Page created by Victor Bowers









     The Higher National Diploma (HND) in Maritime Transport and Business Management is designed to produce
     diplomates who have adequate knowledge and skills for managerial and administrative duties in ports and shipping


     The objectives of the Higher National Diploma in Maritime Transport and Business Management are
     to produce diplomates who have adequate knowledge and skills to:
     1) communicate fluently in English and write good technical reports on maritime transport and
           business management;
     2) carry out management and administrative duties in ports and shipping operations with minimum
     3) apply the computer appropriately in the management of ports and shipping operations, and
     4) set up and/or manage small businesses successfully.


     Admission requirements into the HND in Maritime Transport and Business Management shall include:
     a) a minimum of Lower Credit pass in the ND in Maritime Transport and Business Management;

     b)   admission requirements into the ND in Maritime Transport and Business Management;

     c)   a minimum of one year cognate work experience after obtaining the National Diploma in
          Maritime Transport and Business Studies, if the applicant obtained at least a Lower Credit;

     d)   a minimum of two years cognate work experience if the applicant obtained a pass grade in the
          National Diploma in Maritime Transport and Business Studies.


     The curriculum for the Higher National Diploma in Maritime Transport and Business Management is
     structured into four semesters of classroom and studio activities in the institution. Each semester of
     institution - based activities shall be for a duration of 17 weeks, 15 of which shall consist of teaching,
     practical exercises and continuous assessment activities, while the remaining two weeks shall be
     devoted to registration and examination. The curriculum also comprises three components viz:
     i)    General Studies Courses;
     ii) Foundation Courses, and
     iii) Professional Courses.

The General Studies Courses comprise Use of English and Communication in English Courses,
     which should constitute not more than 10-15% of the total credits of the programme.

     The Foundation Courses comprise Economics, Quantitative Techniques, Accounting and Computer
     courses, which should constitute not more than 10-15% of the total credits for the programme.

     The Professional Courses comprise the core courses in Maritime Transport and Business
     Management and should account for 60-70% of the total credits of the programme.


     Final year students of the HND Maritime Transport and Business Management shall carry out
     individual live projects that shall be bound and submitted to the department as part of the mandatory
     requirements for award of the Higher National Diploma.


     The Higher National Diploma in Maritime Transport and Business Management programme shall be
     accredited by the National Board for Technical Education before the diplomates are awarded the
     diploma certificates. Details about the process of accrediting a programme are available from the
     Executive Secretary, National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), Plot B. Bida Road, P. M. B.
     2239, Kaduna, Nigera.
     The institution offering the programme shall award the Higher National Diploma (HND) only to
     candidates who successfully completed the programme after passing the prescribed course work,

examination and the diploma project. Such candidates should have completed between 72 – 80
     semester credits units as prescribed in the Curriculum and Course Specifications for the programme.


     The Higher National Diploma Certificates to be awarded shall be classified as follows:
     1) Distinction       -    GPA of 3.50 and above
     2) Upper Credit      -    GPA of 3.00 – 3.49.
     3) Lower Credit -         GPA of 2.50 – 2.99.
     4) Pass              -    GPA of 2.00 - 2.49.
     5) Fail              -    GPA of below 2.00.


     The Higher National Diploma in Maritime Transport and Business Management programme is
     structured to run for four semesters, each of which shall consist of 15 weeks of classroom activities
     and two weeks for registration and examination.


     This curriculum has been drawn in course units. This is in keeping with the provisions of the National
     Policy on Education which recommends the drawing of curricula in semester course units so as to
     enable a student who so wishes, to transfer the credit units already completed in an institution to
     another of the same standard.

As the success of the credit unit system depends on the articulation of programmes between the
institutions and industry, the curriculum content has been written in behavioural objectives, so that it is
clear to all stakeholders, the expected competencies of the diplomates of the programme. There is a
slight departure in the presentation of the performance-based curriculum, which requires that the
conditions under which the performances are to be carried out and the criteria for the acceptable levels
of performance be stated. It is a deliberate attempt to involve the staff of the department teaching the
programme to produce their own curriculum, stating the conditions existing in their institution under
which the performance can take place, and follow that with the criteria for determining an acceptable
level of performance. The Academic Board of the institution may submit the curriculum so produced
by the department for vetting and approval. The purpose of this is to encourage the institutions to
establish a solid internal evaluation system, which can ensure maximum standard and quality of
education in the programmes offered throughout the polytechnic system.

The teaching of the theory and practical work should be integrated as much as possible. Practical
exercises, especially in the professional courses should not be taught in isolation from the theory.


In every course, continuous assessment shall constitute 30% while semester examination shall
constitute 70% of the total marks obtainable.

Course Code Course Title                             L    T   P   CU   CH
GNS 301     USE OF ENGLISH III                       2    -   -   2    2
ACC 312     FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT I                   2    -   -   2    2
ACC 326     MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM            2    -   -   2    2
PAD 323     STATISTICS FOR ADMINISTRATION            3    -   -   3    3
PAS 324     PHYSICAL DISTR. & TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT   2    -   -   2    2
BAM 311     PRACTICE OF MANAGEMENT                   2    -   -   2    2
BAM 314     SHIP MANAGEMENT                          3    -   -   3    3
MST 311     PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT                     2    -   -   2    2
MST 312     MARINE INSURANCE II                      3    -   -   3    3
                                                     21   -   -   21   21

Course Code Course Title                             L    T   P   CU   CH
GNS 302     COMMUNICATION IN ENGLISH III             2    -   -   2    2
ACC 322     FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT II                  3    -   -   3    3
BAM 313     QUANTITATIVE TECH. IN BUSINESS           2    -   -   2    2
BAM 327     RESEARCH METHODS                         3    -   -   3    3
MKT 324     MARKETING PLANNING & CONTROL             2    -   -   2    2
MST 321     MARINE INSURANCE III                     1    2   -   3    3
MST 322     COMPUTER APPLICATION IN SHIPPING         2    -   -   2    2
MST 323     IMPORT/EXPORT PRACTICE                   2    -   -   2    2
MST 324     PORT OPERATIONS & PLANNING I             3    -   -   3    3
                                                     20   2   -   22   22

Course Code Course Title                          L    T   P   CU   CH
GNS 401     COMMUNICATION IN ENGLISH IV           2    -   -   2    2
BAM 411     BUSINESS POLICY I                     2    -   -   2    2
BAM 412     MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS                  2    -   -   2    2
BAM 413     ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT          2    -   -   2    2
BAM 414     INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS                  2    -   -   2    2
MST 411     PORT OPERATIONS AND PLANNING II       2    -   -   2    2
MST 412     MULTIMODAL TRANSPORT OPERATIONS       2    -   -   2    2
MST 413     CHARTERING PRACTICE I                 3    -   -   3    3
MST 414     FREIGHT FORWARDING                    2    -   -   2    2
                                                  19   -   -   19   19

