies of Student’s Passport Information Page

3. Once you have completed your online Grace Registration, you will receive an email with a link
   to the Praying Pelican Mission Website and a password giving you access to our specific trip
   page. You will need to fill out the required fields there as well.

Name of Student _________________________________________________Home Phone ____________________

Address _______________________________________________________________________________________

City ______________________________________________ State ______________________Zip ______________

Student email address ___________________________________________________________________________

Parent email address ____________________________________________________________________________

Parent(s) and/or Legal Guardian(s) _________________________________________________________________

Cell/Pager/Work Numbers of Parent(s) and/or Legal Guardian(s)__________________________________________


Age of Child: _____ Birth Date: _____________ Gender: _____ Grade: _____ School: ________________________

It is my understanding that participating in the programs and recreational and other activities of Grace Presbyterian
Church(“the Church”) is a privilege. Prior to my student’s participation in such activities, I acknowledge that certain risks
are associated with the activities, including, by way of example, physical injury due to activity related accidents, physical
injury due to transportation related accidents, illness or even death. In addition, I acknowledge that there may be other
risks inherent in these activities of which I may not be presently aware. The undersigned hereby give our consent to and
authorize the minor child named above to participate in all events conducted by the Church. I further authorize my minor
child to travel with representatives of the Church in private or other vehicles to any such events so conducted.

On occasion, the Church takes photographs or makes an audio or videotape recording of students and/or adults involved in
church activities. Such photographs or video records may be used by staff and participants to remember
the activities and participants. In addition, such photographs and audio/visual recordings may be used in Grace
Presbyterian Church publications or advertising materials to let others know about our ministry. In addition, local news
organizations may hear of our activities or events, and our Church may allow them to photograph or record our events for
news reporting on special interest features.

I consent to the use of any such audio or visual record of the child named above to be used, distributed, or
displayed as agents of the Church see fit. This consent includes but is not limited to: photographs, videotape, audio
recordings, and the Church’s web page.____Yes ___No

Continued on back side…..
I recognize that there may be occasions when the student named above may be in need of first aid or emergency medical treatment as a
result of an accident, illness, or other health condition or injury. I do hereby give permission for agents of the Church to seek and secure
any needed medical attention or treatment for the student named including hospitalization, if in the opinion of the agent such a need

Further, I authorize the agent of the Church to consent to any X-ray examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment
and hospital care which is deemed advisable by, and is rendered under the general or special supervision of, any physician, surgeon, or
dentist licensed under the laws of the State or County in which the medical care is being sought and on medical staff of any hospital. In
doing so I agree to pay all fees and costs arising from this action to obtain medical treatment including any treatment a physician,
surgeon, or dentist may deem necessary.

By signing this form, I expressly warrant that the student named above is capable of withstanding both the physical and mental demands
of the activities discussed above. I also expressly assume all risks of the child participating in the activities, whether such risks are
known or unknown to me at this time. I, the undersigned, for my student, my student’s personal representatives, assigns, heirs,
distributees, guardians, and next of kin (“the Releasors”), hereby irrevocably and unconditionally release, waive, discharge, and
covenant not to sue the Church and its ministers, leaders, employees, volunteers, and agents, for and from all claims of any nature now
or hereafter existing whether known or unknown, including but not limited to, all liability to the Releasors, on account of injury to my
child or death to my child or injury to the property of the child, whether caused by the negligence of the Church, its ministers, leaders,
employees, volunteers, and agents or otherwise, during the course of my student’s participation in the activities, arising out of or in
connection with activities related to the Church, or any travel connected therewith.

Special medical needs or concerns (allergies, conditions, dietary needs, medications, etc.):

Health Insurance
Insurance Company _________________________________________ Phone Number ____________________ Policy
Medical Doctor _______________________ Phone Number _______________ Date of Last Tetanus Shot_________
In the event that parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) cannot be reached, call (Name & Phone of Emergency Contact):

Other Information
Other information church leaders should know about the child


I represent that I am the parent/guardian of ________________________________, who is under 18 years of age. I have
read the above form and am fully aware of the contents thereof. I give permission for the student named above to
participate in the activities of Grace Presbyterian Church, including any special events/activities. In consideration for
allowing the participation of the student in the activities of the Church, I hereby consent to the above terms on behalf of
the child and agree that this form shall be binding upon me, my family, heirs, legal representatives, successors, and

_______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________
Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian                                                                                                Date

Print Name of Parent or Legal Guardian

I agree to participate in the functions and activities of the Church, to cooperate with the leaders and other young people, and to conduct
myself according to Christian values. I promise to respect God, respect myself, respect other persons, and respect property. I understand
that my continued participation in church activities depends on my support of this agreement.