Course Code Course Title                          L    T   P   CU   CH
BAM 418     SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT             3    -   -   3    3
BAM 421     BUSINESS POLICY II                    3    -   -   3    3
BAM 422     MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS II               2    -   -   2    2
BAM 423     INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS                3    -   -   3    3
MST 421     CHARTERING PRACTICE II                3    -   -   3    3
MST 422     PORTS MANAGEMENT                      2    -   -   2    2
MST 423     SHIP SALES AND PURCHASE               1    -   3   4    4
MST 424     PROJECT                               2    -   -   2    2
                                                  19   -   3   22   22

COURSE: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS                        Course Code: BAM 423                 Contact Hours :30 HOURS
Course Specification: Theory
WEEK General Objective: 1.0: Understand the concept of international business in relation to the national economy
         Specific Learning Outcome                          Teachers Activities                  Resources
1-3      1.1 Define international business.                 a) Define international business
         1.2 Compare international and domestic              b) Outline the evolution of
              Business                                      international business
         1.3 Explain         differences      international c) Explain the differences between
              business, international economics and international business and domestic
              international marketing.                      business
         1.4 Explain why international business exists. d) Explain factors for
         1.5 Relate international business to other standardization of products
              functional area of business.                  e) Examine international business
         1.6 Describe the scope of international in relation to other functional areas
              business.                                     of business like production,
         1.7 Assess the contribution of international finance, marketing Research and
              business to national economy                  development etc.
         1.8 Relate international business to other         f) Assess the contribution of
             businesses.                                    international business to national
         General Objective 2.0: Understand the events that can generate change in international business
4        2.1     Explain the significance of changes in     a) Explain the impacts of
                 economic conditions, political             economic political technological
                 relationship, technology, national         and social developments
                 disasters, etc. in changes in              b) Explain the significance and
                 international business.                    direction of world trade.
         2.2     Explain the relative contribution of the c) Explain the contributions of the
                 third world and especially Nigeria to third world to the growth of world
                 recent world trade and investment.         trade
         General Objective 3.0: Understand the theory of international trade
5-6      3.1 Relate domestic marketing to                   a) Define domestic marketing

international business.                   b) Explain marketing and
         3.2   Explain the effects of changes on         International business.
               exchange rate and transport costs on      c) Define exchange rate change
               internal trade.                           d) Relate exchange rate to transport
         3.3   Explain the concept of product life cycle costs and their effects on internal
               in relation to international business     trade.
                                                         e) Explain the meaning of product
                                                         life cycle.
                                                         f) Explain international product life
                                                         cycle using a graph.
         General Objectives 4.0: Understand the factors affecting the flow of direct foreign investment
7.       4.1 Explain economic, political, social, and a) Define investment theories of
               cultural environmental factors            foreign investment.
         4.2 Explain how the factors in 4.1 affect the   b) Explain related theories of
              Volume and direction of direct foreign     foreign investment.
             Investment.                                 c) Explain economic political,
                                                         social, and cultural factors as
                                                         they affect foreign investment.
         General Objective 5.0: Understand the impact of Multinational Companies on the Nigerian Economy
8.       5.1    Explain what multinational companies
                are.                                     Explain the meaning of
         5.2    Discuss the impact of multi-nationals on multinational company.
                the Nigerian economy to date.
         5.3 Discuss the future of multi-nationals in    Explain the contributions and
              Nigeria.                                   activities of multinational
                                                         companies in Nigeria.

                                                      Explain the prospects of
                                                      multinational firms operating in
General Objectives 6.0: Understand the need for and mode of government influence and control of multinational business
9-10     6.1 Examine the rational for government      a) Explain the role of government

intervention in international business and    in international business and
             investment, international competition for     investment.
             foreign capital, merits and demerits of    b) Explain the advantages and
             foreign investment, undesirable practices  disadvantages of foreign
             of multinationals, etc.                    investment.
        6.2 Describe the forms of Incentives to         c) Explain undesirable practices of
             foreign Investment.                        multinationals.
        6.3 Describe the forms of foreign trade and     d) Explain forms of foreign trade
             Industrial control.                        and industrial control.
11.     General Objectives 7.0 Understand Import and Export Procedures
        7.1 State the processes and procedure involved Explain the meaning of import and
             in import trade.                            exports.
        7.2 State the processes and procedure            Differentiate between import and
              involved in exporting merchandise          export.
                                                         Explain the processes and
                                                         procedures involved in import and
                                                         Explain documents used in
                                                         export/import trade.
        General Objectives 8.0: Understand the mechanism of international payments and foreign exchange market
12-13   8.1 Define exchange rate.                       Define exchange rate.
        8.2 Differentiate between fixed and flexible    Explain the differences between
             exchange rates.                            fixed and flexible exchange rates.
        8.3 Explain the impact of changes in foreign    Explain spot rate and forward rate.
             exchange rates on international business.  Explain government controls that
        8.4 Describe the process of settling            limit the legal uses of a currency in
             international bills.                       international transactions.
                                                        Describe the process of setting
                                                        international bills.
        General Objectives 9.0
14-15   9.1 State the history of IMF, IBRD, GATT, etc. a) Explain the establishment of
        9.2 State the rational for the creation of IMF; IMF, IBRD and GATT.

World Bank, GATT, etc.                         b) Examine the successes and
9.3 State respectively the contributions of IMF,   failures of IBRD.
    World Bank, etc. to economic development       c) Explain the initial and current
    in the world, third world, Nigeria.            activities of the IMF.                   CHART
9.4 State the history of IMF, IBRD, GATT, and       d) Explain the relationship
    WTO etc.                                       between the world Debt crisis and
9.5 State the rational for the creation of IMF,    the IMF.
    World Bank, GATT, etc.                         e) State the rational for the creation
9.6 State respectively the contributions of IMF,   of IMF, World Bank and GATT.
    World Bank, etc. to economic development        f) Explain the impact of IMF,
    in the world, third world, Nigeria.            World Bank and GATT.

CODE:      MST 341
GOAL:      This course is designed to afford the student a background knowledge of ships and shipboard operations, and to
           enable him appreciate shipping operations from the point of view of the ship manager and the chartering


On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1.0 Know the various ship types
2.0 Understand registration and classification of ships
3.0 Understand the crewing of ships
4.0 Understand the bunkering of ships
5.0 Understand ship maintenance
6.0 Know how to prepare voyage estimates and calculate time equivalents
7.0  Understand the World Scale for tankers

COURSE: Ship Management                               Course Code: MST 341                Contact Hours: 30 Hours
Course Specification: Theory
WEEK General Objective: 1.0: Know the various ship types
         Specific Learning Outcome                         Teachers Activities                  Resources
1-2      1.1 Describe in general detail, the different a) Name types of ships                   a) Postcard of Type of Ships
               kinds of merchant ships that are in b) Describe how ships are used.              b) Ship models
               common use.                                 c) Name facilities onboard.
         1.2 Describe the employment of the ships in d) Describe crewing.
               1.1 above.                                  c) Explain what ship management
         1.3 Describe the kind of equipment that can is all about.
               be found onboard the ships in 1.1 above. f) Explain what to manage on
         1.4 Explain the criteria employed by ship board ships by type
               owners in deciding what sort and size of g) Carry out field trips.
               vessel to buy.
         1.5 Define the ship management function in
               the context relating to the vessel, her
               crew, her owners and those who use her
         General Objective 2.0: Understand registration and classification of ships
3-4      2.1 Explain the legal requirements for ship       a) Explain the concept of ship
             registration.                                 registration
         2.2 Outline the different types of ship           b) Explain close, open and other
             Registries.                                   registries.
         2.3 Explain the merits and demerits of the ship c) Explain modalities of ship
             registries outlined in 2.2 above to ship      registration in Nigeria.
             owners and international trade.               d) Explain class-society and its
         2.4 Describe the procedure for registration of    functions.
             ships in Nigeria.                             e) Explain the concept of ship
         2.5 State the role and functions of               surveys and maintenance as a
             classification societies.                     major requirement for
         2.6 Explain the conditions required to be         classification.

satisfied in order for a vessel to obtain     f) Explain the significance of
          classification.                               classification of ships and
      2.7 Describe the maintenance programme and retainment of class.
          surveys to be embarked upon in order for a
          vessel to maintain class.
      2.8 State the period of validity of the
          certificates a vessel requires in order to be
          able to trade and to get custom’s clearance.
      General Objective 3.0: Understand the crewing of ships
5-6   3.1 Explain the use of manning scales.            a) Define manning scale.
      3.2 Describe the various ways in which crew b) Explain why and how the
           may be employed for ships.                   manning scale is applied.
      3.3 State the duties of a ship’s master.          c) Explain crew employment
      3.4 Examine the merits and demerits of            methods
           multinational crewing.                       d) Explain the role of a shipmaster
      3.5 Examine the relevance of a crew               and their activities.
           department in a shipping company.            e) Explain the effects of crewing.
      3.6 Describe the activities of the International f) Explain the concept of ITF and
           Transport Federation (ITF) and national      how it works
           maritime unions with respect to seafarers’ g) Explain elements of the crew
           employment and welfare.                      costs.
      3.7 Analyse the essential elements of crew
      General Objectives 4.0: Understand the bunkering of ships
7-8   4.1 Explain the term ‘bunker’.                    a) Define bunker.
      4.2 List the main bunkering ports of the          b) State types of oils that constitute
           world.                                       bunker.
      4.3 State sources of current bunker prices.       c) Explain how to obtain bunker
      4.4 Describe the role and relevance of bunker prices.
           brokers.                                     d) Explain the influence of bunker
      4.5 Explain the importance of bunker analysis on voyage and voyage estimate.
           schemes.                                     e) Explain world scale and how it

4.6 Explain the elements of the worldwide      is arrived at.
            bunker market.                             f) Explain bunker ports and factors
        4.7 Explain the factors determining the choice that influence bunkering at such
            of bunkering ports.                        ports e.g. quality of bunker.
        4.8 Explain the importance of bunkering
            concurrently with loading or discharging
        General Objective 5.0: Understand shipboard maintenance
11-12   5.1 Explain the need for a maintenance policy a) Define maintenance policy for      Statistics of shipping Company
            on board ships.                            ships.                               maintenance activities.
        5.2 State the objectives of an effective       b) Explain the purposes of
            maintenance policy.                        maintenance Policy.
        5.3 Explain the factors that influence ship’s  c) Explain “downtime” and its
            maintenance policies.                      implications
        5.4 Define ‘downtime’.                         d) Differentiate (i-iv) in 5.6 above
        5.5 State the effects of “downtime” on the     e) Explain planned and scheduled
            profitability of shipping operations.      maintenance.
        5.6 Explain the following:                     f) Explain the importance of
             (i)     Breakdown replacement                 planned maintenance.
             (ii)    Preventive replacement
             (iii)   Breakdown maintenance
             (iv)    Preventive maintenance
        5.7 Distinguish between planned maintenance
            and scheduled maintenance.
        5.8 State the benefits of planned maintenance
            onboard ships.
        General Objectives 6.0: Know how to prepare voyage estimates and calculate time charter equivalents

13/14   6.1  State the objective(s) of voyage           a) Define voyage estimation            a) Maths set
             estimation.                                b) Give reasons why voyage             b) Calculator
        6.2 List the items of equipment, plans and      estimation is useful                   c) Map of ports
             publications required by an                c) Give sources of information         d) Distance table of ports etc.
             estimator.                                 about a voyage.
        6.3 Analyse the various pieces of               d) Explain requirements for
             information required to perform a             making voyage estimates
             voyage estimate.                           e) Solve problems involving both
        6.4 State the main elements of a voyage         voyage estimate and time charter –
             estimate.                                  profit/loss on daily basis.
        6.5 Explain the basic requirements of a
             voyage estimate.
        6.6 Calculate the daily profit or loss for a
             time charter.
        6.7 Calculate the daily profit (or loss) for a
             voyage charter.
        6.8 Compare the results of 6.6 and 6.7
        General Objectives 7.0: Understand the World Scale for tankers
  15    7.1 Trace the origin of the World Scale         a) Define world scale                  a) World scale rate
        7.2 Explain the rationale for the World scale b) Explain the application of the
        7.3 Explain the use of the world scale rates        World scale
        7.4 Determine the cost per tonne of a voyage c) Inteprete SWF
            for a tanker and equate the result with the d) Perform some calculations on
            World scale rate for that voyage.               tanker rate with World scale per

CODE:       MST 312
GOAL:       This course is designed to give the student an in-depth knowledge of the operation of the various classes of
            Marine insurance.