_______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________
Student’s Signature                                                                                                                  Dat

       1 CORINTHIANS 10:31: Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.


ACTIONS                                                                                         CONSEQUENCE

Cell Phones: We will allow the use of cell phones during free time, but ALL phones              2 verbal warnings, phone confiscated
will need to be put away during the lesson, worship, devotional time, night games,              for the remainder of the day
group activities and on the worksites.

Purchase, consumption or possession of any smoking/                                             Sent home at parents’ expense
tobacco products, alcohol, or any non-alcoholic frozen drinks,                                  (call/taxis/extra flight, etc.)
weapons, or drugs.

Guys & Gals: It is important that we stay above reproach and hold ourselves                     Sent home at parents’ expense
to a high standard when it comes to our interaction with the opposite sex.
We need your help in avoiding any situations that may be perceived as inappropriate.
   - No opposite gender in your room at any time

Clothing: Our goal is to be as modest as possible for the culture                               Confiscate clothing
we will serve and for our group’s goal.
   - No short shorts for any reason.
   - Please wear regular t-shirts with full sleeves.
   - One-piece modest bathing suits only. No spaghetti straps,
      tummy baring, or immodest clothing for the night.
   - If you question an item of clothing—don’t bring it.

Electronics: We want to spend this week focusing on the service                                 Confiscate item for length of trip
and people God has put before us. Please leave the following at home:
  - IPODS, PSP, MP3 players, CD players, etc

Sleep and Meals: We’ve got to eat and rest in order to maintain our stamina and
health while serving. Both are vital on our trip.                                               Verbal warning
  - Everyone is expected to eat 3 meals each day.                                               Meeting with staff/leaders
  - Respect your roommates’ and the groups’ need for rest

Showing Respect: Please show respect by listening when others are talking;                      Verbal warning
whether it’s one of our new friends, leaders, or friends.                                       Meeting with staff/leaders
  - Refrain from gossiping or abasing others.                                                   Sent home at parents’ expense

Damage to Hotel Rooms/Buses, etc: We need your help in respecting and honoring                  You will pay for the damages and
the places we get to stay and use. Remember you are representing yourselves, your family,       be sent home at parents’ expense.
Grace Church, and Jesus Christ.
   - All facilities should be left clean and in order.

Staff/Leader Responsibilities: It is our job to help protect and care for you on this trip.
  - At all times, Grace staff has the authority to modify or implement the covenant
to fit the needs of different circumstances that may arise

Student Responsibilities: Along with keeping the covenant yourself, we expect that you help everyone stay accountable to the
covenant In confidence, we expect that you will inform a leader if you become aware of the covenant being broken. By not reporting
covenant infractions you jeopardize: the safety of the group, the leaders, and risk being seen as associated or a participant in the

_________________________________________________________________                               _____________________
Student’s signature                                                                             Date
International Travel
                         Signature and Notary Form
I _______________________________________, hereby authorize my minor child to travel outside
of the United States with an appointed adult guardian and through Praying Pelican Missions from July
27- August 2, 2019. I give authorization to the adults serving on behalf of Praying Pelican Missions
and Grace Presbyterian Church to act as my agents.

Participant (minor) Name: ____________________________________________________________
(please print)

Parent Name: ______________________________________________________________________
(please print)

Parent Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: __________________

Parent Name: ______________________________________________________________________
(please print)

Parent Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _________________

To Be Completed by Notary:
State of: ____________________________ County of: ___________________________

Signed and attested before me on (date) ________________ by (name(s) of person(s))

_________________________________                 ____________________________________

(Signature of notarial officer)

(Expiration Date)
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