On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

1.0 Understand Hull and Machinery Insurance
2 Understand Institute and General Warranties
3 Understand Institute Marine Clauses
4 Understand War Risk Insurance
5 Understand Oil Pollution Insurance
6 Know the limitation of liability provisions for maritime claims and
    Lloyds Open Form – LOF the

COURSE: Marine Insurance II                         Course Code: MST 312                 Contact Hours: 30 Hours
Course Specification: Theory
WEEK General Objective:1.0: Understand Hull and Machinery Insurance
         Specific Learning Outcome                       Teachers Activities                   Resources
1-3      1.1 Interpret the standard Hull and a) Explain Hull and Machinery                     a) Copy of Hull and machinery
               Machinery policies                            Insurance                         Policy
         1.2 Valuate a ship for insurance purpose.       b) Define valuation                   b) Scientific Calculator
         1.3 Carry out Hull ratings                      c) Describe the method of valuing     c) Maths. Set.
         1.4 Calculate Hull claims                           a ship for insurance.
                                                         e) Explain types of hull rating
                                                         f) Demonstrate how to
                                                         Calculate claims on hull
         General Objective 2.0: Understand Institute and General Warranties
4-6      2.1     Explain the differences between         a) Define Warranty                    Copies of the document of
                 express and implied warranties          b) Explain express warranty           warranty.
         2.2     Establish the circumstances under c) Explain implied warranty
                 which property may be warranted d) Explain warranty of neutrality             Each of the warranties regimes a
                 neutral                                 e) State conditions which give rise copy of the warranty.
         2.3     Establish when and the circumstances        to warranty of neutrality.
                 under which property may be f) Explain the concepts of “well”
                 warranted “well” or “in good safety”    and ‘in good safety’
         2.4     Construct an Institute Warranty         g) Explain circumstances that
         2.5     Interpret:                              would give rise to “well” and “in
                 i) Disbursement warranties              good safety”.
                 ii) Hull Warranties                     h) Explain how to construct a
                 iii) Towage Warranties                  warranty
                 iv) Intention to break warranty         i) Explain in detail 2.5 above
                 v) Held covered warranties              j) Explain Promissory warranty
         2.6 Distinguish between promissory              i) Explain exception clauses.
               warranty and exception clauses

General Objective 3.0: Understand Institute Marine Clauses
7/8    3.1 Interpret:                                 a) Explain:                         Copies of the Individual clauses.
             (i) Time Clauses - Hull                  - Time clauses (Hull)
            (ii) Time clauses     - Freight           - Time clauses (freight)
            (i)     Voyage clauses - Hull             - Voyage clauses (- Hull)
            (ii)    Voyage clauses                    - Voyage clauses (- freight)
            (iii) Cargo clauses                       - Cargo clauses
            (iv)    War and Strikes clauses           - War clauses
            (v)     War clauses                       - Strike clauses
            (vi)    Location clauses                  - Location clauses
            (vii) Replacement clauses                 - Replacement clauses.
            (viii) Machinery Damage Additional        b) Explain: machinery damage
                    Deductibles                       additional deductible
            (ix)    Dual valuation                    - Dual valuation
            (x)     Theft, Pilferage and Non- - Theft
                    Delivery                          - Pilferage
            (xi)    Malicious Damage                  - Non delivery
            (xii)    Additional Perils.               - Malicious damage
                                                      - Additional perils.
       General Objectives 4.0: Understand War Risk Insurance
9-10   4.1 Explain the development of war risk            a) Explain the development of
           insurance.                                         war risk insurance
       4.2 Valuate property for war risk insurance.       b) Explain what constitutes
       4.3 Interpret the standard war clauses.                war risk perils.
       4.4 Explain the differences between marine         c) Valuate property for war
           perils and war perils.                             risk insurance i.e. goods,
       4.5 Analyse the excluded perils in war risk            ship, environment.
           insurance and reasons thereof.                 d) Explain standard war clause
       4.6 Explain the application of the concept of      e) Explain marine perils
           “proximate cause” in war risk insurance.       f) Explain war perils
       4.7 Analyse the application of the frustration     g) Explain excluded perils in
           clause in war risk insurance.                      war risk insurance, and the

4.8 Calculate claim settlement in war risk              reasons for the exclusion of Scientific Calculator
             insurance                                           such perils.
                                                             h) Explain proximate cause
                                                                 and its application in war
                                                                 risk insurance.
                                                             i) Explain frustration clause
                                                                 and its application in war
                                                                 risk insurance
                                                             j) Calculate claims in war
                                                                 risk insurance.
         General Objective 5.0: Understand Oil Pollution Insurance
11-12    5.1 Explain the development of Oil Pollution        a) Explain the development of All related Acts and conventions
              Insurance                                          oil pollution insurance.     Video film on oil pollution
         5.2 Evaluate the effects of oil pollution on        b) Explain the national and      incidences.
               the environment                                   International laws on oil    TV, VCR
         5.3 Interpret the national and international            pollution
               legal instruments dealing with pollution      c) Explain the civil liability
               prevention                                        convention (CLC)
         5.4 Interpret the “Civil Liability                  d) Explain the fund
               Convention” (CLC).                                convention
         5.5 Interpret the “FUND Convention”                 e) Explain the U.S.A. oil
         5.6 Interpret the United States Oil Pollution           pollution Act 1990.
               Act (OPA) 1990                                f) Explain types of ship
         5.7 Explain the various ship-owners’ self-              owners’ self-insurance
               insurance schemes for oil pollution e.g.          schemes for oil pollution.
               TOVALOP, P & I Clubs etc.                     g) Analyse some worst oil
         5.8 Assess some of the worst oil pollution              pollutions disasters in the
               incidents that have occurred in recent            world e.g. Torrey canyon.
General Objectives 6.0: Know the limitation of liability provisions for maritime claims and the Lloyds Open Form -LOF
13-14    6.1 Examine the various legal documents             a) Explain limitation of
             dealing with the limitation of liability for        liability in oil pollution

oil pollution.                               damage
6.2 Critically examine the International      b) Interpret the International
    Convention on Civil Liability for Oil        convention on CLC 1969
    Pollution Damage 1969.                    c) Explain the Lloyds open
6.3 Analyse the terms and conditions of the      form conditions.
    Lloyds’ Open Form particularly as they    d) Explain the liability related
    affect liability for oil pollution           to LOF for oil pollution.

CODE:       MST 321
GOAL:       This course is designed to provide the student with detailed knowledge of marine claims and other international
            treaty instruments pertaining thereto in order for him to be able to operate effectively in a claims office.


On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

1.0   Understand Institute cargo clauses.
1.0Know Cargo claims procedures
2.0Understand The Hague, Hague Visby, Hamburg rules.
3.0Understand the York-Antwerp Rules

COURSE: Marine Insurance III                        Course Code: MST 321                Contact Hours: 30 Hours
Course Specification: Theory
WEEK General Objective:1.0: Understand Institute cargo clauses
         Specific Learning Outcome                       Teachers Activities                  Resources
2-4      1.1 Interpret the Institute Cargo Clauses           a) Explain institute cargo       Copies of the clauses
         1.2 Explain theft, pilferage and non-delivery          clauses A, B, C.
              clauses                                        b) Explain theft, non delivery
         1.3 Explain Institute War cargo clause                 and pilferage
         1.4 Explain Institute Strikes cargo clause          c) Explain War cargo clause
                                                             d) Explain Strike cargo clause.
         General Objective 2.0: Know Cargo claims procedures.
5-7      2.1 Initiate and complete procedure for cargo       a) Explain the term claim and - TV
               claims.                                          how claims arise on cargoes - Videocassettes.
         2.2 Calculate deductibles in a cargo claim          b) Carry out a claim             - Video player
         2.3 Valuate cargo for claim settlement                 presentation                  - Projectors shoot the film on
         2.4 Explain the procedure for general               c) Explain deductibles              accident at sea.
               average contributions for a given             d) Calculate deductibles on
               incidence                                        cargo                         Scientific calculator + Adding
                                                             e) Explain the procedure for     machine.
                                                                valuing cargo for claim
                                                             f) Explain the term general
                                                                average and how general
                                                                average arises
                                                             g) Perform calculations on
                                                                general average
                                                             h) Explain adjustment rules.
         General Objective 3.0: Understand the Hague/Visby,/Hamburg rules.
8-10     3.1 Interpret the Hague, Hague-Visby                a) Explain Hague, Hague          Copies of each of the Rules
               and/Hamburg rules                                Visby and Hamburg Rules       Calculator

3.2   Analyse the conflicts between these       b) Explain carriage of goods
              international instruments as regards the     by sea Act.
              carriage of goods by sea                  c) Explain liability regimes for
        3.3   Explain the different liability regimes for  Hague, Hague Visby and
              the different treaty documents.              Hamburg rules
        3.4   Calculate limits of owner’s liability for d) Perform calculations on
              different marine perils under the Hague-     limit of ship owner
              Visby and Hamburg Rules                      liabilities for sea perils
                                                        e) Perform calculations on
                                                           liability in Hague Visby
                                                           Rule and Hamburg Rules.
        General Objectives 4.0: Understand the York-Antwerp Rules
13-14   4.1 Explain the York – Antwerp Rules.           a) Explain the evolution of the
        4.2 Explain the general average principle of       York-Antwerp Rules
            “that which has been given for all shall be b) Explain general average in
            replaced by the contribution of all”.          Y/A rules
        4.3 Explain the differences between general     c) Explain contribution by all
            average and particular average.                in general average.
        4.4 Explain circumstances that may lead to a    d) Explain particular average
            salvage award.                                 and how it occurs
        4.5 Explain the implications of the “Common     e) Explain the term salvage
            Safety” rule of the York – Antwerp Rules       and salvage award.
            and the difficulty of application between   f) Explain common safety
            nations.                                    g) Explain difficulties
                                                           associated with common
                                                           safety application

CODE:       MST 322
GOAL:       This course is designed to introduce the student to data communication by computers and to enable him
            process shipping operations data with the aid of computers.


On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1.0   Understand the use of Electronic Data Interchange System (EDIS) in Shipping
2.0   Know how to programme a spreadsheet software to perform voyage estimates, lay time and other calculations
3.0   Know how to perform statistical analysis using a spreadsheet software
4.0   Know how to organize and index shipping records using a database program

COURSE: COMPUTER APPLICATION IN SHIPPING Course Code: MST 322                                Contact Hours 45 Hours
Course Specification: Theory and Practice.
WEEK General Objective: 1.0: Understand the use of Electronic Data Interchange Systems (EDIS) in Shipping
         Specific Learning Outcome                     Teachers Activities                   Resources
1-3      1.1 Describe the basic types of hardware used a. Give a brief overview of the       Computers and relevant soft wares
              for communication between computer          computer and its functional        on a ratio of 2:1
              systems and the ways in which the           components, distinguishing
              interconnections may be made                between Hardware and
         1.2 Describe the characteristics of data         Software.
              transmission lines                       b. Explain the procedure or
         1.3 Explain the need to match the                 processes used in
              communication and terminal settings of       communication and present a
              computers in a network.                      model of communication.
         1.4 Explain the use of electronic mail system c. Give basic definition and
         1.5 Explain the relevance of data                 concepts of Networking. Also
              communication between a shipping             present a typical Networking
              company office and customs, freight          Arrangement.
              forwarders, port authorities, agencies,  d. Explain Network types (LAN
              ships and shippers                           and WAN) and configurations
         1.6 Communicate with another computer             (Point-to-Point, Bus, Star, etc.)
              using suitable communication software.   e. Explain communication
                                                           software and applications.
                                                       f. Describe the above in relation
                                                           to shipping.
General Objective 2.0: Know how to programme a spreadsheet software to perform voyage estimates, lay time and other calculations
4-6       2.1 Format a Worksheet                           a.   Introduce spreadsheets and       Operation manuals and computer
          2.2 Enter cell contents and cell names                applications.                    systems (minimum of 2 students to
          2.3 Demonstrate the use of the following         b.   With an example of               a computer)
              functions:                                        spreadsheet (LOTUS 1-2-3 or      Appropriate software packages.
              (ij) AVG (ii) CTERM                               Ms-EXCEL), practically
              (iii) DDB     (iv) FV     (v) IRR                 illustrate with the computer

(vi) NPV     (vii) PMT (viii) PV              how to load a spreadsheet.
           (ix) SORT (x) STD                            c.
                                                         Explain the spreadsheet
           (xi) SUM (xii) SYD                            environment and Worksheet
           (xiii) TERM (xiv) VAR                         features.
                                                   d. Demonstrate how to format a
       2.4 Calculate daily profit or loss in a voyage
           estimate exercise using a programmed          Worksheet.
           worksheet.                              e. Illustrate how to enter data
       2.5 Calculate despatch or demurrage in a lay      into the Worksheet and issue
           time exercise using a programmed              formulae to perform
           worksheet                                     arithmetic and financial
       2.6 Perform financial calculations using a        operations.
           programmed worksheet                    f. Illustrate (e.) above in respect
                                                         to shipping.
       General Objective 3.0: Know how to perform statistical analysis using a spreadsheet software
7-10   3.1 Apply a spreadsheet software to solve a. Illustrate how to perform           Operation manuals and computer
            the following:                             statistical operations using     systems.
            (i)     Mean                               spreadsheet.
            (ii)    Deviation                      b. Illustrate how to plot graphs or
            (iii) Standard deviation                    charts with spreadsheets.
            (iv)    Variance                       c. Illustrate how to create
            (v)     Correlation Coefficient             spreadsheet software to make
            (vi)    Regressions                         predictions from regression
       3.2 Create a spreadsheet software to make        equations.
            predictions from regression equations  d. Demonstrate how to use
            (i)     Bar                                 spreadsheet software to carry
            (ii)    Pie                                 out maritime trade forecast.
            (iii) Line etc.
       3.3 Apply a spreadsheet software to make
            predictions from regression equations
       3.4 Create probability distribution curves
            using spreadsheet software.
       3.5 Apply spreadsheet software to carry out

a maritime trade forecast.
        General Objectives 4.0: Know how to organise and index shipping records using a database program
11-13   4.1 Create a database of shipping records.     a. Introduce databases and            Operation manuals and computer
        4.2 List data from the database created in 4.1    applications.                      systems. 2:1
            above.                                     b. With a sample database
        4.3 Organise the data crated in 4.1 above          application (Dbase, Ms Access,
            using the Index command.                       etc.), practically illustrate how
                                                           to load Dbase applications.
                                                       c. Explain Dbase modes.
                                                       d. Illustrate how to create a
                                                           database, modify, save and
                                                           retrieve records.
                                                       e. Illustrate how to sort and index
                                                           a database.
                                                       f. Illustrate how to query and
                                                           extract records meeting a
                                                           specified condition.
                                                       g. Illustrate (f.) with sample
                                                           shipping data.
                                                       h. Supervise a practical session.

CODE:       MST 323
GOAL:       This course is designed to enable the student acquire appropriate knowledge of import and export practice.


On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1.0         Understand import transaction.
2.0         Understand export transaction
3.0         Know trade terms associated with import/export of goods
4.0         Know sources of information for importers/exporters
5.0         Understand mode of payment in international trade.
6.0         Understand the role of insurance in shipment of goods.
7.0         Understand the role of freight forwarders in import/export practice.

COURSE: IMPORT/EXPORT PRACTICE                        Course Code: MST 323                 Contact Hours 30 Hours
Course Specification: Theory
WEEK General Objective: 1.0: Understand Import Transaction
         Specific Learning Outcome                         Teachers Activities                   Resources
1.       1.1 State the processes and procedures involved a) Explain import transaction and       Samples of import documents in
             in import trade.                                  control                           Nigeria.
         1.2 Explain the reasons for the control of        b) Explain powers of various
             imports through the various mechanisms.           statutory organisations
         1.3 List the powers of the various statutory          responsible for the regulation of
             organisations responsible for the                 imports.
             regulation of imports.                        c) Define imports, letters of credit,
         1.4 Initiate an import transaction with Letter of     documentary credit etc.
             Credit documentary credit, etc.               d) Explain the reasons for placing
         1.5 List the reasons for import restrictions          restriction on certain goods.
             placed on some goods.                         e) Explain customs regulations as
         1.6 Explain customs regulations governing             they concern imports.
             the importation of goods.                     f) Explain bonded and drawback
         1.7 Explain the requirements for Bonded and           goods
             drawback goods.                               g) Examine the process of an
         1.8 Explain the process of an international           international purchase contract
             purchase contract.                                (sourcing procedures, trade
         1.9 Examine the following with respect to 1.8:        terms, mode of settling bills).
               (i)     Various sourcing procedures and     h) Explain the different documents
                       the role of chambers of commerce        required for imports into
                       in this respect                         Nigeria.
               (ii)    Various trade terms                 i) Explain the contract of sale as a
               (iii) Mode of settling international bills component of the export
         1.10 Identify the documents required for          transaction.
             imports into Nigeria.
         General Objective 2.0: Understand export transaction
2.       2.1 Examine the Contract of Sale as a             a) Explain contract of sale.

component of the export transaction.       b) Explain export procedures and
     2.2 State the processes and procedures involved    processes in Nigeria.
         in exporting goods from Nigeria.           c) Explain the role of GATT and
     2.3 Examine the various pricing mechanisms in      GAIS in the development of
         export trade.                                  world trade
     2.4 State the role of GATT and GAIS in the     d) Examine the influence of
         development of world trade.                    fluctuations in exchange rate on
     2.5 Explain the influence of fluctuations in       international business.
         exchange rate on international business.   e) Examine the various
     2.6 State the various organisations concerned      organisations concerned with
         with export trade in Nigeria.                  export trade in Nigeria.
     2.7 State the role of banks, insurance         f) Explain the role of banks;
         companies, finance houses, carriers, etc. in   insurance companies, finance
         export trade.                                  houses and carriers etc. in
                                                        export trade.
                                                    g) Carry out field trip to some
                                                        financial institutions.
     General Objective 3.0: Know trade terms associated with import/export of goods
3.   3.1 Interpret the provisions of the Sale of    a) Explain the provisions of the
         Goods Acts.                                    Sale of Goods Act.
     3.2 Examine INCOTERMS.                         b) Explain INCOTERMS and other
     3.3 Examine other trade terms outside              trade terms
         INCOTERMS.                                 c) Explain the rights, duties and
     3.4 Explain the rights, duties and                 responsibilities of the seller and
         responsibilities of the seller and buyer       buyer under the trade terms
         under the trade terms examined in 3.2 and      examined in 2 above.
         3.3 above.                                 d) Give the students Assignment on
                                                        topics treated so far.
     General Objectives 4.0: Know sources of information for Importers/Exporters
4.   4.1 Examine the role of the Export             a) List the various publications and
          Intelligence services.                        the role of chambers of
     4.2 List the various publications dealing with     commerce in export promotion.

particular export markets.                 b) Explain the role of export
     4.3 Examine the role of Chambers of               intelligence services in export
         Commerce in export promotion.                 promotion
     4.4 Identify the importance of trade fairs,    c) Explain the roles of trade fairs,
         trade missions and other trade exhibitions    trade missions and other trade
         in export promotion.                          exhibitions in export promotion.
     General Objective 5.0: Understand mode of payment in international trade
5.   5.1 Explain Nigerian Exchange Control          a) Explain the Nigerian Exchange
         Legislation.                                  Control Legislation.
     5.2 Examine past and present modes of          b) Explain the modes of payment
         payment for international transactions in     in export/import practice.
     5.3 Explain the various types of guarantees
         available for export trade.
     5.4 Explain direct payment, payment on open
         account, bills of exchange and collection
     General Objectives 6.0: Understand the role of insurance in the shipment of goods.
6.   6.1 Examine the concept of insurable risk.     a) Explain the role of insurance in
     6.2 Examine the necessity for insurance of        the shipment of goods
         goods in international trade.              b) Explain the role of insurance in
     6.3 Examine the various kinds of cargo risks   other international trade
         covered by marine insurance.               transactions.
     6.4 State other roles played by insurance      c) Explain aviation cargo insurance
         companies in international trade.          d) Define general Average.
     6.5 Explain aviation cargo insurance.
     6.6 Examine general average with reference to
         the carriage of goods.
     General Objectives 7.0: Understand the role of freight forwarders in import/export practice
     7.1 Examine the activities of freight          a) Explain the role of freight
           forwarders in international trade.          forwarders in the Export/Import
     7.2 Analyse the basic rules in export             of goods.

packing techniques and the selection      b) Examine the various packaging
       criteria.                                    rules in international trade.
7.3    Describe the internationally recognised   c) Examine marking symbols and
       marking symbols and labels.                  labels.
7.4    Explain Freight Forwarders roles in
       cargo consolidation.
7.5    Examine the freight forwarders role in:
      i.     Documentation
      ii. Multimodal transportation
      iii. International logistics
      iv. Import/Export formalities
      v.     Insurance
      vi. Route/Transport selection, etc.
      vii. Cargo distribution
      viii. Import/Export Customs procedures
      ix. Freight Rates etc.

CODE:       MST 324
GOAL:       This course is designed to provide the student with the knowledge and skill required to plan, organize and
            control cargo handling in port areas.


On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1.0         Know quay and shed operations.
2.0         Know planning and execution of cargo operations
3.0         Know organization of storage areas
4.0         Understand elements of civil engineering in ports
5.0         Understand zoning and land use in port planning
6.0         Understand technological development in ports and terminal design.

COURSE: PORT OPERATIONS AND PLANNING I Course Code: MST 324                                   Contact Hours 45 Hours
Course Specification: Theory
WEEK General Objective: 1.0: Know quay and shed operations
         Specific Learning Outcome                        Teachers Activities                 Resources
1.       1.1 State the essential operating activities     a) Explain the essential operating
              beyond ship’s rail.                              activities beyond ships rail.
         1.2 State factors that influence allocation of    b) Explain factors that influence
              berth to incoming ships.                        allocation of berth to incoming
         1.3 State the duties of Wharf Superintendent.        ships
         1.4 Examine the role of Traffic Officers when c) State duties of wharf
              loading and discharging import/export           Sup/Asst,. Traffic Manager
              cargo.                                          and other traffic officers
         1.5 State the merits and demerits of              d) Explain the merits and
              appropriated berth and common user              demerits of approximated and
              berth.                                          common user berth, marginal
         1.6 State the cost for marginal wharf and            wharf and finger piers.
              finger piers.                                e) Explain berth occupancy as a
         1.7 Explain berth occupancy as a factor in           factor of productivity.
              port productivity.                           f) Carry out a field trip.
         General Objective 2.0: Know Planning and executing of cargo operations
2.       2.1 Explain the following terms                  a)     Explain stowage, Pallets,    Diagram of pallets
               (i)    Stowage plan                               controlling hold and hatch
               (ii)   Pallets                                    way man.
               (iii) Controlling hold                     b)     Explain facilities for
               (iv)   Hatchway-man                               handling containers in the
         2.2 State special facilities and arrangements           port.
               for handling container traffic through the c)     State the documentary
               port                                              procedure needed for
         2.3 Explain documentary procedures for                  container traffic
               handling container traffic                 d)     State preparatory
                                                                 arrangements for

2.4 State preparatory arrangements necessary          discharging general cargo
           for discharging general cargo                e)  State comparative
      2.5 Analyse comparative advantages of using           advantages of using ships
           ship’s gear and quay cranes in                   gear and quay cranes in
           discharging cargo.                               discharging cargo
      2.6 Examine the practical arguments for and   f)      Examine arguments for and
           against mechanisation of cargo handling          against mechanization of
           at ports                                         cargo handling in ports.
      2.7 Explain importance of tally, cargo outturng)      Explain the importance of
           and bad order list                               tallying cargo, cargo outturn
      2.8 Examine        the      advantages      and       and bad order list.
           disadvantages of palletisation as a method       Examine the advantages and
           of handling cargo                                disadvantages of
      2.9 Outline measures to secure safe working           palletisation as a method of
          conditions for all persons having business        handling cargoes.
          within port areas                         i)      State safety measures for
                                                            port workers and users.
      General Objective 3.0: Know organisation of storage areas
3.0   3.1 Distinguish between transits shed and     a) Explain the difference between       Picture of a port transit shed and
          warehouse in both location and function.  transit shed and warehouse in           warehouse
      3.2 Explain the use of stacking area.         location and function.
      3.3 Explain bulk cargo installation operation b) Explain use of stacking area.
          and industrial plant operation.           c) Explain bulks cargo installation
                                                    and industrial plant operations.
      General Objectives 4.0: Understand elements of civil engineering import
4.    4.1 Explain the reasons for reinforced        a)      State reasons for reinforced    Diagram of a port area with high
          concrete quay walls in ports.                     concrete quay walls in ports.   wall fenders.
      4.2 Outline the benefits of having fenders on b)      Explain the benefit of
          quay walls.                                       having fenders on quay
      4.3 Explain the necessity for strengthening           walls
          quay aprons.                              c)      Explain the necessity for
      4.4 State reasons why container berth quay            strengthened quay aprons.

aprons should adequately be strengthened.   d)     Explain why container
     4.5 Draw plan view of a transit shed showing           berth, and quay aprons
         the arrangement for the storage of the             require to be strengthened.
         following cargo:                           e)      Draw a plan view of transit
          (i)     Palletised cargo                          shed showing arrangement
          (ii)    Dangerous goods in packages               for storage of:
          (iii) Inflammable liquids in drums        i) Palletised cargo
     4.6 Draw a plan view of a standard port        ii) Dangerous goods in packages.
         showing the following:                     iii) Describe inflammable liquids in
          (i)     Offices                           drums.
          (ii)    Control tower                     f) Draw a plan of a standard port
          (iii) Storage and transit sheds           showing.:
          (iv)    Stacking areas                    i) Offices
          (v)     Terminals                         ii) Control tower
          (vi)    Fire station                      iii) Storage and transit shed
          (vii) Customs post                        iv) Stacking area
          (viii) Police Post etc.                   v) Terminals
     4.7 Explain the choice of location for the     vi) Fire station
         offices/sections listed in 4.6 above.      vii) Customs post
                                                    viii) Police station.
                                                    g) Explain choice of Location of
                                                    Offices/sections listed in (f) above.
     General Objective 5.0: Understand zoning and land use in port planning.
5.   5.1 Explain port layout decisions.                  a) Explain reason for choosing
     5.2 Explain the criteria for allocating port            particular port layout.
         sites to different port operations.             b) Explain opportunity cost
     5.3 Explain the concept of opportunity cost             with particular reference to
         with particular reference to land use in            land use.
         port planning.                                  c) Explain criteria for          Diagram of the port area.
     5.4 Explain the lay-out for container stacking          allocating port sites to
         areas with particular reference to                  different port operations.
         imports/exports and their land use              d) Explain layout for

implications.                                    containers stacking areas
      5.5 Explain the physical and social factors          with reference to import
          that can influence the size of ports.            export and land use
      5.6 Explain the reasons for a greater land           implications.
          requirement for container berths, Ro-Ro,      e) Explain physical and social
          packaged timber and other big unit loads         factors that can influence
          over conventional break-bulk berths.             size of ports.
      5.7 Analyse the social and economic               f) Explain reasons for greater
          implications of 5.6 above.                       land requirement for
      5.8 State the value and limitations of a Free        container berths, Ro-Ro,
          Port Zone.                                       packaged timber and other
                                                           big limit loads over
                                                           conventional break-bulk
                                                        g) Analyse the social and
                                                           economic implications of f
                                                        h) Describe a free port zone
                                                           highlighting its values and
      General Objectives 6.0 Understand technological developments in ports and terminal design
6.0   6.1 Assess the effect of increase in the size of  a) Explain the effect increase
          ships on port design.                            in the size of ships on port
      6.2 Explain the effect of increase in the size of    design.
          ships on shore facilities.                    b) Explain the effect of
      6.3 Explain the effect of changes in the nature      increase in the size of ships
          and volume of traffic on the port.               on shore facilities.
                                                        c) Explain the effect of
                                                           changes in the nature and
                                                           volume of traffic on the

PROGRAMME:                      Higher National Diploma in Maritime Transport and Business Management

COURSE TITLE:                   Port Operations and Planning II

CODE:                           MST 411

CREDIT UNITS:                   2

DURATION:                       30 Hours

GOAL:                           This course is designed to provide the student with the intellectual and attitudinal skills
                                necessary to manage port operations
1.0 Understand export acceptance procedures.

1.0 Understand import delivery procedures.

2.0 Know completion of ship working documentation.

3.0 Know claim procedure.

4.0 Understand the principles of traffic forecasting.

5.0 Understand project-planning procedure.

6.0 Understand the principles of cost Benefit Analysis.

7.0 Understand benefit decisions.

COURSE: Port Operations and Planning II             Course Code: MST 411                Contact Hours 30 Hours
Course Specification: Theory and Practice
WEEK General Objective: 1.0: Understand export acceptance procedures
         Specific Learning Outcome                       Teachers Activities                  Resources
1-2      1 Define:                                       a) Explain:                          OHP/Multi-media Projector
               (i)    Engagement list                    (i)     Engagement list              Ship Models
               (ii)   Consignment note                   (ii)    Consignment note
               (iii) Shipping note                       (iii) Shipping Note
               (iv)   Mates receipt                      (iv)     Mates receipt
         1.2 Outline the duties of Export Foreman.       b) State the duties of:
         1.3 State the main determinants of the (i) Export Foreman
               manning gangs for loading export.         (ii) Shed man
         1.4 Examine the conditions controlling rapid (c) Explain the need for marking of
               Loading of exports.                       export goods in the process of
                                                         (d) Explain conditions for rapid
                                                         loading of exports.
         General Objective 2.0: Understand import delivery procedures
3        2.1 Distinguish between ship’s release and      a) Explain the difference between
              custom’s release.                          ships release and customs release.
         2.2 State the difference between transfer order b) State the difference between
              and delivery order.                        transfer order and delivery order.
         2.3 State the functions of delivery foreman.    c) Explain steps and documentary
         2.4 Outline the steps and documentary           procedure for delivery of cargo
              procedure for delivery of cargo to shed by from shed to road.
              road.                                      d) Explain problem of security in
         2.5 Examine the problem of security at ports    ports and steps to combat pilferage.
              and steps to combat pilferage and theft.   e) Explain the need for availability
         2.6 Examine availability of adequate            of mechanical equipment and space
              mechanical equipment and space as          as necessity for cargo delivery.
              necessary adjunct to cargo delivery.       f) Explain the important

2.7 State the important mechanical equipment  mechanical equipments and cargo
          and cargo handling gears used in cargo   handling gears used in cargo
          delivery.                                delivery.
     2.8 State the conditions controlling rapid    g) Explain conditions controlling
          clearance of imports from transit areas. rapid clearance of imports from
     2.9 Examine the advantages and                transit areas.
          disadvantages of time rate and piece rateh) Explain piece and time work and
          as a method of payment to dock workers.  their advantages and
     2.10 Examine the principal causes of port     disadvantages.
          congestion and remedial measures.        i) Explain causes of port
                                                   congestion and remedial measures.
     General Objective 3.0: Know completion of ship working documentation
4    3.1 State the role played by customs in            a) Explain role-played by
          shipment of export.                               customs in shipment of
     3.2 Explain port marking of cargo as a factor          export.
          for expediting loading of export cargo        b) Explain port marking of
     3.3 State the importance of ledger clerk in            cargo      as a factor to
          charge of export                                  expedite loading of cargo.
     3.4 State how Port Authorities represent           c) State importance of a clear
          forwarders and shipping companies                 in charge of export.
          simultaneously during shipment of export      d) Explain how port
          cargo                                             authorities represent
     3.5 State the particulars generally                    shipping companies
          incorporated in ship’s manifest.                  simultaneously during
                                                            shipment of export cargo.
                                                        e) Explain the contents of
                                                            ship’s manifest.
     General Objectives 4.0: Know claim procedure
5.   4.1 State the importance of cargo outtur      a) Explain importance of cargo
         report.                                   outturn report.
     4.2 Explain the importance of bad order list. b) Explain importance of bad order
     4.3 Explain the importance of cargo tracers.  list and cargo tracers and watchers.

4.4 State the circumstances warranting rent     c) Explain circumstances that
          waiver on cargo.                            warrant rent waiver on cargo
      4.5 Explain – forwarding order, transfer order, d) Explain forwarding order
          and slacks.                                 transfer order and slacks.
      4.6 Explain penalty rents as a means of         e) Explain penalty rents as means
          clearing transit sheds/slacking area.       of clearing transit sheds/stacking
      4.7 State the importance of cargo watchers.     areas.
      General Objective 5.0: Understand the principles of traffic forecasting
6     5.1 State the importance of operational         a) Explain the importance of
          research in port operations.                operational research in port
      5.2 State the factors to be considered when     generations
          forecasting port traffic.                   b) Explain factors to be considered
      5.3 Outline statistical records necessary for   when forecasting port traffic.
          proper functioning of Traffic Managers      c) Explain statistical records
          office.                                     necessary for functioning of Traffic
                                                      Managers office.
      General Objectives 6.0: Understand project planning procedure
6-8   6.1 State planning procedures for a port        a) Explain planning procedure for a
          project.                                    port project.
      6.2 Examine the importance of statistical       b) Explain importance of statistical
           information as a planning tool for port    information as a planning tool for
           projects.                                  port projects.
      6.3 Explain analysis necessary to determine     c) Explain analysis necessary to
           berth occupancy.                           determine berth occupancy.
      6.4 State factors affecting turnaround of ships d) Explain factors affecting
           In port.                                   turnaround of ships in the port.
      6.5 Examine the measure to improve shipside e) Explain measures to improve
           and wharf performance                      shipside and wharf performance.
      6.6 Assess the importance of functional         f) Explain importance of functional
           accounting as a tool of management and     accounting as a tool of
           planning                                   management and planning.
      6.7 State conditions that may warrant the       g) Explain the conditions that

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